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Ascended Master Saint Germain through Kim Michaels, June 8, 2024. This dictation was given at a Deep Healing Retreat Conference in Tallinn, Estonia.
I AM the Ascended Master Saint Germain, and I am gratified that you accept my love. It is our joy as ascended masters to give to you. And it is of course the fulfillment of our joy and our giving when it is accepted.
What takes away freedom
I also would like you to accept the Freedom that I AM. But this of course is a little more of a challenge because what we have explained, that you have all these subconscious selves that cause you to think that you cannot be free. Because you cannot just walk away from the selves and from certain situations on earth.
Most people are of course not aware of these selves so they think that it is outer conditions that limit them. It is outer conditions that take away their freedom. But it is not outer conditions that take away your freedom. It is conditions in your mind that take away your freedom. For what is freedom? It is an experience as everything else.
Now, there are of course many, many people who would object to that statement. And they would point to this or that condition that is limiting their freedom. And they would say: “How can you say that it is just an experience that takes away my freedom?” But I am not actually saying that it is an experience that takes away your freedom. What takes away your freedom is the experience that you are not free. The experience that you are limited by outer conditions.
They will say: “Well are you saying that if somebody is put in jail, or they are forced to go to war, or they are in deep debt, or they are addicted to alcohol or drugs, are you saying that they are not limited by these conditions? That these conditions are just experiences?” Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. Everything that happens on earth, everything that you see on earth, everything that is here is an experience.
The current limitations on earth
This is of course a statement that requires a deeper understanding. You need to understand that the earth is a reality simulator. Your minds, even the collective mind, have not created the simulator. Nor have your minds defined the initial conditions that the simulator had when the earth was created. But your minds have projected an image into the simulator that have generated many of the current limitations you see. You can see, I trust, that warfare cannot be a natural condition mandated by some law of nature. It must be a man-made condition.
It might be a little more difficult to see that poverty is a man-made condition. Because you can say that poverty is actually partially caused by the power elite hoarding wealth and resources, taking it from the people. So it is partly a man-made creation. But many will say that it is also a natural condition because the earth has limited resources. But does the earth have limited natural so-called resources? Nay. Because when the earth was originally created, there was no lack of resources. Beyond the unequal distribution of wealth that generates poverty, there is also the fact that the collective consciousness has come to accept all of these limitations which has generated the current seeming lack of resources. And this has then generated the poverty. But it is not some law of nature or some natural limitations of the earth that generates this. It is again a man-made condition. How is this possible, you say?
Creation of the Reality Simulator Terra 1.0
Well, then you are required to have a certain understanding of physics where you first start with the realization that all of the visible forms you see that are made out of matter are actually made out of smaller particles called molecules, atoms, subatomic particles. And then you need to know that at the level of subatomic particles, so-called particles, the mind of the scientist can influence the outcome of the observation as quantum physicists have realized for now over a hundred years. But it is not actually correct that they say that by observing a subatomic particle, you are influencing the particle. You are not. You are pulling the particle out of the emotional realm and into the physical. And that is how the Elohim created the earth to begin with.
They started of course with energies from the spiritual realm flowing through their minds. They formulated an image at the identity level. They projected this image into the energies that make up the identity spectrum, the identity octave. Then these energies took on the form of the mental images. Now there were structures in the identity realm.
Then they pushed those images into the mental level where they became more detailed, more concrete. Now there were structures in the mental level. Then they pushed this into the emotional, where they received a direction, an energy, a movement. And then they pushed this into the physical spectrum where they, as we have explained before, superimposed these images from the identity, mental and emotional level upon the basic unit of the form of energy that makes up the physical realm. We have called it the Ma-ter light. You can also say that the Ma-ter light extends all the way into the identity realm. But there is of course a specific vibration of the Ma-ter light that makes up the physical. The images in the mind were superimposed upon this basic light and were first manifest as subatomic particles, then as atoms, then as molecules, and then all of the forms that are made out of these smaller units.
This was a process that took place in the mind of the Elohim. It set the parameters for planet earth, or rather the reality simulator Terra. And this, what the Elohim created, was Terra 1.0, the first pure version of Terra. Then self-aware beings were sent in here and they started building on to what the Elohim had created, at first expanding upon it, making it more concrete, more beautiful, making it their own basically.
From Terra 2.2 to Terra 3.0
But then there came that turning point where the fourth group of lifestreams that descended here, they went into the consciousness of separation and duality. Now they started superimposing images that were not in alignment with the original vision of the Elohim. And over a very long time this created this downward spiral that led to a densification of matter so that poverty, limitations, warfare, lack of resources manifested in the physical realm. This was Terra 2.0.
Then there came a point where the situation turned. The downward spiral was stopped and gradually, slowly, earth was put in an upward spiral again. Very slowly in the beginning, but now it has gained some momentum and therefore, this is Terra 2.2.
I of course, aim to take earth into the golden age and manifest Terra 3.0, or even 3.3. But for this to happen, a critical mass of people must come to realize that the earth is an environment that responds to people’s minds, both individually and collectively. For if they do not realize it, then Terra 2.2 will become a Catch-22 and the upward spiral will stall and the downward spiral will start again.
Is physical matter actually physical?
What has this got to do with you and healing? You have heard all of this before. Well, you have heard it before, but have you heard it? Have you really heard it? How many of you right now are willing to acknowledge that you have a doubt in your mind of whether the mind can truly influence matter? Is it not most of you that have some doubt, that if you have a physical disease that your mind could cure it? Is that not true? I am not hearing anything. For a moment there, I thought maybe you all had no doubt.
This is of course what we need to work on in order to have healing, because what have other masters said? What does it take to be healed? You have to first accept it is possible to be healed, and then you have to accept that you are healed. As Master More has said, it starts with a decision, an act of will. You are willing to become more conscious of how the world works. And this begins with realizing that physical matter is not physical matter.
You have all been brought up with a complete illusion about physical matter. We do not need to go into how and why the fallen beings projected this illusion upon people and got them to accept it. It does not matter for this discourse. What matters is, you have been brought up with this illusion that matter is this concrete physical substance that is fundamentally different from mind. Yes, I know you have heard this before too, but bear with me.
You have all been brought up to think that once something has manifested in the physical, it cannot be changed by mind. This is of course because the fallen ones do not want you to recognize how things were manifested in the physical in the first place. They want you to think either that some almighty God manifested everything on earth exactly the way it is, and this God has powers that are way beyond you, so how can you change anything?
Or they want you to believe that some impersonal laws of nature manifested everything the way it is as the result of a random process that led to this incredibly organized universe. And this is because they do not want you to acknowledge that the key to your freedom from any physical condition is to accept that that physical condition is not physical. It is a projection of mind.
Projections of mind
What is the Ma-ter light? Or we could say the level of subatomic particles. It is like a white movie screen. What are all these matter forms that you see? They are images projected upon the movie screen. Matter is no more solid than the images on a movie screen. Where do the images come from that are projected upon the movie screen? From the mind. First from the mind of the Elohim, then from the mind of humankind.
How can you change the image on a movie screen? Can you analyze the images on a movie screen, find out how they are made, and then at the level of the movie screen you are changing the images? Well, you could paint the movie screen black so it does not reflect light and there would be no images. That is what the fallen beings in a sense are dreaming about doing. Cancel out the creation of the Elohim, some of them at least.
Others of course dream about controlling it. But how successful would you be in changing the images on the movie screen? You would have to go to the projector and change the images on the film strip. Or rather three film strips of the emotional, mental, and identity levels of the mind. Then when you change the images through which the light is projecting, well of course you change the images on the screen.
Time delay
The difference is that if you change the images on the film strip, you instantly change the images on the screen. But because of the density of matter, it takes time for this to have an effect at what you might call the physical level. And it is the same with healing.
First of all, as Raphael said, there are certain conditions in your physical body that are a product of your genetic inheritance, and although they can be changed by the mind, it is more difficult and takes more time. But there are conditions in your physical body that are a projection through your identity, mental, and emotional minds at the individual level. And those you can change by the powers of your own mind. It may take some time.
For most of you it would take a process, and a process takes time. But it can be done. And this is the one reality that the fallen beings do not want you to accept. They are in panic that this is being spoken in the physical, where it can be put on the internet and people can find it. But they are not in total panic because they see how much work they have done to get most people to accept these belief systems that if they heard or read what I am saying, they would laugh at it, or instantly reject it, or find watertight arguments against it.
This is plausible deniability. It must be maintained at the current level, which is why you cannot demonstrate this in an undeniable way publicly. But why should it stop you from demonstrating it privately? For this to happen, you need to be willing to go through a shift in the mind. And in a way, we are giving you a simplified version here, because we do not have the time and space to go through all the seven rays.
The healing exercise
Master More started at the beginning point of the First Ray. I am now gone to the Seventh Ray. But of course, the other Chohans also are part of this process, because all of the rays must in a way be gone through. But if you want to complete this process, go beyond what we have given here, then we have already given the course of self-mastery, where you go through the seven rays and deal with the subconscious selves on these various levels of consciousness from the 48th to the 96th. And you can achieve a lot of healing by following that course. But you also need to make some shifts, and that is what is our goal here.
Can you follow me on a little exercise? You do not need to write down here. You close your eyes without falling asleep. If you feel you are falling asleep, open your eyes, or pinch yourself. Now you go through the process that other Masters have taken you through. You realize you are not the physical body, and the Conscious You naturally rises above it. You are not your emotional body, you effortlessly naturally rise above it. You are not the mental body, you rise above that. And you are not the identity body, so you rise above it.
The energy to change physical matter
And then you consider, could the Conscious You change matter? Could the Conscious You heal your physical body of a physical condition? It could not. Why? Because the Conscious You cannot heal a physical condition because a physical condition is made up of energy. And in order to change that physical condition, the Conscious You needs energy. And the Conscious You does not have any energy in and of itself.
The Conscious You can then realize: “I can of my own self do nothing. The Father within me doeth the work.” And what is the Father within you? Your I AM Presence and the ascended masters. Now you might say: “Does the I AM Presence have the power, the energy to change physical matter?” That depends slightly on how old is your I AM Presence and how close it is to the ascension point. But it is safer to say that even the I AM Presence does not have the power, so where is the power to come from? Well, of course from us, the ascended masters.
We are your fathers and mothers within, because the I AM Presence was created out of the ascended masters. Not I of course, I did not create your I AM Presence because I ascended only a few hundred years ago, and you are much older than that, but ascended masters at a higher level.
These ascended masters have the power to manifest the entire earth. Do you not think they have the power to heal your physical body of some condition? Well, of course they do. What will it take? Well, that energy has to descend from the spiritual realm into the physical and it has to be directed into a specific condition.
The resistance to healing energy
How can the energy descend? It must descend through your Conscious You, well first through your I AM Presence, but the I AM Presence has no resistance to it. It must descend through the Conscious You, then your identity, mental, emotional bodies and into the physical.
Can the Conscious You have resistance to this energy flowing through it? Well, not when it is out of the four lower bodies and in pure awareness, but as soon as you go into the identity, mental identity bodies, the Conscious You can have resistance. It is not that the Conscious You has it. The resistance comes from a subconscious self.
Now, even though I have digressed from the exercise, we go back to the exercise. You have risen above the physical, above the emotional, above the mental, above the identity, but you are not losing contact with these bodies. You are looking back from the vantage point and now I am asking you to sense, where is the resistance to the light descending and changing a physical condition? Where is the resistance? What is the resistance?
Now as you repeat this exercise in private, you can have pen and paper with you and you can write down what comes to you. There will be layers of this. First of all, there is some belief, some sense of identity at the identity level that you are a human being or even, I am not an ascended master or maybe Jesus could heal people, but I am not Jesus, I cannot heal myself.
Or there may be some beliefs at the mental level where you might think that our matter could not possibly be changed by my mind because it was created by God, or laws of nature that have nothing to do with mind.
Or there may be an emotional reaction where you actually fear letting the power of God flow through you because it might expose something that you are not ready to see. You would actually rather hide from the light and live with the physical condition.
You need to gradually come to see these beliefs, look at them with that perspective you have as the Conscious You being outside the bodies. You are not going into these conditions, you are just looking at them from the outside.
The I AM Presence’s perspective
And then you can, as the exercise was earlier, you can turn to your I AM Presence, focus on your I AM Presence and ask your Presence: “How do you see this? How do you see this sense that I am a limited human being? How do you see this belief that my mind cannot change matter? How do you see this fear of the light descending and exposing whatever is hidden in the darkness of the emotional mind or behind the fog in the mental mind? How do you see it I AM Presence?”
And you might then be able to again have that cosmic perspective of being far from earth, looking down at earth, and you see that there is this entire universe of galaxies, vast galaxies, larger than the Milky Way, billions of galaxies. And you realize that this was all manifest by the power of the ascended masters, by the power of God, as the Scriptures say, “He who has strung the Pleiades”. Well, do you not think that He who has strung the Pleiades can certainly change some condition in your physical body on this little speck of dust called earth?
Changing the images in the higher bodies
Of course, the power of God can change any physical condition that can be changed according to the law of free will. As I said, some conditions cannot be changed because of the collective consciousness, your genetic inheritance. But what can be changed is what was created in your mind and projecting upon your physical selves. This can be changed when you allow the power of God to flow through you.
And how is it changed? Well, you have to become aware of a certain sense of self in the identity body. You see that this is not who you are. It is just a self. It is like an image written onto the film strip of your identity mind. But if you shine a bright enough laser light through it, it will be burned away. But of course, only if you can let go of it.
There is another film strip in the mental level. There are images there. But if you are willing to let go and if you are willing to let the light of God shine through it, it can be burned away. The same at the emotional level. Images scratched onto that film strip, but the light can burn them away. The film strip is clearer. That image is not there that manifested that particular physical condition.
Now, in some cases, you do not have a physical condition. You have a psychological condition at the emotional, mental, and identity levels. But nevertheless, they can be burned away. Then what about the physical body?
Well, it is another filmstrip that is projected upon your cells. Your cells are completely neutral. Your cells were created in a purer state that they are in now. I cannot say they were created in a pure state. They were originally, but today they have taken on this genetic inheritance created over a long period of time. But your cells have also taken on these images that you created in the emotional, mental, and identity levels over all of your past embodiments after you went into separation and duality.
These images can be changed, even the images that are projected onto the cells that caused the cells to go out of balance, to not be able to heal themselves, to not be able to live up to the blueprint held by your body elemental and your I AM Presence. This can be burned away when you see it, when you let go, and when you have this desire for freedom.
The desire for freedom vs. the desire to escape conditions on earth
Now there is a twist, as there always is on earth. I may say ‘a desire for freedom’ and you may say: “Well I have this headache and I sure have a desire to be free from this headache. Can you not cure my headache Saint Germain?” But what have I just explained? Any physical condition is a result of what is taking place at the higher levels of the mind. And those are things you have created by making choices.
When you say: “I have a desire to be free of my headache,” you do not have a desire for freedom. You have a desire for escaping a particular condition that is unpleasant to you. The same applies to psychological conditions. You need to make a distinction that there is a fundamental difference between a desire for freedom and a desire to escape conditions on earth.
You will not be free even if you escape a particular physical disease or limitation. Why? Because the physical condition is a projection of conditions in your emotional, mental and identity bodies. And even if the physical condition was removed by some miracle, they would still be there and they would still affect you at the emotional, mental and identity level and therefore, they would limit your freedom. And it would just be a matter of time before they again manifested the physical condition.
Jesus was allowed to demonstrate that he could heal, that he had the power to heal in order to demonstrate it was possible to heal through the mind. But what Jesus did was to remove a physical condition, but what he could not do, because of the law of free will, was remove the emotional, mental and identity level conditions in people’s minds. And, therefore, many of the people who were actually healed, after some time, manifested the disease again. But somehow the Gospel writers forgot to mention that.
The school for co-creators
You see, why is it so? Why is it so that you must have a desire for freedom in order to be free? Well, because what is schoolroom earth? It is a school for co-creators. The purpose is to teach you how to co-create by letting you experiment with your co-creative abilities.
Why do you have this particular condition, psychological or physical? Because you have co-created it. How would you learn anything if I stepped in and removed that physical condition, removed that headache? How would that teach you anything about co-creation? It would be like a small child that gets himself into trouble and says: “Mommy, come and save me.” And the mom does. And what has the child learned from it?
Or maybe the mom says: “Yes, but I think you can get out of it on your own.” And at first the child cries and is mad at his mom, but then he realizes, oh, he can get out of it on his own. And now the child has more confidence so that next time it does not need to cry: “Mommy, Mommy,” it just gets itself out of the situation.
And I do not have any desire for you to cry: “Saint Germain, Saint Germain, come and save me.” I have a desire to help you see that what you have co-created you can un-co-create. Because you created it by using the power of spirit flowing through you and you can un-create it by using the power of spirit flowing through you in a more intense measure.
But in order to un-create it, you have to see that you created it through these limited selves that you created in your higher bodies. And when you see this, then you have learned an invaluable lesson about co-creation. Even if you receive this escape from the physical condition, yeah, it might be temporarily pleasant, but it would not help you grow, would it?
And what are we of the ascended masters? Are we magicians that are here to pull rabbits out of hats and manifest some miracle that cures you from this or that? Nay, we are here to help you become more and more co-creative, so we will not remove a condition if it teaches you nothing.
“Healing” through denial
Jesus’s miracles were an exception at the beginning of the Piscean Age to show that this is possible. You may look today that there are certain people in the Christian community who claim they are faith healers and even some who are not Christians who claim this. I am not denying that this can be done. But what is actually happening here is that the physical condition is removed through denial.
There were even people a hundred years ago or so in a movement called Christian Science who believed they could deny the reality of a physical disease. But what they actually did was push the condition into the emotional or mental bodies and it would stay there. It may not come back in that lifetime, but it surely would come back in the next lifetime.
Again, there are various things you can do to get an escape from the condition. But I am not concerned about escape. I am not an escape artist and neither are you because you are on the spiritual path. You actually do not want to escape. You want to be free of the condition that limits you not only at the physical but also at the higher levels. That is your deeper desire that the Conscious You and your I AM Presence have, that you incorporated in your Divine Plan.
Reconnecting to what you love
Now it is understandable that if you are suffering psychologically or physically that the Conscious You can come to feel so stressed by this that it cries out for relief. But if we responded to that cry, we would actually go against the choices you made when you created your Divine Plan. And that is why you can use these exercises we have given you here to rise out of the four lower bodies and to then, as the Conscious You, reach for a vision of your Divine Plan. What was it you decided for this embodiment?
Again, I am not trying to push anything upon you. I am simply trying to say that it is a common predicament that we have all gone through who have taken embodiment on earth. That you can have certain intentions when you are in between embodiments and you are not in the density of a physical body or even the four lower bodies. You formulate an intention for your next lifetime. But then when you go into the density of these four lower bodies and experience some physical affliction, not only do you forget your intention, but even if you remembered it you might still have a desire to override it and escape the condition because you become focused on the condition, not the lesson.
You need to go through this process and you can even do it on your own. It is very simple. Rise up from these four levels of the body-mind, look upon them and feel for yourself, experience what is the resistance to letting the light descend in full force that can burn away these conditions, these images on the filmstrips. What is the resistance? Where is the self that resists this? Because when you see that self, you see the very self that is the cause of the condition you have.
Why is this so? Because the self knows that if you see it and let the light shine upon it, it will die. And it does not want to die so it does not want you to see it. Even if that means you continue to suffer under that physical affliction, the self does not care about that. In a way, it even likes it because it gets energy from your suffering, at least at the emotional level. And, of course, the dark forces who might also be able to steal your energy through your suffering, they do not want you to see it either.
And that is why you have to develop this desire for freedom. And how do you develop a desire for freedom? Well, forget about freedom and focus on love. What do you love? What do you love more than anything on earth? Do you love the light? Do you love your I AM Presence? Do you love the ascended masters? Then focus on that and develop this desire to be free from the limiting conditions that prevent you from experiencing what you love, that is beyond this world.
For how can you be more? By loving the more. How can you be free? By loving freedom. But in order to be free of conditions on earth, you must love something that is beyond earth. And you do! You are just not attuned to it because you are experiencing life through these selves.
I am not talking about really developing love as much as rediscovering the love that the Conscious You has. The Conscious You was, in a sense, born out of love and it has love for the I AM Presence, for the light, for the ascended masters, for God, but even a love for co-creating.
You need to reconnect to what you love, to rediscover your love and allow it to develop, to blossom. And it is like a rose. You water it and it grows and blossoms. You just have to water it. How do you water it? Put your attention upon it. Put your attention upon what you love and let it blossom until it can pull your attention away from the affliction, so you can look at the cause instead of the effect.
You cannot remove an effect at the level of effect, only at the level of cause. This is a valuable lesson discovered by science. The problem is that materialistic science says that physical effects must have a physical cause. And that, of course, limits science and that is why humankind is stalled right now and cannot go to the next level of scientific discovery and technology that can free humanity from some of these limitations you are facing now.
Growing by creating and uncreating subconscious selves
I could go on for a very long time, but whatever I might say beyond what I have said now would not in itself shift your consciousness. For it is a process because the goal is not to instantly shift your consciousness, but to gradually have you retrace your steps that created these subconscious selves that are limiting you because by consciously uncreating them you expand yourself and your co-creative abilities.
Did you grasp what I just said? It is so easy for you to take our teachings and think: “Oh it was so bad of me to create these subconscious selves, they can only limit my spiritual growth and I just need to get rid of them.”
But what have we actually said at this conference? Creating any kind of subconscious self is just an experience that it is possible to have in an unascended sphere on an unnatural planet. Your I AM Presence learns from the experience and grows no matter what subconscious self you create. And when the Conscious You becomes conscious of the self it has created, and the way you created it, and when you consciously undo that self, then you grow, you rise to the next level, you come closer to union with your I AM Presence which is your ultimate love.
Even escape from any condition that limits you is not the goal, it is not actually freedom. Freedom is to see how and why you created the limitation and then consciously choose to let it go. That is freedom. There are, of course, levels of freedom, but this is certainly freedom on earth for an unascended being. Freedom is not just escape from limitation, freedom is the conscious awareness of what creates the limitation and what uncreates the limitation. But you have been programmed on earth to focus on results.
But what have we said? Everything on earth is just an experience. It does not matter in itself. What matters is the process of growth that you and your I AM Presence have from going through the experience. That is the only thing that matters. The only thing that matters in matter is that you see how matter is created and how matter conditions can be changed. It was created by the mind, it can be changed by the mind.
Expanding levels of co-creative freedom
Why? What is the motto we have given you now for a long time? What comes before the physical manifestation? Anyone? Consciousness. Consciousness comes before the physical manifestation and that which comes before can change what comes after. This is a natural law. This is a spiritual law. This is a cosmic law.
And what happens on earth is when you go into separation, you think you are trapped by your own creation, or rather you do not even see that it was your own creation. You think it was some external Almighty God or laws of nature that created the condition you are facing. You think you are a powerless victim of it, and that is the illusion that you need to attain freedom from.
And, in a sense, all of our teachings can be said to be taking you towards that point. For when you have freedom from the illusion that mind does not create matter, you attain the freedom of mind to create more than what you are experiencing now. To create a higher experience of matter than what you are having now. And that is creative freedom or rather co-creative freedom. For you will not actually attain creative freedom until you reach the Creator level of consciousness. But you can attain expanding levels of co-creative freedom.
Saint Germain’s realism
You may say I am the God of Freedom for the earth. But let me just take myself down from the pedestal as Master More did. I may have great creative freedom compared to you, but compared to the Elohim I barely even scratch the surface of creative ability. And they, compared to the beings in the sixth sphere, the fifth, the fourth, they seem like amateurs.
And they recognize this because when you ascend you see all the levels above you. You see you are part of this hierarchy of light. And you cannot maintain an over-inflated sense of self-importance. You are not even humble. You are just realistic. But you are also enormously excited because you see that all of this is open to you. Nothing limits you.
You know you can grow to these higher levels. And you look at this and you love the possibility of growing. And once in a while you almost get enraptured by looking up. And then something happens or someone comes to you and says: “What are you looking at up there? You are stepping in a mud hole. Get back to the level you are at and start co-creating from there instead of dreaming about what is going to happen at these higher levels.”
The freedom of indefinite self transcendence
We would like you to come to the point where you look up and realize: “I can attain this! I can ascend!
Whatever Saint Germain has I can rise to that level!” And you love that possibility more than anything on earth. More than any excuse that you have in these separate selves. You get excited instead of feeling limited. You get excited about the possibility to rise to these higher levels, to ascend.
You get excited about coming to the point where the Conscious You can rise above the four lower bodies. You can look at them. You can look at the four levels of earth and there is nothing that pulls on you. You are done here. You can face the I AM Presence and you can say: “How are you experiencing life?” And suddenly you switch and now you are experiencing what the I AM Presence is experiencing because you are the Presence. And then you have ascended.
And now, as the Presence, you face a higher choice: “What kind of being do I want to be as an ascended master?” But there is no pressure there. There is no limitation. You can accept that you are free to build upon the attainment you have created at the level of the I AM Presence over your many embodiments. You can build on that and go towards higher and higher levels. And that is freedom. There is no ultimate freedom. There is only the freedom of indefinite self transcendence. That is freedom.
I do not know about you but I have transcended myself roughly speaking 9,487 times since I started this dictation. And that is a joy. Why did I start this dictation? Was it to manifest a particular result on earth? Well, I do have a desire to help you grow, but I really started it out of the joy of self transcendence. Because I knew that by expressing myself as an ascended master in an unascended sphere, I would transcend myself. And that is what I am. A self transcending itself. A self-transcending self.
You think you can go back to the 1930s and read all of the teachings given by Saint Germain, all of the dictations and you think you can create some mental image of how I am? Well, I have transcended myself far more than 9000 times since the 1930s and I will continue to do so. If you want to know me, you have some catching up to do. But you can do it by transcending yourself and your sense of what self I am.
For in a sense, when you ascend, the I AM Presence is no longer the I AM Presence. It is the I Will Be Presence. In a sense you could say that the I AM Presence is always the I Will Be Presence, but it appears as the non-changing constant I AM Presence that the Conscious You needs in this turbulent world. It can be your anchor point to face the turbulence of the unascended sphere.
But really the I AM Presence knows: “I AM the I Will Be Presence transcending my current sense of self.” I will transcend myself beyond the level that the messenger is able to reach in recognition of time and space that you face. I thank you with all of my heart, so to speak, for being willing to interact with me in this interactive process that a dictation always is. I could not achieve what I want to achieve with a dictation if you were not willing to be part of the process. For this you have my gratitude and I hope you have also transcended yourself in the process.
Be sealed in the freedom flame that I hold for earth and for you.
Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels