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Ascended Master dictations given during 2013:
Give Up Changing the Fallen Beings
Claiming Your Innocence
Does the Christ Have Opinions?
The World Might End
God Needs Your Help
You Know Better Than God
A Specific Outcome MUST Be Achieved
Could God Make a Mistake?
Play Your Part—Indefinitely
What the Ascended Masters Can and Cannot Do
Why People Cling to Their Dramas
The Essential Flaw of Dramas
The Origin of Epic Dramas
The Origin of Personal Dramas
How the Epic Struggle Is Justified
The Unreality of the Epic Struggle
Why the Ego Is Always “Right”
The Importance of Ego Dramas
How to stop rejecting the abundance of the Divine Mother
Elitism is the key to understanding history
The questions most people cannot even ask
Diversity is the master key to the golden age
The Alpha and the Omega of the golden age
Reach for the ineffable light
A momentous breakthrough for Russia
Seeing with the eyes of a transcendent artist
Dare to Live Your Own Life
Allow yourself to feel the Joy of Christ
The higher stages of Christhood and the path of Buddhahood
Who will embody the Freedom Flame in Russia?
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