How to change anything on earth

TOPICS: Tuning in to Master MORE – The law of progressive revelation – The concept of Russia – The illusion of race – The illusion of nations – Human beings and other human beings – Why the willingness to kill in Russia? – Why nations states will disappear – Sharing your basic humanity – Connecting to the MORE in yourself – 

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Ascended Master MORE, June 9th, 2017, through Kim Michaels. This dictation was given at a conference in Novosibirsk, Russia.

My beloved, when listening to the love of your hearts when you sing this song, “More,” how can there be any doubt in anyone’s mind about why I changed my name to Master MORE? You see that even the elementals are so eager to show that they can be more that they are perhaps outdoing themselves a little bit right now. So shall we not, as a group ask them to calm down, find that inner balance and to be at peace, my beloved?

Surely all human beings long for peace. All people in Russia long for peace. Why have there then been so many storms in the history of this nation? Why has there been so many periods where it seemed like it was one storm after another? There was never calmness for people to go within and connect to what they love more than anything on this earth. [Background thunder and heavy rain are heard throughout the dictation.]

Tuning in to Master MORE

What will truly change Mother Russia? Well, it will be that the people who live on this land come to acknowledge consciously and openly that there is something they love more and that something is not in the material world or of the material world. There is something they love more than the fallen beings, who have been ruling them through so many periods of their history. My beloved, you are the ones who are the forerunners for raising the consciousness and helping people connect to the more that they love in their hearts, the deepest love they have. Why has it been so difficult for so many people in Russia to connect to that love? Because, my beloved, they have been manipulated by the fallen beings into a situation that was so unpleasant, so difficult for them, where their daily lives were so hard that they felt like there was nothing they could truly love.

My beloved, this is what you can do to bring change in this country, or in any country: Connect to something that you love more than anything on this earth. Be willing to acknowledge what that is. Tune in to your heart. Feel it in your heart. What is it that makes your heart fly? What is it that makes you cry? Not tears of fear, but tears of joy. Then follow that feeling. Follow it until you know you have connected with the source and then embrace oneness with the source of your love. For many of you who are here, I may be that intermediary that you can love before you can truly love your I Am Presence or love some higher expression of God that you may see as being too far from you.

I have no other desire than to have you connect to the Presence that I am. What am I, then? Who am I, then? As I have said before, I am more than you can conceive of, more than any image you have. Because, my beloved, the images you hold in your outer mind must of necessity be linear, for that is all that the outer mind can deal with. Often these images are tied to words. What is Master MORE? He is the chohan of the First Ray. What is the First Ray? So you start putting words on it. It is power. It is will. It is discipline. Master MORE is the strict disciplinarian. Some of you have come to feel a certain love for me, based on this image that I am the one who is here to give you these strict initiations and keep you in line, so to speak. But what do I want to keep you line with? Of course, with my Presence, my beloved.

What is my Presence? More than words can express. More than the linear mind can fathom and categorize and label and analyze. If you are to connect to my Presence, you need to be willing to go beyond these outer images. That is why I determined that because so many of my students were attached to an outer image of El Morya, I would shock and surprise them by changing my name, knowing that some would, of course, use this as reason to reject my new message because they were not willing to come up higher but were comfortable in the image of me that they had built. What can I do but allow them to stay in their comfort zone? But it is not where I abide, my beloved.

The law of progressive revelation

You see, there is a simple law that applies to ascended masters. We are here to teach all people continued growth. When we give a teaching and people use it to grow; we can continue to give a teaching and even give more. If people become comfortable and use the teachings to justify their comfortability, we must then move on. We must move higher. We must find other students who are willing to move higher with us; or who have already moved higher. That is why we have called the release of our teachings progressive revelation.

Do you understand, my beloved, that it makes no sense to say that something is progressive revelation, but through progressive revelation we have received the highest spiritual teaching on the planet? Progressive revelation is progressive because it does not stop. It gives you a teaching. When you apply the teaching and come up higher in consciousness, we give you the next level of teaching. How hard is that to understand? I have said this before. Other masters have said this before but why is it then that there are still students that have not locked in to this in their hearts?

Why is it they have come to a point where they claim that they love me as they see me so far? They love the messages I have given, but they are not willing to move with me and lock in to the Presence that I am now. I am not the same one I was a few years or decades ago. I am not the same that I was before. That is why I am MORE. Naturally, not being the same as you were before does not mean you are automatically more; because you can certainly regress and become less, but not while you are an ascended master, my beloved. I am MORE, and I am forever more. Can you understand this? Yes, I know you do with the outer mind, but can you feel it? Can you experience it? Can you lock in to that aspect of my being that cannot be locked in a box in your mind or anybody else’s mind or even the mind of humanity, as a whole?

I will not be boxed in by any human or any force whatsoever, on earth or in the unascended realm. If you can truly grasp this one thought, then I can take you higher and higher for the rest of your lifetime—if you seek to attune to me with the heart and not with the mind. There is nothing wrong with your mind, as long as you recognize what the mind is designed for and do not apply it to tasks for which it is not designed. The mind (the outer, linear, analytical, rational mind) is not designed to help you reach beyond the material universe. It is the heart, the intuition that is designed to help you connect to something that is beyond your present level of consciousness and the material universe; whether it is the physical realm or the three higher octaves.

What is it that those who are students of Master MORE will do? They will, first of all, perform an act of will, of deciding that they want to stay connected with me, with my Presence as an ascended master, as an ever-ascending master who does not remain the same. It is indeed so, that I cannot help those who will not come up with me. Why is that so? Because they do not need my help. They have their fixed image of me that they think is all they need and all they want. I must respect that free will, for I have absolute respect for free will. That is why it is necessary for some students to overcome the entire idea that I am seeking to force them to grow.

I am not seeking to force anyone, but I am direct. Some have called me stern. You may say I sound stern now. Is that because I am seeking to awaken you or speak higher than the thunder? You decide. What is the image you have in your heart, and what is the image you have in your mind? Be willing to ask yourself: “Is there a difference between the image of El Morya that I had in my mind and the feeling of Master MORE that I have in my heart?” Then decide to which one you want to pay allegiance—and I shall respect your choice.

The concept of Russia

What then, my beloved, can be said about Russia? Many, many things. What I wish to bring to your attention here is when you say the word “Russia,” what are you talking about? You may think you are talking about a nation, a particular country located on earth; but in reality you are talking about a concept, an idea. Do you recognize, my beloved, that planet earth is one planet?

You have all seen the images from space of a round planet and you know it is a whole. It is not divided into different segments of the sphere that you can cut apart and move one section closer to the moon and another one the opposite direction. You live on one planet. Surely, you can divide it into land and oceans. You can divide it into continents. There is only one ocean. There is really only one land or land mass, even though it is divided by the ocean. People love to create divisions and set things apart. When you look at earth and realize there is one planet; you also realize that there is only one people. There is only one humanity.

What are divisions? They are created out of the mind of duality. Some divisions have a practical use because when you communicate, it is practical that you can distinguish between an apple and an orange. There is legitimacy in naming things for practical purposes. The problem comes in when the fallen beings seduce people into applying a value judgment to these distinctions, for now they become divisions that set people apart. If you look throughout the ages, you will see that even in the relatively short time span of what you call recorded history (even though, of course, all history is recorded in Akasha, but what you call recorded history), there was a time when there were no nations on earth. There were no national boundaries.

The illusion of race

The people who lived at that time, yes, they had a more limited awareness of the size of the earth, the shape of the earth. They, in fact, did not have the concept of a planet, let alone a planet called earth. Naturally, it has been necessary for humanity to raise its awareness. Part of that is to know more and in order to know more, you need to make these distinctions between this and that. As this process has moved on, it has often been attempted by the fallen ones to be taken into various directions that have divided people. Truly, the more you know, the more you truly know, the more you see the oneness of all life. I agree with you that when people lived in primitive societies, divided here and there and never interacting with each other because of the distances and the means of transportation, they did not have a sense of oneness.

As part of the raising of awareness, you have come to know more about the earth, how large it really is, how many people live upon it. Naturally, you have come to see that it has different parts. Therefore, you need to refer to this. You have come to see that people in other parts of the world do not look like you do. Some have darker skin. Some have a different color skin. Some have different facial features. You have created these divisions to refer to this, such as race, ethnicity and other things. Now, these kind of divisions are, to some degree, natural enough in the sense that there are people in different parts of the world who look different. People in Africa have darker skin.

Now, when I say they are natural enough, I mean this guardedly because there was a time in the unrecorded history of earth when there were no races and no ethnic groups. This is a development that has happened after this planet fell below a certain level in consciousness. Therefore, there started to manifest this greater diversity, you might call it, these greater differences between people. What you see in terms of races is not actually natural. It is the result of the, we might say, fragmentation of humanity that followed when they descended into duality. Naturally, this process was affected and sped up by the fallen beings.

The point I want to make here is that there was a time when you did not have these divisions. It is not inevitable that there are different races or different ethnic groups. Nevertheless, you can say that, as far as recorded history goes, these are natural in the sense that most people do not think they are man-made. Well, my beloved, if you do not think the division of race is man-made, then why are you applying a human value to race? Why are you saying that some races are superior and others are inferior? When you look at other things you consider natural, you do not apply this. Is an elephant better than a rhinoceros? Does it give any meaning to ask this question? They are just natural phenomena.

Well, so if you think race is a natural phenomenon, what meaning does it give to say that the white race is superior and the black race or the red race or the yellow race are inferior? IT MAKES NO SENSE! I know that you all know this, but I am saying it into the mass consciousness. IT MAKES NO SENSE! Because I want people to sense that it makes no sense. I speak with fervor because it goes further into the mass consciousness through the acceleration of your chakras and the process whereby you become one with me, so we are one as Above so below. You have a simple choice. Either you give up the idea that race is natural or to give up the idea that some races are superior to others.

The illusion of nations

Now, let us take this further. What is another division so common on earth? It is that of different religions. Well then, again, you cannot truly say that religions are natural. If you are completely honest, you will see that religions are man-made. Surely, many religious people will instantly disagree and say: “But our religion was given to us by God. We have the authority of the Bible and it is the Word of God. What is your word?” Well, my beloved, my word is the Living Word. Can you match that in the dead word in your books? Then, just come to me and challenge me with your dead word; for I shall prevail.

All religions are man-made. Surely, there have been spiritual ideas, concepts, teachings, experiences, given by the ascended masters over time. These are not man-made. We have not given the kind of religions you see today because these religions set people apart. Our teachings have always been aimed at uniting people and uniting people with their source, with their God. The religions that you see that divide by claiming to be better than others, to be the only true ones, they are man-made. They are creations of the fallen beings designed to play on that most basic aspect of the ego, the inferiority/superiority dynamic.

You can go back and see that there was a time when there was religions, but there still was only a vague idea of nations. You will perhaps say that we have talked about nations since the Greeks, since the Romans, maybe even before. But you do not understand, my beloved, that what you call a nation today is not what people saw back then. They did not see the Greeks so much as a nation, as a group of people. You have a much more linear rational conception of nations today than people had in the past.

You often have this tendency to project the modern, rational, linear, analytical thinking upon the past; but people did not think that way just a few hundred years ago. What has happened is that, even though the concept of nations was useful for a time and had its place in the evolution of humankind, it has also been used from the beginning by the fallen beings to create divisions. That is why I say: “What is Russia? It is a concept. It is an idea.”

Human beings and other human beings

Now, what did we say at the conference in Holland? What have we said before? The greatest problem on earth right now is the belief that promoting or defending an idea justifies the killing of human beings. It was never the intention of the ascended masters that the idea of a nation should be used to justify killing people who belong to another nation. What I am saying here is this. There is no division on earth, no division possible on earth that justifies the killing of other human beings. Take note of what I am saying. I am not saying the killing of human beings, but of other human beings. Because a human being can not kill a human being. It can only kill an OTHER human being.

You must see that other human being as different from yourself, as separated from yourself, as belonging to a different class than yourself. Therefore, it is justified that you kill them. My beloved, look at the history of especially the last hundred years and look at how many wars have been started because of these national differences. It was only a hundred years ago, my beloved, that the First World War ended and that the Bolshevik Revolution followed.

What was the Communist mindset based on, the entire philosophy of Marx and Engels, the entire philosophy of Lenin that justified the creation of the Soviet Union? It was based on the creation of another division. Transcending national boundaries, much like religion; but this time a religion that denies God and raises the state to the status of God. Again, you create this idea that the state, that the Communist system, is more important than any individual or any number of individuals

You see, again, all of these artificial divisions between human beings. How many times have they been used as a justification for killing other human beings that you only see as other because they have been labeled by the thought system that defines your ideas? You saw even how there have been wars between Russia and other nations and the Russian people have been seduced into killing those from other nations. After the Bolshevik Revolution the Russian people were seduced into killing each other, and this continued until the end of Stalin’s reign. It has to some degree continued after that and continues even today.

Why the willingness to kill in Russia?

You need to ask yourself why are so many people in Russia willing to kill others in defense of an idea? It is because they are not willing to make their own determination of what is true and not true, what is real, what is unreal. When you are not willing to apply the heart to sense the vibration, to feel within what is real and not real, then you become easily seduced by an idea. Of course, you find this in every nation. I know how many people will read or hear this and think: “But look at all these other nations. It isn’t just in Russia.” Perfectly true, my beloved—and perfectly irrelevant to improving life in Russia.

My beloved, if you are living in Russia, do you want to improve life in America? Then why are you concerned about changing the people in America? If you want to improve life for yourself, be concerned about changing yourselves, for that is the only measure that can improve life here. Why do I say this? Because I know the propensity of the Russian people to want to point the finger somewhere else and want to say that if all of these people have the same fault, then it is not so bad that we have that fault and: “Therefore, we don’t need to change until they change.”

You see, my beloved, why are there nations in the world that are further developed than Russia? Because they have been willing to change themselves, instead of pointing the finger at someone else. That is how you evolve. That is how you grow; whether you are a nation or an individual. It can be no other way. It is no other way. I am the chohan of the First Ray of will and power. So many people over the ages have come to the First Ray and thought it was a matter of them getting power and them getting a stronger will. What is the old Chinese proverb? That you can conquer the whole world; but the one who is the greatest is the one who conquers himself. What is the value of having a will that can subdue all other people, if you cannot look at yourself and consciously raise yourself, become more as an act of will?

Those who have the strongest will are those who are willing to look at themselves and to apply their power into raising themselves; instead of changing or suppressing or controlling others. These are basic lessons, my beloved. You may say we have said it before and even though I may have said something before, I am now more than when I said it last time. If you had been more too, or rather if the Russian people had been more, I would not have to say it again. I could give a higher teaching. If you or the Russian people have not become more, then I need to say it again with the greater power that I am today. You see, my beloved, we of the ascended masters have to develop great patience with humanity. We have to be willing to say the same things over and over and over again, in slightly different ways, hoping that each time we say it, more and more people will catch on.

Why nations states will disappear

My beloved, Russia is just an idea. The borders of Russia are just lines drawn on a map. They are not drawn on the planet, except in those places where you have built wall or fences. There will come a point in the golden age, my beloved, where the idea of nation-states will have been transcended and there will no longer be these individual nations. There will be regions of people who have come to see what we talked about in Holland: The basic humanity in yourself, whereby you see the basic humanity in others and therefore, those others are no longer others. They are human beings like yourself. When you see this, does it matter that there is a national boundary between you? Does there need to be a national boundary between you? Can you not find a different way to relate to each other than based on your national identity?

What is the value, my beloved, of the increase in technology that has made travel easier? What is the value of the internet that allows people to communicate over large distances? It is all that it helps to break down the boundaries between people, for when you physically go to another place on earth and you experience the basic humanity of the people there, then you realize that there is something more than the outer division. This messenger was fortunate to grow up in a country where race was hardly an issue and where he was never brought up to look down upon people of the black race. He then moved to America and found it easy to relate to people with a darker skin than himself (which are a lot of people), and he saw the basic humanity in them.

Many Americans have been brought up with these artificial racial divisions and many white Americans cannot see the basic humanity in black Americans, and many black Americans cannot see the basic humanity in white Americans. They have not been able to transcend these racial divisions and connect at the level of the heart. You will find many people, especially many white people in America, who have intellectually built this idea that they should not look down upon black people and they should not treat them differently. This is an outer thing they have taken on, for until you connect to the humanity in another, your relation to them is just based on the outer mind. You can force the outer mind to override a certain program, but it is the connection of the heart that sets you free.

Sharing your basic humanity

You who are here at this conference, you all experience this bond between you that is more than the outer divisions. Whether you come from different parts of what you call Russia or whether there are those who come from what you call other nations, you connect to the basic humanity in each other and it is this that you can give to others. You may give it to people as you meet them. You may radiate it into the collective consciousness. You may make calls for it, even create an invocation based on this dictation, if you like, but the real essence of the process I am describing to you is to have that experience. Dare to have that experience of connecting to the basic humanity.

Now, before you can do this with each other, you must, of course, first have done it with yourself, my beloved. There are many, many spiritual people throughout the world who have studied a spiritual teaching for a long time, practiced spiritual practices, performed rituals, but they have not dared to connect to the basic humanity in themselves. What is the basic humanity in you? Well, it is ultimately your I Am Presence. It is also the Conscious You. It is also to some degree, part of your four lower bodies that can also experience that sense of connectedness that comes from Above. It is not that your four lower bodies are completely unable to sense your I Am Presence but it can only sense it through the Conscious You.

If the Conscious You is not conscious of its source, then your four lower bodies will be filled with division. When you become conscious of your source, then you can have that sense of connectedness, that oneness in your identity body, in your mental body, in your emotional body. Therefore, you can dare to express it physically when you meet other people. We look to you to be the forerunners. If you have not connected to it in yourselves, if you have not depersonalized your life so you do not take everything personally, so you are not so concerned about yourself, then make that effort to do it.

Connecting to the MORE in yourself

It is truly possible for each one of you to take the path we have given and recognize that it is the path of depersonalizing everything on earth so that you are not attached to it because you realize that you are more. How will you depersonalize anything if you think that you are just the outer self that reacts to any situation that does not please it? It is only when you know you are more, there is something you love more than the outer self, that you will be able to separate yourself from the reactionary pattern of the outer self and say: “This, I want no more. I want MORE.” Then, I can help you. I can offer you my assistance.

Those of you who have a tie to me in your hearts, those of you who feel there is value in my teachings, I am ever willing to help you connect to the more in yourself. If you cannot do it at first, then at least make an effort to connect to the more in me and I will help you gradually sense and experience the more in yourself. As other masters have said, we always face a dilemma when we as ascended masters have an open door through whom we can speak to unascended students. Although there may be certain limitations based on what the messenger knows in terms of vocabulary and concepts, we can basically say anything we want.

I can tell you, my beloved, that you are, each one of you, so much more than your outer personality and your worldly identity. However, the dilemma is that if I truly told you how much more you are, it would only make it almost unbearable for you to be in embodiment on a planet like this. I face the dilemma that I truly see how you need to connect to the fact that you are more in order to give up the less of the outer personality. But many spiritual students have gone through this schizophrenic phase where you have felt the division between the spiritual experiences you have had and the daily life you face on this planet—and I do not desire to put you in that identity crisis. I do not desire to make it more difficult for you to be in embodiment because I know that it is important that you are in embodiment. It is important for yourselves and your growth, but it is also important for us, the ascended masters, who need spiritual students through whom we can radiate our light and our ideas.

I want to you recognize that you are more than this outer personality. I know many of you have heard it before, but have you truly heard it? Have you heard it to the point where you experience at least some of that more and you acknowledge the experience and you acknowledge that you are worthy to have the experience because you are so much more? It is not that the sense of being more is unreal. It is that the sense of being less is unreal.

I desire to give you this gift of my heart, the feeling the Presence of MORE, that you may take, each one of you as you are willing, take it into your heart. Perhaps in the morning make a habit of while you are lying awake in bed, spend a few seconds or a few minutes just tuning in to my Presence of MORE. It is all I ask. It is not much. It is not difficult but it is still sufficient, if you apply it. It is by experiencing the more that you can accept that you are more, but so many of you block that experience. Perhaps in those moments when you are not quite awake, when you are not quite in your daily life and your daily state of consciousness, perhaps then you can connect. You can do the same in the evening if you can calm yourself down enough before you fall asleep.

My beloved, this is my gift to you. It is my gift to this nation. You may say: “What have I done? What have I said that will truly change the Russian people?” In a sense, I have done and said nothing. For nothing will change the Russian people, only those who see themselves as spiritual beings and know they are more than any nationality, religion, political system, race, or ethnic group. Only those who know they are more, will change. Those who identify themselves with these artificial divisions cannot change, at least not in the sense that they become more. They can only change in terms of becoming more and more solidified in their outer sense of identity.

From one perspective, you could shrug your shoulders and say: “He gave us nothing of value.” From another perspective, you could say: “He gave us the very key to changing everything on earth.” That decision I am happy to leave to you, each one, but I want you to know one thing before I stop speaking.

I love you, each and every one of you, regardless of what image you may have of me. There is no condition you have to fulfill in order to receive my love. If you enter a more direct relationship with me where I tutor you on the path, then certainly I may give you directions that before you have fulfilled those directions, you cannot rise to the next level. But in terms of receiving my love, I define no conditions.

You may define them yourselves. That is your right, but I am telling you in the most direct and straight forward way I can: “I, Master MORE, define no conditions for the giving of my love to you. It is up to you what conditions you define for receiving that love.” Naturally, given my Presence, I have many more things to say unto thee, but you cannot bear them now.


Copyright © 2017 Kim Michaels