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How to be free from limiting conditions on earth
Be more by raising the whole!
Taking a leap beyond the brain-based mind
Bringing the golden age into physical manifestation through technology
Think and grow into oneness with the Christ mind
Do you want to be right with Christ or right among men?
Mob mentality in the public discourse in America
Let the self-centered self die and jump into the River of Life
Freedom to decide how you want to express your Christhood
Freedom from force is the key to a better life on earth
America, what have you done with the talents you were given?
Democracy cannot be based on the force-based mindset
Cooperation is the way of the future
Defending democracy against the enemy without and the enemy within
Democracy needs to step up to a higher level of Christ discernment
(Why) is democracy better than any other form of government
Let go of the fear of being proven wrong
Freedom from “shoulds” and “should nots”
The psychological freedom to connect with others
The vision for the golden age for Russia
The Wisdom of the Father for Russia
Freedom and democracy are inseparable
We need to transcend everything
Can we preserve the Union in the future?
Is it possible to preserve American democracy?
The solution for America is that you change yourself
No woman is free until all women are free
Exposing the elite’s attitude towards the people
Cut the ties to the past and dare to reach for new ideas
The elite rules by creating labels
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