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Ascended Master dictations given during 2011:
Only the joy of the childlike mind will get you through 2012
Seek the Buddha in the stillness that makes movement possible
The one, underlying problem on earth
2012 is the year of the rising up of women everywhere
Anchoring a mighty Pillar of Freedom in Central Asia
How to truly embody the Flame of Mercy
Anchoring a Flame of Willpower in Moscow
Seeing the skull and the rose with naked awareness
A new frame of reference for freedom
To know truth, give up the quest for truth!
The enigmatic decision: Letting go and accelerating at the same time
Let the Estonian people share their Presence
Let the Latvians be wise as serpents, without becoming indecisive
It is time for the women of Poland to say: “Enough is enough!”
It is time to accept the unconditional forgiveness of Christ
I claim Denmark for the Age of Transcendence
Let the Swedes come out of their shell and grasp the vision of integration for the Baltic region
Shattering the serpentine lie of freeing the people through Communism
Make an effort to stop making an effort
Make matter real–either by materializing your perception or by seeing that all life is ONE
Is there any injustice in the universe?
A golden-age view of what it means to be President
What it takes to be a good president of the United States
The true alchemy of freedom
I challenge the people to stand up to the elitist tendencies in the United States’ government
The true purpose of democracy is not affluence for all
The true alchemy of acceleration
The need to transcend representative democracy
Let the era of fiat money come to an end
The dilemma for the modern man and modern nations
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