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Ascended Master Shiva through Kim Michaels, August 2, 2024. This dictation was given at a healing retreat in Chicago: Heal your heart and the heart of America.
I AM the Ascended Master Shiva. This statement would of course surprise many people from the Eastern religions that have the name of Shiva, and that have an entire mythology built around the God Shiva. But I am not that God. I am not that mythological image any more than the real Creator is the angry judgmental God in the sky.
I am an ascended master. I have risen to the level where I can hold the spiritual office that gave inspiration to the Eastern myth of Shiva. It is a real office, it has been held by various ascended masters in the time span that the earth has existed and it is an office that first of all is designed to break down illusion and set people free from illusions. You might say if you look at this concept of the Trinity, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, that there has to be a God who creates form, there has to be a God who maintains form, but there has to be one who breaks down form. Why? Because otherwise the self-aware beings sent into the world of form to co-create the world of form could become trapped in their own creation. This then is the very principle embodied by the office that I hold, to give people the assistance so they can escape the entrapment in their own creation.
The illusion of a lack of resources
Now this has two aspects, one is that humankind on earth has co-created over a long period of time the current physical conditions you see on earth, such as the lack of so-called natural resources. Well, there are no natural resources, there are only spiritual resources and there is only one spiritual resource, but it has of course various manifestations such as the seven rays. But humankind has perverted the rays, created the separate selves, gone into separation and therefore have broken down the original creation of the earth, the original natural state of the earth where there was abundance of resources for all. And therefore, they have co-created this state of lack that many people have come to see as inevitable, either because it was created that way by some God or other, or because it was created that way by natural laws. Well, there are no natural laws, there are only spiritual laws and one of them is that as you sow, so shall you reap.
Because what you project into the cosmic mirror, the cosmic mirror must reflect back to you. And this is why it is possible that people can create conditions on a planet such as lack of resources, come to believe it is inevitable, it is mandated by God or nature, and therefore they think they can do nothing to create it. They go into this entire drama, this epic drama of thinking that one day the earth will run out of resources. And then they create the other epic drama that this is because there are just too many people on the planet. And what do they envision is the solution? Mass genocides, or have they just not thought about what could be the solution? Well, the solution is of course the transcendence of the consciousness that created the lack of resources because the planet was designed to maintain a comfortable standard of living for 10 billion people. But why do you not have that? Is it just because people have gone into separation? No, it is because there is that small power elite of what we have called the fallen beings who have manipulated life on earth so they are hoarding natural resources and wealth to themselves, taking it from the majority of the population.
The lack of heart
And what is this a sign of? A closed heart, a complete lack of heart, a complete lack of consideration for anyone but oneself. And where does this lack of consideration come from? From the perverted heart, from the closed heart. Because if you have an open heart, you are through your open heart connected to your higher self which you know is an expression of the One mind and therefore you will see that all other people are expressions of the One mind and therefore what is best for all is what is best for you. And therefore, you cannot take from others in order to hoard for your separate self. The most blatant expression of the lack of heart on the planet is the power elite hoarding wealth and resources and power to themselves, seeking to enslave the majority of the population under this extreme poverty, under this extreme control of the power elite. There is no more severe lack of heart than this condition.
Now why am I bringing this up in clearing the heart? Well, because you need to clear your individual heart of this very belief in the lack of resources, in the inadequacy of planet earth to provide for the people living upon it. This is the hatred of the mother spoken about in the invocation you just gave. To accept that the earth cannot sustain the people living on it, is hatred of the mother. Because the mother can, but humankind has perverted the mother, has perverted the planet and now they are blaming the planet for their own self-created condition. And this is hatred of the mother leading to self-hatred. Who has self-hatred? Those who have a closed heart. Who have the most closed hearts? Well, what we have called the fallen beings of course. Therefore, you cannot fully grasp the process of clearing and healing the heart, unless you are aware of the existence of the fallen beings who have closed their own hearts and who are seeking to make everyone else on earth close their hearts and keep them closed. What is then the best thing you could possibly do for the raising up of this planet? To heal your heart from the onslaught of the fallen beings. Because if you do not know that there are beings both in and out of embodiment who are doing everything they can to destroy your heart, to pervert your heart chakra, you cannot fully free yourself and heal the heart. If you cannot heal your own heart, you cannot heal the heart of the planet, the heart of humankind.
Now what is behind this manipulation of the fallen beings, their attempt to we might say destroy the heart? It is really an attempt to prevent your I AM Presence from expressing itself in this world. And this ties in with these teachings given by Mother Mary of how you have been manipulated into feeling that your divine spiritual individuality is not acceptable on this planet, it is put down, it will be criticized, they will attempt to destroy you. This is because the fallen beings feel that they have ownership of this planet. But they do not have ownership of planet earth. For I, Shiva, have the right to execute my office and break down the illusions that keep people trapped in a lesser state. Not only do I have a right, it is my divine mandate, my divine calling. The fallen beings want you to believe that you have no right to express your divine individuality on this planet because it somehow belongs to them. They have come up with many clever schemes throughout the ages seeking to justify their existence, their presence on this planet, their denial, their hatred of the light, their hatred of the Father, their hatred of the Mother, their hatred of the Son, their hatred of the Holy Spirit, their hatred of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, the hatred of all other people on the planet, which of course all springs from self-hatred.
How can you hate yourself? Well, how can you not hate yourself when you have closed your heart to your I AM Presence? For what then is the self that is left? Well, it is the Conscious You, but the Conscious You is so trapped inside all of these separate selves that you have created based on the duality consciousness that it cannot see itself. It cannot see itself as pure awareness. It sees itself as the selves. You cannot hate pure awareness. You can for that matter not love pure awareness, but you can feel unconditional love streaming through pure awareness. You cannot feel hate streaming through pure awareness because hatred is not pure. It is not unconditional. It is the ultimate conditioning. The fallen beings have gone into this state of hating themselves, but they cannot admit this, they cannot even see it because they are constantly directing that hatred outside themselves, placing blame somewhere else. And they are seeking to get everybody else to do the same or rather to follow them in their definition of who are the people who deserve to be hated—what are the conditions that people should hate.
Why is it that people follow along with this? Because they have been hurt by the fallen beings so they have shut off their hearts. And therefore, it is the classical situation that the fallen beings have created a problem and now they try to present themselves as the saviors who can save people from the problem. But how could this logically be done? It cannot be done when you see with Christ logic. Therefore, people must obscure this Christ logic through the use of serpentine logic. And that is why you see so many examples of this serpentine logic that seeks to get people to deny their potential, to transcend themselves and instead feel that the only way to overcome their problems is to force some other group of people or potentially kill them all.
One people under God
What is the problem in America right now? Is it other people or is it we the people? For this nation was founded on the principle of unity, of oneness—one people, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. If there is division, there cannot be liberty and justice for all. For there will be some people who hate another group of people wanting to limit them, restrict them or get them out of the country, thinking that if we just force all of these other people our suffering will be over. But your suffering will not be over because the suffering takes place inside your mind. And it is not created by those other people for there are no other people. There are only people on the planet. Even the fallen beings are not ‘other’ people. They see themselves as such, but the Christ does not see themselves as such. For the Christ is wise as serpents, harmless as doves.
Look at the political debate. Look at the tendency to single out other groups of people and identify them as the problem. And now look at how this mentality has been magnified and has been blown up to the point where there is talk of civil war. What was it that caused the first civil war in America? It was the concept that there are other people that can be owned as property. Now here we are so many years later and again this serpent of other people rears its ugly head and is again being used as serpentine logic to create division in America. Where can this division come from? Only from a closed heart, a heart that has been so wounded that people have shut off their connection to their higher selves. Because it is only through that connection that you can see that there are no other people.
The serpentine logic of division
You who are the spiritual people can take a look at the nation. You can see who is it that is magnifying this idea that other people are the problem. And then you can clearly see if you use your intuition who is a fallen being or who has their minds taken over by fallen beings. They are spouting out this serpentine rhetoric in various disguises, thinking themselves that they also are the other people but they are the superior people. For some are superior and some are inferior. That is what inevitably happens whenever you have a division. What does it say in the founding document of this nation? All men, including wo-men, are created equal. By whom? Oh yes, by their Creator who has given all inalienable rights that cannot be overwritten by the state as was the case in King George’s England and any other dictatorship on the planet. The serpentine logic makes people believe we can divide humanity into at least two groups of people, us and them. We are superior, they are inferior. They are causing the problems in our society. If we deal with them, we will solve the problem and we will all be happy. This is serpentine logic.
Why? Because happiness is an inner condition that cannot be brought about by outer conditions. You could have paradise on earth in an outer sense and the people trapped in this mindset would not be happy at all. The serpentine logic makes people believe that you can divide the population into at least two groups and that you can solve the problem of the nation by suppressing or in other ways getting rid of the inferior group. This is what can only lead towards dictatorship of some form because democracy is by its very nature based on the recognition that all people have the same rights, the same right to exist, the same right to be here. Without this, there cannot be democracy. It is an impossibility.
You can begin to identify this serpentine logic. You can make the calls for it to be exposed. You can make the calls for the cutting-free of those who have the potential to tune into Saint Germain’s heart without knowing who he is, without mentioning him, but still bringing out these ideas that will expose this serpentine logic. You do not have to call it that, you just have to expose it and how it is the antithesis of the very principles upon which this nation is founded.
Of course, we might say, what is this nation founded upon? Is it wisdom? Is it power? Is it truth? Is it peace? Is it any of the other qualities or any other quality you can come up with? No, it is founded upon the heart. Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. This is the heart speaking. What was it that was lacking in Europe in the 1700s? A small power elite of the kings and the noble class and the clergy had virtually enslaved the majority of the population.It was a total lack of heart. What was America? An attempt to give room to those who were the huddled masses. What has America been turned into? Another country where the power elite rules, where they are stealing more and more of the wealth of the people and now in order to maintain their own existence and in order to stay hidden, they are putting the people against each other so that people can start fighting each other rather than identifying that the problem is not other people. It is actually the power elite that are not people because they do not see themselves as being part of the people. They do not see themselves as we the people, they see themselves as “We the elite.”
Healing the heart of America
This is the overarching underlying problem in America. It is a problem many other places in the world, but that is not the issue because changing the rest of the world will not heal the heart of America. Only the people of America can heal the heart of America by healing their own hearts. By opening up their own hearts and therefore, who is going to bring about such a shift? Well, only the most spiritually aware people can do so and I count you among them but you are not the only ones. There are of course many other people in various spiritual movements and some that are not even outwardly spiritual who have started opening their hearts and who can see the direction that America is going in. You can of course work on yourselves to form that magnet. You can call for other people to be cut free for the healing of their hearts of those who are closest to opening their hearts because what is going to bring about Saint Germain’s Golden Age? Which country is going to be the first one to magnetize Saint Germain’s Presence and materialize the golden age? The one who has the most open heart and right now that is not America.
There are other nations that are far ahead of America when it comes to opening the heart. One among them of course Canada, right north of America. Unfortunately, we cannot count Mexico among those nations but there are other nations in Europe, in Asia, Australia, New Zealand that have a higher degree of the opening of the heart than America. This is not what Saint Germain desires to see although he is of course grateful for any nation that opens the heart. But America is behind. It is behind many other nations. And think about Americans and how competitive they are. They want to be ahead, they want to be the greatest nation on earth. Well, you will not become the greatest nation on earth through force. That is what Vladimir Putin is attempting to do with Russia. It will not work. It will lead to the same crash and burn syndrome that you saw in Nazi Germany. You will not become the greatest nation through force, only through love, through the opening of the heart.
The serpentine lies
Again, you who are the spiritual people, you cannot fully understand what is burdening your heart unless you understand what we have said about the fallen beings and how they have done everything they could to hurt you in past lives so you would close off your heart and come to perhaps even accept the serpentine logic that you have no right to be here because maybe it is their world after all. And maybe you should just let them have it and not express your divine individuality here since it is not welcome and so reviled and there are so many people that reject you or ignore you or deliberately seek to destroy you when you dare to express who you are.
But you see, you have a right to be here and express that divine individuality. That is what Buddha demonstrated, that is what Jesus demonstrated, that is what others have demonstrated in smaller or larger measure. Many of you are already demonstrating it. We are simply saying—keep transcending yourselves and you can accelerate the transcendence by looking at your heart, being willing to identify that the fallen beings have done everything they could to get you to close that heart chakra, those valves, and to get you to feel that you cannot allow yourself to be who you really are, you cannot allow yourself to express your divine individuality from your I AM Presence because you either need to protect your I AM Presence or you need to live up to some standard of perfection to avoid being judged by your I AM Presence as Mother Mary so carefully explained. All of it is lies, all of it is lies, and especially it is a lie that some higher force has given this planet to the devil and the fallen beings. What has given earth to the fallen beings is the choices of humankind, the original inhabitants who have not been willing to take responsibility for themselves.
Pulling up on the collective consciousness
But you see, the law of free will mandates in one sense that, as we have said before, the fallen beings cannot alone destroy the planet, the avatars cannot alone save the planet, for it is the original inhabitants that decide whether the planet goes up or down. However, right now, the original inhabitants, such as the majority of the people in the United States, are not actually deciding whether the country or the planet should go up or down. They are not deciding on the future of America because they are too divided. And that gives an opportunity for those who have a higher spiritual awareness, who are willing to look at themselves and transcend themselves. It does not mean you can decide for people, but it does mean that the effect that you have of pulling up on the collective consciousness can be multiplied many times by the ascended masters.
And this can then help pull more and more people above this downward pull of the fallen beings so they become able to actually see what is happening, so they become able to take responsibility for themselves and their nation and therefore, make a conscious decision instead of either making unconscious decisions or making no decision because they do not know what to decide. They do not dare to believe in a better future for themselves and this nation.
Divide and conquer
If you look back to the time of the founding of this nation in the 1700s, what was the situation of most people in Europe? They were born as peasants and all they could think of was that they would live the rest of their lives as peasants. They could not envision that there could be a better future for them (and there could not be in Europe at the time). But here comes the United States or rather the colonies where there is space and suddenly some people can see the opportunity and they immigrate, but many stay because they did not dare to believe that their situation could be improved.
And that is precisely what the fallen beings want to manipulate people into, what they have been trying to manipulate the majority of the people in the United States into thinking that their living standard cannot be improved even though the living standard of their parents was improved greatly. They are trying to get people to accept a lower standard of living, accept a stop to economic growth and economic prosperity, but times have moved on since the 1700s. It is much more difficult to make people accept this today and even though you can begrudgingly make them accept it, they will feel that inner frustration and anger because they know it is not right, they just do not know what it is that is not right. And here comes then those who say: “Let’s try the good old trick of defining an external enemy. Look what we could get people to do during the Crusades in terms of fighting each other.”
What was the problem during the Crusades? It was that the fallen beings had taken over both the religion of Christianity and the religion of Islam. Some people were beginning to wake up to that. You had the Inquisition, you had the witch hunts, but first of all you had the Crusades where you got Christians and Muslims to fight each other instead of acknowledging the influence of the fallen beings on both of their religions. Here you have the situation repeating itself today. More and more people are becoming frustrated. The fallen beings do not want to change the economy and give more wealth to the people. How can they deal with the rising frustration? Oh yeah, put people up against each other. Republicans and Democrats, rich and poor, this or that. Original Americans against immigrants.
Hello! Who were the original Americans? Are they, the Native Americans, fighting to shut down immigration? Nay. Who are those who claim to be the real Americans that want to shut out others? What right do they have to make that claim? They think they have to defend “traditional values”, Christian values, because they have to turn America into a Christian nation. What did Christ say? Do unto others, forgive, love your enemies, be your brother’s keeper. What do they say now, these so-called Christians: “Oh this is weakness, this is liberal values. We are going to be militant Christians!” Yeah, like the Crusaders who went out and thought that they killed in the name of Christ.
Shiva’s dispensation
Are you really saying that in today’s America you are ready to kill in the name of Christ and thinking that Jesus will approve of this? How self-deluded can you be? I, Shiva, am here to speak this truth in the physical and SHATTER this illusion. You have no right to call yourselves Christians or representatives of Christ if you are ready to go and kill your fellow man in the name of Christ. This is madness, absolute utter madness.
And I for one will do everything I can to consume this if some of you will make the calls to me. I will also give you a special dispensation that those who will call to me, I will clear out your heart chakras of these negative energies as much as can be done. You can make any kind of calls you want. Simply call Shiva or the Om Shiva or other mantras to Shiva. But you have to be willing to do the work also to look at these separate selves that cause you to close your heart and believe it was necessary.
This is of course what Mother Mary has laid the foundation for, which other masters will build upon, but I wanted to give this impetus because someone has to speak in the physical that all of this hypocrisy of claiming to be Christians and seriously considering killing or forcing your fellow men, this is utter and absolute madness. And it must stop now. I say this of course with full respect for the law of free will. But by stating it so unequivocally, it can go into the mass consciousness and awaken some people, because some people will be awakened by this dictation to see the madness that they cannot see right now because of the scales covering their eyes. What happened to Paul on the road to Damascus? What was Paul doing? Persecuting Christians. What brought him out of that state of mind? The scales fell from his eyes. Why? Because he opened his mind to an experience of Christ. And when he had experienced the reality of Christ, rather than this false image of Christ that he had before, he knew he could no longer persecute his fellow men.
And that is what will happen to some people who are part of the Christian movement. They will see the madness they have been pulled into in thinking that this could possibly be what Jesus Christ wants. Jesus Christ does not want America to become a Christian nation. He wants it to become a nation of people who are embodying and living the teachings, the true teachings of Christ, which is, all life is one, therefore, there are no ‘other’ people in Christ.
The forces of the anti-christ in Christianity
Why am I giving this dictation when most Christians would immediately be turned off by the name Shiva? Because I am not seeking to convert any Christians. I am seeking to send an impulse into the collective consciousness that will awaken people even though they will never know why they were awakened. I do not need recognition. The messenger does not need recognition, certainly not from Christians. We just need to see the consciousness shift. I have made the contribution I wanted to make to bring about this shift. And as Gautama said, some will understand, some will allow the scales to fall from their eyes and see just how far they have strayed from the true teachings of Christ, thinking that their interpretation represented Christ when it represents anti-christ, the serpentine mind, of those who killed Christ, who perverted his teachings, turned him into an exclusive exception rather than an example, and turned the Christian religion into a suppressive religion that is a tool of the forces of anti-christ.
Because Christianity from the Catholic Church forward has been a tool for the forces of anti-christ to undermine the mission of Jesus Christ. I know you can point to various churches and say: “But are they not doing good works?” But what is the road to hell paved with? Good intentions. What does good works on a local scale do if it keeps the entire planet on a downward track that slides it further and further into the grips of the forces of Antichrist? How is that doing the works of Christ? It is not, and it never can be. I could go on, but enough has been said to reach those who can be reached. And I am grateful for you who are here, you who are on the internet, who have been willing to open your minds and chakras to accelerate this message and its power to go into the collective consciousness.
And that is why I give you this dispensation that I will give you an extraordinary measure of clearance of your heart chakra when you will call to me. I give you the opportunity now, first call to me silently and say what you want me to consume in your heart chakra. Do this now. And now we will together say Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva!
And now, make the calls for what you want me to consume in this nation of America and in the hearts of those who are open to have the scales fall from their eyes and have their heart shackles cleared so they can truly lock in to the reality of Christ. Make the calls now. And now we will together say: Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva!
Now my beloved, I know that many times we ask you to make calls for this, or calls for that, or calls for the third thing, and many times you feel like, is it having an effect? Are we seeing a result? But I am asking you to realize here, it is not a matter of the outer results you see, it is a matter of the inner knowing in your heart. Can you feel my vibration? I know that this has worked, and that this has shifted the equation in America. I know this. Do you know this? Then rejoice in having made a difference, and therefore, I seal you in the joy of Shiva.
Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels