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Ascended Master dictations given during 2005:
The judgment is complete
Call for the spiritual healing of children
Who will keep the Living Flame of Life?
Why South America Needs the Discipline of the Father
Reach for the One Vision—the Vision of Oneness
The essence of Divine Direction
Beyond Maitreya’s Mystery School
Forgive those who have hurt you and walk into the new day
The ascended masters seek to reach all lifestreams
When there is no division, your joy will be full
It is time to understand my true message of oneness
The master Key to the Success of Spiritual Movements
See the Living Christ in yourself—and let the Living Word flow through you
The Light of God can solve all problems
Let What Is Hidden Be Revealed
I Claim South America for the Cause of Freedom!
How Can There Be Peace Without Victory?
Non-attachment is the master Key to the Ascension
The Living Christ is ALWAYS more than you think
I release a flood tide of unconditional love
I will help you let go of your fears
Claim Your Freedom from Religion!
Mercy is setting life free
Enough is enough!
If you want to BE with me, become more—as I AM
The Lord’s judgment Upon the False Preachers in Religion
Give up the ghost that prevents you from accepting the love of the Divine Mother
The protection of the Office of the Presidency
The gratitude and the judgment of the Divine Mother
Share my vision of the Golden Age America
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