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Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels, June 9, 2024. This dictation was given at a Deep Healing Retreat Conference in Tallinn, Estonia.
I AM the Ascended Master Mother Mary. What I have given you here is a series of tools. It is not meant to say that one tool is better than the other. I have talked about a progression. And yes, there is a progression, but it does not mean that one tool is more valuable than the other. Because it depends where you are at, what you need at your present level. You need to select the tool that appeals to you, that resonates with you, and use that until you feel you have done enough with that tool.
But I wish to give you some more teaching that can help you gain a different perspective. You understand what I am trying to do here. I am not trying to say that there is only one way to be healed. Because what is healing? It is shifting the mind. The healing we are talking about here, which of course, is beyond taking physical measures for healing, is a healing in the mind. And the key is to shift the mind. I am giving you different tools that can help you shift the mind, depending on where you are at in your personal situation.
The information flow through the higher bodies
Another tool I wish to give you is that you can shift the way you look at the body. I have already given you some shifts with the progression from seeing the cells as physical radios, seeing the cells as part of the energy field. But there is another step up. And it is to tie into what Saint Germain talked about that at the level of subatomic particles, the mind can influence this most fundamental level of matter. And this ties in with the fact that you are co-creators. How do you co-create? Well, we have explained that the fundamental substance that allows you to co-create is the Ma-ter light. This is a substance that has no form in itself, but can take on any form. But it cannot take on form by itself, because an image needs to be projected upon it by a self-aware mind. Or at least, by a potentially self-aware mind.
We have talked about an image, a mental image. But what is a mental image? You look at a computer screen, you have a beautiful mountain landscape. And you are saying: “Well, this is an image, this is a photo.” But to the computer it is not a photo. To the screen it is not a photo. At the level of the computer chip, it is not a photo. It is data. It is ones and zeros in different combinations. To the screen it is just dots, colored dots. Beyond just seeing something as an image, you can also say that what your mind is projecting onto the Ma-ter light is information that tells the Ma-ter light what form to take on and out-picture.
At the identity level, I have said there is a blueprint. But what is the blueprint? Well, is it not information? There is information encoded in the blueprint. And this information is then projected into the mental realm, where the information from the identity level sets the parameters for what the mental mind can think about, can do. The mental mind fills in the blueprint, adds information, makes it more detailed. And then, this is projected into the emotional. And then, it receives also some extra information, including movement, speed, direction. And then, it goes into the physical vibrational spectrum.
Again, it can be helpful to start out by again thinking about your physical cells as a physical thing and saying that what your cells receive from the emotional, mental and identity level is information. And the mechanism that allows the cells to deal with this information is the DNA that then takes the information that it receives and translates it into instructions for what proteins to create inside the cells, how to combine them, so that this particular individual cell finds its right place in the whole of the body and so that it continues to receive the information that allows it to fulfill that place over time. But of course, at a higher level, you can see that your cell is not a separate physical thing. It is part of what we might call the information flow, and so, really your cell is not made of proteins. Your cell is not made of DNA. Your cell is made of the Ma-ter light that takes on that specific form.
The enormous complexity of the cell
Now, you are perhaps going to think about this. And you are going to perhaps think: “But isn’t this an awfully complicated process?” You have this very complex blueprint at the identity level for my physical body with its 30 trillion cells, 30 trillion individual units. Then, you have an even more complicated blueprint, we might say, information collection at the mental level. And then, it becomes complicated again at the emotional level. And then, at the physical level, it manifests. The Ma-ter light out-pictures these cells that science have not even fully discovered how complex they are.
How can it be that the physical cells need to be so complex? Why is there this incredibly complicated machinery inside the cells? Why does it take 30 trillion cells that specialize in thousands of different ways in order to create one physical body? Why could you not just have one image that was projected onto the Ma-ter light and out-picture the physical body without any of this enormously complex internal machinery? And the answer is: “Well, there could be such a way to create.” Why is it not that way? Well, one possible answer would be: “What would be the fun in doing it so simply?” But that is not actually the answer. The real answer is that the four levels of the material universe are an educational environment. And they are designed, as we have said, to be like a reality simulator that can give the inhabitants a vast array of different experiences, including the experience that they are physical beings who are disconnected from anything beyond the material world.
Simulating a separate existence
You see, if there was just an image and the Ma-ter light out-picturing it, nothing in between, no mechanism in between, it would not seem believable that you could be a physical body or a separate being. But because there is this enormously complex machinery at the physical level, it seems that you could be an entirely material being, or you could be separated from a spirit world even if you believe in it. And that is why humankind now for a long time has been able to have the experience that they are the creations of this remote God up there in the sky, who is completely separated from them. Even the experience that they have been created as imperfect beings, as sinners, and that they need someone outside themselves to be saved. Recently they have been able to have the experience that they are entirely physical beings. There is nothing beyond the material universe. This enormously complex machinery at the cellular level, at the levels of the organs and the nervous systems and the brain—this is so complicated that it has a life of its own. And it can, therefore, explain why they exist, why they have consciousness, why they can think. It is just all this physical machinery that creates consciousness and the sense of self.
You see, in order to create a reality simulator that can simulate a separate existence and make it seem real, it has to be complicated or it would not be believable. Look at what has happened to materialistic science, how they have discovered deeper and deeper layers of the material world, smaller and smaller units. But also, more and more complexity. There was a time where scientists thought that it was very simple to explain the universe. They even thought they had discovered the ultimate unit the universe was built from. Atoms. That the atom was a black box. It could not be divided further. They just interacted. Then, they discovered: “Oh, no. There is some machinery inside the atom.” And then, there were first three subatomic particles. Then, a whole panoply of subatomic particles. And it seems like the more powerful of a particle accelerator you build, the more particles you discover instead of discovering the ultimate particle, the God particle.
What has all this done? Lent reality to the illusion that you are separate beings, entirely physical beings. And that because physical matter is so complex, your cells are so complex, your brains are so complex, you are a product of all of this machinery. It is the belief in artificial intelligence. That if you build a computer that is sophisticated enough, it will be able to think. It is just all part of this elaborate game we are playing in order to allow free will to outplay itself until people, beings have had enough of it. They have had enough of thinking they can define reality, thinking they can create a separate world that is real, instead of co-creating the real world with us.
Making illusion believable until we want more
In one sense you could say: “What is it a sign of?” Well, it is a sign of the Creator’s love for the self-aware extensions of itself. If one self-aware extension or a group decides to go into separation and explore whether they can create their own separate world, then the Creator is willing to create this enormously complex process that makes their illusion seem believable. They can have that experience for a time, until they have had enough of it. It is a sign of how much the Creator respects his own law of free will. “Its” own law of free will, for the Creator is beyond he and she.
But how is this all created? Well, it is created because there are all of these, this entire hierarchy of ascended masters beyond the Creator, I mean beneath the Creator. We ascended masters are all part of this co-creative process of creating this elaborate machinery on an unnatural planet that makes it seem like you can be separated from the real world and create your own world and define how it should work. What is that a sign of? That we have love for our co-creators. And we are willing to go through this elaborate process to give those who want it that experience.
Back to the idea that everything is information. What is information? Well, it can be practical information. The information for how to build a physical body that seemingly can function on its own without being connected to anything beyond the material universe. That is very practical concrete information. Now, you could say, if you take the materialist paradigm: “Everything is matter. The brain is simply matter and it produces consciousness.” Then, you could say that if the entire brain is mechanical and if it only contains this practical information of how to create the brain, where do feelings come from? Where do illusions come from? Where do these elaborate beliefs and ideas that people have created throughout the ages—where does all this come from, if the brain is entirely mechanical?
Would not a mechanical brain think in mechanical ways? How could it think in these completely irrational, illogical, inconsistent ways that people think? And this is because, of course, the world is not mechanical, the body is not mechanical, the brain is not mechanical. It only seems that way so you can believe in a mechanical world, if that is what you want. Or you can believe in a remote God. Or you can awaken from the reality simulator and realize that the reality simulator is created by minds that superimpose information on the Ma-ter light in order to give you a certain environment as a starting point for your expansion of consciousness. And as you expand that consciousness, you can start co-creating the experience you are having in the simulator consciously, instead of unconsciously.
Or whether you believe you are the subject of a remote God or a product of mechanical laws of nature. You are co-creating, but you are not conscious of being a co-creator. You think you are a victim of your environment. You came into being without having any choice about it. And therefore, you can do nothing to change it through your own choosing. Now, this is the experience that many people wanted to have, which is why the world is the way it is. But the purpose of all of this is to give people that experience until they have had enough of it and they start wondering if there could be more to life and they start desiring that more.
The awakening process
And that is when you begin the awakening process, where you realize you are in an environment that responds to your mind. But how does it respond? It responds to the information that you are projecting into the cosmic mirror of your environment through the four levels of your mind—identity, mental, emotional and physical. Because, yes, the physical so-called body is also part of your mind. When you take a shovel, go out in the garden and dig a hole, you are using physical means to project information upon the Ma-ter light. You create a hole in what was untouched ground. And when you do anything with the other three bodies, have feelings, have thoughts, have a sense of identity, you are again projecting information onto the Ma-ter light.
How do you begin to awaken? Well, first of all by acknowledging how the world works. The world could be said to be an information processing device. It is like your computer, where you can input a photo of a mountain landscape. And then, you can adjust the colors and the brightness of the photo, possibly even distort it completely with some filter. But this is what the world is. What is the way to become more conscious as a co-creator? To become more conscious of the information that you have allowed to be stored in the physical, emotional, mental and identity levels of the mind. Therefore, becoming more conscious of what you are projecting onto the Ma-ter light.
What is the key to being healed of a physical condition? To change the information contained in your emotional, mental and identity minds that is being projected onto the physical. What is the key to healing some emotion? Changing the information that is being projected onto your emotional mind through the identity and mental minds. What is the key to changing what is happening at the mental level? Well, of course, change what is projected by the identity level. And the key to changing the identity is to step outside of the identity body and realize that you are a Conscious You. You are not the contents of your identity body. You can let a certain sense of self, a certain self die and you are not going to die.
Information from above
What is the Conscious You then? Can the Conscious You generate information that is projected onto the Ma-ter light? Yes, but not from the level of pure awareness. Only when you go into the identity, mental and emotional levels and even the physical can you generate information that is projected onto the Ma-ter light. But you can also go the other way of tuning in to the I AM Presence and let the information from the I AM Presence be projected onto the four lower bodies. And that is, of course, what happens when you really awaken from the simulation. And you stop projecting information through these selves in the four lower bodies that are based on the density of matter, the separation from your source, the duality consciousness and all of these illusions.
When you can allow the information from the perspective of your I AM Presence to be projected, then you can be said to have a certain level of Christ consciousness. Although, since your I AM Presence is not an ascended being, it is not the full Christ consciousness. You can, of course also, when you are not pulled into these separate selves in the four lower bodies, tune in to the ascended masters and allow us to give you information that is then projected through the four lower bodies upon the Ma-ter light. And that is a higher level of Christhood.
Body as a projection
How is this practical for you in terms of healing? Well, I got a little carried away explaining this to you. But what you can begin to do if you feel this resonates with you—and many of you will feel that this goes right over your head. Do not feel bad about it. Just put this on the shelf and use some of the other tools until you at some future time will be ready to look at this. But what can you do? Well, you can begin to realize that there is no physical body. The physical body has no existence as human beings look upon the physical body. It is not something solid. It is not something unchanging. It is not something that has continuity over time.
We have used the analogy before that the movie on a movie screen may pull you into feeling like you are there, but it has no solidity. It only exists because there is an image projected by the movie projector when the light shines through the film strip. And if you pulled the plug from the movie projector, the movie would disappear instantly. There is not really a continued movement on the screen. There are individual images in the projector on the film strip that are being projected onto the screen so rapidly that your eyes are fooled into seeing a continuous movement. And likewise, your physical body is just an image upon the screen of the Ma-ter light projected many times a second. What is projecting it? The light coming from your I AM Presence and the ascended realm that streams through the film strips at your identity, mental, emotional level and even in the physical.
What does that mean? It means that your physical body is simply an out-picturing of an information stream that streams so quickly that your outer senses and your outer mind cannot see the individual movements, but they are there. Which means that if you change the information, you would instantly change the body. Because the body is just like the image on the movie screen. Change the image in the film strip, you instantly change the image on the screen, or at least with the speed of light, which is fast enough for most people. You can then begin to retool your mind into realizing that it is entirely possible to instantly change the body. In fact, you might even say, if you want to be a bit provocative, that the only way to change the body is to do it instantly by changing the information. Because if you do not change the information, how will you change the body?
How to change the information in our minds
That is when you can come to see that there is some reality to the image I gave earlier. You have a healthy body. You have a sick body. You can choose which one you go into. But here, it is more that you have a sick body. There is a particular condition in the body. You see that this is caused by, out-pictured by, a certain type of information that exists in your three higher bodies, perhaps even at the physical level. You can see that when you change that information, you can change the body instantly.
Now, of course, the big question becomes: “How do you change the information?” Can you just instantly switch your mind? No, you cannot, because you have all of these selves. What is a self? What is a subconscious self? It is a collection of information. But the self resists being changed. Because the self is created to conserve the information, to preserve it. It is as if you are looking at a movie screen where a certain image has been imprinted and imagining that the filmstrip will resist—the filmstrip in a projector will resist having the image changed. It will hold on to the image. You need to then, again, use the tools, unravel it.
It is not that the process is any different. But it is, for some of you, helpful to consider that what you are dealing with here is really information. Because what is information? I said earlier that your computer can display an image of a mountain scene. And it is because there is information that is displayed on the screen. This is not entirely correct, because the computer is not actually an information processing device. It is a data processing device, because the computer is able to process data and organize it without having any idea of what the data means. When does the data stored on your computer become information? Not when it is displayed on the screen. Because the screen has no idea whether it is showing a mountain landscape from Switzerland or the ears of a horse that sticks up above a tree. The data on the computer screen becomes information the moment you look at it and it takes on some meaning in your self-aware mind.
Function of a self
Only a self-aware mind can process information. What does that mean? How do you change the information in your emotional body or mental body? By changing the meaning it has for you. Where does the meaning come from? Well, it comes from these subconscious selves. But originally the selves were created, a particular self was created, because the Conscious You looked at certain information and gave it a meaning. You see, I am not saying that your personal mind has created the entire earth. You came to a predefined environment, partly created by the Elohim, partly by humanity over a long period of time. You come in here and what is it you receive from your environment? Information about how the environment is.
What do you do with that information in your mind? You make a decision about what that information means to you. And that decision creates a subconscious self. Why is this necessary? Well, partly because of the complexity I talked about, but also because you are using information to do anything, including uphold your body. And you cannot consciously process unlimited amounts of information. Your conscious awareness, the Conscious You, can only process a certain amount of information. Therefore, in order to have a continued existence, you need to create the subconscious selves that, once you have decided what the meaning is of the information, they are projecting this on down from the identity to the mental, emotional, to the physical level, so you do not have to do it consciously.
It is the analogy we have given so many times of learning to ride a bicycle. You are creating a subconscious self that contains all the information needed to ride a bicycle. You do not have to be conscious of how to hold it upright. You can focus on where you want to go. But you can also create subconscious selves that are not related to practical, physical things, but how you feel about your environment. What you think you can do and cannot do in your environment. And even how you identify yourself in relation to the environment. But this is all information you receive from your environment that you, the Conscious You, gave a meaning. And that creates a subconscious self. And the subconscious self cannot change that meaning. Only the Conscious You can change it.
You see, you come to an environment called Earth, through your senses you are receiving information about that environment. But then, the Conscious You reacts to this by giving it some meaning. What is the environment I am in? What does it mean for me? How do I feel about it? What do I think about it? How do I identify myself in this environment? And once that meaning is given, it becomes a self. You are taking the information from the outside and you are adding the meaning, which is also information, to it. You are adding information to it. And what does this do? It creates your specific experience of your environment. And now, the experience becomes continuous. You will continue to experience your environment through that self, until the Conscious You again looks at it and makes a conscious decision to change the information and the meaning you gave it.
Making unconscious conscious
As just one example. You come to earth. You are exposed to a certain situation. It causes you physical pain. You react emotionally to this by fear. You act at the mental level by deciding: “This is not a good environment and I cannot change this condition.” And at the identity level you decide: “I am a powerless being. There are certain things on earth I cannot change.” And this forms a self. Now, you are projecting this image upon your physical body into the cells. And over time they will take on this image and some of the cells will become burdened, will become unable to tune in to the blueprint, will become unable to function at their highest level and a disease will manifest. But that disease has no independent existence, it has no continuity. It is an image projected onto the Ma-ter light, the movie screen, through the film strips in your mind. And the moment that image changes, the physical out-picturing of it will change.
The moment you change the information, the body will change. If you truly change the information, the body will change. Then, the topic is, of course, how to change the information. But since you are in time and space, I cannot give you that in this installment. Which is perfectly fine because, those of you who feel that this teaching resonates with you, you now have some time to process what it actually means before I or another master will take it further. While you are eating your dinner, if you feel this is important for you, consider what information really is.
What are you receiving when you eat a cucumber? Information. Now, you may say your body has a process for digesting the cucumber that is completely mechanical, has nothing to do with you. First of all, that is not entirely accurate, but for practical purposes it is. But did your body choose to take the cucumber and not the carrot next to it? Your mind chose. Why did your mind choose the cucumber and not the carrot? Because you have created a certain subconscious self based on the reaction that: “I like cucumbers. I don’t like carrots, because my mother forced me to eat them.” But what is that subconscious self based on? Information.
Could you not change the information so that you would not have an adverse reaction to carrots? Could you not even change the information so that it is not a matter of liking cucumbers and not liking carrots? You have a whole different criteria for selecting your food. I am just trying to get you started on realizing everything you do in life is based on information. But most of the information that you use to make choices in your daily life is stored in subconscious selves, which means the choices you make are not free-will choices. They are selections based on the selves.
And if you really want to change your life, your life experience, your life circumstances, heal your physical body, your emotional, mental and identity bodies, the key is to draw the information in the subconscious selves, one at a time of course, into your conscious awareness. Look at the information, look at the consequences of the information and then make a conscious decision to change it. Do you have to have a negative reaction to being on earth? Is that the only possible reaction? Perhaps it was in your first embodiment, but is it now? And if it is not, then look at the self you created and make a conscious decision to change the information to a positive approach to life on earth. And then, you will see your life changing. I will now accept the limitations of time and seal you for now. What do I seal you with? The information of the Divine Mother.
Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels