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Ascended Master Elohim Cyclopea through Kim Michaels, June 8, 2024. This dictation was given at a Deep Healing Retreat Conference in Tallinn, Estonia.
I AM the Elohim Cyclopea.
The flow of divine rays
What does it mean that we are the Elohim? What is the difference between the Elohim, the archangels and ascended masters? Well, in a sense you could say that we are all ascended masters because we exist in the Ascended Realm. We have mastered our own minds in order to become immortal permanent beings in the Ascended Realm.
But still, what is the function of the Elohim? We are creative beings. We are of course co-creators, not only with God but with each other. You do not co-create a planet like earth through one spiritual ray, but through all seven and even the secret rays beyond. Even though we have given you this concept that there are separate rays, they are not really separate from our perspective. We are united when we create.
And therefore, from your perspective, while it can be helpful to focus on the different rays, their different qualities, you need to recognize that all of the rays together form a flow. And your choice, your basic choice when you are in embodiment on a dense planet like earth is whether to see yourself as connected to that flow so that the flow can in some measure at least flow through you, or whether you see yourself as disconnected from the flow.
The I AM Presence and the Conscious You
This is important especially for the emotional body, because what is the function of the emotional body? Let us begin to answer this question by going to the identity body. We have explained to you that you have an I AM Presence in the lower spiritual realm that has a unique individuality. This individuality was designed, defined, created by the ascended masters who manifested your I AM Presence out of their own beings.
In reality, your real identity is defined in the I AM Presence. But because of the density of an unascended sphere, the I AM Presence does not descend into embodiment, it sends the Conscious You.
The Conscious You does not in itself have any individuality. That is why we have taught you that the Conscious You is pure awareness or neutral awareness. In other words, the Conscious You is not like a container that contains a blueprint for your individuality. That is the function of your I AM Presence. But if the I AM Presence descended on a dark planet like earth, potentially your divine individuality could be damaged, could be shattered.
Therefore, it sends the Conscious You, which means that the Conscious You can be said to have no identity. This is both correct and incorrect in the sense that your Conscious You has a sense: I AM. There is just no continuation of that sentence. The Conscious You in its pure form does not continue that statement and say: “I am this, I am that.” The Conscious You says or experiences: I AM. That is a form of identity. Clearly, you experience yourself as an individual being, but it is just there is no: I AM this, I AM that, as you are used to on earth.
The parameters defining a planet
We have explained to you that the Conscious You starts at the 144th level. It takes on a certain illusion, creates a certain self in your identity body. This self is not a dualistic self. It is not a separate self. We might even say that what you take on at the 144th level is not really an illusion as you normally see the word illusion on earth. It is not a lie. It is just that on a planet like earth, but even on a natural planet, in order to create a planet, you have to create a certain blueprint. And that is in a certain way a limitation.
You have to choose from the level of the Elohim what kind of planet you are going to design. And there are many, many ways to design a planet, but you have to choose. You start by defining one “parameter”, you might say, instead of saying limitation. And that parameter then is what the Conscious You takes on at the 144th level. It is not a lie as such, but if you focus on it and think it is absolutely real and the only way a planet could be defined, then it does become an illusion that can trap you.
The Conscious You takes on the first parameter. It accepts that this is the parameter for this planet into which I am going to descend in embodiment. This allows the Conscious You to integrate with the identity body. But it is not just that the Conscious You chooses this randomly. In other words, you have all descended to the 144th level, created a self there, taken on a certain illusion, you might say, but you do not all have the same illusion or parameter or self. What determines what you specifically took on? The individuality of your I AM Presence determined this.
You see, when the Conscious You descends to the 144th level, it has no individuality in itself, but it is connected to the individuality of the I AM Presence. And it is based on this individuality that you create the first self that allows you to start integrating with the identity body. Now you can say that perhaps you could, when you look at our teachings about these selves, perhaps you could get the impression that they are wrong or that you should avoid having selves or that you should overcome all selves or that they are always negative.
This is true for the selves created out of the duality consciousness, the sense of separation. But the selves you take on as you descend to the 48th level are not dualistic separate selves. They are just selves that are necessary for you to actually fit the Conscious You into a physical body so you can interact with the physical body.
Now one of you yesterday raised the issue that when you were doing this meditation where Mother Mary took you out of the four lower bodies and then you were asked to write down, he felt that he was so disconnected from the physical body that how could he write anything? And that actually illustrates the process whereby the Conscious You comes into embodiment.
Because when the Conscious You is aware of itself as pure awareness, how could you do anything on earth? How could you operate a physical body? How could you hold a pen in your hand and move it on a piece of paper to write something? But how could you even conceive that there is something called writing whereby you can write words that have a meaning? How can you give meaning to words if you see yourself as pure awareness?
What is the value of stepping outside of your four lower bodies and experiencing yourself as pure awareness? It is that you do not any longer identify yourself with the four lower bodies and with the subconscious selves. This means you can look at them and let them go because you know you are more than this.
Why does the Conscious You create a self?
But nevertheless, when you are in the state of pure awareness, you cannot integrate with the dense physical bodies on earth, but you cannot even integrate with the physical bodies on a natural planet. It is just that it is easier to integrate with a body on a natural planet. But you still have to go through a process whereby the Conscious You creates these selves.
And why is it that you have to create a self? Because when you are at the 144th level, you are looking at the parameter that defines that level. You are looking at this consciously. And you are making the decision to take this on. But the parameter you are taking on is necessary for you to continue the process of going down. But you cannot be conscious of the parameter you took on at the 144th level when you descend to the 143rd level. Because then you need to be conscious of that parameter. That is why you create a self to continually project your energy through the parameter that you defined at the 144th level.
It is as if you might say that the Conscious You is the white light that enters the movie projector. And at the hundred and forty fourth level, you are starting to draw an image on the film strip. And the light will then be projected through that image. But you cannot do this consciously when you go below the 144th level. The self is like the film strip that has this particular image on it that is repeated and repeated at the subconscious level.
And now you go to the 143rd. Here is another parameter defined by the Elohim for how the earth is designed as a planet. You look at that parameter that we defined. You connect to your individuality in your I AM Presence. And then you create an individual self at the 143rd level, which means you make another drawing on the film strip. And when the light shines through from your I AM Presence through the film strip, the self you create now projects that onto the movie screen.
And you continue to do this on to the 48th level, whereby you first fill up your identity body with selves that project a certain image. Then your mental body, then your emotional body. And then in the ideal situation, when it is a natural planet, you are actually co-creating your physical body instead of entering into a pre-created physical body. But because of the density of earth, you are coming into a physical body that is created by your parents and that is deeply affected by your genetic inheritance.
Seeing through all of the parameters defining earth
What I am endeavoring to have you see here is that there are certain of these selves that are not actually limiting your spiritual growth. They are not limiting your spiritual growth. And you will not have to get rid of every self while you are still in embodiment. You will, as we say, have to see through the illusion at every level before you can ascend. And it is possible while you are still in the body to come to see through all of the parameters up until the 144th level. And you see that this is not who you are, that this does not limit you. You are not identified with it, but you still need those selves in order to integrate with the four lower bodies and to function in a physical body.
For most people, they will not see through these initiations or these illusions at the higher levels until they go through the ascension process. That is why there is both a validity to the image of the ascension process that we gave in previous dispensations, where you go through this series of initiations at Serapis Bey’s retreat at Luxor, because this is when you then very quickly overcome these last illusions at the higher levels, whatever you have not overcome until you are ready to go into the ascension temple.
But it is also possible to overcome them while you are still in embodiment, so that you are not identified with them. You just hold on to them so that you can function in a physical body. And then you hardly need to go through any process in the ascension temple, you can almost immediately ascend, because you are already dis-identified from these.
What does all this have to do with the emotional body? Well, when you descend towards the 48th level, you are also creating certain selves in the emotional body. You start at the identity, then into the mental, then into the emotional. But all of these selves that you create as you are descending are selves that have one purpose: to allow the energy, the light from your I AM Presence to flow through your higher bodies and be expressed at the physical level.
They are co-creative selves, because they are based on the awareness that everything in this unascended sphere is created from the energies from the spiritual realm that are flowing into the identity, mental, emotional and physical levels. And you are here to be a co-creator in the physical body, and therefore, all of the selves you create to integrate with the four lower bodies are aimed at letting energy flow through you into the physical, so you can co-create.
You have selves in the emotional body that are not dualistic, that are not directly created in reaction to earth. They are created in reaction to how we the Elohim define the parameters for earth. They are created to be creative selves. And it is entirely possible to have an emotional body that only has creative selves, and none of the separate dualistic selves.
The flow of love from above
And when you do have that, you will experience the light flowing through you, and you will feel whole. But more than that, what will you feel? Well, you will actually feel the energies of the seven rays all flowing through your emotional body at the same time. But you cannot really at the emotional level differentiate. You just feel a flow of energy. And the way you experience this at the emotional level is love. The word that we can use to describe this flow that is what people can relate to is love.
This means that when you have this, we can say, natural energy flow, you are experiencing love from above. You are constantly experiencing love. And it is saturating you, it is fulfilling you, and therefore, you do not even have the thought that you could need love from earth or from another person. Because you are receiving all the love you need from your I AM Presence.
The whole idea that you should meet a person and then you should feel love from that person is unnecessary for you. You do not even conceive of it. Because why would you need to look at the moon and get the light that is reflected by the moon when you could look at the sun directly, when you are feeling the sun’s rays flowing through you?
The sense of loss
It is important for you to contemplate this because the only way to really heal the emotional body is to re-establish that natural energy flow where you feel this, we might call it unconditional love, or the love that is beyond conditions. You see, what happens when you go below the 48th level of consciousness is that now you lose that flow. You no longer feel the flow of love from above and you experience it as a loss, you experience you are not fulfilled, there is a hole, there is a lack, there is something you need and you need love.
What happens is that now you start thinking that you need love from this world. But what is it you experience? You experience that you are not getting love from this world because you can never get enough love from this world to replace the loss of the flow from the higher realms. The love from your I AM Presence is the only love that can fill you. No amount of love from this world, even from another human being, even if that other human being had the natural flow of love from his or her I AM Presence, it would still not fill you.
What you also experience in this world of course is that the love that is given to you in this world is so often conditional. You need to live up to certain conditions. And why is this? Because everybody has the same lack of not having love flowing from above. Everybody is now trying to get something from each other instead of receiving everything they need personally from within so they all have a surplus from which to give. Nobody has a surplus. So everybody is saying: “I will give something to you if you give something to me.” You are bargaining. It all becomes a bargain, a trade.
This is important to realize because you can in a certain sense say that there are only two emotions, love and fear. Now even from a human perspective, how humans normally conceive of love, what is love? Love is when you are giving, when you are flowing. But even if you are receiving love, you are also experiencing there is a stream of love towards you.
What is fear? Well, this is more tricky because fear can also be a flow. You can feel that you are radiating fear-based energy or you are receiving fear-based energy. But very often fear becomes a stop of the flow where because of fear you are afraid to give out or you are afraid to take in. You stop the flow.
And this will create a disease in your emotional body because the emotional body is designed to be a conduit for the flow of energy. And when you stop the flow, an imbalance immediately occurs in the emotional body. And this means that fear-based energy starts to accumulate and even what many human beings call love is actually a fear-based energy. As more and more energy accumulates in the emotional body, it starts affecting the physical body and this can create a physical disease.
But what is it that stops the flow? It is not actually the emotional body, it is the mental body. As we explained yesterday, you have certain structures in the identity body that set parameters for the mental body. You can only think within those paradigms. But at the same time, the mental body forms parameters for your emotional body. You can only feel within the parameters defined at the mental level. And that is why when you have a certain feeling of fear, the mental body can step in and say: “I do not want to have that feeling, so I am going to suppress the feeling. I am going to stop the feeling.”
The mental body can override the emotional so that at the conscious level, you are not aware, you are not aware consciously at the mental level of the feeling. But the feeling is still there. Perhaps it is produced internally in your emotional body, perhaps it is coming to you from the outside, being projected at you from the mass consciousness, dark forces, other people. But the feeling is still there. But you are suppressing it at the mental level, so you are not aware of it.
And that means the energies must then accumulate in your emotional body. And when they reach a certain level of intensity, and when they are still not acknowledged by the mental body, they spill over to the physical body and now begin to affect the physical cells. And sooner or later, you have the manifestation of a physical disease.
The natural flow of energy and inner evaluation
We now need to step back and look at, you are a co-Creator. You come into embodiment on earth, the Conscious You descends through these many levels to the 48th level. You are integrated with this physical body. You are here to co-create. Now in an ideal situation, you are formulating an image in your identity body, a more concrete image in the mental. And then you are superimposing that image on your emotional body. And then you are simply allowing that energy to flow through the emotional onto the physical body, onto the Ma-ter light. And you are then manifesting, you are either doing something with the physical body, or you are actually manifesting certain conditions, physical conditions.
And then in the ideal situation, when you have directed energy out through your four lower bodies, through the emotional and physical body, you wait for the return from the cosmic mirror, from the Ma-ter light. What is going to be manifest? And you, of course, you experience that return first on the physical body, then on the emotional, and then up to the mental. But you are really not evaluating the return at the physical or mental level, or emotional level. You are evaluating it at the identity level.
And you are evaluating: “This was my vision, this is what manifested, what is the difference? Did I not manifest what I envisioned?” Or you are evaluating: “How do I experience what came back to me? Do I want more of this, or do I want to refine my vision and manifest something higher?” This is a completely neutral evaluation.
