Dictations by Book

This page lists dictations that are published in various books*. You will only find excerpts of the dictations on this website. The full text and often an invocation based on the dictation is available in the books.

New books: 

Connecting with Your Spiritual Teachers


Avatar Revelations

1.My Lives with Lucifer, Satan, Hitler and Jesus (available only as a book)

2.Healing Your Spiritual Traumas

3.Fulfilling Your Divine Plan

4.Fulfilling Your Highest Spiritual Potential

5.Making Peace with Being on Earth


Path to Self-Mastery

0.Freedom from Internal Spirits

1.The Mystical Initiations of Power

2.The Mystical Initiations of Wisdom

3.The Mystical Initiations of Love

4.The Mystical Initiations of Intention

5.The Mystical Initiations of Vision

6.The Mystical Initiations of Peace

7.The Mystical Initiations of Freedom


How to Change the World

The Spiritual Liberation of Women


Ending the Era of Dictatorships

Ending the Era of Fanaticism

Ending the Era of Elitism

Ending the Era of Ideology


A Spiritual Clearance for America

Spiritual Solutions to America’s Problems


Help People Overcome the Past 

Help the Ascended Masters Stop War


Healing Mother Earth


Saint Germain’s Golden Age

Help Saint Germain Stop Poverty


1.Envisioning Saint Germain’s Golden Age

2.Manifesting Saint Germain’s Golden Age

3.Accepting Saint Germain’s Golden Age


A Course in Abundance

1.Mind Over Matter – A Course in Abundance

2.Expressing Your Love for Life – A Course in Abundance

3.Your Life’s Plan for Abundance – A Course in Abundance


Healing – Psychological

Connecting with Your Spiritual Teachers

Don’t Drink Your Own Kool-Aid


How to Communicate From the Heart

Heal Yourself by Clearing the Chakras

Heal Your Life by Forgiving Everything


The Song of Life Healing Matrix


1.Freedom from Ego Illusions

2.Freedom from Ego Games

3.Freedom from Ego Dramas


What Would Jesus Say about Christianity?


*These are not all of Kim’s published books. A list of all the books you will find here and the books you will find in our store.