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Ascended Master dictations given during 2010:
30. Transcending hatred of the Mother
29. Individuality is the key to the Golden Age
28. Being the open door for peace through oneness
27. The immaculate vision for the environmental debate
26. Accelerating the environmental debate to a new level
25. Selfish love will not heal Mother Earth
24. Discerning between dualistic and non-dualistic wisdom
23. Helping the Earth Mother without doing anything
22. Uncovering the central dynamic in human society
21. Overcoming the illusion that matter has permanence
20. The process of materialization, of matter realization
19. The relationship between humans and elementals
18. A deeper understanding of the four elements
17. Understanding the elemental beings
16. A deeper understanding of consciousness
15. The illusion that there is something wrong with the earth
14. What it truly means to be free
13. Overcoming duality in order to give true service
12. Bringing a higher truth into the environmental debate
11. Accelerating yourself to a higher view of environmental issues
10. Flowing with the unconditionality of love
09. Understanding true wisdom
08a. Understanding will and power (2)
08. Understanding will and power
07. To be a healer, you must know your true potential
06. To be a healer, you must overcome your fear of calamity
05. Understanding the basic principle behind all life
04. Understanding how the earth was created
03. A new vision for approaching environmental problems
02. You are consciousness looking at itself
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