Rethinking American democracy is the will of God

TOPICS: The need to make decisions – The will of God is self-transcendence – Emptying yourself so there is room for the will of God – The need to rethink American democracy  – Reflect on democracy –

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Ascended Master MORE, February 9, 2011 through Kim Michaels. Outside the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.

MORE I AM. Master MORE I AM. And I am present at this Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. to anchor the Flame of the Will of God in and around this monument to a person, who had a considerable momentum on embodying and applying the will of God. This topic of the will of God is illustrated in many overt and subtle ways in the life of Abraham Lincoln, who understood that you cannot take a black-and-white view, but that you must be balanced, you must look at the nuances. For indeed, the will of God is not set in stone, cannot be defined by a certain scripture or even by a certain principle, that is always applied in the same way.

The will of God must be applied through Christ discernment, through a vision of a higher goal, a higher principle, a higher union. And indeed, what Abraham Lincoln did see – before and especially during his presidency – was the absolute need to preserve the United States as one nation under God. It was imperative for the future of democracy and freedom in the world, that the United States was not split up into two or more separate nations, that then could have been set at war with each other. Not only for the profit of the international bankers; but indeed also to divide and therefore allow the communist forces to conquer and take away freedom on a worldwide scale.

This, then, was the great credit of Abraham Lincoln: that he saw this need to preserve the union. Yet he also saw the need to balance this with the individual rights of each human being: the right to liberty, the right to life, and the right, of course, to be so free, that each person could pursue happiness as he or she saw fit, without violating the same rights for other people. This, then, is indeed the delicate balance that must be found, if America is to make a smooth transition into the Golden Age. There is no way that America can move from where it is now to the Golden Age without Christ discernment. And as we have attempted to explain many times, Christ discernment is a balanced view, the middle way that is beyond the dualistic extremes—that always want to take any issue into one extreme or the other or into a no-man’s land in the middle, where no decisions can be made.

The need to make decisions

Lincoln, then, also understood the need to make certain decisions. Certainly I can, as an ascended master today – even though I was not an ascended master back then – I can look back at the time of Abraham Lincoln today and see, that some of the decisions he made were not necessarily the highest possible, seen from a timeless perspective. Nevertheless, they were the highest possible that he could make, given who he was, given his knowledge and psychology and given the conditions he faced.

This, of course, is exactly the situation I faced in my embodiment as Thomas More and in several other embodiments. You are in the physical octave, you are in the matter realm, the Mother realm. And there are certain decisions, that must be made based on the current conditions. If those conditions are not ideal, as they quite frankly rarely are, then you must make the best possible decision based on your knowledge, based on the conditions, based on who you are; meaning your personal psychology and your state of consciousness. No one can do any more; no one is asked to do any more. You are asked to make the best possible decision, then learn from it, and then transcend your level of consciousness.

Those who make decisions and then look back with regret or self-condemnation, or look back with denial and refuse to learn, simply will not grow. This, unfortunately, is also the reason why the lifestream, that was embodied as Abraham Lincoln, has not yet qualified for his ascension. He had the potential to have qualified for this by now. But again, there is an unwillingness to learn, an unwillingness to transcend that level of consciousness, a desire to justify certain decisions. And thus, a lifestream can then be stuck for several embodiments without being willing to simply look at the facts, admit what could have been done better, learn from it; forgive oneself, forgive others and then move on.

It is, truly, a model of what has happened to the entire nation of the United States. The United States has a relatively short history compared to many other nations. Nevertheless, the United States also has a tendency to look at its own history with denial, not being willing to acknowledge the lessons that need to be learned, and the state of consciousness that needs to be transcended. This is very obvious, if you walk from this Lincoln Memorial a short distance to one of the most visited war monuments in Washington, D.C., namely the Vietnam War Memorial.

The Vietnam War is still a stain on the national psyche, which the United States has not been willing to openly debate. They have not been willing to learn the lessons, to look at the lessons, to even consider that there are lessons to be learned. This, then, is a state of denial, that is out of touch, again, with the will of God. For the will of God is not to hold you in some hell forever, as has now been projected into the collective consciousness for 2,000 years, almost, by the Christian religion—and before that by other religions.

The will of God is self-transcendence

The will of God is that you transcend yourself constantly, that you are never stuck for very long. And thus, it is not the will of God to point out your mistakes in a condemnatory manner, where you are told that you are wrong and that you can never rectify yourself in the eyes of God. On the contrary, it is the will of God to point out, that what you did was the expression of a certain state of consciousness. And if the consequences are not the highest possible, then there is an obvious need to transcend that state of consciousness. And of course, you only transcend your state of consciousness by being willing to look at it and learn the lessons.

This is indeed the entire fallacy of the fallen consciousness: that you can follow an outer path that will qualify you for entry into heaven, without you having to look at your own consciousness. It is the path that has been promoted by the false teachers of East and West, and is still being promoted by those false teachers, be it the Indian gurus of today – who are promoting themselves as being God on earth and that you will be saved by just following them blindly – or be it the western false gurus, who in many cases are also promoting an outer path or even promoting that there is no path, for there is no God.

Neither of these two can, of course, be correct. How can you qualify for salvation by blindly following a guru, that you see as being outside yourself? You can follow a guru for a time, but the purpose of a true guru – a true external guru – is to put you into oneness with your internal guru, your higher self, your Presence, your I AM and your I Will Be Presence. So that you become the open door for that Presence, instead of sitting there with the mind, analyzing and thinking that you have to have a standard for what you will do or what the Presence can do through you. So that you first have to analyze whether the Presence lives up to this standard, before you are willing to let the Presence act through you.

This, my beloved, is not the will of God; it is not the power of God. The will of God is not definable by an external standard. You will never follow the will of God by having an external standard that you compare every situation to, and then you think you can mechanically determine what is the will of God for you to do in that situation. You become one with the will of God by being the open door for the Presence, so that it is the will of your I Will Be Presence, that is free to express itself spontaneously through your lower being, without having to go through any filter that comes from the separate self and the fallen consciousness.

The rest of this dictation, along with an invocation based on the dictation, is found in the book A Spiritual Clearance for America.


Copyright © 2011 by Kim Michaels