The function of the emotional body
What I am saying here is that in this situation, your emotional body is just a conduit. Energy flows through from above, a certain response comes back, but your emotional body is not taking in energies from the physical level, or even from the collective emotional level. You are seeing the physical results, you are passing it on to the mental, but there is really no evaluation at the emotional level. And you are not taking energy back from the physical or lower emotional, because you are still experiencing that flow from above that fills you with love. So why do you need any energies from this world? So you can then neutrally evaluate your co-creative efforts. There is no right or wrong, there is no good or bad, there is no dualistic value judgment, there is no thought that you could be wrong as a co-Creator.
In this case, nothing accumulates in the emotional body. Love does not even accumulate in the emotional body because it is directed outwards. But there is nothing coming back, there is nothing generated in the emotional body, there is no accumulation. It is just a pure flow through that conduit of the emotional body. And this is the natural flow, this is how we the Elohim co-create. We formulate the images, project them on the Ma-ter light, evaluate what comes back, could we do something different, could we do more, could we refine our co-creation? And you are meant to do the same in the ideal situation, which is what happens on a natural planet.
The standard of right and wrong
Of course, the situation on earth is very different, as you all know, but why is it different? How is it different? Well, as we have said before, the fallen beings had to do only one thing to distort things on earth. They had to project there is a standard that your co-creative efforts have to live up to. And then project that this standard defines what is right, what is wrong.
All of a sudden, what you experience on a planet like earth as compared to a natural planet is that now you are not just evaluating your co-creative efforts from within, you are now exposed to this very aggressive projection from without that your co-creative efforts are wrong. And this means you are wrong.
And this is what happens to avatars when you come from a natural planet where you have never been wrong, to the earth and suddenly you are exposed to this accusation from the fallen beings. You are wrong for even being here. Anything you do here is wrong. As the messenger expressed yesterday: “I can only be wrong.” And many of you can recognize this in yourselves.
The fear of being wrong
When this happens, and this only happens really when you go below the 48th level or maybe you go below the 48th level in reaction to this accusation, then suddenly there is a different reaction in your emotional body. Remember, evaluation of your co-creative efforts ideally happens at the mental level and the identity level or even by the Conscious You stepping outside of those bodies, connecting to the I AM Presence. But now you are suddenly experiencing that in your emotional body, instead of just love flowing through you, first of all you sense the lack of love from above, but then you also sense the fear that you could be wrong.
Suddenly you could be wrong. And there is now this evaluation process at the emotional level: “ Am I wrong? Could I be wrong? And what bad things could happen if I am wrong?” And this is often because you were exposed to some very negative events that happened at the physical level where you perhaps were killed, tortured, where you suffered greatly at the physical level because the fallen beings exposed you to this physical pain that you naturally would never feel.
The evaluation process based on a dualistic standard
Now you have an evaluation in the emotional body, but there was never meant to be an evaluation at the emotional level. Your emotional body is not designed to create this evaluation. There is in fact no selves that you created as you descended to the 48th level that were created to evaluate.
What happens? What happens is that there are now separate selves created in the emotional body. And they are based on this evaluation that you could be wrong, and if you are wrong it is bad and you should fear it and you should fear the consequences.
Now why is this all important when we are talking about healing? Because when a subconscious self is created at the emotional level, it cannot be resolved at the emotional level. There is no mechanism in the emotional body for stepping back, looking at your feelings and saying: “Oh, I do not want to have that feeling. I am just letting it go. I am just ignoring it.” You cannot do that at the emotional level.
Now, how can you then overcome a self, a subconscious self, a separate self at the emotional level? Well, only by reconnecting up. Theoretically you could overcome an emotional self through the mental body, which should be in command of your emotional body, defining what goes through the emotional body. It should also be in command of defining what is coming back or what is coming into the emotional body, so that it actually does not allow anything to come into the emotional body. But what happens when you come to earth and are exposed to this accusatory energy is that it does not only affect your emotional body. It affects the emotional body first, but it also affects the mental.
And now you create at the same time subconscious selves at the mental level that accept this standard that on earth apparently it is necessary to evaluate your co-creative efforts based on this standard of right and wrong, because otherwise you cannot even survive here. You cannot function here and you cannot do what you came here to do, help people overcome suffering if you do not conform to their standards, because otherwise they’ll ignore or reject you. So you create selves at the mental level and you even at the identity level create selves of how you are supposed to be on earth, that you cannot just be a co-creative being on earth. You need even at the identity level to evaluate.
Now you have these selves at the emotional body and the self at the emotional body is constantly projecting into your mind fear—fear-based energy, fear-based feelings. And it is very unpleasant. And your mental body should be able to override it, but it cannot because it has also accepted this standard. The mental body cannot just say: “This feeling is completely unnecessary, a complete illusion, and I am going to dissolve that self and just let it die.” Because the mental body is wondering: “But what if it is true? What if it is true here on earth that in order to function here, I have to accept this?”
Now, even if this happens, the identity body should be able to override the mental and say: “No, no, this is not correct. This is not in accordance with who I really am.” But even at the identity level, you have this doubt. As an avatar, you often feel: “But I came here to help people escape suffering. How can I help them if they just reject me? Maybe I need to conform to their standard so they will accept me, and then I can give them something that can gradually help them.” And that means now your identity body cannot really override the mental, which cannot override the emotional, and therefore, the emotional energies accumulate and they spill over to the physical, affect the physical cells, and you have a physical disease.
The way out: letting the fear-based selves die
What is the way out of it? Well, the way out of it is that the Conscious You realizes: “I am not the physical body. I am not defined by the physical body. I am not my emotions. I am not defined by my emotions. I am not my thoughts. I am not defined by my thoughts. I am not even my sense of identity that I have taken on on this planet. I am not defined by it. Therefore, I can step outside of this. I can look at these selves. I can see the illusion. I can see how they are affecting me, and I can decide to let the selves die.”
You can only do this when you step outside of these bodies, because when the Conscious You is inside the bodies, what do these selves do from the identity to the mental to the emotional? They are defining: there is a problem you have to solve here on earth. And the problem has no solution at the emotional, mental, and identity levels. The only solution is that the Conscious You steps outside, sees that it is a self, sees that it is unreal, and realizes: “I do not have to solve the problem that the self projects. I can just let the self die, and then I am not seeing the world through that filter.” And then the problem is no longer there.
It is not a matter of solving. It is a matter of transcending the problem so the problem is not there in your four lower bodies. And that can only happen when the selves die. Therefore, the Conscious You can come to look from the level of pure awareness down through your identity, mental, into the emotional body, and you can see this self that is sitting there constantly projecting this fear-based energy.
It is not a sophisticated self at the emotional level. It is more like you would see a small child that is throwing a temper tantrum, and it is throwing itself on the floor, and it is kicking and screaming and constantly yelling, and there is no reasoning with it. You cannot reason with a child. That is how the selves are in the emotional body. They are constantly projecting: Fear, fear, fear. This is bad. This is terrible. Imagine what would happen if there is a war, if I am tortured, or if I am raped, or this or that. And it is just raw emotional energy.
And at the emotional level, there is no reasoning to the energy. It is just energy that is moving, and it is chaotic. It is like you are in a hurricane, where the air is swirling around so fast that all you can do is hold on to something so you are not swept away with it. When the Conscious You steps outside of the four lower bodies, it is like going into the eye of a hurricane where there is calm. The hurricane is still swirling around you. It may be swirling still in your emotional body, but now you can look calmly at it, and then you can realize that you actually have the power to stop the energy.
But in order to do it, you need to look at the selves in the identity level, how they are connected to the mental, and then into the emotional, and then you have to decide to let them go, let the illusion go. And then you can stop the energy. Now you may, before you do this, have to seal yourself off from these projections, from the dark forces and the collective mind. And this is what, of course, you can do with our decrees and invocations. But you also need to make a certain decision where you see that the self you have in your emotional body is an open door for what is coming from the outside. And you need to decide, “Enough of this. Enough of this.”
The inflow of energy from the outside world
Now, I am well aware that I am giving you a theoretical, somewhat abstract teaching here. But we will, of course, give you an exercise for connecting to the emotional body. But this is not my role as the Elohim. My role is to prepare you for the exercise by giving you a teaching of how the energy is meant to flow through your four lower bodies.
You see, what the fallen beings have done to all avatars who came to earth, and of course to the original earth inhabitants, is that they have disrupted the natural energy flow from above, and they have opened people’s emotional bodies to an inflow of energy from this world. And this inflow is not necessarily all what people would experience as negative. You can experience that you are getting love from another person, and it can feel positive. It just will never be the same as it will never fill you as the flow from your I AM Presence. But it can still be a positive experience. You can, of course, have positive feelings.
You see, many times when people go to some kind of, let’s say it is a classical concert or a waltz concert, where they feel they are all together, and the music creates this positive feeling in the audience, and they feel uplifted. This is them receiving energy horizontally in most cases. Some may also be able to connect and receive something from their I AM Presences, but many people feel the energy coming from the outside, and it is a positive feeling. But still, seeking energy, emotional energy from this world, is not what you are designed to do as a co-Creator. You are designed to let energy flow through you into the world, so you raise up the world.
For many people, their entire lives revolve around seeking to find ways to receive positive energy from the world. But of course, most people also experience that they receive unpleasant, negative, fear-based energy from the world. It is an inevitable pairing, an inevitable duality, that when people are seeking to receive positive energy from the world, they are also at the same time seeking to avoid receiving negative energy from the world. This is an essential duality you cannot escape until you reconnect to your I AM Presence and receive all the energy you need from the Presence.
Again, why is this important for healing? Well, first of all, what happens to people who are in this push and pull dynamic? They seek to get positive energy, they seek to avoid negative energy. What is happening? Well, they are opening their emotional bodies to an inflow of energy from the world. How else could they receive positive energy? If you are opening your emotional body to that inflow, you will also be vulnerable to projections of negative energy. And there is no way to seal your emotional body from this. You are either open or you are closed.
What do people then do? Many people in the world, they are focusing on positive energy, trying to receive positive energy from the world. They are receiving negative energy, but they are suppressing it. And this is, in a sense, a step up from being completely the victims of negative energy. Of course, you see people who are never receiving positive energy from the world, but only negative. But many people are at the point where they can suppress the negative energy and focus on the positive.
The problem is that when you suppress the negative, it accumulates in the emotional body. And even though you do not realize that it is there at the conscious mental level, it accumulates and it will affect the physical body. And suddenly these people are saying: “But I have tried to be positive all of my life. Why am I suddenly getting this disease?” And they feel like, what can they do about it? There is nothing they can really do. And there is not at that level anything they really can do, only again by stepping up, reconnecting, stepping outside the selves, coming to see the entire structure that is actually manifesting the disease.
The materialistic paradigm
And part of this is, of course, the entire materialistic paradigm, which has now been superimposed on many people at the identity level, that you are living in a physical, material world. According to the materialistic paradigm, you have a physical body. And therefore, when a physical disease happens, it has a physical cause. It is not really your accumulated negative emotions that are causing the disease. It is not the mental beliefs you have. It is not your sense of identity as a separate being. This has nothing to do with your physical disease.
And if you believe this, you are, of course, completely at the mercy of whether the medical profession can come up with some physical means of either relieving the symptoms or removing them entirely. They cannot actually cure the disease, but in some cases, they can suppress the symptoms for a time.
Perhaps they can suppress symptoms for the rest of a person’s lifetime. But when the person comes into its next embodiment, it will have the same disease and it will manifest earlier in life. That is why you have some children that are born with a certain disease, because it carried over from their past lifetime.
There is nothing wrong with you
Again, you are spiritual people. What can you do to heal your emotional body? You can do what I have said. You step outside the emotional body. You step outside the mental. You step outside the identity. You look at this structure, because nothing happens in your emotional body entirely by itself. It is within the parameters defined in the mental, which is within the parameters defined at the identity. When you begin to question this, you can begin to question your entire approach to the physical realm and the physical body on earth. And you can begin to question why you allowed yourself to take on this belief that your co-creative efforts should fit with this standard of right and wrong.
Why did you come to believe that you have to evaluate yourself based on the standard of right and wrong? Because if you have no such standard, you will not have negative emotions. If you do not have a standard that says you could be wrong, why would you have fear in your emotional body? Even if it is projected from the outside, it would just pass through. If you did not have some structure that it could activate.
You can begin to look at this, and this is essentially all of the teachings we have given, not only through this messenger, but through previous organizations, have in a sense been leading up to this point where you can begin to look at earth. You can realize the fallen beings have distorted everything on earth by projecting this standard. Most human beings have accepted it. You also came to accept it. But you can come to un-accept it.
And everything we have given you has this aim, because on an unnatural planet, the central issue for spiritual growth, for your ascension, for peace of mind, is to come to un-accept the standard of right and wrong. There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so. And only when you realize that you can take command over your thinking, can you escape the standard. The emotional body cannot do this. The mental body could do it if it had not accepted the standard. But the standard was built into the parameters that the identity body superimposed upon the mental. You really have to go through the identity and realize you are not a flawed being who can only make mistakes and do something wrong, or who can never do anything worthwhile on earth. You are a perfectly perfect being, although perfection also ties into a standard. You are a being that is beyond any dualistic standard, any pairs, any opposites.
Your I AM Presence, the individuality is beautiful, unique. There could not possibly be anything wrong with it. Now the individuality of your I AM Presence is not static, because as the Conscious You is in embodiment, the I AM Presence is constantly growing, expanding its individuality. But nevertheless, there could not possibly be anything wrong with it. How could there be, when it was designed by ascended beings who are beyond the entire duality consciousness? It is only the duality consciousness that makes it seem like there is something wrong.
But what have we given you? So many teachings on the duality consciousness. What is the essence of duality? There are two polarities, but they are not an absolute truth, because they are defined in relation to each other. When you define evil, you define good, for evil cannot exist without an opposite. But what have you now done? You have defined a standard for good that also cannot exist without an opposite, and that is not real good.
When you look at yourself, look at your reaction, you can see how deeply ingrained it is in you, or rather in these selves, that everything has to be right and wrong. And you can see, some of you, if you are willing to look at this, that as I am saying to you that you need to overcome this standard of right and wrong, there is a self that says: “Oh, so it must have been wrong of me to take on this standard. Is that not what Cyclopea is saying? I should not have taken on this standard.”
That is a separate self, created out of duality. It is not the Conscious You. If you think this way, the Conscious You is seeing through the filter of the self, but you can step outside of the self, and you can say: “Hey, I took on this standard here on earth, on this dark planet. I took it on, I have experienced it for a while, I have had enough of that experience, so now I am taking it off.” And when you think this way, you will notice, now there will be some other selves that will scream at you: “You cannot just take it off!”
Beyond good and bad
What was the most insidious idea that the Catholic Church forced upon the world? The idea of original sin, that you were created as a sinner, and you could never overcome it by your own power. This is the projection of the fallen beings. Once you have made a choice, you can never be free of that choice and the consequences. This is the essential lie projected by the fallen beings. Everything we have ever given is again leading up to you coming to see this, accepting that it is a lie, and just letting it drop.
Free will is free will. You cannot have free will if you can make a choice that you cannot undo by making a more aware choice. But you see, if you did not have free will, how could you have gone into duality in the first place? So by the very fact that you can now see, and I realize most people cannot see this, but you as spiritual people can see it, you chose to take on the standard. And by the mere fact that you chose to take it on, you can choose to take it off.
You can choose just to let it drop from you. Let the scales, the scale of up and down, right and wrong, fall from your eyes and see with a pure vision that is not divided, that is not dualistic. It is based on the Christ mind. For the Christ mind sees, this is all unreality. None of it is real. Nothing coming out of duality is real.
But this also means that sometimes you have to look at yourself and say, “But have I built a certain identity that I should be a certain way on earth, that I should be seen a certain way by other people, that I, for example, should be a “good” person?” You cannot be free if you want to be a “good” person, because that means that you are good in relation to something bad. You are neither good nor bad. Nothing is good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
Being yourself
And when you realize this, you change your thinking by letting the self that thinks dualistically drop away. I am not saying you can do this in the blink of an eye, but with the teachings and tools we have given you, you can gradually come to the point where suddenly it falls away. You are not trying to be good. You are not trying to avoid making a mistake. You are just being yourself. And when you express something, you are not looking at how other people react to it. You are just looking at how do you react, how do you feel about it.
And if you express yourself and you feel some kind of not positive reaction, you realize it comes from a self that you have not yet let die. So you look at it, you let it die, you will be more free to express yourself, you do it again. If you still see there is something, some reaction in your higher bodies, you look at it until you are free. You can just express and you are not evaluating was it good or bad, right or wrong, should I have done better, should I have not said this, should I have done that. None of this is there. You are just flowing because once again, at any moment, you are who you are.
And you have a right to be in embodiment on earth and express who you are at this moment. Say you are at the 97th level of consciousness. You have a right to be at the 97th level. Of course, your expression will not be the same as it would be if you were at a higher level. But you have a right to be at that level and express yourself at that level. And then when you experience your expression, you can refine it, you can look at the selves you have and you can rise to the next level.
Bringing an alternative to the darkness
Now I know very well that this has already been a long discourse. But I wish to bring up one more issue. What does it mean to be a co-creator on earth? Of course, when you look at humankind, there is no concept of being a co-creator. A human being is not defined as a co-creator, but as a separate being. Even religious people define it this way.
But what it really means is you are, as Raphael said, a sunbeam. The sun is your I AM Presence and the entire hierarchy leading up to the Creator. Your four lower bodies are simply the conduits that give the sunbeam an open door to shine into the darkness. Your four lower bodies are a window in the wall around the physical octave. And you are allowing the light to shine through. And what it does is it may not illumine everything that is in the darkness, but even a very small beam of light will illuminate the darkness. That everything is not darkness. And on an unnatural planet, people have been in darkness for so long that they have forgotten there is an alternative to the darkness.
What did the Catholic doctrine of original sin do? It put people in a very closed dark box. You are not connected to something higher. You cannot be an open door for the light. Only Jesus could do this. But you are born in sin, therefore, you cannot bring any light into this world. What does the materialist paradigm do? You are an entirely material being. There is nothing outside the dark box. Both of them are saying there is no alternative to the darkness. At least not that you can experience.
If everybody has lived their entire lives in a total darkness, they have never experienced that there is an alternative. They do not have a choice. And what you are first of all here to do on this unnatural planet is to allow your four lower bodies to be the open door so that a ray of light can shine through.
Now the earth is no longer in total darkness because the Buddha, Jesus and many others have been open doors. But you see also what has been done to them. They have been given the status that they were the only ones who could do it. They were the exceptions. What is your role in this age, at this stage of manifesting the golden age? It is to demonstrate that many people can do what Jesus and the Buddha did: allow the light to shine through your four lower bodies.
Just let your light shine!
This of course is not the original meaning of being a co-creator. But at the current situation on earth, this is the practical meaning. It does not mean you cannot co-create something, it does not mean you cannot do something. But the basic meaning of being a co-creator right now on earth is to just let light shine through your four lower bodies.
Is there any need to evaluate this based on a standard of right and wrong? Is there any need to think about whether you could fail or whether you could be successful? Surely you can set up a standard and say: “Well, some people are allowing more light to shine through than I am, so there must be something wrong with me.” But this is again a dualistic standard that you need to let go of.
Do you realize that scientists have proven that all matter is made of these tiny invisible particles called photons? This is a very tiny particle of light, extremely small. But if you put a human being in a dark room that is completely dark, and you send one photon into that room, the human eye can detect that photon. And by detecting one tiny photon of light, the person will see there is an alternative to total darkness.
What I am saying is, no matter how much or how little light you are allowing to shine through you, any amount of light will show people an alternative to the darkness. And that is success for you. That is you fulfilling your role as a co-creator and fulfilling a basic part of your Divine Plan.
But how can you let light shine through you? You must let it flow from your I AM Presence into your identity body. There must not be anything that blocks the light or that colors it. Then flow into the mental where again it must not be blocked or colored. Then into the emotional where again it must not be blocked and colored. You have to look at your emotional body and your mental and identity and see some structure in there that blocks the light. And if you can overcome that structure and the light can flow through, then that is success. And then you can build on that.
I am encouraging you here to make this shift and realize that by just allowing the light to shine through, you are successful. You have done something significant. And if you allow it one time, you can build on that. You can shift from standing there, not being afraid to let the light shine because you are afraid it is going to be rejected or you are going to be accused. You can make a shift instead of allowing it to shine and then being encouraged by having allowed it once, so you can allow it again and you can allow more. And you are suddenly in a positive spiral instead of standing there being in limbo, not daring to move.
We only desire to see you be more. Not right or wrong. There is no right or wrong in “more”. There is just a transcendence of your current state. We do not have a standard. We are not imposing a standard, even though many students in previous ascended master dispensations have thought that the teachings impose the standard on how to be a good chela.
We did not impose the standard, the students themselves did. Even the messengers in those dispensations did. You have a messenger who has overcome his own standard and therefore, does not impose it on you. Can you not feel safe? Could you not come to a point where you feel you are safe in expressing, letting the light shine through, even when you go out into the world? But even just in this gathering, could you not feel safe that you are not being judged by us?
This is what I, as the Elohim of the Fifth Ray, and all of us at the Elohimic level, truly desire to see for you. That you feel loved. You experience love from above, and you experience that we have only love for you, each and every one of you. I represent the Fifth Ray, which is normally considered truth, but it is also love. There is love on each ray. For what is love in a sense? Well, another way to describe it is to say that it is the Christ consciousness.
Yes, there is a ray of love, the Third Ray, that has specific qualities of love, but behind all of the rays is the Christ consciousness, or the Buddha Nature, or the One Mind, or whatever you call it. And it is that feeling which at the human level is experienced as love. Could you not accept and experience our love for you? And would that not allow you to look at your emotional body and feel safe, and see that whatever you might discover there, it has no reality. It is just something you need to see, because if you do not see it, you cannot let it go. And then it will still be there, and it will still affect you.
I hope you have sensed my Presence, and that it is free of all judgments. I am beyond the conditions that have been defined from duality. You can be beyond those conditions too. And this is my desire for you. I have given of my being, my Presence, in the hope that it will help you shift. With this, I seal you in the love of the Fifth Ray, of the love that gives you a higher vision.
Be sealed then in the Presence of Cyclopea.
Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels