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Ascended Master Archangel Michael, October 22, 2005 through Kim Michaels.
I, Archangel Michael, joyfully come into your midst, called here by the magnificent chalice you have raised. I come to bring the Lord’s judgment upon the false preachers in religion – in America and the world – those who stand between the people and their God, those who are the lawyers who have taken away the key of knowledge of the inner path, the true inner path to spiritual freedom.
I say, their day shall be no more on earth, and I hereby declare the cutting free of the top ten percent of the people on earth from the consciousness of anti-christ, that they may have the opportunity to freely choose whom they will serve, that they may have the opportunity to choose life. Therefore, I ask you to stand and say with me: “CHOOSE LIFE!” (36X)
I now ask you to visualize an arc between this place and Moscow in Russia, where the students in Russia have been giving Archangel Michael’s Rosary for Russia. I ask you to see that this arc ends in the Kremlin, at the Red Square that used to be the very center of world Communism – but where I have taken up my abode to raise a chalice of light – and thus visualize that your light arcs to that place and reinforces the students in Russia as we now give the fiat again: “CHOOSE LIFE!” (36X). I thank you.
Copyright © 2005 by Kim Michaels