Let go of appearances to help build a more balanced society

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Ascended Master Gautama Buddha through Kim Michaels, October 20, 2024. This dictation was given during the Webinar for America 2024: Invoking a Positive Vision for America.


I AM the Ascended Master Gautama Buddha. It is my privilege, my joy, to seal this event, which we from the ascended realm consider an absolute success. It is unprecedented in this dispensation that so many people have come together in this unity of giving these invocations and decrees. This has released a mighty thrust, and we have of course been able to multiply this by a very significant factor. So that there has been sent some very powerful impulses into the collective consciousness, into the energy field of the United States.

It is one of those things where you, as the spiritual people, would naturally like to see a result of your efforts. You may not see a direct physical visible result, but I can assure you that there has been a result at the identity, mental and emotional levels in clearing up that veil of illusion that has been hanging over the American people for a long time and that has allowed this polarization to become more and more pronounced. We have all been able to do various things according to our offices to shatter this illusion, this veil of illusion so that those who are willing can see more clearly.

The people who do not want to change

Now, there are of course those who are not willing. But then the light becomes the judgment of Christ upon these people, and this can have various ramifications. It can cause some of them to actually see what they otherwise were not willing to see. It can cause others to receive a sense of judgment so that after this lifetime they will not be able to re-embody in America because they will have to go to a country that does not have the kind of freedom and democracy that America has because they had demonstrated that now they are not willing to live up to their responsibility as citizens in a democratic nation. And what is that responsibility?

Well, it is first of all to take responsibility for yourself, for your own state of mind. And realize that the essence of a democracy is that the people must be willing to transcend themselves for a democracy to transcend itself. You cannot expect that a society will get better if you are not willing to look at the beam in your own eye, transcend your own world view, your own state of consciousness. If you instead look at the splinter in the eyes of your brothers and appoint your brothers as the scapegoat, and think you do not need to change, you just need to force those other people or to deport them or whatever it is that you think needs to be done, then you are not living up to your responsibility as a citizen in a democratic nation.

And this is becoming more and more pronounced, because as the planet is moving into Saint Germain’s Golden Age, there is much more of a pull upon democratic nations. Therefore, it becomes more difficult for the citizens of democratic nations to refuse to live up to this responsibility of being willing to look at how they need to change. The scapegoating, the pointing the finger at others, the judgment of others after appearances is becoming more and more difficult to obtain. This is quite frankly one of the reasons why you see so many people in America who are getting more and more angry because they sense that they are falling behind. They sense that there is more opposition, that there is a pull on them to change and it is harder and harder for them to resist it and therefore, they become angry because they are not willing to change.

But there are many, many people in other nations that do not have a democratic form of government who are willing to change and therefore, in their next lifetime they will be born into one of the democratic nations, and some among the current democratic citizens will be born in those nations who are not yet democracies so they can experience the contrast.

The unholy alliance

Now, we have talked about this concept of the benevolent narcissist, and what you need to recognize here is that there is a sort of unholy alliance between those citizens who do not want to take responsibility for changing themselves, their world view, their state of mind, and these benevolent narcissists. I am not just talking here about one such narcissist. There are many in the American government, in American businesses, in American bureaucracy, in other areas of American society such as the media. There are many of these narcissists who think that they know better how the country should be run. They even think they know better than the people, they know better than experts and they also think, if they were aware of it, that they know better than Saint Germain or God how America should be functioning.

And this is the unholy alliance. There are people who will not take responsibility for themselves and then there are the benevolent narcissists who will gladly take responsibility for others and for the entire nation or even the entire world or for that matter the entire universe because they think they know better. What happens is that the benevolent narcissists are making the promise: You do not have to do anything other than vote for me, trust for me, blindly follow me, I will take care of everything. And the people who do not want to take responsibility for themselves, they choose to believe in this. And once they believe in this, their minds are taken over by what we can only call a spiritual poison of ignorance. It is a willful ignorance although not a conscious ignorance. And it completely covers their minds, which is why you can see that these people are unreachable. They are unreachable for any kind of arguments, any kind of logical rational reasoning. They suffer from a form of cognitive dissonance, but it is impossible to make them see it because they have decided aforehand, a priori, that they are right about the narcissist and that the narcissist is right about everything.

And the narcissist, of course, loves to have people who believe that they [narcissists] are right, that they are the one who knows best. You see this in so many narcissists throughout history, you see it in today’s world. They reinforce each other because the people believe that the narcissist knows best, and the narcissist believes that: “The fact that people love me and follow me blindly proves that I know best.” And as we have said, this state of illusion cannot last. There will inevitably come a point where the practical realities of the world will challenge this illusion.

Reality check

Now, some may hold on to it for a while, some may never get over it in this lifetime, but there will come points where it will be clear that the narcissist does not know best. And this is because of several factors. One of them is the narcissist’s belief that he knows best, which causes him to disregard the advice from people around him, from those who are experts, those who have experiences. The narcissist lives in this bubble of illusion and thinks the world functions according to his world view.

This is also what the people who follow the narcissist believe. The narcissist then will disregard advice that could have prevented him or her from making a mistake and therefore, the mistakes will be made. But there is also what we call the second law of thermodynamics, where the narcissist uses a dualistic illusion and goes more and more towards the extremes and therefore, creates more and more opposition that will eventually shatter the illusion by disproving that the narcissist is right and knows best.

The simple fact is that once people have gone beyond a certain point of either following the narcissist or being a narcissist, it is only the School of Hard Knocks that can shatter the illusion for them. However, there are still people in America whose minds are not completely taken over by this spiritual poison of ignorance. And they can be awakened by your calls, by our actions based on your calls, so that they can see a higher vision of what America could be and can see some of the things we have pointed out, especially the need to seek unity.

Anchoring the Flame of Peace over the election process

This is what our calls or our work as a result of your calls is aimed at achieving. Now, as a result of the calls you have given, I have decided to provide what we might call a dispensation, where what I will do is I will anchor my Presence, the Flame of Peace that I hold for earth. And I have already anchored it in the rotunda of the Capitol building, but what I will do for the time until the election and somewhat after is that I will anchor my Presence over the entire election process—the Flame of Peace over the entire election process. That means every place where people can cast their ballots, where votes are counted, where the results are processed and moved on in the system. Every place, I will anchor the Presence of Peace, the Flame of Peace, for the purpose of doing one of two things, either making sure that the entire election process runs peacefully so that the people who want to vote will be allowed to vote, so that their votes will be counted accurately, that the counted votes will be tallied accurately, that there will be no interference, no conflict, no struggle, no fighting, no shooting, or if there are those who are not willing to lock into the Flame of Peace, they will be judged by the Flame of Peace.

This is a significant dispensation in an attempt to make sure that the election will happen peacefully and whatever outcome a majority of the people decide upon will be the result that will manifest, that will be recognized, and so that the person who gets the most votes will be enacted, put into office, sworn in as the next president. This flame does not in any way seek to influence the people’s voting. Simply envelop the entire process in peace so that everything can take place smoothly and we can avoid the circus that we saw last time. It may not be possible to avoid the circus despite the Flame of Peace because it cannot override free will, and there are certainly those who are hell-bent on creating as much conflict and struggle as possible around the election process. There are even foreign powers that want to create as much chaos around the election process as possible in order to prove their point that democracy is an inferior form of government to their own. Need I mention names?

High potential for awakening

These are sort of the immediate business items that I wanted to comment on in this release. I will now move on to the vision, a positive vision for the United States. Now, it may seem as if the United States or the people of America are so polarized, so divided between factions, that they are completely trapped in the dualistic mindset, either this extreme or that extreme. Yet the reality on earth is that whatever physical appearance is there, there is a counterpart in the emotional, mental, and identity realms that gives a potential that an extreme physical situation can lead to a breakthrough in the three higher bodies so that people see something that they otherwise would not have seen. In other words, the School of Hard Knocks may provide some very hard knocks at the physical level, but there may be an awakening, a clearing of the illusion at the higher levels. The more polarized America becomes, the more the rhetoric becomes polarized, the more conspiracy theories are put out there, the more there is a potential that a critical mass of people will see the absurdity. And therefore, will say: “This is too much, we have had enough of this, this just cannot be realistic.”

You see how the rhetoric becomes more and more extreme, even to the point where those who are denying that human beings have produced climate change, almost in the same sentence will claim that the government is able to influence the weather and create a hurricane and send it to states with mostly Republican voters. And it is this kind of extreme polarized cognitive dissonance that can cause people to reach that saturation point where things have become so absurd that they finally see it. It is as if something switches in their minds and they say: “Oh, this is too much, this cannot be right.” And they suddenly see the absurdity of this cognitive dissonance.

Towards a more balanced society

And the vision that I hold is not just about the election, it is more what happens after the election. Because it is absolutely necessary that America, that a critical mass of Americans, discover the middle way. Now, this does not mean that I envision that a majority of Americans are going to become Buddhists, are going to study Buddhism or even going to use the concept or the words of the middle way. But it is necessary that they discover that there is a way to look at life that is beyond the pairs, the polarizations.

Many Americans are already there, as many people in other democratic nations have been there for some time. But the critical mass has not yet been reached. And my vision that I hold is that in the coming years, this critical mass will be reached. And America, therefore, will become more balanced, a more balanced society. As we have said, it is the power elite that wants to divide, and they divide by polarizing people. But the middle way can also be seen as the way of practical realism, where instead of creating a mental image and convincing yourself that the world really works according to your mental image, you are willing to look at the practical reality: How does the world actually work? And then you make decisions based on that, based on what is the best for the greatest number of people? What is the best for the nation, for the community of America? And in the little longer one, I also envision that there will be this breakthrough of what Saint Germain called the community spirit, where you see that the whole is more than the sum of the parts, that by coming together in a community, people can attain something, achieve something, that they cannot do as separate individuals who are in competition with each other.

Americans have a very competitive mindset, and this does not promote community spirit. But this I envision will gradually fade so more and more Americans will see the advantage of working together. I envision that this will have many ramifications. First of all, that people will get involved with society at many different levels, that people will get involved in their local communities, for example, to create better schools, better childcare—for many Americans, childcare is a major problem. That they will create better facilities for helping other people, helping those who are in need, the elderly, the sick and so forth.

But also on a national scale, that they will demand public healthcare, that they will demand better education and that they will demand better media, better media coverage that does not cover over the elites’ influence and does not promote conspiracy theories that are absurd. I envision that many more people will get involved into politics, will get involved in their churches, in spiritual organizations, that many more people will start their own businesses.

And I especially envision that new ownership models of businesses will emerge where people will come together. Instead of the traditional view that one person starts a business, there will be people who work together, they will be co-owners of the business, those who work in the business will have part ownership of the business and everyone will be equals in that business. So that the business is not a corporation owned by no one or a company owned by one person but the business is a community that interacts with the greater community in its local area.

I of course also envision that people will be more engaged in politics, that they will realize that in a democracy you are not fulfilling your responsibility if you are complaining about the politicians. You have the old saying that everybody is complaining about the weather but nobody is doing anything about it, well that does not work for politics in a democracy. You have opportunities to do something about it, it is not in everybody’s Divine Plan to do so but I certainly envision that many more people will feel a responsibility to be engaged in politics in whatever way they can and therefore demand better leadership, a non-dualistic leadership.

I envision that more and more people will have had enough of the polarized, toxic debate, the polarized political climate and will begin to demand a non-dual leadership in America that is not based on this polarization, that is not based on this epic mindset that says that: “The other part will destroy America but I will save America.” This just is not a view that can survive in the golden age.

Attaining a sense of peace

Beyond these, we might say outer things, my vision for America is going a little bit further than Saint Germain saying he wants to rekindle the optimism and the joy of Americans because I see also that there are many Americans who are ready to step up to a sense of peace. There are many Americans who are looking into alternative religions, alternative forms of spirituality, it can be Buddhism for some, it can be more modern, western forms of spirituality but I see that more and more Americans will see it as a priority for themselves to attain peace in their own minds so that they can hold a certain spiritual balance for America. There are of course many people who are already doing this but I envision more people doing it and more people doing it consciously and deliberately. I also envision the emergence of organizations that are aimed at raising people’s state of mind so they can have enough inner peace to hold a balance for the nation. This is a necessity if America is to make the transition into the golden age without major upheaval and we of course would all like to see this, not least Saint Germain who would like to begin giving the gifts to America and other nations that he has prepared but that he cannot give until there is that shift in the collective consciousness.

The spiritual community around the world

I will take this opportunity to make a few remarks about the broader spiritual community not only in America but actually around the world. There is a great increase in the awareness that spiritual growth cannot be achieved through the outer path but does require the willingness to look at your own psychology—to heal the psychology. This is something that you who are following this dispensation have realized a long time ago because we have given you so many teachings on this but by you being willing to engage in this path you have pulled up on many other spiritual people so that there is actually a great transformation taking place. This does not mean that all spiritual people have realized just how complex and demanding it is to clear out your subconscious mind of these separate selves but they have at least been willing to recognize that the outer path, the automatic path does not produce the growth that they want.

There are many, many people out there who are talking about this, who are making YouTube videos about it, even writing books about it, creating courses and teaching and more and more people are responding to this and there is a great potential that those who have walked this path for a while can become teachers, guides, coaches, whatever you call it that help other people by sharing their experiences. This is a movement that has been going on for some time obviously but just within the last few years this has gained considerable momentum and it is to a very large extent driven by women.

The highest potential of the decade of women

As we have said before women are generally more open to looking at their psychology, working on their psychology, than men are and you see this very clearly. This is partly because they are tuning in to the fact that this is the decade of women and that if they are to fulfill their individual Divine Plans they need to work on their psychology so that they can overcome the psychological phase of their Divine Plans, resolve enough psychology that they can give the gift they are here to bring.

This does not mean that men are excluded from this process there are of course also many men who are responding to this but there is a larger number of women who have locked into this. This is, when you look at it from a spiritual perspective and look at a world scale, a very significant movement that we envision will be reinforced in the rest of this decade. For truly if the decade of women is to live up to its highest potential then it requires a very large number of women who consciously and deliberately engage in the process of resolving their psychology and raising awareness so that they escape the egoic consciousness as many call it so that they deal with the ‘shadow’ as others call it and so that they go through an awakening experience and reach a permanent higher state of consciousness based on the resolution of psychology. More and more people are locking into this.

The role of the ascended master students

As I said, you who are ascended master students who have been willing to take our teachings, you have played a part in this by pulling up on others, pulling up on the collective consciousness. If you will make an effort to resolve more of your own psychology some of you will see that you have the potential to become teachers, guides in this process and to help others who have not been walking the path for as long as you have. I am not putting any pressure on anyone. I am simply saying that this is the potential that some of you have, some of you have started exercising it, some of you have not yet dared to cross that line to step out from the anonymity in which you feel comfortable or rather your subconscious selves feel comfortable, but you have the potential to do so. It does not mean as we have said before many times that you need to teach ascended master teachings. You can talk in more universal terms to the business community, to other spiritual psychological groups where you talk about the ideas and the concepts without mentioning ascended masters or this messenger. You are as we have said before also free to take the teachings, take the ideas, adapt them to a specific environment and teach based on them.

This messenger has a special role of talking about ascended masters which is why he does so in his YouTube videos but there is plenty of room for some of you to talk about the ideas without mentioning us or this messenger at all. You can mix the teachings with other psychological teachings. There are many possibilities.

I simply want to commend you for the growth that you have been willing to go through, so many of you. Some of you feel like you have made an effort but you have not really broken through. But when you say I have not broken through, you just need to add one simple word. I have not broken through… yet. If you keep using the tools and teachings, if you keep being willing to ask for our guidance, if you keep being willing to step outside of your normal awareness and try to look at a different perspective you will break through. The vast majority of you will break through. And when you do break through you will, as this messenger has experienced and has described, feel that it was all worth it. All of the effort, all of the striving on the path was worth it because you have now achieved this greater vision, this greater peace of mind, this sense of who you are and who you are not.

What one has done, all can do

If you feel like you have not broken through, if you feel like there is still something you do not see and you do not understand what it is then set aside some time, watch the messenger’s videos. Do not focus on the words. Focus on what is beyond the words and ask yourself: “What does the messenger have that I do not have yet?” And then start taking notice of what he says, what it was that caused him to break through. What were the illusions he had that it took him a while to see but he eventually saw them? And this might, if you are opening your mind, help you make the same switch in the mind where you are suddenly free from these selves that you have now that are dominating your life and the way you look at life.

I am not saying this to elevate the messenger. I am simply saying that the law of the ascended masters, the motto of the ascended masters is: “What one has done, all can do.” And you will find very few people who are as open, straightforward and honest about his own path and his own struggles as this messenger. Again, not said to elevate him because the reason he is honest and open is that he does not need to elevate himself therefore he has nothing to hide. Those who want to elevate themselves are always seeking to hide something to create an appearance that hides their inner struggles. And see, one of the things that the messenger has achieved is precisely the freedom from this desire to uphold an appearance. And what many of you have not yet achieved is this freedom because you still have some subconscious selves that want to uphold an appearance. It may be an appearance to the world, it may be an appearance to the ascended masters, it may be an appearance towards specific other people, but it also has an element of maintaining an appearance for yourself where you think you need to have a certain appearance in this world.

Beyond appearances

If you will ask yourself these questions: “What kind of an appearance am I maintaining? What kind of an image would I like people to have of me? How would I like people to look at me? What would I like them to know or not know about myself?” Then, by asking these kind of questions, asking for our help, listening to the messenger’s experiences, you might have that breakthrough where you suddenly see, that you have all of your life—for many lifetimes, attempted to uphold a certain appearance. You have even used your spiritual path, even the teachings of the ascended masters, to continue to uphold or even reinforce that appearance. But you can come to see that upholding this appearance, you think it has some benefit for you. But in reality, it is a straitjacket that keeps you trapped in a very confined space where you can barely move. And therefore, it will be the greatest liberation of your life, of lifetimes, to come to see that appearance, see the self, see the illusion behind the self or the selves, and let the selves die. Because when you no longer need to uphold the appearance, what can you do? You can be yourself. Who is yourself? Your I AM Presence. And that is the breakthrough you are all longing for. However you see it, that is the breakthrough. And you can all achieve it, or you would not have been attracted to these teachings in the first place. But it requires you to be willing to look at the things you have not been willing to look at so far, and to ask yourself: “Why am I seeking to uphold this appearance? Why am I seeking to hide behind this appearance? What is the self or the selves that are hiding behind this appearance? And do I really want to continue doing this for the rest of this embodiment? Or would I rather let those selves die so I can get on with giving the gift that I wanted to bring to this planet, that my I AM Presence wants to bring?”

What one has done, all can do. You think when you look at us as ascended masters, that: “Oh, Gautama was in a special state of consciousness. It was much easier for him to transcend than it is for poor little old me.” But you are not the poor little old you. There is a self that is the poor little old you. But that is not you. That is not who you are. What one has done, all can do, because all have the same potential for transcendence. If there was anything special about me, it was I was more willing to look at my unresolved psychology than most people at the time. For that matter, more than most people today. But you see, it is the willingness that is the difference between you and I, not any God-given ability. All men and women are created equal with the equal potential for self-transcendence. I was not created special by my spiritual parents. This is idolatry to believe this. Of course, many Buddhists have idolatry of me, as many Christians have idolatry of Jesus. But do you, who have all of these teachings we have given, do you need to have this idolatry? Can you not realize that if you have this tendency to think this way, it is a separate self that is trying to prevent you from letting it die by saying: “Oh, poor little old you cannot do what Gautama did.” But you can, if you are willing.

So I leave you with that question. What are you willing to transcend? What appearance are you willing to give up so that you can be at peace with being on earth? So that you can sit under the Bodhi tree and the demons of Mara can do their thing, but they cannot pull you out of that centeredness in peace.

So in that peace, the Buddhic peace that I AM, I seal you and I once again express the gratitude of all of us for the work you have done at this event.

Be sealed then, Gautama, I AM.


Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels

Making the power elite obsolete: Embracing community spirit in America

Listen to a recording of this dictation (subscribers only)

Ascended Master Saint Germain through Kim Michaels, October 20, 2024. This dictation was given during the Webinar for America 2024: Invoking a Positive Vision for America.

I AM the Ascended Master Saint Germain. I am grateful that you have given me the authority to send my angels to carry out these calls that you have given in my decree, in the invocations and therefore create this momentum that I can magnify, that I can multiply, and I can use them to create real changes in the individual minds of Americans because they are free to see what they cannot see because of this veil of illusion that has been put over their minds by the fallen beings, by the power elite, and by various divisive groups in America that have been used as tools by these dark forces to spread these conspiracy theories, all of this divisive rhetoric, all this us versus them mentality, and all this scapegoating and seeing that it is other people that is the problem. I am therefore able to create a very significant action of shattering this veil of illusion so that more and more people can have that awakening experience of seeing, ‘but the emperor has nothing on’. The emperors of division, the emperors of conflict, they have nothing on.

Shattering the veil of illusion behind the power elite

And when that happens, people will be awakened to see beyond the division, to see that there is something that unites us as Americans. It is the basic humanity. It is the essential humanity. It is both our own potential and the potential of this nation. But first of all, it is this vision that all men and women are created equal and all are endowed by the same rights by their Creator, who is not a physical institution, not the state, not a certain group of people, not the noble class, not the party, not any institution on earth.

It is essential that a critical mass of Americans reawaken to the vision of why America was created. And it is, that is said in this invocation, to give people freedom from power elites, the power elites that have controlled the people throughout history, as you can see in society after society, in every historical epoch. The emperors have put themselves up as being necessary, essential, irreplaceable, so that the people could not possibly do without them. But those emperors have nothing on, and that is what my action based on your calls is aimed at achieving. Not that I expect that tomorrow the major news outlets are going to go out and declare that the biggest problem in America is the power elite, but that a critical mass of people will begin to wake up, will see this, will see the need for a different public discourse, a different approach to politics, and therefore, will vote accordingly.

There is a growing realization among many people in the world of the problem of narcissists. Well, these power elite people are the original narcissists, and it is time that a critical mass of people in America and of course in the rest of the world awaken to this realization, and this is what I am working to achieve, to cut them free so that without any rational argumentation, without any so-called proof or statistics or expert testimony, the veil just drops and they see, but the emperors of power and finance and business have nothing on. They do not have the best interest of the American people at heart, they do not have the best interest of America at heart, and they do not have the best interest of the world at heart, and we will no longer vote for the politicians who are doing the bidding of this power elite.

I hereby, by the power of the Ascended Master Saint Germain, by the authority that you have given me to act, I shatter, shatter, shatter, shatter in the four levels of matter this veil of illusion. Let it drop now so that those who are willing can see beyond this facade that has been created by this power elite that has been upheld for so long. Many people in democratic nations have seen beyond it long ago, but the American people have not seen beyond it. Why is this so? Because as we have talked about, this fascination in America with the individual freedom, too many Americans believe that they themselves might be able to achieve the wealth and the privilege that the elite has, at least the money. But it is necessary that they wake up and see that this can never happen. Yes, as we have said, an individual here and there can, but the majority of the people could never do so. Therefore, it is far better to shift the entire American political and financial system so that instead of funneling money up towards the elite, it spreads the wealth to all of the people, raising the standard of living of the people.

Growing inequality

This is what did happen after the Second World War during the 50s and 60s and a little bit into the 70s where there was optimism in America because people could see that they, by working hard, would be able to create a better life than their parents. Well, now you have in the last few decades a reversal of this where more and more young people, not only in America but also in other parts of the world, are realizing that they will not, no matter how hard they work, be able to create a better life than their parents because things have started sliding downhill. Well, it is not because the economy is going downhill. It is not because there is not enough wealth, because you clearly see that there is more wealth in America today than there was in the 1960s. But the wealth has been concentrated in the hands of fewer and fewer people. That is the problem. And that is the problem that must be corrected. And it will only be corrected when people stand up and demand change. There are, of course, politicians who are fully aware of this, but so far they have not had the ability to cut through in either political party. But this is what can change when a critical mass of the people wake up and realize what is going on. They realize that they have allowed themselves, the American people have allowed themselves to be divided and it has only one purpose, to hide the influence of the power elite.

Expressing individuality within community

What divides the American people? So many things. Basically, every single characteristic that you can almost define has been used to divide people. Men against women, Christians against other religions, materialists against religious people, Republicans against Democrats, capitalists against those who advocate another form of system. It is a wonder that you have not created some division between blonde people and brunettes. But I see that that must be coming at some point.

You see here that there is an elite that is using anything they can to divide the American people. But when the veil drops and more and more people see beyond this outer division, they can lock into what unites Americans, namely that basic humanity. And the basic humanity can give rise to the awareness that individualism can only come to its full expression in a community because individualism that acts as if every man is an island cannot actually reach its highest potential. Now some will object to this and say: “Look at all these billionaires, have they not achieved the highest potential of individualism?” Nay, they have achieved the highest potential of the ego, but the ego is the greatest restrictor of individualism, true individualism, spiritual individualism, divine individualism. In Christ, in the Christ mind, every self-aware being is an individual in the sense that you are an expression of your I AM Presence and your I AM Presence is a unique individual.

But when you realize that you are an expression of the I AM Presence and the I AM Presence is an expression of the One mind, the Christ mind, then you realize that the full expression of your individuality can only happen in a community because God has not created individuals in such a way that they destroy each other’s individuality. God has not created the earth as some kind of power game, as some kind of survival of the fittest, where God throws people onto this planet and is sitting back enjoying the spectacle of who is going to be the gladiator that eliminates all the other gladiators. This is not the game that God has created. This is the game that the fallen beings have attempted to create, but it is not created by God and certainly not by Christ, the Christ mind.

Emergence of a community spirit

Why is it that some of the people who most fiercely defend American individualism and the right of an elite to emerge are Christians, or at least they call themselves Christians? Well, it is because they have not locked into the reality of the Christ mind as the one that unifies people.

We are moving into the age of Aquarius and one aspect of the Aquarian challenge is community. ‘Come ye into unity’. This is what needs to happen in America where the people come into unity. You have this old saying: It takes a village to raise a child. Well, it is an expression of the fact that it takes a community to really be successful at any endeavor. And you have many places in America where there are people who live in smaller communities where they have developed a community spirit. But you also have many other places where this has not materialized and in large part because Americans have been so divided: race, religion. Why is it that you can go into some of these small towns in America that were built a hundred years ago or more and in the center of the town you have a town square and around the square are four churches that all think they are the only true religions and that the members of the other three churches will go to hell? Well, because the power elite have used religion, even the Christian religion, to divide people and that is because those who call themselves Christian ministers have not locked into the Christ mind or they would have transcended these outer divisions.

What is my vision for America? Well, it is precisely this, that people, and I am not saying that all need to move together physically and live in these little communities, although that is certainly what some people can do, but my vision is that people start forming many smaller communities where they seek unity, they seek cooperation, they seek to help each other in their local area. But they also form a community spirit that begins to spread to the entire nation and begins to have an impact on national politics because truly what should Washington DC be? What should Congress and the Senate be? It should be a community where the Senators and the Congress people come together, form a community because they realize they represent the communities around the nation and they are the ones who must be forerunners in forming that community spirit. What is it that you do in a community that has community spirit? Well, you allow freedom of individual expression but you balance it with the interests of the whole so that the individual can express itself in ways that benefit the whole, not in ways that are detrimental to the whole.

I have of course over these many years given many visions for America and they are all still valid as you can see that even though some of these invocations you have given were written a number of years ago, they are still very much in line with the problems that you are facing at this time. But the vision I want to give you here is precisely this. It is this emergence of a community spirit. It is not an emergence of us versus the power elite mentality where the people start to see the power elite as the ultimate scapegoat. Nay, it is an emergence of that sense of community that we Americans need to come into unity and therefore, we need to defend the community against those who are seeking to destroy the unity. And that is not only the power elite but primarily the power elite. It is of course also many other people who are using whatever means they are using to divide people for one simple reason. They think they can profit from it personally either by making money or by gaining political election. The other reason can be that they are trapped in the epic mindset and they are looking to further a particular cause that they think can be promoted and advanced by dividing people into factions setting them up against each other.

There was not so long ago a lawsuit against one of the primary conspiracy theorists who has been operating for a number of years. Well, when you look at how much money this person made, can you really be in doubt that his primary objective was to enrich himself by dividing people against each other and accelerating that division. Can you really be in doubt that there are people who are seeking to further their political interests by dividing people and making it seem like there is such polarization in America that some people have to carry an automatic rifle with them wherever they go in order to feel secure. Can you really be in doubt that there is a certain presidential candidate who for now well over a decade has been doing everything possible to divide the American people, to make it seem like things are so bad in America that he is the only one who can fix it? Can you really not see this? I am speaking into the collective consciousness. Can you really not then see beyond these attempts to divide you and see that the entire purpose of the founding of America was to give you the people the opportunity to form a community where you are not controlled by the power elites that have been controlling people throughout history.

Seeing through narcissists leaders

My vision behind America and most of the founding fathers only grasped glimpses of it—but my vision was to create an alternative to the society you saw in Europe where the kings and the noble class controlled the population. You now have a country where the population is free from the control of the elite. What has happened since then is of course that the elite has gained control in America and they have primarily done this through money, monopoly capitalism that they have used to buy political influence.

But be careful now. I know we have talked about fallen beings but I am not envisioning that the majority of the American people will come to understand our teachings about fallen beings. That is not my vision at least in the short term. But my vision is, the positive vision that I hold for America, is that a critical mass of Americans will be able to take the psychological profile of narcissism, psychopaths and sociopaths and transfer this to the political leaders in America, to the business leaders in America, to the religious leaders in America, to the conspiracy theorists in America and therefore, see that if America is to fulfill the original vision of creating a community of people who are not controlled by the power elite, then the people cannot allow these narcissistic leaders to run the country or the businesses or the economy or the religions.

Unifying element behind all divisions

The people must stand up to the elite. But how can the people stand up to the elite? Not as individuals. Because every time, and you see this in American history, every time an individual attempts to stand up to the elite, what does the elite do? They either kill that person physically or kill that person psychologically. The only way to stand up to the elite is as a community. And therefore, of course, what the elite is trying to do, with all means possible, is to prevent the emergence of this community spirit among the people by dividing the people against each other, creating the impression that there is no people. If you look at many of the media coverage, the political dialogue or the monologue for that matter, and the conspiracy theorists, you would think there is no such thing as the American people, because there is only this group and that group and the next group and they are all against each other.

This is the impression that is being hammered by not only mainstream media, but alternative media, and especially alternative media, 24/7: “Americans are divided, Americans are polarized, this group is the problem, that group is the problem.”

But what is America? What kind of political system do you have? It is called democracy. The idea of a democracy is, among other things, that all people have one vote and that whatever wins the majority of the vote becomes the law of the land. Well, the problem is that the power elite is using this to divide the people. And when the people allow themselves to be divided, nobody is in the majority—all of the time. Everybody belongs to some kind of minority. If you now have an American society that not only sees that there are these minorities that are the enemy and that we can discriminate against because we are the majority who can vote against that particular minority. Then sooner or later everybody has been discriminated against. Because you cannot belong to the majority all of the time. Certainly not in this divisive climate.

The only way out of this is the emergence of this community spirit where people see that we have outer differences. But the outer differences are at a certain level. But we are more than this level because we have a higher potential: our essential humanity. And when we reach for that humanity, we see that beyond the outer differences, there is a deeper element that unites us. All men and women are created equal because they are all expressions of the One mind, the One Spirit, the Christ mind, the One mind that unifies all who are expressions of the Creator with the Creator.

You have all the same rights. What gives you that right? You are endowed by your Creator who is beyond any institution, any division on earth. This is what the founding fathers called “nature’s God”, to make sure that it was seen as not being the God monopolized by any religion. Because it is a God that is beyond any divisions and therefore, cannot be used to divide the people and say that this group of people is the chosen people of this superior God and that group of people is going to go to hell, to eternal torment. The founding fathers saw this, that there is a need for some kind of spirit that unites, that is indivisible. And therefore, because it is indivisible, can give liberty and justice to all.

This is my vision for America. You may say, Well, that sounds pretty far-flung and utopian. But that would then be because you are looking at it from down below and you are focused on all of the outer divisions. Whereas I am looking at it from above and I am seeing that since the foundation of America in 1776 and of course even beyond, primarily going back to the appearance of Jesus on the world scene, but even before that, there has been a gradual raising of awareness. So that more and more people have become aware of this unifying element behind all the outer forms. And I see how this has worked its way into the identity realm, into the mental, into the emotional. And how for many, many people it is very close to breaking through into their waking awareness. Of course, for many people it has already broken through.

Rekindling the vision of the common good in America

What have we talked about in other democracies that have a higher sense of social awareness than America? Well, what is this social awareness? It is the community spirit. Many people already have some awareness of this. Many Americans have it, but many more are on the verge of attaining it. And that is the vision I hold. I am not holding the vision that there is some civil war-like scenario where the people now take their assault rifles and go out and start killing the power elite. I am holding the vision that there is an awakening that has an Alpha and an Omega aspect. The Omega is that you see the influence of the power elite. The Alpha is that you see the unifying element that unifies all people who are not in the narcissistic state of mind. And therefore, what happens is not that the power elite is forcefully, violently dethroned but that they simply lose their influence because people see that the emperor has nothing on. We the people do not need the power elite to run our country when we have the unifying element of the One mind. Because that One mind can run the country better than the power elite and better than we could do without the One mind. But we all have the potential to be the open doors for that One mind and therefore bring forth ideas that can bring the country forward.

Much of the anger that you find among many American people is, as we have said, a sense of being powerless. And that is because the power elite has systematically attempted to break down what is one of the main characteristics of the American nation, the American psyche, namely optimism, the sense of opportunity. They have attempted to take this away from the American people as they have attempted to take it away from all people. But my vision is that this is rekindled, that this is reignited, that people awaken and see the potential of what America could become, see what they could become if they are part of this community. And therefore, they are again excited about being in America, being part of this process, this experiment that America is.

America is not an experiment in individualism. America is an experiment in community. Look back and see how the first people that came to America, the first settlers, how did they manage to overcome these very harsh conditions that they faced in this underdeveloped country. By forming communities and helping each other. The most successful settlers were those who could work together for a common good.

You have also seen, of course, the emergence of individuals who took advantage of freedom. But can you not see the influence of communities? Can you not see that this is what has become lost in the last several decades because of this division? The common good—the vision of the common good has been lost, but can very easily be rekindled. And that is the vision that I hold for America.

Benevolent narcissistic leaders in democracy

We have often talked about the power elite, we have often talked about the fallen beings. And we have said that many of these fallen beings do not have good intentions. But I want to bring your attention to something here that is currently in the current phase that America is in, fooling many people. And it is that some of these power elite people have managed to put themselves in positions and present themselves in certain ways so that it seems like they are working for the good of the people or for the good of the nation and they are really completely altruistic in what they are doing. And many people have been fooled by this over the decades.

What I want to bring to your attention here is a phenomenon that we might call a benevolent narcissist. Now this is not a narcissist that is benevolent because narcissists are never benevolent. But it is a narcissist that has managed to present itself to the people having this facade of benevolence. And they have done this because they believe in it themselves. They actually believe that they are not narcissists, but that they are only working for the good of the country or the good of the people. And this is a phenomenon that also needs to be exposed and that people need to begin to see. They need to realize that there is a tendency in the world where a large part of the population do not have a strong enough individuality to believe in their own ability to make good decisions. That is why they are looking for someone to tell them what to do, how to live their lives. They are looking for someone who tells them: “If you follow me, if you obey me, everything will be good.”

There are people who want to be ruled by these benevolent narcissists. They want to believe in these benevolent narcissists. And they, because they want to surrender their responsibility for their own lives, they are willing to surrender to these benevolent narcissists. And once they have surrendered, it is very difficult to reach into their minds and help them see that the narcissist is not going to make their lives better or not going to make the country better.

And I of course do not expect that I can reach these people at all. But I am radiating into the minds of some of them this vision that I hold because some have the potential to be awakened. But I am also radiating it into the collective consciousness where people will begin to see that it is not actually constructive to portray these benevolent narcissists as enemies. Or even as enemies of the people or enemies of democracy. Because it is not a matter of getting people to fight them. Because the benevolent narcissist is seeking to get people to fight other people. And therefore, it is not constructive to get people to fight the narcissist or those who follow the narcissist. It is again this seeing a higher vision so that the veil drops, the veil shatters, the veil is rent. And people see that the benevolent narcissist has nothing on. Because no matter what facade the person might be able to create, he or she is still a narcissist.

And it is a necessary phase, not just in America but in the democratic world at large, that people begin to see through these benevolent narcissists and realize that these are not the kind of leaders we want. Because they will undermine our freedom, our democracy, our prosperity, they will not be able to deliver on their promises. And you see a number of countries around the world where you have these benevolent narcissists who have set themselves up as leaders. In some cases, it is in dictatorships where they have dictatorial power. In others it is in democracies where they are attempting to take unto themselves dictatorial powers. And it is a phenomenon that right now is the major thing that people in the democratic world need to realize, need to see through so they can demand a better form of leadership. In some countries this has already happened, that is why they do not have these leaders emerging in democracies. But in America it has not happened yet.

The question right now is: will the American people elect a benevolent narcissist as the next president, or will enough people have seen through this so they elect a politician who is not a narcissist. That is the question America is facing, or rather not facing, in this election. Either way, you can say, the lesson will be learned. Because if a benevolent narcissist is elected then certainly that person will outplay its narcissistic tendencies over the next four years, and much of the facade of benevolence will fall away by the mere fact that he cannot deliver on most of his promises.

And why not? Because what is it that a benevolent narcissist does? Well, as any narcissist, that person lives in a fantasy world where it has created mental images of how it wants the world to work. And it is projecting those mental images out. And by getting people to follow them, the narcissist thinks that his images have been validated, because if many people follow him they must be right. And this is very, very easy to project out when you are not in a position of power. Then you can actually believe that you can carry through some of these promises you are making. You are not realizing that you are just telling people what they want to hear in order to get them to vote for you. You are not realizing, at least not consciously, that you have no chance of fulfilling that promise. But if you are elected then it will become obvious that you cannot fulfill those promises.

Either way, what is the lesson that needs to be learned here is that in a democracy you cannot allow a benevolent narcissist to become a leader or leaders, neither in politics nor in businesses. Because they live in a dream world, and sooner or later the ship of their dream is going to be wrecked by the iceberg of practical realism. And the unsinkable ship that the narcissist thinks he has created will sink.

What needs to be seen is that politics is not a realm where there is any more room for these dreams and fantasies. Politics needs to be based on a realistic understanding of how the world works, including the economy. And this is what can happen only through the Christ mind, the community spirit. Where you see that it is not a matter of creating a fantasy that we base our community on. It is matter of a realistic assessment of what is actually best for the whole, for the entire community.

My vision that I hold for America in the short term—and this of course is not replacing all the visions I have for the longer term—but the vision I hold for America in the short term is the awakening from this fantasy of how the world works to a sense of practical realism of what is actually best for the individual, for the community, for the country. A willingness to look at this realistically without what we have called the ideological mindset, but being practical realists.

This is a very strong tendency in the American national psyche: practical realism. It is of course often overshadowed by its polar opposite, so to speak, the unrealistic optimism that is also there in the American psyche. But my vision is that practical realism will win out, will become the stronger tendency. And more and more people will wake up and say: “We do not want these fantasies about how the world should work. We want a country based on an observation of how the world actually works.”

And this breakthrough is closer than you might think, seen from my perspective where I see what is happening at the identity level, the mental level and the emotional level. And how there is a potential that this will break through in a critical mass of people who suddenly see reality.

With this I seal you in the love of my heart and my gratitude for giving me this tremendous impetus of your calls that has enabled me to send angels to shatter the veil of illusion. So that the scales may fall from people’s eyes and they may have a clearer vision for the potential, the realistic potential of America.


Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels

The only solution for America: Not the elite, but raising social awareness

Listen to a recording of this dictation (subscribers only)

Ascended Master Elohim Cyclopea through Kim Michaels, October 19, 2024. This dictation was given during the Webinar for America 2024: Invoking a Positive Vision for America.

I AM the Ascended Master the Elohim Cyclopea. As you know, the Fifth Ray is generally regarded as the Ray of Vision. I am grateful, we of the Fifth Ray are grateful that you have authorized us with your calls and invocations to shatter the veil that prevents so many people in America from seeing what is really the important issue in this nation at this time. And that issue is, of course, the power elite, the unequal distribution of wealth and income, taking wealth from the bottom 95% of the population and siphoning it up to the top. This is not a democratic system. This is not a democratic phenomenon and it is not a phenomenon seen in any other democratic country to the extent which it is seen in the United States, with the United Kingdom being a close second.

The lack of social awareness

If you go back to what Archangel Michael said about the cycles, the upward movement towards the peak and then the downward movement towards the low point. What is it that the power elite does? Well, as the upswing goes, it caters to the middle class because they think: “Ah, we can become part of the elite too. We can make as much easy money as we see the financial elite making. We just need to invest the money we have left over, and we will have as much money as the millionaires or the billionaires.” But this of course is a lie. It can never happen. You cannot start out with next to nothing and become a billionaire because that is not how the system works. Well, you can always point to some examples here and there but everybody could not do the same. That is the lie behind an elitist system.

They make the middle class think they can become as rich as the elite. But in reality, it could never happen because the system itself does not allow for that many people to become that rich. What is actually happening is that the power elite is seeking to get the middle class to go into the same state of consciousness that they are in. Namely, that they are totally focused on themselves, do not have any empathy for those who are not as fortunate as they are, and are not willing to do anything to help those who are below them in the societal hierarchy. In other words, the power elite has absolutely no social awareness and when the upswing is going, they are seeking to make the middle class act as if they have no social awareness either. Why is that a problem? Because the opportunity that a society has in an upswing is that the middle class will develop a social awareness and will say: “We have a society now that can afford to take care of those less fortunate by creating a social safety net, by creating public health care, and by creating better education that educates everybody to see the opportunities in life.”

This is the high potential that a democratic society has in the upswing. It must start with the middle class because after all, they have a higher level of consciousness than the less fortunate part of the population. But the question is, will the middle class be pulled down to the lower levels of social awareness that the power elite has, or will they be pulled up by what we might call the creative elite, which is usually not as prominent in society as the power elite. What has happened in the United States was that during this upswing, we can always debate how long that lasted or when it started, but let’s not get lost in details. What has happened in the United States is that during the upswing, not enough among the middle class, not a critical mass among the middle class, developed that social awareness. Many remain stuck in the consciousness of only caring about themselves, their own situation, and feeling that they had succeeded by doing hard work, and therefore everybody else should be able to do the same. This is another lie promoted by the power elite.

Now, of course, many among the power elite have inherited their wealth, but some have started out with nothing or next to nothing and have made it to become millionaires or billionaires and this serves one purpose only. And it is actually something that the power elite who are in the top right now, they will allow a few people to come up from below, just to promote the myth that this is something that anybody could do in a free capitalist economy. But again, some people can do it. But all people cannot do it. And the majority of the people could not do it and certainly not the majority of the middle class. Social awareness means realizing that not everybody has the same level of consciousness and therefore, not everybody is able to make use of the freedoms in a quote-unquote “free economy” and therefore, there is a need for society to take care of those who are not as highly developed in consciousness. This is part of social awareness.

This did not happen in America. Part of why it did not happen is the influence of the power elite. Part of why it did not happen is the influence of certain conservative groups, even Christian groups, who believe in this, what we have previously called the rugged American individualism, that everybody makes his own luck and this is, of course, primarily something that people who vote for the Republican Party espouse, this mindset. There are, of course, some that vote for the Democratic Party, but not quite as many. Anyway, this mindset instead of lifting, has become reinforced in a large part of the American population. And this is why there hasn’t been the transition to a greater social awareness that you see in most of the other developed democracies. Canada, Australia, New Zealand, many of the European nations, you see a higher level of social awareness where the middle class in these nations did transition and said: “We are willing to pay taxes to have a society that has a social safety net so people are not starving to death in the streets, so they don’t die of preventable disease because they cannot afford to go to the doctor.”

High time for public health care reform

In America, too many people still are in this mindset that: “If I have to pay higher taxes for somebody else to go to the doctor, then that’s socialized medicine.” But what if you looked at this from a purely pragmatic standpoint? What if you looked at a person who has this attitude and who, his entire life, refuses to pay higher taxes to pay for other people’s health care? But because there is no public health care, he pays extra money for health insurance for himself and his family. He also, beyond the health insurance, has to pay for certain medical costs. What if you now look at the lifespan of such a person and say: “He paid x amount of dollars for health insurance and medical expenses, but if he had lived in a European nation, he would have paid x amount of dollars more in taxes.”

Well, what would have cost the person more? The current system in the United States or the health care system in one of the other democracies? And you can, of course, always say that for some people, it would have cost less to have the current system in the United States because they were fortunate not to get ill and not have somebody in their family who had one of these very expensive illnesses. You can find some people for whom it would have been cheaper. But certainly not a majority, because given the fact that the health care system in America is driven by profit, whereas in many of the other democracies, it is not driven by profit because it is public health care, the fact of the matter is that most people in the United States would pay less by paying the extra taxes to cover public health care than they are paying now in a privatized system.

Now, there are some that will say: “But I do not pay anything for health insurance. I get that through my company.” Well, but where does the company get the money from to pay for this? They either have to take it out of their pocket, or they have to deduct it from taxes. Either way, you are not making as much money as you would have made if there was public health care. Generally, you see that the standard of living for the average worker in many of the other democracies is actually higher than it is in the United States. I know you can always play with the figures, and you can prove whatever you want to prove, but I am simply raising the question here, or rather I am projecting this into the collective consciousness.

Is it actually cheaper to have the American system or is it actually cheaper for the individual to have a system that is based on social awareness where we say we take care of each other? This is a question that should have been a very prominent issue in the presidential debate this year, but it is not. And why is it not? Well, because as I said, America is in one of these natural unavoidable downturns and the power elite have done everything they can to inflate the anger in many people. Now, it isn’t only the lower classes that are angry, as Archangel Michael described. There are also many among the middle class that are angry because, as I said, they do not want to pay for other people, but they sense at some part of their being that the United States will inevitably have to move in the same direction as the other democracies so there will be higher taxes and they are angry because they want to stop it. They know they cannot, but they are still trying to hang on to some kind of system, some kind of political party, some kind of presidential candidate that they think can stop or at least delay it.

The unasked questions

But what if this is an example of this interesting American saying, that you are shooting yourself in the foot. What if it is not nearly as bad as people think it is because why then has it been done in so many other countries? And why have these countries survived and even thrived and why are people better off, more satisfied, more happy than they are in the United States? You may say, as Americans are so fond of saying: “America is the richest country on earth.” Yes, certainly, America has more billionaires per capita than any other country. But if you look at the average person, America is not the richest country on earth, neither in income nor wealth. But then look at it in another way. There are international surveys that measure the happiness, the contentment of people. And there are many countries that consistently score higher than the United States.

Is richness just a matter of money, or is it a matter of the quality of life? Why doesn’t the richest country in the world have the highest quality of life? Well, there is a question that should have been in the presidential debate but is not. Why is it that certain of these issues are barely even mentioned? Because the power elite is manipulating the debate. And they are doing this for one primary reason, namely to prevent a third issue from becoming part of the political debate, namely the power elite itself and the unequal distribution of wealth and the siphoning of wealth from the lower part of the population to the elite. This is the one issue that the power elite in America wants to hide.

Delaying progress

Now, they know that in all the other democracies, at least most of them, this has been debated and there has been enacted various measures to tax the rich more than the poor. They know it cannot be stopped, but they are hoping they can delay it as much as possible. And how are they delaying it? Well, we are of course the ascended masters. We are not in a dualistic state of consciousness. We are not in the us versus them mentality. We do not want to reinforce the us versus them mentality. But it is a fact that there is an us versus them mentality in the power elite—us versus the people. And this is not understood by most people in America, but it needs to be understood for America to move forward and become a more modern democracy, a more developed democracy. And the only reason why it hasn’t become a prominent feature in the debate is because the power elite has prevented it. And how are they preventing it? With the good old time-tested measure that they have used over and over again throughout history. It is called divide and conquer.

Divide and conquer

You see, the power elite is in the divisive state of consciousness. They see themselves as clearly separated from the people. They are the elite. The people are nothing compared to them. They are fundamentally below them, fundamentally less. If you could see the arrogance and the sense of superiority of many of these people, you would be shocked. If the American people could see it, they would be shocked. But the power elite is fairly good at hiding it. How? Because instead of making the people realize that if there is any us versus them battle in America, it should be between the people and the elite. They have now managed to manipulate the people into thinking that it is us versus those other people. In other words, they have divided the people amongst themselves. The people are now fighting each other, instead of seeing that the problem is the power elite. Just look at how many people see the scapegoat as the cause of the problem. And if we could just get rid of the scapegoat, we would overcome the problem.

Now, obviously, you have a presidential candidate who has, from the moment he entered the political scene, done everything he could to inflame this division, us versus them. Even within the Republican Party, those who are RINOs, Republicans In Name Only. But what has this done to the political debate? He has actually defined the political debate because by promoting this us versus them mentality, the other party has been caught in their version of the us versus them mentality because they are trying to make sure that he does not get elected and that has become more important than promoting other issues. So what has been lost in all of this, to both parties,  is the power elite.

Now, of course, the Republican party does not have a grand tradition for wanting to limit the power elite but the Democratic Party has some tradition and probably has a bigger potential than the Republican party for exposing the power elite. There has at least been talks about this in the Democratic camp. But it has all been lost because it is not considered to be a winning issue. It is not considered to be an issue that can win enough votes to defeat the other guy and all of a sudden, it has become an epic battle. The one side: “I have to get elected.” The other side: “We have to prevent him from getting elected.” Now, I am not promoting a third battle, the people versus the power elite because what has happened in these other democracies that I am talking about that are further developed is that there was not a violent revolution to overthrow the power elite. It happened because of a raising of awareness, of social awareness, and political awareness, and economic awareness.

Raising social, political, and economic awareness

Now, it is perfectly correct that in smaller nations, such as the Scandinavian nations, it has been easier to achieve this transition for the simple reason that these smaller nations do not give the power elite the same sense of power that they get in a bigger nation. And therefore, these smaller nations have not attracted, as members of their power elite, fallen beings that are at as low a state of consciousness as the fallen beings who are belonging to the elite in the United States and certain other nations. So clearly, it is not as easy of a task for the United States. On the other hand, there are many more people in the United States, and that means that the potential for exposing the power elite is very close to the same as it is in the smaller nations. And in a sense, you do not even have to expose the power elite and name and label them as the power elite or as enemies of the people. It can be done by a simple raising of awareness, a social awareness, which basically is what Jesus attempted to teach people 2,000 years ago—Love God with all your heart, mind and soul and love your neighbor as yourself. These are the two greatest commandments of the law so in this self-declared Christian nation, it should be no problem to develop this social awareness, should it?

Cognitive dissonance among American Christians

Then why is it that those who claim to be the most Christian Christians who are, in many ways, enmeshed with the Republican Party, they are the ones who are resisting social awareness. This is another issue that should be part of the debate. Why is it not? Because of cognitive dissonance. You claim to be a good Christian, and you fail to see that you are not acting like one.

Now, there was many years ago a man in India called Gandhi, and he made the statement: “I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ.” Unfortunately, most Christians in America would reject it, because who was Gandhi? Ah, he was a Hindu, and they are going to hell, so why should we listen to him? But that is exactly what the scribes and Pharisees said at the time of Jesus. Not the exact words, but the same attitude. Why should we listen to him? He’s a nobody. But you see, this ties in with what Godfre said in his magnificent discourse about what it takes to be a good president when he talked about George Washington. You can only be a good president if you acknowledge there is a higher power. There is a higher principle. There is something that is right from a higher perspective.

Why should you develop social awareness? If you only think about what is good for you, you cannot and you will not develop social awareness. Why should you develop social awareness? Because it is right. Because where did all people come from? They came from the same source. That is right. Jesus clearly saw this or he would not have said: “Love your neighbor as yourself. Do good to those that hate you. Forgive seventy times seven.” How did that become lost in the Christian religion. How? Cognitive dissonance. You talk the good talk, but you do not walk the walk. And this is precisely the biggest block to progress in the United States: cognitive dissonance. It is not just found on one side of the political spectrum. It is found on both sides. There are innumerable examples of this.

Advocating for anarchy

Why am I even bothering to say this? Well, because by saying it, I can use your chakras to project this into the collective consciousness where I can awaken those who are closest to seeing this—as to seeing that there is something that is right. And therefore, you vote based on what is right, not what is expedient, not what is even in your own short-term interest. And one of the things that is right is that you have principles. You have laws. You have a system for conducting elections in a democratic nation. And when that system does what it is designed to do, when it has been monitored as it has been designed to be monitored, and it produces a certain result, then you accept that result because it is right, because if you do not accept the result, you are advocating anarchy.

If you have a supposedly democratic election where the choice is between two people and the one who loses says he will not accept the process, he will not accept the outcome, and he casts all kinds of doubt upon the system and its functioning, then you no longer have democracy, you have the beginning of anarchy. You have a person who is running for democratic office, the highest office in the land, but who is actually advocating anarchy, because he is willing to cast doubt upon the system to get elected instead of getting elected by getting the most votes and then accepting it if you do not get the most votes. And it is not right to democratically elect someone who casts doubt upon the democratic system and its institutions. I am not thereby saying that those democratic institutions are flawless. There is, of course, need for improvement. But it is one thing to advocate improvement. It is another thing to advocate that the system is fundamentally flawed.

The lies of the power elite

As I said, the big problem in the United States is the power elite. But I am not advocating a violent revolution. I am advocating a raising of awareness so that there is a gradual transition, as there has been in many other nations. This is not anarchy. This is working within the democratic system and the constitution and the laws of the land to improve the situation. It is a fundamentally different approach than saying: “Oh, everything is wrong and the country is going to hell unless a certain person gets elected president.” It is a fundamentally different approach. What is it that the power elite has been saying for a very, very long time: “Unless we are in charge, everything will go to hell.”

Who is it that creates the problems? It is the power elite. You look back at all societies in the world, and you see that the vast majority of problems and conflicts have been created by power elite groups. But what is it that the fallen beings behind power elite groups always do? They first create a problem. Then they blame it on somebody else, and then they present themselves as the only ones who can save the people from the problem that they have created. The country of America is not going to go to hell if Donald Trump is not elected. The country of America is not going to go to hell if Donald Trump is elected. Because the country of America is not in any danger of going to hell.

Why? Well, partly because of Saint Germain’s sponsorship, and partly because there are many among the American people who already have risen to a higher level awareness or who are very close to doing so. And whether this person is elected or that person is elected, the next four years will cause an even higher number of Americans to rise to a higher level of consciousness. This can happen in a very painful way or in a less painful way, but it will happen one way or the other and that means America will progress, will move forward, one way or the other. Saying something different is simply the power elite saying: “Unless we are in charge, everything will go bad because the people cannot govern themselves.” Again, they create a problem, then they present themselves as the saviors with the only solution to the problem. You can see this in world history so many times.

The only solution: raising awareness

Therefore, you can see that a person who uses this kind of rhetoric is clearly part of the power elite and therefore cannot give those poor, angry people who worship him as a God, what he is promising them. It can never happen. Because if the poor people in America, are going to improve their situation it can happen in only two ways that are, of course, related. The development of social awareness and the gradual redistribution of wealth from the elite to the lower ranking people in society. And the redistribution of wealth can only happen through social awareness. It cannot be done any other way. Even a violent revolution would not achieve the goal, as has also been proven by various countries. There is only raising of awareness.

Now, I understand fully that those who are at the lowest level of society, often, not always, but often also have the lowest levels of awareness. And therefore, they cannot see that the solution to the problem is a raising of awareness. But consider what the power elite has consistently been saying for thousands of years: “We are the solution.” You have never heard the power elite say: “Oh, the solution is the raising of the people’s awareness.” They have done everything they could, in every society in every historical epoch, to prevent the raising of the consciousness of the people. Because it is only by keeping the consciousness low that they continue to rule and continue to stay hidden.

What I have done and will continue to do—what we of the Fifth Ray will continue to do, is to shatter this veil of illusion that is hanging over America, to shatter the veil of illusion that makes individual people unable to see what is the higher right, the higher principle. And we shall see if enough people will be willing to see this, that it makes a difference on November 5th. Free will reigns supreme. And as I said, one way or the other, in the next four years, many Americans will, one might say, be forced to raise their awareness, to rethink their attitude and to develop that social awareness.

With this, I again express my gratitude, and I seal you in the Flame of Vision. For I will, if you are willing, naturally, help you develop a higher vision in response to you making these calls and authorizing me to do the work that I am here to do for planet earth and for Saint Germain.


Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels

Seeing through the sine wave of the upward movement

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Ascended Master Archangel Michael through Kim Michaels, October 19, 2024. This dictation was given during the Webinar for America 2024: Invoking a Positive Vision for America.

I AM the Ascended Master Archangel Michael, and I first of all want to thank you on behalf of myself and beloved Astrea for having put us to work. It is unprecedented in this dispensation that so many people have given these calls, both to Astrea and myself, along with the invocations, and been so precise in mentioning specifics that we can go after. 

Clearing out the higher realms

You understand, my beloved, that we cannot interfere with people’s free will. We have no desire to interfere with people’s free will. However, people’s free will is not free because so many people, the vast majority of people in the world, have their minds influenced by these demons and entities and fallen beings in the emotional, mental, and identity realm. The free will of human beings in embodiment does not extend to the emotional, mental and identity realms, at least not to the beings who are seeking to manipulate people there. Therefore, when you make these calls, we are authorized to go in and clear out the emotional, mental, and identity realms from the beings that you have given us the authority to clear out.

Therefore, I can assure you that if you could see what is happening right now and will be happening in the next days, you would see that we have sent millions of angels into these realms, with their swords, with their circles of light, and they are clearing out these lower beings, almost like ghosts that are being taken away. You could say that Astrea and myself are the original ghostbusters, and I can assure you that our angels are busting away right now to clear out these realms. This is an unprecedented action, and it gives the American people and many people around the world an unprecedented opportunity to have a clearer vision, a clearer understanding, a clearer grasp of what is happening. Let me say also that this is not just limited to America. Naturally, you who are the Russian-speaking group and you who are in Korea, you have also authorized us to clear out your countries, and especially North Korea and other forces around the world where the forces of war are seeking to create conflicts and warfare, and so this is a very significant action, and you have our undivided gratitude for this. 

The power elite in America 

Now, I want to give you a little bit more of a perspective of what is happening in America. As you will see from some of these invocations that you have given, one of the big problems in America, right now, and of course, over a long period of time, has been elitism. The fact that there is a power elite that since the very beginning, but especially since the late 1800s, have been attempting to control America, especially through the economy, the financial system, and thereby indirectly also by buying influence on the political system. This is, of course, what we have many times called the power elite. Although we do not wish to be too specific about who these people are, you have certainly mentioned some, and this has allowed us to clear out the forces that are behind them. Because you realize, as we have told you many times, that the people in physical embodiment would have relatively little power if they did not have the backing or the influence or the energy from these dark forces and fallen beings in the emotional, mental, and identity realms. Their ability to act would be much more limited, and so by clearing out their backers, so to speak, you take away a lot of their power, and of course, what you also take away is this veil of illusion, this veil of ignorance that they hide behind. 

A sine wave of the upward moment 

Now, if we step back a little bit and look back throughout history, we see that for a long time, if you look at recorded history, there has been a certain upward movement. There has been progress here and there, where you see, for example, the emergence of democracy, the scientific breakthroughs, the emergence of greater and greater wealth and prosperity for a greater and greater part of the population. You see a move towards more equality, more equal opportunity, where you are not born into a certain station where you are condemned to stay there as a worker or a slave for the rest of your life, but there is more freedom to determine your own destiny. This is, of course, not what the power elite wants, so they are doing whatever they can to slow down, manipulate, abort or take advantage of this process. Now, you may say, if the movement is towards more freedom, democracy and equality, how can the elite take advantage of this? Well, that is precisely what I will explain to you. 

Even though, as I say, there has been an upward movement in world history, and I am not here talking about the previous eight years, where there has also been some big downturns, but for this discussion, I am looking at an upward movement. However, this upward movement is not a steady upward growth. It is, as we have talked about before, a sine wave, that you have all seen the drawings of this with the ups and the downs, the peaks and the troughs. Now, this sine wave, however, does not go horizontally, it goes upward in an angle, but there are still peaks and troughs. There are periods where it seems like things are going forward, and there can be great optimism in the world, and then there is a peak, and then things start sliding downwards, and it often leads to the spread of a certain pessimism, at least among a certain group of the population.

 What I am saying is this. The upward movement that you have seen for a very long time now does progress in these cycles, ups and downs. This is not inevitable. As we move further into the golden age, they will eventually disappear. But in a period that we have right now, where we are in a transition phase towards the golden age, where the collective consciousness is as low as it is, the energies in the emotional, mental, and identity realms are as dense as they are, it is inevitable that there will be the ups and downs, even though there is a general progression. Many among the power elite do not, of course, consciously understand that there is this upward progression. They do not wish to acknowledge it. They are just looking at how they can take advantage of it. But there are those more sophisticated ones, few in embodiment, but more in the identity realm, who understand that even though they cannot stop the upward progression, they can take advantage of both the ups and the downs in the cycle.

Taking advantage of the cycles – an upward cycle

What the power elite, or at least the power elite in the identity realm and to some degree in the mental realm, are seeking to do is to take advantage of the upward cycle in a way that when things are moving upward, when the economy is growing, I am not talking necessarily globally, but in certain countries, then these fallen beings seem to make use of what you can call the middle class, because they know that when things are going well, when things are growing and expanding, it is primarily because of the middle class. They are working, they are innovating, they are starting businesses, and they are expanding the economy. 

In an upward cycle, the power elite has relatively little interest in the lower part of the population, what you might call the working class, to use a somewhat outdated expression. But those who are not as well educated, who are primarily looking for a job, looking for a steady job, not seeking to innovate, not seeking to start their own business, these have in an upward cycle relatively little interest for the power elite. 

What they are seeking to do in an upward cycle is to get the middle class to help the power elite make as much money as possible. You can see this in what is called the Roaring Twenties, where those among the middle class who could invest in the stock market, for example, and then this actually helped drive this cycle of uncontrolled speculation that led to the crash in 1929. You can see a similar thing in the 1990s and 2000s, even going back further, where the middle class was investing, starting to invest their pension money, and this led again to this unsustainable expansion in the financial markets that led to the crash of 2008. If we look at the current cycle, we will say that in the decades leading up to 2008, there was an upward movement. Yet 2008 marked the start of the downturn, the start of, it was the peak, and now things started sliding down into one of these natural lows.

 It was not that anybody necessarily did anything to make this happen, other than you could say that the power elite, the top people who control the economy, they got blinded by this belief that they could make unlimited amounts of money, and therefore they made the same mistake that they made in the 1920s. What I am saying is, there was not anybody who deliberately plotted to destroy the economy. It happened largely out of blindness. 

The downward cycle

However, what happens is that when a peak is reached and the downturn starts, then the power elite no longer wants to manipulate or influence the middle class. The reason for this is a little bit complex, but let me, as an example, use Marxism. What was it that Marx did? He defined that the enemy of the changes that were necessary was the bourgeoisie, or what you today would call the middle class. The enemy of the Marxist revolution. But what is Marxism? Well, we might say that capitalism is a movement that takes advantage of the upward climb towards the peak. But Marxism is a movement designed to take advantage of the downward slide from the peak to the trough. 

This is directed by fallen beings in the identity realm who are working in tandem, in unison, seeing these cycles, and seeking to take advantage of them. Now, again, this is not something that happens all over the world at the same time, but you will see the general tendency. During the uphill climb, when everything is going well and the economy is expanding, everybody is a capitalist. But then, in the downward climb, capitalism suddenly becomes questioned because it did not produce what it promised—unrestricted, unending growth. Now, what happens is that the power elite who started Marxism, they now start taking advantage of the downward cycle. This does not mean that they start promoting Marxism today because they have realized that with the fall of the Soviet Union, that cycle was over. They could not use the Marxist-communist ideology anymore because it had relatively little appeal, even though there are still some hybrid forms of Marxism in China, you could argue. Nevertheless, in the West, of course, this does not have the necessary appeal. 

 But what was it that made Marxism take hold in Russia? Well, it was that you had an extremely unequal society where the Tsar and the noble class had a very affluent lifestyle and the vast majority of the people had a very low, very poor lifestyle. What happened was that gradually this inequality in the wealth distribution reached a breaking point. This is what sets the stage for revolutions. But who was it that the Marxists catered to, to get them to take part in the revolution, to get them to fight? Well, it was primarily the lower classes, the uneducated, the peasants, the workers, those who did not have much initiative. But what did they have? They had anger. Anger, when it is stirred up and given a specific direction, can, as you can see from world history, be a very powerful force that can get people to act. What is the best way for the fallen beings to stir up people’s anger and direct it into action? It is to point out that their current misery is not caused by them. It is not a result of their own state of consciousness. It is not a result of what they are projecting into the cosmic mirror. It is caused by those specific other people. And if only we get rid of those specific other people, we will have a much better society. 

This is what the fallen beings do. On the upswing, they cater to the middle class, who have a dream of one day becoming the upper class by investing, making the easy money that they see the upper class making, so that they themselves can become rich. Then, when that dream cracks, as it inevitably will, because the fallen beings can never stop themselves from overheating the economy, then the other group of fallen beings step in, and now they begin to work with, through the identity, mental, and especially through the emotional realm, with the lower part of the population.

 During the upswing, nobody is really that concerned about the lower part of the population. Because it seems like, especially in a capitalist country like the United States, that they will do better when the entire economy does better. This is the eternal promise that “the rising tide lifts all boats”. There is this sense that is promoted by neoliberalism in the United States that, as long as the economy keeps expanding, we do not need to worry about the lower classes, because it will take care of itself. But, once the downturn happens, it becomes more obvious to the lower classes that they are going to be left behind, because they are much worse off than the middle class, who at least have something, even though their standard of living is also being eroded.

The anger and the scapegoat

Now, the dark forces will do everything they can to stir up the anger of the lower parts of society, those who are uneducated, those who do not have the initiative to start their own business, those who are not willing to look at themselves and say: “How can I change myself, how can I change my psychology, so I can have a better life for myself?” And they start working with these people, and what do they do? The same thing they did in pre-revolutionary Russia and revolutionary Russia. They stir up the anger by giving them a scapegoat, an easy target. As you see in the United States right now, the primary scapegoat is immigrants, illegal immigrants, who come into America, take people’s jobs, eat their dogs and cats, and create all kinds of problems. Therefore, if we just create mass deportations, get rid of all these illegal immigrants, there will be plenty of jobs for the lower classes, and a wonderful society will come about.

There is of course another scapegoat, and that is those who are the liberals, the “lefties”, the government apparatus, in other words, the middle class, the bourgeoisie. Not thereby saying that everybody in the middle class is an enemy of the lower people, but many certainly are seen that way because they are doing better than the lower people. And the lower people, do not understand that this is because the middle class have educated themselves, have taken initiative, have worked on themselves: “How do I become a better business person? What do I have in my psychology that I need to change in order to become a better business person or get a better job or get ahead?” They have asked themselves the questions that the lower classes will not ask themselves. You see that there is this polarization where you have a large group of people in America whose primary engagement in politics is driven by anger. And they have been given a seemingly easy target for their anger.

But what did the Soviet Union prove for those who are willing to see? It proved that if you get rid of all those who are willing to take initiative and instead take all of the people who are not willing to take initiative, who only want to follow orders, who are not particularly intelligent, not particularly well educated, and you take all of these people and put them in charge of society, well, what happens? Well, gradually, society becomes dysfunctional. And it has a much lower standard of living than in a more free society. Now, here is where the difficulty comes in because there are those who will look back at the Soviet Union and they will look at how the peasants lived in tsarist Russia, and they will say that they had a better standard of living during Soviet times than before Soviet times. And in a sense, they are right. However, was that because of communism? Because it is still a fact that the working class in the Soviet Union had a much lower standard of living than the working class in the West. But you see, many believed in this because they thought that if we just get rid of those bad people, we will have a better society. 

This is, in a sense, the essence of intolerance, scapegoating. “We do not need to look at ourselves. We do not need to look at the beam in our own eye, even though we claim to be Christians and go to church every once in a while. We just need to direct our anger against the scapegoat and vote for some politicians that will do something about the scapegoat. And then we will automatically have this utopian society.” 

Looking for a simple solution 

This is what you see going on in America, starting in 2008, and not being addressed by anyone, because neither the Republican Party nor the Democratic Party understand this dynamic, which, of course, is not said to blame anybody, because hardly anyone in physical embodiment understands this dynamic. But there are, of course, some, and there are certainly people in the United States, both politicians and economists, who have spoken out against the inequality in the income distribution and have seen this as a major destabilizing factor in American society. They have, however, not been heeded by any of the political parties. 

I am not here saying that one party is the bad guy and the other has the perfect solution. None of the parties actually are capable of addressing this situation. But, of course, those who are driven by anger certainly cannot address it in an accurate way, because they are looking at society through black and white thinking. And in black and white thinking, you always think there is a simple way to look at the problem, and therefore, there is a simple solution. The problem is those people, get rid of those people, and we have the perfect society. If you look at world history, how many times has this been attempted? How many times has it actually worked? Can it actually work? No. Because what do you see? What do you see in societies? The more closed and closed-minded societies become, the more inefficient they become. The more they start to contract, the economy contracts. Whereas you see that the societies that grow the fastest are the ones that are most open. 

In modern times, very few countries have grown as fast as the United States did in the 1800s, early 1900s. Very few countries. Why? Because America was open to new ideas. It was a rushing stream whereas the Soviet Union was a stagnant pond, as China is today, much more stagnant than many other societies. You see that what drives growth, what drives the upward cycle, is an openness to new ideas. But the problem is that if there is not discernment, Christ discernment, then this leads to an over-exuberant optimism that thinks: “Oh, the upward cycle can continue indefinitely on its present track. We just need to continue doing the same thing and we will get richer and richer.” This, as I said, is the fallen beings taking advantage of the middle class who are willing to invest, improve themselves, and they get pulled up by this enthusiasm. And then, when the natural, inevitable peak is reached and the downturn starts, then another group of fallen beings starts working with the lower classes, fueling their anger and giving them a scapegoat.

Creating chaos by fueling anger 

The United States is by no means the only country where this has happened, is happening. I am simply pointing out the pattern there, the pattern of these natural, inevitable ups and downs. Well, they are not natural in the sense that they couldn’t be avoided. But as I said, in the current state, they are natural and inevitable. But the fallen beings, the more sophisticated ones of them, they seek to take advantage of both. Why? Well, first of all, because it always enriches themselves. But second of all, because they are trying to create chaos that will slow down the entire process of manifesting Saint Germain’s Golden Age, which, of course, has as one of its major goals, to get the fallen beings off the planet. They are simply trying to hang on for dear life, so to speak, by creating as much chaos as possible. This is, in a sense, what you see going on in the world right now. And this is another thing that they seek to do to prevent an upturn. Because 2008 was a peak that started a downturn. But now, we are at the point where it is time to start another upturn, another climb up. But the fallen beings are trying to do everything they can to stop this by creating chaos.

Now, you can mention, you can come up with all kinds of reasons why Putin invaded Ukraine, or why Hamas attacked Israel. Or why North Korea is rattling the saber. But behind it all is the fallen beings seeking to create chaos. And one of the ways they always do it is to fuel anger. What drove Hamas to attack Israel? You can mention outer reasons that they had for it. But really behind it was anger that reached a point where they could not hold it back. What drove Putin and those who support him to invade Ukraine? Well, there was an anger that things were not going his way, and something had to be done. You will see how many times the fallen beings have managed to inflate people’s anger and make them make choices that do not make sense, that are not rational, once they are seen from outside the bubble, the perception filter, the veil of illusion created by the anger. Because one thing is absolutely certain, which again you can see over and over again in world history. When people are blinded by anger, they cannot make good decisions.

Anger is an interesting—if we can use that word, emotion. Because fear is paralyzing. When people are afraid, they either become completely paralyzed so they cannot do anything, or they seek to protect themselves against a perceived danger. But when people shift from fear into anger, now they feel they have to take action. And it is so easy for the fallen beings to induce some irrational belief in people who are angry, that if only they do something to this other group of people, all of their problems will be solved. And they will have the kind of society where they do not have to be angry anymore.

But why are the lower classes angry? Because they know that society is moving away from them. They are being left behind. But why are they being left behind? Because they do not want to move up with society. They do not want to change their worldview, their attitude to life. They do not want to educate themselves. They do not want to look at their psychology and say: “How do I need to change so I can actually get a better job?” There are regions of the United States that are economically depressed. There are many people who live there who do not have a good outlook. It will be difficult for them to get good jobs. But you see, in many of those regions, it is not immigrants who are taking people’s jobs. There simply are not jobs in that region. Why? Partly in some cases for purely economic factors, but in many cases, because you have people there that are not good workers when seen from the perspective of someone considering where to place a factory. You could take all of the illegal immigrants out of there, but many of these depressed regions in the United States, they still would not get any jobs unless they moved to where the jobs are, which is what the immigrants are willing to do. The immigrants are also willing to educate themselves, to work hard, to say: “What do I need to do to get a better lifestyle?”

You see, anger comes from the sense of being powerless. But the sense of being powerless comes from an unwillingness to change, an unwillingness to look at yourself, to look at the beam in your own eye. Ironic that many of these people claim to be Christians and go to church every once in a while, pretending to do what Christians do. When Jesus actually told you to look at the beam in your own eye, instead of the splinter in the eyes of your brother, the scapegoat.

And so my beloved, I have given you the thoughts that I wanted to give you in this installment. I am not here by saying that what I have pointed out is the only problem in America, the only issue. But it is certainly something you can make calls on, as you have already done in these invocations and decrees.

Again, I and Astrea simply want to thank you for giving us our marching orders, and I will seal you in the love of my heart, because I have a lot more ghostbusting to do.



Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels

Letting go of the self that wants drama—without the drama

Listen to a recording of this dictation (subscribers only)

Ascended Master Gautama Buddha through Kim Michaels, August 4, 2024. This dictation was given at a Healing Retreat in Chicago: Heal your heart and the heart of America.

I AM the Ascended Master Gautama Buddha, as you have all guessed. You may normally associate me with the crown chakra, but I am of course also very aware of the importance of the heart chakra. And that the opening of the heart is the key to opening the crown. For no one has ever opened the crown chakra without having at least a high degree of opening of the heart chakra. For what would happen if by some black magic someone forced their crown chakra open? Well, their mental capacities would be magnified, but it would be in an unbalanced way because the mind, the thinking, analytical mind, cannot avoid becoming unbalanced if it is not balanced by the heart. What do you see in many people in the world? What do you see in some of these scientists that use the analytical linear mind to discover some secret about how the physical universe works and now they are suddenly able to split the atom and create a bomb that has much greater power than any other weapon? They had the capacity of mind to do this, but did they have the capacity of heart to ask whether what could be done, should be done?

Instead, they got caught up in this typical reaction of the mind: “If we don’t do it, those other people will.” What is behind this kind of reasoning, this serpentine logic? It is really one group of fallen beings saying: “Well, if we don’t do it, that other group of fallen beings will do it, and they will have greater power than we have, and we don’t want that, so we have to do it.” They have no heart. Am I saying the atom bomb should not have been developed? Nay, that is not the issue here. It is irrelevant. I am using it as an example that the mind that is not balanced by the heart has created some of the greatest problems on earth, some of the greatest conflicts. 

The mind with no heart

Look at America. As Jesus said, many people are now at the mental level, focused at the mental level, which is the level of the mind, the thinking mind. What do you see? They are locked, their minds are locked on a certain track. They can only think in terms of conflict, right and wrong, good and bad: “We are good. Those who oppose us therefore must be bad. And if we are really good, then it is justified that we use force against those who are bad, because we have to save America from these bad people who will destroy it.”

That is the mind talking, the mind that has no heart, that is not balanced by the heart, because the mind is the one that comes up with this epic mindset, the epic thinking that there is some ultimate goal that must be reached. And if it is not reached, disaster will follow—“America must become a Christian nation or everything will go to hell.” This is the epic mindset that the fallen beings have used over and over again on this planet and other planets and in previous spheres. It only fools them who are in the mind and do not have an open heart. Because when you have an open heart, you experience the One mind that unifies and therefore you cannot believe that life can be reduced to this black and white thinking. That some people are good and some people are bad. And that it is justified that the good kill the bad to avoid some calamity and manifest a brave new world. The ends can justify the means. 

Denying the Christ within you 

You see what Jesus said, what every religion basically says on earth: “Don’t do unto others what you don’t want them to do to you.” But the mind can override it by saying: “Oh but these other people are so bad that they will prevent God’s epic goal from being fulfilled. And therefore, even though we claim to be good and it is not actually good to kill other people, well for the greater cause it is justified that we do it. Because the end that is so epically important can justify the means even though we know the means are wrong.” This is the mind talking. And when you are at that level of the mind, you can, as we have said, justify anything. You can reason for or against anything. You can come up with all the subtle serpentine logic that seemingly validates why the end must justify the means. 

But when you have heart, you just look at this and you know in your heart this is not reality. This is a mind game. Jesus has often talked about him challenging the scribes and Pharisees. But there is not so much awareness in Buddhism that I also challenged the Brahmins of the Hindu religion and that they challenged me. Now they never got into the extreme measure of crucifying me but it was partly because I challenged them not in as direct a manner as Jesus did. But they did feel very provoked by me and the teachings I brought forth. Because what did I say 2,500 years ago that was exactly the same that Jesus said? I essentially said with different words: “The kingdom of God is within you.” And I said: “You don’t need an outer religion and an outer priesthood to get to the kingdom that is where? Oh yes, within you. If the kingdom is within you, why would you have to go through anything outside yourself? Any institution or priest in order to get to that kingdom that is within you.” That is what I said. I said everything is the Buddha Nature. Meaning you do not need the priesthood of the Hindu religion to get to the kingdom. And that always provokes the fallen beings. They have done everything they can to obscure this one truth—that you have access to the Christ mind, the One mind, the Buddha Nature within yourself. 

This is the truth preached by all valid religions or spiritual teachers. It is the truth that has been denied by all of the religions, philosophies, ideologies created by the fallen beings. I know that Buddhism is not a dominant factor in the United States. But as Jesus said, certainly Christianity is. And what is the purpose of official Christianity starting with the Catholic Church? It is to deny that one truth, that you have access to the kingdom of God within you and that the only way to get to the kingdom is to change your psyche, to transcend your sense of self. 

Shifting the equation in America

Many, many people in America have actually already acknowledged this, but many more are on the brink of acknowledging it and will come to acknowledge this as a result of the impulses we have sent out during this conference. Once you acknowledge that you can go within your own heart and gain a frame of reference that allows you to evaluate any idea and sense, experience whether it is real or unreal, then you can shift the equation. Not only for yourself but for others. When a critical mass of people do this, you can shift an entire nation. Even a large one like America. This is precisely what is happening right now. This conference is shifting the equation in America.

I am not saying this at all to give you a sense of pride, to inflate your egos. But it is definitely valid to acknowledge that even a few people coming together in oneness with each other and in oneness with the ascended masters can influence an entire nation. I am not thereby saying that all problems will be solved by this one conference. But I am saying, as Godfre said, there is a certain configuration of the energetic matrices that are clicked into place. This conference is shifting the equation to a higher level than before. Whether this leads to a decisive shift in the political debate is up to people’s free will. You cannot feel defeated if it does not happen. You need to be content that you have shifted the equation. This will, as I have said before, turn the rudder of a ship a critical degree. Maybe in the long run it will seem like the ship has not really changed course. But you know that a very slight change of the rudder, as the ship moves forward, it leads to a greater change in the destination it is headed for.

We want you to realize this, that with God all things are possible. Or rather, with the ascended masters, all things are possible. Not all things are possible in the sense that anything could be changed. We might modify the statement and say: “With the ascended masters, all things that are possible are possible.” Because at any given moment, given the interdependent originations, certain things are possible. There is a low potential and a high potential of any situation. At any given moment, in any situation, those who will reach out for the ascended masters can shift the situation to the highest potential. That is what we would like all ascended master students to accept and of course many more people who do not necessarily hear about ascended masters, but who are still able to tune in to something inside themselves. You do not need to consciously know about ascended masters to tune in to us. Many people have never heard about ascended masters or ascended master teachings, but are still able to tune in and receive some kind of impulse.

Why has the world progressed the way it has? Because over these past several thousand years, there have been people here and there and everywhere who have been able to tune in to the ascended masters and receive some kind of idea, some kind of impulse. They have implemented it and the equation has shifted a little bit. And this is of course what needs to continue to bring about the golden age. I know very well that there was a previous ascended master dispensation where many students believed that their organization was the one who was going to bring the Golden Age of Saint Germain and that there would come a point where they would get the credit for being the forerunners of this. They would be as famous as Jesus’ disciples and seen as the ones who first recognized the reality of the ascended masters. This is of course not what we are looking for and I know that this is not what you are looking for or you would not be in this dispensation because we do not cater to this feeling, this need to feel special. You are special, but not in the way the ego conceives of it.

Giving up the last ghost of self-focus

I know that all of you sense this. All of you have some awareness of it. You can shift into realizing this and realize this profound truth that is not about me in terms of the outer self. This is the way to overcome this focus on self that we have talked about now several times. I wish to make a certain contribution to help at least some people do this. I want you to envision in your mind that here is this person, he is very much like yourself. Even if you are in a female body, you do not need to feel excluded certainly. Here is this person sitting under a tree. He has walked the spiritual path for some time. He has been very, very focused on himself, on raising his own consciousness. He has even taken some extreme measures. He left a comfortable palace. He left his wife and child. He abandoned everything in the world to go out and live as an ascetic in the forest. But he did this because he was focused on himself, raising himself up, raising his consciousness. He had a sense that this was important. He had a sense that he had some mission, that he was on his way to something, so he ignored everything else in his life and focused on this. Here he is, sitting under this bodhi tree. He has made progress on the path, but he is not quite ready to go into Nirvana, so he has to go through this experience that here are the demons of Mara parading before him, attempting to tempt him, force him, beguile him, fool him into reacting to them. And he is sitting there observing. 

You do understand this is a metaphor correctly, right? You do understand that this situation did not literally happen like this. You do understand that the demons of Mara parading before me is simply a symbol for what you are experiencing in your life. You could look at your life as everything that is happening is the demons of Mara parading before you. What is their goal? Well, this is what I realized when I sat there. I observed them and I observed myself, how I was tempted, really tempted to react to them. I know the Buddhists want to think that, oh, I was so advanced that the demons of Mara could not tempt me. But I had a moment, actually many moments, a period of time where I felt the pull and I could not quite overcome it. I did not react to it. I did not go into a reaction, but I felt the pull. And I knew that as long as I felt the pull, I could not go into Nirvana. What I finally realized is that it was not these outer manifestations that they paraded before me that created the pull. It was not any particular aspect of my psychology, like you could say I had a particular trauma that was not resolved, and this is what created the pull, or, I had a particular belief that created the pull. 

And I realized that what it was, what was left, the one thing that was left was the focus on self. I had walked this path, and I realized that this sense of the “I”that had walked the path, could not take me into Nirvana. It was the last ghost. I was not nailed to the tree—I was just sitting under it. But it was like Jesus hanging on the cross, realizing that he still had the focus on self. That he was so important that God would somehow save him from dying on the cross. And I saw also that the very self that had driven me to walk the path, was the self that could not take me further. In a sense, the self that I had used to walk the path could not take me beyond the path. And as I saw it, in seeing it, I was outside of it. The Conscious You stepped outside of that self that I hithertofore had seen everything through. That colored my entire path. And as I experienced myself as being outside of it, it was not that I consciously decided to let it go—I just felt this spontaneous release. I released it. I let it go. I gave up that last ghost. And then, I was ready to go into Nirvana. 

You can discuss, did I ascend at that point and come back? But I would rather present it this way. That at that point, I had qualified for my ascension. But instead of ascending, which would have entailed leaving the physical body behind, I decided to continue living in the same physical body and teach. But at that point, I was free from earth. Which really means, I was free from the focus on self. And therefore, I could come back and teach without the focus on self. 

The self that wants drama 

And why am I telling you this? Well, because you have the potential to also overcome your focus on self while you are still in embodiment. You see my beloved, there is an inherent danger in what we are doing. By telling the story of how I overcame, and how Jesus overcame, and how other ascended masters had these important embodiments before they ascended, the danger is that you think that earning your ascension must entail some dramatic circumstance. But as we have said, if you want drama, all the dark forces will give you all the drama you can want. But you see, as long as you have the sense that winning your victory entails some kind of drama, how can you give up the focus on self? For, it is only that separate self that focuses on you as a separate self, that wants the drama. Because it wants to seem important. And this ties in with all we have said about avatars. You come as an avatar to this planet and there is something that motivates us to come here. I am not only saying you but including myself. And we feel that it must be fulfilled before we can leave. We must have that sense that we made a difference. But this is also a focus on self. We think therefore that: “Ah, if there is something dramatic, then we have fulfilled. Then it was justified to come here.” 

This is the danger—putting ourselves up this way, especially when people who do not really understand the meaning behind it create this idolatry around us. If you look at what idolatry Buddhists have created around the Buddha, you will be astonished. You see that the danger is that the example can become the exception, can become the idol. But you have freed yourself from this idolatry. You realize that you have the potential to ascend. But some of you have not quite reached that level of awareness where you can see that, there is a certain self that is so focused on itself that it feels like it should be as important as Jesus or Gautama or other ascended masters. In other words, you feel that if this is your last embodiment, you should do something important in this embodiment. You should have some important role. Some of you even look at this messenger and say: “Oh, but look at all Kim has accomplished, all of the books, all of the websites. Surely, he has done something important.” And he used to look at himself that way as well and feel that: “Well, at least I have accomplished something on this planet.” But he saw there was a self that felt: “But is it enough? What if I published another 80 books and created another ten websites and another 500 YouTube videos?” When is it ever enough?

What I am saying here is this: this self that causes you, the Conscious You, to be focused on self, it wants to not make an entrance, it wants to make an exit, some dramatic exit, to leave some kind of legacy. And the messenger had this self, until not so long ago, when he finally, without sitting under a tree or being nailed to a cross, saw it. And you all have the potential to do the same. Now, take note. Of course it is important what the messenger has done. Of course, some of you have a Divine plan that needs you to do something that society or other people would see as important. But there is a very subtle discernment to be made. Because, if you still have that self that feels the need to be seen as important, that self will prevent you from ascending. And it will also often prevent you from actually fulfilling the higher potential of your Divine plan. Because you are trying to force it. You want it to happen so badly. 

I am not asking you to go into a mindset where you think there is nothing important you have to do. You may or you may not. I am asking you to switch your perspective and realize that in the end, when it is your time to ascend, you do not do it by some dramatic circumstance. You do it by just letting go, letting it all go, walking away. And you do not need drama. In fact, the more drama, the harder it is to walk away. 

Again, be careful here. Do not let the outer mind take you to these extremes. Be open to the potential that you have something important to do. But be non-attached to it. Contemplate the difference between doing this from this focus on self, where you are trying to reach some dramatic goal, and doing it from a state of freedom, where you can let it flow from your I AM Presence and the ascended masters. You are just letting it flow without this focus on self, the intent that the self should feel validated and justified and elevated and important. And this or that or the next thing. That is freedom. That is what I experienced as I taught for those years until the physical body was left behind. And I desire all of you to come to that point where you have overcome that focus on self. And then you can live the rest of your life with this freedom. And you may see your service unfold and you do something important, but the self is not there to want it, and want more. Because of course, that self, it will never be enough. This is, in a sense, the problem of the fallen beings, you could say. That they have such a focus on self that they feel they want to achieve something ultimate. But as the Presence of Love said, nothing will ever be ultimate. And there are beings who have fallen and who have continued in the fallen consciousness for eons because they still have that dream of reaching some ultimate state for this separate self. And it is all that is keeping them in the fallen consciousness. And letting go of that focus on self is the ultimate freedom.

And how do you do it? Well, very carefully, gradually. You see what the mind does when I say this: how do you do it? How do you overcome the focus on self? Do you see in your own minds what is coming up? Oh, there must be some ultimate way to do it, some ultimate experience, some drama. But the way to overcome the focus on self is not drama, it is anti-drama. What was it that happened under the tree there when I was sitting there? There was no drama that unfolded. I came to see that the self wanted drama and that this was what was keeping me from Nirvana. And when I saw the drama, I let go of the drama, the need to have any kind of drama. Oh yes, Buddhists look back at this and glorify it and idolize it. But at the moment I gave up the self, there was no drama. Because, if I had had a drama, I could not have given up the self. Because it is only the self that wants the drama. I separated the Conscious You from the self that wanted drama. And I just gave it up without any drama. With Jesus, it may be a little harder to see because he was nailed to the cross. And there were people around him crying and wanting him not to leave. That is why, in a sense, it was harder for him to give up the damn ghost, as we might say. And it took him all this agony. But, as Mother Mary said, he did have a flair for the dramatic. 

But I was just sitting there under the tree, and I just let it go, without any drama. This messenger came to the same point, of realizing there was no drama there. That is why he cannot even point to a single event that caused it. Because there was no drama, it just happens. But it happens of course as a result of the process where you are willing to look at yourself and look for that beam, that self in your own eye. And then it just happens. It actually happens when you have come to see that need for drama. And you see how silly, unreal it is. And you let go of that need for drama. 

Look at the self-improvement industry, as we might call it. Of all of these teachers out there, that talk about instant enlightenment, instant awakening, higher states of consciousness, ego freedom. They are caught in the mechanics of the marketplace. What do you see when you open your TV, at least here in America, where everything is driven by commercials? There are companies that advertise. Why? To tell how their products are so better than anybody else’s. Here you are, you want to set yourself up as a guru in the modern age. You have to have something that nobody else has. You have to be special, so you want to create a drama. Awakening is some dramatic event. Enlightenment is the ultimate drama. The ascension is the ultimate drama, as many students in the Summit Lighthouse believed. And they looked forward to this dramatic event, even someone having their physical ascension. And some students envisioned that they would ascend physically, and thousands of people would be standing around saying, ooh, aah. But if you have the desire for the ooh and aah, how are you going to leave? Because nobody in the ascended realm is going to be particularly impressed by you ascending. There will be ascended masters greeting you when you ascend, but we are not going to stand there saying, ooh, aah.

Consider this. This is what I wanted to get out here. Your freedom, your ascension, your freedom to be who you are while you are in embodiment, does not entail any kind of drama. It entails no drama. In a sense, you could say anti-drama, but even that is a little bit easy for the ego to start doing. The ego can turn everything around. This is what this messenger realized that he is different from many gurus in the sense that he does not make the claim to be special. And there was this little voice that said: “Oh, but you are so special because you do not claim to be special.” And he said: “I don’t need to believe that.” 

Consider this. Be drama free, not ego free. Stop thinking about ego free. Make the ego obsolete by being drama free. Because all dramas come from the ego. 

As much as I would like to continue this interaction with you, which is enjoyable for me as an ascended being, perhaps a slightly different form of enjoyment than what you can have when you are un-ascended, but nevertheless it is enjoyable for me. But I will bend to the constraints of time and space. Even though for me time is not, I know that for you time is. I would once again say, take a moment. Can we not rejoice in each other’s Presence? Can we not feel fulfilled in having reached this point, this point of oneness? With this, I greet you. I greet the Buddha Nature within you. Gautama Buddha I AM. And I leave you without any drama. 


Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels

Give up the ghost of pessimism and realize America’s higher potential

Listen to a recording of this dictation (subscribers only)

Ascended Master Godfre through Kim Michaels, August 4, 2024. This dictation was given at a Healing Retreat in Chicago: Heal your heart and the heart of America.

I AM the Ascended Master Godfre. I take this rare opportunity to speak here on American soil, as you well know as ascended master students that I was embodied as George Washington, therefore considered one of the founding fathers of America. And I wish to give you a certain perspective on how I look at America today and what it means from my perspective, what is going on in the current presidential debate.

The vision of America as a physical reality

What was it that was unique about my embodiment as George Washington? I know I have said this before, but it bears saying again. The uniqueness was that after I had been president for some time, I was actually offered that I could be president for life. But I declined because I refused to be like King George of England. Because of what? Because I had the vision that America was meant to be different from the monarchies of Europe and other parts of the world. It was meant to be a government of the people, by the people, for the people, even though Lincoln had not uttered those famous words at my time, but they were certainly there in the etheric and some of us who were the founding fathers were quite able to tune in to Saint Germain and receive ideas from him.

Now why did I have this awareness? Well, it actually started in that desperate situation in Valley Forge where I thought the Revolutionary War was lost. And I went into my tent and went into a state of what has often been called prayer, but it was really communion. Communion with what I saw as a higher force, a higher being that I had had some sense of connection to throughout my life. I felt the despair of the outer situation and I reached out to get some kind of comfort, some kind of vision: Was everything really lost? And I was given the vision that America was an inevitable step in the unfoldment of humankind and this planet. I was literally given the vision that regardless of the outer situation, America was meant to be a reality.

And again, this does not mean that certain things are inevitable, that they inevitably must happen, but it means that the image, the matrix for America was lowered into the identity realm, even though I did not have those concepts at the time, but there it was lowered into the mental, into the emotional and it was ready to break through into the physical. And literally, the manifestation of America as a physical reality depended on one person, namely me. It did not mean that I was the only one who could make it a reality, naturally all of the soldiers were also part of it. But it did mean that if I had given up at that moment where I sat there on my knees, then America would not become a physical reality at that time. But I also saw that it would become a reality later, even if I gave up. And when I saw this, I had this complete shift of consciousness, an epiphany, a revelation if you will, and suddenly instead of giving up, I gave up the ghost of my sense of despair, the sense of what was possible and impossible. And I experienced the reality that there are certain situations in human affairs where with God all things are possible. It does not mean literally all things, but it means that the things that you think from a human perspective are impossible, they are actually possible with God.

Giving up the ghost of despair and pessimism

Now, this does not mean, and it is important for you to contemplate this, that you should take this to an unbalanced extreme as the linear mind will always do. And I say this means that at any time everything should be possible with God. But that is not so, because there are the interdependent originations. There are certain situations that must evolve to a certain point before a shift can happen. The American nation could not have been manifest 10 or 20 years earlier. There was a certain configuration of energy, energetic matrices that had to gradually come into place. But they had, this is what I saw in the valley there, in the dark tent, in the darkness of winter—they had clicked into place. And I saw that I on my own self could not make this happen, but if I opened myself up to the acceptance that with God this was possible, then it could be manifest. It was not all or nothing, America would have happened anyway, but it would have taken time. And time is sometimes of the essence. I realized, as Shakespeare expressed it: “There is a tide in the affairs of men which taken at the flood leads on to fortune.” And I took that tide as I had done before in my life. I grabbed it, I arose, I gave up the ghost of my despair, and I walked out to my men and they could see I had changed. They could see the fire burning in my eyes, and that fire spread to their eyes. And suddenly the entire equation had changed.

But I am not talking about today having Americans be ready to fight for the future of America. I am not talking about those who are ready to take up arms. Who are you going to fight today with guns? The British? They have got enough problems of their own. Are you going to fight your own brothers? Imagine during the Revolutionary War that instead of fighting the British, we had started fighting each other. And the British could have just stepped back, rolled their thumbs, and waited for us to destroy ourselves. Is this the highest vision you have for America? Then I can tell you, you are way behind the times. There is a much higher vision for America. And you may think that this is a divided situation. Some even think it is desperate. Some think it is lost. America is lost. But America is not lost. It is just on the brink of a new beginning. But some, many, have not seen it.

What needs to happen is that a critical mass of people, and that is why I am speaking this into the collective consciousness, to shake them up, they need to get down on their knees and they need to be willing to look at the ghost in their own consciousness of how they look at America and how they look at the situation and how they despair because they do not see a way out. And then they need to give up that ghost and see that with God all things are possible.

Transcendence is always possible

There is also a certain configuration of energetic matrices that have gradually clicked into place and America has the potential to transcend. It is not a given. Certainly, America can go into a temporary detour of conflict and division, of fighting and infighting. But there is a real potential that America can transcend the current division and come out stronger. This is the last thing the dark forces want to see. This is the last thing that the embodied power elite wants to see. This is the last thing that certain external forces such as Putin and Xi in China want to see or the ones in the Arab nations who hate America as the great Satan. Many people in embodiment do not want to see it. Many forces outside of embodiment do not want to see it. They are sitting back, rolling their thumbs, thinking: “Yes, America is in decline.”

But is it in decline? That is up to this critical mass of people, yourselves among them. You can of course help bring about this shift by shifting your own consciousness. Have you been concerned? Have you been pessimistic? Ah, then give up the ghost and realize the potential. See the vision. I am not asking you to grasp some far- flung vision of what America will become in the future, but just grasp the vision that America can transcend the current situation. That there are enough people who really at inner levels have had enough of all the infighting, the animosity, the accusations, the mudslinging. They are ready for a new political reality, a new approach to politics in America, a new way of relating to each other. Is it really about proving other people wrong or is it about doing what is right for the American people and for the country? Where are you at? Are you pessimists who think you are realists or are you the real realists and therefore, acknowledge that with God all things are possible? At least with God it is possible to transcend the current quagmire, the current enigma, the seemingly impossible situation.

What did I face in that tent? A seemingly impossible situation. Why did it seem impossible? Because of the ghost in my mind, so I could not see beyond it. I had fixated my mind on what I thought was a realistic evaluation of the situation and because I fixated on this I could not see beyond my own nose and my own sense of self-importance blended with self-pity that I could not manifest this great result that I had hoped for with the outer mind. But when I gave up this outer mind, this outer desire to be the famous savior, I could see that I myself can do nothing but with God all things are possible, at least it was possible to manifest what could be manifest at the time. And it is the same now and it is essentially the same in every situation no matter what it is. Transcendence is always possible. There is no situation where transcendence is not possible. There are situations where a specific level of transcendence, a specific vision is not possible but transcendence is always possible.

Surely most Americans if they were to hear or read this, would ridicule it, ridicule the idea that George Washington is now an ascended master and refused to even consider these words or take them seriously. Obviously, they have not gone into the rotunda of the Capitol building and looked up on the assumption of George Washington that pompous picture but nevertheless there is a reality behind it. George Washington was not actually assumed into heaven but the lifestream that I am later, did qualify for my ascension after that last embodiment as Guy Ballard.

I am not expecting people to accept this. I do not care if they accept it with their outer minds. My point is to simply use your chakras to send this impulse into the collective consciousness to awaken those who can be awakened. That regardless of how the situation seems, transcendence is always possible. And that is how America was founded. That is how America became a reality because I was willing to transcend myself and those under my command were willing to transcend themselves. And if a critical mass of Americans today are willing to transcend themselves, then America will go up instead of going into some detour.

Is there a God-Made Savior for America?

Just look at the political scenario. Who thinks he is the king who should be president for life? Who thinks he is the savior? And ask yourself a simple question. You have those who believe that this person is sent by God, made by God to save America. Does this person really see it this way or does he just use whatever people believe about him to promote himself? Does he actually believe that God made him to save America? Has he even fathomed the difference between being the savior or being the open door for the power of God? Has he even fathomed that with God all things are possible? But only when you are with God because you have given up the self that is not God. For if you are to be any kind of savior it is not the outer self that is going to be the savior. Only if you give up the outer self, you humble yourself, you go on your knees, you give up that ghost. Has he given up his own self-created ghost, his brand that he has promoted his whole life? Has he given it up? If the answer is no, then this cannot be the savior of America. This cannot bring about one nation under God but it will only bring division and more division. And someone who does not care about the division created as long as he glorifies his own ego is not with God. And therefore, all things are not possible, transcendence of America is not possible and it will go into a decline, a blind alley that will last for some time but not forever because America will transcend itself into the golden age.

Transcending elitism and division

Again, I know you all see it this way or you would not be here, you would have gone away claiming: “This messenger is a false messenger because he does not agree with my political views” but I am speaking it into the collective consciousness. For there are those who are ready to pick up on this, there are people who are right now receiving this thought form of George Washington kneeling in the valley opening himself up to a higher vision and they see that they themselves can open themselves up to a higher vision by giving up the ghost of the pessimism, the sense of inevitability. Nothing is inevitable. Certain things are likely to happen because these energetic matrixes have clicked into place but as I said, had I not given up the ghost, America would not have been manifest at that time. Nothing is inevitable, there is always transcendence.

And what do we of the ascended masters want to see? Do we even have a fixed vision of what America should become? Yeah, somewhat out in the future but for now we are really focused on America being far from the golden age and therefore, what we envision is that America will transcend itself and continue to do so until we can say: “Yes, America is now a golden age society.” Which it is not right now by any means. Why? Because of the division.

What is the golden age of America? One nation under God, indivisible, with freedom and justice for all. Well, is America one nation right now? Is it indivisible or is it divided? Does it have freedom and justice for all? Or only justice for some, those who can pay for it, those who can buy it, those who can buy political influence to their lobbying groups and this and that. Is it justice for all that you have a power elite and control 98% of the wealth of this nation?

There were some among the founding fathers who thought that these gentlemen farmers should be allowed to live their lives on these estates and have slaves do all the work and they should just sit around discussing philosophy and smoking cigars. I enjoyed discussing philosophy and smoking cigars as George Washington, I freely admit it. I thought I was going to be one of these gentleman farmers and I was for the rest of my life. I thought this was a perfectly just system, but looking back of course it was not. I was in somewhat of an elitist mindset, not as much as the financial elites that you see today, but I was in an elitist mindset and I did not ascend by remaining in that elitist mindset but by giving up the ghost.

There are still many Americans who believe that it is necessary to have an elite of these rich people because they drive the economy. Yes, they are driving the economy into the ground. If that is where you want it, well, keep going. But if it is not where you want it, then you have to find a way to address this ghost of the unequal distribution of wealth. Other nations have done it, not perfectly, but they have at least dealt with the problem. America has not even started, even though there are talks here and there.

This must be addressed. We must get the elite out of their privileged positions so that the wealth can be distributed to the people who are producing the wealth. This is justice for all. The privileges of the elite are not just. Even if you think in terms of capitalism and a free enterprise, still this is not just because capitalism is an elitist system, free enterprise is not an elitist system because it is not a system, it is free. But it is up to a democratically elected government to keep the economy free so that the people cannot be exploited by an elite. And the American government has not fulfilled that responsibility. And again, there are people who are already seeing this or who are close to seeing it and this can spread like rings in the water where it becomes clear to a critical mass of people that this must become one of the central points in the presidential debate because the self-proclaimed billionaire is not going to address it. This is an opportunity for those who are neither self-proclaimed nor billionaires to address the issue.

With this I have given you what is my portion of this event which I must say that we ascended masters who are working with America have thoroughly enjoyed. We have enjoyed that you have come together, not only come together physically but come together in this oneness of hearts that we see in the way you are talking to each other, in the even raising of the energy level that you have achieved through this conference. Look at your conversations and how they are at a very high level, joyful, free flowing and rejoice in this! Rejoice in you here below and we above and that you are coming closer to as above so below.

With this I seal you in the flame that I AM. For I am God-free, I am free and in God and I want you to be the same.


Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels

The Flow of Love: Constant Self-Transcendence

Listen to a recording of this dictation (subscribers only)

Ascended Master Presence of Love through Kim Michaels, August 4, 2024. This dictation was given at a Healing Retreat in Chicago: Heal your heart and the heart of America.


“Oh Presence of Love from higher sphere, manifest your Presence here”—and so here I AM.  What is love? It is a flow. What is life? It is a flow. What is life based on? Love. Where does life come from? Love. Is there anything that is not life? Nay, for even though it may seem on a planet like earth, as if there is something that is not life, like Jesus just said, those who are spiritually dead. Well, the irony of the whole thing is that you can only be spiritually dead because there is life. If you did not have life, how could you choose death? Therefore, you can never be really dead. You can only be in a state of illusion.

The purpose of the earth

You know that the earth is a round ball that is spinning. Many people still have not thought deeply about this. They look up into the sky and they see the sun is moving from East to West, but they do not actually think that this is because the earth is spinning from West to East. Where you are sitting right now, the earth is moving and you are moving with the earth at great speed from West to East. This entire hotel is moving towards the downtown area of Chicago, but it will never catch up because Chicago is moving with it.

We have given you these teachings about fallen beings, who are rebelling against what? Really, against life. And what are they doing? Well, imagine that you go to the city of Chicago and you take the Sears tower. Now, you wrap a large number of ropes around the base of the tower and you distribute them in a westward direction from the tower in the streets. And now, you line up all the people of Chicago and they grab these ropes and they start pulling in a westerly direction, thinking that by pulling West they can slow down the movement of the earth. Just think about it. Yes, they are exerting great effort. They are pulling and pulling, but the point they are pulling on is moving with the earth. They may think they are going in the opposite direction or at least they are pulling in the opposite direction, but the earth under them is moving and they are being moved along with it. Well, the fallen beings are like these people pulling on the ropes thinking they can slow down the rotation of the earth by pulling.

You see, do they have free will? Yes, they have free will. Why? Because in their minds they create the experience that they are pulling against the movement of the earth. That they are going against life. That they are going against creation. In reality life is life. Love is a flow. All beings in this unascended sphere are moving with the flow of love. There are those who think they are going against it. But they are like the people pulling on the rope, thinking they can slow down the rotation of the earth while being on the surface of the earth. Does it not seem like they do not actually have free will? Nay. Well, it may seem like it, but they do have free will. Why? Because the only purpose for this world of form is to give self-aware beings an experience. You can have the experience of flowing with love or of going against love, but either way it is an experience.

Now, you can say of course, does that mean, as some say, that the world is not real, it is created in the mind? Well, the world is created in the mind, but it is not created in your minds. It is created in the minds of the ascended masters who manifested this unascended sphere and this planet earth. Does that mean it is not real? Well, it depends on your vantage point. From your vantage point as being in the unascended sphere, it is real in the sense that the planet is there and your minds do not have the power to change it. At least, only within certain parameters can a collective mind change the planet. But the collective mind, even if all people decided to get together and try to slow down the rotation of the earth, they do not have the power of minds to do it. But you see the purpose of the earth is to give the beings living upon it an experience, to provide an environment in which you can have experiences. That is the purpose of the entire world of form.

Nothing is ultimate

From the perspective of an ascended master who created the earth, is the earth real? Yes, it is real. Because it is created out of their minds and they are ascended beings. And therefore, they are real compared to beings in the unascended sphere. Now, there are beings in embodiment, people in embodiment who would object to this and say: “But there must be something that is ultimately real.” You look at religions, the Vedas, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, philosophies, ideologies, scientific materialism. Whatever ideas human beings have come up with, they have had a desire to define the ultimate idea. Something that shows what is real, the ultimate reality. And these people will say, fallen beings will say: “Well, if it’s only defined by the minds of the ascended masters, then it isn’t ultimately real.”

Some fallen beings long time ago put themselves up in positions as the Rishis of the Vedic tradition and they defined this saying: “Only Brahman is real. And the world of differentiation is unreal.” And many still believe this. And many religious people think that the world is bad or evil and they need to forsake the world and get away from the world. Is there an ultimate reality anywhere? The answer is no, not as conceived by the fallen mind of something that is ultimate and never changes. We have given you a much more explanatory cosmology than has been given before by telling you about the different spheres, by telling you that you are in one world of form, but there are other worlds of form.

There is even something beyond the level where there are worlds of form, what we have called the Allness. And in the Allness are Presences. I am one such Presence, but I am not speaking to you directly from the Allness. Because in order to speak, I am blending my being with an ascended master in a higher sphere who has reached a certain level of consciousness and a certain level of Oneness with Love. I am speaking through that being, stepping down the vibration of the Allness so that it can be expressed in this world of form. But is the Allness then the ultimate reality? Not if you think that ultimate reality means something that could never change, something that is perfect.

There is nothing that is unchanging, neither in these worlds of form nor in the Allness. Now, as we have explained, in the Allness there is not the same kind of change that you have in a world of form. But there is still change, because a world of form is out of the Allness. And the Presences in the Allness can experience a world of form. And this then gives growth. This is a very complex relationship that I am not intending to explain, because it is too difficult on a planet like earth to even fathom this. But my point really is nothing is unchanging. And therefore, by the definition of many beings on earth nothing is ultimate. There is no ultimate reality.

The flow of love

The difference between an ascended master and an unascended being is that the masters who have created the earth know, experience, that the earth has reality. It is real, it is not created in the minds of the inhabitants of the earth, it is created in their minds, but they also are not identified with their own creation. And therefore, they know it is not ultimate, it is not never changing. It is in fact meant to change because love, life is constant self-transcendence. You can have the experience of flowing with love, where you experience transcending yourself. Or you can have the experience of going against the flow, seeking to avoid transcending yourself. There is a flow of love that is real. The question is, are you, at least in an unascended sphere, experiencing that flow?

We now come to the question that has baffled philosophers. What is consciousness? What is the mind? Go within. We have told you about the Conscious You, pure awareness. You can have an experience of awareness without content. But what is that You? What is consciousness? Consciousness is that which can become aware of its own existence. And in becoming aware of its own existence, it can transcend itself. Consciousness can become aware of itself as a particular self in this world of form. And by becoming aware of its current sense of self, it can transcend that sense of self and become more. And this is flowing with love. Consciousness is really that which makes it possible to have experiences. Many other things could be said, but the point I want to make is this, consciousness is what has experiences.

What is the purpose of an individual self having experiences? It is that by processing those experiences, it can transcend itself. You start out with this very localized sense of self and you can keep transcending yourself until you ascend from the unascended sphere in which you were created. And you can work your way up through these various spheres that make up your world of form till you reach the Creator Consciousness. And in the Creator Consciousness you can choose to go into the Allness and experience what is possible in the Allness. And most Creators do this for a time. Even though there is no time in the Allness, as you conceive of time, as you experience time. And then, you can become a Creator who creates your own world of form. Again, transcending your sense of self.

The belief in something ultimate

And as we have said, the unconditional can always become more. Why? Well, what did I just say? There is no ultimate unchanging reality. And if you want to really baffle your linear mind, you can contemplate this: Where did the Allness come from? When did it start? How did it start? Where is it going? Isn’t there an ultimate goal? Isn’t there going to come a point where there is no more self-transcendence? Well, all I can say is, so far self-transcendence has not stopped, but I can actually say that it never will. There is no never, there was no beginning to consciousness. There was a beginning to your consciousness, but there will be no ending to your consciousness.

Why am I giving this esoteric abstract teaching when other masters have given you more practical teachings about clearing the heart? Well, because what have people done on earth? As I said, the fallen beings have attempted to create something ultimate. Why is that? Because they have rebelled against constant self-transcendence, wanting to stop their sense of self at a certain stage where they felt they had great power and control. For example, they were the almighty leaders on a certain planet. You can, as a result of free will, go into this state of mind where you decide that you want to try and stop, or at least you want to experience that self-transcendence has stopped. And you are allowed to have that for a time.

But how can you have that experience when the reality is that everything is moving? How can you have the experience that you are moving against the revolving of the earth? You can only have it in the mind, when you create an illusion on top of the reality projected from the ascended level. And this is perfectly fine. You are allowed to have that experience. But in order to have that experience you must create some kind of belief system that has something that is ultimate. Look at these religions—god almighty, the almighty, all-powerful, all-knowing god up there in the sky, who actually by some cosmic coincidence seems to look like an old man with a beard. Yeah? Show me an old man with a beard who is almighty. Maybe then we can talk. But you see you must create this sense that there is something ultimate in order to stop the experience of self-transcendence.

What is it that closes the heart? Well, part of it, of course, beyond what has been said by other masters, is this belief in something ultimate. Because as Jesus said when the heart is open, you experience the One mind. And in a horizontal way the Christ mind is the connecting link between all people. But in a vertical way the One mind is the link between every self-aware being in this world of form and the whole, the Creator. And the whole is constantly transcending itself. And therefore, the Christ mind is meant to give you the experience that you are part of the whole, part of the flow. When you open your heart to the Christ mind you experience that flow. How can you shut the heart so you do not experience the flow, but think you are in some static situation that can be prolonged over time? Well, only by creating the belief in something ultimate, something absolute, the absolute truth.

This is an extremely subtle and powerful belief on earth promoted by so many religions, philosophies, thought systems, ideologies and even the so-called scientific materialism. But science in its pure form is a flow, constantly looking to expand the knowledge. And mysticism and spirituality in its pure form is a flow, constantly seeking to transcend the self. When you have taken this belief in something ultimate and taken it into your heart chakra, it forms a very powerful lock that closes the valves in the heart chakra. There comes a point on your upward path towards freedom, inner freedom, where you need to step back and look at your life, look at your mind and consider: “What beliefs do I have in something ultimate? What ideas have I taken in in this lifetime or in past lifetimes of something ultimate?”

The progressive revelation

This messenger many years ago started reading between the lines of the ascended master teachings of a previous dispensation. He started sensing that the masters were actually saying, between the lines—mind you—that even their teachings were not the ultimate truth. This is logical when you think of progressive revelation. How does revelation progress? Well, you give a teaching that helps people raise their consciousness and now they can receive a higher teaching. If the teaching given was some ultimate absolute teaching, how could there be progression? And he started sensing this and he struggled with it for years because he had this belief in his mind: “But there must be something that is true. There must be something I can grasp and rely on.” And what he was really sensing was his ego seeking to grasp onto something unchanging, so that it did not have to transcend itself.

And this is, of course, very understandable because you have this insecurity. When you do not have the fully open heart and you are not connected to the One mind, you are seeking some kind of security in this world. You want to believe that there is something that you can rely on, something that cannot be suddenly ripped away from you. But what he eventually came to realize was that the ascended masters are in a fundamentally higher state of consciousness than he was and is. They see a higher truth, but they cannot give that to people in the unascended state, because you cannot fathom it from the unascended state. He started gradually accepting that even the teachings of the ascended masters are not an absolute truth, because they are adapted to people’s levels of consciousness.

He also started sensing that his ability to grasp the teachings depended on his current level of consciousness. And that as he raised his consciousness, he would be able to see something in the teachings that he could not see now. But still he even started sensing that there was a limit to how high he could go through the outer teaching. Because there comes that point where you can only go higher by not being fixated on the teaching, but by using the teaching to make contact with the being who gave the teaching.

The map of your consciousness

Even though you may think I am this esoteric being who, of course, cannot take embodiment on a planet like earth—and even you may think that as such I cannot really give you any practical tools—I will still give you a practical tool.

When you have time, not during this conference but sometime after, you might read or listen to at least part of this dictation. But then, you take a sheet of paper. It should be letter sized or A4 so there is room. You draw a circle on that paper and your goal is to now draw a map of your consciousness. You go into a quiet room. You may give some chants such as the OM, you may give my decree, you may just listen to this dictation, whatever. You go into a quiet state of mind and then you look at the circle. You close your eyes. You tune in to your consciousness. And your job is now, your task is now to draw smaller circles inside the bigger circle.

You first look at your state of mind and you look at: “What is most important to me? What takes up the most space in my awareness? What is it that fills the most space in my life, in my consciousness, in the way I look at life?” Then, you draw a circle and you write just a short word or description of what that is. Then, you think of something else. What is the next step down? And you draw another circle. And you can keep going, either until you have filled the bigger circle or until you realize that these are the three or four things that take up the most space in your awareness.

And then, you can start looking at what that is. What is it that takes up the most space in your awareness? And then, you look at why does it take up so much space? Why does it seem so important to you? And then, you can consider, you can tune in to the sense that this is important. And you can ask yourself: “Does the sense that this is so important open my heart or close my heart?” And depending on how much psychology you have resolved, how many subconscious selves you have overcome, you will gain a new perspective on your life.

Because many of you, if you can do this neutrally, will be able to see that there are certain outer conditions in this world or often other people—people who are close to you, like parents or children, spouses or whatever—that take up a very large portion of your attention. And you can also tune in and ask yourself: “This particular condition that takes up my attention, does it also give me tension?” And if you see that here is a person that takes up a disproportionately large portion of your attention, this is because that person gives you an inner tension. And when there is tension, this closes your heart.

You can now begin to gain a different perspective on your life, where you can look at this map. And you may not want to start with the biggest circle. You may want to start with one of the smaller ones. But you can identify something that seems like it is manageable and you look at this: Why does this take up so much space? Why does it seem so important to you? Of course, there is a separate self that makes it seem important, but you need to look beyond that and say: “What is the belief I have of why this is important?” You may even ask yourself the question—because what have other masters said? In the end it is a matter of surrender and walking away from the self, because you cannot solve the problem— you might ask yourself, let us say it is another person: “What if I just walked away from that person?” And then, monitor your reaction. There will probably be weeping and gnashing of teeth from these subconscious selves that will project at you all the reasons why you cannot just walk away from that person.

But by looking at this you can expose those selves and you can ask yourself: “What do I love more? My spiritual growth, opening my heart or this situation, this tension?” And you can then realize you do not actually have to walk away from the person, you just have to walk away from the self that makes that person seem so important. And surely some people will say: “Oh, you don’t care about me anymore.” But it is not that you do not care, it is that you care in a way that is not fear-based, that is not driven by a subconscious self, that is not driven by some kind of control game. You can actually, by being free of the tension, come to care in a deeper way. But the point is that when you can look at this neutrally, you can come to expose some of these subconscious selves that are causing your heart to close. Because when a person has too much importance in your mind and it creates this tension and the tension closes your heart.

And you can come to see why you feel you have to close your heart when you are around this person. Maybe to protect yourself, maybe other things. But when you see this, you can really come to a point where you have resolved the self, you have walked away from the self. Does not mean you necessarily have to walk away from the person, although it sometimes will be the outcome. But the real outcome is that you take that circle out of the larger circle of your attention. Or you reduce it in size so it is down there at the bottom of your attention and it does not really pull on you and take up a disproportionate segment of your attention. And then, you can work your way up to one of the bigger circles. And gradually you can work your way up to the point where you have either removed the circles or reduced them in size.

Just to give a practical example, the messenger’s wife has had a difficult relationship with her mother all of her life. In the circle of her attention, the biggest circle was her mother. And it took up a disproportionate amount of space. Because when you are an adult human being who has children and a life of your own, your mother should not be the biggest circle in your attention. By coming to see this, how you may have other people or you may have your own mother or your father or your spouse, that they take up far more attention than they should. Then again, it is not a matter of walking away. It is a matter of walking away from the tension so that it does not pull your attention out of the heart, causing you to close your heart.

The heart: a nexus between the above and below

For the larger circle that represents your attention will have a center and the center of your attention is your heart chakra. And anything, any smaller circles that obscure the heart chakra, prevent you from centering in yourself. And thus, it closes your heart. You want to remove those obstacles. And when you do, when you reduce these smaller circles to their proper size, the center, your heart will be exposed. And now, you can focus your attention on the heart. And you can in a sense realize that the larger circle that I call the circle of your attention really is your heart. Because in a way you can say that the heart represents your self-awareness in the unascended sphere.

The heart, when it is open, encompasses everything, every part of your being in the unascended sphere. It is the open door to what is above, but it is also the open door for your self-expression here below. It is the nexus between the above and below. And when you open the heart, you will experience the flow of love. And you will have fully rejoined that flow and there are no longer elements in your consciousness that pull against the flow. Because what is it that causes, for example, a person to seem so important to you? It is because you have a belief that you cannot transcend this relationship. You cannot change it. You cannot go beyond it. It cannot become better. It is locked in some kind of pattern. And you may feel that out of loyalty to your mother or father or spouse, you cannot change because they are not changing. You cannot just walk away from them in your mind. You are resisting the flow of transcendence, the flow of love. And when you see this and see the belief behind it and decide to let it drop, you are free and you will feel the flow.

This, my beloved, was my contribution to this conference. Naturally, much more could be said, but I aim to give you something that was both esoteric and practical. And I also recognize the limitations of time and space and that there are other masters who want to express something at this conference. Therefore, I shall, with my love, the love that is both unconditional and infinite, yet ever becoming more, seal you and your heart chakras. If you will give me a little attention, perhaps read or listen to parts of this dictation, I will certainly help you gain a greater awareness of what is going on in the circle of your attention. With this, be sealed in the love that I AM.


Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels

The savior of America: The One mind, not the one man! 

Listen to a recording of this dictation (subscribers only)

Ascended Master Jesus Christ through Kim Michaels, August 4, 2024. This dictation was given at a Healing Retreat in Chicago: Heal your heart and the heart of America.

I AM the Ascended Master Jesus Christ. It is Sunday morning in America. All over this country, millions of Christians are getting ready to go to thousands of churches, big and small. Others are getting ready to tune in to the television when the televangelists get on and do their thing. So many people go into these Christian churches, they sit down, they expect to be passive recipients of this pastor who gets up there and says: “In the name of Jesus!” And then he gives a sermon where it is: “Jesus this” and “Jesus that”, as if the name Jesus is a baseball bat he can use to hammer the congregation into submission, because who can object to protest to anything said after the name “Jesus”. Is that how you think I want my name to be used? Do you think I want the teachings I brought out to be used to pacify people? I will let that question hang in the air because I want to shift gears.

Likelihood of a civil war-like scenario

I want you to step back mentally and look at America today. There are those who say Americans have never been more divided. Americans are so polarized, the political debate is so polarized, so toxic. They are talking about a civil war-like scenario. But is it really the case? You cannot even begin to fathom how people actually thought during the civil war or in the years leading up to it. You cannot even begin to fathom it in today’s world. But you can at least look at how different the technology is and how different it is to spread knowledge today. There was no internet, there was no television, there was no radio, there were barely even newspapers. Most people in America before the civil war, they never read newspapers or books, certainly not on a regular basis. Many of them could not even read.

Now, we have given you this model that there are four levels of the material universe, the physical, emotional, mental and identity. At civil war times, most people’s attention was focused at the physical level. They were struggling to survive physically. They were constantly seeing physical threats, thinking they had to defend themselves and that is why they could be manipulated into a physical war against their own countrymen.

What has happened in the intervening time is that because of the spread of knowledge, the proliferation of first books, then radio, television and now the internet, people have shifted the focus of their attention. There are some people still focused at the physical level but far fewer than there were before the civil war. There are more people now focused on the emotional. There are still quite a few people focused on the emotional and they are the ones who are the most angry. But most Americans today are focused at the mental level. There is a much larger number today also that are focused at the identity level than during civil war times. And what does this mean?

Well, the physical is the densest, therefore, the most difficult to change. Therefore, if people are focused at the physical level and they see each other, two groups see each other as physical enemies, it is more likely they will see that the only possible solution to their conflict or the only possible outcome of the conflict is a physical confrontation.

If people are focused at the emotional level, they can also be manipulated into taking physical action, but not as easily because when people are focused at the emotional, they are often focused on fear. They are often driven by fear and this may cause them to be angry and to lash out, but they are more afraid to take physical action than those who are focused at the physical level.

When people are focused at the mental level, they are much less likely to take physical action and therefore, what you see today is that when you look at the debate of what is going on in social media and on the internet in general, even in the press and media, this is all mental. And although it sounds very radical and although it sounds very polarized, there is actually a much greater distance from the mental level to physical action than there was before the civil war. The likelihood that there is going to be a civil war-like scenario where people start taking their guns and start shooting is actually much lower today. There are those, of course, who would like to see it happen and who are trying to whip people up into this lynch mob mentality. But most Americans are at the mental level.

A real potential for shift at the higher levels

What does it mean that you are focused at the mental level? Well, if you are focused at the physical level, you can only see physical actions as the solution. But when you are focused at the mental level, you are much more likely to see mental solutions to the issues and the conflicts. It is a matter of resolving things at the level of ideas rather than going all the way down to the physical. And this may be hard to see when you look at the debate. Many people are so angry and talking about physical actions, but again, there is a long way from a person focusing on the mental level to that person taking physical action. Because again, when you are focused on the mental level, what do you do? You analyze, you compare, you evaluate pros and cons. Oh yeah, going on Facebook and spouting off some hateful stuff against other people, that seems to have very little risk at the mental level.

But actually, going out there and physically confronting people, that has a much greater risk for someone focused at the mental level. They may sound angry, they may sound like they are ready to go out and pull the trigger. But when it comes down to actually physical action, most people will step back and say: “In today’s age, we need to find a different solution.” What you also need to take into account is that the physical level is the densest, therefore, the most difficult to change. Emotions are more easy to change, thoughts are actually much more easy to change, and although it may seem contradictory, the identity level is actually in some ways, the easiest to change. The trouble with the identity level is that most people do not even see their identity, but once you see it, it is much easier to change it.

There is a very real potential that the situation, the equation in America can shift and it can shift at the mental level and the identity level. And it can shift by impulses being sent into the collective consciousness at those levels, which is of course, what we have been doing during this conference. And what you who are here physically, you who are on the webinar, you have been the open doors for projecting this into the collective consciousness.

You will probably all know that you are burdened by the collective consciousness, it is projecting thoughts into your mind, it is pulling on your emotional body, but the beauty of that is that you can pull back. You are also affecting the collective mind. By coming to a conference like this, by giving your calls, by studying the teachings, by raising your consciousness, you are pulling up on the collective. And as other masters have said, there are people out there, who have had enough of the polarized debate, the toxic political climate, the gridlock and who are either have already shifted or they are very close to shifting, into simply demanding a new approach. And it may be difficult to see from your level in physical embodiment, but from our level, it is much more easy to see these energetic currents, energetic interactions and we can see how easily it can shift.

It does not take that many people to form the critical mass where something shifts in the equation and all of a sudden people start saying: “Why are we locked on this track of this toxic rhetoric, these accusations, this putting people down, constantly criticizing, constantly judging? Why are we locked on this track, where it seems like, the more nasty you can be, the better chances you have of getting elected? How did we get on this track and is this really what we want to see continue?” And it does not take that much to shift that equation. You see the situation from the Bible with the angry mob that was ready to stone the woman caught in adultery and I stepped into the scene and asked a simple question or made a simple statement that suddenly shattered the bubble that people were in and they walked away one by one.

Similar things can happen today by these impulses sent into the collective consciousness that some people pick up on and they suddenly see: “What have I been doing? Why are we doing this?” And a few people here and a few people there and gradually it builds that critical mass and now the entire debate shifts and people realize: “I cannot cast my vote based on this toxic debate. I need to look for someone who is willing to take the country forward instead of seeking to take it backwards.”

(In)ability to discern between reality and unreality

What I would like to address also in this discourse is the status of Christianity in America but I want to do it in a larger context. If you again step back from America and look at America as a nation, look at the American people, what you see is that there are many people in society today, who believe in things that are not connected to reality. There is no connection between what many people believe and the reality. It may be the political discourse, it may be conspiracy theories, it may be all kinds of things. Now you may be tempted to say that because there are more conspiracy theories and propaganda and lies being spread today than ever before, there are more people who believe in this than ever before, but you can go back to the past and see that people always had beliefs in things that were not real. They always had superstitions and there were as many superstitions 2,000 years ago as there are today. It is not really that it has gotten worse, it is just it has become easier to spread all of this, but still back then it still spread. You have all heard the expression, “word of mouth” or “the jungle drums” and that if you go back, for example, to the civil war times, this was how things spread. People were talking, they meet and they are talking and suddenly these toxic beliefs can spread almost as fast as they do today. Not quite as fast, of course, as the internet, but still they could spread very quickly and so it is not that the situation is not necessarily so much worse.

But the question is, why is it not better? Why are there still so many people who cannot discern what is real and what is just illusions spread for the purpose of manipulating them? Would you not think that as a society has progressed, as knowledge is more readily available, wouldn’t you think that more and more people would have increased their ability to discern between reality and unreality?

And in a sense there are more people today who can discern, but still there is such a large part of the American population that cannot discern. Now you may look at some of the countries that America likes to compare itself to and you may consider what is the situation in those other countries. And you will actually see that in many countries, Canada, Europe, especially northern Europe, Korea, Australia, New Zealand, there are less people who believe in these fictional propaganda outbursts, we might say, than in America. In fact, if you were to compare the level of Americans who believe in this fictional unreality you would have to go to Russia and China or even India to some degree to find people who are as blinded by illusions as Americans are. And that might not be exactly the most popular comparison for Americans but it is reality. And why is it so? Well, this is where Christianity comes into the picture.

Knowing  what is real through the Christ mind

When I walked the earth 2,000 years ago, what was my actual goal? I was a human being like everybody else despite what they claim today, the Christians, so-called Christians. I had walked the spiritual path of raising my consciousness. How did I do this? By connecting to the Christ mind, the One mind, the undivided, the indivisible mind within myself. The kingdom of God is within you. This is no different from mystics of all persuasions seen throughout the ages. I was a mystic like many others. I had a special mission at the beginning of the age of Pisces but I was a mystic. Why? What is the difference between a mystic and a religious person? A religious person believes, a mystic experiences. I did not believe in anything I said. I experienced the reality of what I said but how did I experience that reality? Through the Christ mind within myself because by experiencing the Christ mind, I had a frame of reference for evaluating everything in this world, all the ideas and beliefs that people had at the time.

You see how I sometimes engage the scribes and Pharisees? What were they? They were the intellectuals of the time who attempted to manipulate people by clever intellectual arguments and most people could not see through the arguments. They tended to follow those that seemed to be cleverer than themselves. I saw through the arguments instantly because the Christ mind gave me that frame of reference and you will see that many times I did not even try to argue with them. I simply denounced them: “scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites,” this provoked them immensely. If I had gone into this trying to argue with them, they would have been happy because now they could argue and argue and argue and no matter what I said they would have felt they were still superior because that is what intellectuals can do. You look at the materialistic scientists today, who think they have it all figured out, but they have no experience of the Christ mind. It is all created in their minds, as the scribes and Pharisees were all created in their minds.

My goal for the teachings was what? Was it to create another religion that imposed sophisticated intellectual doctrines upon people, told them what to believe? Nay, it was to help everyone connect to the Christ mind in themselves so they would know what is reality and unreality. Grant you, it was an ambitious goal at the time because people were very focused at the physical, but nevertheless, you have to start somewhere.

Man-made doctrines—foundation for the Catholic Church

Now, there was a turbulent period of the first centuries where Christianity was not really solidified. There were different Christian sects and movements that had different focuses. Some were actually more in tune with my teachings than others and then comes that event, that so dramatic defining event in the history of Christianity, of the formation of the Roman Catholic church, which first of all, elevated me to being the only son of God, therefore I could not be an example anymore. But it also created a set of doctrines that had no basis in the One mind, no basis in the Christ mind. They were all created in the mind of these sophisticated intellectuals. In fact, some of the people who were instrumental in the formation of the Catholic church were reincarnations of the scribes and Pharisees that I confronted physically and some of the Christian ministers today both in America and elsewhere are those same lifestreams reincarnated. Not all of them, of course, but some.

What was it actually that happened when the Catholic church was formed? Well, what happened was that instead of having a movement that was geared towards helping people make contact with the Christ mind in themselves, you now had a movement that was geared towards preventing people from making contact with the Christ mind within themselves and instead causing them to believe in man-made doctrines that are like whitened sepulchers filled with dead men’s bones, or at least, dead men’s thoughts. They are dead in a spiritual sense because they do not have the life of Christ in them because they have no connection to the Christ mind. Therefore, they are spiritually dead, as in let the dead bury their dead.

Did I really say that corpses should bury other corpses? Of course not. I was talking about people who were physically alive but who were spiritually dead and they were the ones who formed the Roman Catholic church and all other churches that have come later. The Protestants did not protest enough to take their churches away from the foundation set by the Catholic church and therefore the Protestant Lutheran churches are just as far removed from reality as the Catholic church is, and even more in some cases were the fundamentalist Christian churches that are looking back to the Bible as the word of God which therefore must be infallible. And they failed to see, as Saint Germain mentioned, that the image of God that I spoke of is fundamentally different than the anger and judgmental God of the Old Testament. You cannot reconcile the two if you are willing to think. But if you think this must be the infallible word of God then you stop thinking. You just believe, have faith!

The impulse into the collective consciousness

Let me ask you something. If you have faith in an illusion, how is that going to get you to the kingdom of God? Oh, just keep believing in the illusion and one day Jesus will come and save you. But your entry into the kingdom of God is dependent on your state of consciousness and I cannot change it for you or I would have done it long ago and be done with this planet. Why is that? Well, where is the kingdom of God to be found? Within you. Does it not stand to reason, at least in this day and age where people know so much more about psychology, that what is keeping you out of the kingdom that is within you is what is going on in your own mind and psyche and therefore, if you are to enter that inner kingdom, you must look at the beam in your own eye and resolve it. Is that really so difficult to figure out in today’s age?

I am speaking into the collective consciousness of course. I know you all know this or you would not be here. But there are so many people out there who are so close to making that shift, so close. And therefore, this impulse going out can be enough to help some people switch over and see what was it Jesus actually said. What did he actually mean? What is the meaning today that the kingdom of God is within you? And it does not come by observing all these outer rules and blindly believing in these doctrines spouted out by Christian churches and Christian ministers as if it was the infallible word of God. Who are the most blind people? Those who believe in an illusion and think it is the infallible word of God. How more blind could you be? How more trapped could you be in your own mind? Stunning really to look at how many Christians in America are trapped in this mindset.

Seeing through the illusions in Christianity

Back to America. Why do so many Americans believe in illusions today and do not have the discernment? Because Christianity has, in the Western world at least, for 17 centuries been a primary tool of the dark forces, the forces of anti-christ, to get people to blindly believe in illusions. And today in America Christianity is the primary force that is pulling against the progress of America, pulling against America going into the golden age, desperately trying to keep people trapped in these illusions. They sense that it is fading, they sense that more and more people are seeing that this must be illusions, are seeing that the churches do not have answers to their questions about life and that it makes no sense what they are spouting off in their doctrines. They sense they are losing the battle and that is why they have become so desperate that they have to act it out in this extreme way. And this is, of course, what will lead to their downfall much quicker because by becoming more and more extreme it also becomes more and more obvious and more and more people will look at this and say: “This cannot be right. This just cannot be right”.

Look at yourselves, those of you who grew up in a Christian background or Christian environment. You had questions. The church could not answer it and you suddenly saw that it does not make sense so you have to look elsewhere for answers. And more and more people are making that shift and therefore, they are refusing to sit there blindly in their churches and listen to these pastors and their “Jesus” this and “Jesus” that.

The key to Christ discernment

What does this have to do with the heart? Well, where do you attain Christ discernment? In the heart chakra. Because the heart chakra is what allows the Conscious You to step outside of the four lower bodies, experience itself as pure awareness, experience that there is a spiritual realm, you have a higher self, there are beings in that spiritual realm. Today we call ourselves ascended masters. Well, you look at the situation of the transfiguration. Two beings of light appeared visibly to my disciples. What could they be but ascended masters, spiritual beings in a higher realm? They have always been around. We have always been around, and we are around today. Nevertheless, the point is the heart chakra is the key to Christ discernment. It is not in the head. You are not thinking your way to Christ discernment.

This is what even some ascended master students have not quite grasped. You cannot analyze your way to Christ discernment because the analytical mind can analyze for or against any issue. There comes a point where you look at the arguments, you look at the different ideas and you just sense intuitively: “Ah, this is what I am going to go with.” It may not be the highest understanding but it is higher than the alternative and so this helps you shift. But this cannot be done by an analysis. Not even a sharpest mind can do this.

This is where actually many spiritual people have been lured by these forces in the mental realm into a blind alley by thinking you can figure it out with the mind. But you cannot. It is only the intuition that can settle this argument, this idea, this higher than the other. It may not be the ultimate because I may not be able to see it at my present level but this is what will take me forward. The heart is the key.

“God’s chosen people”

What did I say 2,000 years ago? “Those who honor me with their mouth for their hearts are far from me.” Because they do not love the truth. They do not love the One mind. They do not love that which is beyond this world. They love that which is in this world, which gives them a certain position, a certain status, a certain sense of security, a certain sense of power, a certain sense that “We are the special people, we are God’s chosen people.”

Have you ever considered why so few Jews accepted me as the Messiah, why so few Jews today are open to the Christian religion? It was because I, when I walked the earth physically, I challenged that fundamental Jewish belief that they were God’s chosen people and they have never overcome it, at least not up until this point. Although some are beginning to overcome it because they are again seeing how the Jewish state is right now, again, acting out into the extreme, going way beyond what was necessary to deal with the situation in the Gaza Strip, losing humanity in the process, whatever humanity they had before. For how can you have basic humanity when you think you are God’s chosen people and all others are going to go to hell?

And this, of course, points right back to America and the Christians. How can you have basic humanity when you believe that the members of your little church are the only ones who are going to be saved and all others are going to go to hell? Your heart is closed to other people. Your heart is closed. You cannot love your brother as yourself. And if there is not that love, how can you call yourself a Christian?

You see that there are people out there who say that all this stuff about loving your enemy and turning your other cheek, that is just weakness. It does not apply to Christians today. Certainly not those Christians who are defending traditional values and claim to be only doing this for the sake of America. But your hearts are far from me and if your hearts are far from me, what else matters? No matter what you believe, no matter what you think about yourselves, what matters if you do not have heart?

What did you see me doing 2,000 years ago? I reached out to everyone. The parable of the Good Samaritan—what was it all about? Showing that Christ does not have human judgments and preferences for Christ is the One mind that is within all people. And in the One mind, how can there be divisions between different groups of people? Those who are the chosen ones, those who will be saved and those who will not.

I can be very, very direct here. If you think there are two groups of people, and your group will be saved and those other people will go to hell and suffer for all eternity, then you will not be saved. Why? Because you cannot enter the kingdom of God that is within you. You have no life in you. You do not have the life of Christ in you. You have no connection to the One mind that unifies all people.

Wake up to the true message of Christ!

Look back at the history of the Christian religion. Has it been a unifying force or a divisive force? It is a rhetorical question. But I will answer it anyway because so many people cannot answer it. And the answer is that Christianity has been a divisive force in the world and still is and right now, Christianity in America is one of the primary divisive forces. Now, Christ seeks to unify all. This is what you can see if you read the Sermon on the Mount and many of my other statements. Christ seeks to unify people. That is why I challenged the Jewish belief that they were the chosen people because that also divided them from all other people. But here Christians have adopted the same mindset as the Jews. We Christians are the chosen people. We are the ones who will be saved and others will not. If you are trapped in this mindset, this is the mindset of anti-christ. The forces of anti-christ want to divide and conquer. This is what they have always done. How hard it is to see that if you have ever looked at the cover of a history book? Christ is a unifying force. But the unification can only happen through the heart when the heart is open.

What was the primary goal of my mission 2,000 years ago? Was it really to get people to believe in certain doctrines, to be members of a certain church? No. It was to open their hearts to the One mind in themselves. Look at these Christian ministers who will look at my statement: “Go ye into all the world and make all people my disciples.” How do they interpret it? Oh yes, all people should become members of their Christian church and they should be forced into it if necessary for their own good, their own salvation. What did I mean by making all people my disciples? That they would open their hearts to the One mind, the Christ mind in themselves. That is what it means to be a disciple of Christ.

I was a mystic, my disciples are mystics, and mystics look beyond this world. They do not believe and accept anything as infallible in this world. A mystic cannot accept any scripture as the infallible Word of God. Because a mystic experiences the Living Word within him or herself and when you experience the Living Word, you realize that the written word is not the Living Word. It can only point to the Living Word. And the purpose of the written word is only to point or help people have the inner experience.

If you have not experienced the Christ mind in yourself, you have not kept my commandments. For that is the overall commandment. And what did I say? “If you love me, keep my commandments.” If you have not kept my commandments, there can be only one reason. You do not love me. You love a man-made image of Christ and that image is anti-christ. And therefore, you have taken a man-made image superimposed it upon Christ, as Peter did and therefore, I must say, as I said to Peter: “Get thee behind me, Satan. Thou art an offense to me”.

Many of these churches in America, and of course elsewhere, you are an offense to me. You savorest not the things that be of God, but the things that be of men, of your own making. You worship an idol, and you call that idol Christ. Get thee behind me. You have no part with me. But you can have part with me if you are willing to be converted and if you are willing to see the errors of your ways and admit it, and then do what I said: “Keep my commandment. What is that to thee? Follow thou me.”

You do not need to beat yourself up or feel bad about having believed in a lie. You just need to admit it is a lie. Leave it behind and walk with me into the light of Christ. I am not seeking here to shame anyone, to put anyone down. I am seeking to awaken those who can be awakened so that, like Paul, the scales will fall from their eyes. The scales of what? Of the serpent. The scales of the serpents that have blinded their eyes for many lifetimes.

Shatter, shatter, shatter that illusion. Shatter the illusion in the four levels of matter. I AM the Ascended Master Jesus Christ, and I call those who are my own but who have been trapped in these outer Christian churches filled with dead men’s bones, dead men’s ideas.

As I send these words out, spoken in the physical, I am sending energy waves that are going far and wide. Some are waking up, some are driving towards their churches and suddenly they see the illusions they have believed in. Others do not realize what is happening, but they become aware that they have always had certain questions, that they have suppressed the questions, they have not dared to really put their minds on them. But suddenly they cannot quite suppress a certain question anymore and that question becomes the open door, that as they contemplate it, gradually they come to open their hearts to a glimpse of the One mind. And once you have a glimpse of the One mind, it is not so easy to suppress.

Truly, as an ascended master, you have no regrets, or you would not have ascended. You would have to stay in embodiment on earth and try to fix what had gone wrong. But still, you can look back at these past 2,000 years, and you can see the potential for the Christian movement, the high potential, and then you can look at what actually came to pass. And I can tell you that there is a huge difference between the two, an almost unfathomable difference. But I also see the potential that in this age, many people are ready to awaken from the illusion, the veil that has been put over Christianity now for so many centuries. More and more people are waking up and they are looking for answers elsewhere and it does not really matter where they are looking for them. Because when you have been trapped in a certain mindset, a certain illusion, the first thing you need to do is distance yourself from that bubble.

Knowing from within

Wherever you look for answers, it is better than staying in that stale situation you were in. And eventually, as people look for answers here and there and everywhere, they come to the point where they start looking within. They find some kind of teaching that talks about going within, and there are many of them out there. Because there is really only one thing that matters, whether it is religion or spirituality, personal growth, mindfulness, this or that.
There is only one thing that matters, that you have a direct experience of the Christ mind in yourself for that is what gives you that frame of reference, where now you can look at all of these ideas that are spread out there on the internet and you read an idea, you instantly sense it is off balance. You read another idea, and there is something here. It is not the full truth, but there is something here. Many of you already have that ability. Some of you have developed it by using these teachings. Others have had it even since childhood. You can have the ability to meet the person, to read an idea, and you just know in your heart—not in your head, you are not analyzing—you just know in your heart: “Ah, this is not real. Oh, this has some reality.” And that was, of course, my goal 2,000 years ago. It was what? It was to free the people from the religious authorities who controlled them through these doctrines and arguments and this and that, and they could only be free in one way. It is not a matter of giving them another doctrine, for no matter what doctrine you give them, it can become a tool to trap them, as Christianity has proven beyond any reasonable doubt.

What I really wanted to give people was that experience of the Christ mind within themselves. For when you connect to and experience the Christ mind in yourself, you cannot be focused on yourself, the outer self anymore. And therefore, you first become focused on helping others, but eventually you come to see that as the Christ mind is in you, it is in everyone. Instead of helping others in concrete ways, you become more focused on helping them connect to the Christ mind in themselves. You may still be doing other things that are valuable and help people, but behind it all is this desire to help people connect to the Christ mind in themselves. Then you can call yourself a Christian. Then you can call yourself a disciple of Jesus Christ. Because through the Christ mind in you, you can connect to me as I am today, instead of projecting a man-made image upon me that has no reality to it.

If thine eye be single, thy whole body is full of light, otherwise you are filled with darkness. But it is not the eye, not even the third eye, it is the heart. If your heart is undivided, because you love the light, you love Christ more than these sophisticated arguments on earth, then your whole energy field is filled with light. That is what I want to see for all of you who are open to these teachings, and of course, for all people.

The One mind, not the one man

Is it not amazing that Christianity is the primary tool that has caused so many Americans to believe in all kinds of illusions, even the conspiracy theories, because they do not have that discernment? They read a conspiracy theory—they do not have that sense: “Ah this is not real.” They go into the mind, and they think maybe there is something to it and their subconscious selves, their egos tell them: “Oh, this is why you cannot change your life. There is a secret conspiracy, but at least you are one of the few special people who know about this conspiracy.” Maybe they feel a little better for a time. And after some time, at least some people have woken up and realized: “This actually did not get me anywhere. I just dug myself deeper and deeper into a hole of feeling angry and powerless.”

Back to the present. A relevant question to ask about the presidential debate in the United States is this—is there one person who can be the savior of America? Is there one person who is made by God to save America in this critical age? Well, those who have experienced the One mind will know that the answer is no, there is not. For what was the whole purpose of the Christian religion, the Christian movement that I started? It was to help people connect to the One mind in themselves so that today there would be millions of people who were connected to the One mind.

What is the savior of America? The One mind, not the one man. Again, complete unreality to believe this. Complete and total illusion—has no reality in Christ. And those who believe and promote this stuff, they have no part with me. They may claim all kinds of things about themselves. They may claim to have authority. They may claim that Jesus is speaking to them. And they are right. The man-made false Jesus that had been created by Christianity for seventeen centuries is speaking to some of these pastors.

But I am not that Jesus—this is not the real Jesus. If you are in doubt, then ask the real Jesus. This simply just needs to be stated in the physical so that those who are open can wake up and see how completely unrealistic it is to think that one person, no matter who that person is, no matter what that person is like, could be the savior of America. In reality, what America needs to be saved from is this very mindset that one person can be so important, so special. All men and women are created equal. That is the foundation for America.

There is no room in America for this hero worship that is promoted so heavily by the movie industry and by the fallen beings. What is the whole purpose of this, that some people are so special? Well, do you not see it going back throughout history? It is the power elite defending their own position, nothing else. The savior of America is the One mind within millions of Americans and what America needs to be saved from is precisely the power elite. And what has been one of the primary tools used by the power elite in this part of the world? Christianity. Look at the medieval societies, the divine right of kings. Who came up with this idea? The Catholic church.

For a thousand years, people were kept as virtual slaves of the kings and the noblemen because they were afraid that if they went against this claim of the Catholic church, they would go to hell. Again, Christianity, starting with the Roman Catholic church, was conceived of and executed as a tool for controlling the population by the power elite. What was my real goal? What did I say? To set people free from the power elite. Stunning, really, that things could be turned on their head to such an extent, but on the other hand, it is still an immense opportunity for growth when people come to see the incredible manipulation. When the scales fall from your eyes and you do not condemn yourself or blame yourself, but simply look at this—you look at it, you see it through the Christ mind, the unreality of it—and then you can say: “Get thee behind me, Satan.” And when enough people say this, Satan will have to get behind.

He has always been behind, he just has not realized it and he may never. I am not the one thinking that I can convince Satan of anything. This messenger used to think so, but the scales eventually fell from his eyes as well because nothing can work against free will. The Christ mind does not work against free will. The Christ mind frees the will from the anti-will. But people are allowed to go into the anti-will. And again, I look at the situation in America. If people, if a majority of the voters in America, want to elect a person that claims to be the savior, well, then they are allowed to have that experience and surely things will be acted out in such an extreme way that many people will come to see the illusion.

As other masters have said, the fallen beings can only keep pushing, but the harder they push, the greater becomes the potential that they push people over the edge, so the scales fall from their eyes and they see it. Unfortunately, some people can only see it through the school of hard knocks, whereas the Christ mind is about helping people see it without having the hard knocks.

But either way, free will must be allowed to outplay itself. It is fine to make your calls for the election, but be non-attached to the outcome. Because the outcome, either way, will be that the extremism and a lack of balance of the fallen beings will be demonstrated, will be seen. You might realize that we of the ascended masters are, of course, not caught up in this current debate. We are not so serious about the situation in America and hopefully that can help you gain some sense of peace, where you have this attitude of come what may. We make the best of it, and we move on. Because I can assure you about one thing, America will move on. There can be no doubt about that in the Christ mind. Turbulence, yes, maybe. But still, the golden age of Saint Germain is on schedule and will be lowered into the physical. Where and when can be debated, but it will move forward and to think that one person can stop that is also an illusion.

Choose life and laugh!

You see again that both sides in the debate are now caught up in the epic mindset. There are two dualistic polarities. One is good, one is bad. But in the Christ mind, they are both unreal. That is what the Christ mind will reveal to those who have an open heart and are looking for a fresh new start. Yes, we are waxing a bit poetic just to give you that sense of lightheartedness that we are not as serious about this situation as so many people are. It has been said that Americans have a tendency to take themselves too seriously and there is some reality to it. There is some reality to it. As you saw the Jews, even today, you see many other people around the world who take themselves so seriously, and this is what will begin to fade away in the golden age.

What did I say 2,000 years ago about entering the kingdom of God? “Unless ye become as little children, you shall in no wise enter the kingdom.” Why? Because the kingdom of God is not serious. It is not taking itself seriously. The Christ mind is lighthearted. What some people would call childlike, but it is not really like children behave. That was just a metaphor. It is just lighthearted. It is the mind of anti-christ that is so serious and takes itself so seriously because it believes that it is epically important that it is proven right.

The Christ mind has no need to be proven right. How can you be right when there is no wrong? And in the Christ mind, there is no division. Yes, I know, if the Christian ministers out there were to hear this, they would say, “This is the work of the devil. Of course, there is right and wrong, good and evil.” But they are just caught in the game. Some fallen beings play the role of evil, others play the role of good. And the ones who have the firmest grip on people’s minds are the ones who claim to be good but they could not sustain that illusion unless they had those who were evil. In the Christ mind, this is all seen as unreality because the Christ mind is single-eyed. It is not a divided vision.

I never meant for my disciples to go into the divisive mindset. I never meant for them to set themselves up as the only true followers of Christ, the only ones who would be saved—the chosen people. If all are created equal, none can be chosen. But there can be those who choose, who choose Christ over anti-christ, who choose life over death. I have set before you life and death. Choose life and laugh! And as I seal you in the joy flame of Jesus Christ. And I thank you for being willing to take part in this release.

You may feel that you are sitting there like the members of these Christian churches and passively receiving, but then you are not really aware what is happening in your chakras as you are taking in, for this is a two-way communication. This is a participatory process. You are not passive recipients. You are broadcasting stations and I do not have the authority to broadcast with the power that we had together have broadcasted because you are in physical embodiment. And as such, you have the authority that I do not have as an ascended master. I have the power that you do not have. Together with your authority, my power, we have a much greater impact. And for this, you have my gratitude.


Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels

Freedom through an open heart and willingness to experiment

Listen to a recording of this dictation (subscribers only)

Ascended Master Saint Germain through Kim Michaels, August 3, 2024. This dictation was given at a Healing Retreat in Chicago: Heal your heart and the heart of America.

I AM the Ascended Master Saint Germain. If you look at America, what is the one quality that characterizes this nation? It is of course, freedom.

Freedom within

You may think that freedom is a physical condition, but that is a fallacy. There are no physical conditions that can secure your freedom, and this has never been proven more clearly than here in America where you have a greater degree of physical freedom than in most other countries. And yet, look at the American people and look how many of them are not free. Why? Because of their psychology. For where can you find freedom? Only within. And naturally, there are many psychological conditions that can take away your freedom, but no inner condition takes away your freedom more than a closed heart chakra.

If you do not have heart, you cannot be free. For what does it mean to be free? It means to be in the flow from above to below. When you are in the nexus of that flow, when the Conscious You is in that nexus point between the flow of energy from the I AM Presence, from the spiritual realm, into this world, that is when you are in the world but not of the world, and that is the only way to be truly free.

If you do not have heart, you cannot be free. This is simply a fact that most people, of course, are blissfully, or rather not so blissfully, unaware of. But still, people’s lack of awareness has never changed reality and this is precisely what is missing in America today—what is creating and upholding and reinforcing the division and polarization— that too many people have slipped into this mindset that they can define how the universe should work and that the universe will conform to their definition.

The founding principle of America

Why do you think I sponsored this nation instead of sponsoring the nations of Europe? Because Europe was trapped in this ideological mindset where so many thought that they could define a theory, an ideology, a religion, and then the universe had better live up to their definition. And the people of Europe were in such a grip of the Catholic church and of the secular power elites that it was not possible at the time to take European civilization to a higher level and therefore, there was no other option, realistic option, practical option, than to sponsor a new nation with all of the complexity that that entailed, and with all of the time delay that that entailed, because you first had to build the physical nation before you could really start giving people more freedom.

This nation was built by people who wanted to get away from the closed mindset of Europe. They may, in their outer minds, have thought they were getting away from the outer conditions that limited them and condemned them to a lifetime of toil if they were born in the bottom ninety-eight percent of the population. But in reality, they longed to get away from the closed minds, the closed mindset that ruled Europe at the time. And why did you see America blossom and grow so quickly and become so innovative and bring forth so much new technology? Because there was not the closed mindset. There was openness to new ideas and a willingness to experiment, and that is what built this nation, because people were more free in their minds than the people who stayed back in Europe.

The very founding principle of this nation is this openness to new ideas, openness to try something new, to experiment: “Let us see how it works. Let us get some sticks and canvas and put it together with wings and put a motor and a propeller on it and see if this thing can fly.“ And suddenly it flew and a whole new era was ushered in. But if you had had the mindset that things heavier than air cannot fly, how would you have dared to experiment?

New ideas

What is it that is the driving force behind freedom, inner freedom? It is the openness to new ideas, the willingness to experiment with something, something new, something not tried before. But what does it take to be open to new ideas? It takes heart, it takes an open heart chakra. For where do new ideas come from? Well, they come of course, from two sources, but primarily they come from above, from the ascended realm. If people are closed off to an influx of new ideas from the ascended realm, they can by trial and error, by experimentation, come up with new ideas in a, we might say, horizontal way. And they can work and they can bring improvement, but only within certain boundaries. You can, as the old saying goes, invent a better mousetrap within this mindset, but you can come up with something that is beyond the concept of a mousetrap. You can conceive of the possibility that the consciousness could be raised to the point where mice could not even live on the planet.

There will always be limits to what new ideas can be brought forth in a horizontal way and that is why any society that becomes cut off from the ascended realm will stagnate and become subject to the second law of thermodynamics, which, as you know, causes disorder to increase. It lowers the energy, things run out of steam, and they begin to deteriorate and fall apart. You can transfer this from the physical to the psychological and you can say that if the American people become too closed to new ideas, to thinking outside the box, then America can only stagnate, as it has already started doing in some areas of society.

It has not fully stagnated because there are so many people in America who are working on their own consciousness, healing their psychology, raising their awareness through various spiritual philosophies and movements, not limited to ascended master teachings, of course. But there are many Americans who have closed their minds to new ideas and who have become trapped in this mindset that they should look towards the past as if it was a better time in the past.

Looking backward

Has there ever been a better time in the past? Well, if you ask the people who lived in the past, no matter what point in the past they lived, they would say no, for they would look to your time and wish that if they could only have had this or that or the next thing that you take for granted, that would have been so much better than their own time. There are very few people, both in America and in other nations, who would wish to go back to the way it was 50 or 100 years ago. There are very few people from those times that would choose to stay in their own time instead of going to your time if they could. And why is this? Well, it is partly because people always long for something better than what they have. This is the human psychology when people have closed their hearts, because when you close your heart, it becomes very unpleasant to reside in your energetic field. You are longing for something from elsewhere, either to the future or the past, for you cannot stand the present. You do not see the present as a present, but as a burden.

And look at the American people today. Look at those, as I have said before, who are clinging to this concept of traditional values, Christian values. They think America should be a Christian nation. Have they not read the constitution? They think that things would be better if the laws in the United States were based on the Bible. Have they never heard about Sharia law in Muslim countries? Have they never realized that some people in these countries lived like people in America or Europe lived 500 years ago? Have they not realized how many people in those countries long to be free from this burden? And you think it would be better if American laws were based on this kind of a religious, antiquated, backward-looking view?

How can you think this—because your mind is not free. You are not open to looking forward. You are not open to realizing that there has been progress on earth over these last hundreds and thousands of years. And why should this progress not continue? Why should not the future be better than today and at any point in the past? You are not open to this if your heart is closed because then you will fall into what Paul the Venetian said, the fear-based love, the human love. And what does this perverted love make you do? Cling to what you have. You become so afraid of losing what you have, no matter how little that is, that you are afraid of the future. You are afraid of change because you think change could only be for the worse. Have they not looked at history and seen that things were worse in the past? Do you really want to go back to a time where people died of malnutrition, they lost their teeth before the age of thirty and had to have wooden teeth like George Washington? Do you really want to go back to this, where pneumonia would be a fatal disease, where a substantial part of women died in childbirth, where most children did not live beyond the age of 4? Do you really want to go back to this?

But you see, when your heart is closed you cannot think this way. You may say in a way, that these people are not thinking. Why? Because when your heart is closed and there is not a flow of energy from the I AM Presence, then your third eye and crown chakras cannot be activated fully and therefore, people cannot think clearly. Instead, their attention goes down to the lower chakras, often the solar plexus chakra, and now they are just angry. And when you are angry you cannot think clearly. Everyone knows this from experience.

The angry followers in America

What is it that has happened in America? Why have so many people gone into this mindset instead of being in the optimistic mindset? Well, we can mention many causes. But one of them certainly is what only spiritual students will be open to seeing, that the fallen beings have done everything they could to sabotage America, to cast doubt upon the validity of America, the ability of America to transcend itself and solve its problems. And too many people have come to believe in this. They have become pessimists instead of optimists. But it was not pessimists who built this country. The pessimists stayed in Europe and submitted to the kings and the noble class. The optimists were the ones who left and who built America. What has happened? Well, what has happened is in fact, that many of those pessimists who stayed in Europe back then have reincarnated in America and many of the optimists who built America have incarnated in Europe. Which is why you see that in many ways Europe has gone ahead of the United States.

