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Ascended Master dictations given during 2021
Everyone has a personal ideology
How ideology limits human progress
The inescapable tension of the ideological mindset
How ideology led to the fall
Ideologies as a means of control
How ideologies become closed systems
How science was perverted by ideology
Why people believe in ideologies
Ideology and the rational mind
Your challenge to resolve the enigma of free will
Uncovering the hidden issues behind the abortion debate
Come what may!
Ask and you shall receive
Let go of the fear of being proven wrong
What life experience do you want?
Shifting out of superiority and inferiority dynamic
Let go of the old!
Dare to question the unquestionable!
Exposing the forces that want to keep your door shut
Your direct relationship with the ascended masters
Freedom from “shoulds” and “should nots”
Depersonalizing your personal relationships
The non-forced based form of communication
Nobody ever did anything to you
Do not forget to love yourself in a relationship
Study the psychology of relationships
The guru disguised as an ant
The non-force-based relationships
The psychological freedom to connect with others
Cutting ties with your family members
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