Exercise for purifying the blueprint for the physical body 

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Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels, June 9, 2024. This dictation was given at a Deep Healing Retreat Conference in Tallinn, Estonia.

I AM the Ascended Master Mother Mary. And I will build upon the teaching that Saint Germain gave you yesterday about how the mind projects images onto the Ma-ter light. But I will take it in a slightly different direction by relating it to the physical body in a way that most people can grasp.

A cell as the basic unit of the physical body

So what I am going to do here is focus on the cells of the body. I will take you through an exercise but we need to set the foundation first. If you can, close your eyes, focus on my words and allow the words to take you to a higher awareness. If you get sleepy and feel you are going to sleep, then open your eyes. But otherwise, focus on the words.

You know that your body, your physical body, is one unit. If you are standing on the floor and you bend your legs and suddenly push off from the floor, your entire body as one unit will jump into the air. For a split second it will seem like it is hanging in the air and then it will fall back down to the floor. But think about this. Science has told you that although your body from a certain perspective is one unit, one whole, it is made up of many components. You have organs, you have muscles, you have bones, you have blood vessels, you have nerves. But what are all of these components made out of? Well, science has used the reductionist approach to go towards smaller and smaller units. And they have found that the basic unit, the basic building block of your physical body is the cell. And as they currently understand cells, they say that each cell is actually a complete unit in itself. And they say that within the cell there are these molecules of DNA that contain information. And at least the popular conception is that the DNA in each individual cell contains all of the information needed to build your physical body and to keep the physical body functioning.

30 trillion cells as one unit

But this conception of the physical body leaves some very big logical questions to be answered. Do you know how many cells there are in your physical body? Well, as with everything else, scientists disagree somewhat. But just to take a round figure within the range that most scientists can agree on, let us say that your body has 30 trillion cells. Now, you may not even be able to conceive what a trillion is. But if I say one thousand, your mind has some idea what a thousand is. If I say a million, you have some idea what a million is. It is a thousand times one thousand. But a trillion is one million millions. Your body has 30 million millions cells. Now, you can see that is an almost unimaginably large number. As scientists currently see it, there are more cells in your individual body than there are galaxies in the entire universe. What makes it possible for 30 trillion individual cells to function as a whole? What makes it possible for 30 trillion individual cells that each contain all the information they need to function as an individual cell? What makes it possible for these individual cells to function as a whole? What made it possible that those 30 trillion individual cells could come into being and could form a whole?

How the cells form a whole

Think about what you were taught in school. There was one cell in your mother’s womb, an egg cell. It met with a sperm cell, and this started the process of that first egg cell dividing itself.  And through this process of cell division, eventually all of the 30 trillion cells came into being and formed this one coherent unit that is your physical body. How did this happen? Well, what scientists say, or at least what materialistic scientists say, is that this was all based on that first egg cell and that first sperm cell combining their DNA to form the DNA that is the basis for all of those cells. Which means that once that combination of DNA from your father and mother had happened, everything about your physical body was already determined in that DNA. And as the cells divided, that original DNA was replicated in all 30 trillion cells.

But if you look a little closer about what scientists have discovered about the DNA, a scientist will have to admit that the DNA molecule only contains information that tells the cell how to make proteins. Now proteins are the building blocks of the cell as bricks are the building blocks of a house. And there are many different proteins and they can be combined in different ways. It is logically consistent to say that this first egg cell divided itself into other cells and those cells took on specialization.

When you look at your body, you see that there are many different kinds of cells in the body. They each have their specialty: skin cells, bone cells, muscle cells, blood cells, brain cells. Many, many different kinds of cells. We can say that when a particular new cell comes into being, the DNA contained in that individual cell contains the instructions for how the cell can build and combine proteins so that the cell can take on the specialty of becoming, for example, a heart cell, a muscle cell that is part of your heart. A new cell comes into being and the DNA inside the cell tells that cell how to find its place in the heart and how to build the proteins and combine the proteins that allows that individual cell to take its place among the millions and millions of cells that make up your heart. One individual cell has within it the instructions for how to build the proteins, how to combine them so it can find its place in the heart.

The logical flaw

But here is the logical flaw in materialism. What tells that individual cell to become a heart cell that is placed just right there? Do you think that information is encoded in the DNA of that individual cell? Scientists would have to say: “Well, of course it is.” But then the next question is, this means that every new cell that is created has all of the information needed to build your entire body with 30 billion cells so that a new cell could theoretically become a heart cell or find its place in your brain or in your left little finger. The same cell could perform these functions. There is information in the cell about how to become a heart cell, how to become a brain cell, and somehow the information in our particular cell relating to how to function in the heart was activated in that cell. Now the question is, what activated that particular information in that cell that allowed it to find its specific place among the 30 trillion cells?

You see, you can keep pushing these questions further and further back. But there comes a point where you have to recognize that if the information is encoded in the cells, scientists cannot explain where it is encoded because it is not in the DNA, because the DNA only tells the cell how to produce proteins. And even if the information was there, scientists cannot explain how is that particular information selected for that particular cell. Do you see what I am saying? The problem with the reductionist approach is that the mechanism in the individual cell cannot explain how that cell found its particular place among the 30 trillion other cells so that all the cells together form your physical body that can function as a unit.

Your body is not 30 trillion ping pong balls that are put in a box and shaken around. Your body is a unit. The cells function as a unit. They cooperate or they find their place in the whole. That information is, as far as scientists can explain right now, not in the individual cells. There must be something outside the cell that tells a new cell how to find its particular place among the 30 trillion other cells so that the cells together form a whole.

A blueprint for the physical body

What is that something? Well, how do you build a house? If you took a stack of bricks, a load of lumber, some roof tiles, and you shook them all together, would they automatically assemble into a house? Not likely. For in that case, when a hurricane sweeps through an area and knocks down the houses, spontaneously, houses should assemble themselves again after the hurricane. And since that is not a common observation on earth, we can say: we need to look for an explanation elsewhere. If we really are scientists and we cannot explain this within our current materialistic paradigm, perhaps it is time to look beyond the paradigm. And many, many people in the world who are somewhat spiritual or somewhat open-minded will be ready to acknowledge that there has to be something that tells the cells how to function as a unit. And what tells the builders how to build a house is that there is a blueprint. Instead of believing that the information for how the 30 trillion cells can form your body is encoded in the cells, which we do not know where or how it is encoded or how it is selected, it is more logically consistent to say that somewhere beyond the cell exists a blueprint.

There is a blueprint for your physical body. And that first egg cell in your mother’s womb, when it divides itself, the next cell that is divided is created based on the blueprint. The blueprint activates the DNA inside the cell and tells that particular cell what proteins to manufacture, how to combine them, so that the cell can find its particular place in your heart, for example. As your body starts with one cell, there is a blueprint for the fetus, various stages of the fetus. And in the first few days the first stage is filled in by the cells that are created by division. As the fetus grows, another part of the blueprint is filled in, and eventually after nine months the blueprint for the fetus is completed. There are not 30 trillion cells in the fetus, of course, but there is a certain number and the blueprint has now been filled in, and the cells have found their place in the blueprint for the fetus.

Then the child is born, and now there is another blueprint for how the child grows through all of these stages to adulthood, until it reaches the point where now its physical body has grown to its intended size, the brain has grown to be fully developed. Which means that now, after almost 30 years, the blueprint that started the entire process is filled in. 30 trillion cells have been created, and they have all found their rightful place in the blueprint.

How is this possible? Well, it is possible only because there is communication between the cells and the blueprint. Or we could say that the blueprint is projected upon each cell, activating the DNA in the specific way that allows the cell to find its particular place in the whole. Either way, there is a blueprint and it activates the DNA in the cells so they take on a specific place in the body. This is more logically consistent than the materialistic paradigm. If you can accept that there is something beyond what scientists currently call the material world, you have to accept that there is some realm that is not currently seen by scientists that can contain the blueprint. And as we have explained to you, there is such a realm beyond the purely material.

The communication between cells and a blueprint

Now, many people will have trouble thinking that there is something that is completely beyond the physical. But in reality, this realm is not beyond the physical. For as scientists have discovered, as Saint Germain explained, everything is actually energy. Physical matter is made up of energy. There is an energy field, has different levels of vibration, like you know that red light vibrates at a certain frequency, and blue light at a higher frequency, and so on. There is ultraviolet light which is beyond visible light and so forth. What you currently call the material physical universe is simply made of energy that vibrates within a certain spectrum. Above that is another spectrum of higher frequencies. This is what we call the emotional realm. Above that is the mental. Above that is the identity level. But they are all part of the same energy field, they are just different levels of vibration. And of course, beyond these four levels is what we can call the spiritual realm of even higher vibrations which also has levels.

What you realize here is that there is not this gap between the physical cell and the blueprint. The physical cell is actually an extension of this higher realm. And that is why the two can communicate. If you want to have a crude comparison, you can say that in a big city there are a million cars driving around. And each car has a radio. And let’s say that all those people decided to tune in to the same radio station. They would all be playing the same music, because the radio station is sending out a signal that is picked up by the individual radios. That is how it is in your cells. The blueprint is like the radio station broadcasting a program, and your cell is like a radio receiver that tunes in to the blueprint. But instead of each cell playing the same tune, they each find their individual tune so they can find their rightful place in the body.

How the body stays healthy

Now we can ask ourselves: How does a body function in a healthy way? There is a blueprint for how your body is supposed to be made, to be built. And as the body grows, the blueprint is filled in by new cells being created, and they tune in to the blueprint and find their rightful place in the whole. Now the body is filled in. What allows the body to continue functioning for many years and be healthy? It is that the cells are constantly communicating with the blueprint. They are constantly receiving signals from the higher realm where the blueprint is stored. The emotional, mental and identity levels. And only when this communication is upheld can the cells function according to the blueprint. This is not difficult to understand when you think about it. Thirty trillion individual cells have to function as a unit in order for your body to be healthy. Even an organ like the heart that is made up of many millions of cells, those millions of cells have to function as a unit for the heart to function. But the heart is not an isolated unit. It is connected to the blood vessels, connected to the entire body. And all of these trillions of cells have to function together for the heart to function properly.

Now you think about, you can create a factory with the absolute highest precision. And the factory makes clocks. And it makes a million clocks that are all exactly the same. But they are mechanical clocks. You now put all of these million clocks in one big hole and then you leave for a while and go on vacation. And when you come back you check: are those million clocks still showing the exact same time? And if they are mechanical clocks, they will not be showing the exact same time. Because one is just a little bit slower, another is just a little bit faster. And the longer that time goes on, the more out of sync the clocks become. If the millions of cells that made up your heart stopped communicating with the blueprint, stopped receiving signals from the blueprint, it is only a matter of time before they would get out of sync with each other. And your heart would start having an irregular beat, and eventually other problems would occur and the heart would break down. This is just the mechanics that can be observed.

Now, you know that you all have computers. And you can have a million computers made in the same factory. But if you put them in a hole and you waited a hundred years and came back, they would all be showing the same time. But they would do this only if they are connected to the internet, so they all tune into a central clock. And therefore, by being in sync with a central clock, they are also in sync with each other. And that is the only way the cells can function and your body can be healthy. That each cell is connected to the blueprint and receives signals from the blueprint that allows the cells to be synchronized with each other. The horizontal synchronization that is necessary for your body to function is a product of each individual cell having a vertical synchronization with the blueprint. Otherwise, your body cannot stay healthy.

Distortions of the original blueprint

Now we realize that what causes disease in most cases is that one or a group of cells either cannot receive signals from the blueprint or they receive a distorted signal because something interferes with and scrambles the signal. What have I just told you? There are four levels of the material world, four levels of your body actually. A physical body is just the densest level, but you have an emotional body, a mental body, and an identity body. The ideal blueprint for your physical body is stored at the identity level. That is where the pure blueprint is, the higher levels of your identity body. And from there is broadcast a pure signal, the pure blueprint of your body. But at the lower levels of your identity body, it is possible that you have a certain sense of identity. It could be that you are a separate being, separated from the body, separated from any higher realm, or that you are somehow a flawed being that cannot do anything right. It could be many, many things, but a limited sense of identity. And this creates a certain filter, a certain distortion, so that the signal coming from the blueprint is slightly distorted.

Then at the mental level, in your mind, in your beliefs, in the way you look at yourself and the world, you can have other limited beliefs about yourself. They distort the signal even more. And finally at the emotional level, you can have feelings. You can have these accumulations of lower energies like anger or fear, and they distort the signal even more. By the time the signal reaches the physical cells, it has been distorted from the original blueprint. And therefore, the cells can only take on what is projected upon them. And now the body does not function as a pure, perfectly healthy body. But some imbalances start occurring.

Now a materialist would say this is all nonsense. But just take a common experience. How many people have been exposed to a traumatic situation and they say: “Oh, this broke my heart?” Because they feel a certain sensation in the heart because of this psychological trauma. Well, when you experience something like this, it may not immediately break your heart, but you are creating structures in the emotional, mental and lower identity level that distorts the signal coming from the blueprint. And over time, this can affect your physical heart because the cells will tune into what they receive from the emotional body. They cannot leapfrog the emotional or mental or lower identity and tune directly into the blueprint. What the cells receive is what comes through the lower identity, the mental, the emotional. The cells do not know what the blueprint is. They do not need to know. The enormously complex information for the entire blueprint does not need to be stored in the cell because the cell tunes in.

You think about your computer. You are tuning into something called YouTube. You select a certain video and now you are playing just that video. But there are one billion videos on YouTube. Imagine how big of a server you need to store that information. It could not fit in your computer. It could not even fit in your house. Imagine that in order to watch one video on YouTube, you first had to download all one billion videos onto your computer before you could select the one. It would be impossible. Likewise, the blueprint for your body of 30 trillion cells working together requires so much information that it could not possibly be stored in each cell. Yes, the DNA has a large capacity to store data, but not enough. And what economics would there be if each of the 30 trillion cells had to store all of the information that is needed to make up one body? Why not just have the blueprint in a higher realm where physical storage is not a problem and then the cells tune into it like radio stations?

It is again this in the old days where your radio had a CD disk and there was a certain amount of information that could be stored on a CD. But at the radio station they may have a thousand CDs with music and they can select any music they want. But now imagine that in order to play one tune on your radio, in your car, you would have to have those one thousand CDs in your trunk. It just does not make sense. And that is why what does make sense is that each individual cell is attuned to the blueprint. And once it has been created according to the blueprint, its continued function depends on receiving signals from the blueprint. But if those signals are distorted, the cell cannot function, or a group of cells cannot function together, and suddenly you have disease. Or rather after some time you have disease.

Healing by removing the interference

What does this mean? This means that there is a particular approach to healing the physical body. It is not the only approach. There is of course more than one. But the particular approach that I want to give you in this release is that when you have a particular disease in the body, it is because there is interference with the signal at the emotional, mental, and lower identity level. There is something there that interferes. And in order to heal the disease, you need to remove that interference.

But what is the interference at the emotional, mental and identity level? It is not a physical interference like if your cell took in a toxic chemical or a virus. It is not physical. It is at the level of pure energy. Of course, the physical is also energy, but most people find this a little difficult to accept. That is what I am saying that the physical is a certain density, which means it is more difficult to change. But the higher levels are easier to change with the mind, because they are mind. The physical is also mind, but most people cannot see it. But they can see that emotions take place in the mind, thoughts take place in the mind, even your sense of identity is in the mind. These energies are not as dense. They are easier to change with the mind. But you see, once you use the mind’s ability to change what interferes with the signal, the cells can again tune into the signal. And therefore, without having to do anything to the cells, they can heal themselves by realigning themselves with the blueprint. You do not have to take any physical measures.

This is not to say that there are not some cases where physical measures of healing are needed. If you break a leg, of course you need to have a cast put on and so forth. But there are many diseases that are caused by this interference with the signal between the blueprint and the cell. And once you remove the interference, the cell can then right itself. It simply realigns with the blueprint.

The tool for deep healing

All of the teachings we have given are of course part of this process. We have talked about how you have these subconscious selves at the emotional, mental and identity level. They were created by you being exposed to a certain situation. You made a certain decision that limited you, that was based on an illusion. And ultimately you dissolve a self by coming to see the illusion and consciously letting it go. What I am going to give you here is not some magical trick that you can use to bypass that process. In order to really attain deep healing, you do need to look at all of these things. But you can make the process easier by using the tool I will give you.

And the tool is to realize that energy is vibration. Your emotions are a form of energy. This means that any structure in the emotional body is made up of energy. And the structures in the emotional body that can distort the signal coming from the blueprint are a lower form of energy. They vibrate within a certain spectrum. And you know very well, if you have even gone to elementary school, that there is something called interference between waves. Waves interact and they can change each other by interacting. If you take an energy of a lower frequency and expose it to a wave of a higher frequency, you can raise the vibration of the lower energy.

We can say that the interference that I am talking about, the patterns that I am talking about in the emotional body, are created when energy is captured into a certain matrix. It is reduced in vibration and then it attains the qualities of a stationary field in your emotional body. And that field is made of vibrations at a certain level. And if you direct a higher energy into that field, you can raise the vibration of the field. In other words, you have some lower energy that is scrambling the signal from the blueprint. But by directing a higher energy at it, you can unscramble the scrambler. And when your emotional body is again clear, and of course when your mental body and the lower identity body are cleared from this blueprint, your cells will again receive a pure signal. And what can the selves do other than manifest themselves according to the signal? This is what the cells are designed to do, but they cannot distinguish: “Am I receiving a pure signal or not?” They just receive the signal and then they adapt themselves to it. The cell does not know that it is not functioning right. The cell does not actually know that it is ill. It just tunes into whatever signal is coming and out-pictures that.

 The sound of the Mother’s bell

There are of course many ways to direct higher energy into these disturbances in the three bodies. Our decrees and invocations are certainly ways to do this. But I simply wish to give you one more tool here, and that is the concept that I am an ascended master who holds a particular spiritual office as the Divine Mother for Earth. And as part of this office of the Divine Mother, I have a certain sound that is produced by this office. And I have called it previously the Mother’s bell.

Now, we have sometimes used a certain tone, but I do not wish to use that for this exercise, because I want you to tune in to a different level of this bell that is like a very large church bell or one of these gongs you have in the east. This large bronze gong where you have a wood beam that you can swing with a rope and hit against the gong and you get this very deep tone. You can find recordings of this if you like, or you can tune into it by giving the OM in the deepest voice you can manifest. (very low, very deep) “OM”. But the Mother’s bell is beyond the physical sound. I am just giving you this example so you can have an idea of what the bell is like. It is this very deep vibration and you know if you are near one of these big bells it is like you can feel the air is vibrating with the sound.

And the Mother’s bell is such a deep sound that anything in the emotional, mental and identity levels will vibrate with it. When you tune into something and activate the Mother’s bell it will cause that lower energy field to start vibrating at a higher frequency and this will unscramble the disturbance. That is why you can use various forms of this exercise and let me just take you through one.

The exercise

I am asking you to now close your eyes. You tune into a particular area of the physical body where you feel there is some kind of disease or disturbance or unease, whatever it may be. If you have no particular place in your body then tune into your heart, your physical heart. Now you sense: “Is there some physical sensation?” Now you follow that sensation up to the emotional level. You do not need to put words on it. You do not need to be very specific. You are just attuning. This is easiest to do of course if you have an actual physical sensation. Then you tune into the emotional component of it. Then you tune into the mental and then you rise to the identity level. You do not need to see specifics. You do not need to be able to put words on it. You are just tuning into this, these four levels.

And now you tune into the Mother’s bell, this deep, deep sound. And you allow that sound to fill your mind until you feel it. You are vibrating with this: OMMMMM. If it helps you, you can give the OM aloud or you can listen to a recording of a bell. And as you are tuned into this deep sound, you tune into whatever disturbance was in your identity mind. And you just allow the sound to penetrate that disturbance and feel how your identity body starts vibrating along with the sound. And your identity body is vibrating and vibrating until there really is nothing you can identify except the vibration. The vibration is so strong it fills your attention. It fills your identity body.

And then you go down to the mental level. And again, you are focusing on the disturbance and then you focus on the sound. And the sound penetrates the disturbance. It makes that energy field start to vibrate with this regular pattern of the sound. OMMMMM. And it fills your mental body. That all you notice is the sound, those waves of the sound, waves of the bell. And then you focus on the emotional level.

And there is a disturbance of emotions, a chaos of emotions. But then you focus on the bell again. OMMMMMM. And whatever disturbance is in the emotional body must respond to the bell. What is of a higher vibration than that which has a lower vibration must respond when it is exposed to a lower. It starts breaking up this disturbance. And the energy field starts becoming regular, organized, synchronized with the bell until the bell fills your emotional body. And there is nothing but this sound of the bell for it overpowers anything else.

And then you focus on the physical. And again, there is a disturbance at the level of the cells. But the bell penetrates it, shakes it up so that any disturbance is broken up and your cells are vibrating in sync with the bell. OMMMMMM. There is nothing but the bell. The bells, the bells. They do not torture me, they liberate me. OMMMMMM, OMMMMMM.

Now if you are new to this, it may take a little time before you can truly feel how the higher vibrations replace the lower vibrations, transforming the lower vibrations. For those of you who have followed our teachings for a while, you have already experienced how invoking light through decrees and invocations can replace the lower energies, can transform them, can raise them up, and you are free. You can build on that and you can gradually build this momentum, your ability to tune into the higher vibrations to direct them and to accept and experience how they transform lower vibrations.

Mother Mary’s mantra

This tool I have now given you is just one among many that can be used.

Another tool is of course the mantra that I have given before of repeating the sentence:

“The tuning fork in every cell is now attuned to Mother’s bell.” 

And again, what you visualize here is that your cell is like a receiver that can receive a signal from beyond itself. But what is it that receives the signal? It is that inside the cell is something that can vibrate with the signal. And a visual illustration of this is a tuning fork. Normally you take a tuning fork, you strike it against something, and the tuning fork vibrates. But you know, if you have studied the topic, that it is possible to send a sound wave at a tuning fork so that without the physical stimulation, the tuning fork starts vibrating in sync with the sound wave. And this is what happens when you tune the tuning fork in your physical cells to Mother’s bell. The tuning fork in the cell will begin to vibrate along with the regular vibrations of the bell. Now this is at the cellular level. It cannot stand alone because you also need to clear the emotional, mental and identity levels. But there can still be great value in using this exercise where you tune into the cells and you activate that tuning fork so the physical cells vibrate in sync with the bell, this deep regular vibration.

And so just as the conclusion of my release, let us give together this mantra. And you need to first tune into a particular area of your body where you feel there is any kind of disturbance. Tune into it at the physical level. Tune into these cells and see that there is some vibration, lower vibration that burdens the cells and prevents them from truly functioning. And then we visualize that beyond this vibration there is a tuning fork in each cell. And now you visualize that it is synchronized with this bell, this deep sound. And therefore,  you are visualizing the deep sound behind the mantra we are saying as we speak it.

The tuning fork in every cell is now attuned to Mother’s bell. (3X)

The tuning fork in every cell is now attuned to Mother’s bell. OM (4X)

The tuning fork in every cell is now attuned to Mother’s bell (33X).

OM (3X)

I thank you very much for your participation and I trust that some of you will be able to use these tools to produce a release from disease.


Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels