Transcending deep suffering coming from the “shoulds” and “should nots”


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Ascended Master Archangel Raphael through Kim Michaels, June 7, 2024. This dictation was given at a Deep Healing Retreat Conference in Tallinn, Estonia.


I AM the Archangel Raphael and I welcome you, all of you who are here physically, who are connected via the internet, all of those who will read or hear this later, I welcome you to my Presence, for my Presence is not limited by time and space. I am an archangel existing in a higher dimension, a higher level of vibration that is beyond time and space. I am everywhere in the consciousness of God. What is the consciousness of God? The consciousness of God is everything, everywhere, for without Him was not anything made that was made. But of course, the consciousness of God has manifested itself as individual beings, given them free will. You can forget you are out of the consciousness of God.

Experiencing the Presence of an Archangel

When I say, I am everywhere in the consciousness of God, it has a dual meaning. I am, of course, everywhere. I know I am everywhere. I experience I am everywhere. But only when you put your attention on me, am I really there in your consciousness of God. This is what I offer for those who tune in to this release, for this event of deep healing. What do I offer? My Presence. What else can I offer? Surely, I can give teachings from my level of consciousness. The teachings might help you gain some intellectual experience. They might even help you shift your consciousness, because you have one of these high experiences, breakthrough experiences, that helps you see yourself, your approach to earth in a different way, so you shift.

But first of all, what I offer is an experience of my Presence, the Presence of an Archangel, which is what? It is fundamentally different from anything you have ever experienced on earth. Perhaps you can feel it in a vibration coming through the physical voice that I am using to speak in words. But more importantly, can you go beyond the words, the sound, the vibration, and sense the Presence? If you cannot now, then perhaps you can in the future, as you make use of what we offer you in this event, which is more like a process. It is a process of interaction between you and us, between above and below.

You are out of the hierarchy of light

I am above, in the sense that I am in a higher vibration than you are focused in, but you, of course, came out of the spiritual realm because you are out of the hierarchy of ascended beings. Perhaps, you have not all grasped what this means. So many people on earth have descended into that level of ignorance of who they are and where they came from. Even those of you who have studied ascended master teachings for a time, it can still be difficult in your daily lives to deal with this information that we have given you, that you are out of the hierarchy of light.

Everything is out of the hierarchy of light. Everything has the presence of the hierarchy of light within it, but of course, not everything is created in its current form by the hierarchy of light because humankind has free will and so humankind has created many conditions on earth. We understand that it is very difficult to be in embodiment on earth and know, think about, realize, accept, experience that you are out of the hierarchy of light.

Surely, as you make use of these teachings and tools we will give you, you can begin to contemplate, to attune. You can begin to take this teaching, even listen to this dictation or read it, and you can sense the reaction in you, not only to the words, but to the energy, to the Presence that I AM. This gives you the opportunity to see that the reaction comes from a separate self that you may have taken on in this or past lifetimes, because the collective consciousness has so many of these separate selves that want you to deny who you are and just be a human being that can be controlled by that false hierarchy of darkness that seeks to control everything.

Contemplate this. There is, in the ultimate reality, the Creator, your Creator, my Creator, our Creator. There is that One Being that started this entire process that we have called the world of form. This being created out of itself the first sphere, created structures and sent extensions of itself into it. Why did the Creator create structures? Because the newly created lifestreams, even though they were created in a higher vibration than your unascended sphere, they were still in an unascended sphere, just vibrating at a higher level, and they needed something to relate to so that they could build their sense of self, build their co-creative abilities.

The challenge of being on earth

When the first sphere ascended, the second was created, and so forth, until yours, which is the seventh and the densest. It is more difficult for you, who originated in this sphere, to rise to the ascension point. It is, of course, especially difficult to do this on a planet as dense as earth, an unnatural planet. This is the challenge that you, or rather your I AM Presence, decided that it wanted to take on and experience.

Now, we who are in the ascended realm above earth, even those of us who have not physically embodied on earth, we are able to tune in and experience how difficult it is for you to be in embodiment in this dense realm. We do understand and appreciate your predicament, your challenge, your situation. We realize even, that many times we give you teachings that can be difficult to grasp and difficult to implement. This is, we might say from a certain perspective on earth, it might seem like a dilemma for we have to give you teachings that raise you up, that pull you up, but this means that many people cannot grasp them because they are not ready for them.

Even you who are students who have followed the path for a while, sometimes there are teachings you cannot grasp. We understand this. You see, what you cannot grasp today, you may be able to grasp tomorrow because the reality is that the I AM Presence knew when it sent the Conscious You into embodiment on earth, that there is nothing on earth that the Conscious You cannot overcome.

The sunbeam of the Conscious You

This will seem like a challenging statement for many people if they heard it. We understand that when people are burdened by many of the things you can be burdened with here on earth, it will seem like a challenging statement. This is because many people do not have the teaching that there is a part of you, which is not the outer personality, the outer human being. We have called it the Conscious You. You could call it many other things and it has been called other things in various mystical traditions. But the important thing to contemplate is that there is a part of you that is not created in response to anything on earth.

The Conscious You is an extension of the I AM Presence, and although your I AM Presence is not an ascended being, it exists in the spiritual realm. That means it cannot be touched by anything on earth because the earth as an unnatural planet vibrates within a much lower spectrum of energies. Nothing on earth can touch the Conscious You.

Imagine you are standing in a building that is mostly dark and there is dirt on the floor. There is a sunbeam shining through a window like a visible ray of light shining through the window. Now imagine that you take the dirt from the floor and throw it at the sunbeam. Will the dirt stick to the sunbeam? Will it stick to the light? Nay, it passes right through it. Well, your Conscious You is that sunbeam shining from the spiritual realm into the darkness of earth. Nothing on earth can stick to it.

The selves between 144th and 48th level

Many of you have already experienced this. All of you can gradually come to experience it and truly accept nothing on earth can stick to my Conscious You, my conscious self. Why do you then experience life as a burden? Why do you have so many reactions to conditions on earth? Well, because as we have also explained, the Conscious You in order to take embodiment on a dense planet like this must create these subconscious selves in the identity, mental and emotional bodies. This is what you do when you descend from the 144th level of consciousness to the 48th level of consciousness. You create self after self after self.

Now mind you, there is nothing wrong with this. These are not dualistic selves, separate selves. They are selves that make it possible for the Conscious You to actually accept that it is part of these four lower bodies, that it is able to operate these four lower bodies and therefore interact with the environment of earth.

This is necessary. Anyone who has ever taken embodiment on a dense planet like earth, and for that matter even on a natural planet, has had to create these subconscious selves in order to descend. The question is how many— depending on the density of the environment. Natural planets do not have 144 possible levels of consciousness—they have less, but on earth it is 144. In order to descend to the 48th level you take on these selves. Then of course, everybody who comes into embodiment will go somewhat below, experiment with the duality consciousness, then you create selves based on duality and separation.

The selves created in reaction to the density of matter

Now take care to realize that the selves you create between the 144th and the 48th level are in a way created in reaction to conditions on earth, because they are created in reaction to the density of matter. Right now, the earth is an unnatural planet and matter is more dense than on a natural planet. Therefore, it is more difficult to take embodiment and therefore, you have more of a reaction. There is a certain reaction to earth, to the density on earth, that is unavoidable.

We all, anybody who has ever gone through this, we have to create a certain amount of selves to descend to whatever planet we first descend on. This is one kind of self, it is a reaction to conditions on earth, but it is more a reaction to the, we might say, neutral conditions on earth, simply the density of matter. Now, you can always debate, since it is an unnatural planet, is anything really neutral? But anyway, we have to look at current conditions are like this, so this is what we have to go through in order to take embodiment.

The selves created in reaction to the duality consciousness

Beyond this of course, is the fact that the vast majority of people have gone into the duality consciousness, created all of these value judgments, these separate selves based on these value judgments. The second kind of selves that you take on are in reaction to this, the duality consciousness, the Sea of Samsara as the Buddha called it. You can, when you begin to work with these subconscious selves, you can come to recognize two types of selves, the dualistic selves, the separate selves, and the more neutral selves. Now one could say that the separate selves are the ones that cause suffering because they are dualistic. They are based on a value judgment, the simplest value judgment—this should happen, this should not happen. When something that you think should not happen does happen, you suffer. When what you think should happen does not happen, you suffer. These are dualistic selves, value-laden selves. They do, of course, cause suffering.

They do, of course, cause many conditions at the identity level, such as people feeling they have no purpose, they do not want to live, or feeling that they have to conform to what it means to be a human being in their particular environment and culture. They cause a certain suffering at the mental level because people are always thinking within certain boundaries, and they always see these dualities, these contradictions, these enigmas that they cannot resolve when they are thinking within the boundaries defined by their separate selves. There seem to be so many problems that cannot be solved. Then there is at the emotional level where people have the turbulent emotions that causes them to suffer, and of course, these separate selves also cause the vast majority of diseases in the physical body.

Can we escape suffering?

Yet, even the selves that are not dualistic, still cause a certain suffering because the earth is such a dense environment that in order to even take embodiment here, you feel, the Conscious You, feels limited. What I am saying is that the first priority for anyone who starts walking the spiritual path is of course, to work on these selves that spring from separation. But, you cannot allow yourself to assume that even when you overcome all of the dualistic selves, you will not be suffering. We see many people, not just ascended master students, but many other spiritual people. There are many, many spiritual people in the world who are very sincere about applying whatever spiritual teaching they have found. Many of these people started the spiritual path because they were suffering and their motivation for walking the spiritual path was to escape suffering. This is what many spiritual teachings promised their followers. Even the Buddha 2500 years ago, who talked about escaping the Sea of Samsara, reaching the farther shore, reaching Nirvana, escaping suffering.

Yet when you overcome many of these dualistic selves, you need to be careful that you do not build an expectation that this means all of your suffering should end. Be careful to realize that at the current situation on earth with the density of matter, being in a physical body, having the Conscious You being focused in the physical body, is a form of suffering because the body is so dense it puts such demands on your attention.

Therefore, we see many people who have been very sincere about applying a spiritual teaching, perhaps for a long time, and they come to a point where they get disappointed because they feel: “I have gone through this process of seeking healing, seeking wholeness, seeking a higher state of consciousness”, but they thought that the end goal was the end of suffering. And they still feel they have various forms of suffering, even at the physical, emotional, mental and identity level and they cannot understand why they have not escaped it.

“After enlightenment you need to do the laundry”

The most sincere of these people, yourselves included, can come to a point where you feel a certain disappointment, you begin to doubt whether the path is working, whether the promises made were real, were valid, and this of course, is a doubt that the dark forces are very quick to exploit, to blow up because they want nothing more than to have you give up on the path. The longer you have walked it, the higher you have gone, the more they would feel triumph if they could derail your progress.

There comes a point where it is necessary to really realize here, that even though I started out by saying that there is nothing on earth that can stick to the Conscious You, as long as the Conscious You is in a physical body, you will experience life through the selves you took on in order to integrate with the physical body. Those selves are adapted to the density of matter and therefore, there will be a certain perception of limitation and suffering.

There is in Zen Buddhism a saying: “After enlightenment you need to do the laundry”, because even if you reach a higher state of consciousness, you still have a physical body. It has to eat, it has to sleep, it has to have clean clothes, it has to be washed, it may have signs of aging, it may have various conditions that were genetic, inherited, may have diseases that you cannot easily overcome. This means that even if you reach a high level of consciousness, the body, the emotional body, the mental body, the identity body, there can still be certain selves that will cause suffering.

The need to evaluate your goal on the spiritual path

There comes a point where in order to avoid this disappointment that I am talking about, you have to accept that there are certain things you will not overcome permanently until you leave the body permanently, until you ascend.

This does not mean that these conditions stick to the Conscious You. You are still the sunbeam shining in the darkness. But what can happen to a sunbeam? What if somebody put a mirror in front of it that reflected the sunbeam, but not straight back, but in a different direction? What if somebody put a prism in front of the sunbeam that split the white light into the colors of the rainbow? Well, this is what the identity body, the mental body, the emotional body and the physical body is. It is first a prism at the identity, then a prism at the mental, then a prism at the emotional and then a mirror in the physical that directs the light in all kinds of directions because the body demands this, the body demands that.

What am I saying? I am saying that there comes a point on the spiritual path where you need to step back and look at what was your goal that you started out with when you found the spiritual path, or even goals you have formulated or refined along the way. For many, the goal was to overcome suffering. They thought in their minds that they could overcome all suffering while they were still on earth.

But now, after many years on the path they realize there are certain things they have not overcome. What has gone wrong? What is wrong with them or what is wrong with the teaching or the guru that made the promise? You have to step back and evaluate: “Was my goal realistic or was it a goal that could only take me from the point I was at where I found the path to a certain level up and now that I am at that level up I need to let go of that goal and accept a new goal, a more refined goal?”

No condition on earth defines you

That is when you can come to accept that because of the density of matter, because of the conditions of the collective consciousness, there are certain conditions you cannot escape. The physical body and its physical demands, whatever other people do or do not do, you have to interact with other people, they have not reached a higher level of consciousness, they may do various things to you. But these are the conditions on earth and you can accept that these are the conditions. It is not your goal to escape them, it is not your goal to even overcome them and be free of them.

Your goal is to accept it and also accept that even though you are experiencing life through them, they do not define you. They cannot stick to the sunbeam of the Conscious You. The sunbeam can come to experience itself as a sunbeam and it can experience that it came from the sun, from the hierarchy of light. When you have that experience you can accept that whatever your sunbeam shines upon, however imperfect it may be, it does not define you, it is not who you are. As we have said before, the Conscious You creates a subconscious self, it does not become the self.

Shining our light on the darkness

There are selves that you have to keep with you until you leave the physical body behind permanently in the ascension. Those selves will have a certain effect on your emotions, on your thoughts, on your sense of identity. Do you begin to grasp the possibility that when you become aware of this you can realize you are a sunbeam shining through the prism of your I AM Presence? But the light still comes from the ascended master who created your I AM Presence out of itself and that ascended master comes from other ascended beings who created that master out of itself and this goes back to the Creator. You are the Creator’s sunbeam shining on earth. What is the purpose? To demonstrate that there is light beyond the darkness that currently covers the land and the minds of the people.

Now imagine that the sun for earth looked down on earth and said: “My goodness, when I shine my light on earth it reveals all of these ugly terrible conditions. I do not want to see that. I am going to stop shining my light because when the earth is in darkness, I do not see it.” Well, that is, in a sense, what many of you have come to think, that you do not want to put your attention on something because it causes you suffering. And it is understandable at the lower levels of the path that you take your attention away from things that cause you suffering, conditions that you have seemingly no power to change. But when you reach the higher levels of the path you can begin to realize you are the sunbeam. You are not here to directly personally change conditions, but you are here to shine a light that shows that there is an alternative to the darkness. But in order to shine that light you have to put your conscious attention on it.

Accepting unavoidable conditions on earth

What do you have to do then? You have to step back and say: “Does the fact that I am living on earth, living in certain conditions, living in a certain environment, dealing with certain type of people, does that mean I have to suffer? Do the conditions I am experiencing on earth, as imperfect as they are, do they necessarily have to lead to suffering? Is there a different way to experience conditions on earth, including my physical body, my emotional, mental and identity body? Is it possible for me to be here without suffering?”

And it is, when you accept that there are certain conditions that you do not resist, you do not rebel against them, you do not decide this should not happen. What did I say was the most basic cause of suffering? The evaluation ‘this should happen’, ‘this should not happen’. When you can free yourself from the idea that as a spiritual person some things should not happen to you and some things should happen to you, then you can be in embodiment without suffering.

This does not mean you will not experience certain physical limitations. But think about this. Are there not certain activities you have to do with your physical body that do not cause you suffering, that might even cause you some enjoyment? You can then extend that sense. Do you, for example, blame yourself for having to sleep at night? Do you say: “Oh, I am not spiritual because I have to sleep. I should be like these yogis that you hear about that never sleep”, or “I am not spiritual because I have to eat. I should be like these people that could live off of sunlight?” Most of you do not, and why would you?

