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Ascended Master Jesus Christ through Kim Michaels, August 4, 2024. This dictation was given at a Healing Retreat in Chicago: Heal your heart and the heart of America.
I AM the Ascended Master Jesus Christ. It is Sunday morning in America. All over this country, millions of Christians are getting ready to go to thousands of churches, big and small. Others are getting ready to tune in to the television when the televangelists get on and do their thing. So many people go into these Christian churches, they sit down, they expect to be passive recipients of this pastor who gets up there and says: “In the name of Jesus!” And then he gives a sermon where it is: “Jesus this” and “Jesus that”, as if the name Jesus is a baseball bat he can use to hammer the congregation into submission, because who can object to protest to anything said after the name “Jesus”. Is that how you think I want my name to be used? Do you think I want the teachings I brought out to be used to pacify people? I will let that question hang in the air because I want to shift gears.
Likelihood of a civil war-like scenario
I want you to step back mentally and look at America today. There are those who say Americans have never been more divided. Americans are so polarized, the political debate is so polarized, so toxic. They are talking about a civil war-like scenario. But is it really the case? You cannot even begin to fathom how people actually thought during the civil war or in the years leading up to it. You cannot even begin to fathom it in today’s world. But you can at least look at how different the technology is and how different it is to spread knowledge today. There was no internet, there was no television, there was no radio, there were barely even newspapers. Most people in America before the civil war, they never read newspapers or books, certainly not on a regular basis. Many of them could not even read.
Now, we have given you this model that there are four levels of the material universe, the physical, emotional, mental and identity. At civil war times, most people’s attention was focused at the physical level. They were struggling to survive physically. They were constantly seeing physical threats, thinking they had to defend themselves and that is why they could be manipulated into a physical war against their own countrymen.
What has happened in the intervening time is that because of the spread of knowledge, the proliferation of first books, then radio, television and now the internet, people have shifted the focus of their attention. There are some people still focused at the physical level but far fewer than there were before the civil war. There are more people now focused on the emotional. There are still quite a few people focused on the emotional and they are the ones who are the most angry. But most Americans today are focused at the mental level. There is a much larger number today also that are focused at the identity level than during civil war times. And what does this mean?
Well, the physical is the densest, therefore, the most difficult to change. Therefore, if people are focused at the physical level and they see each other, two groups see each other as physical enemies, it is more likely they will see that the only possible solution to their conflict or the only possible outcome of the conflict is a physical confrontation.
If people are focused at the emotional level, they can also be manipulated into taking physical action, but not as easily because when people are focused at the emotional, they are often focused on fear. They are often driven by fear and this may cause them to be angry and to lash out, but they are more afraid to take physical action than those who are focused at the physical level.
When people are focused at the mental level, they are much less likely to take physical action and therefore, what you see today is that when you look at the debate of what is going on in social media and on the internet in general, even in the press and media, this is all mental. And although it sounds very radical and although it sounds very polarized, there is actually a much greater distance from the mental level to physical action than there was before the civil war. The likelihood that there is going to be a civil war-like scenario where people start taking their guns and start shooting is actually much lower today. There are those, of course, who would like to see it happen and who are trying to whip people up into this lynch mob mentality. But most Americans are at the mental level.
A real potential for shift at the higher levels
What does it mean that you are focused at the mental level? Well, if you are focused at the physical level, you can only see physical actions as the solution. But when you are focused at the mental level, you are much more likely to see mental solutions to the issues and the conflicts. It is a matter of resolving things at the level of ideas rather than going all the way down to the physical. And this may be hard to see when you look at the debate. Many people are so angry and talking about physical actions, but again, there is a long way from a person focusing on the mental level to that person taking physical action. Because again, when you are focused on the mental level, what do you do? You analyze, you compare, you evaluate pros and cons. Oh yeah, going on Facebook and spouting off some hateful stuff against other people, that seems to have very little risk at the mental level.
But actually, going out there and physically confronting people, that has a much greater risk for someone focused at the mental level. They may sound angry, they may sound like they are ready to go out and pull the trigger. But when it comes down to actually physical action, most people will step back and say: “In today’s age, we need to find a different solution.” What you also need to take into account is that the physical level is the densest, therefore, the most difficult to change. Emotions are more easy to change, thoughts are actually much more easy to change, and although it may seem contradictory, the identity level is actually in some ways, the easiest to change. The trouble with the identity level is that most people do not even see their identity, but once you see it, it is much easier to change it.
There is a very real potential that the situation, the equation in America can shift and it can shift at the mental level and the identity level. And it can shift by impulses being sent into the collective consciousness at those levels, which is of course, what we have been doing during this conference. And what you who are here physically, you who are on the webinar, you have been the open doors for projecting this into the collective consciousness.
You will probably all know that you are burdened by the collective consciousness, it is projecting thoughts into your mind, it is pulling on your emotional body, but the beauty of that is that you can pull back. You are also affecting the collective mind. By coming to a conference like this, by giving your calls, by studying the teachings, by raising your consciousness, you are pulling up on the collective. And as other masters have said, there are people out there, who have had enough of the polarized debate, the toxic political climate, the gridlock and who are either have already shifted or they are very close to shifting, into simply demanding a new approach. And it may be difficult to see from your level in physical embodiment, but from our level, it is much more easy to see these energetic currents, energetic interactions and we can see how easily it can shift.
It does not take that many people to form the critical mass where something shifts in the equation and all of a sudden people start saying: “Why are we locked on this track of this toxic rhetoric, these accusations, this putting people down, constantly criticizing, constantly judging? Why are we locked on this track, where it seems like, the more nasty you can be, the better chances you have of getting elected? How did we get on this track and is this really what we want to see continue?” And it does not take that much to shift that equation. You see the situation from the Bible with the angry mob that was ready to stone the woman caught in adultery and I stepped into the scene and asked a simple question or made a simple statement that suddenly shattered the bubble that people were in and they walked away one by one.
Similar things can happen today by these impulses sent into the collective consciousness that some people pick up on and they suddenly see: “What have I been doing? Why are we doing this?” And a few people here and a few people there and gradually it builds that critical mass and now the entire debate shifts and people realize: “I cannot cast my vote based on this toxic debate. I need to look for someone who is willing to take the country forward instead of seeking to take it backwards.”
(In)ability to discern between reality and unreality
What I would like to address also in this discourse is the status of Christianity in America but I want to do it in a larger context. If you again step back from America and look at America as a nation, look at the American people, what you see is that there are many people in society today, who believe in things that are not connected to reality. There is no connection between what many people believe and the reality. It may be the political discourse, it may be conspiracy theories, it may be all kinds of things. Now you may be tempted to say that because there are more conspiracy theories and propaganda and lies being spread today than ever before, there are more people who believe in this than ever before, but you can go back to the past and see that people always had beliefs in things that were not real. They always had superstitions and there were as many superstitions 2,000 years ago as there are today. It is not really that it has gotten worse, it is just it has become easier to spread all of this, but still back then it still spread. You have all heard the expression, “word of mouth” or “the jungle drums” and that if you go back, for example, to the civil war times, this was how things spread. People were talking, they meet and they are talking and suddenly these toxic beliefs can spread almost as fast as they do today. Not quite as fast, of course, as the internet, but still they could spread very quickly and so it is not that the situation is not necessarily so much worse.
But the question is, why is it not better? Why are there still so many people who cannot discern what is real and what is just illusions spread for the purpose of manipulating them? Would you not think that as a society has progressed, as knowledge is more readily available, wouldn’t you think that more and more people would have increased their ability to discern between reality and unreality?
And in a sense there are more people today who can discern, but still there is such a large part of the American population that cannot discern. Now you may look at some of the countries that America likes to compare itself to and you may consider what is the situation in those other countries. And you will actually see that in many countries, Canada, Europe, especially northern Europe, Korea, Australia, New Zealand, there are less people who believe in these fictional propaganda outbursts, we might say, than in America. In fact, if you were to compare the level of Americans who believe in this fictional unreality you would have to go to Russia and China or even India to some degree to find people who are as blinded by illusions as Americans are. And that might not be exactly the most popular comparison for Americans but it is reality. And why is it so? Well, this is where Christianity comes into the picture.
Knowing what is real through the Christ mind
When I walked the earth 2,000 years ago, what was my actual goal? I was a human being like everybody else despite what they claim today, the Christians, so-called Christians. I had walked the spiritual path of raising my consciousness. How did I do this? By connecting to the Christ mind, the One mind, the undivided, the indivisible mind within myself. The kingdom of God is within you. This is no different from mystics of all persuasions seen throughout the ages. I was a mystic like many others. I had a special mission at the beginning of the age of Pisces but I was a mystic. Why? What is the difference between a mystic and a religious person? A religious person believes, a mystic experiences. I did not believe in anything I said. I experienced the reality of what I said but how did I experience that reality? Through the Christ mind within myself because by experiencing the Christ mind, I had a frame of reference for evaluating everything in this world, all the ideas and beliefs that people had at the time.
You see how I sometimes engage the scribes and Pharisees? What were they? They were the intellectuals of the time who attempted to manipulate people by clever intellectual arguments and most people could not see through the arguments. They tended to follow those that seemed to be cleverer than themselves. I saw through the arguments instantly because the Christ mind gave me that frame of reference and you will see that many times I did not even try to argue with them. I simply denounced them: “scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites,” this provoked them immensely. If I had gone into this trying to argue with them, they would have been happy because now they could argue and argue and argue and no matter what I said they would have felt they were still superior because that is what intellectuals can do. You look at the materialistic scientists today, who think they have it all figured out, but they have no experience of the Christ mind. It is all created in their minds, as the scribes and Pharisees were all created in their minds.
My goal for the teachings was what? Was it to create another religion that imposed sophisticated intellectual doctrines upon people, told them what to believe? Nay, it was to help everyone connect to the Christ mind in themselves so they would know what is reality and unreality. Grant you, it was an ambitious goal at the time because people were very focused at the physical, but nevertheless, you have to start somewhere.
Man-made doctrines—foundation for the Catholic Church
Now, there was a turbulent period of the first centuries where Christianity was not really solidified. There were different Christian sects and movements that had different focuses. Some were actually more in tune with my teachings than others and then comes that event, that so dramatic defining event in the history of Christianity, of the formation of the Roman Catholic church, which first of all, elevated me to being the only son of God, therefore I could not be an example anymore. But it also created a set of doctrines that had no basis in the One mind, no basis in the Christ mind. They were all created in the mind of these sophisticated intellectuals. In fact, some of the people who were instrumental in the formation of the Catholic church were reincarnations of the scribes and Pharisees that I confronted physically and some of the Christian ministers today both in America and elsewhere are those same lifestreams reincarnated. Not all of them, of course, but some.
What was it actually that happened when the Catholic church was formed? Well, what happened was that instead of having a movement that was geared towards helping people make contact with the Christ mind in themselves, you now had a movement that was geared towards preventing people from making contact with the Christ mind within themselves and instead causing them to believe in man-made doctrines that are like whitened sepulchers filled with dead men’s bones, or at least, dead men’s thoughts. They are dead in a spiritual sense because they do not have the life of Christ in them because they have no connection to the Christ mind. Therefore, they are spiritually dead, as in let the dead bury their dead.
Did I really say that corpses should bury other corpses? Of course not. I was talking about people who were physically alive but who were spiritually dead and they were the ones who formed the Roman Catholic church and all other churches that have come later. The Protestants did not protest enough to take their churches away from the foundation set by the Catholic church and therefore the Protestant Lutheran churches are just as far removed from reality as the Catholic church is, and even more in some cases were the fundamentalist Christian churches that are looking back to the Bible as the word of God which therefore must be infallible. And they failed to see, as Saint Germain mentioned, that the image of God that I spoke of is fundamentally different than the anger and judgmental God of the Old Testament. You cannot reconcile the two if you are willing to think. But if you think this must be the infallible word of God then you stop thinking. You just believe, have faith!
The impulse into the collective consciousness
Let me ask you something. If you have faith in an illusion, how is that going to get you to the kingdom of God? Oh, just keep believing in the illusion and one day Jesus will come and save you. But your entry into the kingdom of God is dependent on your state of consciousness and I cannot change it for you or I would have done it long ago and be done with this planet. Why is that? Well, where is the kingdom of God to be found? Within you. Does it not stand to reason, at least in this day and age where people know so much more about psychology, that what is keeping you out of the kingdom that is within you is what is going on in your own mind and psyche and therefore, if you are to enter that inner kingdom, you must look at the beam in your own eye and resolve it. Is that really so difficult to figure out in today’s age?
I am speaking into the collective consciousness of course. I know you all know this or you would not be here. But there are so many people out there who are so close to making that shift, so close. And therefore, this impulse going out can be enough to help some people switch over and see what was it Jesus actually said. What did he actually mean? What is the meaning today that the kingdom of God is within you? And it does not come by observing all these outer rules and blindly believing in these doctrines spouted out by Christian churches and Christian ministers as if it was the infallible word of God. Who are the most blind people? Those who believe in an illusion and think it is the infallible word of God. How more blind could you be? How more trapped could you be in your own mind? Stunning really to look at how many Christians in America are trapped in this mindset.
Seeing through the illusions in Christianity
Back to America. Why do so many Americans believe in illusions today and do not have the discernment? Because Christianity has, in the Western world at least, for 17 centuries been a primary tool of the dark forces, the forces of anti-christ, to get people to blindly believe in illusions. And today in America Christianity is the primary force that is pulling against the progress of America, pulling against America going into the golden age, desperately trying to keep people trapped in these illusions. They sense that it is fading, they sense that more and more people are seeing that this must be illusions, are seeing that the churches do not have answers to their questions about life and that it makes no sense what they are spouting off in their doctrines. They sense they are losing the battle and that is why they have become so desperate that they have to act it out in this extreme way. And this is, of course, what will lead to their downfall much quicker because by becoming more and more extreme it also becomes more and more obvious and more and more people will look at this and say: “This cannot be right. This just cannot be right”.
Look at yourselves, those of you who grew up in a Christian background or Christian environment. You had questions. The church could not answer it and you suddenly saw that it does not make sense so you have to look elsewhere for answers. And more and more people are making that shift and therefore, they are refusing to sit there blindly in their churches and listen to these pastors and their “Jesus” this and “Jesus” that.
The key to Christ discernment
What does this have to do with the heart? Well, where do you attain Christ discernment? In the heart chakra. Because the heart chakra is what allows the Conscious You to step outside of the four lower bodies, experience itself as pure awareness, experience that there is a spiritual realm, you have a higher self, there are beings in that spiritual realm. Today we call ourselves ascended masters. Well, you look at the situation of the transfiguration. Two beings of light appeared visibly to my disciples. What could they be but ascended masters, spiritual beings in a higher realm? They have always been around. We have always been around, and we are around today. Nevertheless, the point is the heart chakra is the key to Christ discernment. It is not in the head. You are not thinking your way to Christ discernment.
This is what even some ascended master students have not quite grasped. You cannot analyze your way to Christ discernment because the analytical mind can analyze for or against any issue. There comes a point where you look at the arguments, you look at the different ideas and you just sense intuitively: “Ah, this is what I am going to go with.” It may not be the highest understanding but it is higher than the alternative and so this helps you shift. But this cannot be done by an analysis. Not even a sharpest mind can do this.
This is where actually many spiritual people have been lured by these forces in the mental realm into a blind alley by thinking you can figure it out with the mind. But you cannot. It is only the intuition that can settle this argument, this idea, this higher than the other. It may not be the ultimate because I may not be able to see it at my present level but this is what will take me forward. The heart is the key.
“God’s chosen people”
What did I say 2,000 years ago? “Those who honor me with their mouth for their hearts are far from me.” Because they do not love the truth. They do not love the One mind. They do not love that which is beyond this world. They love that which is in this world, which gives them a certain position, a certain status, a certain sense of security, a certain sense of power, a certain sense that “We are the special people, we are God’s chosen people.”
Have you ever considered why so few Jews accepted me as the Messiah, why so few Jews today are open to the Christian religion? It was because I, when I walked the earth physically, I challenged that fundamental Jewish belief that they were God’s chosen people and they have never overcome it, at least not up until this point. Although some are beginning to overcome it because they are again seeing how the Jewish state is right now, again, acting out into the extreme, going way beyond what was necessary to deal with the situation in the Gaza Strip, losing humanity in the process, whatever humanity they had before. For how can you have basic humanity when you think you are God’s chosen people and all others are going to go to hell?
And this, of course, points right back to America and the Christians. How can you have basic humanity when you believe that the members of your little church are the only ones who are going to be saved and all others are going to go to hell? Your heart is closed to other people. Your heart is closed. You cannot love your brother as yourself. And if there is not that love, how can you call yourself a Christian?
You see that there are people out there who say that all this stuff about loving your enemy and turning your other cheek, that is just weakness. It does not apply to Christians today. Certainly not those Christians who are defending traditional values and claim to be only doing this for the sake of America. But your hearts are far from me and if your hearts are far from me, what else matters? No matter what you believe, no matter what you think about yourselves, what matters if you do not have heart?
What did you see me doing 2,000 years ago? I reached out to everyone. The parable of the Good Samaritan—what was it all about? Showing that Christ does not have human judgments and preferences for Christ is the One mind that is within all people. And in the One mind, how can there be divisions between different groups of people? Those who are the chosen ones, those who will be saved and those who will not.
I can be very, very direct here. If you think there are two groups of people, and your group will be saved and those other people will go to hell and suffer for all eternity, then you will not be saved. Why? Because you cannot enter the kingdom of God that is within you. You have no life in you. You do not have the life of Christ in you. You have no connection to the One mind that unifies all people.
Wake up to the true message of Christ!
Look back at the history of the Christian religion. Has it been a unifying force or a divisive force? It is a rhetorical question. But I will answer it anyway because so many people cannot answer it. And the answer is that Christianity has been a divisive force in the world and still is and right now, Christianity in America is one of the primary divisive forces. Now, Christ seeks to unify all. This is what you can see if you read the Sermon on the Mount and many of my other statements. Christ seeks to unify people. That is why I challenged the Jewish belief that they were the chosen people because that also divided them from all other people. But here Christians have adopted the same mindset as the Jews. We Christians are the chosen people. We are the ones who will be saved and others will not. If you are trapped in this mindset, this is the mindset of anti-christ. The forces of anti-christ want to divide and conquer. This is what they have always done. How hard it is to see that if you have ever looked at the cover of a history book? Christ is a unifying force. But the unification can only happen through the heart when the heart is open.
What was the primary goal of my mission 2,000 years ago? Was it really to get people to believe in certain doctrines, to be members of a certain church? No. It was to open their hearts to the One mind in themselves. Look at these Christian ministers who will look at my statement: “Go ye into all the world and make all people my disciples.” How do they interpret it? Oh yes, all people should become members of their Christian church and they should be forced into it if necessary for their own good, their own salvation. What did I mean by making all people my disciples? That they would open their hearts to the One mind, the Christ mind in themselves. That is what it means to be a disciple of Christ.
I was a mystic, my disciples are mystics, and mystics look beyond this world. They do not believe and accept anything as infallible in this world. A mystic cannot accept any scripture as the infallible Word of God. Because a mystic experiences the Living Word within him or herself and when you experience the Living Word, you realize that the written word is not the Living Word. It can only point to the Living Word. And the purpose of the written word is only to point or help people have the inner experience.
If you have not experienced the Christ mind in yourself, you have not kept my commandments. For that is the overall commandment. And what did I say? “If you love me, keep my commandments.” If you have not kept my commandments, there can be only one reason. You do not love me. You love a man-made image of Christ and that image is anti-christ. And therefore, you have taken a man-made image superimposed it upon Christ, as Peter did and therefore, I must say, as I said to Peter: “Get thee behind me, Satan. Thou art an offense to me”.
Many of these churches in America, and of course elsewhere, you are an offense to me. You savorest not the things that be of God, but the things that be of men, of your own making. You worship an idol, and you call that idol Christ. Get thee behind me. You have no part with me. But you can have part with me if you are willing to be converted and if you are willing to see the errors of your ways and admit it, and then do what I said: “Keep my commandment. What is that to thee? Follow thou me.”
You do not need to beat yourself up or feel bad about having believed in a lie. You just need to admit it is a lie. Leave it behind and walk with me into the light of Christ. I am not seeking here to shame anyone, to put anyone down. I am seeking to awaken those who can be awakened so that, like Paul, the scales will fall from their eyes. The scales of what? Of the serpent. The scales of the serpents that have blinded their eyes for many lifetimes.
Shatter, shatter, shatter that illusion. Shatter the illusion in the four levels of matter. I AM the Ascended Master Jesus Christ, and I call those who are my own but who have been trapped in these outer Christian churches filled with dead men’s bones, dead men’s ideas.
As I send these words out, spoken in the physical, I am sending energy waves that are going far and wide. Some are waking up, some are driving towards their churches and suddenly they see the illusions they have believed in. Others do not realize what is happening, but they become aware that they have always had certain questions, that they have suppressed the questions, they have not dared to really put their minds on them. But suddenly they cannot quite suppress a certain question anymore and that question becomes the open door, that as they contemplate it, gradually they come to open their hearts to a glimpse of the One mind. And once you have a glimpse of the One mind, it is not so easy to suppress.
Truly, as an ascended master, you have no regrets, or you would not have ascended. You would have to stay in embodiment on earth and try to fix what had gone wrong. But still, you can look back at these past 2,000 years, and you can see the potential for the Christian movement, the high potential, and then you can look at what actually came to pass. And I can tell you that there is a huge difference between the two, an almost unfathomable difference. But I also see the potential that in this age, many people are ready to awaken from the illusion, the veil that has been put over Christianity now for so many centuries. More and more people are waking up and they are looking for answers elsewhere and it does not really matter where they are looking for them. Because when you have been trapped in a certain mindset, a certain illusion, the first thing you need to do is distance yourself from that bubble.
Knowing from within
Wherever you look for answers, it is better than staying in that stale situation you were in. And eventually, as people look for answers here and there and everywhere, they come to the point where they start looking within. They find some kind of teaching that talks about going within, and there are many of them out there. Because there is really only one thing that matters, whether it is religion or spirituality, personal growth, mindfulness, this or that.
There is only one thing that matters, that you have a direct experience of the Christ mind in yourself for that is what gives you that frame of reference, where now you can look at all of these ideas that are spread out there on the internet and you read an idea, you instantly sense it is off balance. You read another idea, and there is something here. It is not the full truth, but there is something here. Many of you already have that ability. Some of you have developed it by using these teachings. Others have had it even since childhood. You can have the ability to meet the person, to read an idea, and you just know in your heart—not in your head, you are not analyzing—you just know in your heart: “Ah, this is not real. Oh, this has some reality.” And that was, of course, my goal 2,000 years ago. It was what? It was to free the people from the religious authorities who controlled them through these doctrines and arguments and this and that, and they could only be free in one way. It is not a matter of giving them another doctrine, for no matter what doctrine you give them, it can become a tool to trap them, as Christianity has proven beyond any reasonable doubt.
What I really wanted to give people was that experience of the Christ mind within themselves. For when you connect to and experience the Christ mind in yourself, you cannot be focused on yourself, the outer self anymore. And therefore, you first become focused on helping others, but eventually you come to see that as the Christ mind is in you, it is in everyone. Instead of helping others in concrete ways, you become more focused on helping them connect to the Christ mind in themselves. You may still be doing other things that are valuable and help people, but behind it all is this desire to help people connect to the Christ mind in themselves. Then you can call yourself a Christian. Then you can call yourself a disciple of Jesus Christ. Because through the Christ mind in you, you can connect to me as I am today, instead of projecting a man-made image upon me that has no reality to it.
If thine eye be single, thy whole body is full of light, otherwise you are filled with darkness. But it is not the eye, not even the third eye, it is the heart. If your heart is undivided, because you love the light, you love Christ more than these sophisticated arguments on earth, then your whole energy field is filled with light. That is what I want to see for all of you who are open to these teachings, and of course, for all people.
The One mind, not the one man
Is it not amazing that Christianity is the primary tool that has caused so many Americans to believe in all kinds of illusions, even the conspiracy theories, because they do not have that discernment? They read a conspiracy theory—they do not have that sense: “Ah this is not real.” They go into the mind, and they think maybe there is something to it and their subconscious selves, their egos tell them: “Oh, this is why you cannot change your life. There is a secret conspiracy, but at least you are one of the few special people who know about this conspiracy.” Maybe they feel a little better for a time. And after some time, at least some people have woken up and realized: “This actually did not get me anywhere. I just dug myself deeper and deeper into a hole of feeling angry and powerless.”
Back to the present. A relevant question to ask about the presidential debate in the United States is this—is there one person who can be the savior of America? Is there one person who is made by God to save America in this critical age? Well, those who have experienced the One mind will know that the answer is no, there is not. For what was the whole purpose of the Christian religion, the Christian movement that I started? It was to help people connect to the One mind in themselves so that today there would be millions of people who were connected to the One mind.
What is the savior of America? The One mind, not the one man. Again, complete unreality to believe this. Complete and total illusion—has no reality in Christ. And those who believe and promote this stuff, they have no part with me. They may claim all kinds of things about themselves. They may claim to have authority. They may claim that Jesus is speaking to them. And they are right. The man-made false Jesus that had been created by Christianity for seventeen centuries is speaking to some of these pastors.
But I am not that Jesus—this is not the real Jesus. If you are in doubt, then ask the real Jesus. This simply just needs to be stated in the physical so that those who are open can wake up and see how completely unrealistic it is to think that one person, no matter who that person is, no matter what that person is like, could be the savior of America. In reality, what America needs to be saved from is this very mindset that one person can be so important, so special. All men and women are created equal. That is the foundation for America.
There is no room in America for this hero worship that is promoted so heavily by the movie industry and by the fallen beings. What is the whole purpose of this, that some people are so special? Well, do you not see it going back throughout history? It is the power elite defending their own position, nothing else. The savior of America is the One mind within millions of Americans and what America needs to be saved from is precisely the power elite. And what has been one of the primary tools used by the power elite in this part of the world? Christianity. Look at the medieval societies, the divine right of kings. Who came up with this idea? The Catholic church.
For a thousand years, people were kept as virtual slaves of the kings and the noblemen because they were afraid that if they went against this claim of the Catholic church, they would go to hell. Again, Christianity, starting with the Roman Catholic church, was conceived of and executed as a tool for controlling the population by the power elite. What was my real goal? What did I say? To set people free from the power elite. Stunning, really, that things could be turned on their head to such an extent, but on the other hand, it is still an immense opportunity for growth when people come to see the incredible manipulation. When the scales fall from your eyes and you do not condemn yourself or blame yourself, but simply look at this—you look at it, you see it through the Christ mind, the unreality of it—and then you can say: “Get thee behind me, Satan.” And when enough people say this, Satan will have to get behind.
He has always been behind, he just has not realized it and he may never. I am not the one thinking that I can convince Satan of anything. This messenger used to think so, but the scales eventually fell from his eyes as well because nothing can work against free will. The Christ mind does not work against free will. The Christ mind frees the will from the anti-will. But people are allowed to go into the anti-will. And again, I look at the situation in America. If people, if a majority of the voters in America, want to elect a person that claims to be the savior, well, then they are allowed to have that experience and surely things will be acted out in such an extreme way that many people will come to see the illusion.
As other masters have said, the fallen beings can only keep pushing, but the harder they push, the greater becomes the potential that they push people over the edge, so the scales fall from their eyes and they see it. Unfortunately, some people can only see it through the school of hard knocks, whereas the Christ mind is about helping people see it without having the hard knocks.
But either way, free will must be allowed to outplay itself. It is fine to make your calls for the election, but be non-attached to the outcome. Because the outcome, either way, will be that the extremism and a lack of balance of the fallen beings will be demonstrated, will be seen. You might realize that we of the ascended masters are, of course, not caught up in this current debate. We are not so serious about the situation in America and hopefully that can help you gain some sense of peace, where you have this attitude of come what may. We make the best of it, and we move on. Because I can assure you about one thing, America will move on. There can be no doubt about that in the Christ mind. Turbulence, yes, maybe. But still, the golden age of Saint Germain is on schedule and will be lowered into the physical. Where and when can be debated, but it will move forward and to think that one person can stop that is also an illusion.
Choose life and laugh!
You see again that both sides in the debate are now caught up in the epic mindset. There are two dualistic polarities. One is good, one is bad. But in the Christ mind, they are both unreal. That is what the Christ mind will reveal to those who have an open heart and are looking for a fresh new start. Yes, we are waxing a bit poetic just to give you that sense of lightheartedness that we are not as serious about this situation as so many people are. It has been said that Americans have a tendency to take themselves too seriously and there is some reality to it. There is some reality to it. As you saw the Jews, even today, you see many other people around the world who take themselves so seriously, and this is what will begin to fade away in the golden age.
What did I say 2,000 years ago about entering the kingdom of God? “Unless ye become as little children, you shall in no wise enter the kingdom.” Why? Because the kingdom of God is not serious. It is not taking itself seriously. The Christ mind is lighthearted. What some people would call childlike, but it is not really like children behave. That was just a metaphor. It is just lighthearted. It is the mind of anti-christ that is so serious and takes itself so seriously because it believes that it is epically important that it is proven right.
The Christ mind has no need to be proven right. How can you be right when there is no wrong? And in the Christ mind, there is no division. Yes, I know, if the Christian ministers out there were to hear this, they would say, “This is the work of the devil. Of course, there is right and wrong, good and evil.” But they are just caught in the game. Some fallen beings play the role of evil, others play the role of good. And the ones who have the firmest grip on people’s minds are the ones who claim to be good but they could not sustain that illusion unless they had those who were evil. In the Christ mind, this is all seen as unreality because the Christ mind is single-eyed. It is not a divided vision.
I never meant for my disciples to go into the divisive mindset. I never meant for them to set themselves up as the only true followers of Christ, the only ones who would be saved—the chosen people. If all are created equal, none can be chosen. But there can be those who choose, who choose Christ over anti-christ, who choose life over death. I have set before you life and death. Choose life and laugh! And as I seal you in the joy flame of Jesus Christ. And I thank you for being willing to take part in this release.
You may feel that you are sitting there like the members of these Christian churches and passively receiving, but then you are not really aware what is happening in your chakras as you are taking in, for this is a two-way communication. This is a participatory process. You are not passive recipients. You are broadcasting stations and I do not have the authority to broadcast with the power that we had together have broadcasted because you are in physical embodiment. And as such, you have the authority that I do not have as an ascended master. I have the power that you do not have. Together with your authority, my power, we have a much greater impact. And for this, you have my gratitude.
Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels