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Ascended Master dictations given during 2013:
Letting Go in Order to Ascend
How to free yourself from psychic implants
Consuming the records of torture from Soviet times
The ascended masters love the Russian people
What It Feels Like to Ascend
Only mercy can truly transform Russia
Will the people of the light let the fallen beings lead the world?
Free yourself from the difficult people in your life
08. Knowing yourself as God knows you
07. Living in the flow of love
06. Uphold your torch of spiritual light
05. Balance is the key to manifestation
04. Healing at the physical level
03. Letting feelings flow
02. Using the mind or letting the mind use you
01. Recreating your sense of self
MM 09. The out-breath and the in-breath of God
MM 08. Power and freedom
MM 07. Power and peace
MM 06. Power and healing
MM 05. Power and acceleration
MM 04. Power and love
MM 03. Power and wisdom
MM 02. Power and will
MM 01. Introducing the First Ray
Isn’t it time to stop following the false path of empty promises?
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