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Ascended Master dictations given during 2010:
01. Overcoming the sense of being powerless
00. Introduction to Healing Mother Earth
It is time to accelerate yourself beyond psychic projections
Communism was an attempt to destroy the figure-eight flow between East and West
Tune in to the true Joy of the Spirit that I AM
Only those who seek to raise up all life will enter the ascension spiral
You, women of Russia, are all daughters of God!
Imagination, acceptance, oneness: A new formula for alchemy in the Golden Age
Let the cosmic wrecking ball shatter the structures that limit your Spirit
Entering the ascension spiral requires you to overcome the great projection game
There is nothing in the past of any nation, that the Light cannot purify
Dare to imagine a Golden Age in Russia and surrounding nations
Can the Islamic world – starting with Turkey – be accelerated into the golden age consciousness?
How you can come to “know” ultimate truth
I officially inaugurate the Aquarian age—catch my enthusiasm
I withdraw space from the consciousness of anger against women
Don’t be like the Romans—be the Christ in you
The Roman Empire symbolizes your personal struggle with the structures you have created
Shiva clears the records of the Roman Empire
The suppression of women must come to an end – in the Church and in the home
I, Jesus, withdraw my light from Christianity
It is time to face hatred of the mother
How a limited imagination blocks peace in the Middle East
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