TOPICS: Avoiding the downward spiral – The riots in England – The need to go beyond material welfare – You are psycho–spiritual beings – The “problem” with young men – Everything is a spiritual activity – Barriers exist only in the mind – Forcing your perception upon others – Universal spirituality – A wave of new jobs –
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Ascended Master The Divine Mother, September 9, 2011 through Kim Michaels.
Materialization. Ponder the word: materialization. To materialize something. Indicating the process of starting with an image, a thought matrix, in the mind, bringing it forth into the matter world as something that human beings conceive of as having reality. For is it not so, that seeing is believing. And thus, for many people only that which they can see, touch, hear, smell, taste with their physical senses seems to have reality.
Yet, now give the word materialization a slight twist. Does it not indicate making matter real, real–izing matter? How then, do you make matter real? Well, that is the question to ponder. For, as we have given teachings before, a year can be divided into four quadrants, each of a duration of three months. The first three months corresponding to the identity level, the second three to the level of thought, the mental realm, the third to the level of the emotions and the fourth to the level of the physical.
So, you are now nearing the end of the emotional quadrant of the year. And I am sure, that those who are sensitive among you – and even those who are not so sensitive – will have felt an increasing emotional turmoil in these last couple of months. This is because humankind as a whole has not passed the initiations of the year, and thus the intensity keeps building. The tension that has been created by the resistance to the initiations is creating more heat, more friction, and this is felt in the collective consciousness as emotional turmoil. Which, when the cycles turn to the physical quadrant, will turn into physical turmoil on a greater scale than you have seen so far during this year, which certainly has brought many kinds of upheaval in various areas of the world.
Avoiding the downward spiral
So then, how can you avoid being pulled down into the downward spiral, created by the collective consciousness? Well, you can avoid this only if you ponder and come to truly understand – through an inner vision – the deeper meaning of making matter real, of real–izing matter. For is it not so, my beloved, that for a very long time on this planet, humankind has been programmed with a dualistic view of the world? Which makes them think, that there is a division, a veil of separation – or perhaps a wall of separation – between the matter realm and the spiritual realm. This has even caused many in the modern western world to believe there is no spiritual realm, there is nothing beyond matter.
Yet even many spiritual people see a division between ma–ter and spirit. And this is the division, that you need to overcome, if you want to sail through these last months of the year with the winds of the Spirit in your sails. And thus, what does it mean to make matter real? For, truly, as we have explained many times, the matter world is made out of the Ma-ter light, which takes on the mental images projected upon it. And thus, one can look at the physical earth and the physical universe and say, that it has no inherent reality; it is like a mirage, as the images on a movie screen, only projected there many times a second by the mental images held in the minds of human beings, in the collective consciousness of humankind, and in the minds of the spiritual beings who are holding the spiritual vision, the spiritual balance, that allows planet earth to continue to exist—and not implode into the downward spiral created by humankind.
And thus, these spiritual beings are holding the balance, so that the downward spiral exists only in the emotional realm and does not fully engulf the material realm, thereby pulling the earth apart. So therefore, we can say that in those instances, where there are physical, material disasters or upheavals of various kinds, it is because the spiritual beings who are holding the balance for the earth are allowing certain events to take place for the awakening of humankind, by allowing humankind to experience the physical consequences of the collective state of consciousness.
The riots in England
Can you not, therefore, look at an incident, such as the riots that took place in England not so long ago, and see, that this is but one example of this process. Surely, the spiritual beings that are holding the balance for the earth could hold back all such incidents. But if they were to do this, how then would humankind learn a lesson? For is it not so, that when you look honestly at humankind, you can see, that most people are not in a state of mind, where they are willing to listen to spiritual teachers of any kind? Thus, they can learn only from the school of hard knocks, where they experience the physical consequences of their state of consciousness.
And thus, when you look at the riots in England, at the incident in Norway, or other incidents similar to it – including the upheavals in certain Muslim countries – can you not then realize, that this is an indication of the fact, that the collective consciousness is resisting the process of materialization, of making matter real?
For what does it mean, that matter becomes real? Surely, it does not mean, that the conditions that are currently outpictured in matter become permanent. For “permanence” is not the same as reality. This, my beloved, is a common misconception, even among spiritual people.
The reality of life is that everything in the world of form is engaged in the process we have called the River of Life, of constant self-transcendence, of constantly being accelerated into a higher state. THAT is reality. Self-transcendence, acceleration, is reality. And when you are flowing with the River of Life you realize, that nothing can remain the same, for everything is constantly transcending itself. And thus, you see there is no connection between reality and permanence. So what sees this connection? Well, of course: only the ego.
When a society is resisting the process of growth, resisting the process of transcendence, tension will be building. And then, there will come a point, where the tension begins to spill over into the physical octave. And this will then cause those who are in a lower state of mind to act out on what is hidden, unnoticed, unrecognized, in the collective consciousness of a country or even humankind as a whole.
In some cases, this might be one individual, as you saw in Norway. In other cases, it might be many individuals, such as the young people in the British cities, who have nothing to look forward to. And why do they have nothing to look forward to? Because they look at their situation and they see no possibility for transcendence, for acceleration. They feel they are boxed in by society, that has put them in a certain little box, from which they have very limited opportunities to accelerate themselves beyond the boundaries defined by society.
The need to go beyond material welfare
My beloved, you go back a generation or two, and the focus in society was on creating decent material living conditions for the majority of the population. And this meant, that people needed to have jobs that could give them a reasonable standard of material living. Yet what has happened in the last generation or less is, that the focus has shifted. It has shifted spiritually, it has shifted in the realms beyond the material, but it has not yet shifted in the material realm, because society has not been willing to make the shift.
And what is the shift I am talking about? It is the shift, where western society realizes, that the goal of creating material welfare was perfectly valid, but it was only one stage in the ongoing process of transcendence in which society is engaged. And thus, society cannot stand still, society cannot allow itself to become frozen in a pattern, where quite frankly the elite and those who have risen to the status of the middle class want society to continue, so that they can continue to live a good, secure material life.
And if this means, that a new generation of young people grow up without jobs or job opportunities, then they think they can pay their way out of this through social services. And thus, when a situation shakes a nation, the response of the prime minister is that since these riots were against the law and caused the destruction of property, this is a law enforcement problem. And in order to make sure that people do not have the motivation to riot, then it is also a social problem. And then, it needs to be approached and solved as if it was a law enforcement and social problem.
But you see, it is not a law enforcement problem, neither is it a social problem. It is what we might call as psycho-spiritual problem, because the reality is, that the western democracies, the rich nations of the world, are entering into a phase, where it is no longer enough to focus on material welfare. It is necessary to now begin to look at the fact, that human beings are NOT material beings. This can be proven by simply looking at reality. Scientific studies have shown in several nations, that the severity and the quantity of mental illnesses is increasing rapidly, to the point where in several of the rich nations, mental illnesses, as they are currently called, are becoming the biggest health concern.
This is, however, only an indication of the reality, that human beings are not material beings. And therefore, of course, the current approach of seeing mental illness as a material phenomenon, looking for a material solution, will not address the problem sufficiently. On the contrary, the current approach will only accelerate the problems. For it is only through an acceleration of the problem, that society will be forced to reconsider its approach to the problem. How severe does the problem have to become, before a society becomes willing to step back and say: Is it perhaps the way we look at the problem, that is blocking a solution? Or an even deeper realization: Is it perhaps the way we are looking at the problem that IS the problem?
You are psycho–spiritual beings
And this, of course, leads to the awareness, that human beings are not material beings; they are psychological and spiritual beings. They have needs that go beyond the material, and thus they cannot be fulfilled, either by giving people jobs or by enacting social programs. It is not enough to create programs, that keep the minds of young people busy and thus keep them off the streets, as the saying goes. What is happening in society is, that more and more people are beginning to realize, that they have a basic need to have a sense of meaning and purpose in their lives.
And of course, western society, with its focus on material welfare, has done little to bring up young people with any sense of purpose and meaning, any sense of a purpose that reaches beyond their immediate situation or even this lifetime. This is, of course, because western society is trapped in the no–man’s land between the old religious views of the perverted Christian religion and the equally perverted view of scientific materialism. Most young people today cannot find anything of value in the kind of Christianity they have encountered as they grew up in all western societies. Look at the Church of England and how it has virtually lost the young generation. But then look at the fact, that atheism and materialism provides nothing, that young people can use to reach beyond the narcissistic view of themselves as the center of the world.
As we have said many times, in any closed system the principle, called the second law of thermodynamics, will cause a breakdown of the system. Thus, the human mind, when it has no purpose that reaches beyond itself, will inevitably break down and you will have mental problems, you will have social problems, you have upheavals of all kinds.
The “problem” with young men
Go back a century or two and realize, that there has always, in any society, been a certain “problem” with young men having energy, having a drive to reach beyond their present situation. In previous societies, this problem has, so to speak, been dealt with by turning these young men into soldiers and then sending them off to war, so that they were killed off in sufficient numbers, that they did not upset status quo in society.
Yet, now look at what is happening in a country like England, where you have, actually, a special situation, in that many of the young men in the current generation have reincarnated in England, precisely because in a past life, perhaps several lifetimes ago, they were killed by the British Imperial troops in the colonies. And so, you now have a number of young men incarnating in Britain, who do not have an entirely positive view of British society, having been killed by that society in past lives—and now seeing that there are certain aspects of British society, of the British national mindset, that truly have not changed since colonial times.
Certainly, that might seem like a startling statement to some, but I am not talking here about the obvious, but the deeper, hidden layers of the national psyche, which you can even see outpictured in the tendency to hold on to certain traditions. For example, has the Church of England truly changed since colonial times? Has the monarchy truly changed since colonial times? Has the basic structure of the Parliament, with its different houses, truly changed since colonial times?
So can you not, then, use these outer indications to see, that there is something in the national psyche that has not changed, and the same goes for most western democracies. Look at Norway, and go back and see, that there are certain things that have not changed for centuries. You can even go back and see, that there has been a certain national psyche of wanting to isolate oneself from the rest of the world. And certainly, this then attracts an incident, that suddenly shatters the sense that all is well as long as we live in our own little bubble.
Everything is a spiritual activity
This, then, is what you will see on a larger scale, and you will see it intensified during the last three months of this year. You will also see it in your personal lives—if you do not take a look at yourself and ask yourself the question of what has not changed in your inner view of yourself, your inner view of life.
There are those in the spiritual and New Age movement, who are talking about a personal story, that you carry with you, even from lifetime to lifetime. This is what we have explained as the ego, as the sense of identity, that you carry with you and that colors the way you look at everything, becoming the filter that even colors your perception. So you think, that what you see through this perception filter is not simply a perception, but it is reality.
Matter realization, the process of making matter real, has two aspects. If you will not question your perception of life, then your perception will become real in the sense, that it will become outpictured in matter. And this will be accelerated for the last three months of the Year of the Mother but also in the coming Year of the Holy Spirit, where the Holy Spirit will accelerate the process of your perception becoming your physical reality, so that you might be forced to reconsider your perception and the power it has over your life.
And then, when you do decide to step back and look at your perception – instead of seeking mindlessly to defend your perception – then you can come to the higher understanding of materialization, of matter realization, where you make matter real in the sense that you realize – you acknowledge, you see, you experience – that matter is not separated from Spirit. Matter is an expression of Spirit, for Spirit is within everything. Without him was not anything made that was made. Do you see the deeper reality that life is oneness? Everything is one, for everything is an expression of the one God, the One Spirit, the Creator itself.
If you do not perceive this, then your perception is not real. And thus, you have not risen to the level, where you can make matter real by realizing that every aspect of your life in matter is a spiritual activity. Just look at traditional religion, and how many people think they can live their lives any way they want during the week, and then they go to church on Sunday and say some prayers, sing some songs, light some candles, or go into a little box and tell to the priest some glorified version of how they have supposedly sinned; not being willing to even acknowledge the sin of perception, of polluted perception. And this, then, they think is sufficient to make them right with the remote God in the sky. Yet how could it ever make them right with the God within?
Barriers exist only in the mind
Look at the New Age and spiritual movement, and how many people have made spirituality a part of their daily lives. Nevertheless, they still see a difference, a distinction, between what they call spiritual activities and everyday activities. They think they have to go to some retreat in order to be truly spiritual. They think they have to come apart from their normal lives, in order to be truly spiritual. Or they think they have to engage in some form of meditation, or chanting, or prostrating themselves on the floor, or whatever, in order to do something spiritual, that can somehow compensate for the lack of spirituality in what they see as everyday activities.
And although this is a necessary phase to go through, if it becomes a permanent state of mind, a permanent perception, then it will hold back your growth. For what is the higher growth? It is that you accelerate to the higher level, where you break down the barrier between spiritual and everyday activities. Because you realize, that this barrier – as any barrier, as any division – is created only in your perception.
My beloved, did you notice what I just said? Any barrier, any division, can be created only in perception. For the deeper reality is, that all is one, and in oneness there can be no divisions. Life is one. When you know that life is one, your victory is won. That, my beloved, is the thought to ponder for the rest of this year. For I will tell you, that if you go into this physical quadrant of the Year the Mother seeking to uphold, magnify or defend the perception that creates divisions between you and other people, between you and the matter world, or between you and God, then you will experience an increasing pressure to reconsider that perception.
Look at those, wherever they are found, who have a desire to harm others, to punish others. Look at those who precipitated the event, that took place now almost 10 years ago in New York. And look how the leader of this movement had escaped capture for almost 10 years, but in the Year the Mother his own perception became realized in matter. And by the very fact that he perceived himself as an enemy, those whom he perceived as enemies caught up with him in the night—and then he was out of embodiment.
Look at your life. Do you carry resentment, do you carry anger, do you carry a desire to punish, a desire to bring justice, a desire that other people should be made to see what they have done wrong, whether to you or to the world? In that case, this then is the perception that you project onto the screen of the Ma-ter light. And what can the Ma-ter light do, but give you what you say you want?
This, of course, is always the case, but I am telling you, that in these last three months of the Year the Mother, this process will be accelerated to the point, where it will challenge people who will not let go of their old momentums, their age–old momentums of seeking to control other people and resenting those, who will not be controlled.
Forcing your perception upon others
Is it not so, that the basic problem seen on earth is that there are many people who believe their perception filter is reality? And who – out of their own fear – are seeking to force others to accept their perception filter. Was it not, for example, so, that the British Empire seriously believed, that its perception filter was superior to all others, and thus it was seeking to force that perception filter on its colonies, or even on other nations? Was this not the reason for the wars in Europe between Britain, France, Germany and Russia? What was communism but a perception filter, that those who thought it was reality felt compelled to seek to force upon the world?
My beloved, you who are the spiritual people must surely be able to see the vanity of this, and thus rise beyond it in your own lives, so that you no longer seek to force your personal perception filter upon others. This not only is important in your personal life; it is important for the planetary growth.
For you who are the spiritual people, are the ones who have the potential to become forerunners for the process I have described, of spiritualizing western society, of helping western society make the transition from its current focus on material welfare to a new focus on psycho-spiritual welfare.
But you see, you will not be able to be the forerunners for this process, if you are attached to your perception filter. For what will you then do? You will seek to force your perception filter upon society, thinking that you have to convert other people to your particular spiritual philosophy, guru or movement, and get society to recognize this as the one superior guru, philosophy or organization. My beloved, the spiritualization of western society will NOT happen the same way it happened in the Piscean age, where one religious organization took control of society and boxed people’s minds in for over a thousand years, burning books, banning as heresy every viewpoint that challenged church doctrine. This will not be repeated in the Age of Aquarius.
Universal spirituality
There will not be one guru, organization or philosophy, that will come to be seen as the primary one in the Aquarian age. It is a fallacy to believe this. What needs to happen is an awareness of what we might call a natural, a built-in, or a universal form of spirituality. This is where science has made an invaluable contribution, by coming up with certain laws, that are independent of the beliefs of human beings, be they political or religious beliefs. Gravity works the same, whether you are a Hindu, a Muslim, a Christian or an atheist. Jump up in the air, and you will be pulled back down to the ground. This is, or it should be, a humbling realization.
Yet of course, you must also recognize, that science itself is in the process of acceleration. Isaac Newton was the first one to formulate a description of what he called the “force” of gravity. Of course, since time immemorial human beings have been aware, that there is something that ties them to the earth. Yet no one had to truly attempted to explain it until Newton. And what Isaac Newton did was to explain it as a force, that pulls you towards the center of gravity in the center of the earth. Yet, as you should be aware as a spiritual person, Albert Einstein came up with a higher view of gravity, that goes beyond the force-based view. And yet, even quantum physics has indicated, although not yet fully realized, an even higher view. And so, there is room for improvement, but nevertheless the point is that spirituality must likewise become seen as a set of universal principles, that guide how the human mind works.
You see that, so far, science has attempted to describe universal principles for how the material world works. And when this is supplemented with a study of the universal principles for how the mind works, then you have a complete view of reality. And that is what can take western society to the next evolutionary level, where now society becomes able to provide all people with a sense of purpose, a sense of meaning, and a sense of how they can improve their situation by improving themselves, by working on their minds.
A wave of new jobs
For it is not enough in the modern world to work on your practical, physical skills in a certain job. In order to find your place in the psycho-spiritual welfare society, you need to also have developed your mind and the powers of the mind to a certain level. And this is precisely the dimension that is missing, that will allow these young men and young women, who have been brought up with no sense of meaning, to transcend the level of consciousness of the warrior and become those who are the administrators of society or the sages who hold the spiritual balance for society.
My beloved, the major wave of jobs, that could be created in the western world would be jobs related to the psycho-spiritual welfare of individuals and the psycho-spiritual welfare of society. This could potentially be the new wave of job creation. And until society breaks through to acknowledging the need to focus on psycho-spiritual welfare, you will continue to see this chronic unemployment, that condemns many among the young people to either a life of unemployment, or at least a decade of unemployment.
Thus, I have given you something to ponder, that can help you prepare yourself for the changes that might indeed happen on a world scale in the remainder of this Year the Mother. And therefore, this release is almost complete, as I have released the light that we, who represent the Divine Mother, desired to release.
I have not given you a name, for what is a name but a way to create a division? And I tell you, that those of us who are representatives of the Divine Mother for planet earth are not divided amongst ourselves. We not only see ourselves as one, we are ONE. For this is how WE won our ascensions—by accelerating our identity beyond the separate self, simply leaving it behind. Leaving it behind. Transcending the separate self, and thereby realizing that matter is Spirit; that all is ONE.
Copyright © 2011 by Kim Michaels