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The Mystical Teachings of Jesus
Explaining Evil
Age of Higher Awareness
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Mother Mary
For more information about Mother Mary,
click here.
The Psychological Clock: A new cycle of spiritual acceleration
The broken heart and the focus on self
Opening your heart for the love of the I AM Presence
Healing through changing the information and its meaning in the mind
Exercise for shifting into the healthy version of your body
Taking command over the physical body by seeing it as mind
Exercise for purifying the blueprint for the physical body
Exercise for examining the emotional body
Exercise for unraveling the conditions in your identity mind
Liberating Christ in both men and women
Manifesting the golden age through the Wisdom of the Divine Mother
Women of America, unite!
The flow is your natural state – stop resisting it!
Embrace your body and demonstrate that you can be spiritual in the body
Let go of the fear of the physical consequences and dare to be the Christ!
Will you let the world crucify you?
How do we move on from here?
The need for a moderating voice of women in America
Russia and Ukraine: The end of Empires and inhumanity
Uncovering the hidden issues behind the abortion debate
The non-force-based relationships
Cutting ties with your family members
Free yourself from the “who is right and who is wrong” game
We need alternative approaches in the psychological profession
How to turn your path into a continual progress
The Wisdom of the Mother for Russia
Women need to awaken to their rightful role in the economy
The modern democracies need to debate the potential of children
It is time to step up to a higher awareness of motherhood
The basic and the essential humanity
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