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Dictations given in 2017
Feeling Good about Being on Earth
How Eastern Europe can be free of Russia
Being Free of Your Primal Self
Freeing Yourself from Impossible Desires
Liberating women from within
Transcending the suppression of creativity
Overcoming Anger Against Yourself
Overcoming the Lack of Nurturance
Spiritual Anger Management Therapy
Accepting the golden age as normal
A message to all who have come to earth on a rescue mission
Bureaucracy and government in the golden age
The subtle discernment between Christ and anti-christ
Transcending fear-based societies
Why Russia cannot free itself from the past
The exploitation of women in ancient and modern Russia
Who ascended as Guru Ma?
The incomprehensible finality of the ascension
How to change anything on earth
Overcoming the Fear of Making Decisions
Banishing the consciousness of failure in Russia
Being at peace on the spiritual path
Why a few people can change world events
Your spiritual Modus Operandi
A positive vision of the golden age
Accelerating democracy to a new level
Knowing the true purpose of democracy
A Healing Exercise in Divine Love
Talking your way into the golden age
Solving the enigmas of the path to Buddhahood
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