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Ascended Master Saint Germain through Kim Michaels, January 4, 2025. This dictation was given during the 2025 New Year’s Webinar: Accelerate yourself and the planet with the Masters of the Fourth Ray.
I AM the Ascended Master Saint Germain and I want to take this opportunity to build on what Archangel Gabriel has told you about this new cycle, this 12-year cycle we are moving into. It is, of course, something that I have been looking forward to, that I have actually been asking for, for some time because I clearly saw that if we are to manifest the beginning stages of the golden age within a reasonable time frame, then we need to do something to accelerate the cycles. But clearly there are still so many people on earth that are trapped in the School of Hard Knocks that the only way they are going to learn is that the knocks become harder. And this is precisely what the descent of the Christ light can achieve, by forcing people, so to speak, to either accept Christ or reject Christ.
The earth is a schoolroom
Now you may think, is this not a violation of people’s free will? But it is actually not, because right now the fallen beings have manipulated the vast majority of people on earth to such an extent that they do not have free will.
The descent of the Christ light is the beginning of an opportunity for people to regain their free will if they accept Christ and seek to use this frame of reference of the Christ light to evaluate their beliefs, their worldview, their mental images, then they can free themselves from the lies and illusions of the fallen beings and thereby recapture a greater freedom of will.
You look at the earth today and you can say: “What is the purpose of earth? What is the purpose of what is going on on earth?” Well, you can either take the fatalistic view that some religious people and some materialists have that there is no purpose, that it is all random, it is all nonsensical, that nothing here makes sense. Or you can say: “Well, if there is a purpose, what might that purpose be?” And this is when you can open yourself up to the teachings we have given. And there are many, many people on earth who are ready to open themselves up to this idea that the earth is a form of schoolroom, a kind of educational institution, and that the purpose of what is going on earth right now is to raise people’s awareness.
Now this, of course, has a broad, general aspect of raising awareness so they become more aware of how the world works, and they become less aggressive towards others. You can see if you look back to a thousand or two thousand years ago, people have a much greater awareness of how the universe works, how big it is, how certain natural laws work than they had back then. They also have, many people, less aggression than people had two thousand years ago. There has been that general raising of awareness.
Why is life on earth so difficult?
But if we look at what it will take to manifest a golden age on earth, what is the primary lesson that people need to learn? Well, let us look at earth in its present state. Let us step back. Step back from specifics. What is the biggest question that most people have on earth? Now, I admit that many people will not be able to formulate that question as I am going to formulate it. But still, in the back of their minds, what is the biggest question that people have? And there are many ways to formulate the question, but in a general sense we could say: “Why is life on earth so difficult?” Why is it so difficult for people to just survive, make a living, take care of their families? Why are so many people living in suffering, in an endless drudgery, when nothing ever seems to improve? Why is life so difficult?
And why is life on earth so difficult? You can take the religious approach, that many religious people, in fact most people on earth are in some form of religion that talks about some form of deity, and they usually portray that this deity has special powers. It might be almighty, all-knowing, all-good. Well, hallelujah, if you believe in this kind of God, you must look at current conditions on earth and say: “Is this the best God could do? This almighty, all-knowing, all-good God, who has supposedly created the heavens and the earth, is this mess on this planet the best that this God could do?” Because if it is, how can you say this God is almighty, all-knowing and all-good? No almighty, all-knowing and all-good God would create this kind of a planet.
Then you can take the opposite approach, or the other approach: scientific materialism, atheism, agnosticism, and then you believe in a process of evolution. And then you must still ask the question: “How could a process of evolution result in the kind of mess you see in human life on earth?” Look at these animal life forms that were supposedly the precursors for human beings. Is life a struggle? Well, for most of them, it is not. They walk around on the savannah, eating grass all day, and there is plenty of grass. They swim in the sea, eating food that is readily available. They do not go to war with each other. They are not trying to enslave each other. They are not trying to kill or destroy each other. You never see a forest where there are dozens of anthills, where suddenly the inhabitants of one anthill decide to go over and destroy the anthill of another population of ants. They are busily trying to build their own anthill and coexist peacefully, even though they are in the same forest and there might be some competition for food. They do not go to war with each other. How could a process of evolution that has brought forth all of this animal life bring forth the mess you see in human affairs?
Seeing through the hidden power elite
When you look at this logically, neutrally, you see that there must be some deeper explanation somewhere because this clearly does not make any sense, no matter how you look at it, from the existing thought systems. And this is the one breakthrough that can set the foundation for the golden age, is that people begin to ask these questions. Where does the mess seen in human society come from? The suffering, the conflict, the warfare, the poverty, the exploitation, the crime, where does it come from? And again, you could say: “Well, if God did not create the mess, it is because God has a counterpart, the devil, and the devil is responsible for the mess.” Or you can say: “Well, since it is all brought forth by the process of evolution, it must mean that evil is part of human nature.” But again, does this really explain the mess? Because are all human beings creating the mess? Are all human beings committing crime? Are all human beings planning and executing warfare? Are all human beings exploiting others?
Nay. When you ask this question and look at what is actually happening, you can come to the conclusion that the mess created in human affairs is not created by God, not created by a process of evolution, not created by the general population, but by a very small elite of people who do not have what most people have: some respect for the value of human life, some respect for the rights of other people. You can take this in various directions. One of them is the Golden Rule. Almost every religion on earth says do not do unto others what you do not want them to do to you. And by and large, the general population is following this. But clearly, when you look at human society today, when you look at the past, you look at history, you see that not all human beings have been following this. In fact, you can quickly come to see that a very small power elite, not only are they not following the Golden Rule, they are deliberately and aggressively violating the Golden Rule and then trying to, number one, hide what they are doing, hide their existence, but even blame the general population.
When you look at the mess in human affairs and why life is so difficult, the logical answer that you can reach is that life on earth is so difficult because there is a small elite that is deliberately trying to exploit, manipulate the general population and that are willing to destroy anyone who objects to their rule. This is what makes life difficult. This small power elite.
And this is the realization that needs to break through in the next 12-year cycle here, where a critical mass of people, in fact, a majority of the people, begin to realize and consciously acknowledge this. And therefore, they begin to decide that we will no longer allow our societies to be led and controlled by this group of people. There is already an awareness of narcissists, psychopaths, sociopaths, but this can very quickly grow to a different level where you realize that this is not just a psychological condition as a result of an unhappy childhood. This is a much deeper condition that is not inherited from your parents, that is not a result of your childhood, that is not a result of cultural influence.
It is an inherent condition in specific souls that goes back far into the distant past. In fact, many people can come to accept reincarnation as an explanation not only for evil, but for many other things. But it is not far-fetched that people in the next 12 years, a majority of people, can come to accept this and come to accept the existence of a small power elite of beings who are different than the general population because they have that aggressive intent, the level of aggression. Therefore, they have exploited the population. They have created warfare. They are creating warfare. They are the ones who have created a completely unbalanced economy that funnels riches upwards towards the small elite that already have too much. They are the ones who have used economic means to, in democratic societies, create a division based on wealth that approaches the division you saw in the feudal societies of medieval Europe, a division that it was one of the primary goals of democracy to overcome. But now it is being recreated through financial instruments, but previously was created through physical power.
It is not unrealistic that this realization can break through in the next 12 years. And I ask you, who are our direct students, to hold the vision that this will happen, to make calls that this will happen, and to speak out wherever you can about this. Surely this is not all roses. Surely there is a downside to this, that people can begin to blame the elite and therefore, refuse to take responsibility. But the higher potential is that a majority of people, especially in democratic nations, will take responsibility and say: “We see that the elite is the cause, but we cannot blame them because we have allowed them to be in power. But we will no longer allow this, therefore, we will engage in our democratic societies and demand better leadership.”
Without wanting to go into too specific of a prophecy, I can assure you that this lesson, the exposure of the power elite, and the willingness of the people to demand better leadership, must and will be learned in the next 12 years.
The hard knocks
The only question is, how hard do the knocks have to become before people learn the lesson? In other words, how extreme does the behavior of these narcissistic leaders have to become before people start saying: “This is enough.” You look back at history and you see the havoc wreaked by these narcissistic leaders. You look at today’s world and you see the havoc being wreaked right now, and the potential for even greater havoc. Yes, of course Vladimir Putin is a prime example of a narcissistic leader. Of course, Xi Jinping is an example of a narcissistic leader. Of course, Kim Jong-un is an example of a narcissistic leader. Of course, the ayatollahs in Iran are examples of narcissistic leaders. Of course, Netanyahu in Israel and the leaders of the Palestinians and the leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah are examples of narcissistic leaders. Of course, Assad in Syria is such an example. Of course, Donald Trump in the United States is such an example. Can people see this? No, many people cannot. What is going to help them see it is that these leaders will act out their unbalanced psychology in more and more extreme ways until they shatter the veil of denial hanging over the minds of the people.
Nothing can prevent this from happening. It was already in the process of happening, but it has now been greatly accelerated by the descent of the Christ light. Not only will it force these leaders to decide, will they moderate and balance themselves or will they become more extreme, but it will also force the people to decide because, as we said, when you increase the light, people can see what was hidden in the darkness, and so far, for thousands of years, the fallen beings in and out of embodiment on earth have managed to hide themselves from the people. This cannot be sustained over the next 12 years. It does not mean that the majority of the people will start talking about fallen beings. It does not mean that they will recognize ascended master teachings, but they will start recognizing that the murder and mayhem on earth is caused by a small group of people who are not behaving like human beings, but as some other kind of being: self-centered, inhuman beings.
Accepting that a better future is possible
I may sound serious, I may sound stern, but that is because I am speaking this into the collective consciousness and I am seeking to imbue the words with enough energy that it can penetrate the veils around people’s minds, at least the minds of those who are ready to wake up. But in reality, I am overjoyed by this release of Light from the archangels. I am overjoyed with the potential of this cycle of the next 12 years to accelerate the manifestation of the golden age, to bring it forward with many, many decades. I have said before that my vision for the golden age is not to manifest specific physical conditions. Of course, I see specific physical improvements, but it is not that I am having a fixed vision, because the physical conditions are secondary to the raising of people’s consciousness. And what am I seeking to achieve? Well, in the short term, I am seeking to achieve that people, the general population, will overcome the doom and gloom that has snuck into their consciousness, especially after the pandemic and the wars. I am seeking to help people accept that the earth is moving into a better age, and that they have a part in it, meaning their lives will improve. I would like to see all people accept this, but certainly a majority of the people. They do not have to know about Saint Germain. They do not have to know about Saint Germain’s Golden Age. I want them to look at the future with optimism and confidence, because, as we have said before, they realize they can build a better society for their children than they themselves have had, and this society is sustainable, meaning nobody will come from the outside and seek to destroy it through warfare, or nuclear warfare, or whatever it may be.
Realizing that mind influences matter
They can have confidence in the future, in building a better future, a better society. What will it take to do this? Well, it will take an awareness of the power elite and a decision to not let the power elite continue to manipulate society, because this will only create more and more suffering, more and more hardship. But beyond that, it also takes a beginning awareness of the fact that mind influences matter. And again, I do not expect that in the next 12 years, a majority of the people will start recognizing ascended master teachings, but you see many types of spiritual movements that are teaching some version of this, that your state of mind has an influence on your outer situation and on your experience of life.
Some of these are superficial, but they are still a beginning awakening of the awareness that human beings are psychological beings, and that everything revolves around your experience of life. And your experience of life is determined not primarily by outer conditions. It is determined by inner conditions in your psyche, because it is those inner conditions that determine how you react to external conditions. And therefore, there is that breakthrough of awareness that beyond the physical welfare societies, beyond the physical affluence that you see in some modern nations, it is necessary to shift into a well-being society where society is focused on the psychological welfare of the people.
The questions to ask
Now, you may say: “Well, that certainly seems to be far off when we look at certain countries in the world.” Let us refrain from naming names. But it is not as far off as you might think. For as I said, the countries that are furthest from considering the psychological well-being of their citizens are primarily not exclusively, but primarily dictatorships of some form, some form of autocracy. Or at least, they are led by clearly narcissistic leaders. And these leaders in the next twelve years only have two basic options. Well, they have three basic options. They could reform themselves and change the way they govern. They could withdraw from leadership. Or they could act out their unbalance in more and more extreme ways, so they demonstrate that they absolutely do not care about their own people. I admit, there are many people on earth who will only see the problem with narcissistic leaders when those leaders bring so much suffering upon them that it finally dawns on these people that the leaders, despite what they may claim, do not care about them whatsoever. And why should you allow your country to be led by people who do not care about you?
There are people who are not able to ask that question right now. Therefore, the suffering must become more and more intense until people become willing to ask that foundational question. Many people in the democratic countries asked that question generations ago, even centuries ago. And they also asked the question: “Why should we allow our societies to have so much suffering, so much hardship for the general population? Could we not create a society that is focused on achieving the best possible life for all people? Why should we continue to have this society where there is a clear elite that has a privileged lifestyle, that has all the power, and the general population are for practical purposes the slaves of this elite? Why shouldn’t we be able to create a society that is focused on giving all people the best possible life?”
The true measure of greatness for a nation
How hard is it to ask that question? Well, why are some people not asking that question? Because they have been deceived by the power elite into thinking that there is some kind of epic cause that is more important than their own well-being and the well-being of their children. Sometimes they have even been deceived into believing that life could not be any better than it is. “That is just the nature of life on earth.” These are the illusions that must be shattered in the next 12 years, so that people realize that it is possible to create a better life for all people, and that all of these epic causes that make it seem like we have to continue doing this unbalanced thing that prevents the welfare of the people, because the people have to sacrifice for some goal, some epic goal, that this is all an illusion.
How can the greatness of a nation be more important than the welfare of the people of that nation? How do you measure the greatness of a nation? Look at the empires of the past. How many empires have attempted to conquer the world by force, thinking this would give them greatness?
Where are most of these empires today? In the trash bin of history. Where will the empires who are trying to gain greatness through force be tomorrow? In the trash bin of history. This is what you realize if you really study history. What is the true measure of greatness for a nation? It is the welfare and the well-being of its people. He who would be greatest among you, let him be the servant of all. The greatest nation is the one who takes the greatest care of its own people without exploiting other people. How is that so difficult to see? Only because there is this veil of ignorance over people’s minds. Their eyes are covered with scales. But what happened to Paul on the road to Damascus? He encountered the Christ light and the scales fell from his eyes. This is what can and will happen over the next twelve years with more and more people, unless they decide to deny Christ. But in that case, they cannot remain in embodiment on earth. There will either be a mass awakening or a mass extinction. Naturally, I hold the vision, and I want all of you to hold the vision, that it will be a mass awakening.
Aspects of free will
But I, of course, cannot withhold the simple fact that it is either or. Or rather, it is more likely to be a mixture of the two. Again, you may say, but you are sounding so serious, you are sounding so stern. Yes, but I want to project this into the collective consciousness so it penetrates the veils over people’s eyes and reaches those who are ready right now to awaken. There are those who are not ready, who may become ready next year, or the year after, or in 2035, or in 2036. But my primary concern right now is to awaken those who are ready to see this and start asking these questions.
Again, what is my experience as the Chohan of the Seventh Ray, as the Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius? I am overjoyed by this change of the descent of the light, because, as we have said, the descent of the light does not interfere with people’s free will, it frees their will, or at least it has the potential to do so if they choose to accept it. And I ask you to not in any way try to interfere with people’s minds, but to still hold the vision.
And this requires you to use a certain Christ discernment. You can reason with the analytical, linear, dualistic mind that anything you do to improve things on earth interferes with people’s free will. If you give decrees and invocations, does it not interfere with people’s free will? We have, of course, addressed this before by saying, you are not interfering with people’s free will by making their will more free, by helping them see what they cannot see right now.
But do not overlook a simple fact. Free will reigns supreme on earth, yes, but free will has an individual and a collective aspect. You can say, by giving the calls for the judgment of Christ upon the fallen beings, are you not interfering with their free will, their right to do whatever they want? Well, but have we ever said that your individual free will gives you the right to harm other people or take away their free will?
Have we ever said that the freedom to exploit is a divine right? Nay, because the free will of the individual must always be balanced with the free will of the whole. This goes for a relationship between two people. It goes in a family. It goes in a nation, an ethnic group, a race. And it goes for humanity as a whole. Therefore, the free will of the fallen beings on earth must be balanced with the free will of the population of earth, the original inhabitants and the avatars. For that matter, the free will on earth must be balanced with the free will of all self-aware beings in this unascended sphere and the free will of all ascended beings in the previous spheres and the free will of the Creator. You see, the fallen beings do not have a right to enslave other people. They do not have a right to interfere with the minds and thereby the free will of other people. And given that the fallen beings have violated that, you have a right to make the calls to the ascended masters for the judgment of Christ and for the removal of these fallen beings from the identity, mental, emotional and even from physical embodiment. This is not a violation of the law of free will. As long as you are not seeking to project thoughts or feelings, psychic energy into the minds of fallen beings, but you stand back, you make the calls according to the vision of Christ and you allow the ascended masters to do the work.
The realistic sense of accomplishment
This is, of course, what I ask you to do over these next 12 years. We will, of course, give more teachings on this. We will give you different tools, different invocations and decrees, and we will give you more insight. For now, I am grateful. I am grateful for your Presence, for your willingness to engage with these teachings. Now, there is always a balance to be found because we know that the ego can take anything and misinterpret it and inflate it. I am not seeking to give you the impression that ascended master students alone have brought about this change. There are many other spiritual people. There are many other people who are not in any spiritual movement or teaching, but who are willing to change, willing to look at themselves and their psychology, willing to ask these questions, who have all brought about this.
But what I want you to realize is that, yes, the archangels made a decision to inaugurate this cycle and start releasing these energies. Nothing forced them to make the decision. It was not something they had to do. But the foundation for them making the decision was that there are so many people who have been willing to raise their consciousness using whatever tools they had. And of course, the people who have raised their consciousness the most are the people who had the most impact. And of course, those who have our direct teachings and have made use of them to overcome the subconscious selves in their own psychology have had the greatest impact in this regard. I want you to have a realistic sense of accomplishment, a realistic sense of accomplishment, that you do not allow your ego to inflame, as we have seen in previous ascended master organizations and that we see in many other spiritual organizations. But on the other hand, you need to allow yourself to acknowledge that you have been instrumental in raising the collective consciousness to the point where it was meaningful for the archangels to inaugurate this cycle.
Accelerate your service
This was not a given. It was not predetermined. It was not something that I could have said ten or five or even three years ago that this will happen. I, of course, hoped it would happen, but it was not a given. I want you to have that sense of accomplishment, which then, as we have said, is the reward for service is more service, can bring you on to doing even more. And it is, as we have always said, work on your psychology, make the calls, speak out in society, do whatever you can. But what I want you to achieve is to overcome any sense of deficit. Where you feel, as so many ascended master students have felt in previous organizations, you feel you are inadequate. You are not good enough. You are not doing enough. Do what you can do, given the practical realities of your everyday lives. Be content with that, but also be open to the possibility that you could accelerate your consciousness, your service, especially your speaking out.
Many of you have it as part of your Divine plan to speak out in some capacity. Many of you are still reluctant to do it. Some of you are overcoming this and are daring to speak out, even though you are not perfect in doing so. But you are willing to learn from it and grow from it. Consider how this applies to you. I am not asking you to force yourself. I am simply asking you to stop forcing yourself to not speak out, because that is what many of you are doing, because you have these subconscious selves that make you so afraid of what is going to happen. Let me just give you one final thought here. Spend a little time on this interesting phenomenon called YouTube. Look at what people are talking about out there, and then look at the far-flung theories that are out there about this or that or the next thing, and then ask yourself, is what I could talk about really so much more weird than what these people are already talking about? How bad a reaction could I get?
Now, there are not all of you that it is in your Divine plan to speak openly about ascended masters, but even if you were to speak about ascended masters, how could that be more strange than some of the other stuff that is out there?
And then look at some of the videos where you have people who are clearly not professional television personalities, but who are just sitting in front of their camera or their laptop and recording themselves talking. Look how many people are doing this, and then ask yourself, how much worse could what you are doing possibly be? And then realize that you are witnessing an incredible phenomenon, a new phenomenon in the world today. More and more people are willing to speak out, even though they are not living up to the professional standard of the broadcast industry, even though they are not PhDs who have some expertise recognized by society. They are willing to speak out. And then recognize more and more people are tired of the slick television personalities, the experts. They want to listen to authentic people who are daring to be themselves. There are people out there who want to hear what you have to say. They want to hear it from you.
The fallen beings do not want to hear from you. They do not even like you, but why would you care? There are real people that will like you, that will want to hear what you have to say. And you can learn tremendously from saying it and monitor your reactions, so you can expose whatever subconscious selves you have left. You can even look at the messenger who started almost two years ago with his YouTube channel. Look at some of the early videos, how he was much more uptight and self-conscious and how he has become more relaxed. How did he do this? Did he do it by sitting in his room theorizing? No, he did it by doing and monitoring his reactions to doing. If he had not done it, he would still be as uptight as he was two years ago. What I am saying is, part of the coming cycle is, as we have said, the opportunity, a greater opportunity to express your Christhood. And in order to do this, you just need to overcome that reluctance that prevents you from doing it right now. Whatever it is for each of you, my desire, my vision for you is that you overcome that, so you are comfortable expressing yourself.
With this, I have given you what I think you can handle. There is much more I would like to give you. But then again, there is, of course, time in this rather unique cycle in earth’s history. And you might want to ponder this and perhaps capture a certain feeling that it is really your joy to be part of this cycle. It is part of your Divine plan. It is something you were looking forward to, being part of a cycle of change that is leading towards the golden age. Why else would you still be on this crazy planet?
With this, be sealed in the joy of Saint Germain, the Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius.
Copyright © 2025 Kim Michaels