TOPICS: No specific plan for the golden age – The problem with scientific materialism – Elitism and science – Submission to the ultimate theory – Male and female relationships in the golden age – Getting out of the linear mindset – Stop identifying with outer things – You can do nothing to bring the golden age – Individual expression in the golden age –
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Ascended Master Saint Germain, June 21, 2013, through Kim Michaels. Given at a conference in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
I AM the Ascended Master Saint Germain, and I come to give you the second installment in my discourses on The Descent of the golden age. I previously gave you the overall picture of the consciousness that needs to be embraced in order for the golden age to have a chalice through which it can descend. This time I shall strive to be less philosophical, less spherical and perhaps more practical, but whether it is practical or not depends on how you apply the teaching.
No specific plan for the golden age
The teaching is, of course, not meant to tell you every detail in the practical, and this was part of my point in the previous discourse. We will not give you every detail for we are not actually interested in seeing you manifest a specific result, a specific plan. As I have said before, I do not have up here a giant model of what the golden age in full manifestation will look like on earth. The reason for this is partly, as I said earlier, that there is plenty of room for diversity, for individual expression. This means by individual people but also by groups of people, including what you now see as nationalities but which I see will eventually start to dissolve and become more people who realize that they vibrate at the same level in a deeper level of their beings. They magnetize together based on that inner vibration rather than from certain outer physical characteristics, be they race, ethnicity or nationality.
Let me get on with the topic of how to make the golden age practical and how to manifest it in the material realm. This very much requires you to understand the Alpha and the Omega of the golden age, the Alpha and the Omega of spirituality, the Alpha and the Omega of life. We have, of course, given a number of dictations and teachings on the fact that you are the divine feminine because you are in embodiment. Therefore, you have the potential to form a feminine polarity with the ascended masters where we are the masculine polarity in the Alpha-Omega flow between us. Yet there are other aspects of this that I wish to make clear to those who are ready to embrace this teaching.
The problem with scientific materialism
Let me as, a starting point, talk about the current state of science. You have today a philosophy, an approach, to science that is very much out of touch, based on a perversion of the Divine Mother and the Divine Father, a perversion of the Alpha and the Omega. An example of this perversion is the fact that you have a scientific establishment that has espoused a particular philosophical framework, which we might call scientific materialism. The prevailing thoughtforms that dominate the scientific community are that there is nothing beyond the material universe. It is extremely important for many people in the scientific community, for many people in government circles and for many people among the public that science comes up with some ultimate proof of this philosophy. You will therefore see that there are scientific experiments being conducted that are aimed at coming up with such an ultimate proof, as science can currently conceive of this ultimate proof and how to get it.
You may see that there is research into distant galaxies, the birth and the evolution of galaxies, such as what causes the birth of a sun, what causes the dissolution of a sun. Or is there something called black holes? What causes a black hole; are they the doorway to another parallel universe or what are they? There is research done into the cosmic background radiation that supposedly proves that the Big Bang did happen because it is the remnants of the Big Bang, or so the theory goes. There is an attempt to build ever more powerful machines that can accelerate subatomic particles closer and closer to the speed of light. It is assumed that if you can accelerate a particle to the speed of light, you will have the ultimate demonstration of how matter came into being. But my beloved, scientists cannot even agree on what a subatomic particle is so how can they actually know what it is they are trying to accelerate?
Do you see, my beloved, the current scientific paradigm defines the kind of experiments that scientists can see, and there is another paradigm that says that it is worth any amount of money to confirm the scientific paradigm. Yet what if the very scientific paradigm that is the foundation for these experiments is fundamentally limited or even fundamentally flawed? Would this not mean that these experiments have no chance whatsoever of producing the result that is hoped for because the result that is hoped for is defined from an incomplete or flawed idea?
Would this then not mean that all of these billions of dollars that are spent on this expensive research are, in fact – when you are completely honest and straightforward – wasted, completely wasted? I realize you can say that all of the research that is done will increase certain technological capabilities that might have effects which are actually practical or can produce results. But what I seek to point out to you is that on the one side you have a scientific establishment that has a desire for an ultimate theory, the theory of everything; and on the other side you have a willingness to spend huge amounts of money on research that only seeks to prove the theory.
Yet my beloved, if you look at the reality, you will see that the people in the scientific and governmental establishments who are making the decisions to carry out these experiments and to allocate billions of dollars, they are sitting in their very comfortable offices, almost like in an ivory tower, or at least in a glass tower. They have huge salaries and secure lives because they feel that their position in the scientific establishment is secure, and so is their income and their retirement. They are living a very comfortable material life while completely ignoring that there are billions of people on this planet who live beneath the poverty level.
There are millions of children who starve to death every year from either lack of food or from malnutrition. There are numerous problems and cases where people live miserable material lives, yet the very same people who sit there in their comfortable material lives completely ignore this and are ready to allocate billions of dollars in research money to research these far-flung theories. Or my beloved, to research weapons of how to kill people instead of directing their entire attention at solving the very real problems which people face on this earth.
Elitism and science
Would it really be wise to spend millions of dollars to send man back to the moon or send man back to Mars, or would it be better to spend the same amount of money on improving life on this planet? I realize there are some who believe that one day humanity will have used up the resources on this planet and they will have to move on to other planets in order to survive. Yet I also see the minds and hearts of these people and I see that there is nobody who envisions that they will be able to build enough spaceships to transport seven billion human beings to another planet. Therefore, they only envision building enough space ships for themselves, for the elite, and this is precisely the problem I wish to discourse on.
The problem is the elitist mindset, which is a perversion really of both the father and the mother aspect, but it is especially of the father aspect. This of course goes back to what we have talked about before, namely that there is a small group of fallen beings who have been allowed to embody on this planet and who have brought a certain mindset with them. They perverted the father aspect in a previous sphere before they fell into this sphere and ended up on planet earth. They did not volunteer to come to planet earth, they fell here because they had disqualified themselves from embodying on other planets. This was for most of them their final opportunity to actually embody in the material realm.
We have earlier given many teachings on this so I will not go into depth here. Obviously, it was the consciousness, the collective consciousness of the lifestreams embodying on earth, that allowed the fallen beings to come here and they partly came here as a testing. Would people follow the fallen beings, would people follow the elite or would they stand up for themselves?
My point here is this: The fallen beings had perverted the masculine aspect in a previous sphere. They believe they are superior to the human beings on earth, the lifestreams on earth. In some cases, they are more sophisticated in their ability to abuse both the father and the mother aspect. This is why they can impress people by certain abilities or by their magnetic charisma as the strong leaders, such as you have seen abundantly throughout history.
If you look back at history, you can see what you call the Judeo-Christian tradition or the three great monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam. You will see clearly that these have been ruled by a specific paradigm that actually is in some ways very similar to the paradigm that rules science. There is a belief in an ultimate theory, an ultimate belief system and an ultimate religion. Science and religion are not very different when you strip away all the outer camouflage and look at the psychology, the mindset, the paradigms behind them—which is the desire to define some ultimate truth.
The rest of this dictation, along with an invocation based on the dictation, is found in the book: Envisioning Saint Germain’s Golden Age.
Copyright © 2013 by Kim Michaels