Ideologies as a means of control

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Ascended Master Gautama Buddha through Kim Michaels, May 23, 2021. This dictation was given during the 2021 Webinar for Europe – Ending the Era of Ideology.

I AM the Ascended Master Gautama Buddha. In this next installment in the discourses I have planned for this conference, we are going to look at the last of the five elements that traditional sources define as part of ideology. We have talked about the explanation of how the world works, the program for change, the portrayal of a struggle and the quest or the demand for commitment. The fifth element defined is that, although an ideology seeks to appeal to a broad range of people, the broad population, it always defines that there is a particular group that are more suited to grasping, interpreting and implementing the ideology. 

These are often portrayed as intellectuals. As you very clearly saw how in many Western nations during the 60s and 70s, it was the intellectuals who were enamored by the ideology of Marxism. They were clearly enamored with it from a distance because they had not experienced how it actually was to live in a Marxist society, such as the Soviet Union. Had they experienced this, most of them would have been disillusioned and very disappointed and would have had to question their ideology. When you only see it from a distance, how do you question the ideology? What frame of reference do you have once you have entered the ideological mindset that I talked about in my last discourse? 

Now, it is of course correct that many ideologies first of all are appealing to intellectuals. Ideologies are based on ideas. Ideas are dealt with by the mental mind. Therefore, of course people who are focused in the mental mind are more likely to be enamored by the ideas and to feel that they are the only ones who can really understand and interpret the ideas. As I have said, an ideology must appeal to various groups of people so when you go beyond the worldly interpretation, what is really going on here? What is it that an ideology really seeks to do? 

Well, an ideology of course seeks to control people, and it wants to control their actions. It is not so easy to directly control people’s actions. You can just see how you yourself can be walking through a store and suddenly you feel an impulse to buy a certain type of food that you do not normally buy. So on a whim, your behavior can change. With “you” of course I mean people in general. It is not that easy to control people at the level of actions. 

How ideologies are used to control people

The fallen beings know that in order to really control people, you also have to work with the three higher bodies. You have to attempt to control their emotions. Again, controlling the emotions at the level of emotions is not so easy either. Emotions can also change on a whim. For seemingly no obvious reason, you can suddenly feel an emotion that you have not felt for some time. 

You also need to control people’s thoughts. Controlling people’s thoughts at the level of the mental mind is actually easier than controlling the emotions and the actions. But it is still not completely easy because the intellectual mind can, as we have said, argue for or against any point. At the mental level, a person who has convinced himself or herself that a certain ideology is true, could at any moment suddenly consider the opposite argument that questions the ideology. In order to really control people, you actually have to go to the highest level, the level of identity. 

What an ideology seeks to do is to control people’s sense of identity, how they see themselves, how they see themselves in relation to the world. What ideologies generally do is that they tend to create three groupings of people. First of all, we have the people who are convinced, are converted, by the ideology. They enter the ideological mindset. They are the ones who are actively promoting and implementing the ideology. This is one group and they identify themselves in that way. They identify themselves as belonging to the elite who can grasp, interpret and implement this ideology and thereby be the driving force in bringing the defined changes. 

Then, the next group you have, which is usually the largest part of the population, are the people who do not particularly grasp or understand the ideology. They have at least some sense or some hope that the ideology can fulfill its promises, can deliver the kind of society and give them the benefits that have been outlined in the ideology. They have so to speak submitted themselves to the ideology. They may have submitted because they believe it can work and they believe that the ruling class, the architects, will be able to make it work. They have in a sense voluntarily submitted themselves, thinking that the changes will come at some point. 

There is also another gradation of this submission where people felt/feel that there was/is no point in resisting the ideology, or they cannot resist the ideology. You saw in the Soviet Union for example how in the beginning, there was a larger group of people that had the hope that communism could deliver. After the ascent of Stalin and the brutality that he implemented, the vast majority of people simply submitted themselves because they felt they could not resist. There was no point in resisting and it was better to be alive than to be dead. You see that what actually happens to this second group of people is that they become pacified. They go into a pacified state of mind, a passive state of mind. They submit to what we might call the ruling elite of society. 

Then, of course you have the third group of people, those who are resisting the ideology. They become the scapegoat, they become the enemy. You will see that for all three groups, their sense of identity can be affected. During communism, you saw that there was a certain group of people who identified themselves as the ruling class of the classless society. They were the party elite, they were those who implemented the will of the party by doing whatever was necessary to force the people to conform. They identified themselves as the most advanced people, the most powerful people, the ones who were right and the ones who were the guardians of the ideology. Then, you had the large group of people who simply submitted to conditions as they were, and they accepted that they were basically powerless. They were powerless to change the system, to change the fundamentals. They had to just make the best of whatever situation was perpetrated upon them from above. 

Then, of course you saw during communist times there was a group of people who came to identify themselves as anti-communists, those who were fighting against communism. There were not so many of them in the Soviet Union because of the brutality of Stalin. There were many of them outside the Soviet Union, primarily in the United States. You can see that there were people in the United States during the height of the Cold War, who identified themselves as those whose destiny it was to prevent or stop the spread of communism. Even though they rejected communist ideology, they were still identifying themselves in relation to the communist ideology. You had those who accepted the ideology, and who identified themselves based on the ideology. You had those who rejected the ideology, but still identified themselves as being in opposition to the ideology, as the anti-communists. Then, you had the large group of people in between who just identified themselves as normal human beings trying to get by and make the best of whatever situation there was, but they still identified themselves as passive. 

Locking people in a struggle against each other

You see the groupings of people, those who are for, those who are against. Both groups are active, feel empowered. Then, you see the large group of people who are passive. You may think, if you look at the communist ideology, that it was aimed primarily at those who identified themselves as communists, but it was not. It was aimed equally at those who resisted communism because communism also forced these people to enter a certain sense of identity that was unbalanced. It was very much in relation to communism and therefore, they were simply dualistic polarities. The communists, the anti-communists, both had their sense of identity profoundly affected by it. Then, there was the large group of people who identified themselves as passive, and this is exactly what the fallen beings want. 

The fallen beings want the majority of the people to be passive because that makes them easy to control. The fallen beings know (at least the ones in the lower identity realm) that you cannot pacify all people. There is a certain group of people in embodiment at any time that you cannot pacify because they are more active people. They have some kind of ambition, some kind of desire, some kind of vision—and you cannot pacify them. What do you do? Well, you cause them to polarize into those who are actively working for a particular ideology, and those who are actively working against it. 

Now, you have managed to take the most active people and lock them into a struggle against each other, a struggle that ultimately is inconsequential. We have said before that whether communism or capitalism had come to dominate the world, it would still in either way have been a system controlled by a small power elite of fallen beings. It was simply a matter of how you achieve this ultimate control. Do we achieve it by the state taking over all means of production, or by one corporation gradually becoming so powerful that it could destroy all the other competing corporations, and therefore it owned the means of production? That is essentially the idea, the ideology of Marxism and the ideology of capitalism. 

Beyond that, you also have another consideration. The fallen beings know that among the active people on earth, there are two groupings. One group of people are the fallen beings in embodiment. They cannot be pacified, and of course the fallen beings in the higher realms do not want to pacify them. They want the fallen beings in embodiment to work for their agenda, and their agenda is not to spread a certain ideology. It was ultimately the fallen beings in the lower identity realm who inspired both capitalism and communism. There were of course fallen beings in the mental realm that were also involved and even some in the emotional realm, but they inspired both ideologies. 

Both capitalism and communism undermine democracy

They knew that whenever you create one ideology, you also create an opposite dualistic polarity so they were quite content with creating these two opposing ideologies. Their purpose was not really to make one dominant. At a certain level, yes, this was the goal of both ideologies. But for the fallen beings who started this entire confrontation, they did not care whether it was communism or capitalism that ultimately won because either way, they would get the kind of society that they could control. Both of these ideologies were actually an attempt to undermine democracy because they saw that democracy was on its way, that they could not hold it back. They attempted to create these two ideologies where communism claimed to be some form of democracy where people could vote, even though there was only one party to vote for. Of course, capitalism was meant to undermine the democratic nations from an economic angle, taking over through money what they could not take through direct power in a democratic nation where each person has one vote. 

Really, the declared goal of these ideologies was not a major concern to the fallen beings who started the whole spiral. It was a goal to some fallen beings in the mental realm. There were fallen beings in the mental realm who were convinced that communism was the only true ideology, there were those who were convinced that capitalism was the only true ideology. They were working to make their ideology win. They were competing with the other fallen beings to see who could win. This is one reason the fallen beings cannot completely take over a planet because, as we have said, they are always divided, they are always competing against each other about who has ultimate power. In this competition for ultimate power, they lose ultimate power. 

Now, there is a group among the active people who are fallen beings in embodiment, and the fallen beings in the higher realms are seeking to activate these people and draw them into working for them. There were falling beings in the mental realm who were trying to recruit some fallen beings in embodiment to fight for communism, and other fallen beings who were trying to recruit fallen beings to fight for capitalism—many among the huge capitalists and basically the monopoly capitalists of the 1800s. Even later, business leaders have been fallen beings and are fallen beings today. 

Fooling avatars into fighting for or against an ideology

There is another group among the active people, and those are the avatars and the most advanced of the original inhabitants of the earth. With avatars I use this term broadly, for people who have come to earth from other planets. Not all of them have necessarily been natural planets, but most of them have been more advanced than earth. 

You have this group of people who are on earth, and they have (whether it is avatars or the original inhabitants) a higher state of consciousness than the average person. That is why they cannot be pacified. They know they are here to do something positive, to make a difference. They need a sense of purpose, they need a sense that they are useful, that they are doing something good, that they are making a difference and all of these feelings.

These people are of course the major threat to the fallen beings, and they know this very, very well. They know that especially the avatars, but also the more mature original inhabitants, are a threat to their control of the earth. What do they do? Well, they attempt to do many different schemes, but in terms of our current topic of ideology, they seek to draw the avatars into supporting an ideology, or fighting against that same ideology. They do this primarily to prevent them from doing what is their highest potential, which is of course to raise their consciousness to the level of the Christ consciousness and begin to express their Christhood. This is what they want to prevent. They, with all might, want to prevent another Jesus from walking the earth in a physical body, another person with that level of Christhood from walking the earth—or even lower levels of Christhood. 

One of their main diversionary tactics has always been to get these avatars to fight for a cause that they think is a just cause, a beneficial cause, a constructive cause, but it is just another dualistic game. It is just another dualistic struggle that in the long run will be inconsequential. This ties up people’s attention, their energy, their resources, their thoughts, feelings, actions, and it ties up their sense of identity so they do not identify themselves as spiritual beings. They identify themselves as either communists or anti-communists, or Nazis, or materialists, or whatever you have. 

What is it then that happens when people allow their identity to be affected by an ideology? Well, as I said, they go into the ideological mindset. The big group of people that are pacified do not, but the active people, whether they are for or against the ideology, they go into the ideological mindset. They are very, very focused on the ideology. They believe that the ideology gives either a completely accurate portrayal of how life works, or a completely inaccurate portrayal of how life works. They are either for or against. They are polarized. Their minds are focused on the ideology and they are evaluating everything based on the ideology. It is easy enough to see that people who are for communism will evaluate everything based on a communist ideology. Those who are against it are also evaluating everything based on a communist ideology because they see it of course as wrong. Anything that opposes communism, they tend to see as right, and this can lead you to go into many blind alleys. You clearly saw many people for example in the United States, in the CIA, in the military, in the government, who were so consumed by this anti-communist mindset that they were open to all kinds of anti-democratic ideas, anti-christ ideas. 

Naturally, for the fallen beings in embodiment, it is not a problem that they go into the ideological mindset. They are already in this mindset and they have been in it since they fell because they have been in this mindset of trying to prove an idea, and trying to prove that the idea is superior to direct experience. They are denying the experience they had of encountering the ascended masters, realizing that they could change. They are denying this experience by creating some ideology in their minds that is a denial of experience. This is the state of mind that the fallen beings have been in since they fell whether it was in the fourth, fifth or sixth sphere. It is not a problem that these people go into the ideological mindset. They actually do not go into it when they become pulled in by an ideology, they are already in it, and that is why they choose that ideology. 


The rest of this dictation, along with an invocation based on the dictation, is found in the book: Ending the Era of Ideology.


Copyright © 2021 Kim Michaels