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El Morya – Master MORE
For more information about El Morya – Master MORE,
click here.
Do you actually want to be healed?
Experiencing the joy of the River of Life
Surrendering into the greater will of the One mind
Do you want to be more or do you want to be less?
Freedom of will on earth
How to live up to our democratic ideas
The guru disguised as an ant
Russia – en equal nation among other nations?
Do you want to be comfortable or take America to the next level?
Elitism is incompatible with democracy
How can you truly forgive?
You are not powerless to deal with fanaticism
Teaching yourself to erase memories
Claiming your God-given right to forget
Total transparency in government
Grasping the progressiveness of revelation
You are not on earth to solve problems
Overcoming Anger Against Yourself
How to change anything on earth
The Next Stage for Modern Democracies
Your Original Birth Trauma
The ascended masters love the Russian people
MM 09. The out-breath and the in-breath of God
MM 08. Power and freedom
MM 07. Power and peace
MM 06. Power and healing
MM 05. Power and acceleration
MM 04. Power and love
MM 03. Power and wisdom
MM 02. Power and will
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