But there is, of course, more to it. And part of this is that there is this tendency among the original inhabitants of the earth that when they attain something they start taking it for granted. They do not appreciate it. They no longer acknowledge how important it was and they become just indifferent, and then what happens is that many people grew up with material affluence and in the last several decades that has been gradually eroded by the concentration of wealth in the hands of the financial elite. But because so many people did not strive for this wealth but grew up with it, they are not willing to make an effort to change conditions, so they become discouraged, they become angry and now they are looking for someone who can change the conditions for them. They are looking for someone to follow. But you see, America was not built by followers, for those who experiment are not following anyone.

A follower cannot experiment. Who were the Wright brothers following? There was no one to follow. There was no one ahead of them. There had been no one who dared to risk their life flying this fragile machine. Have you seen this original airplane of the Wright brothers? Could you imagine putting yourself and your life in the hands of this contraption? But they did it. And they did not do it by following anybody.

So many people today have become followers. They have become angry followers. What are they looking for? They are looking for someone who can tell them that their problems are not their fault—it is those other people’s fault. But if they will vote for him, he will fix all their problems for them, and how many times in world history have you seen this? The blind following the blind, both ending up in the ditch of history.

People with the least heart

Yet again, what is the problem? The lack of heart. So many people in America do not have open hearts anymore. If you have an open heart, you are not following anyone on earth. You are following your I AM Presence and the ascended masters that you have contact with through the open heart. You are not holding on to anything on earth. You are not looking back towards the past. You are not clinging to outdated ideas because you realize that the key to the future is experimentation, renewal, transcendence. What does the second law of thermodynamics say? It says that a closed system will self-destruct. Well, a closed mind will also self-destruct because, as I said, when you close the heart, it becomes unbearable to be in your own energy field. And that is why so many people look for an escape —alcohol, drugs, other addictions, other activities that are meaningless activities, such as staring at the television screen hours a day watching programs with no content whatsoever. Mindless entertainment.

But all of this is not the real problem in America. It is the lack of heart. And where is that problem most pronounced? In the top ten percent of the population. I say top ten percent because they see themselves as the top. I see them as the bottom, as the lowest people who have the least amount of freedom because their hearts are closed. They do not have any humanity. They do not have any compassion for other people. They only want to hoard to themselves power, money, wealth, privileges. Those who set themselves up as an elite, as the noble class of Europe, have no heart.

How could you treat other people as slaves if you have heart? It cannot be done. For if you have heart, if your heart chakra is open, you will look at that person who just came over on a slave ship from Africa, and you will see that that person, despite the black skin and the different looks, has a heart chakra just like yours, has the same potential for self-transcendence that you have. You will see a human being, or rather a spiritual being, because you see yourself as a spiritual being and therefore, when you have heart, you spontaneously do unto others. If you do not have heart, you can force yourself to do unto others, but you are not doing this from the heart, from the sense of connection to others, or connection to your higher self. You are doing it out of fear because you think that you have to be a good Christian in order to make it to heaven.

Have you not read the New Testament where Jesus was asked about the coming of the kingdom, and he said: “The kingdom of God cometh not with observation, for the kingdom of God is within you.” What is within you? The heart, the heart chakra, that is the open door to the kingdom of God. But what is the kingdom of God? An inner state, a state of consciousness, a state of oneness. What does it mean that it does not come with observation? It means that no matter what you do on the outer, it will not bring you to the kingdom.

If you think you are a good Christian who is doing good works, but you are doing it to avoid going to hell, you are no closer to the kingdom no matter what you have done your entire lifetime. You can have been engaged in charitable works for a lifetime. You are no closer to the kingdom because it is not coming from the heart, but from the fear-based mentality. There are those who consider themselves good Christians that I would count among the top ten percent. Even though they are not rich and in the financial elite, they are still in the top/bottom ten percent because they have the least heart.

You find few people that have more closed hearts than some of these holier-than-thou Christians and especially the Christian ministers who are preaching to their congregation hellfire and brimstone, seeking to scare their congregation. Do you really see Jesus trying to scare people into entering the kingdom? What was it Jesus said? Let me just think for a moment. Oh yes: “Fear not little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”

What did that mean? It meant there are no conditions on earth, no observations that will guarantee your entry into the kingdom. For you do not need to live up to any conditions on earth, any standard on earth in order to receive the kingdom. What do you need—to open your heart to receive the kingdom that it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you? How can Christianity as a religion for over seventeen centuries have preached a message that is in direct opposition to this, saying that only those who live up to the requirements defined by the Christian church will go to heaven and all others will go to hell. Have they not read the Bible or have they read it with the mind but not with the heart?

Freedom through an open heart

I have said it before but I will say it again into the collective consciousness. The golden age will not be manifest by holding on to traditional values. The future will not be created by those who look to the past. It cannot be done. I have all of the ideas that can transform America into a golden age society. It is my good pleasure to give them to those who will receive them, but how do you receive them? Through the heart. And if the heart is not open, well, how shall there be a vessel that the ideas can be poured into?

You will notice that I am not talking party politics here. There are those, even ascended master students, who think that surely the ascended masters support this party or that party. I am not concerned about political parties and party politics. I am concerned about people, those who are open to new ideas, those who are willing to experiment. I am not even really concerned about the United States as a nation, for a nation is just an idea in the minds of people. But people are more than ideas when they have heart. For when their hearts are closed, they reduce themselves to being just ideas, concepts, beliefs in those separate selves, that are disconnected, that have been cast out of paradise, to make a living at the sweat of the brow. I am concerned about raising up people, setting them free.

Surely, I would like to see people be free from the power elite and the financial manipulation that funnels wealth upwards and upwards and upwards by stealing it from those who are doing the work. Surely, I would like to see many physical changes. But first of all, I would like to see people be free, but you will not actually be free in the mind no matter how much you know, no matter how much you understand, no matter how much you have figured out. Surely, it helps to have knowledge. Surely, there is more knowledge available than ever before and it sets the foundation for people being free.

But knowledge will never make you free. Only the heart will make you free when you realize you are more than your outer knowledge, you are more than your outer mind. You are something that cannot be defined by anything in this world. Only when you experience that, that you are more than anything in this world, can you be free. Only then can you really tune in to the ideas I am seeking to bring forth.

The lost willingness to experiment

I have a timetable for my golden age. Surely, there is some flexibility, but there are ideas that I would like to release at certain times. If there are no people in America who are free enough to receive certain ideas, I will look elsewhere to see if there are people there who are free to receive the ideas and this could very quickly lead to a point where America is no longer the forerunner of innovation and it all shifts to other nations or regions in the world. And listen very carefully—Americans like to think of America as the greatest nation on earth—but if innovation stops, you will not remain the greatest nation on earth for very long. For what made America the nation it is today, whether it is the greatest or not, is immaterial—what made America what it is today? As I said, innovation, experimentation, coming from that openness where you look at conditions on earth today and you acknowledge they could be better, they could be improved upon.

You are not looking to the past thinking you have to turn time back. You are looking to the future and you realize that the future must be built on ideas. But those ideas will actually not be released in the future. They can only be released in the present and therefore, you then open your mind and say: “No matter what conditions are today, I will look for new ideas.” It may seem impossible to take a bunch of sticks and some canvas and put them together and make it fly through the air. But how will we know if we do not experiment? How will we know? And America has been willing to experiment, but primarily with technology, not so much in other areas of society and human life.

Why does America not have health care for all citizens? Because they are behind in terms of experimentation on the social area. They are behind in reaching that basic humanity where they say: “It is not acceptable to us that people go bankrupt because of medical bills, or that they are dying in the streets because they cannot afford to go to the doctor early enough to avoid a disease becoming fatal, it is not acceptable to us that there are homeless people who are sleeping in a cardboard box under a bridge. How can we be the greatest nation if we treat our own citizens this way?”

You look at other nations that are far ahead of the United States in this area. You look at even nations that are far ahead in terms of avoiding at least the worst of the unequal income distribution by having distributed the wealth more evenly through giving workers better wages, better conditions, through taxation of those who have more than anyone needs. And you see that there are so many ideas that are already brought into the physical and that have already been implemented by other countries.

it does not come from Christ!

Why has not America embraced these ideas? Because too many people do not have heart. What says it is not acceptable to us that people die on the streets? Well, not the mind. Certainly not the fear-based chakras. It is only the heart that says this and you will hear, if you could hear how the elite talks about the people, but you will even hear some people who say similar things publicly: “Why should I be responsible for others? Why should I pay taxes so that others do not have to take responsibility for themselves? Why should I care about other people, that they are dying? How is that my problem? Am I my brother’s keeper?” Well, not according to the Old Testament and an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. You are not your brother’s keeper. But did Jesus preach an eye for an eye? Or was there something about turning the other cheek, loving your enemy, loving your brothers?

Which time are you living in? The Old Testament or the New Testament? Who is your God? The angry, judgmental God of the Old Testament or the loving Father of Jesus? Or have you not read the Bible and seen that there is no comparison between the Old Testament God and the God that Jesus preached? Have you really not acknowledged this? Do you really think it is the same God? Do you not see that Jesus brought forth a teaching that is revolutionary compared to the Old Testament teaching? Do you really not see that those in the elite are in the Old Testament mindset? They do not care whatsoever about others, but that is not what Jesus preached and demonstrated.

Again, as far as I am concerned, you can be in whatever mindset you want to be in. But I do want to point out that if you are in a different mindset than what Jesus preached, yet you call yourself a Christian or even a representative of Christ, then there is only one word that applies to you. Hypocrites. Hypocrites, all of you. Be selfish if you want, but do not claim to be Christians. Call a spade a spade, to use a common American expression. Jesus did, and he is doing it today. But of course, that cannot be. Oh no, certainly Christ has had nothing to say to humanity in the last 2,000 years. Why not? Because the Christian religion that claims to represent Christ is not open to what Jesus, as an ascended master, has to say today, or at any point in the past. What does that mean? It means that the religion that claims to represent Christ has been the primary tool for shutting out Christ from this world. They do not want any progressive revelation from Christ. Why not? Because they have no heart. Their hearts are far from me, even though they claim to be Christians.

I could of course, go on almost indefinitely with this, but I wanted to send certain impulses into the collective consciousness. I trust you see that they are not aimed at you, but there are those out there who can be awakened by this. They will never know where it comes from, they do not need to know, but suddenly they will lift their heads and something shifts, and they see: “What have we been doing?  What have we been thinking? What have we been believing?” And they sense something stirring in their hearts, and they experience that their hearts have been far from Christ, but they also realize that they love Christ more than they love the outer religion and its doctrines and therefore, they are willing to open their hearts to Christ. And this can awaken enough people that the equation begins to shift, and people start seeing that this polarization, this scapegoating, this making your brothers and sisters the enemy, this cannot come from Christ.

If it does not come from Christ, where does it come from? Well, those who are separated from Christ—where else would it come from? And of course none are really separated, but they are separated in their minds, because their hearts are far from Christ. We look, I look to enough people waking up and realize they have had enough of this polarized political discourse, that it cannot go on any longer, that is long overdue with a change that shifts the equation, so that instead of blaming each other, we do what Christ said, see the Christ in each other, instead of making each other into being the anti-christ.

A debate based on heart

Truly, that is actually possible. Many of you will doubt this because you will look at your own family members and how polarized they are, and how impossible it is to talk to them. But I am talking about opening the hearts of a critical mass of people, that it is enough to shift the equation, to turn the rudder of this big ship a few critical degrees, so that it starts going in a different direction—that brings it to a different destination, that brings it away from those rocks that are currently lying ahead that could wreck the ship.

It is really possible to change the political discourse. There are those who are very close to seeing that continuing the current discourse is not the way to win an election. But as I said, talk about what you are going to do for the American people, instead of demonizing others. And this I ask you, who are our direct students, to hold the vision for, and if you feel that this is important for you, make the calls between now and the election. Make the calls that the right people step forward, who have heart, and can therefore, shatter the current gridlock in the debate, the mud-slinging, this favorite American political pastime, and instead make their contribution to the debate based on heart.

There are people who are very close to making that shift. There are people who will come shortly for their convention in this city. Some will even stay in this hotel. When you leave your rooms tomorrow, you can sprinkle a little pixie dust so they will pick it up and take it with them to the convention, and maybe they will be inspired to say: “We can fly. We can fly above this political quagmire. We can rise to new heights. We can dare to experiment instead of thinking that the only way to get elected is to outdo the other side in being nasty and negative. Instead, we can be positive. We can look forward. We can have heart and we can speak from the heart instead of from those lower chakras based on fear”, where you think that if you are not nastier than the other guy, he is going to win and therefore, you are locked in playing his game, the only game he has.

Is it really the only game you have? Or could you not transcend those games and speak from the heart and speak to the heart? There are many American people among the American people who are fed up with the political discourse. But they do not see an alternative because they have not heard a different voice, but if they were to hear it, they would respond to it, as some have, of course, already done. But it can be accelerated greatly and if some of you will make the calls for this, it can break through and change the entire equation.

Loving freedom more than the conditions in your own mind

Turning to you personally, what can I give you? What gift can I give you that helps you heal the heart, clear the heart? Well, I can only tie into what other masters have said. That is, it is a matter of letting go. As Paul said, you need to love something more and I suggest that for some of you, that something more could very well be freedom. Why are you on the spiritual path? Because you want to be free. What do you want to be free from? The conditions, the selves in your own mind. And if you love freedom more than the bondage of these selves, how hard is it to let the selves die? To let them go, to surrender them, to walk away from them, to stop playing the game?

What is it that takes away your freedom? Your attention—where you place your attention. When you place your attention on the world, on these outer selves that react to the world, you are putting yourself in jail. You are putting yourself in a jail cell, locking it with at least seven locks. Then once you are inside the cell, you chain yourself with handcuffs and chains and this and that, until you can hardly move. You think you have to find the key to unlock the locks, but there is, as Paul so profoundly stated, nothing to figure out. You just have to walk out of the cell. And you can, once you realize that you can, once you accept that you can, but in order to do it, you have to look at the selves and stop playing the game that the selves want you to play indefinitely so they can stay alive by capturing your attention and thereby getting your energy. The world says, other people say, the fallen beings say, you cannot walk away from us. And as long as you think you cannot, because of this or that or the next, you are right. You cannot walk away. But when you realize that you can, you have the right to do so, then you can walk away. It does not mean you need to walk away physically, but in your mind, you can walk away from the bondage that is in the mind.

I am not concerned with what you do on the outer. I am concerned about you gaining that inner freedom that I have had since my ascension and even somewhat before. And once you have that freedom, all you really want to see for others is for them to have that same freedom. For as love is unconditional, well, freedom must surely be unconditional as well. How can you be free if there are conditions? It is the conditions that form the prison.

If you think you have to live up to conditions on earth in order to be free, when will you ever be free? Never. You will only be free when you acknowledge and accept that there are no conditions on earth that can give you freedom and there are no conditions on earth that can take away your freedom. But if you think there are conditions that can take away your freedom, then yes, it will take away your freedom. But is it the conditions or the thinking that takes away your freedom? You will all be able to see that it is the thinking. Then what is left is to look at your thinking. Look at the selves, look at the thinking they are based on and see that it is conditional thinking and it does not come from the heart.

You can think from the heart and that thinking sets you free. Even if you are in a certain situation on earth where you have outer conditions and obligations you need to fulfill, we are not talking about you walking away from your jobs and your families and your obligations and going to a cave in the Himalayas. We are talking about you staying in an active life but being free within. That is actually possible. Your separate selves, other people, the mass consciousness, the fallen beings will scream at you: “He is lying to you, it is not possible.” Who are you going to believe? Well, you do not have to believe anyone. You do not have to believe the outside forces, you do not have to believe the ascended masters.

What do you have to do? Be willing to experiment. For if you are willing to examine your thinking and let go of some of these selves, well, suddenly you will begin to fly spontaneously. The Conscious You cannot stay in the prison and you will fly out of there as if someone had sprinkled pixie dust on you and that someone is I. I have an unlimited supply of pixie dust and it is my good pleasure to sprinkle it here and there and everywhere. So, with a sprinkle of dust and a twinkle of mirth, I seal you in the joy of my heart, the heart that is free, free to be me. Saint Germain, I AM.



Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels

A simple formula for growth: loving something more than a separate self

Listen to a recording of this dictation (subscribers only)

Ascended Master Paul the Venetian through Kim Michaels, August 3, 2024. This dictation was given at a Healing Retreat in Chicago: Heal your heart and the heart of America.

I AM the Ascended Master Paul the Venetian, Chohan of the Third Ray, as you all well know, but I still enjoy saying it.

Unconditional love vs. conditional love

How do you pervert the heart chakra? How do you close the heart chakra? Through love. How do you heal the heart chakra? Through love. Does this make any sense to anyone? It is not meant to make sense unless you recognize, of course, that there is divine love and there is human love. Or rather, love-based love and fear-based love. Unconditional love and conditional love. The heart chakra is meant to be the open door for divine love to flow into your being and into the world. But when you feel that divine love is rejected, then you decide to close off the heart chakra because you think somehow that you need to protect divine love, as you need to protect the I AM Presence.

But of course, divine love is unconditional. How can anything from an unascended sphere harm or even influence divine love? That which has no conditions cannot be affected by that which has conditions. People almost universally go through this reaction where they feel their love is rejected in this world. This, of course, started with the fallen beings and then they feel the need to close off their heart chakra. But how do you justify closing the heart chakra? Through human love, where you now define conditions. You can only open your heart to other people under certain conditions. And this, once you impose these conditions, is then what keeps your heart chakra closed because you are now in this mindset of evaluating when should love flow and when should love not flow. And you think, or rather the separate selves you have created to deal with the shock and trauma, they think they can define when unconditional love should be allowed to flow and when it should not be allowed to flow. And how do they define this? By the conditions they define.

You see, you use conditions to define when unconditional love should flow or not flow. Again, a clear contradiction, once you see it.  But this is what human beings are into. Just look at human relationships. Once you enter human love, you feel that you can only express love towards another being, another human being, when that person lives up to certain conditions. You have people who “fall in love”, as they say, and now they feel that here is a person that lives up to their conditions, so they are allowing love to flow. Now, in some cases, this is actually genuine love. They still have some opening in their heart chakra and they allow a valve to open at least partially, so some divine love can flow through and this is what makes them feel this flow of love, this joy of being in love.

But there are many other people who do not have an opening in the heart chakra and therefore,  when they feel they are in love, yes, they are expressing love, but it is human love. It is actually conditional love. And it still may feel better than their normal state of mind, but not as good as when you feel divine love flowing through you. Then, time passes, “the honeymoon is over” as they say, and now what happens? Well, people now start feeling that the object of their love is no longer living up to the conditions, and therefore,  they start withholding love, often because they are afraid of getting hurt. Now, what can get hurt? Can unconditional love get hurt? Nay. Only human love can get hurt. Or only the selves that can only see human love can get hurt.

Using love to control others

Now, people go into, or those who are only open to human love are already into this attempt to use love to control the object of love, to control the person they claim to love. You see the innumerable examples from people’s relationships of those who have gone into attempting to control, using love as a means of control. Yet, how can unconditional love be controlled? How can it be used to control others? It cannot. Only conditional love can be used to control. And how do you seek to control? By creating conditions and then projecting on the other person that he or she should live up to those conditions. Many people are in a mindset that is almost like a bargaining mindset, where they think that meeting and being in love is engaging in commerce, in a bargain, in a barter: “You do this to me, I do that to you. You fulfill my conditions, I fulfill your conditions.” This is a love relationship and it is a human love relationship, but it is all based on control.

Let us now look away from the average person out there and look at you, spiritual people who have started opening your heart chakra. Or perhaps you have not really consciously realized this. How do you break this cycle of the human love, being trapped in these control games seeking to control other people, even seeking to control the world? Well, as I said, it is the conditional love that closes the heart and it is the unconditional love that opens it. But if you have not opened the valves, how can you experience unconditional love? You cannot and that is what creates the catch-22. How do you break it? By contemplating what human love is, what conditional love is, by realizing and accepting that divine love is beyond conditions and then looking at yourself. What do I love? Is there something that I love more than these control games based on conditional love? Is there something I love more than this pettiness of the outer self and these meaningless, fruitless, never-ending power and control games that people are playing? And those who are spiritual people, you have, either in this life or in previous lifetimes, found something you love more.

Loving something MORE

You go back to my previous embodiment as Paolo Veronese, the painter in Italy. I loved art more than all of this human nonsense. You see so many people throughout the ages who have risen themselves above this human power struggle because they loved something. It can be, not exactly anything, but it can be many things. It can be a cause, it can be a religion, it can be art, invention. It can be another person that you actually love more than the control games of your lower self. It can be children, it can be nature, it can be beauty. It can be spiritual teachings, spiritual beings, even God. But there is something you love more than the human. What does it mean to love more? It means it is beyond conditions. It does not mean it is fully unconditional, but it is beyond the conditions currently defined by your separate selves that have caused you to close at least one of the valves in your heart chakra.

You must find and cultivate something that you love more and this can of course be accelerated by you using the teachings we have given about the separate selves, coming to identify a certain separate self, seeing the games it is outplaying and then contemplating: “what do I love more than this?” Because if there is something you love more than the pettiness of the separate selves, then you are willing to give up the separate self and let it die in order to reach for the MORE. And it does not mean that you can right away open a valve in the heart and experience the flow of unconditional love. But it means that you can certainly overcome some conditions and then gradually come to a point where you open one, then another, then several of the valves in the heart chakra, eventually opening all of them. It is a simple formula that may seem so simple, too simple, especially to those who have very active minds. But it is a formula that can be used to overcome all of the conditional selves that are causing the valves in the heart chakra to close because when there is something you love more than a self, you can give it up.

And as you give up enough selves, suddenly there will be a vibration, a valve will start pulsating back and forth and suddenly it is flung open, there is a flow of unconditional love. Maybe sometimes you get so surprised and shocked by this unconditional love that you close the valve again and you say: “What happened, what happened, what did I do?” And then, as you process the experience and become more used to it, you can again open the valve a little bit and then maybe close it again and gradually you can keep it open for longer and longer and experience that flow of unconditional love.

Feeling the flow of love

Now it may seem strange to you if you love God or your I AM Presence or an ascended master more and then that helps you open the heart chakra because you are thinking that: “Oh, the I AM Presence is up there, on the other side of the valves in the heart. What good does it do that unconditional love flows through my heart chakra and then back up to the I AM Presence?” But that is not actually what happens. You see, again, the I AM Presence is the source of the flow of love. It does not need to have love directed from you to it, but by loving the Presence or God or an ascended master you are opening the heart chakra, so you can feel the flow of love and it is that experience of the flow of love that gives you the fulfillment. The love does not flow back up, it still flows out in the world. It is just that by focusing on what you love more in the spiritual realm, it opened the heart chakra.

Feeling protected by the self

What do you love more? All of you have something you love more. You might say: “Why am I at a certain level of the spiritual path right now?” Let us say you are at the 87th level of consciousness. How did you get there? By loving something more on each of the steps up to the 87th level. But at this level there is still some separate self you have that you have not yet found something you love more than that self and that is why you are at your current level, whatever the level is. What you need to cultivate is this habit of monitoring yourself, looking at yourself: Is there a reaction? Is there some resistance? Is there something you feel is holding you back? And then you just realize that you have not found something you love more. But why have not you found something you love more? Because you love that self.

Now this may seem shocking to you that you could love a separate self. But you do not actually love it with divine love, you love it with human love just as you can love another person with human love. And why do you love with human love? Because it does something for you, so you think. Why is it that human beings love each other with human love? Because as I said they have struck a bargain: “You are doing something for me, that is why I love you.” Even a separate self, there is a certain human love for the self because: “The self protects me against a certain experience. It prevents me from feeling a certain feeling.” You have to come to that point where you become aware of this and then you contemplate: “Is there something I love more than this self and the idea that I am protected from something by the self?” And this can be a little challenging in the beginning until you make it a habit because you will feel of course that if you give up the self, you will be vulnerable and you will be flooded with this bad feeling that you had in the past.

Let’s take the messenger’s example of feeling embarrassed. He has a separate self that prevents him from feeling embarrassed in certain situations and he thinks that if he gives it up, well, he will be flooded with this sense of being embarrassed. But you see, when was that self created? It was not created in childhood, even if you may have felt embarrassed or had other experiences in childhood, it was created in past lives, a long time ago. That means that you have now risen far beyond the level of consciousness where the self was created. That means you will not have the same reaction to these situations today as you had back then. Why do not you see this? Because you have the self and you think that the only way to respond to such situations is through the self and that is why when you realize you love something more than this, therefore, you want to come up higher, you want to be free of the self. Then you can step outside the self and realize: “Even if I do not have the self I will not react to these situations the same way I did back then because I am a different person now, I have a different reaction.” And therefore, you can dare to let the self die.

Defining conditions to create experience

And this is a simple key again. But you see, love is very simple. It either flows or it does not flow, but unconditional love always flows, nothing can stop it. That is why love is simple. Divine love considers no conditions. How can it be complicated? What complicates? What complicates things? Conditions you define. Now I am not saying that this is wrong to define conditions. You are in an unascended sphere. You are a co-creator. As we have said before, how do you co-create? By forming a concept in the mind and projecting it upon the Ma-ter light and as long as you are unascended, how do you form a concept? By defining conditions. This is of course where things get complicated because you have two kinds of conditions. Dualistic conditions and those that are not dualistic.

The Conscious You starts at the 144th level of consciousness, takes on an illusion, goes to the 143rd, takes on another illusion, keeps going to the 48th level. Taking on an illusion is actually defining a condition. What is the condition? The pure awareness of the Conscious You defines that: “In this world on earth, I am defined by this condition.“ Then it defines another condition. It is like facets of a diamond. Like you have a rough diamond and first you grind off one facet, then another, then another until you are down at the 48th level. You have now created this multifaceted being by defining these conditions. Again, nothing wrong here. This is what you have to do to descend into embodiment in an unascended sphere, even on a natural planet. What do these conditions do? They just give you certain experiences that your I AM Presence then uses to grow.

The dualistic conditions

Now when you step into duality of course you start defining more conditions but they are now based on the dualistic mindset that always has the two opposite but relative polarities and that is when you go into human love. You see, unconditional love is unconditional love, but when you descend to the 48th level of consciousness the love from your I AM Presence flows through all of these conditions, all of these facets of the diamond that you have created and then it is expressed in a reduced form at the 48th level. Now you will still feel this as being very fulfilling at the 48th level but of course as you rise up you will feel it in a more concentrated form and it will feel better and better and better. But when you go into duality you cannot feel the flow of unconditional love even in a reduced form. It is cut off, the heart chakra is closed and therefore, you now start defining what love is, based on the dualistic mind and you define a whole other set of conditions for what kind of a being you are in this dualistic world you now think you are in.

This of course is much more complicated to unravel but it can be unraveled and it can actually be unraveled by using love, by using this formula. Now you may say, could a being who is below the 48th consciousness fathom this teaching and make use of it? Well, they could not actually fathom it, but they could make use of it. They could read it and decide very simply: “I feel limited by my present state of consciousness, I have had enough of being limited by this, is there something I love more?” It would be more difficult, but it could be done and the person could then use this simple formula to rise to the 48th level where it experiences a connection to its I AM Presence and then continue rising from there by, at each step, considering: “What do I love more?” But what happens to many who are below the 48th level is that they get trapped in the serpentine mindset of always reasoning using logic. They get trapped into thinking that it could not be that simple. They might read or hear this dictation and they would say: “Agh! This master does not know what he is talking about. It cannot be that simple! You cannot just say I love something more and then you are free of it. It cannot be that simple. There must be something I have to figure out in order to be free.”

A simple formula for growth

We have of course given these teachings that you need to look at the self you have that corresponds to your present level of consciousness, come to see the illusion. But you see, coming to see the illusion is not the same as figuring something out with the linear, analytical, intellectual mind because how do you come to see an illusion? By experiencing that there is a reality beyond the illusion. What is that reality? Well, it is one of the seven rays. It can be love but it can equally be one of the other rays. So given my position, let us focus on love. If you can experience some love for something more, it gives you a frame of reference to evaluate the illusion you have and by simply comparing the vibration of love to the vibration of fear behind the illusion, you can come to realize that it is an illusion.

You see, so many people have been trapped, especially in the modern age but even in older ages, in thinking that you have taken on an illusion and there is a process of logic and reasoning that leads you to take on that conclusion. You need to unravel that process, see the illusion, see through it and then somehow magically the illusion disappears. It is actually correct that many illusions are created through this process of the serpentine dualistic logic and you can actually reverse the process and therefore, come to see the illusion. But this is just one way, and the other way is to connect to a divine quality and simply read the vibration of the illusion versus the vibration of that which is higher. And again, you will say: “Well below the 48th level you cannot experience and connect to divine love, you just said so.” But yes, but even human love can be a contrast to human fear.

Many people who are below the 48th level have experienced loving their children more than some limitation in their minds and they have said for example, not necessarily consciously, but they have said: “I cannot allow my own psychology to prevent me from taking care of my children.” Many have not been able to do this, but many have. Some have had a love for a pet, some have had a love for a cause, some have had a love for doing something well, whatever that may be. By experiencing a contrast between the level of love for something greater than the self and the vibration of the fear-based self, you can actually come to see the illusion and free yourself from it by letting go of that which is less in order to rise to that which is more.

The enigma of love

Now there are enigmas about love, for I have talked about unconditional love. But what is love really? Love is that which is always more. Love never stands still. Love cannot be captured into any matrix, any form. You cannot create any kind of form and say: “This is love. Look at this. This is the ultimate love.” You cannot. Love will not accept boundaries and conditions. It will flow around them, it will flow through them. It is always more. But the linear mind will say: “What do you mean it is always more? How do we know it is more? There must be a linear scale then. Here is one level of love and in order to be more it goes to another level. But if it has a level, it must have conditions. How can it then be unconditional? How can that which is unconditional become more?”

Ah my beloved, there is the challenge. I am not going to solve this for you. I am just going to leave you with this enigma because when you come to a certain level of the path, contemplating this simple enigma can actually help you separate yourself from the linear mind and many of you have been deeply affected by that linear mind. Many of you realize it, some of you have not yet seen it, how you are always having this program, this evaluation in the back of your mind.  Whenever there is a situation you go into there is this process of thinking, evaluating. Look at yourselves right now. You are sitting here experiencing a dictation from an ascended master. What is going on in the back of your mind? Are you thinking? Are you analyzing? Are you judging? What is he saying? What does it mean? Does it make sense? Does it fit into my world view? Can you identify that process of thinking? Evaluating? Analyzing? There is some part of your mind that thinks: “I have got this figured out. I have got everything figured out. This master is not going to surprise me because whatever he says I can fit it into my world view.”

The constant evaluation

Well, fit that challenge of how the unconditional can be more into your world view, my beloved, and see how far that gets you, but be willing to be honest and look at this evaluation. This messenger realizes fully that he had this for all of his life until the last couple of years. It took him that long after finding the spiritual path to transcend it. Some of you have started to transcend it, but many of you have not really started to see it. Because what is it that happens when you are evaluating? It is a focus on self, the separate self. The separate self wants to survive. How does it survive? By keeping you focused on yourself, thinking you have to figure out how the world works. You are always thinking: “Ah yes, these ascended masters, they are kind of interesting. They have some advanced teachings. If I can grasp them with my mind and fit them into my world view, it makes me special. I am smart, I can figure this out.”

How are you going to be free of this? What the serpentine logic projects into the collective consciousness is that, when you figure out the ultimate mystery you will be free. Look at spiritual teachings, organizations. Look at ascended master organizations. Look at yourselves. Have you not been affected by this idea that there is some ultimate teaching, some ultimate insight? And when you get it, you will have figured it out and then you will be free. Then you will be enlightened. Then you will be ready to ascend. Then you will be smarter than anybody else. We all had it when we were in embodiment. I am not making myself an exception to this. But some of you have not realized it yet. You have not looked at yourself and identified this program, constantly evaluating. It is almost as if your life is a sporting game, and there is this TV commentator that is constantly sitting there: “Oh, that was a good pass. No, that was not far enough. Why did not he see the guy over there who was free?” And this program is constantly evaluating: “Why did not you do this? Why did not you do that? Why did not you think this? What might happen?” Constantly going on, it is like a talking machine in the back of your head.

Does it make any sense what it is saying? Is it talking to help you be free? Is it talking to actually resolve this enigma that it projects? No. It is only talking to keep itself alive. Because it thinks that if it stops talking, you are going to realize that it is not real and it is going to die so it continues to talk and talk and talk to keep you engaged, thinking there is something you have to figure out and evaluate. For some of you, the only thing that keeps you from ascending or at least qualifying for your ascension is this very program, this very focus on self that is trying to figure something out. Some of you have a self that thinks that you will be able to figure out anything. This messenger realized not long ago that he actually thought that he could outsmart the fallen beings. He could come up with some argument that would make them see how illogical it is what they are saying, how contradictory it is what they are saying, how stupid it was what they are saying, as he admitted in Estonia that he had a problem with stupidity.

Well, there is still this self in the back of his mind that is evaluating whether something is stupid or not, when something is too stupid, more stupid than the law allows. Again, the constant evaluation. All of you have something like this. It is not necessarily stupidity; it is something else. The messenger realized that he actually thought that he could expose how ridiculous it is what the fallen beings are saying and doing. Then he realized: “Oh, but wait a minute now, there are actually quite a number of beings who have ascended from earth, and wait a minute now, last I checked I had not ascended. So why have not I and why have they? Why did Paul the Venetian ascend, Master MORE ascend, Saint Germain ascend, Mother Mary ascend, Jesus ascend? What did they figure out that I have not figured out?” Well, he realized: “If it had been possible to prove the fallen beings wrong, was not it conceivable that Jesus or Gautama or Saint Germain would have done this? If I think I can do what these beings who have ascended could not do, am I not thinking I am smarter than them?” And when he saw this, he let the self die because he realized how it could only be a separate self that thought it was smarter than ascended masters. Perhaps it was the separate self that thought it was smarter, and should be smarter, than both ascended masters and fallen beings. That meant he could not let go because he still was looking for that ultimate argument.

Just let it go!

Some of you are looking for some ultimate understanding, but these are conditions you have defined for yourself. Yes, the fallen beings and the serpentine logic might very well have affected you, but in the end, this talking head inside your mind that is like a parrot, that is constantly repeating the same thing, you have defined it. And the wonderful thing about admitting that, is you can un-define it. You just need to see it and see it for what it is: “Why do I need to evaluate everything? Why do I need to constantly look at myself, criticize myself, condemning myself, judging myself for not living up to some standard? Am I going to ascend by finally living up to the standard, finally finding this ultimate argument? Or am I going to ascend when I see the futility of trying to do this and say—What do I love more than this game?” And then, just letting it go, walking away from it. Sure, it is unfinished. Sure, the fallen beings are going to say: “Ha, we were smarter than him or her, too.” But who is the smartest one? The fallen beings or the ascended masters who have ascended? So let the fallen beings think whatever they think. What is that to thee? Follow thou me.

You see, what did I say? Love is simple. It always wants more. In order to have more, you have to let go of what is less. How hard is that to figure out? What is there to figure out? You do not need to figure out anything in the mind because love is entirely experiential. You either experience unconditional love, or you define conditions in the mind that you think are love. There is nothing to figure out about love. You do not need to figure out anything about love. You just need to open yourself to its flow. What keeps you from experiencing the flow is all the sophisticated conditions created in the mind.

Seeing through the conditions you think define you

Now, you can also say from another perspective that what keeps your heart chakra closed is the focus on self, the outer self. What does it mean, then, to love something more than that self? It means it is not about the self anymore. You can say it is not about you. “It is not about me”—but you need to make the discernment that it is not about you as the separate self. It is about you as the real self, the Conscious You.

What does it mean that the Conscious You is pure awareness or neutral awareness? It does not accept any conditions as defining it. Again, a seeming contradiction or enigma to the linear mind because did not I just say that the Conscious You descends to the 144th level, defines a condition, goes on and on all the way to the 48th? Yes, but as long as you have some connection to your I AM Presence, you are not fully identified with the conditions. You see, there is a fundamental difference between even being at the 48th level, where you have a lot of conditions but realizing that these are just a vehicle for interacting with the unascended sphere, and then being below the 48th level, where you have lost your connection to your I AM Presence and therefore, you are fully identified with your conditions. Why are you at a certain level of consciousness, say the 87th? Because there is a condition at the 87th level that you actually think defines you. The Conscious You thinks: “Ah, this condition defines me.” How will you rise to the 88th level? By coming to see: “Oh, that condition at the 87th does not actually define me. There is more to me.” Then you rise to the 88th. In the beginning you are feeling: “Ah, now I know myself. This is who I am.” And after some time you are beginning to realize, perhaps there is still some limitation. “Do I love something more than being at the 88th level?” Well, then you rise to the 89th and so forth.

The inner critic of the monkey mind

I was the painter. What do you see in the world of painters? You have painters and you have critics. What are the critics? They are people who cannot paint, but who think they know better than the painters how the painters should paint and what the painter meant when he was painting this. But does a painter necessarily have some sophisticated meaning behind the painting? Maybe he just paints because he loves beauty, he loves the play of the light of the different colors, the different shades of paint. Maybe he loves that he can actually paint with a certain transparency, where it seems like there is something behind the painting shining through. There is no sophisticated reasoning there.

You may have heard that many years ago some people decided to take some canvases, some brushes and some paint and put it in a room with a bunch of chimpanzees. The chimpanzees started painting on the canvases making these abstract paintings. Then, they decided to submit these paintings to an art exhibition, and here were the critics coming up with all kinds of sophisticated arguments for what this painter meant when he put that gob of red paint on that particular spot. He had some sophisticated deeper intent. Well, how did they feel when they realized it was the chimpanzee who painted that painting?

You see this is your inner critic trying to complicate everything to keep itself alive. Trying to say there must be some sophisticated reasoning, something to figure out, but a lot of your thought process is just the monkey mind painting on the canvas of your mental body. There is nothing to figure out there. Just let it go. And now, when I say this, watch your reaction, watch the reaction from your inner critic: “Oh but you cannot just let it go. No, no, this is not true what he is saying. It cannot be that simple. You cannot just let it go. There is something you have to figure out.” There is nothing you have to figure out in order to get out of the separate mind. You just have to leave it behind, that separate mind. There is nothing you have to find to get out of the separate mind, except, perhaps, unconditional love.

It is NOT complicated

You might contemplate what happens when you are in love. You love this person. You feel this flow of love. Why does that feel good? Because when you are in love, you are not in the mind. You are not trying to figure out anything about how sophisticated the other person is, why you love that person, why that person deserves to be loved. You are just feeling the flow. And then when you fall out of love, what has happened? Well, now the mind has gotten its tentacles into this relationship, and now there is something you have to figure out. And all of a sudden, a relationship that started out being the flow of love can become something entirely different.

As this movie, with a title It is Complicated, suddenly a relationship becomes complicated instead of being the flow of love, but what is it that complicates it? It is that inner critic you have. And why is it complicating it? Is there some real purpose for it? Does it lead somewhere? Is there something you are going to figure out? It complicates it in order to stay alive. Now, some will say: “But look at all these teachings you have given us, that we go into separation, have experiences, but when we go out of separation by rising and seeing the illusions, we grow from that also. Is it not good that it is complicated? Is there not a lesson we need to learn? Is there not some lesson we need to learn?” Well, yes, but what is the overall lesson you need to learn on earth? It is that there is nothing on earth that you cannot let go of. You just have to see it, see that it is not real.

Yes, we are not advocating instant awakening, where you, from any level, can instantly catapult up to the 144th level, but you see what I am saying. Behind the illusions of every level is just this realization that there is nothing to figure out. It is just a matter of letting it go, and you can let it go by just experiencing the contrast between the vibration of the illusion and the vibration of love. There is nothing to figure out. I am tempted to shout, there is nothing to figure out!

Contemplate the enigma of love

I have enjoyed this interaction with you. I hope you have found some enjoyment as well. I have enjoyed interacting with all of you and with you as a group, both you who are here, those who are connected. I have actually interacted with you at an energetic level, beyond the outer words that are spoken. Some of you will be aware of this, some of you not. It does not matter. I have sort of been the artist, with my paintbrush and my palette, painting in your auras, wherever there was something that I could illuminate, make more obvious to you. And if you will, give me a little attention once in a while. Ask me to show you what it is you have not seen. I will assist you to the best of my ability.

You do not need a sophisticated ritual. You do not need to give my decree necessarily, even though you can if you feel like it. You do not need to take my book from the self-mastery series, although you can if you feel like it. You can also make it very simple. You can just contemplate the enigma of unconditional love becoming more. When you feel that this has baffled your outer mind, you can just send me a thought: “Paul the Venetian, help me see something. Help me see what I have not seen” and I will, to the best of my ability, help you see it. What is it that a painter does? So many people are focused on the act of putting paint on the canvas, but a great painter starts by seeing, seeing that which most people do not see. What is the most important ability of a spiritual student? Seeing that which most people do not see. Seeing that, in your own mind, which most people do not see in their own minds.

Again, it has been my enjoyment to interact with you, and I seal you in that joy of the Third Ray. I have radiated unconditional love but during the process of this dictation, I have also become more, more unconditional.


Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels

The broken heart and the focus on self 

Listen to a recording of this dictation (subscribers only)

Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels, August 3, 2024. This dictation was given at a Healing Retreat in Chicago: Heal your heart and the heart of America.

I AM the Ascended Master Mother Mary.

Now you all, of course, know how to search the internet, so you know that if you put in a certain word and hit the button you get three and a half million hits. But we have a similar feature in the ascended realm in the form of the akashic records, where you can also search and what you are searching is not, of course, what people have put in the akashic records, but what actually happens. You can actually do a search on the word heart and you can see how many times people have used the word heart in a spoken sentence, and then you can do a more sophisticated search where you see what words people have used in the same sentence as the word heart. And if you search this way you will see that the most common word associated with heart is broke or broken, as in: “It broke my heart”, “He broke my heart”, “My heart is broken.”

The (sense of the) broken heart

The topic I wish to talk about here is this concept of the heart breaking and obviously, I am in no way discounting or making light of people’s experiences. Many people throughout the ages have had this experience that something broke, either in their physical heart or in their heart chakra, even if they were not aware of the chakras they could have this sense that something breaks. And I am not discounting the experience at all. But the question I will start out with, of course the physical heart can break or be damaged, but when we are talking about the heart chakra, can the heart chakra actually be broken?

Is it possible for something in the physical, emotional, mental or identity realm to break the heart chakra? And the answer to that is an unequivocal no, it is not possible. The design of the aura is so that nothing from the lower vibrations of fear can break the chakras. Now take care, we have said that there are valves in the heart chakra, and in all of the chakras of course, that can be closed, but they cannot be broken so they cannot be opened again. We have also said you can take in energies and thoughts and ideas and images from the vibrations of fear into the outer chakra, the part of the chakra that is outside the valves, so the chakras can be polluted but they cannot be broken in a way that could never be repaired.

Healing vc. clearing the heart chakra

And this is important to keep in mind when we are talking about healing the heart, because we have called it healing the heart because it is what most people respond to based on this experience that the heart can be broken. But it is really a matter of clearing the heart, for the heart can take on pollutants, the valves can be closed, but nothing can be broken. When you realize this you can begin to look at experiences. Some of you may have had the experience in this lifetime that your heart felt broken. All of you, all of us, have had it in past lifetimes, certainly when you received the birth trauma.

You can now begin to look at these experiences and at least contemplate that as dramatic as they felt at the time, as it seemed like something had happened that could never be undone, that could never be repaired, while the feeling is there, and I am not discounting it, it is not reality. Nothing can be broken so that it cannot be cleared again. You can very slowly, and I know that for some this will be difficult in the beginning because the trauma is so fresh, it is still so deep, but you can at least begin to contemplate as we have said, with free will. You cannot make a choice you cannot undo by making a more aware choice, but even beyond this you cannot actually be broken by anything that has happened on earth.

Letting die, not fixing

We have said the Conscious You is pure awareness, it cannot be changed by anything that happens on earth. Again, there are deeper layers of understanding of this because the Conscious You can of course, take on the selves and you are then, the way you look at yourself and the way you look at the world is changed, but the point here is you cannot be permanently changed in such a way that you cannot again become whole. And again, I know that many people have felt that they were so hurt that it feels like you could never become whole again.

But that feeling is not the Conscious You, it is a separate self. And if you look only at the separate self you can say, well, it is probably true enough in the sense that the self that was created in a traumatic situation was created in a broken state and it cannot be fixed. What have we said so many times? The self projects there is a problem that must be solved. A self projects your heart was broken and it must be fixed, but what have we said so many times? You do not overcome the self by solving the problem that the self is projecting. You overcome the self by letting the self die and letting go of any desire to fix the problem. You cannot fix the self that projects that the heart was broken. You can only let it go. This of course, is the difficulty. We know this very well from our own experience.

“Consequences that can never be undone”

What does it really mean that it feels like the heart was broken? Well, it means that this self that was created based on, the trauma is based on, this belief that there are things that can happen in the unascended sphere that could never be undone.

This is a belief that has been cultivated originally by the fallen beings, not even in those who fell in the fourth sphere but actually in the sixth sphere. Some fallen beings came up with this idea that if they could get people to make a mistake and then project at them that this could never be undone, this could never be repaired, then they could put people in this catch-22 of trying to repair the irreparable, trying to fix what could not be fixed and therefore, people will be so focused on changing a condition in the physical world that cannot be changed.

You see again, the common experience in the physical realm is that there are choices you can make, things you can do, things that other people can do to you that have consequences that cannot be changed physically. If you are in an accident or in a war and one leg is cut off, well this cannot be undone at the physical level, and this applies at the physical level—there are some consequences that cannot be undone at the physical level. But as we have said so many times before, it is not actually the physical situation that affects you, it is what takes place in the emotional, mental and identity level in reaction to the physical situation, and nothing at those three higher levels can be permanent or unalterable. Whatever has happened to you at those levels, you can overcome by letting the selves die.

I realize, as I said, in terms of healing a physical disease, that this is difficult. If you have lost a leg, it is not easy to make peace with that fact and move on with your life. I am not saying it is easy, but I am saying it is possible. There are physical consequences that cannot be undone, but in the emotional, mental and identity levels there is no consequence whatsoever that cannot be undone by letting the self die. Therefore, your heart chakra, your heart, cannot be permanently broken. Whatever has happened, however strong the reaction was, it can be overcome. It can be transcended. It cannot be fixed, but it can be transcended so that even the physical condition does not take you away from wholeness, does not disturb you, does not stop your growth, does not prevent you from ascending.

The sense of being rejected

Now, if we go deeper into this sense that the heart is broken, what is really behind it? Well, it ties in with the other teachings we have given that you come here to express the individuality of your I AM Presence and you feel it is rejected, put down, “hammered down” as the saying goes, and this gives you that unbearable pain that makes you feel like the heart breaks because as we said, it is through the heart that your divine individuality is expressed. The Conscious You can have this reaction that it does not want that feeling to go up to the I AM Presence, so it wants to close the heart chakra so it cannot go up. But as we have said, whatever feeling the Conscious You has does not affect the I AM Presence the same way, therefore, the Conscious You does not need to protect the Presence. The Presence can take care of itself.

Once you have closed that heart chakra you can have additional traumatic experiences where you again feel like the heart breaks. If you have experienced in this lifetime the sensation of the heart breaking you have most certainly experienced it in past lifetimes also, because once you have gone through that experience one time then it becomes easier to have it again because now you have these outer selves that are based on this feeling that your individuality was rejected. They do not grasp the individuality in the I AM Presence but they feel that you were rejected and so when you have that sense of being rejected for who you are, that can cause you to feel that the heart is breaking. This often happens in a love relationship if a partner leaves you, but of course there are other situations where people feel the heart is breaking, such as if there is an accident or if a loved one dies.

These are the most common experiences. What is it that causes this? If you have a loved one who dies, is it really that you feel that you were rejected because the loved one could not help but die, whereas the love partner that left you could have chosen differently. But the reality is that when you create these subconscious selves, when you create essentially that first self after your birth trauma, the primal self as we have called it, you are now creating an outer self that is meant to make you never again feel the same pain you felt in the birth trauma and the self therefore builds a certain image of the world and how the world should work so that you can be, you can feel you have control over your life and you can avoid being really hurt.

You have a certain sense of how the world should be and you transfer that to, for example, your family members should not die until they eventually get old but certainly no accident should happen and many other conditions where you have a certain view of what should or what should not happen. And then when that view is broken, the self feels that it was rejected. Its worldview was rejected, the worldview that it is identified with.

In a sense we could say that originally the Conscious You felt that your divine individuality was rejected. This created the primal self and now the primal self feels that every time it is demonstrated that it does not have control over your life and the world, it is rejected by the world. If the world does not conform to the worldview of the primal self and other selves, the primal self feels rejected, and of course, when the Conscious You is not aware of the primal self and is inside of it, the Conscious You feels rejected.

Snapping out of the focus on self

What is the way out of it? Well, we have given the tools for how to resolve the selves, the primal self and others, and they are of course useful and valid. You can certainly use them. But what I will give you here is just some thoughts about how you can shift your perspective, because as Kuthumi so carefully explained, the real effect of the birth trauma is that you are now focused on self. You came here not being focused on yourself, focused on raising the whole but after the birth trauma you are now focused on self.

And how do you snap out of this focus on self? Well, there are different ways to do it, so let me start with one. We have very carefully given you these teachings about natural planets and unnatural planets. What is the real message behind this? You can be fascinated with these ideas in various ways, nothing wrong with this, but if you step back from the real message, what is the message behind the teaching that there are natural and unnatural planets and that there is a fundamental difference between the two?

It is that on an unnatural planet you cannot predict what is going to happen and therefore it is dangerous, non-constructive, to have this idea of what should and should not happen. And of course, the primal self is completely based on the evaluation that the birth trauma should not have happened, instead something positive should have happened. But the Conscious You can contemplate these ideas, can look at the very fact that what causes most of your frustration, most of your disappointment in life is precisely that you have an idea of what should happen or what should not happen in a situation and that idea, that expectation, is not fulfilled and this is what causes the frustration.

You can therefore look at yourself, you can look at others and you can come to realize that the only way to actually survive emotionally, mentally, at the identity level, on an unnatural planet is by overcoming this entire conglomerate of selves and even the underlying attitude that certain things should or should not happen. And as Kuthumi explained, the Conscious You actually comes to earth with an expectation of what should happen—you should be able to do something positive to help other people escape suffering, to uplift the planet, perhaps you even have some sense that you should be received as the prince on the white horse, as a hero, the superhero that you see in movies who is able to fix what is going on on the planet.

When we come as avatars we do not have the expectation or even the fear that we could be attacked and put down. We do not really have a sense of what should not happen. But as soon as we come down here in physical embodiment and experience what life is on earth and experience that what we thought should happen is not happening, we very quickly develop this sense that: “Oh, this should not have happened, that should not have happened, this thing should not have happened, this definitely should not have happened.”

You are now caught in this dynamic and the primal self is entirely built on this dynamic of what should and should not happen. But the Conscious You has the ability to step outside of this and see that this is what causes you to be hurt. Why can you have the sense that the heart breaks? Because behind it all was this sense that certain things should never have happened but now they have happened and you are so shocked by this that it feels like your heart is breaking because your whole sense of what your life should be like is shattered, is challenged, and it is such an overwhelming feeling and that feeling of being overwhelmed once again, twice again, a thousand times again is what makes it feel like the heart is breaking.

Mother Mary’s and Jesus’ example

The Conscious You can come to see this mechanism and therefore, you can decide to work on this, to start working on it. And you can take certain examples of this, you can take what you know about the path. If you will allow me for a moment to take you back to the situation where I was in embodiment as the mother of Jesus, I have given birth to Jesus, I have followed him, seen how his potential slowly started unfolding, I have seen him start his last mission knowing that there was a very real risk that he would be killed.

It was not that I was not expecting this. Here we now are, he has been nailed to the cross, I am standing at the foot of the cross looking up at him, and you could say that as a mother watching my son die could have broken my heart, but it did not. It could have, and if I had allowed my heart to break I would not have made my ascension after that lifetime. But what prevented me from going through that trauma was that I had dealt with this idea of what should and should not happen because I saw that Jesus’ mission was to challenge the forces of anti-christ and I knew that it is meaningless to have a sense of what should or should not happen to Jesus as a result of doing this.

The other thing is that for me the experience I had of watching him on the cross was a sense of victory because I watched him suffer and why was he suffering? Not because of the physical pain, as intense as that was, but because he was still struggling with his own sense of what should and should not happen. You see how he even said that he could command God to send legions of angels to free him from the situation and that is what he felt up until he realized that he had to go through this being crucified. But even while he was hanging on the cross he had a sense that he should not die on the cross, God should save him in the last minute in some miraculous way, and then he goes through this shock of realizing this is not going to happen.

Now right there, Jesus’ heart could have broken but he was able to not go into that reaction because he had dealt with his subconscious selves, his primal self before that and therefore, he was able to give up the ghost, that last sense of what should and should not happen so he could accept: “Yes my body is going to die on the cross”, and he therefore let it happen. And I was standing there watching him, actually very much holding the vision, the immaculate concept for him going through this transformation because this very giving up the ghost was the key to his victory on the cross. Of course, no Christian has grasped this but nevertheless. I stood there holding my breath and when I saw him come to that inner resolution and decide to give up that last sense that he should not die on the cross, I knew he had won his victory. It was not a sense of sorrow, not a sense of the heart breaking because I did not go into this sense that: “Oh, my son should not have died on the cross, God should have saved him.”

So, be careful now, if you have experienced that your heart broke in this lifetime. Do not go into thinking that means you cannot make your ascension regardless of what I just said. What I said was that if I had allowed my heart to break and created this self based on the belief that this should not have happened, then I could not have ascended until I had dealt with that self. And even if you have felt that your heart broke in this lifetime, you only created a self and when you let that self die you can still ascend, just as you have other selves you need to let die before you are ready to ascend. Again, there is nothing done that cannot be undone on earth in an unascended sphere.

Gautama’s example

Now take the other situation that we have talked about before. Gautama Buddha is sitting under the tree in meditation, ready to go into Nirvana but he has to pass that last initiation of the demons of Mara trying to pull him into reacting. And what would have been the primary inroad they would have in his consciousness if he had that sense of what should and should not happen? But he did not. He had overcome that so there was nothing that the demons could use. They created all kinds of scenarios in front of him, of masses of people dying because he was just sitting there not doing what he could have done to stop this. But he remained non-attached. There was nothing that should have happened, there was nothing that should not have happened, and that is why he won his victory of going higher and ascending, earning his ascension.

You can transfer that to yourself as this messenger did many years ago when he realized what had actually happened to the Buddha and Jesus on the cross. You can see that they simply demonstrated the path that we all had to walk to earn our ascension, of letting go of all of these selves of what should and should not happen. You are on an unnatural planet. You are on a fairly low, fairly dense unnatural planet. There are other unnatural planets that are not quite as unnatural as earth even though that might be hard to imagine for you. There are also some that are more unnatural than earth which might be even harder to imagine but nevertheless.

The interdependent originations

It is meaningless to say what should or should not happen. This is partly because of the interdependent originations. Everything is affected by everything else. You may take some kind of action in producing a certain result. This is what co-creators do. You have a vision of what you want to manifest and you are moving towards manifesting it, but you cannot know for certain what will happen because you can only have certain probabilities. And as they say in quantum physics, until the moment where the measurement is taken, there is no way to know exactly what the outcome is going to be, because the actual outcome is not defined by a very small situation involving this condition, that condition, this cause, that cause. If you look at a billiard table with three balls and you hit one ball that moves and hits another ball, it seems like a fairly simple system where you can easily figure out how the second ball is going to move if you know the momentum and speed of the first ball. But life is not a billiard table.

It is so much more complex because everything is connected and interdependent. You can of course, envision that something is going to happen, like you are going to start a business or whatever it may be and you can move towards it. But you need to avoid fixing in your mind a specific expectation because this is what sets you up for disappointment and frustration. Again, your heart has been hurt because of this experience that something happened that you thought should not have happened. But you can process this experience, you can come to see the mechanism and you can realize that the key to your freedom, the key to your peace of mind, the key to your spiritual growth, is to let the self die.

Now this does not mean that I am saying you should withdraw to a cave in the Himalayas and sit in meditation for 12 years. You can still take an active part of life. You just have to go into this neutral state of mind. You are taking steps but you are not having this idea that if a certain thing does not happen, you have failed. You can actually go into this state of mind where you realize there is no failure on earth. You are taking a certain action which has a certain direction, you have a certain vision, but whatever the outcome is, it is just an opportunity to learn, to grow, first of all, to grow in becoming non-attached to the fruits of action.

You take right action, you are not attached to the fruits of action. Whatever the fruit of action is, you just adjust, you learn, you step back, you expand your sense of self, you take a new action, a new impulse and if you keep doing this, it will start manifesting, but not necessarily the way you originally envisioned it. And that is what can ultimately lead you to reconsider—as Kuthumi said—what inner selves did you have before you came to earth and you can reconsider those selves and let them go and therefore, be at peace with being on earth and life is whatever it is because there is no should or should not.

The heart and the golden rule

You look at this nation of America, you look at the polarization, you look at the animosity, what is behind it all? Each side has a fixed image of what should or should not happen in this country and they are so focused on that image that they are not in their hearts, they are in their other chakras, many of them the solar plexus chakra or in the throat chakra where they are screaming and yelling at those that they see as the enemy. But they do not have heart and so they cannot connect with each other and they cannot connect to what we have called the basic humanity, because it is only through the heart that you connect to the basic humanity and the basic humanity is what allows you to embody the golden rule, do not do unto others what you do not want them to do to you. You have a certain sense that other people are like you, have the same inalienable rights that you have and therefore, they cannot be the enemy. But when people have closed their hearts perhaps because they felt their hearts were broken by life and they go into this state of anger, then they lose that basic humanity and it is very, very common when people have gone through this sense of the heart breaking that they want someone to blame, and of course it cannot be themselves, so it has to be those other people.

As we have said, when you are connected to the heart, when you are connected to your I AM Presence, to the Christ mind, there comes a point where you see that there are no other people. Nothing is ‘other’ for everything is out of the One mind. But when your heart is closed you cannot connect to this and when your heart is broken you feel like you did not do this, these were these outer circumstances and therefore, you can very easily go into wanting a scapegoat, wanting someone to blame and wanting someone to punish, for when your heart is closed and when you feel like it was broken because something happened that should not have happened, you have this desire to fix it. But if you are not looking inside yourself and seeing that the reaction was entirely inside of you, then the cause must be out there and then you can become so angry that you actually think that if you punish somebody else enough you would feel better, you would somehow feel that order was restored, and this is what people lose when their hearts are closed, this ability to actually connect to the golden rule because what does the golden rule say?

What does this actually say? Step back—the golden rule, do unto others or do not do unto others, what is it actually saying? It is saying that you cannot fix anything by punishing others. It is saying other things, but it certainly is saying that when you feel that others have done something to you that should not have happened to you, you cannot fix the situation by punishing those people. Even if they did something to you, you will only be free by continuing to follow the golden rule, but when people close their hearts, they cannot fathom this. They cannot connect to this and therefore, they become susceptible to the serpentine logic of the fallen beings that says that two wrongs can make a right.

Looking for a scapegoat

This is one of the most subtle serpentine lies spread on this planet. Just look back to biblical times—an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. They even thought God had given them this rule because they thought that if somebody had hurt you and spilled the blood of your tribe or family, if you spilled the blood of their tribe or family, somehow order would have been restored. Two wrongs can make a right. Has that ever happened in the history of the universe? Nay. But people cannot see this when their hearts are closed, when their hearts are broken.

But what sense does it make that if your heart has been broken, you can heal your broken heart by breaking the heart of someone else? Well, it makes no sense when your heart is open. But when your heart is closed, suddenly this makes sense to people and therefore they think that if they can punish the scapegoat, they will restore their inner sense of order. You take the Nazis in Germany in the 1930s. They had this inflated sense of self-importance and superiority before the First World War. They lost the war and their self-image was shattered. They became so angry at this. But here comes Hitler who says: “Oh, but it was not you, it was the Jews”, the scapegoat. They think, not the general population, but certainly those who were behind the Nazi party, they think that by eradicating the Jews, they can somehow restore their sense of superiority, their sense of being in control because what the German people felt before the war, and of course the French and the English felt exactly the same way, was that they were so superior that they could not possibly lose the war. It should never happen to them that they lost because they were so superior.

You see again the sense of what should and should not happen was shattered and you might say that many among the German people, their hearts were broken. And certainly, many of the Jews that were sent to the concentration camps, their hearts were broken. But did that restore order to the universe? Of course not. What happened to the German people was that when they lost the second war and when the holocaust was exposed, their hearts were broken again. And this is what the golden rule says: If you suddenly start doing to others what you do not want them to do to you, then the universe will do to you what you have done to others and therefore, by hurting others, you are only hurting yourself.

This is a very persuasive beast in the collective consciousness on earth. You see literally thousands of examples in history where groups of people have gone into this mindset. You see it exactly in the United States today. You see the opposition between what we might call the Democrats or the liberals on one side and the ultra-conservatives on the other side. You see that both sides are in opposition. But it is really only those on the conservative side who are ready to take up arms and harm other people. They feel they have to fight for their vision. And this is the same beast that drove the Nazis to persecute the Jews, that drove the Soviets to persecute their own people, that drove people in the Middle East to seek revenge for revenge for revenge in an unending spiral, that has caused tribal warfare in Africa, that has caused so many other conflicts around the world, the cultural revolution in China under Mao, so many conquests. And right now, right here in America today, in what they see as the greatest nation on earth, you have the exact same dynamic that some people are looking for a scapegoat, thinking that if they can just punish the scapegoat or shut out all those immigrants, their sense of order will be restored. But no matter what they could possibly do, their sense of order will never be restored, because what threatens the sense of order is not the outer conditions, the other people, but their own psychological reaction.

Knowing better than Christ

When will enough people wake up from this mass delusion? What you essentially have in the United States right now is that some people have gone into what we could call a lynch mob mentality. Somebody has to be punished, violence has to happen, and then order will be restored. It is a bubble. It is a delusion. It could break at any minute. And why am I talking about this? Why are we giving these teachings about the heart? Because we are sending out impulses that will awaken some people. And if enough people awaken, suddenly the bubble can burst, and people can come to see: “What are we doing? What are we doing? How could we ever come to think that violence would solve any of our problems in this nation?” And some can even awaken and see that: “How have we who claim to be Christians come to contemplate violence and think that turning the other cheek and doing unto others is weakness? How have we come to think that the very thing that gave Jesus his victory is a weakness that we who claim to be followers of Jesus should not fall into? Oh no, we are good Christians, but we should not do what Christ did or what he told us to do. For we know better than Christ.”

Who was it that thought they knew better than Christ two thousand years ago? They thought that Jesus was so dangerous that he had to be executed. Well, they were the forces of anti-christ, those who were in the consciousness of anti-christ, what we have called the fallen beings. Who is it that thinks today, as these leaders of these Christian churches, that they know better than Christ? In some cases, the exact same people reincarnated. There are people incarnated in America today who cry: “Barabbas, Barabbas! Never mind the Living Christ. We do not want him. We prefer a murderer.”

There are those incarnated in America today as leaders of Christian churches who were the very leaders of the Jewish religion that had Jesus condemned to death and now they are doing the exact same thing. Not to Jesus, but to the Christ in their brothers and sisters in America. Does that make sense to anyone? I know it does not make sense to you here, but I am sending this impulse. Does this make sense? Then awaken from your delusion that you know better than Christ and start turning the other cheek and keep turning the other cheek until there is no one hitting you because you have transcended the consciousness that caused you to be in opposition to others.

This is the magic of the golden rule. If you keep doing to others there will come a point where they start doing the same to you. The universe starts giving you back what you are giving to others. You cannot fathom this if your heart is closed, but when your heart begins to open, you can be reborn, and then you are truly a born-again Christian when you fathom what Christ actually said instead of what some pastors in the fallen consciousness think he said.

You who are devoted to the Word of God, what do you think is being spoken right now? This is the Word of God spoken by an ascended being through a human messenger. If you cannot fathom this you are not among the chosen ones, because you have not chosen oneness with Christ. You have chosen death, or you have not been willing to give up your sense of superiority, your sense that you know better than Christ, in order to follow Christ. You have not been willing to lose your life for Christ’s sake. How can you be one of his disciples? How can you represent him? He will say: “I know you not.”

Politics  based on heart

Truly, there is only one thing that can bring America to the next level and that is heart. Many times, in the history of this nation, people have shown heart. But where is it today? Where are those who will break the deadlock, the gridlock, the animosity, who will change the tone of the political debate so that instead of being based on the closed heart, it is based on the open heart. Instead of being based on the solar plexus or the throat chakra perverted, it is based on the open heart chakra.

Where are those who will do this? They are in embodiment. Some of them have already started to awaken, but more can awaken and be awakened by this impulse that I am sending. It is time to wake up. It is time to open your heart to a new way to approach politics in America and make it based on heart, not hate. And when you open your heart, you will clearly see those who are speaking based on hate and have no heart, and how can you vote for someone who does not have heart?

Let this self-focus die

With this, I have given you what I wanted to give you in this installment. Again, you will need to go back, reread it, relisten to it, and process it, what it means for you personally. But I trust that those of you who are open to our teachings will have found something here that appeals to you, that applies to you, that you can see how you can use this to start changing this sense of what should and should not happen. And therefore, you can make peace with your life, however it has formed itself so far.

What did the messenger say yesterday? He hopes you can feel accepted for who you are right now. Well, I share that hope. I have no condemnation, no judgment of any of you. Whatever may have happened in your life, whatever you feel should not have happened or should have happened, what you should have done, should not have done, the mistakes you should not have made, it means nothing to me. What means something to me is your potential, that I see much more clearly than you do, and my only desire is that you will come to see it as well and come to accept yourself.

Whatever your life may have been up until this point, there is nothing that cannot be healed. There is nothing that cannot be transcended. There is nothing that cannot be overcome, but it can only be overcome by giving up the ghost, the ghosts, one at a time. And the last ghost to overcome is what Kuthumi talked about, the focus on self.

What was the ghost that Jesus gave up on the cross? What does this say when he said that he could command God to send legions of angels to save him? What does this say about Jesus’ state of mind at that moment? He was focused on himself. I had, in a certain sense, a higher level of non-attachment, a lower level of focus on myself, than Jesus had when he was born. That is why I could be the mother holding the balance for him, and I saw throughout his entire life how [this was] his essential challenge and the only way he could fulfill his mission was to overcome the focus on self. And he did make progress, but still, even during the three years of his public mission, he always had a certain sense of self-importance and the importance of his mission.

I am not criticizing or judging this, it was part of what drove him to do what he did. I am simply pointing out that he only won his victory by letting that ghost die, by giving up that ghost. And it is the same for each and every one of us. And what I am also saying is that some of you, in fact quite a few of you, have the potential to give up that focus on self in this lifetime and still live for a long time on earth without the focus on self, which means, of course, that you will be more at peace, you would enjoy life more, but you will also be the open door for bringing forth something from the ascended realm that is blocked by the focus on self.

And so, my vision, my desire for you, is that you overcome that sense of being so focused on your selves. You are not actually focused on yourself, you are focused on your selves, beginning with the primal self. You are focused in the outer instead of being focused on the pure awareness of the Conscious You, and the I AM Presence and the ascended masters. You are focused on this outer self, but you can give up that ghost anytime. Jesus could not give it up until he was hanging on the cross, but that should not stop you from giving it up without any dramatic events. Jesus had a flair for the dramatic, so he had to go through this extreme situation.

The Buddha, on the other hand, sat under the tree in the forest and just gave it up without any drama. You decide who you want to be because, I tell you, that the world and the fallen beings will gladly give you all the drama you could want. But if you have had enough of the drama on this planet, then it is just a matter of coming to the point where you realize this is the now to give up the ghost. Of course, for many of you it will require a process of letting go of other selves, and that is why we have given you all of these tools. But many of you are already at the point where you have made enough progress that you could actually step back, see that you have this focus on self, see how it is limiting you, and just give up that ghost. That is what would warm my heart more than anything else.

With this, I seal you in the joy of my heart, the heart of the Mother of God, the office that I hold, but even the personal heart of the Ascended Master Mary who loves you, each one of you, in a very personal way that is beyond the office that I hold. Be sealed in that joy.


Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels

Letting go of what brought you to earth 

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Ascended Master Kuthumi through Kim Michaels , August 2, 2024. This dictation was given at a healing retreat in Chicago: Heal your heart and the heart of America.

I AM the Ascended Master Kuthumi and I aim to give you some hints on how to deal with the heart chakra. But in order to do it the way I want to do it, I need to give you a little bit of a background and take you on a little bit of a journey. 

Being a leader on a natural planet

We will start on a natural planet, a nondescript, non-specific natural planet like the ones most of you came from. Here you are, you have grown from a very narrow self-focused sense of identity towards a more and more broad and expanded sense of identity. Naturally you started out in the beginning being very focused on yourself and your immediate environment and gradually you expanded your sense of self. And you grew to become less and less focused on yourself, more and more focused on how to help other people, how to help the planet grow. Those of you who came from natural planets, you grew to become leaders, forerunners, those who were doing something extra, who were doing more than the average person. You experimented with various forms of leadership. 

For some of you I sense that this is hard for you to believe because in this lifetime you have not felt you were leaders. You have in fact been reluctant to take leadership positions, maybe even afraid to take leadership positions, but you must remember this is an unnatural planet and being a leader on a natural planet is very different from a dense planet like earth for various reasons. But chief among them, that on a natural planet you will not be attacked as a leader and therefore, you can safely fulfill the leadership position to the best of your ability while you are still learning, looking at yourself, how to transcend yourself. But you are not attacked or put down or blamed because on a natural planet nothing goes wrong. It is not that a leader makes a big mistake, it is simply that you experiment and you help raise people up and raise the community and ultimately the entire planet that is being raised to a higher and higher level of vibration. 

Expectations vs reality on earth 

Here you are on this natural planet, you feel you have grown as much as you can grow on a natural planet and you look around for other opportunities to grow. There are other natural planets that you can go to that are different design and therefore, give you different challenges, different opportunities for growth, but those of you who are here also realize that there are unnatural planets, but there is a whole different set of challenges. You look at an unnatural planet called earth and you, we, I could say, decide to go there. We have a certain vision, a certain goal for what we want to experience and we are of course continuing this desire to serve the whole, to raise up other people, but naturally also to grow ourselves. We decide to come to this planet of earth and we of course go through this very difficult process of first coming into embodiment in these bodies that are so much more dense than what we are used to on a natural planet. But then of course when we experience what it is actually like to be in embodiment on a planet like this, to be in this dense physical body that you cannot get out of, you cannot withdraw from and you cannot therefore, run away from the situations you are exposed to and all of us went through this.

First the sense that we are being ignored by most people on this planet, but then comes the attack that we have never experienced before by the fallen beings where we are deliberately put down, hunted you might say, and we are naturally shocked by this, we are traumatized by this, we feel this sense of: “How could this happen when we are here to help? Does not everybody want to grow, does not everybody want to transcend the suffering that we clearly see on this planet, do not they realize they are suffering, do not they realize there is a way out and why are they not taking the hand that we are stretching out to them?” 

Focus on self

What is it that then happens in this process? Well, you start out on a natural planet being focused on yourself, you gradually become less and less focused on yourself until you are focused on the whole. But then you come to earth, you are attacked and what do you do? You contract. You contract in order to avoid being hurt. 

Again, it is natural, it is unavoidable, but the result of this is that you came to earth being focused on others and now you become focused on yourself again. Not the same way you were when you were new on a natural planet because on a natural planet you were not attacked, so it is a different level of self-focus, but what I am saying is you contracted and you become focused on yourself. We all did this, every one of us, no exceptions. As a result of this birth trauma, you now have this focus on self, the outer self, the separate selves that you created in reaction to earth. Again, understandable, in a way unavoidable that it happened, but of course that does not mean that it cannot be overcome, it cannot be transcended, of course it can. 

But the problem is that the focus on self closes the heart chakra, because what is the heart chakra? Well, it is the open door for your divine individuality to be expressed and what you experience is that it is not only just ignored, but it is actively put down, ridiculed, made to look like it is wrong and can only be wrong. And therefore, you feel that the most precious thing you have that you took with you from a natural planet has now been dragged into the dirt, put down in some ultimate way, and you want to naturally avoid that feeling and therefore, as we have said, you close the heart chakra thinking you have to protect your I AM Presence. And then as you go deeper into these reactions, you start to think that you have to protect your I AM Presence from what is happening on earth, but you have to protect yourself from condemnation from your I AM Presence. You are now in this situation where as a result of these attacks, you feel attacked from the outside and you fear that your I AM Presence might even attack you from the inside because of what you perceive as mistakes you have made here on earth. 

Identification with the outer self

You now have this situation where you are focused on self and what I mean with that is you are focused on the outer self, the self you created in reaction to earth. Now how are you going to break out of this catch-22? You have closed your heart chakra and as a result of closing the heart chakra, you cannot reach your I AM Presence and therefore, you identify yourself with the outer self, the separate self. You see, when you were on a natural planet, it is not that you did not have what we can call selves on a natural planet. They were not dualistic selves, they were not separate selves. But in order to do anything, in order to co-create, you create selves, you create structures in your identity, mental and emotional bodies that you are projecting onto the Ma-ter light. That is how you co-create, that is how we all co-create. You had selves on a natural planet, but you were not identified with them because you were identified with the I AM Presence. The selves were just a tool that you used to co-create and as you grew, you created more and more sophisticated, broader selves that were focused on serving the whole. Whereas in the beginning you were more focused on yourself and your own growth and what you wanted to experience. 

Now you come to earth and you create these outer selves, but because the heart chakra is closed and you do not have the contact with the I AM Presence, what do you do? What do we do? We come to identify with these outer selves. We think this is who we are, and in a sense this is who we are in relation to earth because it is such a difficult planet and we have such a strong reaction to it. But how do you break this catch-22? How do you break out of it? This is the enigma that people have been facing for thousands upon thousands of years. Various spiritual teachings have been released on this planet by the ascended masters who were working with the planet in the past, aimed at helping people break this. 

The Buddha’s teachings is one example, Jesus’ teachings another, but there are of course many others. It is not that these teachings cannot work, they have worked for some people but not for large numbers of people. And that is why we aim to give some teachings that can hopefully help more people break through this stalemate, catch-22, cross the gap between the teaching and what you can actually embody. And of course it helps tremendously when you have the broader teachings we have given, Mother Mary, Shiva, but also of course the many teachings we have given about the separate selves and your I AM Presence and the Conscious You being pure awareness. Because the key to it all is of course that the Conscious You needs to stop identifying itself with the outer self, the outer selves that are created in reaction to earth, it needs to recognize that it is more than these selves. 

Breaking out of the prison of the self-focus

But ideally on a natural planet of course you know you are more because you have a sense of connection to your I AM Presence. When you lose that, how do you then realize you are more than the outer selves? How do you connect to the I AM Presence? This is the central enigma and it is an enigma that is really centered on the heart chakra because as I said the heart chakra is the open door for your I AM Presence to express itself through you but the heart chakra is also where you connect to other people. 

There are two ways to break out of the prison. And one of them is we might say the Omega aspect that you somehow make the shift of focusing on serving other people or even a cause where you make the decision that you cannot be so focused on yourself that you cannot help other people. Many people throughout the ages have gone into some kind of service whether through this religion or that philosophy or just in general they have developed this desire to help others and when you go into this it gradually helps you overcome the focus on self. Other people have somehow grasped that there must be more to understand about life than what you see in the material world. There must be a spiritual realm beyond the material. There must be something you can connect to beyond this earth. People then go into a spiritual path where they often withdraw from the world and focus on spiritual pursuits however they see it. These are the traditional ways. 

The challenge behind a mystical experience

But there are other ways, in fact several other ways. And one of them is of course the teachings we have given where you ask yourself simply: “Who am I? What kind of being am I? Am I my physical body? No. Am I my emotions? Am I my thoughts? Am I my sense of identity? What am I? Am I more than this outer?” And then it is possible by this, what some call self enquiry, that the Conscious You suddenly steps outside of these four lower bodies and experiences itself without the filter of the four lower bodies. We have called it pure awareness, neutral awareness, but you have a direct experience that there is more to you than the outer selves. This means that it is no longer a belief, a theoretical concept. It is no longer a mental image that you have, you have a direct experience. This is what has traditionally been called a mystical or an intuitive experience. Millions of people have had them but the challenge of having such an experience is that it of course only lasts for a certain time, often a very short time. Then you go back, the Conscious You goes back into the outer personality and how do you now deal with the experience? 

You look back throughout the ages, you see that so many people have had great difficulty dealing with such an experience. Because once you are back into the outer personality, the outer mind, these separate selves that make up the ego are desperate to get you to interpret the experience in such a way that they can maintain control over you. We might say that in order to have this experience, there is a valve, at least one valve in the heart chakra that has to flip open for a brief time so that the Conscious You can exit the outer personality. Now you are outside and then you go back in but the experience is so different from your normal state of mind that the Conscious You can actually become shocked by it. And now even the Conscious You is looking for a way to explain this so that it is not too disturbed. 

And why is this disturbing? Because the outer personality that you have built in reaction to earth gives you a certain sense of security on earth. You sort of know how you fit in, you sort of know how to avoid being hurt because these separate selves are constantly observing everything that is going on around you and seeking to identify any potential threat that could hurt you and then reject it before it actually hurts you. You find ways to explain it away, to avoid it, to run away from it, many different ways that people do this and so you become familiar with this and it gives you a certain sense of security where you feel you have life on earth under some control, you can avoid being hurt. 

Fitting the experience into your worldview

Suddenly now the Conscious You steps outside of this protection apparatus. It is almost like this noble man in the Middle Ages who has grown up in this stone castle with thick walls and suddenly he is catapulted out in the clear sunshine and he is blinded by the light and does not know what to do with himself. And that is how the Conscious You can feel after experiencing itself as pure awareness. You will actually see when you look at many of the spiritual teachings, even older spiritual teachings, how a part of the purpose for these teachings is to put this experience into some context where people can deal with it. And what we are attempting to do with these teachings we are giving now is in a certain sense the same thing. 

We are giving you some kind of context where you can deal with this jarring experience of pure awareness where you actually experience that you have no personality. You have no structure in yourself as the Conscious You because in the beginning you will just experience being outside the outer personality but you will not experience the Presence because you are, so to speak, you are outside but you are looking back towards the outer personality. But we are also attempting to give you teachings that can help you much more quickly adjust to this experience and come to the point where you can accept that you do not need to explain the experience through the structures in your outer mind. You do not need to take the world view of your outer selves, your separate selves, and fit the experience of pure awareness into it. This is what you see so many people doing including what you today call this non-dual teachers who teach non-duality and a state of no-self. 

Yes, it is understandable that when the Conscious You steps outside of the outer personality, it is an experience that it has no self as it is used to seeing itself. But when you then interpret this from the viewpoint of being back in the dualistic selves to mean that you should actually strive to have no self, no personality, then you are putting yourself into another catch-22 than before you had had the experience. You are bringing the experience into the dualistic mental box and explaining it there. What we are seeking to help you do is to realize that, even though it can be disturbing to have this experience of pure awareness, it is just a stepping stone to where you, now instead of looking back at the outer personality, you can look to the I AM Presence. And begin in the beginning to connect to the I AM Presence eventually as we have talked about leading to oneness, a sense of oneness with the Presence. If you can do this you can make much faster progress and this is really a matter of the Conscious You becoming more conscious of the entire process. 

Seeing through the meaning projected onto the experience

We can say that traditionally it has been said that the heart chakra has 12 valves or petals that can open or close. And we can say that for each of those 12 there is a certain illusion you have taken on that caused that valve to close. In a sense in order to open the heart chakra you need to look at each of these 12 illusions, come to see it consciously and let it go. Then you open one valve and this in itself is great progress because most people on earth have all of the valves firmly shut. And when you have one valve open the light can flow through from your I AM Presence and therefore, you will never again feel completely cut off from the I AM Presence. But of course you will not regain the full openness, your full creative powers until all of them are opened. Most of you have either at least one valve that is open or that opens occasionally and then closes again, at least that, but many of you have several valves that are open. 

Some of you will feel like you do not have it. Some of you will feel like you have not experienced pure awareness. I would say that if you are here listening to these teachings you have experienced it. But you have not connected the experience to the words—pure awareness, in your mind it is different. And this is an enigma that we face as spiritual teachers, that we have to communicate with words but words are only a description of an experience, not the experience. No matter what words we might choose, some people will not connect those words with the experience they have had. But you can look at it this way. If you are open to these teachings, it is because you know there is something beyond the worldly teachings, the worldly worldview and your outer personality. How can you know this? 

You could say: “Yes I can read a spiritual book and gain some intellectual understanding.” But this is not going to drive you to pursue the spiritual path. You are going to take it as a form of entertainment. But when you have made the commitment to be on the path, to look at yourself, to look at your own psychology, it is because you know there is a reality and you can only know that through experience. So you have had the experience and if you think you have not, you need to try to go beyond the words, pure awareness or neutral awareness and identify what form the experience takes for you and what your outer mind might have used to explain the experience and put it into its worldview. This will be helpful for you to recognize that you have had the experience. It will also make it easier for you to have more of these experiences because it is truly the experience that becomes the driving force on the spiritual path.

And some of you come from a background where you have been programmed we might say to believe that a spiritual experience is some otherworldly very dramatic experience. But in reality there is nothing dramatic about pure awareness or neutral awareness. It is neutral and this is of course what is unique about it because nothing you experience through the separate selves is neutral. It always has a meaning that is projected upon it by the separate selves. And that is why we are saying that even the experience of neutral awareness, the separate selves will project their meaning upon it as the entire concept of no-self. Or that some people feel that because they have had a certain experience they must be very special, very advanced. And now they set themselves up as spiritual teachers and try to teach others to just have a spontaneous awakening instead of giving them a step by step path that leads them higher and higher. 

You need to contemplate how your separate selves have projected a meaning onto the experience of pure awareness so you can identify what the experience is that you have had that is actually pure awareness and not the meaning that the outer self projects upon it. Because this is what makes it easier for you to open your mind to having more of these experiences because you can start recognizing the meaning and dis-identifying from the self that projects that meaning. And this you can do when you have these teachings about the Conscious You that it is not the outer personality. You can then begin to see that you have had the experience and what it means. 

The dilemma of the dark forces

Now there may be some of you that are thinking: “But if somebody is now completely trapped in the outer personality, has closed the heart chakra and do not have any contact with the I AM Presence, how can the Conscious You ever step out of the outer personality and have that experience of pure awareness? How is this possible?” Well, it is possible because the Conscious You is pure awareness and it can never lose it. That is also why we say you cannot make a choice with your free will that you cannot undo by making another choice because the Conscious You can make the choice to go into the outer personality but it cannot become trapped in it permanently. It can choose to go out. 

And here is where there is an enigma for the dark forces because when they expose you to some kind of traumatic situation, the more intense the situation is, the more of a potential there is that the Conscious You will step outside the outer personality. You will see that there are many people who have been in accidents or other dramatic situations where they suddenly felt like they were outside their bodies or outside their normal personality. They were just witnessing the situation. They felt calm within, totally at peace and they just allowed the situation to unfold instead of resisting it. 

You see here, the dark forces also face certain dilemmas for how they can control people and sabotage your path. And the harder they push, the greater the, from their viewpoint—risk, from our viewpoint—opportunity, that the Conscious You will be catapulted out of the outer personality and suddenly experience that there is a different way to look at this threatening difficult situation than through the outer personality. And this then helps the Conscious You gradually dis-identify itself from the outer personality, realize there is another way to relate to these situations. 

We might say that the dark forces cannot stop themselves from applying force. They would in a sense be smarter if they could take you into separation and then leave you there. And that is what they to some degree do with most people on earth who are not in the process of growing, they are stagnating. But still when it comes to avatars, the dark forces cannot help but see them as a threat. And therefore, they will push and push and push because they think, they think, they can destroy you. They actually think they can destroy the Conscious You, which of course cannot happen because you cannot destroy pure awareness that has no structure in this world. But they think they can cause you to build so many layers of separate selves that you cannot free yourself from them. But in fact, the more selves you have, the more stressful your experience is going to be, and again, it increases the potential that the Conscious You will suddenly have had enough, will suddenly feel overwhelmed and therefore, it slips out. As we as spiritual teachers face certain dilemmas, the dark forces face certain dilemmas because as there is no guarantee that we can help you, there is no guarantee that they can stop or prevent your growth. They cannot, as I said, destroy you. When you realize this, when you accept these teachings and begin to use them and contemplate it, then you can come to greater and greater dis-identification from these outer selves and that can greatly be accelerated by using these teachings about how to open the heart. 

 How do you deal with rejection?

Now you may say: “What about the other chakras?” Well, there may be some of you who have such a disturbance in a particular chakra that you need to focus on that for a while because it takes your attention away from looking at the heart chakra. But if you do not have that, then focus on the heart chakra because once you clear that, it becomes so much easier to clear the others. But you do have to start looking for these illusions. And Mother Mary’s tool for looking at love relationships is certainly one way to do this. There are other tools that can be used, but really it is a matter of observing yourself and your reactions. There is not like a magical wand I can give you and you wave it and then you see the illusion. You have to gradually observe yourself looking for one illusion at a time and come to see this. 

But what we can say is that all of the illusions relating to the heart chakra revolve around this mechanism that you feel that the expression of your true self, your higher self, your spiritual individuality is being rejected. And how do you deal with that? And there are 12 shadings of how you can deal with it and therefore, you can contemplate this: how do you deal with rejection, the rejection of who you are? What is your general reaction to this when I say rejection? You can imagine that there is a situation where you felt rejected. How do you look at it? You can use a technique, having a notepad ready, counting down and then spontaneously writing what comes to you. But you can also simply observe this rejection. How have you dealt with this? And then you can gradually come to see the different illusions you have revolving around this sense of being rejected. 

Some of you will feel like this messenger has realized that when he felt rejected, he felt it was because he was not good enough to help these people so he had to improve himself. But when you are in separation, what does it mean to improve yourself? How do you, when you see yourself as a separate being, improve yourself? Well, you create another separate self. 

Here you are, you have the desire to help other people, you feel they reject you, you feel: “Oh, it is because I am not good enough, I have not come up with the right argument that makes them see this.” What do you do? You attempt to create a separate self that has this ultimate argument that will convince all people. But of course, separate selves are based on duality. How can one separate self convince another separate self that it is not real? How can one unreal self convince another unreal self that the second unreal self is not real and that the first unreal self is real? It cannot be done. It is an impossible situation. You think you have improved yourself, you come up with a better argument, a better reasoning process, you feel rejected again, now you think you have to create an even more sophisticated separate self and this can then go on and on until you build layers and layers of this. 

The intention that brought us to earth 

How do you get out of this? How do you deal with rejection? Well, what does rejection come from? You have an intent to change other people. You are approaching other people with some intent to get something out of it, that they are somehow going to accept you and what you are saying and feel that they have been helped by you. But what if you did not have the intent? How could you then feel rejected? You can then begin to look at, even going back to when you came as an avatar, how did you look upon earth and what you could do here? As we have said before, many of you will realize when you contemplate this, that you came here with a certain intent. For example, to remove suffering, to help people overcome suffering.

You see that this is even the case for the Buddha who even after he had, as the Buddhic wording says, gone into Nirvana and returned to give his teachings, the First Noble Truth that he formulated was that life is suffering. This shows you that the Buddha, before he came to earth as an avatar, was focused on helping people escape suffering. Many of you were the same, but some of you had other things you were focused on. You could say suffering is very general, but many of you were focused on specific kinds of suffering, not just suffering in general. You see that even the Buddha had some kind of intent. Now, was he attached to it? Was it a separate self that drove it? No. But nevertheless, in order to actually ascend, Gautama had to actually overcome this desire to help people overcome suffering, because he had to accept that all he could do was offer them a way out of suffering but he could not allow himself to be attached to whether people took it or not. 

And it is the same for all of us. In order to ascend, we have to reconnect to what brought us here and simply let it go, simply let go of any intent of changing other people or changing the planet. This does not mean that you will not make a contribution to changing the planet and helping other people, because by overcoming this specific desire to help people you can serve as an example and you can pull up on the collective consciousness. But it is not done from this sense of wanting to change other people. 

The higher perspective on the Conscious You 

Now, this may seem to be a long way around, but it goes back to the focus on self. Again, it is understandable that you were hurt, you were shocked, and it caused you to contract and focus on self. But what the spiritual path is really about is overcoming the focus on self that you went into after you came to earth, and that means overcoming that reaction where you, for example, felt rejected. You felt that rejection of your divine individuality. There can be other reactions, but they all revolve around this sense that you were rejected for who you are.

Who were you when you came to earth? Were you the Conscious You? Were you actually pure awareness? Or was there more to the Conscious You than pure awareness? Well, this is where it may seem like we are contradicting what we have said before, but we are simply giving a higher level of teaching. Take care of what we have said several times. You were on a natural planet, you looked down upon earth. You did not look down, but you looked at earth being at a lower vibration, and you formulated an intent to come here based on a certain motivation. What did I say? Even on a natural planet you create selves, they are not based on duality and separation, but they are selves. You formulated, you created certain selves that then motivated you to come to earth and so you came here with those selves. 

Are they at the level of the I AM Presence? Well, this is a delicate topic. The answer is yes and no because, as we have said, your I AM Presence is not an ascended being and therefore it can have certain intent, certain viewpoint that then causes you to create these selves that are not part of your divine individuality, but they are part of how you express yourself in the world. For practical purposes, we will say that they become part of the Conscious You. They become structures in the Conscious You. What does that mean? Well, it depends on how you interpret the words “pure awareness”. If you want to interpret it completely literally as meaning that if the Conscious You is pure awareness, it has to be empty of any kind of structure or individuality, then we have in a sense given you a misleading teaching by talking about pure awareness. Yet, if you realize that our teaching was given to help you step from the separate self into a higher awareness, then pure awareness—neutral awareness—is simply a way to describe that the Conscious You is outside the outer personality.

Again, you see how words are subject to interpretation and it depends on from which viewpoint are you looking at the words. From the viewpoint of you being inside the outer personality, pure awareness is an accurate description of what the Conscious You experiences when it steps outside that personality. Because when you first have these experiences you will experience pure awareness. You will not be able to connect to these selves, this structure that you brought with you from a natural planet. And of course, you can say that for the original earth’s inhabitants, when the Conscious You steps outside the outer personality, there is no structure that was brought from another planet to earth.

Unrealistic expectations 

In the beginning, when you experience pure awareness, you experience no structure. But as you become more experienced, as you dis-identify from the outer personality, you can begin to experience both the I AM Presence, but also that there are certain structures in the Conscious You, around the Conscious You, that you brought with you from a natural planet to earth and this is what we have talked about before. You came with a certain intent and you can learn to identify this, and when you identify it you can come to that point where you see a certain intent. You now compare it to the actual experience you have had on earth, and you see that because you had not experienced earth, you did not have an accurate expectation or intent for what you could accomplish on this planet.

We have said before that you were used to being very accomplished on a natural planet and we all naturally thought that we could do on earth what we did on a natural planet. We could manifest whatever we wanted to manifest, but we had not experienced the density of earth. When you now look at your expectation, your intent, compared to the reality of how dense the planet is, how dense the people’s consciousness is, how unwilling they are to change, how unwilling they are to overcome suffering, you can look at that intent and just let it go. It is like any self. You see that it is limiting you, you see that it is based on a certain illusion, and you just let it die. You let it fall away. 

In the beginning this is very difficult for all of us because you want it to mean something, that you came to earth. You want to feel you have accomplished something by coming to earth. And therefore, you resist letting go of what drove you to come here that built the expectation of what you could accomplish. 

But what is the greatest thing you could accomplish on earth? If we look at it strictly from the perspective of the ascension of your I AM Presence, what is the greatest thing you could accomplish by coming to earth? It is overcoming the selves, the expectations that brought you to earth, the illusion you had when you looked at earth and what you thought could be accomplished here. If you can overcome that, you are ready to ascend, and that is the greatest accomplishment at a personal level. 

Now, you may still say: “Well, have I accomplished anything for others? Have I helped other people on the planet? Have I helped the masters? Have I helped Saint Germain manifest the Golden Age?” Well, if you can overcome these selves that I am talking about while you are still in embodiment, you can be the open door for your I AM Presence and the ascended masters and then this can accomplish something for the earth and that is the greatest service you can give.

“Is this the only way to react to earth?”

I know very well that what I am talking about here requires some contemplation. I am not expecting you to grasp this by listening to this dictation once or by reading it once. It requires a process. But you can speed up your progress if you can grasp the need to question your focus on self. This messenger has described how he has, throughout this lifetime, struggled with the sense of feeling embarrassed, of making a mistake, doing something that he thought was stupid, or that he thought other people thought was stupid. You all have a similar thing, similar mechanism. But what does it come from? Why would you feel embarrassed about anything you have done on earth? Because you are focused on self, on yourself. You think there is something that you should have been able to accomplish, or there is some mistake you should have avoided on earth and therefore, you are focused on avoiding the feeling, whether it is embarrassment or something else, avoiding that feeling. You are constantly on guard, whether you realize it consciously or not, there are these subconscious selves that are looking at every situation you encounter, wondering: “Am I going to be embarrassed? Am I going to feel stupid? Am I going to feel rejected? Am I going to feel I am not good enough?” And this eats up your attention, your energy.

If you can become aware of this and start looking at it, asking yourself: “Why should I feel this way? Do I really have to feel this way?” You will see that it ties in with the attitude, the expectations you had when you came to earth for what you could accomplish. Why did this messenger feel embarrassed? Because he experienced a situation that triggered this reaction that he could not accomplish what he came to accomplish so he was not good enough at doing it, and it was embarrassing to him. He was not conscious of this, just as most of you are not conscious of your reaction, but that is the mechanism. You are always focused on self, but you can become aware that you are focused on self because what happens is that when you are focused on self, you do not see it. You think this is the only way to react, this is the only way to look at life, this is the only way to look at yourself. 

But when you can become aware that you are doing this, you have already started breaking this hypnotic spell that this has over the Conscious You. And you can start asking yourself: “Why should I feel this way? Is this the only way to feel? Is this the only way to react to earth?” You can then start asking yourself why should you feel embarrassed over anything you have done on a planet like earth?”

Letting go of the self that brought you here

If you ask yourself these questions, you will realize you do not actually feel embarrassed because of anything you have done, but because you thought you had not accomplished the goal that brought you here. You see what I am trying to do? I am trying to trick you out of the focus on self. When you are focused on self, you think: “It is the outer situation that makes me feel embarrassed or rejected or this or that.” Your attention is going out, trying to avoid what is coming from the outside. But it is not about what is coming from the outside. It is all about what is going on inside yourself, where you feel you cannot live up to your own expectation. When you begin to see this you can come to see that, as we have said before, nobody ever did anything to you. Nobody ever made this messenger feel embarrassed. Who made him feel embarrassed? Himself. But what self made him feel embarrassed and what self felt embarrassed? Well, of course, a separate self. 

Then you can begin to see that your reaction here on earth comes from a separate self. But even your view of what you could accomplish on earth and what brought you here comes from a self. Not separate in the same way as a separate self created from duality, but still a self based on an illusion. And when the Conscious You becomes aware of this—that it is, in a sense, trapped between two selves, the outer self and the inner self, we might say, the self that brought you here—then suddenly the Conscious You can step outside of even the inner self and take a look at this and say: “Why should I hold on to this idea of what I could accomplish here on earth? Why? Why am I holding on to this? Why am I not just letting it go?” And as you let go of these selves, you become the open door, fully open door for the I AM Presence.

Not only can you let go of the outer selves, but even those inner selves, as we might call them, you can let go of. You have no intent for what you are going to do or accomplish or not accomplish on earth. You are just flowing with the River of Life, allowing your life to unfold. What is there to be embarrassed about? What is there to feel rejected about? I know very well that what I am giving you here is a teaching that requires a certain reasoning process. And there is always the danger that you can then go into this logical analytical linear mind, as we have called it, and try to set up some linear process that you need to go through, some linear steps and stages. But it is really my intent to help you just shift out of the selves and experience that what traps you on earth is precisely what brought you to earth. And the only way to get away from earth is to let go of what brought you here in the first place.

There are the outer reactions that will keep you here, yes. But even if you overcame those, still your intent will keep you here as long as you felt it was not fulfilled. And quite frankly, we can never come to a point where we feel we have fulfilled our intent for coming here, because how likely is it that in the rest of your lifetime, suffering will disappear from planet earth? We all had to come to a point where we were willing to acknowledge that we simply had to leave, even though we had not finished what we came for. That it is time to leave, because we see that it was an impossible quest that brought us here. 

Now, does that mean that I, who is now the Ascended Master Kuthumi, wasted millions of years being in embodiment on earth? That it made no difference at all that I was here? No, it does not mean that and it does not mean that for you either. We have made a difference by being here. We have actually accomplished something but it was not what we envisioned when we came here. And that is what we need to come to see before we can look at the planet and say: “I can leave, even though I have not accomplished what brought me here. I can walk away. There is nothing I have to do on earth.” 

Raising the whole

Now, some of you may not be ready to do this in this embodiment, because it is part of your Divine plan that you come back after this embodiment to help manifest Saint Germain’s Golden Age. But there will come a point where you are ready to ascend and where you have to go through this. It is still valuable for you to have this teaching, to take it in, to integrate it, so that when the time comes, it is there and can be brought to your conscious awareness and you can come to that point of the final release of your self from earth, where the Conscious You releases itself from any tie to this planet, and then you ascend.

You can still stay with the planet. You can say, have I, as the Ascended Master Kuthumi, overcome all ties to earth, given that I am still here? What about Gautama Buddha, Jesus, Master MORE, Saint Germain, Mother Mary, Kuan Yin? Why are we still here? Because when you are not focused on your self, you can focus on the larger self and seek to raise others. But you are not doing it in order to accomplish something as the self you saw yourself as when you came to earth. You are doing it from a completely unselfish perspective that is not centered on yourself, even as an ascended master, because it is centered on the whole, raising the whole. And that is something you can experience in glimpses, but you will not experience it fully until you ascend.

I know this has been a long and very complex discourse, but you realize, I hope, that we are attempting to give you a higher teaching. And you cannot expect that these teachings are simple, straightforward, and can be fathomed the first time you hear or read them. It is not a teaching that is aimed at producing instant results, but of taking your path to a higher level so that you gradually produce those results of seeing through the illusions, that makes you more and more free and you have all experienced how the teachings set you free, make you feel more free. It is simply a matter of continuing this process, taking it towards these gradually higher and higher levels until you have that final release that brings you into the ascended state. 

And of course, you are not walking that path just for your own sake, but because each of you are at the top of a pyramid, and there are other lifestreams beneath you in that pyramid that will go up as you go up, because you are pulling them up. Of course, you being at the top of this pyramid, you are also part of a larger pyramid where there is an ascended master ahead of this that is also pulling up on everyone below it, even those who are unascended. This is how the whole progresses. Pyramids within pyramids within pyramids, rings within rings, and it all leads up to the Creator, which might be said to be at the top of the greatest pyramid of them all. But we could just as well say that the Creator is at every level of every pyramid. But that, of course, is something that is more difficult to see, and that you cannot see until you overcome that focus on the self.

With this, I thank you for being willing to participate in this release that has gone into the collective consciousness and reached some people who may never hear about you, who may never hear about ascended masters or these teachings, but they can still be pulled up by the energetic impulses that have been sent through the outer vehicle of this dictation and your chakras. With my gratitude and my joy, I seal you in the heart of Kuthumi that I AM.



Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels

Shifting the equation in America with Shiva 

Listen to a recording of this dictation (subscribers only)

Ascended Master Shiva through Kim Michaels, August 2, 2024. This dictation was given at a healing retreat in Chicago: Heal your heart and the heart of America.

I AM the Ascended Master Shiva. This statement would of course surprise many people from the Eastern religions that have the name of Shiva, and that have an entire mythology built around the God Shiva. But I am not that God. I am not that mythological image any more than the real Creator is the angry judgmental God in the sky.

I am an ascended master. I have risen to the level where I can hold the spiritual office that gave inspiration to the Eastern myth of Shiva. It is a real office, it has been held by various ascended masters in the time span that the earth has existed and it is an office that first of all is designed to break down illusion and set people free from illusions. You might say if you look at this concept of the Trinity, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, that there has to be a God who creates form, there has to be a God who maintains form, but there has to be one who breaks down form. Why? Because otherwise the self-aware beings sent into the world of form to co-create the world of form could become trapped in their own creation. This then is the very principle embodied by the office that I hold, to give people the assistance so they can escape the entrapment in their own creation.

The illusion of a lack of resources

Now this has two aspects, one is that humankind on earth has co-created over a long period of time the current physical conditions you see on earth, such as the lack of so-called natural resources. Well, there are no natural resources, there are only spiritual resources and there is only one spiritual resource, but it has of course various manifestations such as the seven rays. But humankind has perverted the rays, created the separate selves, gone into separation and therefore have broken down the original creation of the earth, the original natural state of the earth where there was abundance of resources for all. And therefore, they have co-created this state of lack that many people have come to see as inevitable, either because it was created that way by some God or other, or because it was created that way by natural laws. Well, there are no natural laws, there are only spiritual laws and one of them is that as you sow, so shall you reap.

Because what you project into the cosmic mirror, the cosmic mirror must reflect back to you. And this is why it is possible that people can create conditions on a planet such as lack of resources, come to believe it is inevitable, it is mandated by God or nature, and therefore they think they can do nothing to create it. They go into this entire drama, this epic drama of thinking that one day the earth will run out of resources. And then they create the other epic drama that this is because there are just too many people on the planet. And what do they envision is the solution? Mass genocides, or have they just not thought about what could be the solution? Well, the solution is of course the transcendence of the consciousness that created the lack of resources because the planet was designed to maintain a comfortable standard of living for 10 billion people. But why do you not have that? Is it just because people have gone into separation? No, it is because there is that small power elite of what we have called the fallen beings who have manipulated life on earth so they are hoarding natural resources and wealth to themselves, taking it from the majority of the population.

The lack of heart

And what is this a sign of? A closed heart, a complete lack of heart, a complete lack of consideration for anyone but oneself. And where does this lack of consideration come from? From the perverted heart, from the closed heart. Because if you have an open heart, you are through your open heart connected to your higher self which you know is an expression of the One mind and therefore you will see that all other people are expressions of the One mind and therefore what is best for all is what is best for you. And therefore, you cannot take from others in order to hoard for your separate self. The most blatant expression of the lack of heart on the planet is the power elite hoarding wealth and resources and power to themselves, seeking to enslave the majority of the population under this extreme poverty, under this extreme control of the power elite. There is no more severe lack of heart than this condition.

Now why am I bringing this up in clearing the heart? Well, because you need to clear your individual heart of this very belief in the lack of resources, in the inadequacy of planet earth to provide for the people living upon it. This is the hatred of the mother spoken about in the invocation you just gave. To accept that the earth cannot sustain the people living on it, is hatred of the mother. Because the mother can, but humankind has perverted the mother, has perverted the planet and now they are blaming the planet for their own self-created condition. And this is hatred of the mother leading to self-hatred. Who has self-hatred? Those who have a closed heart. Who have the most closed hearts? Well, what we have called the fallen beings of course. Therefore, you cannot fully grasp the process of clearing and healing the heart, unless you are aware of the existence of the fallen beings who have closed their own hearts and who are seeking to make everyone else on earth close their hearts and keep them closed. What is then the best thing you could possibly do for the raising up of this planet? To heal your heart from the onslaught of the fallen beings. Because if you do not know that there are beings both in and out of embodiment who are doing everything they can to destroy your heart, to pervert your heart chakra, you cannot fully free yourself and heal the heart. If you cannot heal your own heart, you cannot heal the heart of the planet, the heart of humankind.


Now what is behind this manipulation of the fallen beings, their attempt to we might say destroy the heart? It is really an attempt to prevent your I AM Presence from expressing itself in this world. And this ties in with these teachings given by Mother Mary of how you have been manipulated into feeling that your divine spiritual individuality is not acceptable on this planet, it is put down, it will be criticized, they will attempt to destroy you. This is because the fallen beings feel that they have ownership of this planet. But they do not have ownership of planet earth. For I, Shiva, have the right to execute my office and break down the illusions that keep people trapped in a lesser state. Not only do I have a right, it is my divine mandate, my divine calling. The fallen beings want you to believe that you have no right to express your divine individuality on this planet because it somehow belongs to them. They have come up with many clever schemes throughout the ages seeking to justify their existence, their presence on this planet, their denial, their hatred of the light, their hatred of the Father, their hatred of the Mother, their hatred of the Son, their hatred of the Holy Spirit, their hatred of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, the hatred of all other people on the planet, which of course all springs from self-hatred.

How can you hate yourself? Well, how can you not hate yourself when you have closed your heart to your I AM Presence? For what then is the self that is left? Well, it is the Conscious You, but the Conscious You is so trapped inside all of these separate selves that you have created based on the duality consciousness that it cannot see itself. It cannot see itself as pure awareness. It sees itself as the selves. You cannot hate pure awareness. You can for that matter not love pure awareness, but you can feel unconditional love streaming through pure awareness. You cannot feel hate streaming through pure awareness because hatred is not pure. It is not unconditional. It is the ultimate conditioning. The fallen beings have gone into this state of hating themselves, but they cannot admit this, they cannot even see it because they are constantly directing that hatred outside themselves, placing blame somewhere else. And they are seeking to get everybody else to do the same or rather to follow them in their definition of who are the people who deserve to be hated—what are the conditions that people should hate.

Why is it that people follow along with this? Because they have been hurt by the fallen beings so they have shut off their hearts. And therefore, it is the classical situation that the fallen beings have created a problem and now they try to present themselves as the saviors who can save people from the problem. But how could this logically be done? It cannot be done when you see with Christ logic. Therefore, people must obscure this Christ logic through the use of serpentine logic. And that is why you see so many examples of this serpentine logic that seeks to get people to deny their potential, to transcend themselves and instead feel that the only way to overcome their problems is to force some other group of people or potentially kill them all.

One people under God

What is the problem in America right now? Is it other people or is it we the people? For this nation was founded on the principle of unity, of oneness—one people, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. If there is division, there cannot be liberty and justice for all. For there will be some people who hate another group of people wanting to limit them, restrict them or get them out of the country, thinking that if we just force all of these other people our suffering will be over. But your suffering will not be over because the suffering takes place inside your mind. And it is not created by those other people for there are no other people. There are only people on the planet. Even the fallen beings are not ‘other’ people. They see themselves as such, but the Christ does not see themselves as such. For the Christ is wise as serpents, harmless as doves.

Look at the political debate. Look at the tendency to single out other groups of people and identify them as the problem. And now look at how this mentality has been magnified and has been blown up to the point where there is talk of civil war. What was it that caused the first civil war in America? It was the concept that there are other people that can be owned as property. Now here we are so many years later and again this serpent of other people rears its ugly head and is again being used as serpentine logic to create division in America. Where can this division come from? Only from a closed heart, a heart that has been so wounded that people have shut off their connection to their higher selves. Because it is only through that connection that you can see that there are no other people.

The serpentine logic of division

You who are the spiritual people can take a look at the nation. You can see who is it that is magnifying this idea that other people are the problem. And then you can clearly see if you use your intuition who is a fallen being or who has their minds taken over by fallen beings. They are spouting out this serpentine rhetoric in various disguises, thinking themselves that they also are the other people but they are the superior people. For some are superior and some are inferior. That is what inevitably happens whenever you have a division. What does it say in the founding document of this nation? All men, including wo-men, are created equal. By whom? Oh yes, by their Creator who has given all inalienable rights that cannot be overwritten by the state as was the case in King George’s England and any other dictatorship on the planet. The serpentine logic makes people believe we can divide humanity into at least two groups of people, us and them. We are superior, they are inferior. They are causing the problems in our society. If we deal with them, we will solve the problem and we will all be happy. This is serpentine logic.

Why? Because happiness is an inner condition that cannot be brought about by outer conditions. You could have paradise on earth in an outer sense and the people trapped in this mindset would not be happy at all. The serpentine logic makes people believe that you can divide the population into at least two groups and that you can solve the problem of the nation by suppressing or in other ways getting rid of the inferior group. This is what can only lead towards dictatorship of some form because democracy is by its very nature based on the recognition that all people have the same rights, the same right to exist, the same right to be here. Without this, there cannot be democracy. It is an impossibility.

You can begin to identify this serpentine logic. You can make the calls for it to be exposed. You can make the calls for the cutting-free of those who have the potential to tune into Saint Germain’s heart without knowing who he is, without mentioning him, but still bringing out these ideas that will expose this serpentine logic. You do not have to call it that, you just have to expose it and how it is the antithesis of the very principles upon which this nation is founded.

Of course, we might say, what is this nation founded upon? Is it wisdom? Is it power? Is it truth? Is it peace? Is it any of the other qualities or any other quality you can come up with? No, it is founded upon the heart. Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. This is the heart speaking. What was it that was lacking in Europe in the 1700s? A small power elite of the kings and the noble class and the clergy had virtually enslaved the majority of the population.It was a total lack of heart. What was America? An  attempt to give room to those who were the huddled masses. What has America been turned into? Another country where the power elite rules, where they are stealing more and more of the wealth of the people and now in order to maintain their own existence and in order to stay hidden, they are putting the people against each other so that people can start fighting each other rather than identifying that the problem is not other people. It is actually the power elite that are not people because they do not see themselves as being part of the people. They do not see themselves as we the people, they see themselves as “We the elite.”

Healing the heart of America

This is the overarching underlying problem in America. It is a problem many other places in the world, but that is not the issue because changing the rest of the world will not heal the heart of America. Only the people of America can heal the heart of America by healing their own hearts. By opening up their own hearts and therefore, who is going to bring about such a shift? Well, only the most spiritually aware people can do so and I count you among them but you are not the only ones. There are of course many other people in various spiritual movements and some that are not even outwardly spiritual who have started opening their hearts and who can see the direction that America is going in. You can of course work on yourselves to form that magnet. You can call for other people to be cut free for the healing of their hearts of those who are closest to opening their hearts because what is going to bring about Saint Germain’s Golden Age? Which country is going to be the first one to magnetize Saint Germain’s Presence and materialize the golden age? The one who has the most open heart and right now that is not America.

There are other nations that are far ahead of America when it comes to opening the heart. One among them of course Canada, right north of America. Unfortunately, we cannot count Mexico among those nations but there are other nations in Europe, in Asia, Australia, New Zealand that have a higher degree of the opening of the heart than America. This is not what Saint Germain desires to see although he is of course grateful for any nation that opens the heart. But America is behind. It is behind many other nations. And think about Americans and how competitive they are. They want to be ahead, they want to be the greatest nation on earth. Well, you will not become the greatest nation on earth through force. That is what Vladimir Putin is attempting to do with Russia. It will not work. It will lead to the same crash and burn syndrome that you saw in Nazi Germany. You will not become the greatest nation through force, only through love, through the opening of the heart.

The serpentine lies

Again, you who are the spiritual people, you cannot fully understand what is burdening your heart unless you understand what we have said about the fallen beings and how they have done everything they could to hurt you in past lives so you would close off your heart and come to perhaps even accept the serpentine logic that you have no right to be here because maybe it is their world after all. And maybe you should just let them have it and not express your divine individuality here since it is not welcome and so reviled and there are so many people that reject you or ignore you or deliberately seek to destroy you when you dare to express who you are.

But you see, you have a right to be here and express that divine individuality. That is what Buddha demonstrated, that is what Jesus demonstrated, that is what others have demonstrated in smaller or larger measure. Many of you are already demonstrating it. We are simply saying—keep transcending yourselves and you can accelerate the transcendence by looking at your heart, being willing to identify that the fallen beings have done everything they could to get you to close that heart chakra, those valves, and to get you to feel that you cannot allow yourself to be who you really are, you cannot allow yourself to express your divine individuality from your I AM Presence because you either need to protect your I AM Presence or you need to live up to some standard of perfection to avoid being judged by your I AM Presence as Mother Mary so carefully explained. All of it is lies, all of it is lies, and especially it is a lie that some higher force has given this planet to the devil and the fallen beings. What has given earth to the fallen beings is the choices of humankind, the original inhabitants who have not been willing to take responsibility for themselves.

Pulling up on the collective consciousness

But you see, the law of free will mandates in one sense that, as we have said before, the fallen beings cannot alone destroy the planet, the avatars cannot alone save the planet, for it is the original inhabitants that decide whether the planet goes up or down. However, right now, the original inhabitants, such as the majority of the people in the United States, are not actually deciding whether the country or the planet should go up or down. They are not deciding on the future of America because they are too divided. And that gives an opportunity for those who have a higher spiritual awareness, who are willing to look at themselves and transcend themselves. It does not mean you can decide for people, but it does mean that the effect that you have of pulling up on the collective consciousness can be multiplied many times by the ascended masters.

And this can then help pull more and more people above this downward pull of the fallen beings so they become able to actually see what is happening, so they become able to take responsibility for themselves and their nation and therefore, make a conscious decision instead of either making unconscious decisions or making no decision because they do not know what to decide. They do not dare to believe in a better future for themselves and this nation.

Divide and conquer

If you look back to the time of the founding of this nation in the 1700s, what was the situation of most people in Europe? They were born as peasants and all they could think of was that they would live the rest of their lives as peasants. They could not envision that there could be a better future for them (and there could not be in Europe at the time). But here comes the United States or rather the colonies where there is space and suddenly some people can see the opportunity and they immigrate, but many stay because they did not dare to believe that their situation could be improved.

And that is precisely what the fallen beings want to manipulate people into, what they have been trying to manipulate the majority of the people in the United States into thinking that their living standard cannot be improved even though the living standard of their parents was improved greatly. They are trying to get people to accept a lower standard of living, accept a stop to economic growth and economic prosperity, but times have moved on since the 1700s. It is much more difficult to make people accept this today and even though you can begrudgingly make them accept it, they will feel that inner frustration and anger because they know it is not right, they just do not know what it is that is not right. And here comes then those who say: “Let’s try the good old trick of defining an external enemy. Look what we could get people to do during the Crusades in terms of fighting each other.”

What was the problem during the Crusades? It was that the fallen beings had taken over both the religion of Christianity and the religion of Islam. Some people were beginning to wake up to that. You had the Inquisition, you had the witch hunts, but first of all you had the Crusades where you got Christians and Muslims to fight each other instead of acknowledging the influence of the fallen beings on both of their religions. Here you have the situation repeating itself today. More and more people are becoming frustrated. The fallen beings do not want to change the economy and give more wealth to the people. How can they deal with the rising frustration? Oh yeah, put people up against each other. Republicans and Democrats, rich and poor, this or that. Original Americans against immigrants.

Hello! Who were the original Americans? Are they, the Native Americans, fighting to shut down immigration? Nay. Who are those who claim to be the real Americans that want to shut out others? What right do they have to make that claim? They think they have to defend “traditional values”, Christian values, because they have to turn America into a Christian nation. What did Christ say? Do unto others, forgive, love your enemies, be your brother’s keeper. What do they say now, these so-called Christians: “Oh this is weakness, this is liberal values. We are going to be militant Christians!” Yeah, like the Crusaders who went out and thought that they killed in the name of Christ.

Shiva’s dispensation

Are you really saying that in today’s America you are ready to kill in the name of Christ and thinking that Jesus will approve of this? How self-deluded can you be? I, Shiva, am here to speak this truth in the physical and SHATTER this illusion. You have no right to call yourselves Christians or representatives of Christ if you are ready to go and kill your fellow man in the name of Christ. This is madness, absolute utter madness.

And I for one will do everything I can to consume this if some of you will make the calls to me. I will also give you a special dispensation that those who will call to me, I will clear out your heart chakras of these negative energies as much as can be done. You can make any kind of calls you want. Simply call Shiva or the Om Shiva or other mantras to Shiva. But you have to be willing to do the work also to look at these separate selves that cause you to close your heart and believe it was necessary.

This is of course what Mother Mary has laid the foundation for, which other masters will build upon, but I wanted to give this impetus because someone has to speak in the physical that all of this hypocrisy of claiming to be Christians and seriously considering killing or forcing your fellow men, this is utter and absolute madness. And it must stop now. I say this of course with full respect for the law of free will. But by stating it so unequivocally, it can go into the mass consciousness and awaken some people, because some people will be awakened by this dictation to see the madness that they cannot see right now because of the scales covering their eyes. What happened to Paul on the road to Damascus? What was Paul doing? Persecuting Christians. What brought him out of that state of mind? The scales fell from his eyes. Why? Because he opened his mind to an experience of Christ. And when he had experienced the reality of Christ, rather than this false image of Christ that he had before, he knew he could no longer persecute his fellow men.

And that is what will happen to some people who are part of the Christian movement. They will see the madness they have been pulled into in thinking that this could possibly be what Jesus Christ wants. Jesus Christ does not want America to become a Christian nation. He wants it to become a nation of people who are embodying and living the teachings, the true teachings of Christ, which is, all life is one, therefore, there are no ‘other’ people in Christ.

The forces of the anti-christ in Christianity

Why am I giving this dictation when most Christians would immediately be turned off by the name Shiva? Because I am not seeking to convert any Christians. I am seeking to send an impulse into the collective consciousness that will awaken people even though they will never know why they were awakened. I do not need recognition. The messenger does not need recognition, certainly not from Christians. We just need to see the consciousness shift. I have made the contribution I wanted to make to bring about this shift. And as Gautama said, some will understand, some will allow the scales to fall from their eyes and see just how far they have strayed from the true teachings of Christ, thinking that their interpretation represented Christ when it represents anti-christ, the serpentine mind, of those who killed Christ, who perverted his teachings, turned him into an exclusive exception rather than an example, and turned the Christian religion into a suppressive religion that is a tool of the forces of anti-christ.

Because Christianity from the Catholic Church forward has been a tool for the forces of anti-christ to undermine the mission of Jesus Christ. I know you can point to various churches and say: “But are they not doing good works?” But what is the road to hell paved with? Good intentions. What does good works on a local scale do if it keeps the entire planet on a downward track that slides it further and further into the grips of the forces of Antichrist? How is that doing the works of Christ? It is not, and it never can be. I could go on, but enough has been said to reach those who can be reached. And I am grateful for you who are here, you who are on the internet, who have been willing to open your minds and chakras to accelerate this message and its power to go into the collective consciousness.

And that is why I give you this dispensation that I will give you an extraordinary measure of clearance of your heart chakra when you will call to me. I give you the opportunity now, first call to me silently and say what you want me to consume in your heart chakra. Do this now. And now we will together say Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva!

And now, make the calls for what you want me to consume in this nation of America and in the hearts of those who are open to have the scales fall from their eyes and have their heart shackles cleared so they can truly lock in to the reality of Christ. Make the calls now. And now we will together say: Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva!

Now my beloved, I know that many times we ask you to make calls for this, or calls for that, or calls for the third thing, and many times you feel like, is it having an effect? Are we seeing a result? But I am asking you to realize here, it is not a matter of the outer results you see, it is a matter of the inner knowing in your heart. Can you feel my vibration? I know that this has worked, and that this has shifted the equation in America. I know this. Do you know this? Then rejoice in having made a difference, and therefore, I seal you in the joy of Shiva.


Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels

Opening your heart for the love of the I AM Presence 

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Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels, August 2, 2024. This dictation was given at a Healing Retreat in Chicago: Heal your heart and the heart of America.

I AM the Ascended Master Mother Mary, and it is with great joy that I welcome all of you who are here physically and all of you who are tuned in via this wonderful invention of the internet. So, greetings from my heart and the heart of all of us, all of us who are going to speak, all of us who are supporting this gathering and the goal of clearing the heart of both yourselves and of this nation of the United States, which is not so united right now because the heart has taken a back seat for too many people to either the other chakras or to the thinking, linear, analytical, judging mind. 

The heart chakra and the secret chamber of the heart

What is the heart? Well, when we talk about clearing the heart, we are of course not primarily talking about the physical heart, even though there is of course, as you just saw in this invocation you gave, there is a connection between the physical heart and the emotional, mental and identity bodies and of course the heart chakra. The heart chakra and the physical heart are very closely related and quite frankly, you can see a correlation between the frequency of heart diseases that you see in society and the closing of people’s heart chakras. This for most people happened many years ago and I am in no way trying to blame anyone. It is very, very difficult to be in embodiment on a dense planet like earth and be exposed to such severe trauma such as war or many other physical traumas without having the heart chakra close up. But why is that? Why is it that the heart chakra closes when people are exposed to trauma, whether it is physical trauma or psychological trauma? Well, that is what I wish to discourse on. 

For what is then the heart chakra? Well, you know of course that it is the center of the seven chakras, three above it, three below it. There are various teachings out there that talk about the flow of the Kundalini energy from the base chakra to the crown, but truly nothing can flow between the chakras without involving the heart chakra. And why is that? It is because the heart chakra is the open door between the I Am Presence and the Conscious You and the four lower bodies. Now, some teachings say that it is the crown chakra because it is the highest, but this is actually not what we of the Ascended Masters teach. 

The heart chakra is where the light from your I Am Presence enters. We have in previous teachings given the image of the threefold flame in the heart that springs from the white fire, but of course there is in reality a sevenfold flame in the heart representing all of the chakras. But as a part of progressive revelation, we often do not give the most advanced teaching to begin with because it is overwhelming to people at the time. So, there truly is a replica of each of the chakras in the heart chakra. And of course, many of you are familiar with the concept that there is a secret chamber of the heart. And this is actually, really you can look at it as not being a separate chakra because it is interlinked with the heart chakra, yet it is separate in the sense that even if the heart chakra closes or even if it takes in impurities, this will not affect the secret chamber of the heart. Nothing from earth, nothing from below, nothing from the outside can enter or pollute the secret chamber. That is why in previous dispensations it has been called the secret chamber. Because it is secret to those who are in the anti-christ consciousness—in the state of duality and separation. They cannot even see it and therefore they cannot direct anything against it. So, becoming more aware of this secret chamber of the heart is important for opening the heart chakra. Yet, this represents somewhat of an enigma for us because while your heart chakra is closed, how can you be aware of the secret chamber of the heart chakra? If your heart chakra is closed, how can you see what is behind it? I will therefore begin by talking about the heart chakra itself. 

Now as I said, the light from your I AM Presence enters the secret chamber of the heart then goes into the heart chakra. In an ideal situation, the light is then distributed from the heart chakra to the other chakras. But when you close the heart, there is of course a very reduced amount of energy flowing out of the heart to the other chakras, which means that when you close the heart, you are also at least partially closing the other chakras. And there really is, I was tempted to say, no point in seeking to cleanse the other chakras until you have cleansed the heart, but this is not entirely the case. You can gain progress by working on the other chakras. But if you really want to clear your chakras, it is the fastest way to start with the heart chakra. Now I know we have not always done that in teachings such as for example the Course in Self-Mastery, where we of course start with the throat chakra that corresponds with the First Ray and then work our way up. But for the purpose of this teaching that we are giving at this conference about clearing the heart, we will start by focusing on the heart chakra, and clearing the heart and thereby making it easier to clear the other chakras. 

Defense mechanism in the heart

Now why is it that when you are exposed to this trauma, you close the heart? Well, it is a defense mechanism and it is not for most people a conscious defense mechanism. It is actually a safety mechanism built into the design of the heart chakra where in order to prevent impulses from reaching the secret chamber of the heart, there are valves that close in the heart chakra. Therefore, closing the doorway for anything from the outside to enter. Now you may say: “But the light, the energy that is directed at us that vibrates at a lower level than the Christ mind, a lower level than love, how could that enter the secret chamber of the heart anyway?” To grasp this takes a little bit of contemplation. It is actually not that the energies themselves enter, but that the thought matrices carried by the energy waves can enter into the heart chakra and therefore color the light as soon as it comes out of the secret chamber. I know this is a little abstract to grasp with the outer mind, but if you contemplate it intuitively, you can experience an intuitive image of what I am saying. 

You see, it is very tempting for people to believe that there is something that can protect you against any lower impulse. And in a sense our teachings can play into this by telling you that you can invoke light from Archangel Michael, and it will seal you from dark forces. But we have also told you, especially in this dispensation, that we of the ascended masters cannot override and will not override your free will. Therefore, you need to recognize that your lower system, your lower energy system of the four lower bodies, the chakras, is subject to your free will. And you can, while not allowing energy, you can allow certain thought forms to enter, even the secret chamber of the heart. The energy cannot enter, that is below the level of love, but certain thoughts can. 

Alpha and omega of energy

Now some of you may not have contemplated the difference between energy and thoughts, energy and ideas, mental images. And this is very understandable to us, because again our teachings that were given for a certain level of understanding can block your grasp of what I am telling you now. You see, we have said before that everything is energy. So, it is of course easy to reason that your feelings are obviously energy, your thoughts are also energy, your sense of identity is energy, everything is energy. This is correct, but it is not the full understanding. 

So, we can say that there are certain energies that are moving energies. You take light, light from the sun, it is a physical energy that is moving through space. You take a radio wave, a radio wave is moving through space, but a radio wave carries words. So, there is an energy wave that is kind of like the driving force, the propellant of the radio wave. But superimposed upon that energy wave is a higher form of energy of the sound that is coming through as music or voices when you tune your radio to a certain station. And of course, when you are talking about voices, or for that matter even a song, there is meaning carried by those words. The words release a certain meaning in your mind. The same of course with television waves where you have actual images that also impact your mind, but you also have often spoken dialogue that then your mind assigns a meaning to. So, you see there is an alpha and omega of energy: there is the raw driving force of the energy, and there is the higher form of energy that is carried with it, and therefore in your mind can release a certain reaction because you assign a certain meaning to it based on the contents of your emotional, mental and identity bodies, especially the mental and the identity bodies. 

The Conscious You’s basic reaction to earth

So, your energy system, your chakras, your four lower bodies are in the material world, and anything in the material world is subject to free will, the free will of the Conscious You. Now we have hinted at it before at least that you can talk about the free will of the I AM Presence and the free will of the Conscious You. So, here is your I AM Presence in the spiritual realm, it looks into the un-ascended sphere, it decides to send an extension of itself into embodiment in this un-ascended sphere, and that extension is the Conscious You. The Conscious You is an extension of the I AM Presence, but once it is sent into embodiment it gains a separate sense of self. When I say separate, I do not mean that the Conscious You goes into duality, that is a choice that the Conscious You can make at the 48th level. But you still have a sense of identity that is separate from the I AM Presence. When you descend to the 48th level, you see yourself as connected, a connected being, but you will at the 48th level experience a distance, a difference in vibration between the Conscious You and the I AM Presence. And therefore, there is even at the 48th level and above a certain sense of separation from the Presence. This means that the Conscious You experiences the situations it encounters in the material world in a different way than the I AM Presence does. This is of course part of the purpose of sending the Conscious You into embodiment, to have experiences that the I AM Presence cannot have from the spiritual realm. But it also means that the Conscious You in order to have those experiences, it has a will that is not a clone of, not in total alignment with the I AM Presence. And therefore, the Conscious You has the option to go into duality and separation, what we have called the separate mind based on the duality consciousness with the two opposite polarities. And this is simply an inevitable part of taking embodiment, sending the Conscious You into embodiment.

I know that for many of you who are focused down here in the physical realm, experiencing the world as it is, experiencing various traumas, carrying some of these wounds with you from past lives, even going back to your birth trauma, it can seem like this is kind of a raw deal for the Conscious You. Because the Conscious You is the one who is down here in embodiment experiencing the world through the four lower bodies, having to make choices based on all of these chaotic conditions, and the Conscious You is the one who can feel really, really hurt by conditions, while the I AM Presence is sitting up there, not experiencing all of the pain and trouble that the Conscious You is experiencing. And it is perfectly understandable that you have that reaction. I certainly had it when I was in embodiment. All ascended masters who have been in embodiment, especially on a dense planet like earth, we have all had to go through that reaction. 

Even though this was a long, seemingly sidetrack, it relates to the Heart Chakra because while you cannot take the raw energy waves of a lower vibration into the secret chamber of the heart, you can take certain images. And one of the images you can take is this sense that you were the one who got the hard end of the deal. You are the one who is here in embodiment, you are the one who is experiencing all of this. And why did the I AM Presence allow this? And why did the ascended masters allow this? And why have they not protected you from all of the things that have happened? It is a very understandable reaction. Now I am using specific words here. Each of you may have other words that are more meaningful to you. But we can basically say that at some point in the past, when you were exposed to what we have called the cosmic birth trauma or other traumas, you had a certain reaction in the secret chamber of your heart. And when you had that reaction, that there was something that happened that should not have happened, you inevitably felt that you want this never to happen again. And therefore, you want to protect yourself from this happening again. And as a result of that, you want to close the valves in your heart chakra so that no thoughts or ideas can enter the secret chamber of the heart from earth. Again, it is a very understandable reaction that we all have had, those of us who have ascended from earth. It is almost inevitable. I do not even really need to say almost, because given the density of the planet, the darkness, the amount of fallen beings on the planet, it is inevitable. 

So, a long explanation I know, but it is important to set the foundation for what we will teach you during this conference. So, you see here that in the secret chamber of the heart is your basic reaction to earth, the Conscious You’s basic reaction to earth, but it is sealed behind the closed heart chakra, the valves in the heart chakra. This means that the Conscious You is outside those valves. And therefore, you cannot see that reaction. You can, if you have started clearing your heart chakra, you may see it in glimpses. And some of you have already seen it, you have already sensed that you have a certain reaction to earth. And this is because you have opened enough of the valves that you can get at least a partial sensation of what is the basic way that you look at earth.

The essence of the spiritual path

This is the deepest dynamic of what is going on in the heart chakra. That when you look at your heart chakra from the outside, when the heart chakra is closed, you cannot see that reaction to earth. And if you look at human beings out there in the world who are not on a spiritual path, they have no idea of what I am saying. If I was giving this teaching in some kind of public forum where people would be exposed to it, which would have to be by force, as people would not even voluntarily connect to the teaching— but if that were to happen, that people were exposed to it, they would have no idea what I am talking about. When I say that you have a basic reaction to life on earth, they would have no way to even relate to what I am saying. Because their basic reaction is the only way they think you can react to life. 

You who are spiritual people, based on all the teachings we have given about separate selves, subconscious selves, that cause you to react, you can see, or at least you can switch your mind and begin to see, that although the reaction that you had was understandable and inevitable, it was only a reaction. When I say it was inevitable that you reacted, I do not mean that the reaction itself was inevitable and therefore can never be changed. You reacted, the Conscious You reacted, by making a choice to accept a certain idea, a certain view. By becoming conscious of that choice, you can consciously change it. And that is of course the whole point of all of our teachings, is that everything in your life, in your consciousness, in your being, is subject to free will. And as we have said many times, there is no choice you can make with your free will that you cannot change with your free will. And this of course is what the vast majority of people on earth are unable to grasp at their present level of consciousness. They, of course, also made a choice to accept a certain reaction to earth. But it is buried so deep that they have no concept of what it really means. And therefore, they think that the way they react to life is the only way to react to life. 

Now, some people have started to become more aware, and they can see: “Oh, other people are actually not reacting to certain situations the way I am.” And therefore, they could become open to a teaching that would show them that they have some very, very deep reactions to earth, but that not everyone has the same reaction. It can, of course, be helpful to you, even as spiritual people, to talk about your basic reaction to earth, so you can see that all of you did not have the same reaction. And when you see that other people reacted to earth differently than you did, you suddenly gain the perspective—as I said, it was inevitable that you reacted—but your specific reaction was not inevitable. And therefore, it was just a choice you made. It may have been a very understandable choice, but it was just a choice. And because it was just a choice, you can change it by making a more aware choice. 

What are you ready for?

This, right here, is the essence of the spiritual path. Very, very few teachings on the planet teach this. Very, very few teach this. Why? Because the vast majority of spiritual people are not ready to take this kind of responsibility for themselves. You are, or you would not be here. And why are you ready? Even if your conscious mind does not feel like it is ready, even if you still have some subconscious self that is kicking and screaming, why are you ready?  Because you have certain questions in your mind that nothing else answered, but you could not ignore or deny the questions. So you kept looking until you found this teaching. I am not saying this to give you any sense of pride that you are more advanced than all other spiritual students. We have seen what this does to even ascended master students when they think they have the highest teaching on the planet. It is not a matter of evaluating high or low. It is a matter of evaluating what are you ready for. What are you ready for? And when the student is ready, the teacher appears. So, have I appeared to you? So, you are ready. Now, you may have some separate selves that you need to work through before you can start looking at the deeper attitude to life that I am talking about here. And this, of course, we will help you look at. 

How do you look at love?

Just to, perhaps, go a little bit down to a more practical level, the heart chakra. Again, what is it? Well, at a certain level, of course, it is the open door for the energies from your I AM Presence. But it is, of course, also an outgoing chakra, like all of the chakras. It radiates light out. And, of course, it is associated with the third ray of love. 

If we now step away from the higher perspective I have given you, step to a more practical level. And you as an individual student, you are contemplating, what is the status of my heart chakra? How can I start getting a feel for what I need to heal in my heart chakra? In other words, instead of looking at this higher perspective I have given you, more practical, what do I need to start to heal? And the first thing you of course can look at is the way you look at love, the way you relate to love, the way you think about love, the way you feel about love. 

And this, of course, can most easily be seen in your relationships with other people. Naturally, this is a very complex topic. We have given teachings about relationships before, but it is an extremely complex topic. But I will attempt to give you a tool that can help you at least get started on seeing what is blocking your individual heart chakra. Because at the, we might say, surface level of the heart chakra, what is blocking your heart chakra is the experiences you have had with love relationships. I am not just talking about a personal love relationship, I am also talking about parents, children, other people, good friends, basically anybody that you have a deeper relationship with, it is a love relationship. 

The Mother Mary’s meditation 

What I want to give you as a practical tool here, is that I want to take you through a meditation. And at the end of the meditation, I want you to take the notepads that you should all have had on your chairs and tables, and a pen, so I want you to take that out now and be ready. Because at the end of the meditation I want you to write down the first thing that comes to you. Do not analyze. We did this at the last conference in Estonia. Do not analyze, do not think. There is no wrong answer. You do not have to share this with anyone. It is an exercise to help you get some feel for what is blocking your heart chakra. 

Now, I am asking you to close your eyes. We are first focusing on your physical body, sitting here in a chair in this room. You are mentally now stepping back from the body, stepping up. You are looking at your body from the outside, in your mind, and you realize: “I am not the body, I am mind.” Now you step back again. You are looking at your emotional body. Maybe there are some turbulent feelings. Maybe your emotional body is more calm with some undercurrents. But again, you are not the emotions. You are not your emotions. And now, you mentally step back, and up, and now you are above your mental body. 

There are probably all kinds of thoughts going on in your mind right now. But you are above it. You are looking down. You do not need to engage the thoughts, because you are not your thoughts. You are more than your thoughts. You step up again. You look at your identity. You are a man or a woman. You are this nationality. You grew up in this place. But you are more than all of this. You do not need to engage it. You do not need to go inside of it. You can actually exist without that outer identity that you have taken on. For what are you when all comes down to it? You are that Conscious You. You are not the lower bodies. You are not your feelings, thoughts and your sense of identity. You are not who you see yourself as being. We have called it pure awareness, because you are awareness, but there are no characteristics. That is why you can go into your four lower bodies. If you had some kind of characteristic or structure as the Conscious You, you could not go into your identity body and feel like a human being on earth. And you know you are not a human being; you are more than that. 

Now, from this perspective, you are looking down, and you are allowing to arise in your mind some kind of love relationship you have had in this lifetime. Not all of them. Just one comes to your mind. You are not thinking about it. You are not going into it, looking at it from the inside. You are just looking at it from the outside. And now, when I count down, when I get to zero, you will write whatever comes to you about that relationship. Do not think about what should come to you. Do not start analyzing. Just keep your attention gently on the relationship and be ready to write down the first thing that comes to you.

So I am counting. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, one half, one quarter, one eighth and now write (3 minute pause) 

Now stop writing. 

You can always, when you have a quiet moment during this conference or after the conference, you can look at what you wrote, if you managed to write anything. If you did not, it is perfectly fine. You can do the exercise again and see what comes to you.

The highest gift you can give

But what you will see, for many of you, is that you have a certain view of love relationships. For many of you, it will be related to trust, that you feel that you have been hurt in love relationships and therefore, you find it difficult to trust other people. Why is it you cannot trust? You may say: I have been hurt. Yes. But why have you been hurt? What was it that caused the hurt? 

And now we need to go back, and we need to look at the heart chakra. What is it that the heart chakra is? The heart chakra is the open door—ideally, the open door for the I AM Presence. What is coming from the I AM Presence, through the heart chakra, being expressed in the world? Well, I talked about there is the energy that is the raw energy, the energy waves that can carry a higher form of energy, thoughts, feelings, so forth, but they can also carry the individuality of your I AM Presence. As the I AM Presence is sending you energy, those energy waves are imbued with the individuality of the I AM Presence. And this means what? It means that when you first came to earth, you came here to express the individuality of your I AM Presence. You received that energy that gave you, well, first of all, consciousness. You are conscious because of the energy. It filled your identity body, your mental body, your emotional body, even your physical, so that you had the energy to do something, to express something, to be creative, to give some kind of a gift to the world. And that gift was individual to each of you. And the highest gift you can give is really, the individuality of your I AM Presence as it was at the time. 

Now, if you look at some earlier teachings that were given about the I AM Presence, you can get the impression from these teachings that the I AM Presence is like this perfect being up there in the spiritual realm. It is almost like a god-like figure that knows everything and has the answers to everything. But as we have started telling you not so long ago, the I AM Presence is not ascended. That is why it is sending the Conscious You. The I AM Presence is learning. At the time that the I AM Presence decides to send a Conscious You, it has a certain individuality. Why is it sending the Conscious You? To expand that individuality, to grow its sense of self, to transcend itself. That means that the I AM Presence is not the same being today that originally sent you into embodiment on earth. It has transcended itself many times as a result of the experiences you have had. 

The lost connection and fear of rejection

Here you are, Conscious You, in embodiment, you are exposed to this trauma, you close your heart chakra. Why did you do that? Because the Conscious You felt that it, as it saw itself, and as I said, you descend with the sense that you are somewhat separated—you are not in separation and duality, but you are separated from the I AM Presence seeing yourself as the separate being—you felt hurt, and you did not want your I AM Presence to be hurt like you had been. Therefore, you shut down your heart chakra, thinking, perhaps not really consciously, but at least at some level, so that the I AM Presence would not be hurt. 

What has this got to do with your love relationships? Well, what is it you do when you are in a close relationship with another human being? You are exposing yourself. You can hide from a lot of people; you can hide who you are. But in a love relationship, it is much more difficult. Some people still manage to hide themselves pretty well, but it is definitely more difficult. You see, you were hurt by the world, you shut down your heart chakra, which means what? It means you lose your connection to your I AM Presence. Now you do not feel the love of your I AM Presence, so you seek love from other people. But in order to get that love, you have to open yourself and be vulnerable. And then when you get disappointed by other people, what do you feel? You feel that they judged or rejected your individuality. The very being that you are, you feel that you were rejected for who you are. And that is why you are afraid to open yourself to other people, because you are afraid that they will reject you, as you have been rejected in the past. You are afraid to expose yourself for who you are. Originally, this is because the Conscious You felt that the individuality of the I AM Presence was rejected.

Seeking acceptance in a love relationship

Now, of course, you do not have a clear view of that individuality, you have created an individuality in your identity, mental and emotional bodies. That is, of course, in many cases, you have these separate selves that are based on separation. They are, of course, much more vulnerable to being hurt. But you see the dynamic. In a love relationship, you cannot fully hide who you are and you are so afraid of being rejected for who you are. What is it that people seek in a love relationship? They are seeking a person who will accept them for who they are, and not criticize, not condemn, not try to change them, not blame them. And it is very understandable. It is what everybody seeks in a love relationship. Some people may have some separate selves that cause them to seek this by controlling others. But even behind these control games, everybody is actually seeking acceptance for who they are. 

Now, this can take individual forms. That is why some of you will have written down something that may seem like it does not quite connect to what I am saying. But if you look at it more deeply, you will find that behind it, the specific form that it has for you, there is this push-pull of the desire to be accepted for who you are, and the fear of being rejected for who you are. 

The Hollywood fantasy

Now, I know this has already been a very complex release that will take some contemplation. I do not expect you to really grasp everything that I have released here by just listening to it once. But I want to take it and give it a slight turn, and hopefully make it more practical. Because what you can do with this exercise that I have given you, you can give it again and again, and get more clarity about what it is for you individually that is the basic dynamic in love relationships. How do you actually look at love? What does love specifically mean for you? What is it as an energy? And you have all been affected by this Hollywood happy ever after, finding the ideal partner. And I understand why you are laughing. But if you could see how deeply these projections from the movie industry and the book industry have been ingrained in the collective consciousness, you would be shocked. It is so deeply ingrained. And it is deliberately done by the fallen beings, because they know this keeps people seeking something outside themselves that you can only find inside yourself. 

What you can do is contemplate how the way you look at love causes you to look out there. And what is it you are looking for? You will have individual views of these individual words that you will use to describe it, but you are looking for something in a love relationship. And now there are two aspects of this. The one aspect is that you have the separate selves that are looking for something that could never be found. 

Why? Because the separate self is based on the duality consciousness. And what we have said many times, what the messenger has explained in some of his YouTube videos about non duality and duality is that you have two polarities that are relative to each other. But the duality consciousness takes one of them and elevates them to the status of being the absolute. If you talk about love, it is the absolute love. That is the Hollywood fantasy, the ultimate love. And all you need to do is find the right person, the one and only. But you see, it can never be found because no dualistic polarity can ever be ultimate, they are always relative. They can never be fully satisfied. They can never fill you. That is why I said earlier, why have you found this teaching? Because there were questions you could not find answers to, but you could not just drop them. You had to keep looking. Well, that is what you have to do in this world. And that is why you can never find another person who is going to fill all of your needs. You are on an impossible quest. 

Looking for love outside yourself

The other aspect of this is, of course, that you have some unresolved subconscious selves. And any person you are going to find will have their own unresolved subconscious selves. When the honeymoon is over, the selves would start clashing. And when you have a subconscious self that is clashing with a subconscious self of another person, this will actuate this deeper sense that you were rejected in the past for who you are. Because you are inside the self, you are now identified with the self, it become part of your emotional, mental and identity body. When the other person’s separate self rejects your separate self, you feel it is rejecting you. And this is just inevitable. Look at relationships, the ones you have had, look at other people. It is inevitable. 

But what does it come from? It comes from the fact that you are looking for something outside yourself that you can never find outside yourself. I am not here saying that you cannot have fulfilling love relationships, but you cannot have them if you are so identified with these separate selves. And this means that you need to, instead of looking for this perfect love outside yourself, you need to redirect and go within and realize where is the love going to come from that is going to fulfill you. It is going to come from your I AM Presence. It cannot come from anywhere else. You need to open your heart chakra so you can feel that love. Some of you have already felt it. Some of you have felt it and you are not aware of it.Some of you have only had a brief glimpse. Some of you have not felt it because your heart chakra is still too closed. And we will of course give you other tools for opening the heart chakra. 

No need to protect the I AM Presence

But what is sort of the conclusion that I want you to take away from this release? It is simply this, the Conscious You does not need to protect the I AM Presence. You think you do. It is very deeply ingrained in all of us after we have been exposed to these traumas. We think we have to protect the Presence. But what did I say in the beginning? The I AM Presence does not experience your life on earth the way you do as the Conscious You. Even though you have been deeply hurt, the Conscious You will not be hurt by that experience. The first thing you need to recognize here is that you, as the Conscious You, you do not need to protect the I AM Presence. You do not need to close your heart chakra in order to prevent anything from coming from the world, going into the secret chamber of your heart and up to the Presence. It is not necessary because the I AM Presence will not experience it the way you do. You may be traumatized by an experience but the I AM Presence will not be traumatized by that experience. It will process it in a different way than you can do as the Conscious You or at least that you could do at the time and therefore, it has an entirely different experience. 

Now, when the Conscious You starts clearing out the subconscious selves, you can connect to the I AM Presence and you can come to experience how the I AM Presence looked at a certain traumatic situation from this life or past lives. And that means the Conscious You can now come to experience how the I AM Presence experienced that situation and that will be the ultimate healing for the Conscious You. But you cannot do that as long as you are trying to protect the I AM Presence from feeling the way you are feeling because then you are blocking yourself from experiencing the love from your I AM Presence and therefore, you are stuck. You are in a CATCH-22. One way to break it is to realize you do not need to protect the I AM Presence but the other aspect of it, the Alpha to the Omega of not protecting the I AM Presence, is to realize what we have said so many times.

Think about how many times in the last few years we have said something like this. Please do not project at us or your I AM Presence that we judge you the way the fallen beings do. We are not in duality. Your I AM Presence is not in duality. It does not condemn the Conscious You for any choice the Conscious You has ever made. It does not matter what you have done. It does not matter what mistakes you think you have made. The I AM Presence does not judge you. It loves you unconditionally and it is willing, in fact it is constantly radiating that unconditional love to the Conscious You. But as long as you think you either have to protect the Presence or you have to protect yourself from the judgment of the Presence, the angry God in the sky, that is another image of the fallen beings. Then how can you experience the love of the I AM Presence or the love of the ascended masters? And therefore, you are caught on this treadmill of seeking to get this ultimate love from this world that you can only receive from the world beyond this.

The love from above

And you can be in this state for many, many lifetimes which most people on the planet have been. But many of you have even in past lifetimes started to go beyond it. You have found something that you loved more than anything in this world. Why do you have these questions that cause you to keep seeking until you found the teaching? Because there is something you love more than anything in this world. And that something that you love more, loves you more. Because that something is your I AM Presence and the ascended masters that are your spiritual teachers. Even the ascended masters that created your I AM Presence out of their beings. As we have said, we who are the most known ascended masters working with earth, we did not create your I AM Presence because we are not so much older beings than you are. But there are of course ascended masters who created your I AM Presence originally and my I AM Presence and Jesus’ I AM Presence and so forth. And those are ultimately what you long back for. Those are your spiritual parents.

We who are the ascended masters working with earth are working with earth because we ascended from earth. And therefore, we know how difficult of a planet it is and we can serve as examples —what one has done all can do. But there are ascended masters who created your individual I AM Presence out of their own being. And they are also radiating unconditional love to you through your I AM Presence. And that is what you love more than anything on earth. And they love you more than anything on earth. In fact, they love you more than any other being because you are out of their own beings. And that is ultimately what you seek. 

The love of Mother Mary

Again, I know I have given you a very big mouthful. It may as we have said before seem like too much for the beginning of a conference. But we have a certain teaching we want to bring out and we had to set a foundation so we have something to build on. I trust that you can come back to this teaching, study it, listen to it, read it, do the exercise and gradually come to see what is the immediate thing that blocks your heart chakra, namely your approach to love relationships.

With this I have given you what I wanted to give you in this installment. I know this has been more of a teaching dictation touching upon many complex topics that might appeal to the mind more than the heart. But I trust that behind it you can feel what motivates me for giving this teaching. And what motivates me is that I love you, each and every one of you. I cannot love you the same way as the ascended masters who created your I AM Presence. I cannot love you the same way as your I AM Presence. But I can certainly love you as the representative of the Divine Mother for each one of you is in a spiritual sense my children. And I love each one of you and I have absolutely no condemnation, no judgment for any of you, for anything you have done or gone through. There is only love. There is only a desire to help you transcend. 

You tend to think that it was easier for me to ascend than it is for you. You tend to think it was easier for Jesus or Saint Germain, but it was not. Why was it not? What do you have to overcome in order to ascend? Your individual psychology. Do you really think that it was easier for me to overcome my psychology than it is for you to overcome your psychology? How could it be? I had created as the Conscious You my psychology and therefore, it was as difficult for me to see through my psychology, my separate selves as it is for you. Because I was looking at mine from the inside just as you are looking at yours from the inside. I know exactly what you are all going through and I have no other desire than to see you be free of it and rise as I know it is possible to rise. I have no other desire than to see you overcome these selves that cause you to reject my love because you think you are not worthy of it. But as this messenger went through a long time ago, a process of realizing that unconditional love cannot have conditions. Your mind rebels against this idea because anything that comes from duality wants to say: “But there must be conditions. God must be the angry God. There must be criteria you need to fulfill in order to ascend.”

But you see, in order to ascend you have to transcend the mind that wants to create conditions because that is duality. And therefore, you have to come to see the conditions that you have created that you think keep you out of the ascended state. That you think because you see them from the inside or perhaps you do not see them because you are inside. But they all mean absolutely nothing. They only have the reality that you give them and they will only fully disappear when you step outside of that self and see that it is not real. But you are real. The core of your being is real. And that is why, as is said in this invocation, there can come that realization: that which is real cannot be affected by that which is unreal. With this I leave you enveloped in my love.


Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels

Shifting the mind from seeming independence to interdependence

Listen to a recording of this dictation (subscribers only)

Ascended Master Gautama Buddha through Kim Michaels, June 9, 2024. This dictation was given at a Deep Healing Retreat Conference in Tallinn, Estonia.

I AM the Ascended Master Gautama Buddha. What can I offer you in terms of healing? Well, given the magnificent teachings that have been given by other masters, I had to reach deep into my being to see what I might contribute that has not been said by the others but that could still be useful to human beings on earth at this particular time. For as I have said before, every dictation is a unique event. The interdependent originations that are formed here on earth at this very moment will never be repeated —never, ever. And perhaps this is one contribution I could make.

The interdependent originations

For what does it mean that everything has or is part of this web of the interdependent originations? Well, it means for one thing that nothing is separate. Regardless of appearances that are seen as real from the separate mind, nothing is separate. What does that mean? It means that the illusion that you are a separate being who can co-create whatever you want, independently of the whole, of the Christ mind, or of other beings, that illusion is completely unrealistic.

Everything is interconnected. No man is an island. But how come then that Padmasambhava just said that beings are allowed to go into the separate mind? Well, he did not say they were allowed to go into separation. They were allowed to go into the illusion of separation. Meaning what? Meaning separation can never be a reality. Only the experience of separation can actually happen. But it can only happen in the mind of an individual being or a group of beings. It exists only in the mind and it can be repeated only in the mind. You can build a sophisticated civilization based on the illusion of separation. You can come to believe that it is so sophisticated, so powerful that it must last forever or at least for a thousand years. But it is just a mirage. An image projected onto the Ma-ter light. And the moment the self-aware beings who projected it become self-aware as being extensions of the One mind, at that moment it will disappear.

You are thinking, experiencing that you have a physical body that has some continuity. The body has developed some disease, it has some continuity. Perhaps it is chronic, as they say: incurable. But how could it be incurable or chronic when it is just an image projected onto the Ma-ter light?

Unreality behind the disease

What does it really mean, the “interdependent originations”? It means that your body is not separated from your mind. And your mind is not separated from the Christ mind. You are not separated from your I AM Presence. You are not separated from the ascended masters. Everything is interdependent. Which means you can go into the illusion that you are a separate being who has a separate physical body that has contracted a certain disease. You can go into the illusion that from this perspective of being a separate being you cannot heal that disease. Or you can only do it with physical measures. But the reality is that you are interconnected with the whole, including the ascended masters. We have given you these images that there is the physical realm, there is the emotional, mental and identity realms. And then beyond that is the spiritual.

And the linear mind can conceive of this as: “Here is a level of vibrations that is the physical, then it goes up and beyond this level is the spiritual realm.” But that is not interdependent originations. Even the idea, a valid idea at a certain level, that your four lower bodies are a projection of a blueprint in the identity level or from your I AM Presence, is not entirely correct because it is so linear. It gives you easily the impression that the matter world is separated from spirit. But how could the matter world exist if it was separated from spirit? How could the movie be experienced if there was no movie screen? You cannot be separated from the power of the ascended masters which means that if you switch your mind that power can instantly come into your four lower bodies and dispel the lack of information that manifested a disease. This is simply reality. The idea of separation, the idea that some disease could be incurable, unchangeable is unreality. It is not “in”formation, it is “out”formation.

Switching the mind from separation to oneness

The interdependent originations is something that the linear mind cannot fathom. Many Buddhists, even Buddhist scholars throughout the ages have contemplated it with the linear mind. As they contemplated most of the other things I said with the linear mind. They have not grasped it. Neither have they grasped the concept of non-self because it cannot be grasped with the linear mind. But it can be grasped or experienced intuitively when the Conscious You steps outside of the four lower bodies, outside of that linear mind and you go back into this state where you are open to discovering rather than defining how the world works.

You are acknowledging: “I am a co-creator. I can co-create something based on separation but whatever I co-create will break down and that is why my body has manifested disease. But I am really, when I go into separation, de-creating instead of co-creating. But when I bring myself back in formation with the One mind and acknowledge that I am part of the interdependent originations then I can accept that the power of Spirit can flow into my four lower bodies and what does the power of Spirit do?”

Does the power of Spirit heal your physical body? Nay, the light simply dispels the darkness so that Christ information replaces the non-information, the non-formation, the out-formation, the de-formation of your physical body, replacing it with the information from the Christ mind. It is the old analogy that you cannot remove darkness from a room. You need to bring the light and the darkness disappears because it had no substance, no reality. It was an absence of light but it was not even an absence. It was the seeming absence created in a mind that was out of formation with the One mind. That is why Mother Mary has stressed several times the importance of accepting healing, accepting a new identity as a whole being, as a healed being, as a healthy being. Switching the mind from separation to oneness, from seeming independence to interdependence.

You are allowed to create the impression that you are independent and you of your own self can do something. You are allowed to have that experience for as long as you want. But in order to give you the opportunity to come back from that illusion, to avoid being trapped in that illusion, you become subject to the second law of thermodynamics that break down whatever you de-create so that you cannot maintain it and therefore have an opportunity to evaluate: “Do I want to stay out of formation or do I want to come back into formation?”

The risk built into free will

Now, the fallen beings, those who think they are the cleverest, they would, if they were to hear this, which they will never do, they would argue: “But by bringing your free will into formation with the Christ mind, you are submitting to a foreign will, to a will external to yourself. You are becoming a robot, a marionette that just follows along like the lemmings running towards the sea. It is only we who have rebelled against the Creator’s will and the One mind. It is only we who have attained truly free will. For we are free to define how reality should be.” This they will claim with great conviction, with great vigor, with great force.

Does a separate being, a being that thinks it is separate, has it actually gained free will? Has it gained a will that is entirely free? Well, when the Creator decided to create this world of form, it of course had experience based on other worlds of form. There is, as the saying goes, nothing new under the sun and there is really nothing new in the Allness in terms of certain overall principles. Self-awareness gives rise to free will where you can choose anything you can imagine. But you must start out with a limited sense of self, limited imagination, and your will cannot be more free than your imagination. It is impossible. You cannot create something that you cannot imagine. You may technically have the free will to create anything you want, but you cannot want something you cannot imagine so therefore, you cannot create it. The more limited your imagination is, the less free your will is.

The Creator knew that by giving self-aware beings free will, there was a certain risk involved. Now, of course, the entire purpose of creation is to give self-aware beings free will so they can grow in self-awareness. But there is that risk involved. And what is the risk? The risk is, as a co-creator, you are co-creating something, but as long as you are connected to the Christ mind, you experience—this is not something you know theoretically—you experience that you have not become your own creation. Ponder that very carefully, because the risk built into free will is that you can co-create something and you come to identify yourself with it so you think you are limited by your own creation. You think that even though you have created these conditions, you cannot uncreate them. You are trapped in them. You do not think you are trapped. You just identify with them and you think this is all you can be.

Now, when you co-create with some connection to the Christ mind, you cannot fall prey to this illusion. But the moment you go into the separate illusion, the illusion of separation, you can fall prey to this illusion. And the more you use the dualistic mind to create something that seems very sophisticated and elaborate, the more you use force to create this, the more identified you will become with your own creation. And here I am not only talking about creating, for example, a sophisticated civilization on a planet. I am really talking about the subconscious selves you create in your own mind.

What is a fallen being?

We have talked about fallen beings many times. What is a fallen being? In a previous dispensation, we used the concept of fallen angels. And the idea was that there was this being that existed in a higher realm and it fell in rebellion against God. The popular image at the time was the soul fell. This was what could be given at the time, but it is not the highest understanding. You may take our teachings that you are not the soul, you are not the four lower bodies, you are the Conscious You.

Take a fallen being. The fallen being still has a Conscious You. Did the Conscious You fall? Is the Conscious You the fallen being? Nay. The Conscious You is still the Conscious You. It is just not conscious of itself. Instead, the Conscious You has created subconscious selves based on separation and has come to identify itself with them. It has come to identify itself as them. These subconscious selves fell. The Conscious You has not fallen. The Conscious You is not a fallen being. A fallen being is a conglomerate of subconscious selves that has formed a certain identity that seems very sophisticated and powerful. But in the core of all these separate selves is still the being that descended from heaven, the Conscious You, which is not sophisticated, is not this self or that self. It is pure awareness. What has happened to a fallen being is that the Conscious You has come to identify itself with and as its own creation. This, my beloved, is not sophisticated. It is highly unsophisticated. A new co-creator who has a very limited sense of self is more sophisticated than a fallen being because it has a sense that it is connected to something outside its own mind. The fallen being has lost that sense of connection and believes that it is only its own mind.

Is your will truly free in separation?

What about the claim that only when you rebel against God or oneness or the Christ do you gain free will? How free is the will of a fallen being? When you, the Conscious You, identifies itself with its own creation, how can you even imagine something beyond what you have created? Which means how can you imagine something beyond what you imagined in the past? Free will means that you have the ability to imagine something you have never imagined before and when you imagine it you can choose it. But if you have become identified with your own creation, the subconscious selves, the Conscious You of that being cannot imagine something beyond the selves. That means you cannot choose anything that the selves cannot imagine. And if they are based on separation, they can only imagine things that fall within separation. They cannot imagine something beyond separation. How is that free will?

The fallen being has not attained free will. It has lost free will because it has lost free imagination. Now, you can always say that a new co-creator does not have unlimited imagination because it can only imagine based on its current sense of self and sense of the environment it is in. But because it has a sense of connection to the One mind, it has this sense that: “There is more to my current state of mind. There is more than my current environment. There is something more.”

Freedom of imagination

What is the Christ mind? It connects the Creator and the creation which means that when you have the slightest connection to the Christ mind, you know that there is more and if you continue to follow that more you actually end up at the Creator.

Now, who has the greatest free will in your world of form? The Creator. A fallen being does not have free will at all because there is no room for imagination. A fallen being is not trying to imagine something beyond its current sense of self. It is seeking to reinforce, validate and sustain its current sense of self. It is not seeking to transcend itself but to defend itself, its sense of self. That leaves very little room for imagination that is transcending your current level of imagination. How is that freedom of imagination? How is it freedom of choice?

You cannot choose the choice you cannot conceive of. You co-create by using the conceptual mind to formulate an image but if you are in a fallen consciousness there are some very restrictive limitations of what images you can formulate. Because you cannot transcend the past, you can only build onto the past. You can say, as a fallen being, you can imagine building a car, you can imagine building a more sophisticated car, a faster car, a more powerful car. And you can keep building onto this fantastic car but you cannot imagine that perhaps you can create a machine that could fly because you are only thinking within certain parameters. In my mind, that is not freedom of will.

How do you ascend? When you come to see this, you see that separation limits your will and that by bringing yourself, your Conscious You, into formation with the One mind, you actually gain true freedom of will. Because now your imagination is unlimited. Instead of imagining within the parameters set by your previous choices, you can imagine going beyond those choices, those selves you have created.

Beyond the concepts of illness and health

I may not be quite as practical of a master as Mother Mary who is more in tune with the physical octave, whereas me holding the office of the Buddha and the Lord of the World tend to look more from the overall perspective. I realize, as Padmasambhava, that we have come from a more esoteric viewpoint than Mother Mary has done. Yet, is it not practical to free your mind from the constraints that prevent you from imagining something beyond your current state? For if you cannot imagine something, you cannot manifest it. If you cannot imagine a healthy body, how can you come to accept it? Is it not practical to realize that a diseased body is a product of the separate mind? And when you bring your mind into formation with the One mind, then the principle of the interdependent originations means that it becomes possible for the power of Spirit to transform any physical condition. And those of you who are ready to grasp this can then take that step towards accepting: “I am a healthy body.” You can even go beyond it where there is not even the concepts of illness and health. There is just the body in alignment with the highest blueprint in your identity body. A blueprint that is free from the subconscious selves, free from your genetic inheritance, and therefore, is a healthy body.

With this, I will seal this conference in the Flame of Peace that I hold for earth. In a way you could say that what we have attempted to do with this conference is to bring you out of the state of mind that many people go in when they come to accept that their body is ill. A state of un-peace. Now what was it that manifested the disease in the first place? Yes, it was a state of un-peace. Because when you go into separation, you automatically go into un-peace. For you are using force against others, how can that lead to peace? The disease was manifest by a state of un-peace.

Now you realize you have a disease and your body will give you pain or might die, so you go into a more intense state of un-peace. How will that heal the body exactly? How can more of that which created the illness, heal the illness? But of course, the real consequence of being in a state of un-peace is that you cannot accept healing. We have attempted to give you various teachings and tools that if you apply them can lead you to a state of peace. Regardless of the physical condition, you can be in a state of peace. And if you can attain that peace, then it becomes much more feasible, realistic for you to accept healing, even instantaneous healing.

As I said in the beginning, the interdependent originations on earth and in the spiritual realm are completely unique in this moment. Never, ever in the entire history of the world of form have conditions been exactly as they are at this moment. I appreciate this uniqueness. I appreciate interacting with you. You may think that so many things on earth have repeated themselves so many times over such a long period of time. You may come to think or believe in the old saying: “There is nothing new under the sun.” But I see that everything is new. How can you be healed? You cannot be healed. Your body cannot be healed. Your sense of self cannot be healed. But your sense of self can become new, can become reborn in Christ by letting the old sense of self die. And thereby your body can become new in Christ when you let your old image of the body die. That which is out of the death consciousness cannot inherit eternal life. What is the way to conquer death? To let the separate self die, so that you, the Conscious You, are reborn into a higher awareness of yourself. Is that not what all of our teachings have been aimed at from the beginning? To help you become a new being in Christ.

So be sealed in the Flame of Peace in which everything is new.


Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels

Healing by replacing disinformation with the information of the Christ mind

Listen to a recording of this dictation (subscribers only)

Ascended Master Padmasambhava through Kim Michaels, June 9, 2024. This dictation was given at a Deep Healing Retreat Conference in Tallinn, Estonia.

I AM the Ascended Master Padmasambhava. Some will say: “Did you not ascend a long time ago? Do you not come from the Buddhist tradition? What do you know about the modern world and information?”


I would say, first of all, as an ascended master I am beyond time and space and any kind of history or background or religion or tradition on earth. I ascended by transcending them all. Second of all, do you really think information belongs only in the modern age? How do you think the entire universe was created? Through information.

Now, what is information? Well, pronounce it a little bit differently. In formation. Something is in formation. It forms a pattern. Therefore, it is not just random. You may have dots on a piece of paper that are completely random. But the moment you organize them in a pattern you have information. You all know these little codes you can scan with your phone that give you access to your bank, for example. This is information even though it might look like a fairly primitive pattern.

Information is a pattern beyond nothingness or randomness. But does the computer screen recognize the image on the screen? No. It takes, as we have said, a self-aware conscious mind to see the pattern and to put some kind of meaning into the pattern. Only then does it become information. This now raises a fundamental question that not many people have considered even in this modern advanced age. Does the mind recognize the pattern or does the mind impose the pattern? And this is the central challenge for all self-aware beings.

Co-Creative process: An exchange of information

Let us first look beyond earth to a natural planet. We have explained to you that there is a part of your mind that is the conceptual mind. This mind, we have said, formulates an image and projects it upon the movie screen of the Ma-ter light, so the conceptual mind is creating the pattern. However, when you start out as a new co-creator you cannot create a pattern out of nothing. Your mind is not yet capable of formulating a pattern out of nothing. This is why a new co-creator is placed in a structured environment that was created before the co-creator came into being.

The co-creator comes into this environment and it experiences the environment through whatever senses it has in its particular environment. There are many designs of planets, many designs of the quote-unquote ‘bodies’ that people take on on various planets, so they have various ways of interacting with their environment. But by interacting with the environment the co-creator takes in information because it recognizes that there is a certain structure in its environment. It is not just random noise, it is information.

By taking in the information from its environment the co-creator is able to build on this and formulate in the beginning just a slight variation based on the information it has taken in. And this then it projects out. And now for the very first time the co-creator experiences the miracle that it has co-created something that was beyond what it experienced. It has brought forth something that was not there before. And the first time a co-creator experiences this it is like a child that is given a new toy because it realizes that it has been given this incredible toy that will take on the forms projected by its mind. And the co-creator is excited about this.

Now you may say the information that the co-creator formulates in its mind and superimposes upon the Ma-ter light, is it particularly sophisticated? Well, of course not for a new co-creator. But that is not the point. The point is not to create a specific result in the environment but to create something that then gives the co-creator feedback so it can refine its mental image and project a more refined image. You see what is the co-creative process—co-creative—it is an exchange of information. The co-creator takes in information from its environment, modifies the information, adds something to it, projects the information out, experiences the result, takes in information again, modifies the image, projects a more refined image, and so forth and so on.

What is information you might ask? Well, it can be any pattern. Any pattern can become information when a self-aware mind takes it in and gives it some kind of meaning. This means that one being might look at a particular environment, take in the information and give it one particular meaning. Another being in the same environment may give it a different meaning. This is what happens to new co-creators. They are in the same environment but they have different ways of interpreting it, experiencing it, and therefore, they formulate different mental images.

Stages of the co-creative process

And in the beginning this is just an experimental process where everybody individually is experimenting with their co-creative abilities without interfering or clashing with each other. But as they gain more experience they begin to realize that even though they have the power to superimpose a mental image, the powers of their minds are limited. But if two or more co-creators combine their minds they can create something beyond what any of them can create alone. Before too long cooperation starts to happen and before there can be cooperation there is sort of a selection process. Where co-creators meet they begin to communicate to see if they share a similar interpretation of their environment. If they are very different then they go their separate ways and do not co-create.

What you see on a natural planet is that at first co-creators are placed at some distance to each other. They each have space to co-create in their environment without interfering with each other, but then as they gain more experience they begin to interact. There is a sorting out process where some co-creators come together in a group, move to a certain area. Other co-creators with a different interpretation come to another group, move to another area and there is this sorting out process. We might say that the co-creators start being distributed randomly on the planet but gradually come into formation as groups. Now they experiment with what they can create as a group and you can compare this to planet Earth where people are spread out in a natural area with forests and fields but there is enough room that each person can live by himself without interfering with the others. Each person is only capable of building a very simple hut to live in but then they start coming together in groups. They realize that together they can build a much more elaborate house, they can create fields, more people might join them and eventually they create a village. And if they create something attractive maybe more will come in and join them and gradually the village will grow into a town that grows into a smaller city and can continue to grow.

On a natural planet what happens is that in the natural environment that was first created, a certain number of co-creators can exist. But as they begin to organize, come into formation around a common vision and interpretation and desire to co-create, then they raise their environment to a higher level that can sustain more co-creators. And then the population is gradually increased and they form more organized societies with cities and gradually this can grow and grow and grow until the natural planet reaches the population it was designed to accommodate. But in some cases, it can even rise beyond that if the inhabitants can really work together.

The emergence of natural societies

This is of course, the ideal scenario. The co-creators never clash, there is a sorting out process and they separate out and then they experiment based on the vision they have in the different groups. But as they experiment with co-creation each group comes to a greater understanding of how their particular planet was designed. What were the principles that were used to design the environment? And when they understand this, even if they come to this understanding through an individual experimentation, now they come into a more coherent vision and interpretation of their environment because they realize that by working with the basic design principles they can co-create much more.

What happens over time is that even though it started out with different groups with different interpretations, more of a coherence begins to emerge and that is when they can work together and raise their planets. Now, this does not mean that the co-creators come into some uniformity or sameness. They are united by a common vision of how their environment works but they still express their creativity in many individual ways.

What begins to emerge is this harmony between individual creative expression and collective creative expression. There are no leaders that control a population. There are leaders that emerge but they do not cling to power. They do not seek to limit those below them. The leaders that emerge are the ones that are themselves most creative but also are most dedicated to helping others be creative. Does it sound like a utopian society? No, only in comparison to what you have on earth. It is the natural society found on the vast majority of the billions upon billions of planets found in the universe. It is the earth that is an exception, not the natural planet.

Principles behind natural societies

Why am I telling you this? Because what the co-creators on a natural planet do is they take in information, they interpret it, they create a new version of the information they have taken in, in their minds. They project this out and then their environment changes, they take in new information, refine that and so forth.

Gradually, as I said, they begin to cooperate which means two things. The co-creators discover the design principles for how their planet works and they work with them. They accept those principles and when they have individually or in smaller groups each discovered those principles they do not clash with each other because they all see that they benefit the most from working with the principles, and when they have this common vision nobody is trying to impose their will or power upon others. Nobody is trying to limit others or take anything from others.

The concept of theft is just not there on a natural planet because when you know you can co-create whatever you want why would you take what someone else has co-created? You might see that someone else has co-created something you do not have and that you want but instead of taking it for them you just co-create it yourself. Based on the information you have gotten by seeing what they created, where is the need to take anything from another? Where is the need to limit other people? How can it possibly be a problem for you that someone else has co-created something you have not thought of? If you want what they have co-created you take in the information, you co-create it yourself. You never even have the thought that if someone has co-created something that you have not created that you could not do the same and so why would you need to take it from them or limit them?

Going against the design principles based on the Christ mind

What we could say is that on a natural planet there is only information. There is no disinformation. And this is, of course, because as we have explained, everything in the world of form was created out of the One mind, the Christ consciousness, the Buddha Nature. Every being was created out of that mind and therefore, any information that was used to create a natural planet was based on the Christ mind. A new co-creator takes in the information from the Christ mind and uses its own mind, which is not yet fully the Christ but is certainly out of the Christ mind, to create its own information. And that is also out of the Christ mind even though it is at a fairly low level at the time.

As we have said, you see yourself as a connected being but have no clear concept of what you are connected to. But still, you are taking information based on the Christ mind which is you are connected to your environment. You are part of the whole. You are not apart from the whole. Everything is wonderful, one big happy family as they say, in the first sphere, the second sphere, the third sphere. Then in the fourth sphere which is one step denser than the third, there are some beings that start out as all other co-creators with a localized sense of self. They take in information from their environment, they co-create, they take in information and gradually a cooperation starts emerging.

But then on a few planets in the fourth sphere there were some beings who had the thought they had begun to discover the design principles for how their planet was working. But they had the thought: “Why should I follow those principles? What if I used my own ideas to co-create? Why should I be bound, limited by my environment? Why should I not co-create something entirely different?” And free will is free will. You are allowed to co-create anything you can imagine, so they started co-creating this way. This means that the information they now formulated in their minds was not based on the Christ mind because the Christ mind was used to formulate the principles for how the planet worked. But when you go against the principles in your environment you are not using the mind of Christ, you are using the mind of anti-christ.

Now, this was not as ominous on these first planets as it might sound on earth. But you are beginning to use information based on this idea that you are better at imposing a meaning on information than the ascended beings who created your planet. You know better. Even though you have not really explored the principles that were used to create your planet, you do not fully grasp them. These few beings got the idea that they knew better and if they have free will they should be allowed to do whatever they wanted.

Discovering vs. defining how the world works

And of course they were. They formulated these mental images, projected them upon the Ma-ter light and the Ma-ter light took on these forms. But this now means that these beings stepped into a state of mind where they were not seeking to discover how the world works. They were seeking to define how the world should work. Now mind you, these beings had not fallen and you could say they were simply experimenting with their free will. The problem was that when you start out on a natural planet and grow in awareness till you reach the highest level of consciousness you can reach on that particular planet, then you have explored how that planet works to the fullest.

If you then develop the desire to experiment with your co-creative abilities by defining the principles yourself, then you are allowed to do this. You are allowed to go to another planet that has a more loosely defined environment but you can more easily experiment. But by coming to the fullness of the experience, the highest level of consciousness you could reach on your first planet, you have grown in your self-awareness, your ability to create and interpret information.

The second law of thermodynamics

But when you start too early wanting to do your own thing without having fully learned, then you cannot co-create based on the Christ principles or the Christ mind because you have not fully embodied it. You have not reached the highest level of Christhood you could reach on that planet. This means that you are now co-creating something that goes against the principles that your planet was based on and that means that your planet is not sustaining your creation. It starts breaking down, what we have called the second law of thermodynamics or the principle of Shiva. And now these beings saw that their co-creation was breaking down but other self-creators created something that was not breaking down and they started feeling this was unjust.

Now some of them saw this and said: “Oh, what am I doing differently? Is there something I have not understood here?” And then they changed, brought themselves back into being willing to explore the principles and they then continued growing. But some went into this state of mind that they should still be able to do whatever they wanted and other beings should not be creating something beyond what they were creating. They now formulated this desire to get other people to come in and support their co-creation because they quickly realized that the more people they could get to support their co-creation, the less it would break down. Now this meant that a group of people came together and they accepted a common vision, naming the vision of these beings who became leaders, and they used their co-creative abilities so they multiplied each other’s efforts and therefore they were able to create, in some cases, quite sophisticated and organized civilizations.

It was just that it required a continued effort to maintain or expand these civilizations. And of course, these civilizations did not bring the planet to the ascension point. When it came to the point that the entire sphere was ready to ascend, there were a few planets that were not ready. Even though there were sophisticated civilizations on these planets, the planet could not ascend because these civilizations were out of attunement with the original blueprints not only on the planet, but also with the Christ mind and the blueprint for the entire sphere.

Reality check

This is when the ascended masters had to step in, confront these beings with the fact that their co-creation could not ascend and give them the choice—would they come back into alignment with the principles so they could ascend with the rest of the sphere, or would they refuse to do so? Some did choose to come back into alignment, ascended with the fourth sphere, but on a few planets the leaders had become so sure that they were right in their interpretation of information and the information they had generated that they would not let it go.

Now what was it that happened on the planets where the leaders chose to heed the ascended masters? What happened was that they took the information they had gathered through this co-creative process and brought it back into alignment with the Christ mind by giving up the information that was based on the mind of anti-christ. We can say that throughout their experimental journey they had created all of these subconscious selves based on the illusion of separation, and when they saw the consequence of this they were willing to enter the process, which took some time, of letting these selves die. It is like Jesus explained, he who seeks to save his life shall lose it, he who is willing to lose his life for the sake of following Christ can ascend and attain a permanent state of life. Those planets where the leaders were not willing to give up their self-created information based on separation, were not willing to let the selves die, they were then given another option, they could fall as we say, but they saw it more as descending into the next sphere that was created.

The psychology behind the fall

Now, what we have not really explained before was the mindset of some of these beings. You see what I have said, the purpose of a new co-creator on a particular natural planet is to enter into a journey of discovery, where you discover the principles that are based on the Christ mind, and therefore you discover the principles that make your creation sustainable. Those who had not used the Christ mind, they had not completed that journey. They did not understand that only principles based on the realization that all life is connected can lead to a sustainable creation. They now entered into a state of mind where they did not see that they were behind those who ascended. They instead turned things around and thought: “We are the ones who know better, we are so sophisticated, we do not need to discover the principles, we can define our own principles and the ascended masters simply do not know what we know. They are not as sophisticated as we are because they submitted themselves to the Christ mind. They have never really explored the mind of anti-christ and they do not see how sophisticated it is.”

Of course they did not have the concept of anti-christ, they thought it was the ultimate state of mind where you were so sophisticated you could define everything. They did not see that they fell into the fifth sphere, they thought: “Ah, we are so sophisticated, we are the pioneers who are the first ones to enter the new sphere, and therefore we can define the pattern for how planets should work in that sphere.” They, at least some of them, did not see it as a mistake and they actually used the fact that they fell to over inflate their already overinflated sense of self-importance.

The lesson behind the fall

Why was this allowed? Well, partly to allow free will to outplay itself, but also because the ascended masters knew that the fifth sphere was more dense than the previous one. Therefore, these beings, let us call them fallen beings to be consistent, they thought they could come into the new sphere and co-create exactly the same sophisticated civilizations they had created in the fourth sphere, but because of the denser sphere they could not, or rather they could, but it required far more effort.

This gave them an opportunity to re-evaluate: “Is there something we have not grasped? Are we really as sophisticated as we think we are?” And some of them when they encountered the denser matter they realized: “If we continue this way we are exerting all of this effort, but whatever we create it just breaks down, it starts breaking down right away. It is a constant effort to maintain it. Would it not be easier to switch, discover the principles and work with the principles instead of against them?”

You could say: “What is the purpose of this entire mechanism?” Well, it is to give co-creators the opportunity to explore everything they can do with their free will, their self-awareness and their imagination. But ultimately, the goal of this process is that each co-creator discovers, realizes, that it can co-create much more by learning what the principles are and working with those principles than if it goes against the principles. And what is the purpose of this?

Every self-aware being is created out of the One mind, but it is created as an individual being. For a sphere to ascend, all the beings who ascend with a sphere must have journeyed as far as they want to go in experimentation with their free will. They do not have to use the consciousness of anti-christ, the separate mind, but they have to experiment as much as they want. They voluntarily bring themselves into alignment with the One mind, meaning that after they ascend they could not even conceive of co-creating something that would harm others. Coming into alignment with the Christ mind means you are not seeking to raise yourself in comparison to others, you are seeking to raise the whole by raising others and yourself. You are not harming any part of life. You have given up the possibility of choosing to go against the principles of the One mind.

Refining vs. forcing your vision

What does this have to do with information? Well, anyone who co-creates takes in information, gives it some kind of meaning, and based on that meaning it then projects out information, causing the Ma-ter light to take on the form and then when you experience the form, you are taking in new information.

You might say that when you receive the return current you can look at what is physically manifest compared to the vision you projected out and see: “Is there a discrepancy between what I had in my mind and what is manifest physically, and if there is, what does that mean? Why is there a discrepancy?” And it can be, as I said, because your vision was not in alignment with the principles used to design your planet. And then you have this choice: “Well let me discover more of those principles.” It can be that your vision clashes with other people on the planet, and so you cannot manifest exactly what you are envisioning because they have a vision that interferes with yours. But it gives you feedback.

The universe is a feedback machine. The question is, do you use this feedback to refine the information you are projecting out? Or do you use the feedback to think: “Well, my information is right, so I need to project it with more force and if I cannot generate enough force on my own, I need to then persuade other people to support my vision, so that we together can co-create what I want.”

You now go into this force-based mindset where instead of saying: “Let me discover the principles and when I know the principles I can co-create what I want,” you now say: “Let me find a way to force my vision, my information on my environment and let me get other people, persuade them or fool them or force them into supporting my vision.” And again, you are allowed to do this, you are allowed to experiment with this. The problem is that by going against the principles on your particular planet, your co-creation requires more and more force to be sustained or to be expanded, so therefore, you inevitably go into this force-based mindset where you think you have to force your environment to outpicture your vision, instead of working with the environment so that it generates what you project out without you having to use force.

Dis-in-formation based on the absence of Christ

You now see that there is information based on the One mind, the unified mind, the Christ mind, and there is information based on the absence of unity, the absence of oneness. You may call it the mind of anti-christ, but it is not really anti-christ, it is an absence of Christ. It is an absence of recognition of the connection between all forms and all beings. It is from the beginning an illusion, but it is an illusion that beings are allowed to go into because they must be allowed to experiment with their free will and their imagination. And naturally, you can imagine that you are co-creating as a separate being. It is fully possible to do this and it is, in a certain sense, necessary for all beings to come to realize that there is this possibility and they need to experiment with it until they decide: “Ah, this is not what I want to do.” Some people just have not come to that point yet, some beings. And that is why there is a very big range for how far a being can go into this illusion of separation.

Again, what does it have to do with you wanting to heal your physical body? Well, if your body is manifesting a disease, it is because information has entered your four lower bodies that is based on the separate mind, or rather based on an absence of the Christ mind, the recognition of the principles for earth and the principles of oneness.

The key then is to change that information, and here is the central point to grasp. To beings who have gone into separation, it will seem like they have generated a vast pool of information that allows them to create a sophisticated civilization, formulate ideas, create an empire, create weapons that can defeat other weapons. They feel they are so sophisticated. They have generated all of this information and they have used it to co-create, or as they see it, create this sophisticated civilization. How could that be wrong? To them, this is information, and they will say: “Well, this is just as sophisticated as any information that could be based on the Christ mind.”

But in reality, this is not information, it is disinformation. Why? Because it is not in formation with the whole. As the world of form has grown, as spheres have ascended, all of the self-aware beings have co-created a whole, a sustainable whole. It is based on the Christ mind. And as these spheres have ascended and grown, the beings who caused the spheres to ascend, they have generated much more information than was there in the beginning.

The Creator created the first sphere based on information formulated in the mind of the Creator. But as the co-creators were sent in there and caused the first sphere to ascend, they generated out of their minds, out of their imagination, an enormous amount of information that was beyond what the Creator embedded in the first sphere. And the second sphere added even more information. There is vast, vast information in the Christ mind about how to make a co-creation sustainable. And this is not what has been created out of separation because all of this vast information generated in the Christ mind forms a whole, a formation.

But the mind that is separate is not in formation with the whole. It is in formation with itself, but itself is separate from the whole. The mind is separate from the whole. Not in reality, but in its own mind. That is why it cannot be in formation with the whole and that is why it is not information—it is an absence of information. However sophisticated the fallen beings think their ideas and ideologies and mental images are, it is actually nothing. It is not sustainable. Only that which is based on the Christ mind has life within it. That which is separate is death, the consciousness of death.

Healing with information

Again, I ramble on about these far-flung ideas. What does it have to do with you wanting to heal your physical body? Well, whatever condition is a disease in the physical body is not based on the information coming from the Christ mind. Therefore, it is based on this disinformation from the separate mind. Now the tendency is, when you begin to realize this, and when you begin to realize that you have, if you have a physical disease, you have in your emotional, mental and identity bodies these subconscious selves that are based on this separate mind. The tendency is to then look at this and say: “I need to go into this subconscious self and discover what supposed information created the self that the self is based on, and then I need to counteract that information by finding an argument against it, by proving it is wrong.” This cannot be done. It is like if you chase the greased pig, you will end up with your hands full of mud.

If you try to prove the fallen consciousness wrong, if you try to reason with it, you just get yourself involved with it. You need to recognize that this, even though there is a self in your subconscious mind, and even though it is based on a certain pattern, it is not information. It is an absence of information from the Christ mind. You do not need to do anything about the information. You do not need to prove it wrong, because the self can never come to see that it is wrong. You do not need to do anything about it.

What do you need to do? You activate the Conscious You´s ability to float up beyond your four lower bodies, you then reach for an ascended master that is close to you, and then you formulate the desire to see the Christ information that can replace the absence of information.

Take note. You are not asking your I AM Presence for this, because your I AM Presence is not yet ascended. You select the ascended master that you feel close to, you ask that master: “Mother Mary, help me see the Christ information.” And if you can be neutral, you will see something that will help you get started on the process of letting the self die, separating yourself from it. If you repeat this, and you do not need to make an elaborate ritual of it, but if you repeat it, you will see more and more until you come to that point where the self has died. That is how you heal with information.

As Mother Mary said, it is simply one way. It may not appeal to you. It may not resonate with you. This can be because of your current level of consciousness, one of the other tools is more suited to where you are at. It can also be that you cannot really see how you can apply it. Then pick one of the other tools. But for some of you, this will be an important teaching that you can build on. And you can refine your ability to tune into the Christ mind and let the information of the Christ mind replace the lack of information coming from the separate mind, thereby bringing the Conscious You into formation with the Christ mind, whereby you become the Living Christ.

With this, I have given you what I wanted to give you and therefore, I shall step back and allow Gautama Buddha to seal this conference, as is his responsibility, privilege, and joy.

It has been my joy to interact with you for this time and I hope I have given you some information that can be useful to you.


Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels

Healing through changing the information and its meaning in the mind


Listen to a recording of this dictation (subscribers only)

Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels, June 9, 2024. This dictation was given at a Deep Healing Retreat Conference in Tallinn, Estonia.

I AM the Ascended Master Mother Mary. What I have given you here is a series of tools. It is not meant to say that one tool is better than the other. I have talked about a progression. And yes, there is a progression, but it does not mean that one tool is more valuable than the other. Because it depends where you are at, what you need at your present level. You need to select the tool that appeals to you, that resonates with you, and use that until you feel you have done enough with that tool.

But I wish to give you some more teaching that can help you gain a different perspective. You understand what I am trying to do here. I am not trying to say that there is only one way to be healed. Because what is healing? It is shifting the mind. The healing we are talking about here, which of course, is beyond taking physical measures for healing, is a healing in the mind. And the key is to shift the mind. I am giving you different tools that can help you shift the mind, depending on where you are at in your personal situation.

The information flow through the higher bodies

Another tool I wish to give you is that you can shift the way you look at the body. I have already given you some shifts with the progression from seeing the cells as physical radios, seeing the cells as part of the energy field. But there is another step up. And it is to tie into what Saint Germain talked about that at the level of subatomic particles, the mind can influence this most fundamental level of matter. And this ties in with the fact that you are co-creators. How do you co-create? Well, we have explained that the fundamental substance that allows you to co-create is the Ma-ter light. This is a substance that has no form in itself, but can take on any form. But it cannot take on form by itself, because an image needs to be projected upon it by a self-aware mind. Or at least, by a potentially self-aware mind.

We have talked about an image, a mental image. But what is a mental image? You look at a computer screen, you have a beautiful mountain landscape. And you are saying: “Well, this is an image, this is a photo.” But to the computer it is not a photo. To the screen it is not a photo. At the level of the computer chip, it is not a photo. It is data. It is ones and zeros in different combinations. To the screen it is just dots, colored dots. Beyond just seeing something as an image, you can also say that what your mind is projecting onto the Ma-ter light is information that tells the Ma-ter light what form to take on and out-picture.

At the identity level, I have said there is a blueprint. But what is the blueprint? Well, is it not information? There is information encoded in the blueprint. And this information is then projected into the mental realm, where the information from the identity level sets the parameters for what the mental mind can think about, can do. The mental mind fills in the blueprint, adds information, makes it more detailed. And then, this is projected into the emotional. And then, it receives also some extra information, including movement, speed, direction. And then, it goes into the physical vibrational spectrum.

Again, it can be helpful to start out by again thinking about your physical cells as a physical thing and saying that what your cells receive from the emotional, mental and identity level is information. And the mechanism that allows the cells to deal with this information is the DNA that then takes the information that it receives and translates it into instructions for what proteins to create inside the cells, how to combine them, so that this particular individual cell finds its right place in the whole of the body and so that it continues to receive the information that allows it to fulfill that place over time. But of course, at a higher level, you can see that your cell is not a separate physical thing. It is part of what we might call the information flow, and so, really your cell is not made of proteins. Your cell is not made of DNA. Your cell is made of the Ma-ter light that takes on that specific form.

The enormous complexity of the cell

Now, you are perhaps going to think about this. And you are going to perhaps think: “But isn’t this an awfully complicated process?” You have this very complex blueprint at the identity level for my physical body with its 30 trillion cells, 30 trillion individual units. Then, you have an even more complicated blueprint, we might say, information collection at the mental level. And then, it becomes complicated again at the emotional level. And then, at the physical level, it manifests. The Ma-ter light out-pictures these cells that science have not even fully discovered how complex they are.

How can it be that the physical cells need to be so complex? Why is there this incredibly complicated machinery inside the cells? Why does it take 30 trillion cells that specialize in thousands of different ways in order to create one physical body? Why could you not just have one image that was projected onto the Ma-ter light and out-picture the physical body without any of this enormously complex internal machinery? And the answer is: “Well, there could be such a way to create.” Why is it not that way? Well, one possible answer would be: “What would be the fun in doing it so simply?” But that is not actually the answer. The real answer is that the four levels of the material universe are an educational environment. And they are designed, as we have said, to be like a reality simulator that can give the inhabitants a vast array of different experiences, including the experience that they are physical beings who are disconnected from anything beyond the material world.

Simulating a separate existence

You see, if there was just an image and the Ma-ter light out-picturing it, nothing in between, no mechanism in between, it would not seem believable that you could be a physical body or a separate being. But because there is this enormously complex machinery at the physical level, it seems that you could be an entirely material being, or you could be separated from a spirit world even if you believe in it. And that is why humankind now for a long time has been able to have the experience that they are the creations of this remote God up there in the sky, who is completely separated from them. Even the experience that they have been created as imperfect beings, as sinners, and that they need someone outside themselves to be saved. Recently they have been able to have the experience that they are entirely physical beings. There is nothing beyond the material universe. This enormously complex machinery at the cellular level, at the levels of the organs and the nervous systems and the brain—this is so complicated that it has a life of its own. And it can, therefore, explain why they exist, why they have consciousness, why they can think. It is just all this physical machinery that creates consciousness and the sense of self.

You see, in order to create a reality simulator that can simulate a separate existence and make it seem real, it has to be complicated or it would not be believable. Look at what has happened to materialistic science, how they have discovered deeper and deeper layers of the material world, smaller and smaller units. But also, more and more complexity. There was a time where scientists thought that it was very simple to explain the universe. They even thought they had discovered the ultimate unit the universe was built from. Atoms. That the atom was a black box. It could not be divided further. They just interacted. Then, they discovered: “Oh, no. There is some machinery inside the atom.” And then, there were first three subatomic particles. Then, a whole panoply of subatomic particles. And it seems like the more powerful of a particle accelerator you build, the more particles you discover instead of discovering the ultimate particle, the God particle.

What has all this done? Lent reality to the illusion that you are separate beings, entirely physical beings. And that because physical matter is so complex, your cells are so complex, your brains are so complex, you are a product of all of this machinery. It is the belief in artificial intelligence. That if you build a computer that is sophisticated enough, it will be able to think. It is just all part of this elaborate game we are playing in order to allow free will to outplay itself until people, beings have had enough of it. They have had enough of thinking they can define reality, thinking they can create a separate world that is real, instead of co-creating the real world with us.

Making illusion believable until we want more

In one sense you could say: “What is it a sign of?” Well, it is a sign of the Creator’s love for the self-aware extensions of itself. If one self-aware extension or a group decides to go into separation and explore whether they can create their own separate world, then the Creator is willing to create this enormously complex process that makes their illusion seem believable. They can have that experience for a time, until they have had enough of it. It is a sign of how much the Creator respects his own law of free will. “Its” own law of free will, for the Creator is beyond he and she.

But how is this all created? Well, it is created because there are all of these, this entire hierarchy of ascended masters beyond the Creator, I mean beneath the Creator. We ascended masters are all part of this co-creative process of creating this elaborate machinery on an unnatural planet that makes it seem like you can be separated from the real world and create your own world and define how it should work. What is that a sign of? That we have love for our co-creators. And we are willing to go through this elaborate process to give those who want it that experience.

Back to the idea that everything is information. What is information? Well, it can be practical information. The information for how to build a physical body that seemingly can function on its own without being connected to anything beyond the material universe. That is very practical concrete information. Now, you could say, if you take the materialist paradigm: “Everything is matter. The brain is simply matter and it produces consciousness.” Then, you could say that if the entire brain is mechanical and if it only contains this practical information of how to create the brain, where do feelings come from? Where do illusions come from? Where do these elaborate beliefs and ideas that people have created throughout the ages—where does all this come from, if the brain is entirely mechanical?

Would not a mechanical brain think in mechanical ways? How could it think in these completely irrational, illogical, inconsistent ways that people think? And this is because, of course, the world is not mechanical, the body is not mechanical, the brain is not mechanical. It only seems that way so you can believe in a mechanical world, if that is what you want. Or you can believe in a remote God. Or you can awaken from the reality simulator and realize that the reality simulator is created by minds that superimpose information on the Ma-ter light in order to give you a certain environment as a starting point for your expansion of consciousness. And as you expand that consciousness, you can start co-creating the experience you are having in the simulator consciously, instead of unconsciously.

Or whether you believe you are the subject of a remote God or a product of mechanical laws of nature. You are co-creating, but you are not conscious of being a co-creator. You think you are a victim of your environment. You came into being without having any choice about it. And therefore, you can do nothing to change it through your own choosing. Now, this is the experience that many people wanted to have, which is why the world is the way it is. But the purpose of all of this is to give people that experience until they have had enough of it and they start wondering if there could be more to life and they start desiring that more.

The awakening process

And that is when you begin the awakening process, where you realize you are in an environment that responds to your mind. But how does it respond? It responds to the information that you are projecting into the cosmic mirror of your environment through the four levels of your mind—identity, mental, emotional and physical. Because, yes, the physical so-called body is also part of your mind. When you take a shovel, go out in the garden and dig a hole, you are using physical means to project information upon the Ma-ter light. You create a hole in what was untouched ground. And when you do anything with the other three bodies, have feelings, have thoughts, have a sense of identity, you are again projecting information onto the Ma-ter light.

How do you begin to awaken? Well, first of all by acknowledging how the world works. The world could be said to be an information processing device. It is like your computer, where you can input a photo of a mountain landscape. And then, you can adjust the colors and the brightness of the photo, possibly even distort it completely with some filter. But this is what the world is. What is the way to become more conscious as a co-creator? To become more conscious of the information that you have allowed to be stored in the physical, emotional, mental and identity levels of the mind. Therefore, becoming more conscious of what you are projecting onto the Ma-ter light.

What is the key to being healed of a physical condition? To change the information contained in your emotional, mental and identity minds that is being projected onto the physical. What is the key to healing some emotion? Changing the information that is being projected onto your emotional mind through the identity and mental minds. What is the key to changing what is happening at the mental level? Well, of course, change what is projected by the identity level. And the key to changing the identity is to step outside of the identity body and realize that you are a Conscious You. You are not the contents of your identity body. You can let a certain sense of self, a certain self die and you are not going to die.

Information from above

What is the Conscious You then? Can the Conscious You generate information that is projected onto the Ma-ter light? Yes, but not from the level of pure awareness. Only when you go into the identity, mental and emotional levels and even the physical can you generate information that is projected onto the Ma-ter light. But you can also go the other way of tuning in to the I AM Presence and let the information from the I AM Presence be projected onto the four lower bodies. And that is, of course, what happens when you really awaken from the simulation. And you stop projecting information through these selves in the four lower bodies that are based on the density of matter, the separation from your source, the duality consciousness and all of these illusions.

When you can allow the information from the perspective of your I AM Presence to be projected, then you can be said to have a certain level of Christ consciousness. Although, since your I AM Presence is not an ascended being, it is not the full Christ consciousness. You can, of course also, when you are not pulled into these separate selves in the four lower bodies, tune in to the ascended masters and allow us to give you information that is then projected through the four lower bodies upon the Ma-ter light. And that is a higher level of Christhood.

Body as a projection

How is this practical for you in terms of healing? Well, I got a little carried away explaining this to you. But what you can begin to do if you feel this resonates with you—and many of you will feel that this goes right over your head. Do not feel bad about it. Just put this on the shelf and use some of the other tools until you at some future time will be ready to look at this. But what can you do? Well, you can begin to realize that there is no physical body. The physical body has no existence as human beings look upon the physical body. It is not something solid. It is not something unchanging. It is not something that has continuity over time.

We have used the analogy before that the movie on a movie screen may pull you into feeling like you are there, but it has no solidity. It only exists because there is an image projected by the movie projector when the light shines through the film strip. And if you pulled the plug from the movie projector, the movie would disappear instantly. There is not really a continued movement on the screen. There are individual images in the projector on the film strip that are being projected onto the screen so rapidly that your eyes are fooled into seeing a continuous movement. And likewise, your physical body is just an image upon the screen of the Ma-ter light projected many times a second. What is projecting it? The light coming from your I AM Presence and the ascended realm that streams through the film strips at your identity, mental, emotional level and even in the physical.

What does that mean? It means that your physical body is simply an out-picturing of an information stream that streams so quickly that your outer senses and your outer mind cannot see the individual movements, but they are there. Which means that if you change the information, you would instantly change the body. Because the body is just like the image on the movie screen. Change the image in the film strip, you instantly change the image on the screen, or at least with the speed of light, which is fast enough for most people. You can then begin to retool your mind into realizing that it is entirely possible to instantly change the body. In fact, you might even say, if you want to be a bit provocative, that the only way to change the body is to do it instantly by changing the information. Because if you do not change the information, how will you change the body?

How to change the information in our minds

That is when you can come to see that there is some reality to the image I gave earlier. You have a healthy body. You have a sick body. You can choose which one you go into. But here, it is more that you have a sick body. There is a particular condition in the body. You see that this is caused by, out-pictured by, a certain type of information that exists in your three higher bodies, perhaps even at the physical level. You can see that when you change that information, you can change the body instantly.

Now, of course, the big question becomes: “How do you change the information?” Can you just instantly switch your mind? No, you cannot, because you have all of these selves. What is a self? What is a subconscious self? It is a collection of information. But the self resists being changed. Because the self is created to conserve the information, to preserve it. It is as if you are looking at a movie screen where a certain image has been imprinted and imagining that the filmstrip will resist—the filmstrip in a projector will resist having the image changed. It will hold on to the image. You need to then, again, use the tools, unravel it.

It is not that the process is any different. But it is, for some of you, helpful to consider that what you are dealing with here is really information. Because what is information? I said earlier that your computer can display an image of a mountain scene. And it is because there is information that is displayed on the screen. This is not entirely correct, because the computer is not actually an information processing device. It is a data processing device, because the computer is able to process data and organize it without having any idea of what the data means. When does the data stored on your computer become information? Not when it is displayed on the screen. Because the screen has no idea whether it is showing a mountain landscape from Switzerland or the ears of a horse that sticks up above a tree. The data on the computer screen becomes information the moment you look at it and it takes on some meaning in your self-aware mind.

Function of a self

Only a self-aware mind can process information. What does that mean? How do you change the information in your emotional body or mental body? By changing the meaning it has for you. Where does the meaning come from? Well, it comes from these subconscious selves. But originally the selves were created, a particular self was created, because the Conscious You looked at certain information and gave it a meaning. You see, I am not saying that your personal mind has created the entire earth. You came to a predefined environment, partly created by the Elohim, partly by humanity over a long period of time. You come in here and what is it you receive from your environment? Information about how the environment is.

What do you do with that information in your mind? You make a decision about what that information means to you. And that decision creates a subconscious self. Why is this necessary? Well, partly because of the complexity I talked about, but also because you are using information to do anything, including uphold your body. And you cannot consciously process unlimited amounts of information. Your conscious awareness, the Conscious You, can only process a certain amount of information. Therefore, in order to have a continued existence, you need to create the subconscious selves that, once you have decided what the meaning is of the information, they are projecting this on down from the identity to the mental, emotional, to the physical level, so you do not have to do it consciously.

It is the analogy we have given so many times of learning to ride a bicycle. You are creating a subconscious self that contains all the information needed to ride a bicycle. You do not have to be conscious of how to hold it upright. You can focus on where you want to go. But you can also create subconscious selves that are not related to practical, physical things, but how you feel about your environment. What you think you can do and cannot do in your environment. And even how you identify yourself in relation to the environment. But this is all information you receive from your environment that you, the Conscious You, gave a meaning. And that creates a subconscious self. And the subconscious self cannot change that meaning. Only the Conscious You can change it.

You see, you come to an environment called Earth, through your senses you are receiving information about that environment. But then, the Conscious You reacts to this by giving it some meaning. What is the environment I am in? What does it mean for me? How do I feel about it? What do I think about it? How do I identify myself in this environment? And once that meaning is given, it becomes a self. You are taking the information from the outside and you are adding the meaning, which is also information, to it. You are adding information to it. And what does this do? It creates your specific experience of your environment. And now, the experience becomes continuous. You will continue to experience your environment through that self, until the Conscious You again looks at it and makes a conscious decision to change the information and the meaning you gave it.

Making unconscious conscious

As just one example. You come to earth. You are exposed to a certain situation. It causes you physical pain. You react emotionally to this by fear. You act at the mental level by deciding: “This is not a good environment and I cannot change this condition.” And at the identity level you decide: “I am a powerless being. There are certain things on earth I cannot change.” And this forms a self. Now, you are projecting this image upon your physical body into the cells. And over time they will take on this image and some of the cells will become burdened, will become unable to tune in to the blueprint, will become unable to function at their highest level and a disease will manifest. But that disease has no independent existence, it has no continuity. It is an image projected onto the Ma-ter light, the movie screen, through the film strips in your mind. And the moment that image changes, the physical out-picturing of it will change.

The moment you change the information, the body will change. If you truly change the information, the body will change. Then, the topic is, of course, how to change the information. But since you are in time and space, I cannot give you that in this installment. Which is perfectly fine because, those of you who feel that this teaching resonates with you, you now have some time to process what it actually means before I or another master will take it further. While you are eating your dinner, if you feel this is important for you, consider what information really is.

What are you receiving when you eat a cucumber? Information. Now, you may say your body has a process for digesting the cucumber that is completely mechanical, has nothing to do with you. First of all, that is not entirely accurate, but for practical purposes it is. But did your body choose to take the cucumber and not the carrot next to it? Your mind chose. Why did your mind choose the cucumber and not the carrot? Because you have created a certain subconscious self based on the reaction that: “I like cucumbers. I don’t like carrots, because my mother forced me to eat them.” But what is that subconscious self based on? Information.

Could you not change the information so that you would not have an adverse reaction to carrots? Could you not even change the information so that it is not a matter of liking cucumbers and not liking carrots? You have a whole different criteria for selecting your food. I am just trying to get you started on realizing everything you do in life is based on information. But most of the information that you use to make choices in your daily life is stored in subconscious selves, which means the choices you make are not free-will choices. They are selections based on the selves.

And if you really want to change your life, your life experience, your life circumstances, heal your physical body, your emotional, mental and identity bodies, the key is to draw the information in the subconscious selves, one at a time of course, into your conscious awareness. Look at the information, look at the consequences of the information and then make a conscious decision to change it. Do you have to have a negative reaction to being on earth? Is that the only possible reaction? Perhaps it was in your first embodiment, but is it now? And if it is not, then look at the self you created and make a conscious decision to change the information to a positive approach to life on earth. And then, you will see your life changing. I will now accept the limitations of time and seal you for now. What do I seal you with? The information of the Divine Mother.


Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels

Exercise for shifting into the healthy version of your body

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Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels, June 9, 2024. This dictation was given at a Deep Healing Retreat Conference in Tallinn, Estonia.

I AM the Ascended Master Mother Mary and I come to take these discourses I have given to the next level up. I would like to begin by asking you a question. Have you ever considered yourself as a healthy person? Have you ever actually paused, stepped back mentally, looked at your physical body and thought: “I am a healthy person. I have a healthy body”. Now, I understand that some of you may have had various diseases in your life, but what I am trying to point out here is that most people who have a reasonably healthy body, they do not actually think about the fact that they have a healthy body. They do not identify themselves as having a healthy body. They do not identify themselves as being healthy people: “I am a healthy person”. And why is this? Well, it is because there is a general assumption that your body is supposed to be healthy. Most people take it for granted that their body is healthy while it is healthy, and therefore, they are surprised and annoyed when the body shows signs of illness. In other words, being healthy is normal, being ill is not normal for most people.

The Immaculate Concept of a healthy body

I fully realize it is different for some, but I am talking about a general tendency. And why is this important? Well, because when you just take for granted that your body is supposed to be healthy, you are not really thinking about it. You are not thinking about what it means to be healthy. What it means that the body is healthy, and therefore, you are just sort of flowing along with life without actually identifying yourself as a healthy person. Which means you do not have, in your awareness, the mental image, the immaculate concept of a healthy person. You are sort of bumbling your way through life, being reasonably healthy and suddenly your body gets ill. And now what happens to most people is that first they are resisted, they are annoyed, they try to overcome the disease or mask the pain. But after some time, if the illness does not go away quickly, they can come to identify themselves as a sick person or: “I have this illness.”

You see they have not built the sense of identity of a healthy person. But now they shift into identifying themselves as an unhealthy person, and they accept this at the identity level, at the mental level, at the emotional level. And this means it is difficult for them to come to that point that I have talked about where you can accept that healing is possible, and therefore, they can take it further and accept that healing is manifest, healing is a reality. Because this is such a common tendency on earth, you as spiritual people, it is safe to assume you have been affected by this. If you have had a reasonably healthy body, you have probably taken it for granted, not paid that much attention to the body because you were focused on your spiritual pursuits. If you then get ill, you can hear me talking about the Immaculate Concept for example, but you do not really have a sense of what that means. You certainly do not have an inner experience, a mental image of what it means. What is the Immaculate Concept?

Well, the Immaculate Concept is, of course, what I call the blueprint for a healthy body that exists in your identity, mental and emotional bodies, and therefore, is projected upon the cells if there is no interference. This can block your acceptance that healing is possible and it can block your acceptance that healing is manifest. Now, I have said that in order for healing to be manifest, you have to accept the healing. First step, accept it is possible, which if you use the teachings and tools we have given so far, it is possible to make that shift if you have not made it already, which, of course, many of you have. The next step then is to come to that point where you accept not only that healing is possible, but that it has happened, it is manifest, or at least that it is happening if it is a process that takes time. It is happening, but what does it take to be fully healed?

Necessary Shift

Well, it actually takes, as this witness you heard earlier from a person who had that experience, it takes a shift in your sense of identity, how you see yourself. You have to shift from being a sick person to being a healed or healthy person. It is not just a shift in identity, it is a shift on all levels. But it is a shift. Now, you can find many stories of people who have experienced, what they call, an instantaneous healing, and I am not saying this cannot happen, but you, as spiritual people, this is not what you are really striving for. You are striving to see healing as a process because you realize, as I have explained, that at the identity, mental and emotional level, even at the physical, there can be this interference that prevents the cells from tuning in to the blueprint. You are willing, as spiritual people, to go through the process uncovering the selves at the emotional, mental and identity level, transforming the energies that have accumulated in these selves, and therefore, paving the way to where the cells are free to manifest a different state than the illness. You could say that, as you go through this process, you are freeing your selves to again tune in to the ideal blueprint without any interference.

You can, of course, also say that you are healing the higher levels of the mind, but in terms of healing the physical body, you are freeing your cells to receive that original pure blueprint. And therefore, they will spontaneously come into alignment with that blueprint. There is a process of purifying the three higher bodies of energies and selves, but even when that process is completed, there is still that shift that needs to occur and it is a good illustration to have that you come to a point where you see two versions of your body.

Slipping into the healthy body

You are stepping back from the body, the physical body, the emotional, the mental, the identity, and the Conscious You is now looking down at your physical body and it sees two versions of it. One that has the disease, one that is free of the disease, that is healthy. And then you, as the Conscious You, you have to choose which body do you accept, which body do you go into. And this is, of course, easier to do when you have cleared the way of these selves and energies that are pulling on you, then you have a more free choice.

And therefore, you can effortlessly slip into the healthy body and accept that your body is healthy. Now, again, the devil is always there with his sharpest tool in the toolkit, discouragement. But if you go through the process, you feel you have cleared your three higher bodies, you are looking at the two versions of the body, you choose the healthy one, you feel you slip into it, but you still have some physical symptoms. What do you do then? You just take some time, process the experience, look at whether there is still something you have not seen in the three higher bodies, and then you repeat the exercise. But you do not strain with the exercise, if it does not happen then let it go, set it aside and wait and see what comes to you. You cannot expect always that you are going to be able to go through an exercise of visualizing the two versions of the body, and then you consciously go into it. Sometimes what will happen is some time needs to pass, and then suddenly seemingly out of the blue, you slip into the healthy body, you shift your sense of identity.

Have a little patience with yourself, which, of course, is hard when you are in pain and discomfort I know, but again if you need to take certain physical measures to minimize the pain and discomfort, then do so, do not torture yourself. But it is really possible after some time, after working with the process, to come to that point where you can shift your identity.

Now, as Raphael started out by saying on the first day, which for some of you might seem like a very long time ago, for so much has been said and so much has been gone through in your minds, it is possible that there are physical conditions that cannot be healed. And again, then you need to avoid disappointment. If you go through the process of coming to see some subconscious selves and resolving them and dissolving the energy, how can you lose by that? You will grow spiritually from it, you will purify your higher bodies and even if that does not lead to a healing of the physical body, you have still made progress, it has still been worthwhile.

If it does not happen, then you need to step back and say: “Perhaps I need to refine my goal here. I have so far been focused on the physical disease and healing that physical disease, but if it is not happening then I need to refocus and say, what is my higher goal?” It is to make spiritual progress, to grow spiritually. And this is then where you need to again step back, use the exercise I have given and let us go through it right now.

The exercise for the perspective of the I AM Presence

Let us say you have a condition in the body that so far has not been healed. You may not have done everything you can do in terms of using our tools, but you have a condition that has not been healed as of this moment. Now I am asking you to gently focus on that, and then you use the technique of becoming consciously aware that you are the Conscious You, you are not the physical body and you are just allowing the Conscious You to step back to spontaneously rise up from the physical body. You are now in the emotional body, and again you just allow the Conscious You to rise up out of the emotional body into the mental. You focus briefly on the mental, but then you allow the Conscious You to rise up into the identity, and then again you allow the Conscious You to rise beyond the identity, at least the lower identity, and now you are outside the four lower bodies in this pure awareness, and from this perspective, you again look down at the physical condition.

Then you turn around metaphorically speaking, face your I AM Presence and ask your Presence: “How do YOU look at this situation?”, and then you just allow yourself to be still and see if anything comes to you. Perhaps nothing comes to you, but then you can repeat the exercise after some time, but what can eventually happen is that you receive the impression from your I AM Presence that there are reasons why the physical condition has not been healed at least at this point. There can be various reasons. As we have said before, it can be part of your Divine Plan to have a physical condition and to demonstrate that you can still pursue spiritual growth or live a constructive life with that condition. This can inspire and encourage others.

It can also be possible you have taken on a condition in order to demonstrate that you can rise above the condition where even if it is not healed physically, it is not defining you, it is not holding your back, it is not making you bitter or angry, you are still making the best of it. This can again be to encourage other people.

But there can also be situations where the disease is not caused by interference between the cells and the original blueprint where the disease is caused by a flaw, we might say, in the blueprint for your body, and this is, what we have called, your genetic inheritance where your mind, the emotional, mental and identity minds did not create or define your particular physical body. Because of the density of earth, because of the situation on earth, your body is the result of your father and mother and their genetic history and inheritance. You came into this body that already had certain predefined conditions, including certain looks that you inherit from your family. This is then something that is there at the level of the blueprint, and therefore, is projected onto the cells.

Now, it may also be that, in past lives, you took on certain separate selves that you carry with you into this lifetime, and because they were not generated in this lifetime, did not enter your body in this lifetime, they are actually stored at the level of the higher identity body that you carry with you from lifetime to lifetime. Instead of being, for example, in your emotional body, they are up there at the level of the original blueprint. They can also distort your physical body because they are sending a certain signal. The signal is going from your identity through the mental and emotional onto the physical cells, but it is not a pure signal of a healthy body.

Your deeper view of the body

What can you then do? Well, then you need to recognize that you have more work to do here. Naturally, as part of your spiritual growth, it would be an advantage to you to resolve any subconscious selves that you carry with you from past lives. Now, take care of what I just said. I am not saying that you do not have subconscious selves in the emotional, mental and identity bodies you take with you, but there are certain of these subconscious selves that relate specifically to the physical body, and those can become enmeshed in the blueprint for your physical body in this lifetime. Then, you need to then use the tools we have given to go deeper than you have gone so far and really look at your attitude to the body, your way of looking at the body, your view of the body.

You can use the tools we have given previously, it is just that it will require more work to unravel these selves that you have carried with you often for many lifetimes. Because many avatars and even many earth inhabitants, when they were exposed to this birth trauma or earth trauma, there was very severe physical pain involved in most cases, and this caused you to develop a certain view of the physical body which many of you have carried with you ever since, and it ties in with what we have talked about with this very old tradition of spiritual people seeing the body as an enemy of their spiritual growth, thinking they have to escape it instead of taking command over the body and being the body. When you use the tools, are willing to make the efforts, you can come to a point where now you have resolved what you carried with you from past lifetimes and at that point healing may occur.

Healing the “genetic inheritance”

But there will be some situations where healing does not occur because the disease is a result of your genetic inheritance from your family. Now, I talk about genetic inheritance but that is, of course, using the popular expression. It is not your genetic inheritance because the information is not stored in the DNA, it is stored at the emotional, mental and identity levels or even all the way to the blueprint itself. You can then come to a point where you either live with the condition or you decide to do the extra work of freeing yourself even from your genetic inheritance as I will continue to call it to avoid confusion. This will require more work because now you are not doing it just for yourself, you are just actually doing it for all future generations coming from this genetic line. By resolving this in yourself, you can purify that blueprint so that your children and grandchildren might not inherit the same conditions. Some of you already have children and grandchildren I realize but then generations after that. This might be part of your Divine Plan to give this service, this might be why you were born in this particular family because you wanted to help resolve this to bring humanity forward. But this will require more work but the process is essentially the same just going deeper, looking for these selves but also looking for this attitude to the body. You are, for example, likely to have people in your family who smoke, drink alcohol or take drugs. This can only be done when you have a certain negative attitude to the physical body. This is encoded in your family’s genetic inheritance. This you can also help resolve even if you do not have the tendency yourself. And again this lightens the load for humanity.

There can come a point where after considerable work, you have resolved this, and now again healing can occur and is very likely to occur. Should it not occur, then it may be, as I said, you have chosen to take on the condition to demonstrate something that can encourage other people. But all along through this process, there is always that choice in the background to shift your sense of identity from being an unhealthy or sick person to being a healthy person.

The exercise for slipping into the healthy body

Let us now do another exercise. You are again focusing on some physical condition in your body. Not going into it, just focus on it briefly. Then you are allowing the Conscious You to float upwards out of the physical body. You float upwards again out of the emotional body. You float up out of the mental body, and then you float out of the identity body. Now, you look down at these four bodies, these four levels of the energy field. You see there are two versions of these four bodies. One is the sick version, one is the healthy version. They are there, they are both there. You cannot have a sick version without having a healthy version. At this level of the Conscious You, I am asking you to focus your attention on the healthy version. The sick version just floats away, and you are focusing your attention on the healthy version, and you are focusing all of your attention on the healthy version, all of your attention on the healthy version.

And now if you are willing, you choose to slip into that healthy version, into the identity body. You slip into it effortlessly, but you almost rock a little bit when you are there because it takes a little bit of getting used to, but you accept you are in a healthy identity body. And then you allow yourself to slip into the mental body, and again when you get there, you are sort of rocking a little bit but then you just acclimatize, you tune in to the vibration and you accept: “I am in a healthy mental body”. You may take a little bit of time when you do your own exercise to acclimatize to being at that level and really sort of experience what it feels to be in a healthy identity body and a healthy mental body. But when you are ready, you just allow yourself to slip into the healthy emotional body, and you allow yourself to feel how calm it is, at least the condition that used to be there in the unhealthy body is not there. It may not be completely calm but it is certainly much calmer. Then again, you take some time to adjust, and then you slip into the healthy physical body, and now you are in the healthy physical body. Take note, it is not that your sick body has become healthy, you are in another body that is healthy. Now, many of you will not be able to fully accept this shift. I realize this fully, I am not trying to discourage you, I am trying to give you an exercise that can be repeated and you will be surprised how after some time it will actually work.

But you see again the shift, we started out with the physical cells are tuned to the blueprint like a radio attuned to the station. There can be interference between the blueprint and the cell, but if we remove the interference, then the cells will receive the pure blueprint and will tune into it and will out-picture it. Then we go beyond, now the cells are not just physical cells that are tuning into this blueprint in a higher realm. The cells are actually part of the larger energy field, they are not separated from the blueprint. The cells have a physical component, an emotional component, a mental component and an identity level component. It is just a matter of bringing the physical component into alignment with the others and bringing all of them into alignment with the blueprint. But now we have gone beyond it and realized that there is always a healthy body, physical, emotional, mental, identity that is there. This is what I have called the Immaculate Concept. It is always there. There is, you might say, a parallel universe where there is one version of the four bodies that is healthy, the other that is not healthy. And when you get ill, it is because the Conscious You has slipped into the unhealthy version and accepted that you are in an unhealthy body.

And while it is not easy to get to this level, it is possible to get to the point where you can shift and accept that you are in a healthy body. This is the next level in my efforts to give you tools for healing. I do have one more level which I wish to give you and because of the constraints of time, I will give it to you now but as a separate dictation.

Thus, I will seal this one and seal you in my Mother’s love.


Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels

Taking command over the physical body by seeing it as mind 

Listen to a recording of this dictation (subscribers only)

Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels, June 9, 2024. This dictation was given at a Deep Healing Retreat Conference in Tallinn, Estonia.

I AM the Ascended Master Mother Mary. And I wish to give you another installment, another tool. The previous release was aimed at people who still have in their minds this idea that you are separated from the body and that the body is purely a physical manifestation. We will now step up a little higher to where you begin to realize that the body is still energy, that all physical matter is energy.

Balanced approach to healing

Now, before I go into that, I wish to make a few remarks based on my experience of how spiritual people can sometimes interpret a spiritual teaching in an unbalanced way. We have over the many years seen spiritual people, not just in ascended master movements but many other spiritual or religious contexts, who get this idea in their minds that healing is possible. It may be through the mind, it may be through some miracle from Jesus or myself, or whatever it is. And then they interpret this to mean that when they have a physical disease, they should not take physical measures to heal the disease. They should ignore what the doctors are saying, and they should just focus on being healed in whatever way they see it as possible, whether it is through some miracle or through working with the mind.

I do not want you, who are open to this teaching, to interpret what we are giving you at this retreat to mean that now you should not go to the doctor, you should ignore any physical means for healing, whether it is diet or alternative medicine or traditional medicine, and you should just focus on this. That is not what we are saying. You are in the physical octave, you have a physical body, and currently the physical body, the physical octave, has a certain density. The energies that make up matter have a certain density, and that means that there are some conditions that need a physical intervention in order to be healed. What we are giving you here is not some exclusivist method that should cancel out the need to take physical measures. It is supplementary to the physical measures.

Now, no matter what I say, there is always going to be room for interpretation. And it is a delicate thing because in order for healing through the mind to work, you must really accept that it can work. The linear mind will say: “Well, if I really accept that healing with the mind is possible, why would I need to take the physical measures?” But what I am saying is you need to use discernment, use your intuition to sense when it is necessary to take a physical action to heal a disease, and when you can use, at least for a time, these methods. One does not exclude the other. Do not go into this mindset that now I can ignore all the physical things and just focus on the mind.

But on the other hand, there is the delicate issue that if you do not accept that healing with the mind is possible, then it is not going to work for you. I realize this is a delicate balance. It is an individual balance. But you can resolve it when you do not use the outer mind to make a decision, but where you tune in intuitively, and then you use our tools to look for these subconscious selves that cause you to have doubts. But as I have said, there are many measures where a physical action is needed. If you cut yourself and you are bleeding, you cannot sit there and pray for hours while you bleed to death. You need to take physical action to stop the bleeding. Again, Christ discernment is always necessary.

The physical body is still energy

Now, we will go to the next level. And this is the level where I bring together what Saint Germain said yesterday with the topic of healing the body. Namely, that everything is energy. But we will still focus on the cells because the basic unit of your body is the cell. The problem is that currently science thinks that the cell is a purely physical thing. Yet there are indeed some of the more progressive, open-minded scientists who have realized, even quite some time ago, that the cell membrane has a mechanism that allows it to respond to your state of mind, determining what to let in. And even inside the cell there is a mechanism that responds to the mind. Now, why is that?

Traditionally you will think that: “Ah, the cell is a physical thing, so it has to have a mechanism so it can tune into the mind.” And in a sense, my previous exercise reinforced that view because I said the cell, the physical cell, is a radio receiver that is receiving a signal from the mind, from the emotional, mental and identity levels of the mind. It is not that this is invalid. It is one way to look at it when you are still very much focused on the physical level, and you have not really integrated the reality that everything is energy. But when you begin to ponder this fact, which scientists have now known basically since 1905, that everything actually is energy, then you can realize what we have said, that your physical body is part of a larger energy field. It is not actually so that you have an identity body that is pure energy, a mental body that is pure energy, and an emotional body that is pure energy, and then you have a physical body that is physical matter. That is not actually the case.

As we have said, you have a total energy field that has four levels of vibration. The highest vibration is the identity, a step down in vibration is the mental, a step down from that is the emotional, and the physical is just another step down of the energy. But it is still an energy field. When you begin to integrate this, that is when you realize that the physical cell is actually energy, and that is why it can respond to energy, why it can be healed in a purely energetic way that does not require some physical measure.

Practical approach to healing

Now again, let me step back. The common view is that things in the matter world are things, so they are separated. You have your physical body, then you have a physical thing called an arrow, and if that arrow is shot into your physical body, it makes a hole and you bleed. And if it hits certain organs, you might die instantly. You tend to think that this is purely physical. Let’s now say that your physical cell takes in a chemical, a physical chemical that is toxic to the cell. This can cause the cell to malfunction. Would it be the most efficient measure to start invoking high frequency energy to transform that physical substance of the poison? It would be possible to do so, but for most people it would not be possible. And therefore, the practical approach is to find an antidote to the poison and take that in so it neutralizes the poison.

What I am trying to explain here is that we do have the four levels of the energy field. In your identity mind there are certain structures that are created at that level of vibration. Now you can, at the conscious level, tune into your identity body and you can actually come to a mental understanding that you have a certain sense of identity in your identity body. But you cannot resolve it from the mental level. You can use the mental understanding to step up to the identity level and from that level you can resolve it. Likewise, if you have a mental condition, you can see that from the conscious level. But you need to raise the conscious mind, the Conscious You, up to the mental level before you can resolve it. You see, that which is lower cannot affect that which is higher, but that which is higher can affect that which is lower. But because of the density of physical matter on earth, this is much more difficult than on a natural planet.

What I am trying to explain to you is that at the physical level, everything is still energy. But the energy is manifest in a lower spectrum of vibrations. Which means that in many cases it is faster and more practical to use a physical measure to counteract a disease, at least certain diseases, unless you have a very high level of consciousness, which most people do not have. That is why I am saying a certain discernment is needed. As I said, you receive a physical cut, well you need to physically close that cut, either with a band-aid or some more efficient measures. You know that if you have received a cut and there is too big of a gap in the skin, then it cannot grow together. That is why you need to sew it together so that again the cells can fill in the matrix and you can remove the threads or let them dissolve and now the cut is healed.

Four levels of the cell

You need to be practical about healing. But you also need to recognize that there are many diseases. Aside from physical injuries, most diseases are a product, as I explained, of the signal that comes to the cell from the emotional, mental and identity levels. And therefore, the impurities there will be reflected by the cell. When you contemplate this over some time, you can come to this point where you see it, you experience it, the reality that the physical body is an energy field. The cell is an energy field. The physical cell is an energy field. When you realize this, you can overcome this separation of church and state, so to speak, the separation between the physical and pure energy, between matter and energy, and you can realize that the cell is not a purely physical thing.

To begin this, you could say that what scientists call the cell is just the densest part of the energy field that vibrates within the spectrum of physical energies, what you normally call matter, but which is really energy of a certain spectrum. But this is not the totality of the cell, because there is an aspect of the cell that is made up of energies in the emotional spectrum, another in the mental spectrum, and another in the identity spectrum. The cell has four bodies, as we have said that you have four bodies.

You see the shift? In my previous talk, in my exercise, I still maintained this view that the physical cell is different from the energy field, the emotional, mental, and identity. The cell has a purely physical mechanism, the DNA, that receives a signal from the higher levels. This was done because that is what most people can grasp. But when you go beyond this, you can realize that the physical cell is not separated from the energy field. It is part of the energy field. And this now gives you various options for pursuing healing, because instead of thinking that the cell has to receive a signal from outside itself, you can realize that at the physical level, the cell is receiving a signal but it is not from outside itself. It is from the emotional component of itself, and the mental component and the identity level component.

More than the four lower bodies

Many of you have contemplated the teaching about the four lower bodies for some time. And at least some of you have come to the point where you can feel that: “I am primarily the emotional, mental and identity levels of my mind. I am primarily mind.” And as we have said, and as is also stated in this invocation for healing the physical body, it is necessary as a spiritual person to go through this process where you realize you are more than the body. So many people are identified with their bodies, or at least with their brains, and they think, based on materialistic science again, that the physical brain produces their consciousness. Naturally, if you think that your consciousness, your mind, is an epiphenomenon produced by the physical brain, you have no chance whatsoever of healing the physical body with the mind. You are left with only physical measures.

But science has discovered that most diseases are psychosomatic, meaning they have a psychological component. And that is, of course, because as we said, there are higher levels of the mind that are projected onto the physical level. Therefore, it is necessary as a spiritual person to go through this period where you withdraw your sense of identity from the body. And you realize first, for most people, you are soul but you will notice that we do not use the word soul very often and it is because it has been used by so many religious and spiritual teachings that it has so many different meanings. And that is why we are talking about the four lower bodies, the three higher bodies, the three higher levels of the mind, the emotional, mental and identity.

Many of you have taken this teaching, and you have gradually withdrawn your sense of identification from the body, even your sense of being identified with your feelings, even the sense that you are your thoughts and your opinions and your beliefs at the mental level, and some of you have even started realizing: “I am more than this sense of identity I grew up with in this lifetime. I am not particularly a man or woman of this nationality or of this political persuasion or this or that.” You are not identified with the outer things. And this is a necessary phase. You withdraw your sense of identity from the physical realm, and you realize you are more than this. And we have given you the concept of the Conscious You that is pure awareness, that is an extension of the I AM Presence. And the reason why this is necessary is that it opens you up to the possibility that a greater power can come into your life.

The higher power within

We talk about healing. You are open to the possibility that a higher energy, a higher power, could heal your four lower bodies. This is important because, as I just said, certain physical conditions need to be dealt with at the physical level. You take physical measures to change the condition. But many physical conditions cannot be changed at the physical level. That is why, despite all the research done by science, there are many diseases they cannot cure. Now science is very good at physical injury, breaking a leg, having a cut, they are very good at that level. But they are not very good with many more complex diseases and that is because these diseases are not purely physical. They have an emotional, mental and identity level component and because materialism does not recognize that these levels exist, they do not know what to do about the diseases other than trying to alleviate or mask the symptoms, which often causes side effects, which can lead to even worse symptoms or even death and so on.

What you are opening yourself up to when you are withdrawing from identification with the four lower bodies is a higher power can intervene. But how is that power going to come into your life? Traditionally, when you look at religious people, what do they believe? Oh yeah, Jesus performed miracles. And then they hear: “Oh, this person prayed to Mother Mary or lit candles and was miraculously healed.” They are open to the existence of a higher power, but they think it can only come from outside themselves.

What are we bringing you to? The realization that there is a higher power, but ideally it needs to come from inside yourself through your own being, so that you become the open door for that higher power, instead of thinking it is only somebody else who can be the open door for that power. And in order to open yourself to that higher power flowing through you, you must begin by withdrawing from the four lower bodies, so you realize: “I am not the physical, I am not my feelings, I am not my thoughts, I am not even my sense of identity, because my sense of identity is related to this world, but I am a spiritual being that started in the spiritual realm. I am an extension of the I AM Presence. I am the Conscious You. I am not the outer personality. I am pure awareness compared to the outer personality.”

The Living Christ in embodiment

Then you can realize, as we have recently begun to teach you, that when the Conscious You withdraws from the four lower bodies and experiences itself as pure awareness, you can ask yourself: “What is pure awareness?” It is a non-specific awareness. It is an undifferentiated, undivided awareness. And what is undivided? It is the Logos, which is the first-born son of the Father, and without him was not anything made that was made, namely the Christ consciousness.

You have a specific sense of identity. People on earth have a worldly sense of identity. An ascended master has an ascended sense of identity but it is a specific sense of identity. But the Christ mind is not specific. That is why we talk about pure awareness. It is beyond any specifics and that is why it connects all life. That is why nothing can be made without it and that is why the Christ can be found within everything. When the Conscious You realizes this, then you realize that ultimately, the Conscious You does not have any power of itself to heal. It does not have power in its identity body, or mental or emotional to heal the physical. In order for healing to occur, the energies from the Christ mind, or at least from the ascended realm, have to flow through you, through your four lower bodies.

But we are the ascended masters. We do not desire to heal you through a miracle where you think we are doing it for you. We desire you to become the Living Christ in embodiment, which means you open yourself up so that the light, the spiritual light, can flow through you, the Conscious You, and from there into the four lower bodies. And that is why you start by withdrawing from identification with the four lower bodies. You recognize that you are out of the Christ mind, therefore, the Conscious You is not separated from the Christ mind, is not separated from the I AM Presence, is not separated from the ascended masters. You are an individual being. You are different from me, but you are not separated from me by some impenetrable barrier. This means that the Conscious You can now become the open door for the power of Christ, or the power of the spiritual realm to flow through you, be directed into your identity body, your mental, your emotional, and into the physical.

The flow of Christ light from above

You see, when you are identified with a physical body, your mind, your Conscious You is focused at the physical level. Where, at the physical level, are you going to get the power to heal? It is not there at the physical level. You must connect. And sometimes some people can connect to the emotional level and bring forth energy that can heal certain conditions. Some can connect even higher to the mental. Some can connect to the identity. But ultimately, it is a matter of connecting to the Christ mind, to that level, to the spiritual realm, to the ascended masters. Because you can say: “How does the light from the Christ mind flow?” Well, it flows through the ascended masters, of course.

The Christ mind is nonspecific, but in order to be expressed in a world of form, it must flow through a specific individual being. It is not that the Christ light comes out of nowhere. It comes through the ascended masters at a higher level than you are at. And that is why, when you realize that “The Conscious You is out of the Christ mind and I am out of the Christ mind as the ascended master Mother Mary”, the Conscious You of you can connect to me and now the energies can flow from me through you. And when you open yourself up to this flow, then you can direct the energy.

Taking command over the physical body

And this is where many, many spiritual people throughout the ages have gone into a blind alley. And it relates to the ancient, ancient view going very far back in the East, that the body is an enemy of your spiritual growth, that the material world is an enemy of your spiritual growth. Because they think that the goal of spiritual growth is to go up, to withdraw your identification with the body and the mind and the outer identity. They think the goal is to get away from the physical world and return to some state, whether they call it “Brahman” or “infinite awareness” or whatever they call it. “Heaven”, as some call it. This is just one aspect of it.

The first aspect of spiritual growth is to realize you are more than form. But the second aspect, we might say the return current, is that you now use this awareness to, metaphorically speaking, descend again so that you start by descending with the Christ awareness into your identity body. You look at your sense of identity, you look at what is created in relation, in reaction to earth and you let those selves die. You clear out your identity body. You do not have to clear your entire identity body, you can do it in a specific way. If you have, for example, a certain physical disease, start by clearing your identity body that relates to that disease. But then you must go down into the mental and become aware of whatever selves you have there, whatever beliefs and opinions you have, and let go of those, clear those away also. Then into emotional, clear away the energies there. But then you must take the very next step also to go down to the physical level and take command over the physical body. You do not see the body as separated from the mind. You see it as an extension of the mind, an extension of the energy field and you can do this in various ways.

You can do it at a level of the entire body, but that is not the easiest way to begin. You can do it at a level of specific organs, but you can also do it at the level of the cells. You can very quickly shift your mind so that you can visualize in your mind that here is a specific organ that has a disease, that organ is made up of cells, and there is an impurity that has entered the cells, either from the outside or from the emotional, mental, identity bodies, the distorted signal that I talked about. And then you can take command over the cells. You can visualize that you are the body. You start out by saying: “I am not this body.” But the return current is that you come down with a Christ awareness and say: “I am this body” because you are accepting that you are the body and that you are in the body. And therefore, instead of resenting the body, resisting the body, you are taking command over the body because you are no longer seeking to withdraw from the body. You are realizing that the real goal of spirituality is to take command over the body and use it to expand your sense of self, both at the level of the Conscious You and at the level of the I AM Presence.

You have a Divine Plan. You created it before this lifetime in cooperation with the ascended masters and your I AM Presence and there are certain goals in that plan. And you can take command over the body so that the body does not prevent you from fulfilling those goals. Why? Because the body is not some instrument you are using: “I am this body and I am my Divine Plan! Therefore, this body conforms to that Divine Plan and allows me to carry it out.” Most people see themselves as victims of the body and this is because, as we have said even though it is a brutal truth for many, that they do not want to take responsibility for themselves. They are looking for an excuse not to make decisions or not to do certain things. What is more convenient than some physical disease that prevents you from getting out of bed? But when you have withdrawn from all of this and connected at the Christ level to the Christ mind, then you need to be willing to complete that return current where you take command of the body.

Be patient! But do not hesitate!

Now this is a doable process, but it is not an easy one and I will be the first to admit it, because of the density of the physical realm. You need to recognize here that this is a process that will take some shifting of your consciousness. It will take some time to where you can fully accept it. We have seen, again, many spiritual people who became somewhat open to these ideas and now they decided, because they had not cleared their identity, mental, and emotional bodies from these subconscious selves, they decided: “I am going to take this teaching seriously, I am the Christ, and I am going to manifest the healing of this condition right now!” They think they can use whatever mental faculties and ability of concentration and whatever power they think they have to declare that this disease is now gone and then of course they experience that it does not work and then they get discouraged. And what is the sharpest tool in the devil’s toolkit? Discouragement. And what is the best weapon for producing discouragement? The density of matter, or rather the energy that you call “matter”.

You need to have a certain patience and not expect miracles on the first try and this again presents one of these enigmas that we have talked about. Because while thinking you can manifest results right now can lead to discouragement, having patience with yourself can postpone your breakthrough because it can become an excuse for: “Ah, I do not really accept that it could happen, so maybe I am just not there yet” and you can keep postponing the point where you are there. Take note of the situation described in the scriptures, of Jesus being at the wedding in Cana, where he was ready to start his public mission by demonstrating that with the Christ mind all things are possible, turning the water into wine but he did not want to do it. He was standing there hesitating and I had to go to him and push him over the edge where he was willing to step forward. It is a delicate balance to realize that for a time you are not quite there but if you keep thinking you are not there you can continue to think you are not there indefinitely. You need to be willing to try and try again.

Accepting that healing is possible

But there also comes the point where you go beyond trying and this is very delicate again because we have seen ascended master students in previous dispensations come to this realization. Many were enamored with the Star Wars movies where Yoda is teaching Luke Skywalker and Luke says: “I’ll try” and Yoda utters the famous words: “There is no trying, either do it or do not do it” and many have taken this to mean: “I just need to really do it and then it will manifest.” You cannot do it with the outer mind and that is why I suggest to you, not as a final measure but as an interim measure, that you shift your mind where you do not think you are doing it. You do not think you are producing the healing. It is a matter of accepting it. You are mindful of the fact that even Jesus after he had started his public mission, after he had produced what they call miracles, after he had realized he had the power of Christ flowing through him, he still said: “I can of my own self do nothing.” It is the higher power, the power of Spirit that produces the healing. But as we have explained in previous talks, you have to accept it, because free will is free will. You have to accept that healing is possible and therefore, you have to be willing to look at the subconscious selves you have that are projecting at you doubt, fear that it is not possible.

No undeniable manifestation of the power within

This messenger, as a result of doing the exercises we took you through in the first dictations, realized that in his very first embodiment on earth, he had been attacked by the fallen beings and he got in his mind the idea that he could prove them wrong by demonstrating mind over matter. That he could manifest an undeniable manifestation with the mind, like Jesus turning the water into wine or walking on water. But you will notice that Jesus did not use these powers when he was dealing with the scribes and Pharisees, or even when he was arrested and tortured. He did not use the power to escape this and this is because Jesus had also in his first lifetime done exactly the same thing.

Because you come from a natural planet where you are used to manifesting things with the powers of the mind. It is just natural and if you are an avatar, you have reached some high level of maturity on a natural planet. You have the powers to manifest things with the mind. So you come to earth, and you think: “Well, by manifesting something, I have proven that there is a higher reality than what these fallen beings are claiming. I can prove them wrong.” And then this messenger tried, and because of the density of matter, he could not manifest it and this caused him then to feel this ultimate sense of embarrassment. Jesus went through a similar thing. Many of you have done the same. Many of us have done the same in various ways, depending on the specific situation but we all had to come to this shock of realizing that because of the density of matter, we could not materialize what we could materialize on a natural planet. And of course, when Jesus had his last embodiment, he had learned from his past mistakes, and he had realized that when you are dealing with the fallen beings, you do not manifest some undeniable manifestation because for the fallen beings, nothing is undeniable so it does not matter anyway. That is why you saw Jesus, when he dealt with the scribes and Pharisees, he did not manifest a miracle but when he then dealt with people who were open, he manifested what they called miracles.

Let go of the doubt that healing is possible

What I suggested that you start with is being very clear: you of your own self cannot heal your physical body. The power of God can, but it must flow through you. You pick an ascended master, I offer my services, but any master that is close to you, you focus on that master, opening yourself up so that the power can flow from the master through the Conscious You through your four lower bodies. And then you look at yourself, your identity, mental, emotional, and you see: “Where are the selves that make me doubt that this is possible, that make me not want to accept that this can happen?” When you see those selves and overcome them, you can come to a point where you accept that it is possible for healing to occur with a higher power and that is, of course, not the ultimate level because accepting that something is possible is not quite the same as accepting that it is happening, that it is manifest.

But first steps first. First, for a time, focus on letting go of those selves that make you doubt that it is possible, and come to a point where you can now fully accept that it is possible for higher energy to flow from the ascended realm through the Conscious You, and flow over the bridge of your attention, down through the identity, the mental, the emotional, and into the cells. But it is not flowing into the physical cells directly. It is not like the energy is flowing through your identity, mental, and emotional minds, and then into the cell. No, it flows into the identity component of the cells, then the mental components of the cells, then the emotional components of the cells, and then to the physical component of the cell. Do you see the subtle difference here that I have taken you to? Many spiritual people think: “Yes, the power can heal, but it must flow directly into the physical.” And you can think when you have our teachings that it is flowing through your identity, mental, emotional minds, and then into the physical cells, because the cells are purely physical. That is not going to work.

Seeing that the body is mind

You need to shift your view of the cells, so you do not see a difference between your identity mind and the identity component of the cell. You do not see a difference between your mental mind and the mental component of the cell. You do not see a difference between your emotional mind and the emotional component of the cell. That is the only way you can come to a point where you do not see a difference between your mind and the cell, because you do not actually see a difference between your mind and the physical. Now this is a deeper shift, pay close attention to what I am saying here, go over it again and again until it begins to really take hold.

All of the teachings we have given up until this point and many of the other spiritual teachings that are out there will make it seem like there is a clear distinction between the mind and the physical body. You could very easily come to think that your mind is separate from the physical body. Even if you are a spiritual person, your mind is separate from the physical body and therefore, your mind has to take command over the body, mind over matter, the mind has power to change matter. That will not work. You need to make this shift of realizing, and I know we have not focused on this so far, but that is why it is called progressive revelation, that there is also a physical component of the mind.

So far we have said that there is a physical mind that runs the physical body. And it runs in the background, you do not have to do anything consciously to make your heart beat. And there is such a component, but what I am telling you here is that you need to come to a point where you have descended. You have first withdrawn, connected to the Christ level and now you descend, not only taking command over the identity level, not only taking command over the mental, not only the emotional, but you go all the way and take command over the physical. It does not mean you are starting to consciously make your heart beat, but it does mean you accept that the physical body is not separated from the mind, the physical body is mind, it is an extension of the mind, and that is why mind can influence matter. In a sense you could say: “Mind cannot influence matter, mind can only influence mind” so instead of thinking that the mind has to acquire some supernatural power that allows you to influence matter, you need to instead make the shift of realizing that the body is mind and therefore, the mind can influence the mind, the mind at the identity, mental, emotional levels can influence mind at the physical level.

What is the key to healing your body? Change your mind. Change your mind about the body. The body is not the body, the body is mind. Change your mind and you change your body. Now I know I have given you more than it is humanly possible to handle, but you are not human beings, are you? So I need to push you and of course, the wonders of technology is that you can always go over the teaching again, focusing on whatever part of the message that appeals to you right now. You do not have to take it all at once, but I have taken you to a process here that leads you to a certain shift, which means we can now give the next teaching up, because there is always more. The shift you need to focus on here is that your physical body is not separated from your mind, it is your mind. And you need to take command over the physical level of the mind so that you can accept that the physical body is healed, can be healed by the power of God, the power of Christ.

Because unless you see the body as mind and take command over that level of the mind, you will not be able to accept that the physical body can be healed by a higher power. And if you do not accept it, it cannot be manifest, because your free will reigns supreme. I cannot override your free will. I have the power to heal your body instantly. I cannot do it if you cannot accept that it is possible, and if you do not want it. Before you ask for the power of God to flow, make sure that you want to be healed, that you do not have some subconscious self that wants to continue to have an excuse for not fulfilling that aspect of your Divine Plan that the self is afraid of fulfilling.

Experiencing the Mother’s Bell sound within the cell

There are so many things I want to say, but I will restrict myself for now and end this release by sealing you in my Mother’s love, the sound of the Mother’s bell. And what this release has prepared you to do is to use this mantra that you gave before:

“The inner world of every cell is filled with the sound of mother’s bell”

and then going up through the other three levels. Because what you can do with this mantra, when you make these shifts I am talking about, is you can really tune into the inner world of the cell at the physical level. You can visualize certain cells that make up a particular organ that has a problem, and you can be there. You are not looking at it from the outside. You are actually there, inside the cell, because it is not separated from mind, so of course you can be inside the cell. And therefore, you are not just projecting on the cell, you are actually experiencing that the inner world of the cell is filled with a sound, and you are filled with a sound. You are just experiencing the vibration of the sound.

You do not even have to give this mantra aloud. If it helps you tune in more to the sound, then do it silently in the mind. Visualize the inner world of the cell, and just let yourself be filled with the sound of the bell. Then do the same at the higher levels. You can experiment on your own with what works for you individually, but it is a very powerful tool when you make that shift of realizing that the cell is not physical, it is mind. Because the cell is a very complex creation, and if your mind does not take command over the cell, the cell can have a mind of its own, and that is not what you want. But the only way to avoid that is that your mind accepts that “I am this body. I am this cell.”

With this, my gratitude for your willingness to receive this and to broadcast it out into the collective consciousness. Be sealed then, for now.


Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels

Exercise for purifying the blueprint for the physical body 

Listen to a recording of this dictation (subscribers only)

Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels, June 9, 2024. This dictation was given at a Deep Healing Retreat Conference in Tallinn, Estonia.

I AM the Ascended Master Mother Mary. And I will build upon the teaching that Saint Germain gave you yesterday about how the mind projects images onto the Ma-ter light. But I will take it in a slightly different direction by relating it to the physical body in a way that most people can grasp.

A cell as the basic unit of the physical body

So what I am going to do here is focus on the cells of the body. I will take you through an exercise but we need to set the foundation first. If you can, close your eyes, focus on my words and allow the words to take you to a higher awareness. If you get sleepy and feel you are going to sleep, then open your eyes. But otherwise, focus on the words.

You know that your body, your physical body, is one unit. If you are standing on the floor and you bend your legs and suddenly push off from the floor, your entire body as one unit will jump into the air. For a split second it will seem like it is hanging in the air and then it will fall back down to the floor. But think about this. Science has told you that although your body from a certain perspective is one unit, one whole, it is made up of many components. You have organs, you have muscles, you have bones, you have blood vessels, you have nerves. But what are all of these components made out of? Well, science has used the reductionist approach to go towards smaller and smaller units. And they have found that the basic unit, the basic building block of your physical body is the cell. And as they currently understand cells, they say that each cell is actually a complete unit in itself. And they say that within the cell there are these molecules of DNA that contain information. And at least the popular conception is that the DNA in each individual cell contains all of the information needed to build your physical body and to keep the physical body functioning.

30 trillion cells as one unit

But this conception of the physical body leaves some very big logical questions to be answered. Do you know how many cells there are in your physical body? Well, as with everything else, scientists disagree somewhat. But just to take a round figure within the range that most scientists can agree on, let us say that your body has 30 trillion cells. Now, you may not even be able to conceive what a trillion is. But if I say one thousand, your mind has some idea what a thousand is. If I say a million, you have some idea what a million is. It is a thousand times one thousand. But a trillion is one million millions. Your body has 30 million millions cells. Now, you can see that is an almost unimaginably large number. As scientists currently see it, there are more cells in your individual body than there are galaxies in the entire universe. What makes it possible for 30 trillion individual cells to function as a whole? What makes it possible for 30 trillion individual cells that each contain all the information they need to function as an individual cell? What makes it possible for these individual cells to function as a whole? What made it possible that those 30 trillion individual cells could come into being and could form a whole?

How the cells form a whole

Think about what you were taught in school. There was one cell in your mother’s womb, an egg cell. It met with a sperm cell, and this started the process of that first egg cell dividing itself.  And through this process of cell division, eventually all of the 30 trillion cells came into being and formed this one coherent unit that is your physical body. How did this happen? Well, what scientists say, or at least what materialistic scientists say, is that this was all based on that first egg cell and that first sperm cell combining their DNA to form the DNA that is the basis for all of those cells. Which means that once that combination of DNA from your father and mother had happened, everything about your physical body was already determined in that DNA. And as the cells divided, that original DNA was replicated in all 30 trillion cells.

But if you look a little closer about what scientists have discovered about the DNA, a scientist will have to admit that the DNA molecule only contains information that tells the cell how to make proteins. Now proteins are the building blocks of the cell as bricks are the building blocks of a house. And there are many different proteins and they can be combined in different ways. It is logically consistent to say that this first egg cell divided itself into other cells and those cells took on specialization.

When you look at your body, you see that there are many different kinds of cells in the body. They each have their specialty: skin cells, bone cells, muscle cells, blood cells, brain cells. Many, many different kinds of cells. We can say that when a particular new cell comes into being, the DNA contained in that individual cell contains the instructions for how the cell can build and combine proteins so that the cell can take on the specialty of becoming, for example, a heart cell, a muscle cell that is part of your heart. A new cell comes into being and the DNA inside the cell tells that cell how to find its place in the heart and how to build the proteins and combine the proteins that allows that individual cell to take its place among the millions and millions of cells that make up your heart. One individual cell has within it the instructions for how to build the proteins, how to combine them so it can find its place in the heart.

The logical flaw

But here is the logical flaw in materialism. What tells that individual cell to become a heart cell that is placed just right there? Do you think that information is encoded in the DNA of that individual cell? Scientists would have to say: “Well, of course it is.” But then the next question is, this means that every new cell that is created has all of the information needed to build your entire body with 30 billion cells so that a new cell could theoretically become a heart cell or find its place in your brain or in your left little finger. The same cell could perform these functions. There is information in the cell about how to become a heart cell, how to become a brain cell, and somehow the information in our particular cell relating to how to function in the heart was activated in that cell. Now the question is, what activated that particular information in that cell that allowed it to find its specific place among the 30 trillion cells?

You see, you can keep pushing these questions further and further back. But there comes a point where you have to recognize that if the information is encoded in the cells, scientists cannot explain where it is encoded because it is not in the DNA, because the DNA only tells the cell how to produce proteins. And even if the information was there, scientists cannot explain how is that particular information selected for that particular cell. Do you see what I am saying? The problem with the reductionist approach is that the mechanism in the individual cell cannot explain how that cell found its particular place among the 30 trillion other cells so that all the cells together form your physical body that can function as a unit.

Your body is not 30 trillion ping pong balls that are put in a box and shaken around. Your body is a unit. The cells function as a unit. They cooperate or they find their place in the whole. That information is, as far as scientists can explain right now, not in the individual cells. There must be something outside the cell that tells a new cell how to find its particular place among the 30 trillion other cells so that the cells together form a whole.

A blueprint for the physical body

What is that something? Well, how do you build a house? If you took a stack of bricks, a load of lumber, some roof tiles, and you shook them all together, would they automatically assemble into a house? Not likely. For in that case, when a hurricane sweeps through an area and knocks down the houses, spontaneously, houses should assemble themselves again after the hurricane. And since that is not a common observation on earth, we can say: we need to look for an explanation elsewhere. If we really are scientists and we cannot explain this within our current materialistic paradigm, perhaps it is time to look beyond the paradigm. And many, many people in the world who are somewhat spiritual or somewhat open-minded will be ready to acknowledge that there has to be something that tells the cells how to function as a unit. And what tells the builders how to build a house is that there is a blueprint. Instead of believing that the information for how the 30 trillion cells can form your body is encoded in the cells, which we do not know where or how it is encoded or how it is selected, it is more logically consistent to say that somewhere beyond the cell exists a blueprint.

There is a blueprint for your physical body. And that first egg cell in your mother’s womb, when it divides itself, the next cell that is divided is created based on the blueprint. The blueprint activates the DNA inside the cell and tells that particular cell what proteins to manufacture, how to combine them, so that the cell can find its particular place in your heart, for example. As your body starts with one cell, there is a blueprint for the fetus, various stages of the fetus. And in the first few days the first stage is filled in by the cells that are created by division. As the fetus grows, another part of the blueprint is filled in, and eventually after nine months the blueprint for the fetus is completed. There are not 30 trillion cells in the fetus, of course, but there is a certain number and the blueprint has now been filled in, and the cells have found their place in the blueprint for the fetus.

Then the child is born, and now there is another blueprint for how the child grows through all of these stages to adulthood, until it reaches the point where now its physical body has grown to its intended size, the brain has grown to be fully developed. Which means that now, after almost 30 years, the blueprint that started the entire process is filled in. 30 trillion cells have been created, and they have all found their rightful place in the blueprint.

How is this possible? Well, it is possible only because there is communication between the cells and the blueprint. Or we could say that the blueprint is projected upon each cell, activating the DNA in the specific way that allows the cell to find its particular place in the whole. Either way, there is a blueprint and it activates the DNA in the cells so they take on a specific place in the body. This is more logically consistent than the materialistic paradigm. If you can accept that there is something beyond what scientists currently call the material world, you have to accept that there is some realm that is not currently seen by scientists that can contain the blueprint. And as we have explained to you, there is such a realm beyond the purely material.

The communication between cells and a blueprint

Now, many people will have trouble thinking that there is something that is completely beyond the physical. But in reality, this realm is not beyond the physical. For as scientists have discovered, as Saint Germain explained, everything is actually energy. Physical matter is made up of energy. There is an energy field, has different levels of vibration, like you know that red light vibrates at a certain frequency, and blue light at a higher frequency, and so on. There is ultraviolet light which is beyond visible light and so forth. What you currently call the material physical universe is simply made of energy that vibrates within a certain spectrum. Above that is another spectrum of higher frequencies. This is what we call the emotional realm. Above that is the mental. Above that is the identity level. But they are all part of the same energy field, they are just different levels of vibration. And of course, beyond these four levels is what we can call the spiritual realm of even higher vibrations which also has levels.

What you realize here is that there is not this gap between the physical cell and the blueprint. The physical cell is actually an extension of this higher realm. And that is why the two can communicate. If you want to have a crude comparison, you can say that in a big city there are a million cars driving around. And each car has a radio. And let’s say that all those people decided to tune in to the same radio station. They would all be playing the same music, because the radio station is sending out a signal that is picked up by the individual radios. That is how it is in your cells. The blueprint is like the radio station broadcasting a program, and your cell is like a radio receiver that tunes in to the blueprint. But instead of each cell playing the same tune, they each find their individual tune so they can find their rightful place in the body.

How the body stays healthy

Now we can ask ourselves: How does a body function in a healthy way? There is a blueprint for how your body is supposed to be made, to be built. And as the body grows, the blueprint is filled in by new cells being created, and they tune in to the blueprint and find their rightful place in the whole. Now the body is filled in. What allows the body to continue functioning for many years and be healthy? It is that the cells are constantly communicating with the blueprint. They are constantly receiving signals from the higher realm where the blueprint is stored. The emotional, mental and identity levels. And only when this communication is upheld can the cells function according to the blueprint. This is not difficult to understand when you think about it. Thirty trillion individual cells have to function as a unit in order for your body to be healthy. Even an organ like the heart that is made up of many millions of cells, those millions of cells have to function as a unit for the heart to function. But the heart is not an isolated unit. It is connected to the blood vessels, connected to the entire body. And all of these trillions of cells have to function together for the heart to function properly.

Now you think about, you can create a factory with the absolute highest precision. And the factory makes clocks. And it makes a million clocks that are all exactly the same. But they are mechanical clocks. You now put all of these million clocks in one big hole and then you leave for a while and go on vacation. And when you come back you check: are those million clocks still showing the exact same time? And if they are mechanical clocks, they will not be showing the exact same time. Because one is just a little bit slower, another is just a little bit faster. And the longer that time goes on, the more out of sync the clocks become. If the millions of cells that made up your heart stopped communicating with the blueprint, stopped receiving signals from the blueprint, it is only a matter of time before they would get out of sync with each other. And your heart would start having an irregular beat, and eventually other problems would occur and the heart would break down. This is just the mechanics that can be observed.

Now, you know that you all have computers. And you can have a million computers made in the same factory. But if you put them in a hole and you waited a hundred years and came back, they would all be showing the same time. But they would do this only if they are connected to the internet, so they all tune into a central clock. And therefore, by being in sync with a central clock, they are also in sync with each other. And that is the only way the cells can function and your body can be healthy. That each cell is connected to the blueprint and receives signals from the blueprint that allows the cells to be synchronized with each other. The horizontal synchronization that is necessary for your body to function is a product of each individual cell having a vertical synchronization with the blueprint. Otherwise, your body cannot stay healthy.

Distortions of the original blueprint

Now we realize that what causes disease in most cases is that one or a group of cells either cannot receive signals from the blueprint or they receive a distorted signal because something interferes with and scrambles the signal. What have I just told you? There are four levels of the material world, four levels of your body actually. A physical body is just the densest level, but you have an emotional body, a mental body, and an identity body. The ideal blueprint for your physical body is stored at the identity level. That is where the pure blueprint is, the higher levels of your identity body. And from there is broadcast a pure signal, the pure blueprint of your body. But at the lower levels of your identity body, it is possible that you have a certain sense of identity. It could be that you are a separate being, separated from the body, separated from any higher realm, or that you are somehow a flawed being that cannot do anything right. It could be many, many things, but a limited sense of identity. And this creates a certain filter, a certain distortion, so that the signal coming from the blueprint is slightly distorted.

Then at the mental level, in your mind, in your beliefs, in the way you look at yourself and the world, you can have other limited beliefs about yourself. They distort the signal even more. And finally at the emotional level, you can have feelings. You can have these accumulations of lower energies like anger or fear, and they distort the signal even more. By the time the signal reaches the physical cells, it has been distorted from the original blueprint. And therefore, the cells can only take on what is projected upon them. And now the body does not function as a pure, perfectly healthy body. But some imbalances start occurring.

Now a materialist would say this is all nonsense. But just take a common experience. How many people have been exposed to a traumatic situation and they say: “Oh, this broke my heart?” Because they feel a certain sensation in the heart because of this psychological trauma. Well, when you experience something like this, it may not immediately break your heart, but you are creating structures in the emotional, mental and lower identity level that distorts the signal coming from the blueprint. And over time, this can affect your physical heart because the cells will tune into what they receive from the emotional body. They cannot leapfrog the emotional or mental or lower identity and tune directly into the blueprint. What the cells receive is what comes through the lower identity, the mental, the emotional. The cells do not know what the blueprint is. They do not need to know. The enormously complex information for the entire blueprint does not need to be stored in the cell because the cell tunes in.

You think about your computer. You are tuning into something called YouTube. You select a certain video and now you are playing just that video. But there are one billion videos on YouTube. Imagine how big of a server you need to store that information. It could not fit in your computer. It could not even fit in your house. Imagine that in order to watch one video on YouTube, you first had to download all one billion videos onto your computer before you could select the one. It would be impossible. Likewise, the blueprint for your body of 30 trillion cells working together requires so much information that it could not possibly be stored in each cell. Yes, the DNA has a large capacity to store data, but not enough. And what economics would there be if each of the 30 trillion cells had to store all of the information that is needed to make up one body? Why not just have the blueprint in a higher realm where physical storage is not a problem and then the cells tune into it like radio stations?

It is again this in the old days where your radio had a CD disk and there was a certain amount of information that could be stored on a CD. But at the radio station they may have a thousand CDs with music and they can select any music they want. But now imagine that in order to play one tune on your radio, in your car, you would have to have those one thousand CDs in your trunk. It just does not make sense. And that is why what does make sense is that each individual cell is attuned to the blueprint. And once it has been created according to the blueprint, its continued function depends on receiving signals from the blueprint. But if those signals are distorted, the cell cannot function, or a group of cells cannot function together, and suddenly you have disease. Or rather after some time you have disease.

Healing by removing the interference

What does this mean? This means that there is a particular approach to healing the physical body. It is not the only approach. There is of course more than one. But the particular approach that I want to give you in this release is that when you have a particular disease in the body, it is because there is interference with the signal at the emotional, mental, and lower identity level. There is something there that interferes. And in order to heal the disease, you need to remove that interference.

But what is the interference at the emotional, mental and identity level? It is not a physical interference like if your cell took in a toxic chemical or a virus. It is not physical. It is at the level of pure energy. Of course, the physical is also energy, but most people find this a little difficult to accept. That is what I am saying that the physical is a certain density, which means it is more difficult to change. But the higher levels are easier to change with the mind, because they are mind. The physical is also mind, but most people cannot see it. But they can see that emotions take place in the mind, thoughts take place in the mind, even your sense of identity is in the mind. These energies are not as dense. They are easier to change with the mind. But you see, once you use the mind’s ability to change what interferes with the signal, the cells can again tune into the signal. And therefore, without having to do anything to the cells, they can heal themselves by realigning themselves with the blueprint. You do not have to take any physical measures.

This is not to say that there are not some cases where physical measures of healing are needed. If you break a leg, of course you need to have a cast put on and so forth. But there are many diseases that are caused by this interference with the signal between the blueprint and the cell. And once you remove the interference, the cell can then right itself. It simply realigns with the blueprint.

The tool for deep healing

All of the teachings we have given are of course part of this process. We have talked about how you have these subconscious selves at the emotional, mental and identity level. They were created by you being exposed to a certain situation. You made a certain decision that limited you, that was based on an illusion. And ultimately you dissolve a self by coming to see the illusion and consciously letting it go. What I am going to give you here is not some magical trick that you can use to bypass that process. In order to really attain deep healing, you do need to look at all of these things. But you can make the process easier by using the tool I will give you.

And the tool is to realize that energy is vibration. Your emotions are a form of energy. This means that any structure in the emotional body is made up of energy. And the structures in the emotional body that can distort the signal coming from the blueprint are a lower form of energy. They vibrate within a certain spectrum. And you know very well, if you have even gone to elementary school, that there is something called interference between waves. Waves interact and they can change each other by interacting. If you take an energy of a lower frequency and expose it to a wave of a higher frequency, you can raise the vibration of the lower energy.

We can say that the interference that I am talking about, the patterns that I am talking about in the emotional body, are created when energy is captured into a certain matrix. It is reduced in vibration and then it attains the qualities of a stationary field in your emotional body. And that field is made of vibrations at a certain level. And if you direct a higher energy into that field, you can raise the vibration of the field. In other words, you have some lower energy that is scrambling the signal from the blueprint. But by directing a higher energy at it, you can unscramble the scrambler. And when your emotional body is again clear, and of course when your mental body and the lower identity body are cleared from this blueprint, your cells will again receive a pure signal. And what can the selves do other than manifest themselves according to the signal? This is what the cells are designed to do, but they cannot distinguish: “Am I receiving a pure signal or not?” They just receive the signal and then they adapt themselves to it. The cell does not know that it is not functioning right. The cell does not actually know that it is ill. It just tunes into whatever signal is coming and out-pictures that.

 The sound of the Mother’s bell

There are of course many ways to direct higher energy into these disturbances in the three bodies. Our decrees and invocations are certainly ways to do this. But I simply wish to give you one more tool here, and that is the concept that I am an ascended master who holds a particular spiritual office as the Divine Mother for Earth. And as part of this office of the Divine Mother, I have a certain sound that is produced by this office. And I have called it previously the Mother’s bell.

Now, we have sometimes used a certain tone, but I do not wish to use that for this exercise, because I want you to tune in to a different level of this bell that is like a very large church bell or one of these gongs you have in the east. This large bronze gong where you have a wood beam that you can swing with a rope and hit against the gong and you get this very deep tone. You can find recordings of this if you like, or you can tune into it by giving the OM in the deepest voice you can manifest. (very low, very deep) “OM”. But the Mother’s bell is beyond the physical sound. I am just giving you this example so you can have an idea of what the bell is like. It is this very deep vibration and you know if you are near one of these big bells it is like you can feel the air is vibrating with the sound.

And the Mother’s bell is such a deep sound that anything in the emotional, mental and identity levels will vibrate with it. When you tune into something and activate the Mother’s bell it will cause that lower energy field to start vibrating at a higher frequency and this will unscramble the disturbance. That is why you can use various forms of this exercise and let me just take you through one.

The exercise

I am asking you to now close your eyes. You tune into a particular area of the physical body where you feel there is some kind of disease or disturbance or unease, whatever it may be. If you have no particular place in your body then tune into your heart, your physical heart. Now you sense: “Is there some physical sensation?” Now you follow that sensation up to the emotional level. You do not need to put words on it. You do not need to be very specific. You are just attuning. This is easiest to do of course if you have an actual physical sensation. Then you tune into the emotional component of it. Then you tune into the mental and then you rise to the identity level. You do not need to see specifics. You do not need to be able to put words on it. You are just tuning into this, these four levels.

And now you tune into the Mother’s bell, this deep, deep sound. And you allow that sound to fill your mind until you feel it. You are vibrating with this: OMMMMM. If it helps you, you can give the OM aloud or you can listen to a recording of a bell. And as you are tuned into this deep sound, you tune into whatever disturbance was in your identity mind. And you just allow the sound to penetrate that disturbance and feel how your identity body starts vibrating along with the sound. And your identity body is vibrating and vibrating until there really is nothing you can identify except the vibration. The vibration is so strong it fills your attention. It fills your identity body.

And then you go down to the mental level. And again, you are focusing on the disturbance and then you focus on the sound. And the sound penetrates the disturbance. It makes that energy field start to vibrate with this regular pattern of the sound. OMMMMM. And it fills your mental body. That all you notice is the sound, those waves of the sound, waves of the bell. And then you focus on the emotional level.

And there is a disturbance of emotions, a chaos of emotions. But then you focus on the bell again. OMMMMMM. And whatever disturbance is in the emotional body must respond to the bell. What is of a higher vibration than that which has a lower vibration must respond when it is exposed to a lower. It starts breaking up this disturbance. And the energy field starts becoming regular, organized, synchronized with the bell until the bell fills your emotional body. And there is nothing but this sound of the bell for it overpowers anything else.

And then you focus on the physical. And again, there is a disturbance at the level of the cells. But the bell penetrates it, shakes it up so that any disturbance is broken up and your cells are vibrating in sync with the bell. OMMMMMM. There is nothing but the bell. The bells, the bells. They do not torture me, they liberate me. OMMMMMM, OMMMMMM.

Now if you are new to this, it may take a little time before you can truly feel how the higher vibrations replace the lower vibrations, transforming the lower vibrations. For those of you who have followed our teachings for a while, you have already experienced how invoking light through decrees and invocations can replace the lower energies, can transform them, can raise them up, and you are free. You can build on that and you can gradually build this momentum, your ability to tune into the higher vibrations to direct them and to accept and experience how they transform lower vibrations.

Mother Mary’s mantra

This tool I have now given you is just one among many that can be used.

Another tool is of course the mantra that I have given before of repeating the sentence:

“The tuning fork in every cell is now attuned to Mother’s bell.” 

And again, what you visualize here is that your cell is like a receiver that can receive a signal from beyond itself. But what is it that receives the signal? It is that inside the cell is something that can vibrate with the signal. And a visual illustration of this is a tuning fork. Normally you take a tuning fork, you strike it against something, and the tuning fork vibrates. But you know, if you have studied the topic, that it is possible to send a sound wave at a tuning fork so that without the physical stimulation, the tuning fork starts vibrating in sync with the sound wave. And this is what happens when you tune the tuning fork in your physical cells to Mother’s bell. The tuning fork in the cell will begin to vibrate along with the regular vibrations of the bell. Now this is at the cellular level. It cannot stand alone because you also need to clear the emotional, mental and identity levels. But there can still be great value in using this exercise where you tune into the cells and you activate that tuning fork so the physical cells vibrate in sync with the bell, this deep regular vibration.

And so just as the conclusion of my release, let us give together this mantra. And you need to first tune into a particular area of your body where you feel there is any kind of disturbance. Tune into it at the physical level. Tune into these cells and see that there is some vibration, lower vibration that burdens the cells and prevents them from truly functioning. And then we visualize that beyond this vibration there is a tuning fork in each cell. And now you visualize that it is synchronized with this bell, this deep sound. And therefore,  you are visualizing the deep sound behind the mantra we are saying as we speak it.

The tuning fork in every cell is now attuned to Mother’s bell. (3X)

The tuning fork in every cell is now attuned to Mother’s bell. OM (4X)

The tuning fork in every cell is now attuned to Mother’s bell (33X).

OM (3X)

I thank you very much for your participation and I trust that some of you will be able to use these tools to produce a release from disease.


Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels


How to be free from limiting conditions on earth

Listen to a recording of this dictation (subscribers only)

Ascended Master Saint Germain through Kim Michaels, June 8, 2024. This dictation was given at a Deep Healing Retreat Conference in Tallinn, Estonia.

I AM the Ascended Master Saint Germain, and I am gratified that you accept my love. It is our joy as ascended masters to give to you. And it is of course the fulfillment of our joy and our giving when it is accepted.

What takes away freedom

I also would like you to accept the Freedom that I AM. But this of course is a little more of a challenge because what we have explained, that you have all these subconscious selves that cause you to think that you cannot be free. Because you cannot just walk away from the selves and from certain situations on earth.

Most people are of course not aware of these selves so they think that it is outer conditions that limit them. It is outer conditions that take away their freedom. But it is not outer conditions that take away your freedom. It is conditions in your mind that take away your freedom. For what is freedom? It is an experience as everything else.

Now, there are of course many, many people who would object to that statement. And they would point to this or that condition that is limiting their freedom. And they would say: “How can you say that it is just an experience that takes away my freedom?” But I am not actually saying that it is an experience that takes away your freedom. What takes away your freedom is the experience that you are not free. The experience that you are limited by outer conditions.

They will say: “Well are you saying that if somebody is put in jail, or they are forced to go to war, or they are in deep debt, or they are addicted to alcohol or drugs, are you saying that they are not limited by these conditions? That these conditions are just experiences?” Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. Everything that happens on earth, everything that you see on earth, everything that is here is an experience.

The current limitations on earth

This is of course a statement that requires a deeper understanding. You need to understand that the earth is a reality simulator. Your minds, even the collective mind, have not created the simulator. Nor have your minds defined the initial conditions that the simulator had when the earth was created. But your minds have projected an image into the simulator that have generated many of the current limitations you see. You can see, I trust, that warfare cannot be a natural condition mandated by some law of nature. It must be a man-made condition.

It might be a little more difficult to see that poverty is a man-made condition. Because you can say that poverty is actually partially caused by the power elite hoarding wealth and resources, taking it from the people. So it is partly a man-made creation. But many will say that it is also a natural condition because the earth has limited resources. But does the earth have limited natural so-called resources? Nay. Because when the earth was originally created, there was no lack of resources. Beyond the unequal distribution of wealth that generates poverty, there is also the fact that the collective consciousness has come to accept all of these limitations which has generated the current seeming lack of resources. And this has then generated the poverty. But it is not some law of nature or some natural limitations of the earth that generates this. It is again a man-made condition. How is this possible, you say?

Creation of the Reality Simulator Terra 1.0

Well, then you are required to have a certain understanding of physics where you first start with the realization that all of the visible forms you see that are made out of matter are actually made out of smaller particles called molecules, atoms, subatomic particles. And then you need to know that at the level of subatomic particles, so-called particles, the mind of the scientist can influence the outcome of the observation as quantum physicists have realized for now over a hundred years. But it is not actually correct that they say that by observing a subatomic particle, you are influencing the particle. You are not. You are pulling the particle out of the emotional realm and into the physical. And that is how the Elohim created the earth to begin with.

They started of course with energies from the spiritual realm flowing through their minds. They formulated an image at the identity level. They projected this image into the energies that make up the identity spectrum, the identity octave. Then these energies took on the form of the mental images. Now there were structures in the identity realm.

Then they pushed those images into the mental level where they became more detailed, more concrete. Now there were structures in the mental level. Then they pushed this into the emotional, where they received a direction, an energy, a movement. And then they pushed this into the physical spectrum where they, as we have explained before, superimposed these images from the identity, mental and emotional level upon the basic unit of the form of energy that makes up the physical realm. We have called it the Ma-ter light. You can also say that the Ma-ter light extends all the way into the identity realm. But there is of course a specific vibration of the Ma-ter light that makes up the physical. The images in the mind were superimposed upon this basic light and were first manifest as subatomic particles, then as atoms, then as molecules, and then all of the forms that are made out of these smaller units.

This was a process that took place in the mind of the Elohim. It set the parameters for planet earth, or rather the reality simulator Terra. And this, what the Elohim created, was Terra 1.0, the first pure version of Terra. Then self-aware beings were sent in here and they started building on to what the Elohim had created, at first expanding upon it, making it more concrete, more beautiful, making it their own basically.

From Terra 2.2 to Terra 3.0

But then there came that turning point where the fourth group of lifestreams that descended here, they went into the consciousness of separation and duality. Now they started superimposing images that were not in alignment with the original vision of the Elohim. And over a very long time this created this downward spiral that led to a densification of matter so that poverty, limitations, warfare, lack of resources manifested in the physical realm. This was Terra 2.0.

Then there came a point where the situation turned. The downward spiral was stopped and gradually, slowly, earth was put in an upward spiral again.  Very slowly in the beginning, but now it has gained some momentum and therefore, this is Terra 2.2.

I of course, aim to take earth into the golden age and manifest Terra 3.0, or even 3.3. But for this to happen, a critical mass of people must come to realize that the earth is an environment that responds to people’s minds, both individually and collectively. For if they do not realize it, then Terra 2.2 will become a Catch-22 and the upward spiral will stall and the downward spiral will start again.

Is physical matter actually physical?

What has this got to do with you and healing? You have heard all of this before. Well, you have heard it before, but have you heard it? Have you really heard it? How many of you right now are willing to acknowledge that you have a doubt in your mind of whether the mind can truly influence matter? Is it not most of you that have some doubt, that if you have a physical disease that your mind could cure it? Is that not true? I am not hearing anything. For a moment there, I thought maybe you all had no doubt.

This is of course what we need to work on in order to have healing, because what have other masters said? What does it take to be healed? You have to first accept it is possible to be healed, and then you have to accept that you are healed. As Master More has said, it starts with a decision, an act of will. You are willing to become more conscious of how the world works. And this begins with realizing that physical matter is not physical matter.

You have all been brought up with a complete illusion about physical matter. We do not need to go into how and why the fallen beings projected this illusion upon people and got them to accept it. It does not matter for this discourse. What matters is, you have been brought up with this illusion that matter is this concrete physical substance that is fundamentally different from mind. Yes, I know you have heard this before too, but bear with me.

You have all been brought up to think that once something has manifested in the physical, it cannot be changed by mind. This is of course because the fallen ones do not want you to recognize how things were manifested in the physical in the first place. They want you to think either that some almighty God manifested everything on earth exactly the way it is, and this God has powers that are way beyond you, so how can you change anything?

Or they want you to believe that some impersonal laws of nature manifested everything the way it is as the result of a random process that led to this incredibly organized universe. And this is because they do not want you to acknowledge that the key to your freedom from any physical condition is to accept that that physical condition is not physical. It is a projection of mind.

Projections of mind

What is the Ma-ter light? Or we could say the level of subatomic particles. It is like a white movie screen. What are all these matter forms that you see? They are images projected upon the movie screen. Matter is no more solid than the images on a movie screen. Where do the images come from that are projected upon the movie screen?  From the mind. First from the mind of the Elohim, then from the mind of humankind.

How can you change the image on a movie screen? Can you analyze the images on a movie screen, find out how they are made, and then at the level of the movie screen you are changing the images? Well, you could paint the movie screen black so it does not reflect light and there would be no images. That is what the fallen beings in a sense are dreaming about doing. Cancel out the creation of the Elohim, some of them at least.

Others of course dream about controlling it. But how successful would you be in changing the images on the movie screen? You would have to go to the projector and change the images on the film strip. Or rather three film strips of the emotional, mental, and identity levels of the mind. Then when you change the images through which the light is projecting, well of course you change the images on the screen.

Time delay

The difference is that if you change the images on the film strip, you instantly change the images on the screen. But because of the density of matter, it takes time for this to have an effect at what you might call the physical level. And it is the same with healing.

First of all, as Raphael said, there are certain conditions in your physical body that are a product of your genetic inheritance, and although they can be changed by the mind, it is more difficult and takes more time. But there are conditions in your physical body that are a projection through your identity, mental, and emotional minds at the individual level. And those you can change by the powers of your own mind. It may take some time.

For most of you it would take a process, and a process takes time. But it can be done. And this is the one reality that the fallen beings do not want you to accept. They are in panic that this is being spoken in the physical, where it can be put on the internet and people can find it. But they are not in total panic because they see how much work they have done to get most people to accept these belief systems that if they heard or read what I am saying, they would laugh at it, or instantly reject it, or find watertight arguments against it.

This is plausible deniability. It must be maintained at the current level, which is why you cannot demonstrate this in an undeniable way publicly. But why should it stop you from demonstrating it privately? For this to happen, you need to be willing to go through a shift in the mind. And in a way, we are giving you a simplified version here, because we do not have the time and space to go through all the seven rays.

The healing exercise

Master More started at the beginning point of the First Ray. I am now gone to the Seventh Ray. But of course, the other Chohans also are part of this process, because all of the rays must in a way be gone through. But if you want to complete this process, go beyond what we have given here, then we have already given the course of self-mastery, where you go through the seven rays and deal with the subconscious selves on these various levels of consciousness from the 48th to the 96th. And you can achieve a lot of healing by following that course. But you also need to make some shifts, and that is what is our goal here.

Can you follow me on a little exercise? You do not need to write down here. You close your eyes without falling asleep. If you feel you are falling asleep, open your eyes, or pinch yourself. Now you go through the process that other Masters have taken you through. You realize you are not the physical body, and the Conscious You naturally rises above it. You are not your emotional body, you effortlessly naturally rise above it. You are not the mental body, you rise above that. And you are not the identity body, so you rise above it.

The energy to change physical matter

And then you consider, could the Conscious You change matter? Could the Conscious You heal your physical body of a physical condition? It could not. Why? Because the Conscious You cannot heal a physical condition because a physical condition is made up of energy. And in order to change that physical condition, the Conscious You needs energy. And the Conscious You does not have any energy in and of itself.

The Conscious You can then realize: “I can of my own self do nothing. The Father within me doeth the work.” And what is the Father within you? Your I AM Presence and the ascended masters. Now you might say: “Does the I AM Presence have the power, the energy to change physical matter?” That depends slightly on how old is your I AM Presence and how close it is to the ascension point. But it is safer to say that even the I AM Presence does not have the power, so where is the power to come from? Well, of course from us, the ascended masters.

We are your fathers and mothers within, because the I AM Presence was created out of the ascended masters. Not I of course, I did not create your I AM Presence because I ascended only a few hundred years ago, and you are much older than that, but ascended masters at a higher level.

These ascended masters have the power to manifest the entire earth. Do you not think they have the power to heal your physical body of some condition? Well, of course they do. What will it take? Well, that energy has to descend from the spiritual realm into the physical and it has to be directed into a specific condition.

The resistance to healing energy 

How can the energy descend? It must descend through your Conscious You, well first through your I AM Presence, but the I AM Presence has no resistance to it. It must descend through the Conscious You, then your identity, mental, emotional bodies and into the physical.

Can the Conscious You have resistance to this energy flowing through it? Well, not when it is out of the four lower bodies and in pure awareness, but as soon as you go into the identity, mental identity bodies, the Conscious You can have resistance. It is not that the Conscious You has it. The resistance comes from a subconscious self.

Now, even though I have digressed from the exercise, we go back to the exercise. You have risen above the physical, above the emotional, above the mental, above the identity, but you are not losing contact with these bodies. You are looking back from the vantage point and now I am asking you to sense, where is the resistance to the light descending and changing a physical condition? Where is the resistance? What is the resistance?

Now as you repeat this exercise in private, you can have pen and paper with you and you can write down what comes to you. There will be layers of this. First of all, there is some belief, some sense of identity at the identity level that you are a human being or even, I am not an ascended master or maybe Jesus could heal people, but I am not Jesus, I cannot heal myself.

Or there may be some beliefs at the mental level where you might think that our matter could not possibly be changed by my mind because it was created by God, or laws of nature that have nothing to do with mind.

Or there may be an emotional reaction where you actually fear letting the power of God flow through you because it might expose something that you are not ready to see. You would actually rather hide from the light and live with the physical condition.

You need to gradually come to see these beliefs, look at them with that perspective you have as the Conscious You being outside the bodies. You are not going into these conditions, you are just looking at them from the outside.

The I AM Presence’s perspective

And then you can, as the exercise was earlier, you can turn to your I AM Presence, focus on your I AM Presence and ask your Presence:  “How do you see this? How do you see this sense that I am a limited human being? How do you see this belief that my mind cannot change matter? How do you see this fear of the light descending and exposing whatever is hidden in the darkness of the emotional mind or behind the fog in the mental mind? How do you see it I AM Presence?”

And you might then be able to again have that cosmic perspective of being far from earth, looking down at earth, and you see that there is this entire universe of galaxies, vast galaxies, larger than the Milky Way, billions of galaxies. And you realize that this was all manifest by the power of the ascended masters, by the power of God, as the Scriptures say, “He who has strung the Pleiades”. Well, do you not think that He who has strung the Pleiades can certainly change some condition in your physical body on this little speck of dust called earth?

Changing the images in the higher bodies 

Of course, the power of God can change any physical condition that can be changed according to the law of free will. As I said, some conditions cannot be changed because of the collective consciousness, your genetic inheritance. But what can be changed is what was created in your mind and projecting upon your physical selves. This can be changed when you allow the power of God to flow through you.

And how is it changed? Well, you have to become aware of a certain sense of self in the identity body. You see that this is not who you are. It is just a self. It is like an image written onto the film strip of your identity mind. But if you shine a bright enough laser light through it, it will be burned away. But of course, only if you can let go of it.

There is another film strip in the mental level. There are images there. But if you are willing to let go and if you are willing to let the light of God shine through it, it can be burned away. The same at the emotional level. Images scratched onto that film strip, but the light can burn them away. The film strip is clearer. That image is not there that manifested that particular physical condition.

Now, in some cases, you do not have a physical condition. You have a psychological condition at the emotional, mental, and identity levels. But nevertheless, they can be burned away. Then what about the physical body?

Well, it is another filmstrip that is projected upon your cells. Your cells are completely neutral. Your cells were created in a purer state that they are in now. I cannot say they were created in a pure state. They were originally, but today they have taken on this genetic inheritance created over a long period of time. But your cells have also taken on these images that you created in the emotional, mental, and identity levels over all of your past embodiments after you went into separation and duality.

These images can be changed, even the images that are projected onto the cells that caused the cells to go out of balance, to not be able to heal themselves, to not be able to live up to the blueprint held by your body elemental and your I AM Presence. This can be burned away when you see it, when you let go, and when you have this desire for freedom.

The desire for freedom vs. the desire to escape conditions on earth

Now there is a twist, as there always is on earth. I may say ‘a desire for freedom’ and you may say: “Well I have this headache and I sure have a desire to be free from this headache. Can you not cure my headache Saint Germain?” But what have I just explained? Any physical condition is a result of what is taking place at the higher levels of the mind. And those are things you have created by making choices.

When you say: “I have a desire to be free of my headache,” you do not have a desire for freedom. You have a desire for escaping a particular condition that is unpleasant to you. The same applies to psychological conditions. You need to make a distinction that there is a fundamental difference between a desire for freedom and a desire to escape conditions on earth.

You will not be free even if you escape a particular physical disease or limitation. Why? Because the physical condition is a projection of conditions in your emotional, mental and identity bodies. And even if the physical condition was removed by some miracle, they would still be there and they would still affect you at the emotional, mental and identity level and therefore, they would limit your freedom. And it would just be a matter of time before they again manifested the physical condition.

Jesus was allowed to demonstrate that he could heal, that he had the power to heal in order to demonstrate it was possible to heal through the mind. But what Jesus did was to remove a physical condition, but what he could not do, because of the law of free will, was remove the emotional, mental and identity level conditions in people’s minds. And, therefore, many of the people who were actually healed, after some time, manifested the disease again. But somehow the Gospel writers forgot to mention that.

The school for co-creators

You see, why is it so? Why is it so that you must have a desire for freedom in order to be free? Well, because what is schoolroom earth? It is a school for co-creators. The purpose is to teach you how to co-create by letting you experiment with your co-creative abilities.

Why do you have this particular condition, psychological or physical? Because you have co-created it. How would you learn anything if I stepped in and removed that physical condition, removed that headache? How would that teach you anything about co-creation? It would be like a small child that gets himself into trouble and says: “Mommy, come and save me.” And the mom does. And what has the child learned from it?

Or maybe the mom says: “Yes, but I think you can get out of it on your own.” And at first the child cries and is mad at his mom, but then he realizes, oh, he can get out of it on his own. And now the child has more confidence so that next time it does not need to cry: “Mommy, Mommy,” it just gets itself out of the situation.

And I do not have any desire for you to cry: “Saint Germain, Saint Germain, come and save me.” I have a desire to help you see that what you have co-created you can un-co-create. Because you created it by using the power of spirit flowing through you and you can un-create it by using the power of spirit flowing through you in a more intense measure.

But in order to un-create it, you have to see that you created it through these limited selves that you created in your higher bodies. And when you see this, then you have learned an invaluable lesson about co-creation. Even if you receive this escape from the physical condition, yeah, it might be temporarily pleasant, but it would not help you grow, would it?

And what are we of the ascended masters? Are we magicians that are here to pull rabbits out of hats and manifest some miracle that cures you from this or that? Nay, we are here to help you become more and more co-creative, so we will not remove a condition if it teaches you nothing.

“Healing” through denial

Jesus’s miracles were an exception at the beginning of the Piscean Age to show that this is possible. You may look today that there are certain people in the Christian community who claim they are faith healers and even some who are not Christians who claim this. I am not denying that this can be done. But what is actually happening here is that the physical condition is removed through denial.

There were even people a hundred years ago or so in a movement called Christian Science who believed they could deny the reality of a physical disease. But what they actually did was push the condition into the emotional or mental bodies and it would stay there. It may not come back in that lifetime, but it surely would come back in the next lifetime.

Again, there are various things you can do to get an escape from the condition. But I am not concerned about escape. I am not an escape artist and neither are you because you are on the spiritual path. You actually do not want to escape. You want to be free of the condition that limits you not only at the physical but also at the higher levels. That is your deeper desire that the Conscious You and your I AM Presence have, that you incorporated in your Divine Plan.

Reconnecting to what you love

Now it is understandable that if you are suffering psychologically or physically that the Conscious You can come to feel so stressed by this that it cries out for relief. But if we responded to that cry, we would actually go against the choices you made when you created your Divine Plan. And that is why you can use these exercises we have given you here to rise out of the four lower bodies and to then, as the Conscious You, reach for a vision of your Divine Plan. What was it you decided for this embodiment?

Again, I am not trying to push anything upon you. I am simply trying to say that it is a common predicament that we have all gone through who have taken embodiment on earth. That you can have certain intentions when you are in between embodiments and you are not in the density of a physical body or even the four lower bodies. You formulate an intention for your next lifetime. But then when you go into the density of these four lower bodies and experience some physical affliction, not only do you forget your intention, but even if you remembered it you might still have a desire to override it and escape the condition because you become focused on the condition, not the lesson.

You need to go through this process and you can even do it on your own. It is very simple. Rise up from these four levels of the body-mind, look upon them and feel for yourself, experience what is the resistance to letting the light descend in full force that can burn away these conditions, these images on the filmstrips. What is the resistance? Where is the self that resists this? Because when you see that self, you see the very self that is the cause of the condition you have.

Why is this so? Because the self knows that if you see it and let the light shine upon it, it will die. And it does not want to die so it does not want you to see it. Even if that means you continue to suffer under that physical affliction, the self does not care about that. In a way, it even likes it because it gets energy from your suffering, at least at the emotional level. And, of course, the dark forces who might also be able to steal your energy through your suffering, they do not want you to see it either.

And that is why you have to develop this desire for freedom. And how do you develop a desire for freedom? Well, forget about freedom and focus on love. What do you love? What do you love more than anything on earth? Do you love the light? Do you love your I AM Presence? Do you love the ascended masters? Then focus on that and develop this desire to be free from the limiting conditions that prevent you from experiencing what you love, that is beyond this world.

For how can you be more? By loving the more. How can you be free? By loving freedom. But in order to be free of conditions on earth, you must love something that is beyond earth. And you do! You are just not attuned to it because you are experiencing life through these selves.

I am not talking about really developing love as much as rediscovering the love that the Conscious You has. The Conscious You was, in a sense, born out of love and it has love for the I AM Presence, for the light, for the ascended masters, for God, but even a love for co-creating.

You need to reconnect to what you love, to rediscover your love and allow it to develop, to blossom. And it is like a rose. You water it and it grows and blossoms. You just have to water it. How do you water it? Put your attention upon it. Put your attention upon what you love and let it blossom until it can pull your attention away from the affliction, so you can look at the cause instead of the effect.

You cannot remove an effect at the level of effect, only at the level of cause. This is a valuable lesson discovered by science. The problem is that materialistic science says that physical effects must have a physical cause. And that, of course, limits science and that is why humankind is stalled right now and cannot go to the next level of scientific discovery and technology that can free humanity from some of these limitations you are facing now.

Growing by creating and uncreating subconscious selves

I could go on for a very long time, but whatever I might say beyond what I have said now would not in itself shift your consciousness. For it is a process because the goal is not to instantly shift your consciousness, but to gradually have you retrace your steps that created these subconscious selves that are limiting you because by consciously uncreating them you expand yourself and your co-creative abilities.

Did you grasp what I just said? It is so easy for you to take our teachings and think: “Oh it was so bad of me to create these subconscious selves, they can only limit my spiritual growth and I just need to get rid of them.”

But what have we actually said at this conference? Creating any kind of subconscious self is just an experience that it is possible to have in an unascended sphere on an unnatural planet. Your I AM Presence learns from the experience and grows no matter what subconscious self you create. And when the Conscious You becomes conscious of the self it has created, and the way you created it, and when you consciously undo that self, then you grow, you rise to the next level, you come closer to union with your I AM Presence which is your ultimate love.

Even escape from any condition that limits you is not the goal, it is not actually freedom. Freedom is to see how and why you created the limitation and then consciously choose to let it go. That is freedom. There are, of course, levels of freedom, but this is certainly freedom on earth for an unascended being. Freedom is not just escape from limitation, freedom is the conscious awareness of what creates the limitation and what uncreates the limitation. But you have been programmed on earth to focus on results.

But what have we said? Everything on earth is just an experience. It does not matter in itself. What matters is the process of growth that you and your I AM Presence have from going through the experience. That is the only thing that matters. The only thing that matters in matter is that you see how matter is created and how matter conditions can be changed. It was created by the mind, it can be changed by the mind.

Expanding levels of co-creative freedom

Why? What is the motto we have given you now for a long time? What comes before the physical manifestation? Anyone? Consciousness. Consciousness comes before the physical manifestation and that which comes before can change what comes after. This is a natural law. This is a spiritual law. This is a cosmic law.

And what happens on earth is when you go into separation, you think you are trapped by your own creation, or rather you do not even see that it was your own creation. You think it was some external Almighty God or laws of nature that created the condition you are facing. You think you are a powerless victim of it, and that is the illusion that you need to attain freedom from.

And, in a sense, all of our teachings can be said to be taking you towards that point. For when you have freedom from the illusion that mind does not create matter, you attain the freedom of mind to create more than what you are experiencing now. To create a higher experience of matter than what you are having now. And that is creative freedom or rather co-creative freedom. For you will not actually attain creative freedom until you reach the Creator level of consciousness. But you can attain expanding levels of co-creative freedom.

Saint Germain’s realism

You may say I am the God of Freedom for the earth. But let me just take myself down from the pedestal as Master More did. I may have great creative freedom compared to you, but compared to the Elohim I barely even scratch the surface of creative ability. And they, compared to the beings in the sixth sphere, the fifth, the fourth, they seem like amateurs.

And they recognize this because when you ascend you see all the levels above you. You see you are part of this hierarchy of light. And you cannot maintain an over-inflated sense of self-importance. You are not even humble. You are just realistic. But you are also enormously excited because you see that all of this is open to you. Nothing limits you.

You know you can grow to these higher levels. And you look at this and you love the possibility of growing. And once in a while you almost get enraptured by looking up. And then something happens or someone comes to you and says: “What are you looking at up there? You are stepping in a mud hole. Get back to the level you are at and start co-creating from there instead of dreaming about what is going to happen at these higher levels.”

The freedom of indefinite self transcendence

We would like you to come to the point where you look up and realize: “I can attain this! I can ascend!

Whatever Saint Germain has I can rise to that level!” And you love that possibility more than anything on earth. More than any excuse that you have in these separate selves. You get excited instead of feeling limited. You get excited about the possibility to rise to these higher levels, to ascend.

You get excited about coming to the point where the Conscious You can rise above the four lower bodies. You can look at them. You can look at the four levels of earth and there is nothing that pulls on you. You are done here. You can face the I AM Presence and you can say: “How are you experiencing life?” And suddenly you switch and now you are experiencing what the I AM Presence is experiencing because you are the Presence. And then you have ascended.

And now, as the Presence, you face a higher choice: “What kind of being do I want to be as an ascended master?” But there is no pressure there. There is no limitation. You can accept that you are free to build upon the attainment you have created at the level of the I AM Presence over your many embodiments. You can build on that and go towards higher and higher levels. And that is freedom. There is no ultimate freedom. There is only the freedom of indefinite self transcendence. That is freedom.

I do not know about you but I have transcended myself roughly speaking 9,487 times since I started this dictation. And that is a joy. Why did I start this dictation? Was it to manifest a particular result on earth? Well, I do have a desire to help you grow, but I really started it out of the joy of self transcendence. Because I knew that by expressing myself as an ascended master in an unascended sphere, I would transcend myself. And that is what I am. A self transcending itself. A self-transcending self.

You think you can go back to the 1930s and read all of the teachings given by Saint Germain, all of the dictations and you think you can create some mental image of how I am? Well, I have transcended myself far more than 9000 times since the 1930s and I will continue to do so. If you want to know me, you have some catching up to do. But you can do it by transcending yourself and your sense of what self I am.

For in a sense, when you ascend, the I AM Presence is no longer the I AM Presence. It is the I Will Be Presence. In a sense you could say that the I AM Presence is always the I Will Be Presence, but it appears as the non-changing constant I AM Presence that the Conscious You needs in this turbulent world. It can be your anchor point to face the turbulence of the unascended sphere.

But really the I AM Presence knows: “I AM the I Will Be Presence transcending my current sense of self.” I will transcend myself beyond the level that the messenger is able to reach in recognition of time and space that you face. I thank you with all of my heart, so to speak, for being willing to interact with me in this interactive process that a dictation always is. I could not achieve what I want to achieve with a dictation if you were not willing to be part of the process. For this you have my gratitude and I hope you have also transcended yourself in the process.

Be sealed in the freedom flame that I hold for earth and for you.


Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels

Do you actually want to be healed?

Listen to a recording of this dictation (subscribers only)

Ascended Master MORE through Kim Michaels, June 8, 2024. This dictation was given at a Deep Healing Retreat Conference in Tallinn, Estonia.

I AM the Ascended Master MORE, and you may say: “What does the First Ray have to do with healing?”

Suppression and denial in the three higher bodies

Well, the First Ray is normally seen as the ray of will, willpower. And in order to be healed, in a universe where free will reigns supreme, you have to have the will to be healed. You have to make a decision to be healed. And this can, for many people, present quite a challenge. Now, as we have already talked about, there are all these mechanisms that can come up. People can take on various roles. You can go into separation and build all kinds of identities there as a separate being. And when you go into separation and duality, you will be in conflict with other people who are in duality. And therefore, you will have unpleasant experiences that will lead to unpleasant feelings and if you cannot find a way to avoid the situation, the feelings can become so intense you cannot live with the feelings, so you suppress them. And then, as we have explained, the energies accumulate, carry over to the physical body, and now you have a physical disease that you cannot suppress, you cannot ignore, as you could ignore the feelings.

You might say that suppression, denial, starts at the identity level. You create a sense of identity that is denying and suppressing something. This is fairly easy to do at the identity level, so it can be easy enough to ignore the need to change your sense of identity. Then at the mental level, it is still fairly easy to create all these beliefs, including belief systems that are based on denial, that you do not have to change, you do not have to look at yourself in order to be saved. You just have to keep believing in Christ. It is still easy to maintain it. And even at the emotional level, you can suppress the feelings. But it is more difficult to suppress feelings than thoughts. For many people, the feelings eventually become so intense they cannot ignore it. But of course, at the physical level, there is, in a sense, it is easy to suppress, because from the time you start suppressing at the three higher bodies, and until this suppressed energy manifests as a physical disease, there is a delay. You can suppress for many years and get away with it. But then as you get older, suddenly a physical disease manifests, and now you have the opposite effect, that once it has broken through in the physical, it also takes longer to overcome it.

The fundamental decision to make

You might say that your four lower bodies, in a way, is a system for helping you come to the point where you stop denying, you stop suppressing, and you say: “I am willing to look at myself, to look at what I can change.” But the difficulty that comes into this is that many people, with the help of the fallen beings of course, have built structures in their individual minds and in the collective mind that prevent you from manifesting that will. Or, if you summon the will, it prevents you from carrying it out. And this ties in with what Mother Mary so magnificently explained about how you can disconnect from your I AM Presence and you can create these structures in your mind, these roles, and it will seem like once you have taken on the role, there are certain things you just cannot do: You are a human being, and there are certain things you cannot do. You have to continue to play the role.

What is this, these roles that people have defined on earth? Many of these roles have been defined by the fallen beings who had the deliberate intent to prevent you from manifesting the willpower to change. What are these roles? In a sense, an excuse for not taking responsibility for yourself, and not making the fundamental decision that you need to make on earth. What is that decision or rather, many decisions?  What is it you are here to decide? What did Mother Mary explain? You are here to decide: “What kind of being do I want to be?” You have self-awareness, you have free will. Your basic decision is: “What kind of a being do I want to be?”

Roles with a Catch-22

Now, it is very understandable that when you first start out, or rather I should say when we first start out, because I have of course faced the same dilemma, we are not ready to decide with total freedom what we want to be and do not want to be. Because we start with a very localized sense of self, and we just cannot handle total freedom to decide what kind of beings we want to be. That is why we are put in a predefined, structured environment where there are certain predefined roles that we can take on for a while. We can try them out, we can have this experience, we can say: “Yeah, maybe I have had enough of this, I want to step out of it.” But these roles that are defined on a natural planet, they are not the kind of roles I am talking about that you find on earth, because they do not form that catch-22. Because on a natural planet you can play a certain role and then you can say: “I have had enough of it.” But there is nothing in the role that prevents you from then stepping out of that role and perhaps stepping into another one. But on earth, many roles have been defined by the fallen beings based on the duality consciousness. And they do create, or they are based on, this catch-22. Once you are in the role, it seems like you cannot leave it.

And how have they achieved this? By first creating all of this conflict by deliberately attacking people, by deliberately putting people down so it seems like you are damned if you do, you are damned if you don’t. Because it seems like whatever choices you make, you are going to be wrong, so many people have gone into thinking it is safer not to make choices. The fallen ones, as the second level of their attack, have created all of these roles that make it seem like there are certain choices you just cannot make because you are a human being, you are a woman, you are a Muslim, you are a Russian, you are an American. All of these roles, many more than I mentioned here of course, some not very specific, but they all have one purpose: to give people an excuse for not making a decision to change. And first of all, to give people an excuse for not leaving the role behind. You can go over Mother Mary’s dictation again with the perspective I am giving you, and you will see that what she was trying to take you to was this realization that whatever role you have taken on that you are in now, you can leave it behind at any time.

The role as an excuse

But how do you leave it behind? Well, you have to make the choice. But so many of these roles project at you that you cannot make that choice. You are not allowed to make that choice. You are not supposed to make that choice. It is not spiritual to make that choice. And what does it do? Well, for many avatars who came to earth with the best of intentions, myself included, we were attacked, put down, hammered down, as Nada said, by the fallen beings, to where we felt like: “We better not make any choices because they always turn out to be wrong.” The roles give us an excuse for not manifesting the willpower: “Oh, I’m a fundamentalist Christian. I just have to declare Jesus to be my Lord and Savior, and I’m guaranteed to go to heaven. I don’t have to make any other choice but that.” “Oh, I’m an ascended master student. I just have to do three hours of violet flame a day, and I’m guaranteed to make my ascension after this lifetime. I don’t have to make any other choice than that. And first of all, I don’t have to make the choice to look at what is happening in my own subconscious mind, to look at the beam in my own eye. I don’t have to do this.” Or even: “I’m an ascended master student, and I’m here to help manifest Saint Germain’s Golden Age. I don’t really have to tune into my Presence and see if my Presence is ready to ascend, and therefore, I would have to muster the will to ascend. But I don’t have to do that because I can postpone it. Maybe sometime in the future, but not now.”

The choice to be healed

Again, you have free will. I am not trying to influence your choices here. I am not trying to tell you what to choose, but I am telling you one thing. If you want to be healed of any condition, physical, psychological, you must come to a point where you make a choice to be healed because it will not happen automatically, no matter what system of healing you adopt. No matter what you let someone talk you into believing it will not happen without a decision. And only you, the Conscious You, can make that decision.

All of you have these subconscious selves that are projecting at you, excuses for not making these life-changing decisions. I have no problem whatsoever with a Conscious You making any decision you make that is conscious. But when the Conscious You allows a subconscious self to give you an excuse for not making the decision, then I, as the Chohan of the First Ray must say: “Stop! And think! Become conscious!” Is this really what you want? Do you want to continue having this condition, be it physical or psychological? Do you actually want to be healed? Or do you want to continue having a condition that serves as an excuse for not making the choices of what kind of being you want to be, even here on earth? “Do I want to be an ill being, a crippled being, or do I want to be whole and healed?” I know, as Raphael explained at the very beginning, there are certain conditions that cannot be healed. But I also know there are many conditions that can be healed, many more than what most people can accept with the outer mind. But it is the subconscious selves that prevent you from accepting that healing is possible.

And therefore, what is my task, as the Chohan of the First Ray, is to shake you a little bit so that you make the first decision. Will you stop hoping for some miracle from outside yourself so you will be healed? Or will you make the decision that you, the Conscious You, are willing to become conscious, conscious of whatever subconscious selves you have that caused your condition, physical or psychological, to be manifest? And then make the decision, do you want to continue to have this subconscious self? Are you willing to look at it and decide: “I want to be more than this”?

We are the ascended masters. We know that so many people on earth, whenever we say the word healing, they automatically associate it with miracle. Some outer miracle is going to come in and heal you. But it was not some outer force that caused your condition. It was your inner reaction. It may have been forced by outer condition, but it was still your inner reaction. And therefore, you chose to create those selves and to accept those limitations and to suppress your feelings and to accept certain beliefs and even a certain sense of identity. You chose it.

No ascended master can override your free will. No ascended master wants to override your free will. I do not want to override your free will. I just want your will to be free. And for that to happen, you must start by becoming conscious, looking, you must make the decision you are willing to look and you are willing to see these selves that limit you and you are willing to decide: “I don’t want to be that kind of being anymore. I want to be more than this.” Then we can help you. And we will. But we will not manifest the miracle. But what have we said? Wholeness is your natural condition. You pulled yourself away from wholeness. And a way to get back to wholeness is not to pull yourself or push yourself back, but to stop pulling away, resolving the selves that pull you away. And then you will naturally return. What did Mother Mary demonstrate with the exercise? You have the Conscious You that has a natural tendency to rise towards the Presence. When the Conscious You stops allowing the outer mind, the subconscious self, to pull you away from the Presence, you naturally rise back towards the Presence.  You just have to resolve what pulls you away.

Idolatry as an excuse

Now, when you are a new being in embodiment on a planet like earth, you may have, at the level of the Conscious You, even at the level of the I AM Presence, a desire to have certain experiences or to do certain things that you can do on earth. And therefore, at that stage you have this desire, even at the level of the Conscious You, to pull away from the Presence, to go into these experiences, to pull away from wholeness. But when you come to the point where you are a spiritual being, you have transcended that. Or have you? Do you still have some selves you are dragging along with you that are pulling you away from wholeness? Well, of course you do, otherwise you would be in wholeness already and I would not need to stand here and talk to you. You all do, we all did, but what one has done all can do.

And I can tell you that despite the idolatry directed at me from a previous ascended master dispensation, I do not have an over-inflated sense of self. I look back at my many lifetimes on earth and I see that if there is a mistake that could be made, well I made it. The fact that I have ascended should not be a source of idolatry as it was in a previous dispensation. You should instead be saying: “Well, if this guy could do it, so can I.” That is what I want you to think. I do not want you to think El Morya was so special because he had this embodiment or that embodiment. But I also have certain embodiments where I did some really, really crazy things. Do you think that, as Akbar the Great, I saw it as my role to conquer my enemies, and when we had had a battle I had the heads chopped off the enemies and the heads were stacked in pyramids at the entrance to the conquered city? Do you not think that was a crazy stunt, to use a modern expression? Most of you have not done anything like that. Get rid of this idolatry. Look at this self and say: “Why do I have a self that idolizes the ascended masters? Oh, could it be that the more special the master is, the more I have an excuse for not following his example, for not making the decision that El Morya Master MORE made? No, El Morya was so special, he could make that decision. But poor little old me, I just cannot do it. I am not special enough.”

Just let the self go!

Well, how special do you have to be to let go? It requires no special skill. You just let go. But letting go is not a miracle, it does not happen automatically. What do you have to do to let go? You have to make a decision. For God’s sake, how else can you let go? And how do you make the decision to let go? By becoming conscious of the decision that created the separate self that makes you think you have to hold on. There is no mystery here. No special skills required. You have all been given everything you need. It is called self-awareness and free will. Why do you have your current limitations, your current selves? You used your self-awareness at the level it was at, at the time, and your free will, as free as it was at the time, to create that self. Now, because you have experienced life through that self, you have a higher sense of awareness, or at least you can quickly acquire it when you become conscious of the self. And now you can then activate your free will, which is more free now than it was before, even though it does not seem so from inside the self. But it is because you have now experienced what kind of being you do not want to be. You do not want to be sick, you do not want to be limited.

You can reactivate your sense of self-awareness, look at the self, become aware of the self, and you can reactivate your will and say: “I don’t want to be that kind of being anymore, therefore, I am willing to let go of the self instead of holding on to it, instead of holding on to this illusion that I cannot let go of the role until I have achieved the goal that the role defines.”

Being free from shoulds and should nots

We have all who are ascended come to a point where we had to look at whatever goals we had here on earth, and we had to let them all go. There is a book called the Mahatma Letters, which is one of the members of the Theosophical movement who was receiving these letters from Kuthumi and I while we were still in embodiment, still unascended. I am not saying all of you need to read it, but some years ago the messenger was directed to read it, and he was surprised by the tone of these letters. Because if you read it, there is a certain sarcasm, irony, a certain, we might say, putting people down for their flaws. For this was the state of consciousness Kuthumi and I were in, in our last embodiment. We still had a certain sense that certain things should not be happening on earth, and it was certain things people should not be doing. And in order to ascend, we had to take a look at that and give it up. That evaluation, that tendency to have this—“this should happen, this should not happen”—we had to let it go, but we carried it with us to our last embodiment. You have something you are carrying with you, also related to should and should not, but you can activate your ability to become conscious of it and to decide: “I no longer want to be a being who is defined by a standard of what should and should not happen, what I should and should not do.”

Many of you have that potential, not all of you, you can ascend in other ways, but many of you have the potential, while you are still in embodiment, to come to that point where you have transcended the should and should not. Therefore, you can be free. And therefore, you can give an example of a person who is free of all of these shoulds and should nots. And therefore, you can demonstrate that you can actually be in embodiment on earth without being limited by these roles that define what you should or should not do. And therefore, you can demonstrate that you are free to decide what kind of being you want to be, because you have realized what kind of being you do not want to be. You are free. Some people will resent you for it, but others will be inspired by it, because they also have come to the point where they are longing to be free.

Everything is an experience

Again, returning to healing, it starts and it ends with a decision. We can give you all of the teachings we can think up, but the healing process will not start until you make the decision that you are willing to become more conscious of what is limiting you. And the healing process will not end until you make the decision, first that healing is possible, and then that healing is manifest. You must accept, read the New Testament and see that when Jesus approached somebody who needed to be healed, he would ask them: “Do you believe I have the power to do this?” He was really asking them: “Do you believe that healing is possible?” Well, do you? You must come to a point where you decide first that healing is possible, next, healing is real, healing is manifest. I am whole. Now, as Raphael explained, this does not mean that you overcome any physical condition, not even any self, but it does mean that you can overcome all of the dualistic separate selves, and then you can be whole, even if you still have the selves at the higher levels of consciousness left. You can still feel whole. Now, what is wholeness? Is it a physical condition? Nay, it is a psychological condition. It is an experience, your natural experience, but it is still an experience. Why? Because everything in the world of form is designed to give self-aware beings experiences.

The entire world of form is an experience machine, a device, and so you might think that being an ascended master is so different from you, but as an ascended master you are still having experiences through your sense of self. They are different from what you have in the unascended state, especially on a planet like Earth, but they are still experiences. I do not see myself as an unchanging being. I have ascended, which means I have given up the desire to experience separation and duality, so in a sense my state of being an ascended being is permanent, but it does not mean it is unchanging, because what do I see from the ascended state? I see that I am an extension of the entire hierarchy of ascended beings leading to the Creator, and I see that there are many levels of awareness beyond my level of awareness, and I see that I have the potential to rise to the Creator consciousness, and you may think an ascended master is some godlike figure, but I can assure you that when I look up towards the Creator, I see that this is very, very far beyond my present level of consciousness. Which is why those who claim that they are the embodiment on earth of some god really have not connected to the Creator, or they would see how far beyond anything on earth the Creator is. But that is beside the point.

The point is everything is an experience. It is just an experience. Now there are some non-dual teachers who will say something along the same lines, but they will say nothing is happening, because there is no self that is doing anything. But this is because they have taken some of the teachings of Advaita and even Zen Buddhism, and they have taken them too far into a dualistic extreme. First of all, nothing is happening in the sense that whatever is happening on earth has no ultimate reality. It is, as we have said, a reality simulator. Nothing really matters, as Mother Mary also said. Nothing has any real significance in an unascended sphere, because the entire purpose of this environment is to help you grow in consciousness.

The gift of self-awareness

But where the non-dual teachers go into a blind alley is that they say: “There is no self. There is no self doing anything.” And this is a misunderstanding of the older teachings, because Buddhism does not say there is no self. It does say that whatever meaning you give to what is happening on earth does not have an objective existence, it is only created in your own mind. Why? Because your mind is an experience machine, and the significance that things have in your mind, including the roles you are playing, are defined in the mind. They do not have an objective significance. But there is a being, a self, that is experiencing, so no thing might be happening, but an experience is happening. Even if you claim that you are not a self, that you have attained no self, that is still an experience. If you are conscious, you are having an experience, and you are not going to return to infinite awareness, where you have no experience as an individual being when your body dies. You will continue to exist as an individual being, because you cannot choose not to be. You can choose not to be this, or not to be that, defined in the world of form, but you cannot choose not to be, not to be conscious.

Yes, on earth you can dull the physical body and the physical senses, but you cannot choose not to be, not to exist, so we might say, as some will say: “Well that means free will has a limitation. There are choices I cannot make, so how is my will free?” But that only has any kind of significance seen from a separate self, because the Conscious You, when it is conscious, does not want to choose not to be. Why would it? When there are infinite choices of what to be, infinite experiences you can have. The Conscious You in its pure state, the I AM Presence, would not even consider choosing not to be. Why? Because the Conscious You and the I AM Presence realize: “Oh, maybe I don’t like what I am being right now, but I can choose something else.” Why would you choose non-existence when you already exist? Where am I going with all this rambling? Well, I am simply casting a net upon the waters, hoping to catch some fish here and there, that are swimming around in the Sea of Samsara, so that I can pull in my net, and there will be some that will say: “I understand.”

The greatest gift you have received is self-awareness. What is self-awareness? It is the Creator extending itself as you. The Creator has the power to decide whether to do this or not. But once the Creator has decided to create you, or extend itself as you, you do not have the power to reverse the Creator’s decision, at least not until you reach the Creator consciousness. If you want to call that a limitation of free will, go ahead. But why do you not want to be? Well, actually, it is not that you do not want to be. You do not want to be what you are right now. People have come up, as I said, with many roles that are an excuse, but also spiritual teachings that supposedly say: “Oh, you are really not a separate self, and you just need to awaken from this, and you go back into infinite awareness, where you are not being.” But why have you come up with this? Because it gives you an excuse for not choosing what you want to be. What have we now attempted to explain to you, all of us? Whatever you are right now, you can choose to let go of that role. You can choose to be more than you are now.

But it starts with a decision, an act of will. And as I said before, I do not want to influence your free will. I just want your will to be free. And that is precisely what the fallen beings and other people and your own subconscious selves do not want. They do not want your will to be free. They will project at you that it is not, because there are certain choices you cannot make. You cannot make the choice to be healed, to be whole, to transcend the role, to walk away from it, to walk away from earth to ascend. I am just here to tell you that you can. You have the right to make that choice. You can make it right now. But this is not said to make you feel bad if you cannot make it right now. It is simply because you have some subconscious selves that are preventing you from making your choice. You get busy using our tools to unravel those selves until you come to the point where you can accept: “I can make the choice to let go. And I am making the choice to let go.”

I made a choice to address you. I am grateful for you making the choice to be here, to allow me to address you, to shake you a little bit. And I hope that in the future we can interact this way again. Now, we will never again interact in exactly the same way, because I made the choice to address you. Some of you will make the choice to take what I am saying and be more. And certainly, I will make the choice to be more. This event is completely unique in time and space. It will never happen again. It has never happened before. It could not possibly be repeated. For in this world of the interdependent originations, everything is constantly shifting. Nothing can stay the same. That is why healing is possible. But you have to accept that it is possible. Will you do that? I leave the answer to you. And so I seal you in the great joy that I AM as the Ascended Master MORE.


Copyright © 2024 by Kim Michaels


Exercise for examining the emotional body

Listen to a recording of this dictation (subscribers only)

Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels, June 8, 2024. This dictation was given at a Deep Healing Retreat Conference in Tallinn, Estonia.

I AM the Ascended Master Mother Mary. And the purpose of this release is to take you into another exercise where we this time examine the emotional body.

The exercise: Introduction

I am asking you to close your eyes, listen to my voice as we now in our minds step back and up from the physical body. Actually, we do not even step, we just float. We allow the Conscious You to follow its natural pull, back towards the I AM Presence. So we are floating out of the body, above and behind the body, looking down. As we are exiting the physical body, we are entering the emotional body and I am asking you just to take a moment to just observe what is going on in your emotional body right now. Is there a particular feeling you can identify that stands out to you? There may be various activities, but is there something that stands out to you? You do not go into the feeling, you just notice.

And then without engaging in the feeling, you are again returning to this awareness that the Conscious You is like a balloon that just floats naturally up beyond the emotional body, into the mental, and here you are not focusing on anything, you are just continuing to float beyond the mental into the identity realm. And again, you do not focus on anything, you are just floating beyond the identity. And now instead of focusing anywhere else, you are from this vantage point, of floating above the four lower bodies, you are again looking down at your emotional body.

What is a feeling

And a feeling can be difficult to describe in words. I know that people have given various names to feelings: fear, love, anger, this or that. But a feeling is always more than this. A feeling is a complicated thing, because even though there is a certain energy at the emotional level, there is more to a feeling than just the energy, there is actually more to a feeling than just feeling because as we have explained, your three higher bodies, your four lower bodies are connected. So an emotion actually springs from something in the mental mind, which again springs from the overall paradigm set in the identity mind. You may not be able to put words on a feeling at the emotional level. It will be easier to put words on a feeling at the mental and identity level so I am asking you to look at the emotional level, identify a feeling, then shift your attention to the mental. See if you can identify some kind of thought. Do not go into it, do not reason about it or analyze it. Just see if you can identify a thought and then go to the identity level and see if you can identify some deeper sense behind the mental thought. And then what I want to make you aware of, is that it does not matter what came up here.

Suppressed feelings

My purpose is not to get you to go into any particular line of thinking at this point. My purpose is to have you realize that a very big part of what happens in people’s emotional bodies is the suppression of emotions. And this is especially true for spiritual people, where as we have explained, when you find the spiritual path it is inevitable that you go into this evaluation of what it means to be a spiritual person in your particular teaching. You create this mental image and you often have a mental image that as a spiritual person you should not have certain emotions. Therefore, you now use a spiritual teaching to reinforce the pattern that you have had for a long time, as Cyclopea explained, of suppressing certain emotions.

And what I desire you to see here is that many spiritual people have this sense that there are certain emotions they should not have, and this prevents them from seeing, being willing to acknowledge, the selves they have in the emotional body, that you have certain emotions. For you cannot be in embodiment on a planet as difficult as earth without having certain emotions. And the goal of being a spiritual person is not to suppress those emotions, because as Cyclopea again explained, this only causes the energies to accumulate until they spill over and begin to affect the physical cells creating disease. Of course, they also warp your emotional body.

If you are a real spiritual person who is sincerely walking the path and you are willing to look at your own psychology, there comes a point where you need to look at your emotional body and identify the feelings you have been suppressing. And the purpose of this is not to of course feel guilty that you have these feelings, but to realize that you are not having the feeling, it is a subconscious self that is having the feeling. And that subconscious self is a focal point in your emotional body for the same type of energies coming from the collective emotional body or even dark forces or other people. It is the vulnerability for you. But the only way to overcome it is to acknowledge the emotions, because you do not free yourself from these subconscious selves by suppressing the emotions. This does not mean you have to go into them and be lost in them or absorbed in them, but you have to acknowledge. And in order to do this, as Cyclopea was so carefully explaining, you need to consider this scale, this standard of right and wrong. There are no wrong emotions, there are no wrong emotions, there are only emotions—it is only energy.

You know that red light vibrates at a lower frequency than violet light, but red light is just red light, it is not wrong, it is not worse or better than violet light, it is just a color. There are no wrong emotions, so you do not need to be afraid to look and see something you have suppressed. I know this is somewhat of a Catch-22, because why did you start to suppress a feeling? Partly because it was unpleasant, but also because, as Cyclopea again explained, you have some structure in the mental and identity level that makes you feel you should not have that emotion. How do you cut the Gordian knot and resolve this enigma? Well, this is what I hope to help you achieve here as we move on with this exercise.

Writing to uncover suppressed emotions

Again, you are the Conscious You, you are aware that you are not the physical body, so you float above it into the emotional body. You are aware that you are not the emotional body, you float above it into the mental. You are aware that you are not the mental body, you float above it into the identity. You are aware that you are not even the identity body, so you float above it. And now I am asking you to take your pen and paper, and you are metaphorically speaking, looking down upon your three bodies, emotional, mental identity.  It is not a specific body you need to look at. It may be the feeling you identified earlier, but I am asking you to just look, and then when I stop my countdown, I am asking you to write whatever comes to you. Again, do not analyze, do not think, just write whatever comes to you. There is nothing right or wrong here. But the purpose is, of course, to help you identify some feeling you have suppressed and why you have done so. Do not try to hide anything, do not try to evaluate what you should or should not be feeling, because this will prevent you from getting the benefit of the exercise. You are just the Conscious You, looking. You are just looking. You are not evaluating what should or should not be happening. You are just looking. I will count down, and when I say write, you write whatever comes. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, one-half, one-quarter, one-eighth, one-sixteenth, one thirty-second, one sixty-fourth, write.

Now stop writing, even if you are not done. Do not read it now, put aside your notepad so you can reach it if we need it again. You can always go over it later.

The mental constructs behind the feeling

Now we will continue with the exercise, and because you have now been engaged in writing, which is a physical activity, we will again start at the physical level. You become aware you are not the physical body, you are the Conscious You, and you naturally float out of the body, up and a little bit back, and then you become aware that now you are not in the physical body, you are in the emotional body. You tie in to this feeling that you identified. Just tie in to the feeling, do not go into it, do not let it color you, you are just identifying that feeling. Now you again become aware that you are not your feelings, you are the Conscious You.

You float out of the emotional body into the mental. And now you look at what is the mental construct that gave rise to the feeling you just identify it. Is there some belief, some idea, again you do not go into it, you do not let it color you, you do not argue for or against it, you just identify it, you are seeing it from the outside. And now you become aware again: “I am the Conscious You, I am not my mental body, not my thoughts”, and you float and back from the mental body. And now you are at the identity level, and now again you just look neutrally. Is there some construct in the identity body that ties in with what you identified at the emotional level and at the mental level, that set the parameters for this, this way of thinking about yourself that caused that feeling, and a belief in the mental? Again, you do not go into it, you do not argue about it, you do not evaluate whether it is right or wrong, good or bad, it is no reason to judge it, you have just identified.

The perspective of the I AM Presence

And then again you become aware: “I am not my identity, I am not the contents of my identity body, I am more.” You float up out of the identity body and where are you now? What is outside your four lower bodies? It is not empty space, it is not nothingness, yes we have called it pure awareness, but there is something in that awareness, there is a structure.  And what is that structure? Ah, is it not your I AM Presence, for what is beyond the four lower bodies, but your I AM Presence? The Conscious You has floated out of the four lower bodies and up, up, and there is your I AM Presence. Now you are again looking back at what you identified at the emotional, mental and identity level. You just identify it, you are looking at it from a distance.

And now you metaphorically speaking turn around towards your I AM Presence, you do not visualize it in any particular way, no images, and then you just send the question: “How do you look at this, this structure on the emotional, mental and identity levels? How do you look at this?” And now just sit quietly, tune into your Presence and see if you can sense how the Presence looks at this. Now you focus on the feeling that you identified and you formulate the question: “How do you feel?” Tune in and see if you can experience how your I AM Presence feels. And now you tune into the mental and some belief, some thought relating to the feeling.  And then again: “What do you think about this?” Tune in and see what comes to you. And now you tune in or draw your attention to the identity mind and what is there, what you identified and now you turn to your Presence and ask: “How do you see this? How do you even look at this?” And see what comes, if nothing comes, that is fine but can you not sense that your I AM Presence is not inside your identity body?

The Conscious You can go inside the identity body, but the I AM Presence cannot. When the Conscious You attempts to see what is in the identity body, as soon as you identify something, you tend to go into it but the I AM Presence does not. It cannot go into it. That is why it sent the Conscious You. And it cannot go into the mental mind and it cannot go into the feeling body. Your I AM Presence is not experiencing what you are experiencing from the inside. It is experiencing it from the outside. Can you not sense that it has a very different perspective than the Conscious You has when you see things from the inside?

You might get a sense that when you tune into your Presence, it is almost like you are looking at earth from somewhere far out in space, far beyond the solar system. And all around you are all these galaxies, vast immense space and way, way down there is planet earth and your four lower bodies. And from that vantage point of this immensity of space, how important was that feeling you identified? How important are those thoughts and beliefs? How important is that sense of identity compared to this vast cosmic space? How important is it what is going on down there on that little planet?

And this is how your I AM Presence looks at what is going on in your life. It suddenly dawns on you that what seems so important to the Conscious You does not seem that important to the I AM Presence. Now be careful, it does not mean your I AM Presence does not care about you, but because it has a different perspective, it just is not so important. It is like when you are looking back at yourself when you were a child. And it meant so much to you when your sister or brother would not share a toy with you. And you think back today as an adult, how important was that situation to you now? And that is how the I AM Presence looks at it.

“I have not become the role”

When you connect to that perspective, can you not then from that vantage point that you are tuned into, look back at your identity, mental and emotional bodies, and suddenly see that: “Oh, perhaps those feelings, thoughts and that sense of identity are not nearly as important to me now as they seemed before.” Does that not mean I do not have to be afraid to look at my feelings, to acknowledge them, to look at the thoughts behind them and the sense of identity and just identify: “This did not come from my I AM Presence. This identity, these thoughts, these feelings did not come from my I AM Presence. But I came from my I AM Presence, which means this identity, this thought, this emotion did not come from me. I just took it on. It did not come from me. I have not become it by taking it on. It is like taking on the costume in a theater and the makeup but I have not become that person. I only played the role to see what it was like to play that role.”

“My I AM Presence experienced through me what it was like to play the role. But it experienced it from the outside and therefore, it knew it had not become the role. It also knew that the Conscious You had not become the role. Now I was inside, so it felt as if I had become that role but that was part of the experience I was meant to have. The experience was meant to seem real to me from the inside. But now that I have had enough of that experience, how do I get out of being inside the role? By reconnecting to my I AM Presence and realize that because my I AM Presence never became the role and because the role did not come from my I AM Presence and because I came from my I AM Presence, I did not become the role either, so I can just let it go.”

Walking away from the role

Now when you tune into this, still from the level of the I AM Presence, you might identify that there is now some stirring in your emotional, mental and identity bodies, feelings, thoughts may come up. You cannot just walk away from the role because the role defines a goal that must be reached, a problem that must be solved. And until you have solved the problem, you cannot walk away from the role. You do not go into this, you just identify it and then you again tune into your Presence: “How do you look at this?” And again, you see that you experience you are out there in this vast cosmic space. You are looking way, way down. There is the sun, there are some little dots circling around the sun. It is blue, it must be earth. You can barely see it. And somewhere on that planet there is this physical body, this emotional body, this mental body, this identity body, but you can barely connect to them, you can barely see them. They seem so small compared to this cosmic space and you realize that these projections, that you cannot leave the role behind, mean nothing to your I AM Presence, nothing whatsoever.

You realize these projections did not come from your I AM Presence. Your I AM Presence has not become the role, has not become the sense that you cannot just leave the role. Your I AM Presence does not actually believe that there is a problem you have to solve or a goal you have to reach on earth. All of this did not come from the Presence, but you came from the Presence. That means that if all of this here on earth did not come from the Presence, it did not come from you either. Do you, the Conscious You, have to solve any problem or reach any goal before you can leave the role behind? Nay. Why would you?

There may be a problem on earth, there are many problems on earth, but they only seem important when you are inside the role. And it is only from inside the role it seems like you have to solve them but from the perspective of the I AM Presence you see that you do not have to solve the problem before you can leave the role. You can leave the role when you have had enough of experiencing life from inside the role.

How the I AM Presence experiences life on earth

Now you again tune into your Presence and what I am going to say here may not feel like it is coming from your Presence because you are hearing these words that are coming from outside yourself. But I am in attunement with your Presence and therefore, I speak what the Presence would like to say to you in words. When you, the Conscious You, descends into embodiment on earth, you are gradually  descending from the 144th to the 48th level. You are taking on all of these selves. You are creating selves in the identity, in the mental, in the emotional, and this becomes the first role you play on earth. Again, as we have explained, nothing wrong with it. It is part of experiencing life in an unascended sphere.

You are having an experience at the level of the Conscious You. You are inside of it, but you are an extension of your I AM Presence. When you are new in the role, your I AM Presence actually tunes into the Conscious You and experiences exactly what the Conscious You is experiencing. You are experiencing the role from inside. The I AM Presence is experiencing it as if it was inside, and it is, because the I AM Presence is the Conscious You, just not the totality of the Conscious You so through the experience of the Conscious You, the I AM Presence is having that experience of being inside the unascended sphere. This is part of what the I AM Presence wanted to experience.

Now, the only difference is that the I AM Presence will, after a time, shift out of the role, look at it from its perspective, way out there in cosmic space, and process the experience and it uses that experience to expand its sense of self, to refine its sense of self. And after having processed it, the I AM Presence may project itself back in attunement with the Conscious You, and again, experience whatever the Conscious You is going through now because, naturally, the experience you are having will change constantly. But whatever your experience is here on earth, it is valuable to the I AM Presence. But the I AM Presence steps out of the experience, processes it, and therefore, refines its sense of self, but because of the nature of the density of this realm, you, the Conscious You, are not aware of what is happening at the level of the I AM Presence so you are having your own experience. You are also building onto your sense of self, perhaps expanding it, perhaps contracting it, perhaps becoming more or less identified with it.

The next time the Conscious You projects itself into you, or in attunement with you, you are having a different experience. This is also valuable to the I AM Presence. The Presence experiences this, withdraws, processes the experience. It may be that the Conscious You, because of all that is happening on earth, you go into separation. You are losing the sense that you are a connected being. You see yourself as a separate being. And now you have stepped into a different kind of role, as a separate being, but you are still having experiences. You are, of course, still the Conscious You that is an extension of the I AM Presence. The I AM Presence can tune into the Conscious You and experience what the Conscious You is experiencing through that dualistic role, through that filter of duality and separation.

At the level of the I AM Presence, this cosmic perspective, there is nothing wrong on earth. It is just an experience that is possible on earth. The I AM Presence is not evaluating at all whether the experience the Conscious You is having is right or wrong. It is just experiencing and then, it focuses on its totality again and now processes the experience and expands its sense of self. The Conscious You, of course, is trapped in separation. You cannot stand still either, so you are contracting your sense of self. The next time the I AM Presence tunes into you, you may have a lower state of consciousness, much more self-focused. The I AM Presence does not say this is right or wrong. It just says: “Ah, a new experience. Let me experience that.” And then it experiences it for a time and then it feels: “Now I have had enough of the experience I am ready to process.” Again, it withdraws, processes, expands its sense of self.

Do you see what I am saying? Whatever experience you are having on earth, the I AM Presence looks at it as just another experience that it can use, that it can process and use to expand its sense of self.

The perspective of the Conscious You

But of course, once you go into separation, because of the density in separation, you cannot process your experience, at least not the same way the Presence does because you cannot step outside of it. You, the Conscious You, is unaware of what is happening at the level of the I AM Presence. You are caught in the role, you are identified with the role, and your only option is to make the role, to outplay it in more and more extreme ways. You cannot just, like the I AM Presence, say: “Ah, I have had enough of this experience. It is time to process it.” You must act it out in such an extreme way until you say, most likely: “I cannot do this anymore. I cannot live this way anymore!” You cannot just say: “Oh, I have had enough of this experiment. Let me step back and process,” because you think there is something you have to do, there is a problem you have to solve, or perhaps you think you have made such a mistake you can never be free of it, you cannot just step back.

The Conscious You has to go into more and more extremes until you come to that breaking point, turning point, where now you decide, you cannot keep going in that direction. Most people, when they come to that point, they start going in another direction that is also in duality, and you may have to do that many times. But wherever twists and turns you take in duality, your I AM Presence just tunes into it for a while, experiences it, then withdraws, processes it, and expands its sense of self.

Discovering what you do not want to be

Now you may say: “How can the I AM Presence expand its sense of self from a dualistic experience?” But it does, because it is not identified with it. Sometimes the I AM Presence may process an experience and simply realize: “Oh, I am not this. I do not want to be this. I do not want to have this experience.” But that still expands its sense of self. You see, what have we said as a co-Creator? You are allowed to create any experience you want for as long as you want until you decide, and your decision is: “Do I want more of this or more than this?” The I AM Presence says: “Do I want more of this dualistic experience? Nay, I want more than this.” But this helps the Presence expand its sense of self because it realizes: “Oh, I am not a dualistic being. I really do not want duality.” And this is part of what it means to be in embodiment in an unascended sphere in general, especially on an unnatural planet. You are actually on an unnatural planet.

You can say that on a natural planet you are focused on discovering what you want to be. On an unnatural planet you are focused on discovering what you do not want to be. At least, that is how it is at the level of the Presence. Part of growing as an individual being, which is what the I AM Presence is, is to discover and decide: “I do not want to be this kind of being. I do not want to be a separate being. I want to be a connected being, connected with the entire hierarchy leading up to the Creator.” But in order to come to that voluntary free will determination, the I AM Presence has to experience, somewhat, what it is like to be separate. It has to get a feel for what separation is.

“I have had enough of that experience”

Why am I bringing all of this long explanation into an exercise on freeing yourself from emotions? Because at the level of the Conscious You, when you are inside the three higher bodies, you think that once you have taken on a role you cannot just leave it until the problem is solved or you have compensated for the wrong that you did. But at the level of the I AM Presence, the moment the I AM Presence determines: “I have had enough of that experience. This is not the kind of being I want to be.” At that moment, the I AM Presence can withdraw from the experience, and what have I said? The projection that you cannot leave does not come from the I AM Presence, but you do come from the I AM Presence, so the projection that you cannot leave has no more power over the Conscious You than it has over the I AM Presence.

When you attune to the I AM Presence, the Conscious You can sense, when it tunes into the role you are currently playing, the emotions you have, the thoughts, the identity, when you tune into the Presence you can sense: “Has the Presence had enough of that experience?” And if the Presence has not had enough, then the Conscious You cannot leave the experience. You might say that you tune into your Presence and ask: “Have you had enough of being in a physical body on earth?” If the I AM Presence says: “No I want to experience more.” Well then, the Conscious You cannot just decide “I want to leave.” But if the I AM Presence has decided: “Yes, I have had enough of this,” then the Conscious You is free to leave, if it wants to, because you also have free will at the level of the Conscious You.

You have the right to decide: “I want to have more of a certain experience on earth even if my I AM Presence is done with it.” But what if you do not want to have more of playing a certain role, and your I AM Presence does not want it either? Well, then, you can look at that projection coming to you from the fallen beings, the collective consciousness or other people that, you cannot just walk away from the role. You can say: “This means nothing to me. I can walk away from the role, and I will, for I will to be more than this role.” See, what the fallen beings want to project at you, that once you have made a choice, you have to play the role to its ultimate conclusion. You cannot just leave. But this is not true. The Law of Free Will mandates you can make any choice you can imagine, but you can undo any choice you have ever made. Whatever you are now, you have a right to be more than you were before. This is the Law of Free Will.

The fallen beings will deny it because they are not willing to be more but the Law of Free Will is individual. The fact that one being decides not to be more does not mean that you have to make the same choice, for you are an individual being. Now, this of course poses a challenge, because the Conscious You can put itself without realizing it, into a catch-22, and the fallen beings are experts in creating innumerable of these. But one of them is, and it is especially something that avatars can get themselves into, is that you are not here just for your own sake. You are here to help other people, and therefore, you cannot leave until other people have been helped, however you see this. But you can. Thinking you cannot is because you are playing a certain role.

The purpose of earth

Now, you may think back to all the teachings we have given- manifestation of Saint Germain’s Golden Age as an avatar coming to hold the balance for the earth, help the earth rise and become a natural planet again. And you may think that this has some ultimate reality. You may think that there is some ultimate reality to what is happening on earth and the prospect of earth becoming a natural planet, but what have we also said about the earth? It is a reality simulator. Anything that happens in the reality simulator has only one purpose. It is to give those inside the simulator a certain experience until they have had enough of it. What does it mean? It means any experience you can have on earth is just an experience. And whatever teachings we have given you have the purpose of taking the Conscious You to the point where it can accept that anything, any role you can play on earth, is just a role, is just an experience. Which means that you can make a free choice: “Do I want to continue to have that experience?” Then you continue to have it. But if you have had enough of the experience, you can walk away from the role no matter what is happening or not happening on earth.

It does not mean we are lying to you. It does not mean we are creating some imaginary state. There is a planet. We do want to raise it to a natural state. But even a natural planet is a reality simulator that only has the purpose of helping beings in embodiment expand their sense of self until they can ascend. Nothing in an unascended sphere is ultimately real. It is all something that is being outplayed for the purpose of helping individual beings grow in awareness. Which means, no matter what has happened or not happened, the moment you decide you have had enough of playing the roles that can be played on earth, you have a right to leave.

You have the right to leave earth behind

And therefore, you have a right, as the Conscious You, to tune into your Presence and just ask it: “Have you had enough? Are you ready to leave earth behind?” And if you sense that the answer is yes, then as the Conscious You, you can turn around, look at the earth and say: “Have I had enough? Am I ready to leave the earth behind?” And if you decide that you are, then regardless of outer conditions, you have the right to leave. You may decide not to leave, but you have the right to because nothing here has any hold on you in reality, only in your mind. And from the perspective of your I AM Presence, this is obvious. The I AM Presence sees this, knows this. You can determine whether you want to move towards being in alignment with your Presence. When you tune into the Presence and ask the Presence what it feels about what is going on in your emotional body, you can gain that perspective. And it may seem like I have gone way beyond this feeling that you first tuned into, but this feeling is part of the role you are currently playing.

In order to really be free of the feeling, you have to come to see that the feeling is just part of the role. It has no objective reality, and therefore, you can let it go. You can rise above it. You do not have to solve anything. Yes, you need to invoke a certain amount of spiritual light to transform the energies back into a higher vibration so they can float upwards, so they can flow upwards. But there is nothing on earth you have to do or solve, there is nothing even in your own mind you have to do or solve, other than letting the self go, letting it die. It is not a matter of building this sophisticated spiritual self. No matter how sophisticated it is, it will not take you into the ascended realm. The only thing that can take you to the ascended realm is that the Conscious You returns to its state of being pure awareness that is not defined by anything in your identity, mental and emotional and physical bodies. Then you can just allow the Conscious You to follow its natural tendency to float up into oneness with the Presence.

This is in a sense, for some, a strange mixture of looking at a specific emotion and then this vast cosmic perspective, but it will only seem strange to the roles on earth if you are inside the role. But the Conscious You does not have to be inside the role. The Conscious You is able to step outside and attune to the Presence. It does not matter what selves you have, what feelings you have, how bad you might feel. You can step outside of it and gain a broader perspective that suddenly makes you see you can step away. You can let it go. No conditions need to be fulfilled before you can let go. It is in trying to fulfill conditions that you hold on. It is in letting go of the need to fulfill conditions that you are free.


Now, as the last part of this, I want you to, again, take your notepad, pen, and now you are going to, when I count down, spontaneously without analyzing, write. What condition do you have right now that you think you need to fulfill before you can let go? What prevents you from just letting go? This is what I want you to write, quickly, spontaneously, when I count down: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-0-write.

So you can stop writing, you can always go back later and get more clarity and detail. This fulfills what I wanted to achieve for now.

Value of the I AM Presence’s perspective

I hope that you can use this exercise and you can actually create a shorter version of it that only contains the exercise, not the teachings. But I hope you can use this exercise to tune in to the perspective of your I AM Presence because, ultimately, even we of the ascended masters can only give you teachings from outside yourself, but your I AM Presence is not outside yourself. It is yourself. You are the Presence. The Presence is you. When you tune in as the Conscious You to the perspective of the I AM Presence, the way you look at your life on earth will shift in a way that nothing else can make it shift.

Nothing I could give you as the ascended master is more valuable to you than tuning in to the perspective of your I AM Presence. I hope you can come to experience this. Even if you did not experience it now, you can in the future, by using this exercise, the other exercises we are giving, and come to really be there, out there in cosmic space, looking back at earth, seeing how tiny and insignificant anything that happens on earth really is from that cosmic perspective. You can put things in proportion and overcome what we talked about in Kazakhstan, this focus on self, focus on the separate self, because you experienced that to the Presence, the separate self is not important, at all. The separate self is not out of the Presence, but you are out of the Presence. If the separate self is not important to the Presence, why should it be important to you? And if it is not important to you, can you not let it go anytime you want?

With this I seal you in the love of my Mother’s heart. As carrying the Mother Flame, I would like you to take what I am saying and shift. But I realize that I, even though I hold this position of the Cosmic Mother, cannot make you do this. Only the Presence can.  Be sealed in my love.


Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels

Un-accepting the standard of right and wrong

Listen to a recording of this dictation (subscribers only)

Ascended Master  Elohim Cyclopea through Kim Michaels, June 8, 2024. This dictation was given at a Deep Healing Retreat Conference in Tallinn, Estonia.

I AM the Elohim Cyclopea.

The flow of divine rays

What does it mean that we are the Elohim? What is the difference between the Elohim, the archangels and ascended masters? Well, in a sense you could say that we are all ascended masters because we exist in the Ascended Realm. We have mastered our own minds in order to become immortal permanent beings in the Ascended Realm.

But still, what is the function of the Elohim? We are creative beings. We are of course co-creators, not only with God but with each other. You do not co-create a planet like earth through one spiritual ray, but through all seven and even the secret rays beyond. Even though we have given you this concept that there are separate rays, they are not really separate from our perspective. We are united when we create.

And therefore, from your perspective, while it can be helpful to focus on the different rays, their different qualities, you need to recognize that all of the rays together form a flow. And your choice, your basic choice when you are in embodiment on a dense planet like earth is whether to see yourself as connected to that flow so that the flow can in some measure at least flow through you, or whether you see yourself as disconnected from the flow.

The I AM Presence and the Conscious You

This is important especially for the emotional body, because what is the function of the emotional body? Let us begin to answer this question by going to the identity body. We have explained to you that you have an I AM Presence in the lower spiritual realm that has a unique individuality. This individuality was designed, defined, created by the ascended masters who manifested your I AM Presence out of their own beings.

In reality, your real identity is defined in the I AM Presence. But because of the density of an unascended sphere, the I AM Presence does not descend into embodiment, it sends the Conscious You.

The Conscious You does not in itself have any individuality. That is why we have taught you that the Conscious You is pure awareness or neutral awareness. In other words, the Conscious You is not like a container that contains a blueprint for your individuality. That is the function of your I AM Presence. But if the I AM Presence descended on a dark planet like earth, potentially your divine individuality could be damaged, could be shattered.

Therefore, it sends the Conscious You, which means that the Conscious You can be said to have no identity. This is both correct and incorrect in the sense that your Conscious You has a sense: I AM. There is just no continuation of that sentence. The Conscious You in its pure form does not continue that statement and say: “I am this, I am that.” The Conscious You says or experiences: I AM. That is a form of identity. Clearly, you experience yourself as an individual being, but it is just there is no: I AM this, I AM that, as you are used to on earth.

The parameters defining a planet

We have explained to you that the Conscious You starts at the 144th level. It takes on a certain illusion, creates a certain self in your identity body. This self is not a dualistic self. It is not a separate self. We might even say that what you take on at the 144th level is not really an illusion as you normally see the word illusion on earth. It is not a lie. It is just that on a planet like earth, but even on a natural planet, in order to create a planet, you have to create a certain blueprint. And that is in a certain way a limitation.

You have to choose from the level of the Elohim what kind of planet you are going to design. And there are many, many ways to design a planet, but you have to choose. You start by defining one “parameter”, you might say, instead of saying limitation. And that parameter then is what the Conscious You takes on at the 144th level. It is not a lie as such, but if you focus on it and think it is absolutely real and the only way a planet could be defined, then it does become an illusion that can trap you.

The Conscious You takes on the first parameter. It accepts that this is the parameter for this planet into which I am going to descend in embodiment. This allows the Conscious You to integrate with the identity body. But it is not just that the Conscious You chooses this randomly. In other words, you have all descended to the 144th level, created a self there, taken on a certain illusion, you might say, but you do not all have the same illusion or parameter or self. What determines what you specifically took on? The individuality of your I AM Presence determined this.

You see, when the Conscious You descends to the 144th level, it has no individuality in itself, but it is connected to the individuality of the I AM Presence. And it is based on this individuality that you create the first self that allows you to start integrating with the identity body. Now you can say that perhaps you could, when you look at our teachings about these selves, perhaps you could get the impression that they are wrong or that you should avoid having selves or that you should overcome all selves or that they are always negative.

This is true for the selves created out of the duality consciousness, the sense of separation. But the selves you take on as you descend to the 48th level are not dualistic separate selves. They are just selves that are necessary for you to actually fit the Conscious You into a physical body so you can interact with the physical body.

Now one of you yesterday raised the issue that when you were doing this meditation where Mother Mary took you out of the four lower bodies and then you were asked to write down, he felt that he was so disconnected from the physical body that how could he write anything? And that actually illustrates the process whereby the Conscious You comes into embodiment.

Because when the Conscious You is aware of itself as pure awareness, how could you do anything on earth? How could you operate a physical body? How could you hold a pen in your hand and move it on a piece of paper to write something? But how could you even conceive that there is something called writing whereby you can write words that have a meaning? How can you give meaning to words if you see yourself as pure awareness?

What is the value of stepping outside of your four lower bodies and experiencing yourself as pure awareness? It is that you do not any longer identify yourself with the four lower bodies and with the subconscious selves. This means you can look at them and let them go because you know you are more than this.

Why does the Conscious You create a self?

But nevertheless, when you are in the state of pure awareness, you cannot integrate with the dense physical bodies on earth, but you cannot even integrate with the physical bodies on a natural planet. It is just that it is easier to integrate with a body on a natural planet. But you still have to go through a process whereby the Conscious You creates these selves.

And why is it that you have to create a self? Because when you are at the 144th level, you are looking at the parameter that defines that level. You are looking at this consciously. And you are making the decision to take this on. But the parameter you are taking on is necessary for you to continue the process of going down. But you cannot be conscious of the parameter you took on at the 144th level when you descend to the 143rd level. Because then you need to be conscious of that parameter. That is why you create a self to continually project your energy through the parameter that you defined at the 144th level.

It is as if you might say that the Conscious You is the white light that enters the movie projector. And at the hundred and forty fourth level, you are starting to draw an image on the film strip. And the light will then be projected through that image. But you cannot do this consciously when you go below the 144th level. The self is like the film strip that has this particular image on it that is repeated and repeated at the subconscious level.

And now you go to the 143rd. Here is another parameter defined by the Elohim for how the earth is designed as a planet. You look at that parameter that we defined. You connect to your individuality in your I AM Presence. And then you create an individual self at the 143rd level, which means you make another drawing on the film strip. And when the light shines through from your I AM Presence through the film strip, the self you create now projects that onto the movie screen.

And you continue to do this on to the 48th level, whereby you first fill up your identity body with selves that project a certain image. Then your mental body, then your emotional body. And then in the ideal situation, when it is a natural planet, you are actually co-creating your physical body instead of entering into a pre-created physical body. But because of the density of earth, you are coming into a physical body that is created by your parents and that is deeply affected by your genetic inheritance.

Seeing through all of the parameters defining earth

What I am endeavoring to have you see here is that there are certain of these selves that are not actually limiting your spiritual growth. They are not limiting your spiritual growth. And you will not have to get rid of every self while you are still in embodiment. You will, as we say, have to see through the illusion at every level before you can ascend. And it is possible while you are still in the body to come to see through all of the parameters up until the 144th level. And you see that this is not who you are, that this does not limit you. You are not identified with it, but you still need those selves in order to integrate with the four lower bodies and to function in a physical body.

For most people, they will not see through these initiations or these illusions at the higher levels until they go through the ascension process. That is why there is both a validity to the image of the ascension process that we gave in previous dispensations, where you go through this series of initiations at Serapis Bey’s retreat at Luxor, because this is when you then very quickly overcome these last illusions at the higher levels, whatever you have not overcome until you are ready to go into the ascension temple.

But it is also possible to overcome them while you are still in embodiment, so that you are not identified with them. You just hold on to them so that you can function in a physical body. And then you hardly need to go through any process in the ascension temple, you can almost immediately ascend, because you are already dis-identified from these.

What does all this have to do with the emotional body? Well, when you descend towards the 48th level, you are also creating certain selves in the emotional body. You start at the identity, then into the mental, then into the emotional. But all of these selves that you create as you are descending are selves that have one purpose: to allow the energy, the light from your I AM Presence to flow through your higher bodies and be expressed at the physical level.

They are co-creative selves, because they are based on the awareness that everything in this unascended sphere is created from the energies from the spiritual realm that are flowing into the identity, mental, emotional and physical levels. And you are here to be a co-creator in the physical body, and therefore, all of the selves you create to integrate with the four lower bodies are aimed at letting energy flow through you into the physical, so you can co-create.

You have selves in the emotional body that are not dualistic, that are not directly created in reaction to earth. They are created in reaction to how we the Elohim define the parameters for earth. They are created to be creative selves. And it is entirely possible to have an emotional body that only has creative selves, and none of the separate dualistic selves.

The flow of love from above

And when you do have that, you will experience the light flowing through you, and you will feel whole. But more than that, what will you feel? Well, you will actually feel the energies of the seven rays all flowing through your emotional body at the same time. But you cannot really at the emotional level differentiate. You just feel a flow of energy. And the way you experience this at the emotional level is love. The word that we can use to describe this flow that is what people can relate to is love.

This means that when you have this, we can say, natural energy flow, you are experiencing love from above. You are constantly experiencing love. And it is saturating you, it is fulfilling you, and therefore, you do not even have the thought that you could need love from earth or from another person. Because you are receiving all the love you need from your I AM Presence.

The whole idea that you should meet a person and then you should feel love from that person is unnecessary for you. You do not even conceive of it. Because why would you need to look at the moon and get the light that is reflected by the moon when you could look at the sun directly, when you are feeling the sun’s rays flowing through you?

The sense of loss

It is important for you to contemplate this because the only way to really heal the emotional body is to re-establish that natural energy flow where you feel this, we might call it unconditional love, or the love that is beyond conditions. You see, what happens when you go below the 48th level of consciousness is that now you lose that flow. You no longer feel the flow of love from above and you experience it as a loss, you experience you are not fulfilled, there is a hole, there is a lack, there is something you need and you need love.

What happens is that now you start thinking that you need love from this world. But what is it you experience? You experience that you are not getting love from this world because you can never get enough love from this world to replace the loss of the flow from the higher realms. The love from your I AM Presence is the only love that can fill you. No amount of love from this world, even from another human being, even if that other human being had the natural flow of love from his or her I AM Presence, it would still not fill you.

What you also experience in this world of course is that the love that is given to you in this world is so often conditional. You need to live up to certain conditions. And why is this? Because everybody has the same lack of not having love flowing from above. Everybody is now trying to get something from each other instead of receiving everything they need personally from within so they all have a surplus from which to give. Nobody has a surplus. So everybody is saying: “I will give something to you if you give something to me.” You are bargaining. It all becomes a bargain, a trade.


This is important to realize because you can in a certain sense say that there are only two emotions, love and fear. Now even from a human perspective, how humans normally conceive of love, what is love? Love is when you are giving, when you are flowing. But even if you are receiving love, you are also experiencing there is a stream of love towards you.

What is fear? Well, this is more tricky because fear can also be a flow. You can feel that you are radiating fear-based energy or you are receiving fear-based energy. But very often fear becomes a stop of the flow where because of fear you are afraid to give out or you are afraid to take in. You stop the flow.

And this will create a disease in your emotional body because the emotional body is designed to be a conduit for the flow of energy. And when you stop the flow, an imbalance immediately occurs in the emotional body. And this means that fear-based energy starts to accumulate and even what many human beings call love is actually a fear-based energy. As more and more energy accumulates in the emotional body, it starts affecting the physical body and this can create a physical disease.

But what is it that stops the flow? It is not actually the emotional body, it is the mental body. As we explained yesterday, you have certain structures in the identity body that set parameters for the mental body. You can only think within those paradigms. But at the same time, the mental body forms parameters for your emotional body. You can only feel within the parameters defined at the mental level. And that is why when you have a certain feeling of fear, the mental body can step in and say: “I do not want to have that feeling, so I am going to suppress the feeling. I am going to stop the feeling.”

The mental body can override the emotional so that at the conscious level, you are not aware, you are not aware consciously at the mental level of the feeling. But the feeling is still there. Perhaps it is produced internally in your emotional body, perhaps it is coming to you from the outside, being projected at you from the mass consciousness, dark forces, other people. But the feeling is still there. But you are suppressing it at the mental level, so you are not aware of it.

And that means the energies must then accumulate in your emotional body. And when they reach a certain level of intensity, and when they are still not acknowledged by the mental body, they spill over to the physical body and now begin to affect the physical cells. And sooner or later, you have the manifestation of a physical disease.

The natural flow of energy and inner evaluation

We now need to step back and look at, you are a co-Creator. You come into embodiment on earth, the Conscious You descends through these many levels to the 48th level. You are integrated with this physical body. You are here to co-create. Now in an ideal situation, you are formulating an image in your identity body, a more concrete image in the mental. And then you are superimposing that image on your emotional body. And then you are simply allowing that energy to flow through the emotional onto the physical body, onto the Ma-ter light. And you are then manifesting, you are either doing something with the physical body, or you are actually manifesting certain conditions, physical conditions.

And then in the ideal situation, when you have directed energy out through your four lower bodies, through the emotional and physical body, you wait for the return from the cosmic mirror, from the Ma-ter light. What is going to be manifest? And you, of course, you experience that return first on the physical body, then on the emotional, and then up to the mental. But you are really not evaluating the return at the physical or mental level, or emotional level. You are evaluating it at the identity level.

And you are evaluating: “This was my vision, this is what manifested, what is the difference? Did I not manifest what I envisioned?” Or you are evaluating: “How do I experience what came back to me? Do I want more of this, or do I want to refine my vision and manifest something higher?” This is a completely neutral evaluation.

The function of the emotional body

What I am saying here is that in this situation, your emotional body is just a conduit. Energy flows through from above, a certain response comes back, but your emotional body is not taking in energies from the physical level, or even from the collective emotional level. You are seeing the physical results, you are passing it on to the mental, but there is really no evaluation at the emotional level. And you are not taking energy back from the physical or lower emotional, because you are still experiencing that flow from above that fills you with love. So why do you need any energies from this world? So you can then neutrally evaluate your co-creative efforts. There is no right or wrong, there is no good or bad, there is no dualistic value judgment, there is no thought that you could be wrong as a co-Creator.

In this case, nothing accumulates in the emotional body. Love does not even accumulate in the emotional body because it is directed outwards. But there is nothing coming back, there is nothing generated in the emotional body, there is no accumulation. It is just a pure flow through that conduit of the emotional body. And this is the natural flow, this is how we the Elohim co-create. We formulate the images, project them on the Ma-ter light, evaluate what comes back, could we do something different, could we do more, could we refine our co-creation? And you are meant to do the same in the ideal situation, which is what happens on a natural planet.

 The standard of right and wrong

Of course, the situation on earth is very different, as you all know, but why is it different? How is it different? Well, as we have said before, the fallen beings had to do only one thing to distort things on earth. They had to project there is a standard that your co-creative efforts have to live up to. And then project that this standard defines what is right, what is wrong.

All of a sudden, what you experience on a planet like earth as compared to a natural planet is that now you are not just evaluating your co-creative efforts from within, you are now exposed to this very aggressive projection from without that your co-creative efforts are wrong. And this means you are wrong.

And this is what happens to avatars when you come from a natural planet where you have never been wrong, to the earth and suddenly you are exposed to this accusation from the fallen beings. You are wrong for even being here. Anything you do here is wrong. As the messenger expressed yesterday: “I can only be wrong.” And many of you can recognize this in yourselves.

The fear of being wrong

When this happens, and this only happens really when you go below the 48th level or maybe you go below the 48th level in reaction to this accusation, then suddenly there is a different reaction in your emotional body. Remember, evaluation of your co-creative efforts ideally happens at the mental level and the identity level or even by the Conscious You stepping outside of those bodies, connecting to the I AM Presence. But now you are suddenly experiencing that in your emotional body, instead of just love flowing through you, first of all you sense the lack of love from above, but then you also sense the fear that you could be wrong.

Suddenly you could be wrong. And there is now this evaluation process at the emotional level: “ Am I wrong? Could I be wrong? And what bad things could happen if I am wrong?” And this is often because you were exposed to some very negative events that happened at the physical level where you perhaps were killed, tortured, where you suffered greatly at the physical level because the fallen beings exposed you to this physical pain that you naturally would never feel.

The evaluation process based on a dualistic standard

Now you have an evaluation in the emotional body, but there was never meant to be an evaluation at the emotional level. Your emotional body is not designed to create this evaluation. There is in fact no selves that you created as you descended to the 48th level that were created to evaluate.

What happens? What happens is that there are now separate selves created in the emotional body. And they are based on this evaluation that you could be wrong, and if you are wrong it is bad and you should fear it and you should fear the consequences.

Now why is this all important when we are talking about healing? Because when a subconscious self is created at the emotional level, it cannot be resolved at the emotional level. There is no mechanism in the emotional body for stepping back, looking at your feelings and saying: “Oh, I do not want to have that feeling. I am just letting it go. I am just ignoring it.” You cannot do that at the emotional level.

Now, how can you then overcome a self, a subconscious self, a separate self at the emotional level? Well, only by reconnecting up. Theoretically you could overcome an emotional self through the mental body, which should be in command of your emotional body, defining what goes through the emotional body. It should also be in command of defining what is coming back or what is coming into the emotional body, so that it actually does not allow anything to come into the emotional body. But what happens when you come to earth and are exposed to this accusatory energy is that it does not only affect your emotional body. It affects the emotional body first, but it also affects the mental.

And now you create at the same time subconscious selves at the mental level that accept this standard that on earth apparently it is necessary to evaluate your co-creative efforts based on this standard of right and wrong, because otherwise you cannot even survive here. You cannot function here and you cannot do what you came here to do, help people overcome suffering if you do not conform to their standards, because otherwise they’ll ignore or reject you. So you create selves at the mental level and you even at the identity level create selves of how you are supposed to be on earth, that you cannot just be a co-creative being on earth. You need even at the identity level to evaluate.

Now you have these selves at the emotional body and the self at the emotional body is constantly projecting into your mind fear—fear-based energy, fear-based feelings. And it is very unpleasant. And your mental body should be able to override it, but it cannot because it has also accepted this standard. The mental body cannot just say: “This feeling is completely unnecessary, a complete illusion, and I am going to dissolve that self and just let it die.” Because the mental body is wondering: “But what if it is true? What if it is true here on earth that in order to function here, I have to accept this?”

Now, even if this happens, the identity body should be able to override the mental and say: “No, no, this is not correct. This is not in accordance with who I really am.” But even at the identity level, you have this doubt. As an avatar, you often feel: “But I came here to help people escape suffering. How can I help them if they just reject me? Maybe I need to conform to their standard so they will accept me, and then I can give them something that can gradually help them.” And that means now your identity body cannot really override the mental, which cannot override the emotional, and therefore, the emotional energies accumulate and they spill over to the physical, affect the physical cells, and you have a physical disease.

The way out: letting the fear-based selves die

What is the way out of it? Well, the way out of it is that the Conscious You realizes: “I am not the physical body. I am not defined by the physical body. I am not my emotions. I am not defined by my emotions. I am not my thoughts. I am not defined by my thoughts. I am not even my sense of identity that I have taken on on this planet. I am not defined by it. Therefore, I can step outside of this. I can look at these selves. I can see the illusion. I can see how they are affecting me, and I can decide to let the selves die.”

You can only do this when you step outside of these bodies, because when the Conscious You is inside the bodies, what do these selves do from the identity to the mental to the emotional? They are defining: there is a problem you have to solve here on earth. And the problem has no solution at the emotional, mental, and identity levels. The only solution is that the Conscious You steps outside, sees that it is a self, sees that it is unreal, and realizes: “I do not have to solve the problem that the self projects. I can just let the self die, and then I am not seeing the world through that filter.” And then the problem is no longer there.

It is not a matter of solving. It is a matter of transcending the problem so the problem is not there in your four lower bodies. And that can only happen when the selves die. Therefore, the Conscious You can come to look from the level of pure awareness down through your identity, mental, into the emotional body, and you can see this self that is sitting there constantly projecting this fear-based energy.

It is not a sophisticated self at the emotional level. It is more like you would see a small child that is throwing a temper tantrum, and it is throwing itself on the floor, and it is kicking and screaming and constantly yelling, and there is no reasoning with it. You cannot reason with a child. That is how the selves are in the emotional body. They are constantly projecting: Fear, fear, fear. This is bad. This is terrible. Imagine what would happen if there is a war, if I am tortured, or if I am raped, or this or that. And it is just raw emotional energy.

And at the emotional level, there is no reasoning to the energy. It is just energy that is moving, and it is chaotic. It is like you are in a hurricane, where the air is swirling around so fast that all you can do is hold on to something so you are not swept away with it. When the Conscious You steps outside of the four lower bodies, it is like going into the eye of a hurricane where there is calm. The hurricane is still swirling around you. It may be swirling still in your emotional body, but now you can look calmly at it, and then you can realize that you actually have the power to stop the energy.

But in order to do it, you need to look at the selves in the identity level, how they are connected to the mental, and then into the emotional, and then you have to decide to let them go, let the illusion go. And then you can stop the energy. Now you may, before you do this, have to seal yourself off from these projections, from the dark forces and the collective mind. And this is what, of course, you can do with our decrees and invocations. But you also need to make a certain decision where you see that the self you have in your emotional body is an open door for what is coming from the outside. And you need to decide, “Enough of this. Enough of this.”

The inflow of energy from the outside world

Now, I am well aware that I am giving you a theoretical, somewhat abstract teaching here. But we will, of course, give you an exercise for connecting to the emotional body. But this is not my role as the Elohim. My role is to prepare you for the exercise by giving you a teaching of how the energy is meant to flow through your four lower bodies.

You see, what the fallen beings have done to all avatars who came to earth, and of course to the original earth inhabitants, is that they have disrupted the natural energy flow from above, and they have opened people’s emotional bodies to an inflow of energy from this world. And this inflow is not necessarily all what people would experience as negative. You can experience that you are getting love from another person, and it can feel positive. It just will never be the same as it will never fill you as the flow from your I AM Presence. But it can still be a positive experience. You can, of course, have positive feelings.

You see, many times when people go to some kind of, let’s say it is a classical concert or a waltz concert, where they feel they are all together, and the music creates this positive feeling in the audience, and they feel uplifted. This is them receiving energy horizontally in most cases. Some may also be able to connect and receive something from their I AM Presences, but many people feel the energy coming from the outside, and it is a positive feeling. But still, seeking energy, emotional energy from this world, is not what you are designed to do as a co-Creator. You are designed to let energy flow through you into the world, so you raise up the world.

For many people, their entire lives revolve around seeking to find ways to receive positive energy from the world. But of course, most people also experience that they receive unpleasant, negative, fear-based energy from the world. It is an inevitable pairing, an inevitable duality, that when people are seeking to receive positive energy from the world, they are also at the same time seeking to avoid receiving negative energy from the world. This is an essential duality you cannot escape until you reconnect to your I AM Presence and receive all the energy you need from the Presence.

Again, why is this important for healing? Well, first of all, what happens to people who are in this push and pull dynamic? They seek to get positive energy, they seek to avoid negative energy. What is happening? Well, they are opening their emotional bodies to an inflow of energy from the world. How else could they receive positive energy? If you are opening your emotional body to that inflow, you will also be vulnerable to projections of negative energy. And there is no way to seal your emotional body from this. You are either open or you are closed.

What do people then do? Many people in the world, they are focusing on positive energy, trying to receive positive energy from the world. They are receiving negative energy, but they are suppressing it. And this is, in a sense, a step up from being completely the victims of negative energy. Of course, you see people who are never receiving positive energy from the world, but only negative. But many people are at the point where they can suppress the negative energy and focus on the positive.

The problem is that when you suppress the negative, it accumulates in the emotional body. And even though you do not realize that it is there at the conscious mental level, it accumulates and it will affect the physical body. And suddenly these people are saying: “But I have tried to be positive all of my life. Why am I suddenly getting this disease?” And they feel like, what can they do about it? There is nothing they can really do. And there is not at that level anything they really can do, only again by stepping up, reconnecting, stepping outside the selves, coming to see the entire structure that is actually manifesting the disease.

The materialistic paradigm

And part of this is, of course, the entire materialistic paradigm, which has now been superimposed on many people at the identity level, that you are living in a physical, material world. According to the materialistic paradigm, you have a physical body. And therefore, when a physical disease happens, it has a physical cause. It is not really your accumulated negative emotions that are causing the disease. It is not the mental beliefs you have. It is not your sense of identity as a separate being. This has nothing to do with your physical disease.

And if you believe this, you are, of course, completely at the mercy of whether the medical profession can come up with some physical means of either relieving the symptoms or removing them entirely. They cannot actually cure the disease, but in some cases, they can suppress the symptoms for a time.

Perhaps they can suppress symptoms for the rest of a person’s lifetime. But when the person comes into its next embodiment, it will have the same disease and it will manifest earlier in life. That is why you have some children that are born with a certain disease, because it carried over from their past lifetime.

There is nothing wrong with you

Again, you are spiritual people. What can you do to heal your emotional body? You can do what I have said. You step outside the emotional body. You step outside the mental. You step outside the identity. You look at this structure, because nothing happens in your emotional body entirely by itself. It is within the parameters defined in the mental, which is within the parameters defined at the identity. When you begin to question this, you can begin to question your entire approach to the physical realm and the physical body on earth. And you can begin to question why you allowed yourself to take on this belief that your co-creative efforts should fit with this standard of right and wrong.

Why did you come to believe that you have to evaluate yourself based on the standard of right and wrong? Because if you have no such standard, you will not have negative emotions. If you do not have a standard that says you could be wrong, why would you have fear in your emotional body? Even if it is projected from the outside, it would just pass through. If you did not have some structure that it could activate.

You can begin to look at this, and this is essentially all of the teachings we have given, not only through this messenger, but through previous organizations, have in a sense been leading up to this point where you can begin to look at earth. You can realize the fallen beings have distorted everything on earth by projecting this standard. Most human beings have accepted it. You also came to accept it. But you can come to un-accept it.

And everything we have given you has this aim, because on an unnatural planet, the central issue for spiritual growth, for your ascension, for peace of mind, is to come to un-accept the standard of right and wrong. There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so. And only when you realize that you can take command over your thinking, can you escape the standard. The emotional body cannot do this. The mental body could do it if it had not accepted the standard. But the standard was built into the parameters that the identity body superimposed upon the mental. You really have to go through the identity and realize you are not a flawed being who can only make mistakes and do something wrong, or who can never do anything worthwhile on earth. You are a perfectly perfect being, although perfection also ties into a standard. You are a being that is beyond any dualistic standard, any pairs, any opposites.

Your I AM Presence, the individuality is beautiful, unique. There could not possibly be anything wrong with it. Now the individuality of your I AM Presence is not static, because as the Conscious You is in embodiment, the I AM Presence is constantly growing, expanding its individuality. But nevertheless, there could not possibly be anything wrong with it. How could there be, when it was designed by ascended beings who are beyond the entire duality consciousness? It is only the duality consciousness that makes it seem like there is something wrong.

But what have we given you? So many teachings on the duality consciousness. What is the essence of duality? There are two polarities, but they are not an absolute truth, because they are defined in relation to each other. When you define evil, you define good, for evil cannot exist without an opposite. But what have you now done? You have defined a standard for good that also cannot exist without an opposite, and that is not real good.

When you look at yourself, look at your reaction, you can see how deeply ingrained it is in you, or rather in these selves, that everything has to be right and wrong. And you can see, some of you, if you are willing to look at this, that as I am saying to you that you need to overcome this standard of right and wrong, there is a self that says: “Oh, so it must have been wrong of me to take on this standard. Is that not what Cyclopea is saying? I should not have taken on this standard.”

That is a separate self, created out of duality. It is not the Conscious You. If you think this way, the Conscious You is seeing through the filter of the self, but you can step outside of the self, and you can say: “Hey, I took on this standard here on earth, on this dark planet. I took it on, I have experienced it for a while, I have had enough of that experience, so now I am taking it off.” And when you think this way, you will notice, now there will be some other selves that will scream at you: “You cannot just take it off!”

Beyond good and bad

What was the most insidious idea that the Catholic Church forced upon the world? The idea of original sin, that you were created as a sinner, and you could never overcome it by your own power. This is the projection of the fallen beings. Once you have made a choice, you can never be free of that choice and the consequences. This is the essential lie projected by the fallen beings. Everything we have ever given is again leading up to you coming to see this, accepting that it is a lie, and just letting it drop.

Free will is free will. You cannot have free will if you can make a choice that you cannot undo by making a more aware choice. But you see, if you did not have free will, how could you have gone into duality in the first place? So by the very fact that you can now see, and I realize most people cannot see this, but you as spiritual people can see it, you chose to take on the standard. And by the mere fact that you chose to take it on, you can choose to take it off.

You can choose just to let it drop from you. Let the scales, the scale of up and down, right and wrong, fall from your eyes and see with a pure vision that is not divided, that is not dualistic. It is based on the Christ mind. For the Christ mind sees, this is all unreality. None of it is real. Nothing coming out of duality is real.

But this also means that sometimes you have to look at yourself and say, “But have I built a certain identity that I should be a certain way on earth, that I should be seen a certain way by other people, that I, for example, should be a “good” person?” You cannot be free if you want to be a “good” person, because that means that you are good in relation to something bad. You are neither good nor bad. Nothing is good or bad, but thinking makes it so.

Being yourself

And when you realize this, you change your thinking by letting the self that thinks dualistically drop away. I am not saying you can do this in the blink of an eye, but with the teachings and tools we have given you, you can gradually come to the point where suddenly it falls away. You are not trying to be good. You are not trying to avoid making a mistake. You are just being yourself. And when you express something, you are not looking at how other people react to it. You are just looking at how do you react, how do you feel about it.

And if you express yourself and you feel some kind of not positive reaction, you realize it comes from a self that you have not yet let die. So you look at it, you let it die, you will be more free to express yourself, you do it again. If you still see there is something, some reaction in your higher bodies, you look at it until you are free. You can just express and you are not evaluating was it good or bad, right or wrong, should I have done better, should I have not said this, should I have done that. None of this is there. You are just flowing because once again, at any moment, you are who you are.

And you have a right to be in embodiment on earth and express who you are at this moment. Say you are at the 97th level of consciousness. You have a right to be at the 97th level. Of course, your expression will not be the same as it would be if you were at a higher level. But you have a right to be at that level and express yourself at that level. And then when you experience your expression, you can refine it, you can look at the selves you have and you can rise to the next level.

Bringing an alternative to the darkness

Now I know very well that this has already been a long discourse. But I wish to bring up one more issue. What does it mean to be a co-creator on earth? Of course, when you look at humankind, there is no concept of being a co-creator. A human being is not defined as a co-creator, but as a separate being. Even religious people define it this way.

But what it really means is you are, as Raphael said, a sunbeam. The sun is your I AM Presence and the entire hierarchy leading up to the Creator. Your four lower bodies are simply the conduits that give the sunbeam an open door to shine into the darkness. Your four lower bodies are a window in the wall around the physical octave. And you are allowing the light to shine through. And what it does is it may not illumine everything that is in the darkness, but even a very small beam of light will illuminate the darkness. That everything is not darkness. And on an unnatural planet, people have been in darkness for so long that they have forgotten there is an alternative to the darkness.

What did the Catholic doctrine of original sin do? It put people in a very closed dark box. You are not connected to something higher. You cannot be an open door for the light. Only Jesus could do this. But you are born in sin, therefore,  you cannot bring any light into this world. What does the materialist paradigm do? You are an entirely material being. There is nothing outside the dark box. Both of them are saying there is no alternative to the darkness. At least not that you can experience.

If everybody has lived their entire lives in a total darkness, they have never experienced that there is an alternative. They do not have a choice. And what you are first of all here to do on this unnatural planet is to allow your four lower bodies to be the open door so that a ray of light can shine through.

Now the earth is no longer in total darkness because the Buddha, Jesus and many others have been open doors. But you see also what has been done to them. They have been given the status that they were the only ones who could do it. They were the exceptions. What is your role in this age, at this stage of manifesting the golden age? It is to demonstrate that many people can do what Jesus and the Buddha did: allow the light to shine through your four lower bodies.

Just let your light shine!

This of course is not the original meaning of being a co-creator. But at the current situation on earth, this is the practical meaning. It does not mean you cannot co-create something, it does not mean you cannot do something. But the basic meaning of being a co-creator right now on earth is to just let light shine through your four lower bodies.

Is there any need to evaluate this based on a standard of right and wrong? Is there any need to think about whether you could fail or whether you could be successful? Surely you can set up a standard and say: “Well, some people are allowing more light to shine through than I am, so there must be something wrong with me.” But this is again a dualistic standard that you need to let go of.

Do you realize that scientists have proven that all matter is made of these tiny invisible particles called photons? This is a very tiny particle of light, extremely small. But if you put a human being in a dark room that is completely dark, and you send one photon into that room, the human eye can detect that photon. And by detecting one tiny photon of light, the person will see there is an alternative to total darkness.

What I am saying is, no matter how much or how little light you are allowing to shine through you, any amount of light will show people an alternative to the darkness. And that is success for you. That is you fulfilling your role as a co-creator and fulfilling a basic part of your Divine Plan.

But how can you let light shine through you? You must let it flow from your I AM Presence into your identity body. There must not be anything that blocks the light or that colors it. Then flow into the mental where again it must not be blocked or colored. Then into the emotional where again it must not be blocked and colored. You have to look at your emotional body and your mental and identity and see some structure in there that blocks the light. And if you can overcome that structure and the light can flow through, then that is success. And then you can build on that.

I am encouraging you here to make this shift and realize that by just allowing the light to shine through, you are successful. You have done something significant. And if you allow it one time, you can build on that. You can shift from standing there, not being afraid to let the light shine because you are afraid it is going to be rejected or you are going to be accused. You can make a shift instead of allowing it to shine and then being encouraged by having allowed it once, so you can allow it again and you can allow more. And you are suddenly in a positive spiral instead of standing there being in limbo, not daring to move.

We only desire to see you be more. Not right or wrong. There is no right or wrong in “more”. There is just a transcendence of your current state. We do not have a standard. We are not imposing a standard, even though many students in previous ascended master dispensations have thought that the teachings impose the standard on how to be a good chela.

We did not impose the standard, the students themselves did. Even the messengers in those dispensations did. You have a messenger who has overcome his own standard and therefore,  does not impose it on you. Can you not feel safe? Could you not come to a point where you feel you are safe in expressing, letting the light shine through, even when you go out into the world? But even just in this gathering, could you not feel safe that you are not being judged by us?

This is what I, as the Elohim of the Fifth Ray, and all of us at the Elohimic level, truly desire to see for you. That you feel loved. You experience love from above, and you experience that we have only love for you, each and every one of you. I represent the Fifth Ray, which is normally considered truth, but it is also love. There is love on each ray. For what is love in a sense? Well, another way to describe it is to say that it is the Christ consciousness.

Yes, there is a ray of love, the Third Ray, that has specific qualities of love, but behind all of the rays is the Christ consciousness, or the Buddha Nature, or the One Mind, or whatever you call it. And it is that feeling which at the human level is experienced as love. Could you not accept and experience our love for you? And would that not allow you to look at your emotional body and feel safe, and see that whatever you might discover there, it has no reality. It is just something you need to see, because if you do not see it, you cannot let it go. And then it will still be there, and it will still affect you.

I hope you have sensed my Presence, and that it is free of all judgments. I am beyond the conditions that have been defined from duality. You can be beyond those conditions too. And this is my desire for you. I have given of my being, my Presence, in the hope that it will help you shift. With this, I seal you in the love of the Fifth Ray, of the love that gives you a higher vision.

Be sealed then in the Presence of Cyclopea.


Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels

Exercise for dealing with thoughts

Listen to a recording of this dictation (subscribers only)

Ascended Master Hilarion through Kim Michaels, June 7, 2024. This dictation was given at a Deep Healing Retreat Conference in Tallinn, Estonia.

I AM the Ascended Master Hilarion. What I would like to do with this release is to give you an exercise for dealing with thoughts, but I need to set a certain foundation first.

Where do thoughts come from?

The brain

Many spiritual teachers, many philosophers, many scientists have wrestled with the question: “Where do thoughts come from?” Some of course think they come from the physical brain and indeed some thoughts do come from the physical brain. This does not mean that the mind can think in a higher way, in a creative way, but it does mean that the physical brain can produce thoughts that many people think are creative thoughts.

What is a creative thought? Well, you cannot actually define creativity, for creativity is that which defies definition. When you define something, you create a mental box. What is creativity? You go beyond your mental box. However, you attempt to define creativity, creativity will leapfrog your definition and go beyond it. But the thoughts that the brain can create always happen within a certain box, defined by the programming of the brain.  And that programming, of course, is a result of the process of evolution, evolving the DNA in the physical brain, the cells, the synapses and all of the machinery of the brain that has taken millions of years to develop. And this apparatus that you call the brain is much like a computer. It is programmed to respond a certain way to certain stimuli.

Some thoughts come from the brain. For some people, almost all of their thoughts come from the brain, and they can live an entire lifetime without really thinking beyond the brain.

Projections from the outside

Where do thoughts come from? Well, many thoughts actually come to your mind from outside your mind, outside your four lower bodies, outside your physical brain and outside your emotional, mental, and identity bodies. They can be projections from the collective mind, they can be projections from a certain other person’s mind or they can be projections from beings who are demons, discarnate souls, or even fallen beings. Many thoughts that people have are projections from these forces.

For some people, almost all of their thoughts are these kinds of projections and they can live their entire lives having their mental body dominated by these projections from the outside. They never actually think. It is either the brain or some projection.

The emotional body and the mental mind

Then, of course, thoughts can come from your emotional body, where you can become so agitated in the emotions that this takes over even the mental mind or at least affects the mental mind and gives rise to certain thoughts, often fear-based thoughts. Then, of course, some thoughts come from the mental mind itself, where the mental mind is beyond the brain even though it is tightly interwoven and integrated with the machinery of the brain. But the mental mind can think beyond the brain and this is what we call the linear mind, the analytical mind and the conceptual mind to some degree, at least the lower level of the conceptual mind. This mental mind can actually think. But this does not mean that for most people the mental mind is thinking because the mental mind is below the identity mind.

And this is essential for spiritual seekers to understand and to grasp because this means that even if you are free from the thoughts produced by the brain, even if you are free from thoughts projected from the outside and even if you are free from thoughts projected from your emotional body, your mental mind is not free to think anything it wants because the mental mind can think only within the parameters defined by the identity mind.

 A paradigm at the identity level

There is some discussion among philosophers and scientists about something called a paradigm. This is an overall view of life. One example of a paradigm was the medieval Catholic doctrines and beliefs. They formed a box, a boundary that defined: “This is truth, this is based on Catholic doctrine and Catholic doctrine is infallible, therefore, this is truth.” You are not allowed to think outside of that box. This was not defined at the mental level. It was something people accepted at the identity level when they accepted: “I am a Catholic.”

A more modern example of a paradigm is scientific materialism where you take certain scientific findings, you superimpose an interpretation or a worldview upon it and you then say: “Everything that happens in the material universe can be explained by causes in the material universe.” This is again a paradigm, a mental box. You are not allowed to think outside of it and this is what you accept at the identity level when you accept: “I am a scientist,” meaning I am a scientist based on the material paradigm, the materialistic paradigm. Once you have accepted such a paradigm at the identity level, your mental body cannot by itself think outside the paradigm.

Now, there are many more personal examples of this where you may have accepted a certain identity where for example you grew up in a working-class family that spent all of their adult lives working in factories and you grew up accepting: “I am a worker, I am a working- class person.” Therefore, your mental mind cannot think: “I could get an education, I am too smart to work in a factory.” You just accept this is your lot in life.

Of course, there are many other examples. If you accept that you are a certain kind of person, you have a certain kind of psychology, you are just a human being who cannot be anything more, or because you had a difficult childhood, you are a wounded or flawed being, you have a flawed psychology. You can even think: “I am a bad person,” and therefore your mental mind thinks within this.

This has two effects. First of all, it validates the paradigm because your mental mind will select so-called evidence that fits the paradigm. As we have said, the intellectual mind can argue for or against any cause or any theory, and it does this by selecting and selecting out. It selects evidence that validates the paradigm, and it selects out evidence that contradicts it. This is why you can have two people who look at the same evidence and reach opposite conclusions.

As part of healing, you obviously need to make changes in the way you think, but you cannot make changes in the way you think at the mental level unless you become aware of the paradigm at the identity level that limits your thoughts, that limits your entire thinking process and that limits your ability to ask questions that go beyond the mental box that you are now in. While I realize that your bodies are tired, and even your mental minds might be tired after a long day and possibly traveling yesterday, I actually aim to take advantage of this because if you can keep yourself from going to sleep, the fact that you are tired only makes it easier for you to step outside the mental mind.

Exercise for stepping outside of the mental mind

Let me take you through a little exercise. And as Mother Mary did earlier, when the exercise is done, I want you to have your notepad and pen ready so you can write down whatever comes to you when I tell you to write.

The monkey mind

Now, I want you to take note of whatever thought that comes into your mind when I say a specific word. Be ready to notice what happens, what thought comes into your mind when I say this word, and the word is “water.” Take note of the thought and then try to hold on to that thought. Just try to hold on to the thought that was released by the word “water” and see how long you can hold on to it. Is it not difficult? Does it not change very quickly? You may remember the first thought that came up about water, but there are other thoughts that are coming up that are impinging themselves on your mind. All of a sudden you have a whole set of thoughts released by the word “water.”

My only purpose for doing this is to help show you and to help you mentally consciously tune in to the fact that thoughts change all the time. Thoughts are constantly changing. What does this mean? Well, it does not mean anything particularly sophisticated. I am not asking you to grasp or reach for some far-flung, high and mighty intellectual understanding here. I am just asking you to realize that thoughts come and go, are replaced by other thoughts, and that one thought rarely stays in your mind for very long before there are other thoughts impinging upon it, seeking to draw your attention to them.

If your thoughts change all the time, is there any constant in the mental mind? You will say: “Well, I have certain beliefs, and I may have had those for a long time, even for many lifetimes.” But do these beliefs then reside in the mental mind, or are they the paradigm, the mental box, defined at the identity level? Now consider one of the beliefs you have held for a long time, and then focus on that belief and see how very quickly thoughts come up. You could look at it this way. Maybe you could ask this question: “Does it really mean this? Does it mean that?” All kinds of thoughts come in relating to this belief you have held for a long time. What does it mean? Could you interpret it in other ways? All kinds of thoughts come up.

This is what many spiritual teachers, especially in the East, have called the monkey mind because like monkeys always jumping around, so is the mental mind. Now, I am not trying to say that this is wrong. The mental mind is actually designed to work this way, so that you can more quickly respond to situations on a planet like earth, where it might be necessary to very quickly respond to a situation that is life-threatening. In order to stay alive, you might have to respond very quickly, and therefore, the mental mind must be able to very quickly shift from one thought to another. Now, you may say: “But I have grown up in a society where my life is not threatened every five minutes.” And this is true. But you still have to adapt very quickly to many situations. Just imagine driving a car, and how quickly some other car may drive into your lane, and you have to respond quickly. Just imagine how you are exposed to new ideas all the time, information overload. But you would be even more overloaded if your mind could not respond and change very quickly. I am not saying this is wrong.

Thoughts from above

But what does it mean? Well, it means that if you are looking for some constant in your life, the mental mind is not the place to look for it. The identity mind is a better place to look for something constant because you have these paradigms, these worldviews that might last over time. But still, are they not changeable? Well, of course they are. They can change, and they do change. You will not have the exact same contents in the identity mind when you leave embodiment as when you come into embodiment. If you want constancy in your life, the place to look for it is not really your physical body, your emotional body, your mental body or your identity body. Where do you look for it then? Outside of those bodies when the Conscious You steps outside and connects to your I AM Presence. And when you connect to your I AM Presence, you can experience it, and later, as a result of the experience, you can realize that thoughts can also come from your I AM Presence. Thoughts do not only come from below, they can also come from above. And they can also come from the ascended masters that are your personal guides and teachers.

What do you want? Do you want thoughts that are projected at you from the outside, that are created in the four levels of the mind, or that come to you from a higher source, your I AM Presence, your ascended masters? And of course, since you are here, I am making the assumption that you want at least some of your thoughts to come from your I AM Presence and the ascended masters.

The exercise  

My aim is to show you a very simple process that you can go through. You do not even have to listen to this dictation, even though it may certainly help you to do so. But if you can sit down in a quiet room, in a reasonably comfortable chair, that is of course an advantage. Then, you close your minds. You close your eyes. You close your eyes and you first focus on your physical body. You might tune into your breathing. It goes in, it goes out. It goes in, it goes out. It constantly changes.

In this constant change, where is the constant? Therefore, nothing is constant in your physical body. All of the cells in your physical body are replaced every seven years. How can there be anything constant there? Now, you are mentally raising yourself above the physical body, allowing the Conscious You to rise, as Mother Mary said. When the Conscious You is not pulled downwards into the four lower bodies, it will spontaneously rise. You just allow it to rise.

And now there are some emotions that come to you.  And within just a few seconds you can see that these emotions are constantly changing. Nothing is constant there. You allow the Conscious You to rise beyond the emotions and now you go to the mental level. And you see that your thoughts are changing all the time and new thoughts are coming in. Again, nothing is constant. You allow the Conscious You to rise to the identity level. And you see certain images that are coming into your mind, coming at you, but you realize that even they are changing. When you really focus on a certain image, it is hard to pinpoint exactly what that image is.

You may think you are of a certain nationality, but what exactly does that mean? See how it changes constantly. Other images, other interpretations coming up. Again, there is nothing constant. Again, you just allow the Conscious You to rise beyond the identity body. And now you are outside of these identity, mental, emotional and physical bodies. But you do not allow yourself to dwell in this state of pure awareness or neutral awareness because that is not the purpose of the exercise. You instead allow your attention to go from this sense of calmness towards your I AM Presence or towards an ascended master of your choice. And now you are just formulating the question: “Help me see the paradigm that limits my thoughts.”


And then I want you to write down whatever comes to you when I say so. Without thinking and without analyzing, you just write down the first thing that comes to you, without thinking about it as you are writing it down. And I am going to tell you when to start writing, but first I will count. I will not count from ten to zero.

I will count from one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. And notice how your mind is thinking: “When is he going to tell me to write? When is it going to end? How far is he going to keep counting?” 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. Again you are thinking: “How long can he keep going? What is the purpose of counting? Is there some test here? Am I supposed to think a certain way?” No, you are supposed to not think. Just listen to the count. 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37. When you do this on your own, you keep counting until all that is in your mind is the numbers, the next number. You just keep counting until the mind is somewhat neutral. And then you give yourself the command: “Write now.” Did you get it? I said: “Write now! Write now!” [two-minute pause]

I asked you to stop writing for now. You can always do this exercise on your own, whether you do it with the recording or not, and therefore you can get more clear directions. But again, as with Mother Mary’s exercise, the key is to go into a neutral state of mind and not think about what you should or should not write.

An image of a spiritual person

You can gain immense benefit from listening again to the discussion you had this afternoon about how you can have this mental image of yourself as a spiritual person, what a spiritual person should be, and how this can become a track, a program in your mental mind. You have decided with your identity mind: “This is what it means to be a spiritual person, and I am a spiritual person.” And this becomes the paradigm, the mental box, that sets the parameters for how your mental mind is thinking. You are thinking about how to live up to that image, how to fulfill that image, how to make sure that you are never wrong and that you never fail to live up to it. Therefore, your mental mind is always thinking within these parameters.

And what does it do? It pulls the Conscious You down to the mental level. But at the mental level you cannot hear, you cannot receive thoughts from your I AM Presence and your ascended teachers. They will be filtered out because the thoughts we will give you will not conform to your paradigm. Your mental mind will filter them out, or if you were to receive a thought after all, it would instantly start arguing against it or imposing an interpretation upon it.

Superimposing interpretation on the direction from above

Many of you will recognize that you sometimes have this experience where you receive some kind of thought, some kind of direction. This happens when the Conscious You, without you even realizing it, just slips outside the identity and mental bodies and you receive a direction, an intuitive direction from above, but then you switch right back into the mind. Now your mental mind starts doing a number on the direction by interpreting it: “Could it really be true? Could it really mean this?” But even beyond this, your mental mind might actually superimpose the interpretation on the direction, that the direction means you should do a certain thing.

But if you step back, you realize: “This is imbalanced, this is far too extreme, this is actually black-and-white thinking.” Or it may even be that this is gray thinking because you should not actually do what the direction was about. This is the power of the paradigm. You are getting a direction from us that is a valid direction, but you are consciously aware of it for such a short time interval that you are pulled so quickly into the mental mind, and the mental mind now superimposes some interpretation on it.

It can, for example, be that you should become even more extreme at applying a spiritual teaching or a spiritual technique—that you should give more decrees or more invocations, or you should be on a more strict diet, or you should take other extreme measures like fasting for longer and longer, or trying to live off of your breath, or staring at the sun, or any number of these extreme unbalanced practices that you see out there in the spiritual field—the so-called spiritual field.

Whereas the direction you get from us is not dualistic, it is not in this extreme, that extreme, neither is it in between—it is beyond it. But if you are so attached to your paradigm, to your thoughts, to your image of what it means to be a good spiritual person, you cannot actually even think about what the direction means because you only see it through the mental mind that has already put an interpretation on the experience before you can actually formulate it as a thought, as words. This can happen so quickly that you do not even notice it.

We have so many times given directions to a spiritual person, or even to not openly spiritual people, and it is a valid direction that enters their mind from above, but the Conscious You is so quickly pulled into the mental mind that the Conscious You does not actually experience it. It experiences the movement of the instruction, but the meaning is all created or superimposed at the mental level. This is what you need to strive to neutralize.

You neutralize it, of course, by using the tools and teachings we have given to expose these subconscious selves. But once in a while you also need to do the exercise I have given and just write down what comes to you.  The more neutral you can be, the more valuable what you write down will be, because the less the mind has this possibility of superimposing that interpretation upon it that makes you unable to see beyond the mental level.

Using intuition to validate the paradigm

If you will make use of these tools, I and any other master who is close to you and your I AM Presence will help you come to see the paradigm that limits your thinking and is so quick to superimpose thinking upon intuition. Contrary to what some people believe, intuition is not thinking. Neither is it your identity, your mental image at the identity level. It is beyond it. But of course, in order for your mind to implement your intuitive direction, it has to be translated into words and images that your mind can deal with. But what I am trying to help you see is that there is a difference between translating an intuitive experience into words, and superimposing a mind-created interpretation upon it.

Like Archangel Raphael said, some subconscious selves are necessary for the Conscious You to integrate with the four lower bodies. Your Conscious You needs to take on certain selves in order to function in the identity body and in order to function in the mental body, and these will affect your intuitive insights by superimposing images and words upon them. But there can also be those structures in your mind that are created based on and in reaction to conditions on earth, created from below the 48th level, from the duality consciousness. So many of the ideas in the world spring from the duality consciousness. You cannot avoid having taken them in, in this life or past lives. When an interpretation is superimposed upon your intuition, it obscures the intuition and actually pulls it down and attempts to use the sense of reality you get from the intuition to validate some paradigm, some thinking, some idea.

For a very long time, for many many centuries, Jesus has attempted to approach many many Christians and give them an intuitive experience of His Presence. But so many of these Christians, instead of really considering what this experience means, have allowed themselves to be pulled right down to the mental level and now they have used the experience as a validation for their Christian beliefs–the very beliefs that spring from the consciousness of anti-christ.

But Jesus attempted to give them the experience that there is more to him than the doctrines and the dogmas of the Christian religion, even the scriptures. But they would hear none of this, so they thought: “I met the Lord and He confirmed that my literal interpretation of the Bible is the absolute truth. Hallelujah! This is proof of my faith.” It is no such thing! It was an attempt to pull you out of your Christian mental box that has nothing to do with the true teachings of Christ. It was an attempt to have you go through the experience I went through on the road to Damascus as Paul, where I also had a paradigm, a mental box, that caused me to reject Jesus. But I had a direct experience and instead of rejecting it, I was willing to let the scales fall from my eyes, so I saw the Living Christ.

How many Christians are willing to do this today? Well, never mind, I am not addressing them, but I am hoping that you can see that what the Christians have done with the doctrines of the Christian religion, many spiritual people have done with a spiritual teaching. And it can even be done with an ascended-master teaching and this is not why we give our teachings. This is not why we give you intuitive experiences.

We do it to help you come to the point where the Conscious You realizes: “I am not the outer mind. I am more than the outer mind. And I am not so in love with the contents of my outer mind that I will use them to invalidate or cover over that experience that there is something real outside the contents of my outer mind. For I love that something more than my own mind and the contents that were created here on earth. I love my I AM Presence, I love the ascended masters, I love the Creator, I love something.”

Vanity of the mental constructs

Find something you love more than your own mind, for that is really the only way to begin the process of pulling the Conscious You out of its identification with, its fascination with, its state of being hypnotized by the mental mind that can seem so clever at coming up with arguments. But they only seem clever when you have confined yourself to the paradigm that the mental mind operates within. Then they seem clever, but when you allow the Conscious You to rise beyond that paradigm, you suddenly see them for what they are– vanity of vanities, all is vanity. Truly, all of the mental ideas and philosophies and beliefs that human beings have created throughout the ages, this is all vanity. It is an attempt to glorify the outer mind. And they think they can raise it up to such a sophisticated status that God will have to let it into the kingdom of heaven.

Well, as an ascended master, I can assure you that none of these mental constructs will ever make it into the spiritual realm, they will never become permanent. But you can become permanent when you realize and accept that you are more than anything the mental mind can come up with, can argue for, can reason about, or can prove to its own satisfaction. When you experience you are more, you realize that your mental mind may be satisfied that it has proven a certain point, but you are not satisfied for you want more. And that is the state we would like to see you rise to, because then we can truly help you, because now you can hear our directions and avoid letting the mental mind obscure their real meaning.

Defining vs. discovering how the world work

Do they even have a meaning? Not a meaning that the mental mind can fathom, but the Conscious You can experience that they have meaning as a frame of reference for looking at the mental mind and unraveling the illusions because naturally you must come to consciously see the illusions that you have without being fully conscious of what you were doing or accepting in this or past lifetimes. The scales will only fall from your eyes when you are willing to see them and look at them and challenge them one by one.

That is what we will help you do because only when the mental scales fall from your eyes can you be healed. For only then will your mental body come to accept its rightful place as the head of the household compared to your emotional and physical bodies. But you are not the ultimate head of the household, for you are under—the mental body is under—the identity which is under the I AM Presence and the ascended level, when the Conscious You does not identify itself with the contents of the mental or identity bodies.

This is our aim. For one of the major factors that keeps you out of wholeness is this thinking process at the mental level, where you think that the mental mind can define how the world should work. The mind cannot define it. It can discover and come to grasp how the world actually works, but only when it is under the supervision of the identity body, the Conscious You, the I AM Presence and the ascended masters. Otherwise, it will be lost in its own reasoning process that becomes the closed self-validating system we have talked about.

I have taken advantage of your physical and mental fatigue to give you a message that hopefully has gone in at a deeper level. And you can certainly listen to it, read it and take it in at the more mental level. But again, be careful about analyzing. You will not grasp my message by analyzing. But the mental mind can grasp it when it finds its rightful place in the lineage reaching up. I AM part of that lineage. I ascended by accepting that I AM part of that lineage and you will only ascend when you accept that you are part of that lineage.

You can intellectually understand that you are part of the lineage, but you cannot accept it on the mental level. Only the Conscious You can accept it, for there is no argumentation that will prove it. It is a direct experience and you can have it and we will help you have it. And when you have it, you will know that everything in the material world is subject to the higher realms that it is created out of. Therefore, your mind can have mastery over matter within the parameters set by the physical octave and its current density on earth. But this is a subject we will return to later.

For now, I seal you in the healing flame that I AM, the flame of vision that I AM. For it is truly only a higher vision than the mental body that will empower you to grasp how to have the mastery of mind over matter. Thus, be sealed in this emerald green light that allows you to see behind the matter screen. Hilarion, I AM.


Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels

Exercise for unraveling the conditions in your identity mind

Listen to a recording of this dictation (subscribers only)


Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels, June 7, 2024. This dictation was given at a Deep Healing Retreat Conference in Tallinn, Estonia.

I AM the Ascended Master  Mother Mary. I would like you for a moment to think about how you look at me as an ascended master, as the representative of the Divine Mother for earth. What images, concepts, ideas do you have in your minds, especially how do you look at me compared to yourself?

A gap between ascended masters and us

You see, if you look at the image you have of me, it will tell you something about the image you have of yourself, your identity, your sense of self. And many of you will recognize that because you recognize the existence of ascended masters, you also recognize or see that we are above and beyond you. We are superior to you because we are ascended. We are in the spiritual realm. But you are not ascended, you are still in embodiment, you are in a lower state of consciousness than I am. But now what does this mean? It means that you see a gap between yourself and I.

Why are you sitting here listening to a human being who is acting as a messenger where I, an ascended master, can speak through him and give a dictation? Because you are not sure that you can hear me directly in your own mind and heart. Why else would you need to listen to an external voice if you could hear me directly in your heart? And why are you not sure that you can hear me directly? Because you see a gap between you and I. I am in a higher state of consciousness, you are in a lower state of consciousness, you are not sure you can cross the distance. Now do not worry, my beloved, I am not going to tell you that you need to snap your fingers and overcome this illusion.

What you are seeing is true, is correct, is the case from the perspective that you are looking from when you are in your outer awareness. When you are in your outer awareness, when the Conscious You is inside the contents of your identity, mental, emotional, physical bodies, there is a gap between you and I because my consciousness does vibrate at a higher level and yours at a lower level because yours is attuned to the radio station of the material world with its four levels and therefore, you cannot hear me directly within that outer mind. But what is the magic, we might say, of the teachings we have given about the Conscious You? It is that the Conscious You can step outside of that outer personality.

No thing can prevent us from connecting

And what have we said? Everything is created out of the Christ consciousness. That means what? That means that the great connector is the Christ consciousness. What allows the messenger to take a message from an ascended master? The Christ consciousness. What allows the Conscious You of yourself to step outside the outer mind? The Christ consciousness. What is it that happens when the Conscious You steps outside of the outer mind? You experience the Christ consciousness, whatever you call it. You experience the connecting link.

I am not in time and space. Your four lower bodies are in time and space. When the Conscious You looks at me through the filter of the four lower bodies, you cannot hear me. But when the Conscious You steps outside of that filter, you are beyond time and space as I am beyond time and space. Naturally we can connect. Of course we can connect. What can prevent us from connecting when the Conscious You is not inside of and identified with the four lower bodies? No thing can prevent us. There is no thing in your four lower bodies or in the four levels of the material universe that can prevent us from connecting. And I say no thing because everything in the four levels of the material world is a thing or at least a concept of a thing.

And of course there is also nothing, which would be the normal expression. Nothing can prevent our connection. But that is not what I want to convey because how can nothing prevent anything? Nothing is nothing. It is not nothing that is preventing us from connecting, it is the thing, the thing you identify with.

Exercise: stepping outside of your four lower bodies

I know it can always be difficult to follow a dictation, your body might get sleepy, but I am asking you to be awake now. Close your eyes, focus your attention on your heart, the center of your chest, your heart chakra, and now follow this exercise.

The physical level

Would you identify yourself as your little toe on your right foot? Would you say this is who I am? Obviously not, I presume. If anyone differs, they are free to leave. Would you identify yourself as your kneecap on your left leg? Or as your elbow on your right arm? Or as your nose or your ears? “Nay, this is not who I am.” Why then, if you do not identify yourself with any of the specific parts of your body, why then would you identify yourself with or as the physical body as a whole? You are all spiritual people, so you realize you are not the body. That means what? It means your mind is not the body. Your mind is more than the body, which means in your mind you can step outside the body. I invite you, as you are willing, mentally in your mind you are stepping back from your body. You are going behind your body, up from your body. You are rising behind and above your body. Mentally you are now outside your physical body looking down mentally on your body sitting in the chair.

Now you become aware of this room in which you are sitting. The room is more than your physical body, there is space outside your body. But it is still confined by four walls, just as your body is confined by certain limitations. Now you become aware of the walls, the ceiling, the roof in the room. And you are now mentally stepping outside this room, back, up. You are rising above the room, looking at the room. It is as if you are looking at the room as it is inside, but you are outside of it, looking just at the room. Now you know that this room is in a building. Now I am asking you to mentally step back from this building. You are going back, you are rising above it, and even though you may not have physically seen the building from above, you are in your mind’s eye above this building. And now you know that the building is in some environment. For you who are physically here, it is in a city. And again, you are allowing yourself to rise above the city. You are looking down upon the city as if you were in an air balloon, floating above the city.

And of course, you can step even further back, and we will do this now. You are now even higher, as if you were in an airplane, but it is an airplane that is standing still. You are looking down upon this country you are in, and you are allowing yourself to float even higher, where you look at the continent, and now you are so high that you are beginning to see the curvature of the earth. And you are floating even beyond this, where you are now from a distance looking at the earth, the blue planet, with its oceans and continents, clouds. But you are beyond it. And now, instead of going further and further into space, we are transcending the material world, rising into the emotional level.

The emotional body

And at the emotional level, you may still have various feelings that are coming up, perhaps a certain unease of being outside the body, and what that means. But you may remember that when you were a small child, you were scared to go to bed for a variety of reasons. You had this feeling of fear. But would you now identify yourself as that fear, or as that child that was afraid? If you do not, you know you are more than that feeling. And if you are more than one feeling, does not that mean you are more than all feelings? Can you not then step back from your feelings, the feeling body, rise above it, and perhaps it is harder to step outside of the feeling body than the physical body. But you are now above the physical, so you are able to sense that, I, who is generating this voice, can reach you, and I am now reaching my hand down and offering you my hand. And if you grab it and hold onto it, I will send to you a sense of peace so you can rise above your feelings.

The mental mind

And as you rise with me, you rise into the mental body. And you may have some thoughts come up. You may even remember that many years ago when you were a child, you were thinking a lot about these bad boys on your street that you were afraid were going to come after you. But have you thought about this lately? You might remember it, but you are not identified with that thought that happened so many years ago. If you are more than that thought, perhaps you are more than all thoughts. Here you might feel a certain sense of unease again, maybe even a feeling of fear, because you are so used to thinking. I remember being in physical embodiment and always thinking. We are so used to thinking that we may not identify ourselves with a certain thought, but we can easily identify ourselves as thinking beings. And therefore, we can come to think that if we are not thinking, we do not exist.

There is a part of the thinking mind that will project the thought into you that if you stop thinking, you will stop existing, you will die. Because the mind thinks it is going to die if you stop thinking. But now take a closer look at this. You can identify you are here. And there is a part of your mind that is projecting at you, that you should not stop thinking. But if there is a part of your mind that is projecting at you, that means you are not the mind that is projecting at you. Are you the one who is thinking, or is it the mind who is thinking? And again, I offer you my hand. And if you grab it, I will radiate into your mind, into your sense of self, however you see it at this point, that you are real, but the thoughts come and go. Therefore, you are not the thinker, the mind is the thinker. Therefore, if you are more than the thinker, can you not rise above the thinker without thinking you are rising, but just allowing it to happen? You see, the Conscious You is not the thinker. The Conscious You has a natural pull towards the I AM Presence. You are thinking your way away from that pull. But if you do not think, then the Conscious You will naturally rise beyond the thinker. You are holding my hand with one of yours, and now you take the other hand, and you say: “bye bye thinker, I do not need you right now.”

The identity mind

And now you rise to the identity level and at the identity level, at first you may think there are thoughts, but they are not actually thoughts, the same way as they are at the mental level because the thoughts have a certain reasoning process. They start out with a certain premise, they go through a certain process, and they reach a conclusion. But at the identity level, there is no process, there is just a mental image being projected at you. This is who you are. This is how you are supposed to be when you are that kind of a person. There is no reasoning. You are reasoning at the mental level, not at the identity level. You just are, or rather, that is the projection.

There was a time when you were five years old, and you identified yourself as a child. Are you still that child? Well, certainly your physical body is not. You can easily tell from looking in the mirror. Why would the rest of you be that five-year-old? Certainly your sense of identity has moved on, with leaps and bounds beyond how you saw yourself when you were five. If you experience that your identity has changed in this lifetime, what does that mean? Again, tune in. There is a part of your mind that is projecting a mental image at you that this is who you are. But if there is something that is not you that is projecting at you that this is who you are, then you are not what is projecting. What is projecting is a part of your mind, your identity body. It is a structure in the identity body. It is a self in your identity body. And when you recognize that something is projecting at you, you realize you are not what is projecting, and what does that mean? It means you are not what is being projected either. You can take it on like you take on an overcoat, but you can take it off as you take off an overcoat.

The I AM Presence level

And again, I am offering you my hand and I am saying, do you want to take off that image that is being projected at you from your identity body? Then allow yourself to rise. Allow your Conscious You to rise out of the identity body. You are rising up and you are now looking down at your identity body. I am not asking you at this point to look at your I AM Presence, to look at me. I am asking you to realize that you are outside your identity body, looking at your identity body. But you are not alone. You are here with me. I am holding your hand, metaphorically speaking, because the Conscious You of course has no hands. Instead of saying I am holding your hand, let us say you are enveloped in my Presence. However, you can see yourself does not matter. What matters is you sense my Presence and we together are looking at your identity body.


And now I am asking you to take your notepad and pen, take your notepad and pen without thinking, without analyzing, without any preconceived opinions. I will count down from ten to zero. And the moment I say zero, you start writing whatever comes to you. No analyzing, no hesitation. The moment you hear me say zero, you write whatever comes to you. I will start counting, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one and a half, one and a quarter, one, three quarters, a half, a quarter, zero, write.

Okay, so now you stop writing.

Uncovering how you see yourself on earth

Obviously you can take the recording of this and you can repeat it anytime you want. The important point here is that you strive to follow the exercise, step outside of your four lower bodies, look at your identity body and just write. There is no right or wrong answer. What you need to write is whatever comes to you and over time it will of course change. And what does that mean? It means that you will gradually unravel the mental images that are stored in these selves in your identity body and that are being projected at you all the time.

And when you then later look at the writing, you can use this to expose the separate selves that color your relationship to earth at the deepest level. It is the highest level, therefore, the deepest because it is the first level that colors how the Conscious You sees itself on earth. And this is what we aim to help you uncover and unravel. There will of course be layers, that is why you cannot just do this exercise once and think you have seen it all because you will see what you are ready to see right at this moment. What it is you are dealing with at your present level of consciousness that will take you to a higher level and then once you get to that higher level you can see what you are dealing with that will take you to an even higher level. Let us say you are at the 48th level of consciousness, when you find this exercise you can theoretically do it all the way up to the 144th level, even though when you go to the higher levels you will not have the same need to do it, but still. My aim for this exercise was simply to get you started.

Now you have all had these experiences of stepping outside of the outer mind and hopefully you had an experience of that also during this exercise. You have now this frame of reference, which means you can look at the contents of your identity body from the vantage point of not being inside the identity body. Do you understand, do you grasp why this is important? We have given you many teachings, you may have come from another spiritual tradition, you find these teachings about the four lower bodies, you are told that you need to start looking at how you identify yourself, but what will you do? You will start looking at your identity body through the filter of the separate selves you have in your identity body, or at least the selves. What does that mean? It means that you may be able and willing to see certain things in your identity body.

It could be: “I do not really need to identify myself with a local football club, I am more than just a fan of this or that football club, I do not need to identify myself with a particular car brand, or a particular sport, or with a particular hair color.” You may be able to overcome some of these more outer identities, but there will be deeper senses, deeper selves that you are looking through, and here is of course the essential truth about a separate self, and this is essentially why our teaching about separate selves is so essential. It is this, as long as you are looking through a particular self, you can never see that self. It cannot be done.

If someone put yellow contact lenses on your eyes when you were born, you will never be able to question that the sky is green. Only when you go through the exercise, step outside your identity body, will you be able to gradually come to see those more subtle senses of self, those more subtle separate selves that you have in your identity body. And only then will you be able to question them and gradually dis-identify the Conscious You from them, so that the Conscious You can finally look at a particular self and say: “I now see that this is unreal, this is not who I am, but this is not even how the world is. And therefore, I can let the self die, for I will still be I. In fact, I will be more I than when I was seeing my I through the self.” And this can gradually help you come to question these contents of your identity body.

Now you may say, why are we starting at the identity level? Because it is the highest level. And as we have said before, it sets certain parameters for how your mental body can think, how your emotional body can feel, and how your physical body can be. You will be surprised how many characteristics of the physical body are actually starting at the identity level, where the selves in your identity body sets the parameters that are carried down into the mental, carried down into your emotional, and therefore, determines specific conditions, even diseases, in your physical body, starting at the identity level. If you cannot question the condition at the identity, how can you unravel it? Because what did I just say? You cannot see a self when the Conscious You is inside the self. Well, you cannot see a self at the identity level from the level of the mental body. You cannot see a self at the mental body through the emotional body. And you cannot see a self at the emotional body through the physical.

Only when a Conscious You steps outside the physical can you see something in the emotional. Only when you step outside the emotional can you see something in the mental. Only by stepping outside the mental can you see the lower levels of the identity. But only when you step outside the identity can you really see what is going on in the identity body. We have chosen to have you start there, because whatever message you got, even if you did not get a clear message now, you can certainly get it in the coming days or even in the time after. You can deal with that self right now. You can deal with that during this conference. And this will be a good start in the healing process.

Naturally there will be levels, there will be layers. We do not expect that we can have you heal everything in three days. But what we aim to do is give you a process that you can then apply and therefore, over time make some real progress. With this I have given you what I wanted to give you in this installment. I seal you in the heart, the heart that I use to carry out my office as the Divine Mother.

How do you see me as the Divine Mother?  I hope you can go beyond seeing me as anything and just experience my unconditional love for you. Each and every one of you who is here physically, who is here on the internet, who will ever find this teaching and decide to go through this time consuming process to apply the teaching. I hope you will experience my love, for my love is beyond time and space. It is beyond any condition in your physical body, any condition in your emotional body, any condition in the mental body, any condition in the identity body. It is boundless, beyond conditions.

Be sealed in that love.


Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels

Transcending deep suffering coming from the “shoulds” and “should nots”


Listen to a recording of this dictation (subscribers only)

Ascended Master Archangel Raphael through Kim Michaels, June 7, 2024. This dictation was given at a Deep Healing Retreat Conference in Tallinn, Estonia.


I AM the Archangel Raphael and I welcome you, all of you who are here physically, who are connected via the internet, all of those who will read or hear this later, I welcome you to my Presence, for my Presence is not limited by time and space. I am an archangel existing in a higher dimension, a higher level of vibration that is beyond time and space. I am everywhere in the consciousness of God. What is the consciousness of God? The consciousness of God is everything, everywhere, for without Him was not anything made that was made. But of course, the consciousness of God has manifested itself as individual beings, given them free will. You can forget you are out of the consciousness of God.

Experiencing the Presence of an Archangel

When I say, I am everywhere in the consciousness of God, it has a dual meaning. I am, of course, everywhere. I know I am everywhere. I experience I am everywhere. But only when you put your attention on me, am I really there in your consciousness of God. This is what I offer for those who tune in to this release, for this event of deep healing. What do I offer? My Presence. What else can I offer? Surely, I can give teachings from my level of consciousness. The teachings might help you gain some intellectual experience. They might even help you shift your consciousness, because you have one of these high experiences, breakthrough experiences, that helps you see yourself, your approach to earth in a different way, so you shift.

But first of all, what I offer is an experience of my Presence, the Presence of an Archangel, which is what? It is fundamentally different from anything you have ever experienced on earth. Perhaps you can feel it in a vibration coming through the physical voice that I am using to speak in words. But more importantly, can you go beyond the words, the sound, the vibration, and sense the Presence? If you cannot now, then perhaps you can in the future, as you make use of what we offer you in this event, which is more like a process. It is a process of interaction between you and us, between above and below.

You are out of the hierarchy of light

I am above, in the sense that I am in a higher vibration than you are focused in, but you, of course, came out of the spiritual realm because you are out of the hierarchy of ascended beings. Perhaps, you have not all grasped what this means. So many people on earth have descended into that level of ignorance of who they are and where they came from. Even those of you who have studied ascended master teachings for a time, it can still be difficult in your daily lives to deal with this information that we have given you, that you are out of the hierarchy of light.

Everything is out of the hierarchy of light. Everything has the presence of the hierarchy of light within it, but of course, not everything is created in its current form by the hierarchy of light because humankind has free will and so humankind has created many conditions on earth. We understand that it is very difficult to be in embodiment on earth and know, think about, realize, accept, experience that you are out of the hierarchy of light.

Surely, as you make use of these teachings and tools we will give you, you can begin to contemplate, to attune. You can begin to take this teaching, even listen to this dictation or read it, and you can sense the reaction in you, not only to the words, but to the energy, to the Presence that I AM. This gives you the opportunity to see that the reaction comes from a separate self that you may have taken on in this or past lifetimes, because the collective consciousness has so many of these separate selves that want you to deny who you are and just be a human being that can be controlled by that false hierarchy of darkness that seeks to control everything.

Contemplate this. There is, in the ultimate reality, the Creator, your Creator, my Creator, our Creator. There is that One Being that started this entire process that we have called the world of form. This being created out of itself the first sphere, created structures and sent extensions of itself into it. Why did the Creator create structures? Because the newly created lifestreams, even though they were created in a higher vibration than your unascended sphere, they were still in an unascended sphere, just vibrating at a higher level, and they needed something to relate to so that they could build their sense of self, build their co-creative abilities.

The challenge of being on earth

When the first sphere ascended, the second was created, and so forth, until yours, which is the seventh and the densest. It is more difficult for you, who originated in this sphere, to rise to the ascension point. It is, of course, especially difficult to do this on a planet as dense as earth, an unnatural planet. This is the challenge that you, or rather your I AM Presence, decided that it wanted to take on and experience.

Now, we who are in the ascended realm above earth, even those of us who have not physically embodied on earth, we are able to tune in and experience how difficult it is for you to be in embodiment in this dense realm. We do understand and appreciate your predicament, your challenge, your situation. We realize even, that many times we give you teachings that can be difficult to grasp and difficult to implement. This is, we might say from a certain perspective on earth, it might seem like a dilemma for we have to give you teachings that raise you up, that pull you up, but this means that many people cannot grasp them because they are not ready for them.

Even you who are students who have followed the path for a while, sometimes there are teachings you cannot grasp. We understand this. You see, what you cannot grasp today, you may be able to grasp tomorrow because the reality is that the I AM Presence knew when it sent the Conscious You into embodiment on earth, that there is nothing on earth that the Conscious You cannot overcome.

The sunbeam of the Conscious You

This will seem like a challenging statement for many people if they heard it. We understand that when people are burdened by many of the things you can be burdened with here on earth, it will seem like a challenging statement. This is because many people do not have the teaching that there is a part of you, which is not the outer personality, the outer human being. We have called it the Conscious You. You could call it many other things and it has been called other things in various mystical traditions. But the important thing to contemplate is that there is a part of you that is not created in response to anything on earth.

The Conscious You is an extension of the I AM Presence, and although your I AM Presence is not an ascended being, it exists in the spiritual realm. That means it cannot be touched by anything on earth because the earth as an unnatural planet vibrates within a much lower spectrum of energies. Nothing on earth can touch the Conscious You.

Imagine you are standing in a building that is mostly dark and there is dirt on the floor. There is a sunbeam shining through a window like a visible ray of light shining through the window. Now imagine that you take the dirt from the floor and throw it at the sunbeam. Will the dirt stick to the sunbeam? Will it stick to the light? Nay, it passes right through it. Well, your Conscious You is that sunbeam shining from the spiritual realm into the darkness of earth. Nothing on earth can stick to it.

The selves between 144th and 48th level

Many of you have already experienced this. All of you can gradually come to experience it and truly accept nothing on earth can stick to my Conscious You, my conscious self. Why do you then experience life as a burden? Why do you have so many reactions to conditions on earth? Well, because as we have also explained, the Conscious You in order to take embodiment on a dense planet like this must create these subconscious selves in the identity, mental and emotional bodies. This is what you do when you descend from the 144th level of consciousness to the 48th level of consciousness. You create self after self after self.

Now mind you, there is nothing wrong with this. These are not dualistic selves, separate selves. They are selves that make it possible for the Conscious You to actually accept that it is part of these four lower bodies, that it is able to operate these four lower bodies and therefore interact with the environment of earth.

This is necessary. Anyone who has ever taken embodiment on a dense planet like earth, and for that matter even on a natural planet, has had to create these subconscious selves in order to descend. The question is how many— depending on the density of the environment. Natural planets do not have 144 possible levels of consciousness—they have less, but on earth it is 144. In order to descend to the 48th level you take on these selves. Then of course, everybody who comes into embodiment will go somewhat below, experiment with the duality consciousness, then you create selves based on duality and separation.

The selves created in reaction to the density of matter

Now take care to realize that the selves you create between the 144th and the 48th level are in a way created in reaction to conditions on earth, because they are created in reaction to the density of matter. Right now, the earth is an unnatural planet and matter is more dense than on a natural planet. Therefore, it is more difficult to take embodiment and therefore, you have more of a reaction. There is a certain reaction to earth, to the density on earth, that is unavoidable.

We all, anybody who has ever gone through this, we have to create a certain amount of selves to descend to whatever planet we first descend on. This is one kind of self, it is a reaction to conditions on earth, but it is more a reaction to the, we might say, neutral conditions on earth, simply the density of matter. Now, you can always debate, since it is an unnatural planet, is anything really neutral? But anyway, we have to look at current conditions are like this, so this is what we have to go through in order to take embodiment.

The selves created in reaction to the duality consciousness

Beyond this of course, is the fact that the vast majority of people have gone into the duality consciousness, created all of these value judgments, these separate selves based on these value judgments. The second kind of selves that you take on are in reaction to this, the duality consciousness, the Sea of Samsara as the Buddha called it. You can, when you begin to work with these subconscious selves, you can come to recognize two types of selves, the dualistic selves, the separate selves, and the more neutral selves. Now one could say that the separate selves are the ones that cause suffering because they are dualistic. They are based on a value judgment, the simplest value judgment—this should happen, this should not happen. When something that you think should not happen does happen, you suffer. When what you think should happen does not happen, you suffer. These are dualistic selves, value-laden selves. They do, of course, cause suffering.

They do, of course, cause many conditions at the identity level, such as people feeling they have no purpose, they do not want to live, or feeling that they have to conform to what it means to be a human being in their particular environment and culture. They cause a certain suffering at the mental level because people are always thinking within certain boundaries, and they always see these dualities, these contradictions, these enigmas that they cannot resolve when they are thinking within the boundaries defined by their separate selves. There seem to be so many problems that cannot be solved. Then there is at the emotional level where people have the turbulent emotions that causes them to suffer, and of course, these separate selves also cause the vast majority of diseases in the physical body.

Can we escape suffering?

Yet, even the selves that are not dualistic, still cause a certain suffering because the earth is such a dense environment that in order to even take embodiment here, you feel, the Conscious You, feels limited. What I am saying is that the first priority for anyone who starts walking the spiritual path is of course, to work on these selves that spring from separation. But, you cannot allow yourself to assume that even when you overcome all of the dualistic selves, you will not be suffering. We see many people, not just ascended master students, but many other spiritual people. There are many, many spiritual people in the world who are very sincere about applying whatever spiritual teaching they have found. Many of these people started the spiritual path because they were suffering and their motivation for walking the spiritual path was to escape suffering. This is what many spiritual teachings promised their followers. Even the Buddha 2500 years ago, who talked about escaping the Sea of Samsara, reaching the farther shore, reaching Nirvana, escaping suffering.

Yet when you overcome many of these dualistic selves, you need to be careful that you do not build an expectation that this means all of your suffering should end. Be careful to realize that at the current situation on earth with the density of matter, being in a physical body, having the Conscious You being focused in the physical body, is a form of suffering because the body is so dense it puts such demands on your attention.

Therefore, we see many people who have been very sincere about applying a spiritual teaching, perhaps for a long time, and they come to a point where they get disappointed because they feel: “I have gone through this process of seeking healing, seeking wholeness, seeking a higher state of consciousness”, but they thought that the end goal was the end of suffering. And they still feel they have various forms of suffering, even at the physical, emotional, mental and identity level and they cannot understand why they have not escaped it.

“After enlightenment you need to do the laundry”

The most sincere of these people, yourselves included, can come to a point where you feel a certain disappointment, you begin to doubt whether the path is working, whether the promises made were real, were valid, and this of course, is a doubt that the dark forces are very quick to exploit, to blow up because they want nothing more than to have you give up on the path. The longer you have walked it, the higher you have gone, the more they would feel triumph if they could derail your progress.

There comes a point where it is necessary to really realize here, that even though I started out by saying that there is nothing on earth that can stick to the Conscious You, as long as the Conscious You is in a physical body, you will experience life through the selves you took on in order to integrate with the physical body. Those selves are adapted to the density of matter and therefore, there will be a certain perception of limitation and suffering.

There is in Zen Buddhism a saying: “After enlightenment you need to do the laundry”, because even if you reach a higher state of consciousness, you still have a physical body. It has to eat, it has to sleep, it has to have clean clothes, it has to be washed, it may have signs of aging, it may have various conditions that were genetic, inherited, may have diseases that you cannot easily overcome. This means that even if you reach a high level of consciousness, the body, the emotional body, the mental body, the identity body, there can still be certain selves that will cause suffering.

The need to evaluate your goal on the spiritual path

There comes a point where in order to avoid this disappointment that I am talking about, you have to accept that there are certain things you will not overcome permanently until you leave the body permanently, until you ascend.

This does not mean that these conditions stick to the Conscious You. You are still the sunbeam shining in the darkness. But what can happen to a sunbeam? What if somebody put a mirror in front of it that reflected the sunbeam, but not straight back, but in a different direction? What if somebody put a prism in front of the sunbeam that split the white light into the colors of the rainbow? Well, this is what the identity body, the mental body, the emotional body and the physical body is. It is first a prism at the identity, then a prism at the mental, then a prism at the emotional and then a mirror in the physical that directs the light in all kinds of directions because the body demands this, the body demands that.

What am I saying? I am saying that there comes a point on the spiritual path where you need to step back and look at what was your goal that you started out with when you found the spiritual path, or even goals you have formulated or refined along the way. For many, the goal was to overcome suffering. They thought in their minds that they could overcome all suffering while they were still on earth.

But now, after many years on the path they realize there are certain things they have not overcome. What has gone wrong? What is wrong with them or what is wrong with the teaching or the guru that made the promise? You have to step back and evaluate: “Was my goal realistic or was it a goal that could only take me from the point I was at where I found the path to a certain level up and now that I am at that level up I need to let go of that goal and accept a new goal, a more refined goal?”

No condition on earth defines you

That is when you can come to accept that because of the density of matter, because of the conditions of the collective consciousness, there are certain conditions you cannot escape. The physical body and its physical demands, whatever other people do or do not do, you have to interact with other people, they have not reached a higher level of consciousness, they may do various things to you. But these are the conditions on earth and you can accept that these are the conditions. It is not your goal to escape them, it is not your goal to even overcome them and be free of them.

Your goal is to accept it and also accept that even though you are experiencing life through them, they do not define you. They cannot stick to the sunbeam of the Conscious You. The sunbeam can come to experience itself as a sunbeam and it can experience that it came from the sun, from the hierarchy of light. When you have that experience you can accept that whatever your sunbeam shines upon, however imperfect it may be, it does not define you, it is not who you are. As we have said before, the Conscious You creates a subconscious self, it does not become the self.

Shining our light on the darkness

There are selves that you have to keep with you until you leave the physical body behind permanently in the ascension. Those selves will have a certain effect on your emotions, on your thoughts, on your sense of identity. Do you begin to grasp the possibility that when you become aware of this you can realize you are a sunbeam shining through the prism of your I AM Presence? But the light still comes from the ascended master who created your I AM Presence out of itself and that ascended master comes from other ascended beings who created that master out of itself and this goes back to the Creator. You are the Creator’s sunbeam shining on earth. What is the purpose? To demonstrate that there is light beyond the darkness that currently covers the land and the minds of the people.

Now imagine that the sun for earth looked down on earth and said: “My goodness, when I shine my light on earth it reveals all of these ugly terrible conditions. I do not want to see that. I am going to stop shining my light because when the earth is in darkness, I do not see it.” Well, that is, in a sense, what many of you have come to think, that you do not want to put your attention on something because it causes you suffering. And it is understandable at the lower levels of the path that you take your attention away from things that cause you suffering, conditions that you have seemingly no power to change. But when you reach the higher levels of the path you can begin to realize you are the sunbeam. You are not here to directly personally change conditions, but you are here to shine a light that shows that there is an alternative to the darkness. But in order to shine that light you have to put your conscious attention on it.

Accepting unavoidable conditions on earth

What do you have to do then? You have to step back and say: “Does the fact that I am living on earth, living in certain conditions, living in a certain environment, dealing with certain type of people, does that mean I have to suffer? Do the conditions I am experiencing on earth, as imperfect as they are, do they necessarily have to lead to suffering? Is there a different way to experience conditions on earth, including my physical body, my emotional, mental and identity body? Is it possible for me to be here without suffering?”

And it is, when you accept that there are certain conditions that you do not resist, you do not rebel against them, you do not decide this should not happen. What did I say was the most basic cause of suffering? The evaluation ‘this should happen’, ‘this should not happen’. When you can free yourself from the idea that as a spiritual person some things should not happen to you and some things should happen to you, then you can be in embodiment without suffering.

This does not mean you will not experience certain physical limitations. But think about this. Are there not certain activities you have to do with your physical body that do not cause you suffering, that might even cause you some enjoyment? You can then extend that sense. Do you, for example, blame yourself for having to sleep at night? Do you say: “Oh, I am not spiritual because I have to sleep. I should be like these yogis that you hear about that never sleep”, or “I am not spiritual because I have to eat. I should be like these people that could live off of sunlight?” Most of you do not, and why would you?

You need to look at yourself, look at your situation, and you need to make an evaluation. There are certain things that can be changed, and there are certain things that cannot be changed because they are part of being in a physical body. And if you can accept the things that are just part of being in a physical body, you can stop resisting letting your light shine on the physical body, or on outer conditions. And you can then escape the suffering you are feeling now. You will not escape the condition. You will escape your reaction to it. And where does your reaction come from? A separate self, not the Conscious You.

Freedom from the shoulds and should nots

When you go into duality—and all who take embodiment on earth will make some journey into duality—not all go to the same depth, but all go to a certain level where you experience what it is, you know what it is, and it is inevitable that you take on this self that evaluates: this should happen, this should not happen. You grew up in a certain environment, among certain people, in a certain culture, they had a certain standard: this should happen, this should not happen. Now you find the spiritual path. And what do you do in the beginning stages of the path? What have all people done in the beginning stages of the path? They have taken the spiritual teaching they found, and have used this to create a new standard for what should and should not happen to a spiritual person walking the path in that particular teaching. And you can carry this with you for some time on the path, which is inevitable and which is fine. But when you come to a certain point, it is necessary to step back and look at this, and say: “Is it my duty, my obligation, my role to change this condition? Or is it my role to accept it and then move on with my life?”

You can take a situation that many of you will recognize. You are in relationship with certain people. It can be parents, it can be spouses, it can be children, it can be people you meet at work. But there is a certain person that you feel you cannot get away from, and a person causes you to react. This person should be doing this, should not be doing this, and therefore you think that you have to change the other person.

Many of you who are spiritual people think you are here to help other people. You think you should be able to help that person. And if you cannot, there is something wrong with you. You need to change yourself. You need to find out how you can help that person. But in many cases, your real role is to just be the sunbeam that shines the light upon the person so that the person can see there is an alternative to the darkness in their mind.

It is not your job to do anything. What does that mean? It means if you can come to the point where you resolve these subconscious selves that make you think you have to do something, and that you are inadequate for not doing it, you can accept the other person for who that person is. You can shine your light and say: “Well, this is all I need to do.” And that means you can be around that person, but you are not suffering because you do not have the should and should not. You are just shining the light and you accept that shining the light gives a possibility for change.

“People should not be suffering”

But whether the change happens or not is up to the choices of other people and that is not your responsibility. And if it is not your responsibility, why should it cause you suffering—unless you have a self that says: “Oh, they should listen to what I am saying. They should change. They should not be suffering.” This messenger has for years struggled with this: “Why am I on earth if it is not to help people escape suffering?” But he has gradually come to realize that it is because in his mind, even on the natural planet he came from before he came to earth, he looked at earth and said: “People should not be suffering.”

Well, right there is a dualistic self, even though it was not created by going below the 48th level of consciousness. It was created even on a natural planet, where you have this evaluation that in a world of free will people should choose this and they should not choose that. And many of you can recognize the same thing. This is what brought you to earth. This is the enigma of free will that you have not resolved on a natural planet. You fully accept that the people should have free will. You just did not fully accept that some people will choose suffering and they need to experience suffering for a time before they are ready to escape it.

When you came to earth you thought: “I am here to help people escape suffering and if I cannot, I must look at myself and change myself and twist and turn myself, turn myself into a completely different person so I can help these people.” But this causes suffering. And then you rebel against all the conditions on earth because “The reason people are suffering is because matter is so dense, because the physical body has all these diseases, and the reason why I cannot fulfill my goal for coming here is because of all of these dense physical conditions so they should not be here.” And you try to escape them. But if you can make that shift or overcome that should and should not, you can be here, you can experience conditions and you do not have that level of suffering that springs from the should and should not.

You may still have conditions in the body that cause you pain, physical pain. You may still have certain emotional reactions, certain mental thoughts, even a certain sense of identity, but you are not identified with it anymore. You do not feel that this should not be so. Why? Because when you realize who you are as the Conscious You, that you are a sunbeam that nothing can stick to, then you can look at everything on earth neutrally. You can say: “Well, this is just the way things are on earth and if I do not think that they should not be that way, then there is no resistance in me to conditions being what they are.” And if there is no resistance, there is no suffering. There may be a physical experience, even an emotional, mental, identity level experience, but it does not cause you that deep suffering that comes from the should and should not.

Taking on the suffering and rising above it

You see, those of you who are avatars, and most of you are, of course, avatars, you came to earth with a sincere desire to help raise the earth up to becoming a natural planet. You had the experience that on a natural planet people are not suffering as they are on earth. Now take care. Contemplate. On a natural planet it does not mean that people do not have certain conditions and limitations, but they are not suffering the way people are on earth, the intense suffering that people have on earth. You saw this. You felt compassion. You wanted to help people.

Take care to realize we are not blaming you.  We are not blaming you for this reaction. It was your compassion for people’s suffering that brought you to earth, that made you volunteer to come down here and help them. We are not trying to blame you in any way. We are just trying to say, now that you are here, now that you are in physical embodiment, what has happened to you? What has happened is that you are now suffering the same way that people on earth were suffering before you came. But you came here to help them escape suffering, so how are you going to help them escape suffering if you are suffering as they are? Therefore, you need to do what they are not capable of doing. Make the shift in your consciousness so you can escape the suffering.

Now take this to another level—why are you suffering? Because you came here to help people escape suffering. How do you do that? By taking on the suffering and then demonstrating that you can rise above it. We are not in any way blaming you for having gone through what you have gone through on earth. We are here for one purpose only, to help you fulfill your mission of taking on the suffering and rising above it—going into the immersive experience in the reality simulator of earth, then going into the awakening experience so that you again become aware you are a sunbeam shining in the darkness and no darkness will stick to it. But to do this you have to learn the lesson you did not learn on a natural planet. You have to solve the enigma of free will—that in an unascended sphere where free will allows people to go into separation, in such a sphere there is no should and should not.

For that matter, in an ascended sphere, there is no should or should not. But the ascended sphere has transcended the possibility of using your free will to go into separation. Not because you have now been forced not to make that choice but because you have transcended the desire to make that choice. You have voluntarily given it up knowing what it was you were giving up. But in an unascended sphere where it is still a possibility, there is no should or should not. And when you can come to see those selves that have the should and should not and consciously let them die, then you can again be the sunbeam that you were on a natural planet.

You were not a beginning soul on a natural planet, a beginning lifestream. The avatars that came to earth were all advanced mature lifestreams and you knew you are a sunbeam shining on that natural planet. But as I have explained, taking embodiment going from the 144th to the 48th level on earth, means you will forget that you are a sunbeam. And the challenge is then to recapture that awareness and just be the light shining in the darkness and be content to be the light and say whatever conditions you have that you are facing: “It does not prevent me from shining my light and experiencing the light flowing through me.”

The key to deep healing

It may seem that this is a strange opening message for a retreat about healing. You may come to a retreat about healing with certain expectations of escaping this or that condition, and now I am talking about coming to accept certain conditions. Well…

The key to healing, to deep healing and not the superficial healing that many people long for, is to contemplate the difference, what can be healed, what cannot be healed. And I have given you a starting point for realizing that sometimes you have unrealistic expectations of what can be overcome as long as you are still in a physical body, or rather in the four lower bodies. And there are certain things you need to accept because once you have accepted them, they do not eat up your resources. And that means you can now focus your attention and your energy on certain conditions that can be overcome, that can be healed.

Some of you here have physical conditions, emotional conditions, mental conditions, identity level conditions that can be healed even during this retreat, and certainly in the time after when you make use of what we will give you. But all of you have certain conditions that cannot be healed and therefore, if you have an expectation that a certain condition will be healed, you will not only be disappointed that it is not healed, but you will block yourself from having the healing that can occur.

How do I know?

As I am speaking, I am tuning in to your Presence individually, both those of you who are here, those of you who are connected on the internet, and many other people who are not physically connected but who are still connected at the higher levels. And I am experiencing the return current where many of you right now feel this confusion—“How do I tell the difference between what can be healed and what cannot be healed? How do I know?” You will not know with the outer mind. I am not expecting you to. I know that I am looking at this from the ascended perspective and what I am saying is crystal clear to me. The words coming out of the messenger’s mouth reflect what is going on in my mind. It is crystal clear to me. I am also tuning in to your Presence and realizing that of, course, it is not crystal clear to you because you are in these dense four lower bodies.

I am not expecting you to flip a switch in your mind and suddenly you see what I see. I am only expecting you to take the outer idea, let it reside in your emotional, mental and identity bodies during this retreat and after and then not decide on it with the outer mind, the analytical, intellectual, linear mind that always wants to set up a criteria and say: “Okay, Archangel Raphael, define for me exactly what should happen, what can be healed and what cannot be healed. I just want to know.” This is not what I am expecting. I am expecting you to use your intuition and as this event progresses, tune in to your I AM Presence, to your Christ Self, to the ascended master who is speaking or to the ascended master who is working with you personally, and then get these gradual, intuitive experiences, insights, epiphanies of what, how it applies to you individually, what can be healed, what cannot be healed.

Healing by resolution, not by faith

You see, there is an entire movement in the world, especially among Christians, a phenomenon called faith healing, where if you believe that Jesus is going to heal you, you will be healed. There are even some people that experience a seemingly miraculous healing of physical conditions, but many of those experience that it does not last, the condition comes back. Why? Because they have not changed their higher bodies, and therefore, they cannot maintain the acceptance that they were healed.

What is the key to healing? I am the archangel of the Fifth Ray. I have a rather considerable power. I could instantly heal any physical affliction affecting all of the eight billion people on earth. Of course, I am not allowed to because of the law of free will. All I am saying is the power is there, so what would it take for people to be healed? They have to accept that it is possible. But you cannot just accept this with your conscious mind. You cannot get yourself into a state where you accept a miracle with your conscious mind, but you have done nothing to look at the conditions in your emotional, mental and identity minds that will cause the condition to come back.

We are not talking about faith healing. We are talking about healing based on the resolution of the subconscious selves that cause your physical, emotional, mental, identity level condition. It is healing by resolution, not by faith, not by miracles, not by mechanical measures taken by science. But in order to come to that point of resolution, you also need to recognize that there are certain conditions that are just part of being in physical embodiment, and therefore, you should not focus your attention and your energies on changing or overcoming those conditions.

This has been a long release already. I realize I have done what we so often do at conferences. I have overwhelmed your conscious mind. But this is actually done deliberately to neutralize that conscious analytical mind and get you to take in the teachings at a deeper level. But now I am asking you all to wake up, whatever condition you are in, whatever you have been thinking. I understand that when I say certain things your mind takes a thought and follows it and you do not hear the next thing being said. But I need you to wake up and hear what I will say now.

Deep healing is about returning to wholeness. Wholeness is your natural condition. The Conscious You came here with a sense of wholeness. What has taken you out of wholeness is creating all of the separate selves down to the 48th level and then creating the separate selves based on separation. There is only one way to return to wholeness—to retrace your steps and uncreate the selves. This entire process of these days is about helping you, each one, see what separate selves you are dealing with right now at your present level of consciousness.

The entire purpose of this event, if you are to have the maximum amount of healing, is to come to see the particular selves you are working with right now. When you overcome those selves, you can always come back later, use the teachings to overcome more selves. But right now, you are dealing with certain selves and the purpose is to come to see them and that is what we will offer you. If you will keep this in mind—“What is the self I need to see? What are the selves I need to see that I am dealing with right now?” Ask us, ask your I AM Presence, ask your Christ self. Tune in during a dictation, during the exercises. Perhaps there is something in an invocation that triggers you.

You can receive these directions from within if you are open to them. Make, if you want the most out of this, make a conscious decision to as much as possible, set aside any idea of what should or should not happen, and instead reach for that inner direction and let whatever happens, happen, and let whatever does not happen, not happen, and accept it either way. If you can do this one thing and maintain it throughout these next days, you will get maximum progress either during the event or after as you process it. It will come to you. It will come to you, those directions for what you need to see. You just need to open your mind to it.

“What is the self, right now, that keeps me from going towards wholeness? What is the self that is holding me back from wholeness?” Ask yourself that question. And we all look forward to interacting with you, even in new ways that we have planned. With this I thank you for your Presence here physically, with us on the internet, and I thank those who will find this teaching later and make use of it.

I seal you in the Presence that I AM, the Presence of the Fifth Ray of healing through higher vision. Be sealed in that flame.


Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels

Transcending the false path plotted by the conceptual mind

Listen to a recording of this dictation (subscribers only)

Ascended Master Gautama Buddha through Kim Michaels, April  1, 2024. This dictation was given during the Easter webinar 2024: Liberating Christ.


I AM the Ascended Master Gautama Buddha.

What could the Buddha possibly say about liberating Christ? Well, what is Christ as we have said? The One mind that is meant to ensure oneness between Creator and creation and horizontally between all the self aware beings in the Creator’s creation.

Growing through oneness with the One mind

The Christ mind is universal. It is beyond any religion or philosophy on earth. And even though we have used the terminology Christ here, we of course do not see it the same way that most Christians and even many non-Christians see it as a secular term that can be monopolized by the Christian religion.

The Christ consciousness cannot be monopolized by Christianity or Buddhism or any other religion or thought system on earth. That is the whole value of the Christ mind. Now, I called it 2500 years ago, the Buddha Nature. But it is exactly the same mind. Because, naturally, I rose to the level of consciousness I rose to by connecting with and becoming one with that same Christ mind, that One mind. Although there was no concept of Christ at the time, it was the same mind.

And all who have risen to a genuinely higher level of consciousness have done so by first making contact, feeling a connection and then greater degrees of oneness with the One mind. There is no other way to achieve genuine growth.

But there is of course a false path, a left-handed path, a self centered path that can cause some beings to achieve certain abilities that seem advanced compared to the average person on earth. And that is why you have false gurus who can find various ways to impress people, often with certain appearances and phenomena that can attract people who do not have the discernment that comes from having direct experience of the One mind.

When you have the frame of reference from your direct experience of the One mind, you cannot be pulled into the vortex of a false guru. But those who do not have this can. And why do they not have the frame of reference? Because they have not been willing to take responsibility for their own growth, their own path towards higher states of consciousness. And those who are not willing to take responsibility for themselves and look at their own mind, they will want to follow this guru that promises them some automatic result.

That is why they become fundamentalist Christians. That is why they become fundamentalist Buddhists in one of the branches of Buddhism that have deviated from my original teachings. That is why they become followers of other religions or even these modern or ancient gurus that tell them that they do not have to take responsibility because the guru does that for them. And this, as we have explained, cannot lead to genuine growth.

But so many people have followed this false path since the fallen beings came here and introduced it that they have created a certain collective momentum, vortex, beast, that it can pull people in who are not strong enough to resist it because they have not taken that responsibility.

The imitation of the One mind

Even though true and false are dualistic terms for practical reasons, we talk about it that there is a path that does not lead to oneness. Now this path can lead to certain experiences that can seem advanced. You can find people who have had a dramatic experience, but it was not by contacting the One mind but this imitation of the One mind created in the collective consciousness in the higher mental realm or in the lower identity realm.

There are these places we might say in these realms where you can experience a void, an infinite awareness, an undifferentiated consciousness. You can experience what some people call nirvana or awakening or enlightenment or bliss, but it does not come through the One mind that is connected to all life all the way up through all of these layers to the Creator.

It comes through this separate mind and it can seem impressive to a person who does not have the frame of reference from the One mind. It can even cause people to think they have now been awakened from the illusion and now here comes the tricky part. This artificial state mimics the stages of Christhood or Buddhahood.

For those who have not experienced the real thing, it will seem like this is more advanced than their normal state of consciousness. And that is why you have people who have had this experience and they interpret it to mean that now they are awakened, perhaps they are even enlightened.

There are even those who have had experiences that make them believe that the goal of the path is to overcome the self and merge back into infinite awareness of Brahman, however they see it, so that the self, the individual self, ceases to exist.

Using the conceptual mind to plot a false path

This, as we have said, cannot happen because you are created as a self and you cannot escape it. The I AM Presence does not die in the second death. It is only the outer personality that is dissolved and the Conscious You is withdrawn into the I AM Presence. There is no dissolution of self and why would there be? When the self is the greatest gift that you have received from the Creator and is your potential to grow.

Why are there people who deny the self or the value of the self? Well, because they have used their free will to experiment with the duality consciousness for so long that they have simply gotten tired of it and now instead of taking responsibility for walking the path, the genuine path back, they just want to give up and cease to exist.

These gurus that talk about the dissolution of self, they may not be fallen beings but they are in the same consciousness of preferring the second death to walking the path, the genuine path, back to oneness. And therefore, we can consider them false gurus. What else would you call them when they do not teach the genuine path?

As other masters have talked about, the reality here is that you can use the conceptual mind to plot a path, the left-handed path that leads you deeper and deeper into separation and selfishness. Then you can come to a point where you cannot stand this anymore, you are not willing to go further down that path, so you want to get out of this suffering and tension you have created.

Now you turn around and you try to look back up towards connectedness and oneness. But if you are not willing to make the shift to the true path, what do you do? You use the conceptual mind to plot a false path, the left-handed path, the path where instead of seeking oneness with the One mind and all beings who have united with the One mind, you seek to use the conceptual mind to plot a course to some imagined ultimate outcome.

Samsara and nirvana as creations of the conceptual mind

And this means that you could say, but are not these people going in the right direction, going towards the right goal? Are not there Buddhists who are following your teachings, Gautama, who are striving to attain nirvana or enlightenment and who are striving to follow your Eightfold Path that you defined?

But are they really? How do they see the end goal? Call it nirvana or enlightenment, many of them see it as the opposite of suffering, the opposite of the Sea of Samsara. Many people see enlightenment as some ultimate final stage, for they want to believe that the Buddha was the perfect being and therefore, reached the ultimate state of consciousness that can be reached. They are striving for some permanent ultimate state.

But you can find some early Buddhist scriptures that actually say what we have been saying in today’s age about the duality consciousness, namely that both samsara and nirvana are creations of the mind. Because, when you are trapped in the conceptual mind, suffering and samsara is a concept created by the conceptual mind. When you plot a course out of the suffering that the conceptual mind has created, the conceptual mind sees this goal as the opposite of suffering, as the opposite of change and chaos and turmoil in the world. It must be some ultimate state and it must be wonderful. But this is just the conceptual mind using the dualistic mindset to create these two polarities.

There is the Sea of Samsara and there is nirvana. And everybody knows suffering. They have not experienced nirvana but they plot that it is the opposite of the suffering. But you see, suffering is not real. Suffering is created in the mind. The experience of suffering is created in the mind. When the mind has had enough of that experience, the mind creates the opposite experience of suffering and plots a course towards it. And it will even take a genuine teaching brought forth by a genuine guru and use that to plot a course. But you see, when I talked about nirvana, I talked about it based on experience. But the conceptual mind does not have the experience and can never have it. It is superimposing its own self created concept upon nirvana and upon the Eightfold Path.

Suffering and bliss as experiences in the mind

Again, as we have said, the conceptual mind plots a course out of the undesirable consequences of the conceptual mind. The conceptual mind seeks to save you from itself and this is what can never happen. What is the Sea of Samsara? It is an experience. It is an unpleasant experience. But it is an experience created by the mind. It is not a real condition.

What is nirvana or bliss or enlightenment? Well, it is another attempt of the mind to create an experience. But the real enlightenment is not an experience as you have it through the conceptual mind. We have said that when you have a concept of the taste of an apple, you only need that because you are not actually taking a bite of the apple, so you do not have the direct experience of the taste. Well, it is the same with nirvana. Why do you need a concept? Only because you do not have the experience.

But what is suffering? Many people will say, well, surely suffering is a direct experience. We are in this physical body. We are experiencing pain or starvation or hunger. Is that not a real experience like tasting the apple? But actually, it is not. Tasting an apple is a physical sensation that comes through the physical senses. When you are tasting an apple, the conceptual mind is neutralized. What can the conceptual mind do with the taste of an apple? It is just there. You can repeat it anytime you have an apple.

But the experience of suffering is not the same as the sensory experience because it is an experience in the mind. You may say, but I am experiencing physical pain. Yes, that is a physical sensation like the taste of an apple but that physical sensation of pain is not the same as suffering. Suffering is an experience in the mind. And it comes from the fact that the conceptual mind has created a concept of what should and should not happen. Here you have a concept in the mind. You should not feel pain. Now you are feeling pain and now the mind resists this experience and that resistance to the actual experience is what creates suffering. Suffering is an experience in the mind.

What the mind, the conceptual mind, attempts to do when the suffering becomes so intense that you cannot stand it anymore, is that it attempts to come up with concepts that can supposedly give you another experience, an experience of bliss or nirvana that is the opposite of the suffering. But the false path to the false goal may produce certain results, you might say, but it is still an experience through the conceptual mind.

Following a valid path through the concepts of the conceptual mind

And that is why samsara and nirvana are the same thing, concepts of the mind. And that is why the true path can only be entered when the Conscious You realizes the basic fact that it is not the mind. It is not the separate mind based on the concepts that spring from duality. It has only created this mind in order to get certain experiences on earth and when the Conscious You realizes it is not the outer mind, then it can contact and experience the One mind. And then it can walk the true path.

What am I saying? Take a person who has descended to, let us say, the 24th level of consciousness, not the lowest level on earth, but still a fairly low self-centered level that causes suffering. As we have said, the Christ mind is there at any level to offer a frame of reference that can take you above it. Now there is a person who has enough of the suffering created at the 24th level. It cries out for help and it receives an impulse from the Christ mind that takes it up to the 25th level and this is real progress. But you see, the person is still overshadowed, colored, trapped in the conceptual mind.

Now let us say this person finds the teachings of Buddhism and the Eightfold Path. It takes these ideas, the Noble Truth, life is suffering, but there is a way out of suffering, it is the Eightfold Path that leads to a goal. Now, why would the person decide to follow this path, this outer teaching? Because, it wants to get away from suffering and it wants to achieve an experience that is different from the suffering. Again, I am not blaming here. I am simply saying this is what the being can do at that level of consciousness. But, even though it is following a viable outer teaching, and even though it is making progress, rising to the 25th level and the 26th and so forth, is it following the real path?

Nay, because the conceptual mind is superimposing its concepts on the Eightfold Path, on nirvana. You are following a goal that can be conceptualized by the separate mind, and you are following a process that can be conceptualized by the separate mind. And it sounds to the linear mind paradoxical that this can lead to progress. But as I said, it can lead to progress, because the One mind, the Christ mind, is there at any level to offer you that frame of reference that can help you go up to the next level. But as we have also said, if you are at the 24th level and you receive something from the Christ mind, that is a genuine insight you receive, but it is not the highest possible insight that the Christ mind could give. But the conceptual mind might interpret it as being some high insight, some high experience.

The necessary shift at the 96th level

Again, you have this schizophrenic phase where a person has discovered a valid teaching, a valid path, but it is still so colored by the conceptual mind that even though it is following a viable path and making progress, it is not actually following the real path. Because the Conscious You of the person is still looking at life through the conceptual mind, through the separate selves, and therefore, it cannot make that shift of realizing: “Oh, I am not the mind.” This can be done from the 48th level and forward, although most people do not achieve it until they rise somewhat above the 48th level approaching the 96th level.

But as we have said, at the 96th level, the Conscious You must realize it is not the mind, because that is the only way it can give up that concept of a spiritual self that it has created as it was rising towards the 96th level. And if it does not give up that, then it will, you might say, continue on the left-handed path as the conceptual mind saw it, but what it will actually do is it will go off this viable path and surrender itself to some of the false gurus who will make it, give it all kinds of promises.

It is essential at the 96th level that the Conscious You realizes: “I am not the mind, that is why I can give up any aspect of this mind, the conceptual mind based on separation, I can let any separate self die and I will not die.” That is when the true path begins.

The conceptual mind and the sense of self are not the same

Again, it sounds like a paradox, because if a lifestream is making progress towards higher levels of consciousness, is not it the true path? Well, in a way it is the true path, but the conceptual mind of the person does not see what the true path is really about, which is, of course, that the Conscious You lets the separate selves based on the conceptual mind die.

How can the conceptual mind see its own death as a solution? Well, the irony we might say, is that some people actually manage to do this. And that is what I said that some of these teachers of non-duality, going all the way back to some of the Vedic Rishis, to these modern teachers of non-duality, they have managed to use the conceptual mind to create the concept that the ultimate level of spiritual development is to overcome all sense of self, because they are so trapped in the conceptual mind, they have become so, we might say, sophisticated in using the conceptual mind, that they think that the conceptual mind and the sense of self is the same.

They think there can only be a separate self created by the conceptual mind. There is no self beyond the conceptual mind and this is what they reason. And that is why they are reaching a path, and they think they are following a path that leads to the annihilation of all self, all sense of self. This, of course, is an impossible path. They cannot ever achieve that goal themselves, regardless of what they claim, what they experience, what they project that this or that enlightened master had achieved this.

Tell me, how does any person who is not Ramana Maharshi know how Ramana Maharshi experienced life before he left the body? How do they know what Ramana Maharshi’s inner experience was? Yet their conceptual minds are very quick to project that he was the ultimately enlightened master because of all of these concepts that they project upon him. And he gave the ultimate teaching, which is that the ultimate teaching is silence.

This is just the conceptual mind and the conceptual mind cannot free the Conscious You from itself. Only the Conscious You can free itself from the conceptual mind. Now, as we have also explained, even when you ascend, it does not mean that you are not using the conceptual mind, because that is how you co-create anything. But it just means that you now know and experience that you are not the conceptual mind. It is just a tool you are using.

The clearest description of the true path yet

This is the real path that I attempted to preach 2500 years ago, that Jesus attempted to preach 2000 years ago, but that the collective consciousness was not high enough that we could really express this in words that some people could understand. A few people started to grasp it, but the concepts were just not there about the psyche, about the mind. Even this concept of a separate self could not have been given 2000 years ago, or even 200 years ago. Many of you struggle to understand what it is, even now. But 200 or 2000 years ago, nobody could have grasped that concept. As the collective consciousness has been raised, we can then give our progressive revelation. And of course, more can and will be given in the future.

But what we can say is that with this concept of the separate selves, the Conscious You, letting the separate selves die, we have been able to express in words the clearest description of the true path that has so far been brought forth. And that is not to say that more will not be given in the future, of course it will. But at least we have reached a point now where the collective consciousness has been raised to such a level that we can actually express in words what we want to express in words. Now people can of course still always do the trick with a conceptual mind and superimpose the concepts based on separation upon the teaching. But that will remain the same until the last person has transcended the dualistic mind. But at least we now can express it which we could not do in the past.

Always striving for a higher experience of Christ

Where do you go from here? We know that many of you are listening to these teachings and you may sense that there is something here, but you have trouble really grasping it and applying it to your own daily situation. And you may see if you look back to Jesus and myself and other masters who have been in embodiment that we would sit there and preach based on our experience and most students would not grasp it because they had not had the experience.

But many of you have actually had some experience of the Christ mind. And if you are willing to acknowledge that and acknowledge that what you could experience was only what the Christ mind could express at your level of consciousness, and therefore,  you cannot fixate upon the actual form of your contact with the Christ mind. You need to look beyond that form and strive for a higher experience, a more direct experience from the Christ mind.

And you do this by looking at the psychology that you can see based on your experience. And you take one step at a time until you reach a level where you can grasp the concepts, the ideas, the teachings we are giving. That is the path that all of you can follow. It is the path that this messenger has followed.

The real purpose of a spiritual teaching

The teaching I have just given, I could not have given through him when he started as a messenger. But he has been willing to follow the path and apply the teachings as all of you have the opportunity to do. As he has taken one step at a time, challenged one self, one illusion at a time, he has gradually risen to these levels where he had a breakthrough. And now he could understand a higher level of teaching, and therefore, he could be used as a messenger to bring forth that higher level of teaching.

But we are of course not bringing forth that higher level of teaching for the messenger’s sake. We are bringing it forth for your sake so that when you apply the teaching, when you walk the path, you will gradually come to these breakthrough points where now you can grasp the teaching that you may not be able to grasp right now. Is there still value in listening to a teaching that you cannot grasp? Well, of course, because what have we said several times? What is the real purpose of a spiritual teaching? Is it the outer words? Nay. The real purpose is to help you connect to the spiritual being who is giving the teaching. To give you an experience of the master’s presence and being.

And you see, it is possible that you can sit there and listen to a teaching and your outer mind cannot grasp it. You cannot understand it. You cannot wrap your mind around it as the saying goes. But you can still have an experience of my presence that is beyond the words, beyond what the conceptual mind can grasp. It may not be the highest, it may not be my actual presence, but it is what you can grasp with your current level of consciousness because that experience comes to the Christ consciousness at your level. And that is valuable because it helps you question the illusions at your current level. And that is why even if you listen to a dictation without focusing on the words at all, you would still benefit from it because you can have that experience of the master’s presence.

What is the path really about?

And I know that for some of you it will seem like, are you really making any progress? “Am I really getting it? Because I do not feel the change I am hoping for.” But why are you not feeling the change you are hoping for? What is it that is hoping for a specific kind of change? Well, if you take again and listen to or read what I have just said, is it not the conceptual mind that has this hope of this getting out of the suffering and having this breakthrough?

And you can come to a point where you can look at this, see that it is a separate self and let it go. This messenger did this quite a number of years ago. He did it in stages. But he came to a point where he realized that the path was not about specific results. Certainly not the results that he hoped for when he first found the path.

The path was not about achieving this superior state of consciousness. The path is about taking one step at a time until you gradually reach that 144th level and can ascend. You can have some breakthroughs on the path, of course. But the messenger decided that this was not going to be the driving force anymore, the hope of this breakthrough experience, dramatic experience. Instead, he was willing to take that one step at a time, always looking for the next subconscious self that he could dispose and let go of, and be content with this gradual step by step process. And you can make the same shift.

It is very, very constructive to once in a while, take some time, sit down with a piece of paper, tune into your heart, and then look at your own expectations about the path. What do you expect is going to happen? What do you hope is going to happen? And then look at these hopes and dreams you have, compare them to what we have said about the path, such as the dictations given at this conference, but many others, of course. And then ask yourself: “Is this realistic? Is it really what the path is about, or is it just my conceptual mind that is projecting a concept upon the path that the mind can grasp? Is what I am hoping for really just a dualistic opposite of what I am hoping to get away from? Because then it is not a realistic goal.”

Expectations vs. reality

The path is not about getting away from one dualistic polarity and into another. The path is about transcending duality. And it is only the conceptual mind, the separate conceptual mind that operates with duality, that Christ does not. The Conscious You does not either, when it experiences itself as pure awareness. As we have said, the Conscious You cannot step outside itself, but it can step outside the mind. And some of you will say, but Gautama: “I have not had that experience.” And I will say, yes, you have. It just did not live up to the expectations projected by the conceptual mind. Do you not see what we are trying to tell you? The conceptual mind will superimpose concepts upon the spiritual path that the conceptual mind can grasp based on its separation and duality. The path will not live up to these expectations. The Conscious You stepping outside of the mind will not live up to the expectations projected by the mind, or what it should feel like to have this dramatic awakening, enlightenment, spiritual, mystical experience, this peak experience. As we have said before, there is no peak except compared to a low. But the real path is about going beyond the peaks and the lows. Therefore, nirvana, enlightenment, is not this wonderful, dramatic, happy experience. It is completely neutral compared to the experiences you have through the separate mind with its dualistic highs and lows.

It does not mean that it is unpleasant or boring. It is incredibly vibrant and alive. It just cannot be compared to the experiences you are having through the dualistic mind. Because it has no opposite, and therefore, there is no comparison. You cannot compare the real experience of nirvana or enlightenment to anything in the dualistic mind. You cannot even contrast it with anything in the dualistic mind. It cannot be described in words. Because as soon as we say a word, you associate it with something. The word bliss, which is a poor translation into English, but nevertheless, has been compared to extreme happiness. But it is not extreme and it is not happiness as you conceive of it from the separate mind. There are no words here.

An avatar’s dream to be special

And that is why if you expect that when the Conscious You steps outside a subconscious self, it should feel a certain way. Then you will miss the experience. But you have had this experience or you would not have found an ascended master teaching. And you would not have followed it and studied it and made an effort to apply it. Many of you know you have had the experience. But you are still hoping that one day there will be a more dramatic experience. But you see, it is again one of these enigmas. In order to motivate people to start the path, we have to give them a goal. But the goal has to be something they can grasp and see as desirable with their present level of consciousness. And when they are in this separate conceptual mind, they will want the goal to be something that is better compared to what they are experiencing in the Sea of Samsara. When they actually experience the Christ mind, it will feel like an anti-climax, like a disappointment. And the outer mind will say, “Is this it?Was this really what they call this spiritual experience? Is this what I have been striving for?” But you see, it is not what the outer mind has been striving for. Because the outer mind has been striving for some kind of fantasy picture that never existed.

If you are attached to these expectations and images created by the outer mind, you will miss it when you have a genuine experience of the Christ mind. Many students, especially avatars, come to the spiritual path, as we have said before, with this desire to be validated as being special. It is really the biggest hindrance for spiritual movements and for spiritual growth, is this desire to be special. Now, it is understandable because when you came as avatars, you have been put down by the fallen beings. And it is understandable you want to compensate for it. Many come, they hear about the path to Christhood, and they think, “Ah, when I attain Christhood, then I will be special in this world. Then I’ll get the recognition. Then I’ll get the compensation. Then I will have all of these supernatural abilities that can prove to other people that I really am special, and therefore, they can realize how wrong they were in putting me down.”

This is not an uncommon expectation that many people have a touch of. Most avatars have it still. This is what can cause students to come to a point where they are now beginning to realize that we of the ascended masters will not acknowledge them and make them feel special. They may also come to the messenger with this desire for him to make them feel special, and then they realize that this messenger is not playing that game, well, they become disappointed.

And then what do they do? Well, they face this choice. Will, they look at themselves and see that this expectation, this desire to be special, came from a separate self? Or will they refuse to do this and therefore, they have to project out that there is something wrong with the messenger or something wrong with the teachings? “These are not the real ascended masters because surely the real ascended masters would recognize me for how special I am? How could the ascended masters not recognize me when I am so special? Surely the ascended masters have the vision to see how special I am?”

We do have the vision to see how special your ego wants to be. And we also have the vision to see beyond it and see your real potential that is being blocked by the ego’s desire to be special in this world. Instead of seeking the uniqueness in your I AM Presence. And were we to help you feel special in this world, well, we would only hinder your growth, perhaps for many lifetimes.It is actually better for such people that they reject the messenger or the message and go their own way rather than feeling validated by the messenger or by us through him.

The figure eight flow between us and the masters

We have given you many concepts at this conference. Many things that are beyond what we have given before. Many things that are beyond what many of you are ready for. But still we have decided to give them because some will understand, some will grasp, some will experience and all can gradually come to understand and experience.

And by releasing them in the physical we are actually increasing the momentum that makes it easier for you to grasp it.

And we know that if you look at the teachings given through this messenger since 2002, they are vast, they cover a vast range. As we have said, we have given several levels of teachings through this messenger. If you looked at them you could easily feel overwhelmed. And some of you do feel that some of the teachings are beyond your current level and there is nothing wrong with that. Then you focus on the teachings you can grasp and apply them so that you can rise to the next level. But you see, it is again the law of the multiplication of the talents. If we have a messenger who is willing to multiply the talents and raise his consciousness so he can be the open door for a higher teaching and if we have a sufficient number of students who have been willing to take the teaching already given and multiply it, well then we will release higher and higher teachings. Even if it overwhelms some students.

Because there is value in getting this teaching into the physical where it can be studied as the collective consciousness is raised, as more and more people rise to the level where they can grasp the teaching. We have gone gradually and we have sometimes waited for several years to release a new level of teaching. But we have also at certain times decided that ready or not here I come because now it is time to release a higher level of teaching. We are grateful for all of you who are part of this release, whether you feel you grasp it or not, by your presence, by taking in these teachings, you are still part of the entire movement that will affect the collective consciousness. We are grateful to all of you.

And we are grateful to those who are able to grasp the teaching, willing to apply it, willing to stretch the mind and grapple with “What did he mean? What was he saying? It sounds like it is so beyond what was said before. What were they really saying?” And then you stretch the mind, you ask for our help and that is how we build this figure eight flow between us and you. And when you deliver the return current, then we can multiply and this is what raises the collective consciousness, where you pull up on the collective because you have been willing to raise your own.

And that is how a planet progresses. And that is how a planet can be pulled out of the unnatural state into returning to the natural state. It does not happen in these glorious dramatic events such as the Christians expecting Jesus to come back at any moment as some undeniable appearance in the sky rolling up the world as a scroll. It happens step by step by step and most people will not notice.

Letting go of the need for control

But it only happens because there are those in embodiment who are willing to reach up beyond the conceptual mind, beyond the mass consciousness, but reach for that One mind at the level of the ascended masters. We have said there is a level of the Christ mind that is with you at any level of consciousness. But there is also a level of the Christ mind at the ascended level. Where as an ascended master we do not descend to these lower levels. You have to raise yourself up in order to make that contact with us and our Christ mind. And that many of you have been willing to do and willing to strive for and make an effort to stretch the mind beyond what the conceptual mind can conceive of. And that is the Christ mind.

When you are willing to stretch beyond what your conceptual mind can conceive of and receive something that is not a concept, that cannot be conceptualized by the conceptual mind, cannot be put into its database and file folders so that it feels it has it under control, you are willing to feel that you are not in control of your path because you are willing to reach beyond the mind that needs to feel it is in control.

The Conscious You does not need to feel it is in control. Why would pure awareness need control in this world? You can reach beyond this world. The pure awareness of the Conscious You is beyond this world. And many of you will say “But I have not experienced that pure awareness.” Are you sure? Are you sure you do not have a conceptualized expectation of what it should feel like to experience pure awareness? But even if you have not experienced it, you can come to experience it. And then you will be able to let go of this control. But still if you are willing to stretch the mind and you have had some experience that there is something outside the conceptual mind, because why else would you stretch to grasp something that the conceptual mind cannot grasp?

The experience that there is something outside the conceptual mind

You see which came first the chicken or the egg? The idea that there is something outside the mind? Or the experience that there is something outside the mind? Well, what came first was the experience. You cannot actually start climbing on the ladder of the 144 levels of consciousness unless you have had an experience of the Christ mind. You may not be consciously aware of it. You may even superimpose concepts on it at the moment it stops. But you have the experience.

Because what have we said? When you are trapped in a conceptual mind, you cannot conceptualize what it is like to be outside the conceptual mind. You can only experience it by experiencing the One mind, the Christ mind. But it will be at the level of consciousness you are at. And therefore, in the beginning levels of the path, many levels of the path, you do not realize it. You are not conscious of it. But you still have had the experience. Or you would not be walking the path, following the teaching, you would not be willing to stretch the mind.

Why are so many people not on the path? Because they are content with the conceptual images projected by their minds. You see, in the world today, many people are not suffering in their daily lives as people in poor countries, for example. Many people have comfortable lives. They are often very difficult to reach for a spiritual teacher, because they are satisfied with their conceptual experience. And they do not want more at the present level. This will come in time. But right now they do not want more. They are satisfied with the experience that their conceptual minds are giving them. But if you were one of them, you would not be on the path. Why are these people not on the path? Because they cannot even imagine that there is something beyond the conceptual mind. But you can or you would not be on the path.

We know that sometimes with the outer mind you are thinking “Oh, but I have not experienced this. Am I really following the real path? Am I really making progress?” All I am trying to say is, whether you are aware of it or not, you are on the path, you are making progress. Continue and there will come a point where you experience this consciously, that you have made progress. With this, I will, as other masters have said, acknowledge time and space, even though I would enjoy continuing almost indefinitely discoursing with you. It is my privilege to seal this conference, as I have sealed so many others, and to seal you in the joy of the Buddha.

Therefore, be sealed. Gautama I AM.



Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels

It is time to overcome your desire to hide from the teacher and Christ 

Listen to a recording of this dictation (subscribers only)

Ascended Master Cyclopea through Kim Michaels, April  1, 2024. This dictation was given during the Easter webinar 2024: Liberating Christ.


I AM the Ascended Master the Elohim Cyclopea.

The state of death that hides Christ

I represent, for Earth, the Fifth Ray Of Vision And Truth, and also what might be called the All-Seeing Eye Of God. But what is the All-Seeing Eye Of God except the Christ consciousness? The Christ consciousness that is in everything, without whom nothing was made that was made, and therefore, sees all, wherever you are. You may have heard this popular saying: “You can run but you cannot hide.” Well, you can attempt to run from the Christ consciousness, but you cannot hide from it, because it sees all. Of course, you cannot really run from the Christ consciousness either, because wherever you go, there you are, or at least there the Christ consciousness is. So what can you do? Well, you cannot hide from Christ, but you can hide Christ in your own mind only. There are, of course, those who attempt, after they have hidden Christ in their own minds, to hide Christ in the minds of others, or rather to get others to hide Christ in their own minds.

Now, we come to one of these interesting questions that might help you gain a higher understanding, it is simply this. Can those who have gone into the fallen consciousness and attempt to control others, can they really control others? In other words, can they achieve a state where they have gained followers who are following what they say, and who cannot, by their own power, escape their control? Can the fallen beings manage to hide Christ on an entire planet so that the people on that planet, once they no longer see Christ, they can never get back to seeing Christ on their own? In other words, can the fallen beings enslave the beings on a planet in such a way that they can never free themselves from that enslavement? And the answer to that question is, obviously: no, they cannot. The fallen beings would dispute this, because they believe that they can. They believe they have achieved this on earth and on other planets. And they will point to the fact that for a long period in what is known history, most people on earth have been in the state of death that hides Christ. But what is the entire purpose of Jesus’ embodiment? It is to demonstrate that you can be born in a manger, you can be born in humble circumstances. It does not matter who you are, how you were born, what circumstances you were born in, but you can still transcend that and manifest personal Christhood.

Of course, the fallen beings will say: “Ah, look what we did with Jesus’ so-called example. How many Christians recognize Jesus as an example? Nay, look how they believe in our lie, that he was the exception.” And therefore, Christ is still hidden in all those who claim to be Christians. Yes, but does that mean that those Christians could not change, could not switch their minds at any moment and make contact with the Christ mind? Nay, they could at any moment switch. And that is why the fallen beings live in perpetual fear of Christ. Most of them do not even really understand what we have told you here, but a few have at least some grasp, and they know that they cannot permanently control or alter people’s minds, so that people lose their Christ potential. They can put people in a state of mind where they are almost in a vegetative state, where it is not that likely that they will turn around. But they cannot do this to all people.

As Abraham Lincoln said: “You cannot fool all of the people all of the time.” But neither can you fool some people all of the time. Why not? Because through Christ, without whom nothing was made that was made, all self-aware beings are connected. And as we have explained, the vast majority of the self-aware beings in this unascended sphere have gone into the upward spiral, and the vast majority of them have recognized Christ in themselves and each other. And they have formed the upward movement of the Holy Spirit of the River of Life and therefore, they are pulling up on everybody else. So that the fallen beings are living on borrowed time, their days are numbered and their reign on earth will come to an end, as everything that goes against the oneness of Christ will come to an end, through what we have called the second law of thermodynamics, or the wrath of Shiva.

There will be an end to the fallen beings and their reign on earth, which is why you see, as is said in Revelation: “The devil has come down to you having great wrath, for he knows that he hath but a short time”. And there are those fallen beings who know that their time is coming to an end, and they are doing their best to create as much chaos and control as they can before they are taken. Why are they not taken right now? Because they are allowed to create a certain amount of chaos, as we have said, to make the dualistic polarities more pronounced, so that more and more people can see it.

You see what is the dilemma, the unsolvable dilemma, for those in the mind of anti-christ. It is that the more they attempt to control people, the more they suppress the people, the more they increase the desire of some people to be free of the suppression. Therefore, they are creating more and more tension, more and more opposition to themselves, and they are creating more of an incentive for people to free themselves.

No standards in Christ

Now, what have we explained? Christ is the one mind. We have explained that Christ is beyond concepts, is beyond the conceptual mind. We have said that there is nothing inherently wrong with the conceptual mind, because without the conceptual mind you cannot co-create. You co-create by formulating a concept in your mind and projecting it upon the Ma-ter light. Forming concepts is part of your growth in self-awareness. But as we have said, there are concepts based on the underlying reality that all life is connected, and there are concepts based on the consciousness of anti-christ, which denies the connection of all life, upholds, or seeks to uphold, this illusion that there are separate beings who can do something that harms others but benefits themselves.

There is nothing inherently wrong with concepts. But the question is, are they based on the Christ mind, the vision of oneness, or the divided mind, the vision of separation and duality. This might be said to be a certain standard for evaluating concepts. Yet the Christ mind is not really a standard, in the sense that you cannot take the concept, the idea of the Christ mind here on earth, and say: “Okay, I see there is a Christ mind, but this Christ mind must have a standard that can be clearly defined. For example, in the Ten Commandments, or the commandments of Jesus, or some religious scripture or doctrine or set of rules. It must be possible to define a Christ standard that we can grasp here on earth.” But, as we have attempted to explain, this is not the case. This is what many people have thought, even before the Christian dispensation, that there is some ultimate standard that can be defined in this world that is ultimate, absolute, that is even God’s standard. But what we have said several times was the one thing that the fallen beings had to do to create chaos on earth. They had to create the concept that there is a standard against which everything on earth should be measured, and of course this standard is defined in this world by them.

You see, what the mind of anti-christ attempts to do, it attempts to define a standard based on the consciousness of anti-christ and then, when we from the ascended realm release knowledge of the Christ as a mind beyond this world, then the fallen beings, the serpents, will say: “Well, this just proves what we have said, there is an absolute standard against which everything should be measured and this standard that we have defined, this is the Christ standard.” This is what they will attempt to make people believe. And look how many people in the Christian religion believe something like this, that the Christian religion has defined the Christ standard, that their particular church has defined it. Muslims believe the same, many Buddhists believe a similar thing, Hindus do, and people from other thought or belief systems believe the same. They all believe that it is possible to create a standard here on earth, expressed in the words and images of concepts that can be grasped with people’s current state of mind, and that this is an ultimate standard.

Looking beyond the appearances

But what have we explained? The separate mind can only use duality. Duality has two polarities, they are always relative to each other, relative to the state of separation. And in separation and duality, nothing can be ultimate. Of course, the dualistic mind takes one of the dualistic polarities and attempts to elevate it to the standard of being ultimately right, and the opposite is ultimately wrong, or anything else is ultimately wrong, but this does not make it absolute. Nothing can be absolute in duality. For that matter, nothing can be absolute the way most people conceive of absoluteness, for everything is constantly growing, becoming more, even the Creator.

So where is there something ultimate if by ultimate you mean something that is perfect and ever cannot grow? This is an impossibility. It is an illusion. It is a complete failure to grasp reality. This is why we have talked, and Jesus talked, about the blind leading the blind. Because the fallen beings are blinded by duality, and they attempt to make all people accept their blindness as some absolute standard. They, of course, themselves, often believe that they have defined this absolute standard. This is a perversion of vision. It is a perversion of the faculty of vision. It is a perversion of the Fifth Ray.

Now, here comes one of these enigmas that other masters have talked about. We have said that the core of your being is the Conscious You, which is always looking out. The question is, what is it looking through? It is looking at the world, but it is looking through, as we have said, the contents of your four lower bodies. And if those contents are the separate selves that are based on this consciousness of separation, and this standard of the fallen beings, then what are you seeing? Well, everything you see confirms the illusion that you are a separate being. How could you ever then be free of this state, once you are in it? Once you have fallen into the consciousness of death, how could you be free of it? Well, you can be free of it because there is no limit to what you can see when you are looking out. You can say you have accepted some concepts from the consciousness of separation that obscure the Christ, because there is an outer form. And when you are focused on that form you cannot see the Christ. Yet that outer form is still made out of the undivided mind of Christ, which means that Christ is within the form. If you look beyond the appearance, you can actually see the Christ within that form. Even at the lowest level of hell, with the most ugly and distorted forms, you could look at them, look past them, look beyond them and see the Christ.

The fallen beings cannot prevent people from doing this. Because it is an ability that cannot be lost, because the Christ is within every form. All they can hope to do is to keep people’s attention focused on the form, the appearance. And that is what they have done by creating this standard and saying you should judge everything by this standard, meaning you should judge everything after the appearance. As Jesus said: “Judge not after the appearance but judge righteous judgment.” What is righteous judgment? It is the recognition, the experience, that behind every appearance is Christ. That is righteous judgment.

Now, what the fallen beings have done is, not only create a certain standard, but also imbue it with this value judgment. First, they want people to focus on appearances. But the appearances are, of course, created out of the duality consciousness, so there are always opposites, polarities. Now, the fallen beings say that not only should you look at the appearances, but you should use the standard they have defined to evaluate whether the appearances are good or bad, right or wrong. The effect of this is that the vast majority of people on earth are trapped in this consciousness of evaluating themselves, evaluating other people, evaluating their religion, evaluating everything that happens, based on this value judgment. Is it right or wrong? Is it good or bad? Should it have happened? Should it not have happened?

Wanting Christ to validate your judgment after appearances

Most people are using their faculty of vision in this perverted way. I am not talking about physical vision, you understand, but the inner vision, the spiritual vision, the mental vision. They are constantly evaluating this. They are constantly judging after appearances. And this prevents them from seeing beyond the appearance, to see that beyond any appearance and any value judgment, there is the one mind, the undivided, indivisible mind. You will see many, many people, even many ascended master students, who have come to accept that there is a Christ mind, a higher vision. But they still believe that when they attain Christ vision, Christ will validate some of the appearances that they accept as being absolute. In other words, they are not really looking to Christ to help them transcend their judgment after appearances, but to validate their judgment after appearances. This is the consciousness exemplified by Peter when Jesus said: “Get thee behind me Satan.”

This messenger has met quite a number of people in his life, and especially after he became a messenger, who came to him with this mindset. They thought that he would personally validate them, their sense of importance, or that we, the ascended masters, would validate them in dictations. Or they thought that the teachings could be interpreted in such a way that it validated their judgment after appearances. Often their judgment that they were special, they are advanced students, they are right. Some have even come with the attitude that they have some judgment after appearance that shows that they know better than the messenger how to be a messenger, or what the master should or should not say and therefore, they can judge that the messenger was once a true messenger but now is not a messenger anymore.

Jesus encountered the same thing 2,000 years ago. Many, many people, many more than recorded in the scriptures, came to him with this attitude. The scribes and Pharisees, of course, have this attitude. The modern-day scribes and Pharisees, whether they are in the Christian religion, or in scientific materialism, or other thought systems, they have this judgment after appearances. They are, as we have said, the hardest to reach, those who have taken the standard of the fallen beings and elevated themselves to being the ones who have the highest understanding. And whether they call themselves materialists or Christians or ascended master students, they are unreachable to the Christ mind. But why should that stop you? Even though you may be exposed to such people, and you may have been exposed to them throughout your lifetime, why let them stand between you and your inner recognition of Christ? Nothing can stop you from seeing beyond the appearances.

Turning Christ into an appearance

But what is it that these people I am talking about are not willing to do? And this, of course, is why I am talking about them, because I am not seeking to criticize or put them down. They are not willing to look within themselves. In other words, some of them are willing to look beyond outer appearances and try to see the Christ behind these outer appearances. But they are not willing to look at the beam i