You need to look at yourself, look at your situation, and you need to make an evaluation. There are certain things that can be changed, and there are certain things that cannot be changed because they are part of being in a physical body. And if you can accept the things that are just part of being in a physical body, you can stop resisting letting your light shine on the physical body, or on outer conditions. And you can then escape the suffering you are feeling now. You will not escape the condition. You will escape your reaction to it. And where does your reaction come from? A separate self, not the Conscious You.

Freedom from the shoulds and should nots

When you go into duality—and all who take embodiment on earth will make some journey into duality—not all go to the same depth, but all go to a certain level where you experience what it is, you know what it is, and it is inevitable that you take on this self that evaluates: this should happen, this should not happen. You grew up in a certain environment, among certain people, in a certain culture, they had a certain standard: this should happen, this should not happen. Now you find the spiritual path. And what do you do in the beginning stages of the path? What have all people done in the beginning stages of the path? They have taken the spiritual teaching they found, and have used this to create a new standard for what should and should not happen to a spiritual person walking the path in that particular teaching. And you can carry this with you for some time on the path, which is inevitable and which is fine. But when you come to a certain point, it is necessary to step back and look at this, and say: “Is it my duty, my obligation, my role to change this condition? Or is it my role to accept it and then move on with my life?”

You can take a situation that many of you will recognize. You are in relationship with certain people. It can be parents, it can be spouses, it can be children, it can be people you meet at work. But there is a certain person that you feel you cannot get away from, and a person causes you to react. This person should be doing this, should not be doing this, and therefore you think that you have to change the other person.

Many of you who are spiritual people think you are here to help other people. You think you should be able to help that person. And if you cannot, there is something wrong with you. You need to change yourself. You need to find out how you can help that person. But in many cases, your real role is to just be the sunbeam that shines the light upon the person so that the person can see there is an alternative to the darkness in their mind.

It is not your job to do anything. What does that mean? It means if you can come to the point where you resolve these subconscious selves that make you think you have to do something, and that you are inadequate for not doing it, you can accept the other person for who that person is. You can shine your light and say: “Well, this is all I need to do.” And that means you can be around that person, but you are not suffering because you do not have the should and should not. You are just shining the light and you accept that shining the light gives a possibility for change.

“People should not be suffering”

But whether the change happens or not is up to the choices of other people and that is not your responsibility. And if it is not your responsibility, why should it cause you suffering—unless you have a self that says: “Oh, they should listen to what I am saying. They should change. They should not be suffering.” This messenger has for years struggled with this: “Why am I on earth if it is not to help people escape suffering?” But he has gradually come to realize that it is because in his mind, even on the natural planet he came from before he came to earth, he looked at earth and said: “People should not be suffering.”

Well, right there is a dualistic self, even though it was not created by going below the 48th level of consciousness. It was created even on a natural planet, where you have this evaluation that in a world of free will people should choose this and they should not choose that. And many of you can recognize the same thing. This is what brought you to earth. This is the enigma of free will that you have not resolved on a natural planet. You fully accept that the people should have free will. You just did not fully accept that some people will choose suffering and they need to experience suffering for a time before they are ready to escape it.

When you came to earth you thought: “I am here to help people escape suffering and if I cannot, I must look at myself and change myself and twist and turn myself, turn myself into a completely different person so I can help these people.” But this causes suffering. And then you rebel against all the conditions on earth because “The reason people are suffering is because matter is so dense, because the physical body has all these diseases, and the reason why I cannot fulfill my goal for coming here is because of all of these dense physical conditions so they should not be here.” And you try to escape them. But if you can make that shift or overcome that should and should not, you can be here, you can experience conditions and you do not have that level of suffering that springs from the should and should not.

You may still have conditions in the body that cause you pain, physical pain. You may still have certain emotional reactions, certain mental thoughts, even a certain sense of identity, but you are not identified with it anymore. You do not feel that this should not be so. Why? Because when you realize who you are as the Conscious You, that you are a sunbeam that nothing can stick to, then you can look at everything on earth neutrally. You can say: “Well, this is just the way things are on earth and if I do not think that they should not be that way, then there is no resistance in me to conditions being what they are.” And if there is no resistance, there is no suffering. There may be a physical experience, even an emotional, mental, identity level experience, but it does not cause you that deep suffering that comes from the should and should not.

Taking on the suffering and rising above it

You see, those of you who are avatars, and most of you are, of course, avatars, you came to earth with a sincere desire to help raise the earth up to becoming a natural planet. You had the experience that on a natural planet people are not suffering as they are on earth. Now take care. Contemplate. On a natural planet it does not mean that people do not have certain conditions and limitations, but they are not suffering the way people are on earth, the intense suffering that people have on earth. You saw this. You felt compassion. You wanted to help people.

Take care to realize we are not blaming you.  We are not blaming you for this reaction. It was your compassion for people’s suffering that brought you to earth, that made you volunteer to come down here and help them. We are not trying to blame you in any way. We are just trying to say, now that you are here, now that you are in physical embodiment, what has happened to you? What has happened is that you are now suffering the same way that people on earth were suffering before you came. But you came here to help them escape suffering, so how are you going to help them escape suffering if you are suffering as they are? Therefore, you need to do what they are not capable of doing. Make the shift in your consciousness so you can escape the suffering.

Now take this to another level—why are you suffering? Because you came here to help people escape suffering. How do you do that? By taking on the suffering and then demonstrating that you can rise above it. We are not in any way blaming you for having gone through what you have gone through on earth. We are here for one purpose only, to help you fulfill your mission of taking on the suffering and rising above it—going into the immersive experience in the reality simulator of earth, then going into the awakening experience so that you again become aware you are a sunbeam shining in the darkness and no darkness will stick to it. But to do this you have to learn the lesson you did not learn on a natural planet. You have to solve the enigma of free will—that in an unascended sphere where free will allows people to go into separation, in such a sphere there is no should and should not.

For that matter, in an ascended sphere, there is no should or should not. But the ascended sphere has transcended the possibility of using your free will to go into separation. Not because you have now been forced not to make that choice but because you have transcended the desire to make that choice. You have voluntarily given it up knowing what it was you were giving up. But in an unascended sphere where it is still a possibility, there is no should or should not. And when you can come to see those selves that have the should and should not and consciously let them die, then you can again be the sunbeam that you were on a natural planet.

You were not a beginning soul on a natural planet, a beginning lifestream. The avatars that came to earth were all advanced mature lifestreams and you knew you are a sunbeam shining on that natural planet. But as I have explained, taking embodiment going from the 144th to the 48th level on earth, means you will forget that you are a sunbeam. And the challenge is then to recapture that awareness and just be the light shining in the darkness and be content to be the light and say whatever conditions you have that you are facing: “It does not prevent me from shining my light and experiencing the light flowing through me.”

The key to deep healing

It may seem that this is a strange opening message for a retreat about healing. You may come to a retreat about healing with certain expectations of escaping this or that condition, and now I am talking about coming to accept certain conditions. Well…

The key to healing, to deep healing and not the superficial healing that many people long for, is to contemplate the difference, what can be healed, what cannot be healed. And I have given you a starting point for realizing that sometimes you have unrealistic expectations of what can be overcome as long as you are still in a physical body, or rather in the four lower bodies. And there are certain things you need to accept because once you have accepted them, they do not eat up your resources. And that means you can now focus your attention and your energy on certain conditions that can be overcome, that can be healed.

Some of you here have physical conditions, emotional conditions, mental conditions, identity level conditions that can be healed even during this retreat, and certainly in the time after when you make use of what we will give you. But all of you have certain conditions that cannot be healed and therefore, if you have an expectation that a certain condition will be healed, you will not only be disappointed that it is not healed, but you will block yourself from having the healing that can occur.

How do I know?

As I am speaking, I am tuning in to your Presence individually, both those of you who are here, those of you who are connected on the internet, and many other people who are not physically connected but who are still connected at the higher levels. And I am experiencing the return current where many of you right now feel this confusion—“How do I tell the difference between what can be healed and what cannot be healed? How do I know?” You will not know with the outer mind. I am not expecting you to. I know that I am looking at this from the ascended perspective and what I am saying is crystal clear to me. The words coming out of the messenger’s mouth reflect what is going on in my mind. It is crystal clear to me. I am also tuning in to your Presence and realizing that of, course, it is not crystal clear to you because you are in these dense four lower bodies.

I am not expecting you to flip a switch in your mind and suddenly you see what I see. I am only expecting you to take the outer idea, let it reside in your emotional, mental and identity bodies during this retreat and after and then not decide on it with the outer mind, the analytical, intellectual, linear mind that always wants to set up a criteria and say: “Okay, Archangel Raphael, define for me exactly what should happen, what can be healed and what cannot be healed. I just want to know.” This is not what I am expecting. I am expecting you to use your intuition and as this event progresses, tune in to your I AM Presence, to your Christ Self, to the ascended master who is speaking or to the ascended master who is working with you personally, and then get these gradual, intuitive experiences, insights, epiphanies of what, how it applies to you individually, what can be healed, what cannot be healed.

Healing by resolution, not by faith

You see, there is an entire movement in the world, especially among Christians, a phenomenon called faith healing, where if you believe that Jesus is going to heal you, you will be healed. There are even some people that experience a seemingly miraculous healing of physical conditions, but many of those experience that it does not last, the condition comes back. Why? Because they have not changed their higher bodies, and therefore, they cannot maintain the acceptance that they were healed.

What is the key to healing? I am the archangel of the Fifth Ray. I have a rather considerable power. I could instantly heal any physical affliction affecting all of the eight billion people on earth. Of course, I am not allowed to because of the law of free will. All I am saying is the power is there, so what would it take for people to be healed? They have to accept that it is possible. But you cannot just accept this with your conscious mind. You cannot get yourself into a state where you accept a miracle with your conscious mind, but you have done nothing to look at the conditions in your emotional, mental and identity minds that will cause the condition to come back.

We are not talking about faith healing. We are talking about healing based on the resolution of the subconscious selves that cause your physical, emotional, mental, identity level condition. It is healing by resolution, not by faith, not by miracles, not by mechanical measures taken by science. But in order to come to that point of resolution, you also need to recognize that there are certain conditions that are just part of being in physical embodiment, and therefore, you should not focus your attention and your energies on changing or overcoming those conditions.

This has been a long release already. I realize I have done what we so often do at conferences. I have overwhelmed your conscious mind. But this is actually done deliberately to neutralize that conscious analytical mind and get you to take in the teachings at a deeper level. But now I am asking you all to wake up, whatever condition you are in, whatever you have been thinking. I understand that when I say certain things your mind takes a thought and follows it and you do not hear the next thing being said. But I need you to wake up and hear what I will say now.

Deep healing is about returning to wholeness. Wholeness is your natural condition. The Conscious You came here with a sense of wholeness. What has taken you out of wholeness is creating all of the separate selves down to the 48th level and then creating the separate selves based on separation. There is only one way to return to wholeness—to retrace your steps and uncreate the selves. This entire process of these days is about helping you, each one, see what separate selves you are dealing with right now at your present level of consciousness.

The entire purpose of this event, if you are to have the maximum amount of healing, is to come to see the particular selves you are working with right now. When you overcome those selves, you can always come back later, use the teachings to overcome more selves. But right now, you are dealing with certain selves and the purpose is to come to see them and that is what we will offer you. If you will keep this in mind—“What is the self I need to see? What are the selves I need to see that I am dealing with right now?” Ask us, ask your I AM Presence, ask your Christ self. Tune in during a dictation, during the exercises. Perhaps there is something in an invocation that triggers you.

You can receive these directions from within if you are open to them. Make, if you want the most out of this, make a conscious decision to as much as possible, set aside any idea of what should or should not happen, and instead reach for that inner direction and let whatever happens, happen, and let whatever does not happen, not happen, and accept it either way. If you can do this one thing and maintain it throughout these next days, you will get maximum progress either during the event or after as you process it. It will come to you. It will come to you, those directions for what you need to see. You just need to open your mind to it.

“What is the self, right now, that keeps me from going towards wholeness? What is the self that is holding me back from wholeness?” Ask yourself that question. And we all look forward to interacting with you, even in new ways that we have planned. With this I thank you for your Presence here physically, with us on the internet, and I thank those who will find this teaching later and make use of it.

I seal you in the Presence that I AM, the Presence of the Fifth Ray of healing through higher vision. Be sealed in that flame.


Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels