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Ascended Master Gautama Buddha through Kim Michaels, October 20, 2024. This dictation was given during the Webinar for America 2024: Invoking a Positive Vision for America.
I AM the Ascended Master Gautama Buddha. It is my privilege, my joy, to seal this event, which we from the ascended realm consider an absolute success. It is unprecedented in this dispensation that so many people have come together in this unity of giving these invocations and decrees. This has released a mighty thrust, and we have of course been able to multiply this by a very significant factor. So that there has been sent some very powerful impulses into the collective consciousness, into the energy field of the United States.
It is one of those things where you, as the spiritual people, would naturally like to see a result of your efforts. You may not see a direct physical visible result, but I can assure you that there has been a result at the identity, mental and emotional levels in clearing up that veil of illusion that has been hanging over the American people for a long time and that has allowed this polarization to become more and more pronounced. We have all been able to do various things according to our offices to shatter this illusion, this veil of illusion so that those who are willing can see more clearly.
The people who do not want to change
Now, there are of course those who are not willing. But then the light becomes the judgment of Christ upon these people, and this can have various ramifications. It can cause some of them to actually see what they otherwise were not willing to see. It can cause others to receive a sense of judgment so that after this lifetime they will not be able to re-embody in America because they will have to go to a country that does not have the kind of freedom and democracy that America has because they had demonstrated that now they are not willing to live up to their responsibility as citizens in a democratic nation. And what is that responsibility?
Well, it is first of all to take responsibility for yourself, for your own state of mind. And realize that the essence of a democracy is that the people must be willing to transcend themselves for a democracy to transcend itself. You cannot expect that a society will get better if you are not willing to look at the beam in your own eye, transcend your own world view, your own state of consciousness. If you instead look at the splinter in the eyes of your brothers and appoint your brothers as the scapegoat, and think you do not need to change, you just need to force those other people or to deport them or whatever it is that you think needs to be done, then you are not living up to your responsibility as a citizen in a democratic nation.
And this is becoming more and more pronounced, because as the planet is moving into Saint Germain’s Golden Age, there is much more of a pull upon democratic nations. Therefore, it becomes more difficult for the citizens of democratic nations to refuse to live up to this responsibility of being willing to look at how they need to change. The scapegoating, the pointing the finger at others, the judgment of others after appearances is becoming more and more difficult to obtain. This is quite frankly one of the reasons why you see so many people in America who are getting more and more angry because they sense that they are falling behind. They sense that there is more opposition, that there is a pull on them to change and it is harder and harder for them to resist it and therefore, they become angry because they are not willing to change.
But there are many, many people in other nations that do not have a democratic form of government who are willing to change and therefore, in their next lifetime they will be born into one of the democratic nations, and some among the current democratic citizens will be born in those nations who are not yet democracies so they can experience the contrast.
The unholy alliance
Now, we have talked about this concept of the benevolent narcissist, and what you need to recognize here is that there is a sort of unholy alliance between those citizens who do not want to take responsibility for changing themselves, their world view, their state of mind, and these benevolent narcissists. I am not just talking here about one such narcissist. There are many in the American government, in American businesses, in American bureaucracy, in other areas of American society such as the media. There are many of these narcissists who think that they know better how the country should be run. They even think they know better than the people, they know better than experts and they also think, if they were aware of it, that they know better than Saint Germain or God how America should be functioning.
And this is the unholy alliance. There are people who will not take responsibility for themselves and then there are the benevolent narcissists who will gladly take responsibility for others and for the entire nation or even the entire world or for that matter the entire universe because they think they know better. What happens is that the benevolent narcissists are making the promise: You do not have to do anything other than vote for me, trust for me, blindly follow me, I will take care of everything. And the people who do not want to take responsibility for themselves, they choose to believe in this. And once they believe in this, their minds are taken over by what we can only call a spiritual poison of ignorance. It is a willful ignorance although not a conscious ignorance. And it completely covers their minds, which is why you can see that these people are unreachable. They are unreachable for any kind of arguments, any kind of logical rational reasoning. They suffer from a form of cognitive dissonance, but it is impossible to make them see it because they have decided aforehand, a priori, that they are right about the narcissist and that the narcissist is right about everything.
And the narcissist, of course, loves to have people who believe that they [narcissists] are right, that they are the one who knows best. You see this in so many narcissists throughout history, you see it in today’s world. They reinforce each other because the people believe that the narcissist knows best, and the narcissist believes that: “The fact that people love me and follow me blindly proves that I know best.” And as we have said, this state of illusion cannot last. There will inevitably come a point where the practical realities of the world will challenge this illusion.
Reality check
Now, some may hold on to it for a while, some may never get over it in this lifetime, but there will come points where it will be clear that the narcissist does not know best. And this is because of several factors. One of them is the narcissist’s belief that he knows best, which causes him to disregard the advice from people around him, from those who are experts, those who have experiences. The narcissist lives in this bubble of illusion and thinks the world functions according to his world view.
This is also what the people who follow the narcissist believe. The narcissist then will disregard advice that could have prevented him or her from making a mistake and therefore, the mistakes will be made. But there is also what we call the second law of thermodynamics, where the narcissist uses a dualistic illusion and goes more and more towards the extremes and therefore, creates more and more opposition that will eventually shatter the illusion by disproving that the narcissist is right and knows best.
The simple fact is that once people have gone beyond a certain point of either following the narcissist or being a narcissist, it is only the School of Hard Knocks that can shatter the illusion for them. However, there are still people in America whose minds are not completely taken over by this spiritual poison of ignorance. And they can be awakened by your calls, by our actions based on your calls, so that they can see a higher vision of what America could be and can see some of the things we have pointed out, especially the need to seek unity.
Anchoring the Flame of Peace over the election process
This is what our calls or our work as a result of your calls is aimed at achieving. Now, as a result of the calls you have given, I have decided to provide what we might call a dispensation, where what I will do is I will anchor my Presence, the Flame of Peace that I hold for earth. And I have already anchored it in the rotunda of the Capitol building, but what I will do for the time until the election and somewhat after is that I will anchor my Presence over the entire election process—the Flame of Peace over the entire election process. That means every place where people can cast their ballots, where votes are counted, where the results are processed and moved on in the system. Every place, I will anchor the Presence of Peace, the Flame of Peace, for the purpose of doing one of two things, either making sure that the entire election process runs peacefully so that the people who want to vote will be allowed to vote, so that their votes will be counted accurately, that the counted votes will be tallied accurately, that there will be no interference, no conflict, no struggle, no fighting, no shooting, or if there are those who are not willing to lock into the Flame of Peace, they will be judged by the Flame of Peace.
This is a significant dispensation in an attempt to make sure that the election will happen peacefully and whatever outcome a majority of the people decide upon will be the result that will manifest, that will be recognized, and so that the person who gets the most votes will be enacted, put into office, sworn in as the next president. This flame does not in any way seek to influence the people’s voting. Simply envelop the entire process in peace so that everything can take place smoothly and we can avoid the circus that we saw last time. It may not be possible to avoid the circus despite the Flame of Peace because it cannot override free will, and there are certainly those who are hell-bent on creating as much conflict and struggle as possible around the election process. There are even foreign powers that want to create as much chaos around the election process as possible in order to prove their point that democracy is an inferior form of government to their own. Need I mention names?
High potential for awakening
These are sort of the immediate business items that I wanted to comment on in this release. I will now move on to the vision, a positive vision for the United States. Now, it may seem as if the United States or the people of America are so polarized, so divided between factions, that they are completely trapped in the dualistic mindset, either this extreme or that extreme. Yet the reality on earth is that whatever physical appearance is there, there is a counterpart in the emotional, mental, and identity realms that gives a potential that an extreme physical situation can lead to a breakthrough in the three higher bodies so that people see something that they otherwise would not have seen. In other words, the School of Hard Knocks may provide some very hard knocks at the physical level, but there may be an awakening, a clearing of the illusion at the higher levels. The more polarized America becomes, the more the rhetoric becomes polarized, the more conspiracy theories are put out there, the more there is a potential that a critical mass of people will see the absurdity. And therefore, will say: “This is too much, we have had enough of this, this just cannot be realistic.”
You see how the rhetoric becomes more and more extreme, even to the point where those who are denying that human beings have produced climate change, almost in the same sentence will claim that the government is able to influence the weather and create a hurricane and send it to states with mostly Republican voters. And it is this kind of extreme polarized cognitive dissonance that can cause people to reach that saturation point where things have become so absurd that they finally see it. It is as if something switches in their minds and they say: “Oh, this is too much, this cannot be right.” And they suddenly see the absurdity of this cognitive dissonance.
Towards a more balanced society
And the vision that I hold is not just about the election, it is more what happens after the election. Because it is absolutely necessary that America, that a critical mass of Americans, discover the middle way. Now, this does not mean that I envision that a majority of Americans are going to become Buddhists, are going to study Buddhism or even going to use the concept or the words of the middle way. But it is necessary that they discover that there is a way to look at life that is beyond the pairs, the polarizations.
Many Americans are already there, as many people in other democratic nations have been there for some time. But the critical mass has not yet been reached. And my vision that I hold is that in the coming years, this critical mass will be reached. And America, therefore, will become more balanced, a more balanced society. As we have said, it is the power elite that wants to divide, and they divide by polarizing people. But the middle way can also be seen as the way of practical realism, where instead of creating a mental image and convincing yourself that the world really works according to your mental image, you are willing to look at the practical reality: How does the world actually work? And then you make decisions based on that, based on what is the best for the greatest number of people? What is the best for the nation, for the community of America? And in the little longer one, I also envision that there will be this breakthrough of what Saint Germain called the community spirit, where you see that the whole is more than the sum of the parts, that by coming together in a community, people can attain something, achieve something, that they cannot do as separate individuals who are in competition with each other.
Americans have a very competitive mindset, and this does not promote community spirit. But this I envision will gradually fade so more and more Americans will see the advantage of working together. I envision that this will have many ramifications. First of all, that people will get involved with society at many different levels, that people will get involved in their local communities, for example, to create better schools, better childcare—for many Americans, childcare is a major problem. That they will create better facilities for helping other people, helping those who are in need, the elderly, the sick and so forth.
But also on a national scale, that they will demand public healthcare, that they will demand better education and that they will demand better media, better media coverage that does not cover over the elites’ influence and does not promote conspiracy theories that are absurd. I envision that many more people will get involved into politics, will get involved in their churches, in spiritual organizations, that many more people will start their own businesses.
And I especially envision that new ownership models of businesses will emerge where people will come together. Instead of the traditional view that one person starts a business, there will be people who work together, they will be co-owners of the business, those who work in the business will have part ownership of the business and everyone will be equals in that business. So that the business is not a corporation owned by no one or a company owned by one person but the business is a community that interacts with the greater community in its local area.
I of course also envision that people will be more engaged in politics, that they will realize that in a democracy you are not fulfilling your responsibility if you are complaining about the politicians. You have the old saying that everybody is complaining about the weather but nobody is doing anything about it, well that does not work for politics in a democracy. You have opportunities to do something about it, it is not in everybody’s Divine Plan to do so but I certainly envision that many more people will feel a responsibility to be engaged in politics in whatever way they can and therefore demand better leadership, a non-dualistic leadership.
I envision that more and more people will have had enough of the polarized, toxic debate, the polarized political climate and will begin to demand a non-dual leadership in America that is not based on this polarization, that is not based on this epic mindset that says that: “The other part will destroy America but I will save America.” This just is not a view that can survive in the golden age.
Attaining a sense of peace
Beyond these, we might say outer things, my vision for America is going a little bit further than Saint Germain saying he wants to rekindle the optimism and the joy of Americans because I see also that there are many Americans who are ready to step up to a sense of peace. There are many Americans who are looking into alternative religions, alternative forms of spirituality, it can be Buddhism for some, it can be more modern, western forms of spirituality but I see that more and more Americans will see it as a priority for themselves to attain peace in their own minds so that they can hold a certain spiritual balance for America. There are of course many people who are already doing this but I envision more people doing it and more people doing it consciously and deliberately. I also envision the emergence of organizations that are aimed at raising people’s state of mind so they can have enough inner peace to hold a balance for the nation. This is a necessity if America is to make the transition into the golden age without major upheaval and we of course would all like to see this, not least Saint Germain who would like to begin giving the gifts to America and other nations that he has prepared but that he cannot give until there is that shift in the collective consciousness.
The spiritual community around the world
I will take this opportunity to make a few remarks about the broader spiritual community not only in America but actually around the world. There is a great increase in the awareness that spiritual growth cannot be achieved through the outer path but does require the willingness to look at your own psychology—to heal the psychology. This is something that you who are following this dispensation have realized a long time ago because we have given you so many teachings on this but by you being willing to engage in this path you have pulled up on many other spiritual people so that there is actually a great transformation taking place. This does not mean that all spiritual people have realized just how complex and demanding it is to clear out your subconscious mind of these separate selves but they have at least been willing to recognize that the outer path, the automatic path does not produce the growth that they want.
There are many, many people out there who are talking about this, who are making YouTube videos about it, even writing books about it, creating courses and teaching and more and more people are responding to this and there is a great potential that those who have walked this path for a while can become teachers, guides, coaches, whatever you call it that help other people by sharing their experiences. This is a movement that has been going on for some time obviously but just within the last few years this has gained considerable momentum and it is to a very large extent driven by women.
The highest potential of the decade of women
As we have said before women are generally more open to looking at their psychology, working on their psychology, than men are and you see this very clearly. This is partly because they are tuning in to the fact that this is the decade of women and that if they are to fulfill their individual Divine Plans they need to work on their psychology so that they can overcome the psychological phase of their Divine Plans, resolve enough psychology that they can give the gift they are here to bring.
This does not mean that men are excluded from this process there are of course also many men who are responding to this but there is a larger number of women who have locked into this. This is, when you look at it from a spiritual perspective and look at a world scale, a very significant movement that we envision will be reinforced in the rest of this decade. For truly if the decade of women is to live up to its highest potential then it requires a very large number of women who consciously and deliberately engage in the process of resolving their psychology and raising awareness so that they escape the egoic consciousness as many call it so that they deal with the ‘shadow’ as others call it and so that they go through an awakening experience and reach a permanent higher state of consciousness based on the resolution of psychology. More and more people are locking into this.
The role of the ascended master students
As I said, you who are ascended master students who have been willing to take our teachings, you have played a part in this by pulling up on others, pulling up on the collective consciousness. If you will make an effort to resolve more of your own psychology some of you will see that you have the potential to become teachers, guides in this process and to help others who have not been walking the path for as long as you have. I am not putting any pressure on anyone. I am simply saying that this is the potential that some of you have, some of you have started exercising it, some of you have not yet dared to cross that line to step out from the anonymity in which you feel comfortable or rather your subconscious selves feel comfortable, but you have the potential to do so. It does not mean as we have said before many times that you need to teach ascended master teachings. You can talk in more universal terms to the business community, to other spiritual psychological groups where you talk about the ideas and the concepts without mentioning ascended masters or this messenger. You are as we have said before also free to take the teachings, take the ideas, adapt them to a specific environment and teach based on them.
This messenger has a special role of talking about ascended masters which is why he does so in his YouTube videos but there is plenty of room for some of you to talk about the ideas without mentioning us or this messenger at all. You can mix the teachings with other psychological teachings. There are many possibilities.
I simply want to commend you for the growth that you have been willing to go through, so many of you. Some of you feel like you have made an effort but you have not really broken through. But when you say I have not broken through, you just need to add one simple word. I have not broken through… yet. If you keep using the tools and teachings, if you keep being willing to ask for our guidance, if you keep being willing to step outside of your normal awareness and try to look at a different perspective you will break through. The vast majority of you will break through. And when you do break through you will, as this messenger has experienced and has described, feel that it was all worth it. All of the effort, all of the striving on the path was worth it because you have now achieved this greater vision, this greater peace of mind, this sense of who you are and who you are not.
What one has done, all can do
If you feel like you have not broken through, if you feel like there is still something you do not see and you do not understand what it is then set aside some time, watch the messenger’s videos. Do not focus on the words. Focus on what is beyond the words and ask yourself: “What does the messenger have that I do not have yet?” And then start taking notice of what he says, what it was that caused him to break through. What were the illusions he had that it took him a while to see but he eventually saw them? And this might, if you are opening your mind, help you make the same switch in the mind where you are suddenly free from these selves that you have now that are dominating your life and the way you look at life.
I am not saying this to elevate the messenger. I am simply saying that the law of the ascended masters, the motto of the ascended masters is: “What one has done, all can do.” And you will find very few people who are as open, straightforward and honest about his own path and his own struggles as this messenger. Again, not said to elevate him because the reason he is honest and open is that he does not need to elevate himself therefore he has nothing to hide. Those who want to elevate themselves are always seeking to hide something to create an appearance that hides their inner struggles. And see, one of the things that the messenger has achieved is precisely the freedom from this desire to uphold an appearance. And what many of you have not yet achieved is this freedom because you still have some subconscious selves that want to uphold an appearance. It may be an appearance to the world, it may be an appearance to the ascended masters, it may be an appearance towards specific other people, but it also has an element of maintaining an appearance for yourself where you think you need to have a certain appearance in this world.
Beyond appearances
If you will ask yourself these questions: “What kind of an appearance am I maintaining? What kind of an image would I like people to have of me? How would I like people to look at me? What would I like them to know or not know about myself?” Then, by asking these kind of questions, asking for our help, listening to the messenger’s experiences, you might have that breakthrough where you suddenly see, that you have all of your life—for many lifetimes, attempted to uphold a certain appearance. You have even used your spiritual path, even the teachings of the ascended masters, to continue to uphold or even reinforce that appearance. But you can come to see that upholding this appearance, you think it has some benefit for you. But in reality, it is a straitjacket that keeps you trapped in a very confined space where you can barely move. And therefore, it will be the greatest liberation of your life, of lifetimes, to come to see that appearance, see the self, see the illusion behind the self or the selves, and let the selves die. Because when you no longer need to uphold the appearance, what can you do? You can be yourself. Who is yourself? Your I AM Presence. And that is the breakthrough you are all longing for. However you see it, that is the breakthrough. And you can all achieve it, or you would not have been attracted to these teachings in the first place. But it requires you to be willing to look at the things you have not been willing to look at so far, and to ask yourself: “Why am I seeking to uphold this appearance? Why am I seeking to hide behind this appearance? What is the self or the selves that are hiding behind this appearance? And do I really want to continue doing this for the rest of this embodiment? Or would I rather let those selves die so I can get on with giving the gift that I wanted to bring to this planet, that my I AM Presence wants to bring?”
What one has done, all can do. You think when you look at us as ascended masters, that: “Oh, Gautama was in a special state of consciousness. It was much easier for him to transcend than it is for poor little old me.” But you are not the poor little old you. There is a self that is the poor little old you. But that is not you. That is not who you are. What one has done, all can do, because all have the same potential for transcendence. If there was anything special about me, it was I was more willing to look at my unresolved psychology than most people at the time. For that matter, more than most people today. But you see, it is the willingness that is the difference between you and I, not any God-given ability. All men and women are created equal with the equal potential for self-transcendence. I was not created special by my spiritual parents. This is idolatry to believe this. Of course, many Buddhists have idolatry of me, as many Christians have idolatry of Jesus. But do you, who have all of these teachings we have given, do you need to have this idolatry? Can you not realize that if you have this tendency to think this way, it is a separate self that is trying to prevent you from letting it die by saying: “Oh, poor little old you cannot do what Gautama did.” But you can, if you are willing.
So I leave you with that question. What are you willing to transcend? What appearance are you willing to give up so that you can be at peace with being on earth? So that you can sit under the Bodhi tree and the demons of Mara can do their thing, but they cannot pull you out of that centeredness in peace.
So in that peace, the Buddhic peace that I AM, I seal you and I once again express the gratitude of all of us for the work you have done at this event.
Be sealed then, Gautama, I AM.
Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels