Healing by replacing disinformation with the information of the Christ mind

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Ascended Master Padmasambhava through Kim Michaels, June 9, 2024. This dictation was given at a Deep Healing Retreat Conference in Tallinn, Estonia.

I AM the Ascended Master Padmasambhava. Some will say: “Did you not ascend a long time ago? Do you not come from the Buddhist tradition? What do you know about the modern world and information?”


I would say, first of all, as an ascended master I am beyond time and space and any kind of history or background or religion or tradition on earth. I ascended by transcending them all. Second of all, do you really think information belongs only in the modern age? How do you think the entire universe was created? Through information.

Now, what is information? Well, pronounce it a little bit differently. In formation. Something is in formation. It forms a pattern. Therefore, it is not just random. You may have dots on a piece of paper that are completely random. But the moment you organize them in a pattern you have information. You all know these little codes you can scan with your phone that give you access to your bank, for example. This is information even though it might look like a fairly primitive pattern.

Information is a pattern beyond nothingness or randomness. But does the computer screen recognize the image on the screen? No. It takes, as we have said, a self-aware conscious mind to see the pattern and to put some kind of meaning into the pattern. Only then does it become information. This now raises a fundamental question that not many people have considered even in this modern advanced age. Does the mind recognize the pattern or does the mind impose the pattern? And this is the central challenge for all self-aware beings.

Co-Creative process: An exchange of information

Let us first look beyond earth to a natural planet. We have explained to you that there is a part of your mind that is the conceptual mind. This mind, we have said, formulates an image and projects it upon the movie screen of the Ma-ter light, so the conceptual mind is creating the pattern. However, when you start out as a new co-creator you cannot create a pattern out of nothing. Your mind is not yet capable of formulating a pattern out of nothing. This is why a new co-creator is placed in a structured environment that was created before the co-creator came into being.

The co-creator comes into this environment and it experiences the environment through whatever senses it has in its particular environment. There are many designs of planets, many designs of the quote-unquote ‘bodies’ that people take on on various planets, so they have various ways of interacting with their environment. But by interacting with the environment the co-creator takes in information because it recognizes that there is a certain structure in its environment. It is not just random noise, it is information.

By taking in the information from its environment the co-creator is able to build on this and formulate in the beginning just a slight variation based on the information it has taken in. And this then it projects out. And now for the very first time the co-creator experiences the miracle that it has co-created something that was beyond what it experienced. It has brought forth something that was not there before. And the first time a co-creator experiences this it is like a child that is given a new toy because it realizes that it has been given this incredible toy that will take on the forms projected by its mind. And the co-creator is excited about this.

Now you may say the information that the co-creator formulates in its mind and superimposes upon the Ma-ter light, is it particularly sophisticated? Well, of course not for a new co-creator. But that is not the point. The point is not to create a specific result in the environment but to create something that then gives the co-creator feedback so it can refine its mental image and project a more refined image. You see what is the co-creative process—co-creative—it is an exchange of information. The co-creator takes in information from its environment, modifies the information, adds something to it, projects the information out, experiences the result, takes in information again, modifies the image, projects a more refined image, and so forth and so on.

What is information you might ask? Well, it can be any pattern. Any pattern can become information when a self-aware mind takes it in and gives it some kind of meaning. This means that one being might look at a particular environment, take in the information and give it one particular meaning. Another being in the same environment may give it a different meaning. This is what happens to new co-creators. They are in the same environment but they have different ways of interpreting it, experiencing it, and therefore, they formulate different mental images.

Stages of the co-creative process

And in the beginning this is just an experimental process where everybody individually is experimenting with their co-creative abilities without interfering or clashing with each other. But as they gain more experience they begin to realize that even though they have the power to superimpose a mental image, the powers of their minds are limited. But if two or more co-creators combine their minds they can create something beyond what any of them can create alone. Before too long cooperation starts to happen and before there can be cooperation there is sort of a selection process. Where co-creators meet they begin to communicate to see if they share a similar interpretation of their environment. If they are very different then they go their separate ways and do not co-create.

What you see on a natural planet is that at first co-creators are placed at some distance to each other. They each have space to co-create in their environment without interfering with each other, but then as they gain more experience they begin to interact. There is a sorting out process where some co-creators come together in a group, move to a certain area. Other co-creators with a different interpretation come to another group, move to another area and there is this sorting out process. We might say that the co-creators start being distributed randomly on the planet but gradually come into formation as groups. Now they experiment with what they can create as a group and you can compare this to planet Earth where people are spread out in a natural area with forests and fields but there is enough room that each person can live by himself without interfering with the others. Each person is only capable of building a very simple hut to live in but then they start coming together in groups. They realize that together they can build a much more elaborate house, they can create fields, more people might join them and eventually they create a village. And if they create something attractive maybe more will come in and join them and gradually the village will grow into a town that grows into a smaller city and can continue to grow.

On a natural planet what happens is that in the natural environment that was first created, a certain number of co-creators can exist. But as they begin to organize, come into formation around a common vision and interpretation and desire to co-create, then they raise their environment to a higher level that can sustain more co-creators. And then the population is gradually increased and they form more organized societies with cities and gradually this can grow and grow and grow until the natural planet reaches the population it was designed to accommodate. But in some cases, it can even rise beyond that if the inhabitants can really work together.

The emergence of natural societies

This is of course, the ideal scenario. The co-creators never clash, there is a sorting out process and they separate out and then they experiment based on the vision they have in the different groups. But as they experiment with co-creation each group comes to a greater understanding of how their particular planet was designed. What were the principles that were used to design the environment? And when they understand this, even if they come to this understanding through an individual experimentation, now they come into a more coherent vision and interpretation of their environment because they realize that by working with the basic design principles they can co-create much more.

What happens over time is that even though it started out with different groups with different interpretations, more of a coherence begins to emerge and that is when they can work together and raise their planets. Now, this does not mean that the co-creators come into some uniformity or sameness. They are united by a common vision of how their environment works but they still express their creativity in many individual ways.

What begins to emerge is this harmony between individual creative expression and collective creative expression. There are no leaders that control a population. There are leaders that emerge but they do not cling to power. They do not seek to limit those below them. The leaders that emerge are the ones that are themselves most creative but also are most dedicated to helping others be creative. Does it sound like a utopian society? No, only in comparison to what you have on earth. It is the natural society found on the vast majority of the billions upon billions of planets found in the universe. It is the earth that is an exception, not the natural planet.

Principles behind natural societies

Why am I telling you this? Because what the co-creators on a natural planet do is they take in information, they interpret it, they create a new version of the information they have taken in, in their minds. They project this out and then their environment changes, they take in new information, refine that and so forth.

Gradually, as I said, they begin to cooperate which means two things. The co-creators discover the design principles for how their planet works and they work with them. They accept those principles and when they have individually or in smaller groups each discovered those principles they do not clash with each other because they all see that they benefit the most from working with the principles, and when they have this common vision nobody is trying to impose their will or power upon others. Nobody is trying to limit others or take anything from others.

The concept of theft is just not there on a natural planet because when you know you can co-create whatever you want why would you take what someone else has co-created? You might see that someone else has co-created something you do not have and that you want but instead of taking it for them you just co-create it yourself. Based on the information you have gotten by seeing what they created, where is the need to take anything from another? Where is the need to limit other people? How can it possibly be a problem for you that someone else has co-created something you have not thought of? If you want what they have co-created you take in the information, you co-create it yourself. You never even have the thought that if someone has co-created something that you have not created that you could not do the same and so why would you need to take it from them or limit them?

Going against the design principles based on the Christ mind

What we could say is that on a natural planet there is only information. There is no disinformation. And this is, of course, because as we have explained, everything in the world of form was created out of the One mind, the Christ consciousness, the Buddha Nature. Every being was created out of that mind and therefore, any information that was used to create a natural planet was based on the Christ mind. A new co-creator takes in the information from the Christ mind and uses its own mind, which is not yet fully the Christ but is certainly out of the Christ mind, to create its own information. And that is also out of the Christ mind even though it is at a fairly low level at the time.

As we have said, you see yourself as a connected being but have no clear concept of what you are connected to. But still, you are taking information based on the Christ mind which is you are connected to your environment. You are part of the whole. You are not apart from the whole. Everything is wonderful, one big happy family as they say, in the first sphere, the second sphere, the third sphere. Then in the fourth sphere which is one step denser than the third, there are some beings that start out as all other co-creators with a localized sense of self. They take in information from their environment, they co-create, they take in information and gradually a cooperation starts emerging.

But then on a few planets in the fourth sphere there were some beings who had the thought they had begun to discover the design principles for how their planet was working. But they had the thought: “Why should I follow those principles? What if I used my own ideas to co-create? Why should I be bound, limited by my environment? Why should I not co-create something entirely different?” And free will is free will. You are allowed to co-create anything you can imagine, so they started co-creating this way. This means that the information they now formulated in their minds was not based on the Christ mind because the Christ mind was used to formulate the principles for how the planet worked. But when you go against the principles in your environment you are not using the mind of Christ, you are using the mind of anti-christ.

Now, this was not as ominous on these first planets as it might sound on earth. But you are beginning to use information based on this idea that you are better at imposing a meaning on information than the ascended beings who created your planet. You know better. Even though you have not really explored the principles that were used to create your planet, you do not fully grasp them. These few beings got the idea that they knew better and if they have free will they should be allowed to do whatever they wanted.

Discovering vs. defining how the world works

And of course they were. They formulated these mental images, projected them upon the Ma-ter light and the Ma-ter light took on these forms. But this now means that these beings stepped into a state of mind where they were not seeking to discover how the world works. They were seeking to define how the world should work. Now mind you, these beings had not fallen and you could say they were simply experimenting with their free will. The problem was that when you start out on a natural planet and grow in awareness till you reach the highest level of consciousness you can reach on that particular planet, then you have explored how that planet works to the fullest.

If you then develop the desire to experiment with your co-creative abilities by defining the principles yourself, then you are allowed to do this. You are allowed to go to another planet that has a more loosely defined environment but you can more easily experiment. But by coming to the fullness of the experience, the highest level of consciousness you could reach on your first planet, you have grown in your self-awareness, your ability to create and interpret information.

The second law of thermodynamics

But when you start too early wanting to do your own thing without having fully learned, then you cannot co-create based on the Christ principles or the Christ mind because you have not fully embodied it. You have not reached the highest level of Christhood you could reach on that planet. This means that you are now co-creating something that goes against the principles that your planet was based on and that means that your planet is not sustaining your creation. It starts breaking down, what we have called the second law of thermodynamics or the principle of Shiva. And now these beings saw that their co-creation was breaking down but other self-creators created something that was not breaking down and they started feeling this was unjust.

Now some of them saw this and said: “Oh, what am I doing differently? Is there something I have not understood here?” And then they changed, brought themselves back into being willing to explore the principles and they then continued growing. But some went into this state of mind that they should still be able to do whatever they wanted and other beings should not be creating something beyond what they were creating. They now formulated this desire to get other people to come in and support their co-creation because they quickly realized that the more people they could get to support their co-creation, the less it would break down. Now this meant that a group of people came together and they accepted a common vision, naming the vision of these beings who became leaders, and they used their co-creative abilities so they multiplied each other’s efforts and therefore they were able to create, in some cases, quite sophisticated and organized civilizations.

It was just that it required a continued effort to maintain or expand these civilizations. And of course, these civilizations did not bring the planet to the ascension point. When it came to the point that the entire sphere was ready to ascend, there were a few planets that were not ready. Even though there were sophisticated civilizations on these planets, the planet could not ascend because these civilizations were out of attunement with the original blueprints not only on the planet, but also with the Christ mind and the blueprint for the entire sphere.

Reality check

This is when the ascended masters had to step in, confront these beings with the fact that their co-creation could not ascend and give them the choice—would they come back into alignment with the principles so they could ascend with the rest of the sphere, or would they refuse to do so? Some did choose to come back into alignment, ascended with the fourth sphere, but on a few planets the leaders had become so sure that they were right in their interpretation of information and the information they had generated that they would not let it go.

Now what was it that happened on the planets where the leaders chose to heed the ascended masters? What happened was that they took the information they had gathered through this co-creative process and brought it back into alignment with the Christ mind by giving up the information that was based on the mind of anti-christ. We can say that throughout their experimental journey they had created all of these subconscious selves based on the illusion of separation, and when they saw the consequence of this they were willing to enter the process, which took some time, of letting these selves die. It is like Jesus explained, he who seeks to save his life shall lose it, he who is willing to lose his life for the sake of following Christ can ascend and attain a permanent state of life. Those planets where the leaders were not willing to give up their self-created information based on separation, were not willing to let the selves die, they were then given another option, they could fall as we say, but they saw it more as descending into the next sphere that was created.

The psychology behind the fall

Now, what we have not really explained before was the mindset of some of these beings. You see what I have said, the purpose of a new co-creator on a particular natural planet is to enter into a journey of discovery, where you discover the principles that are based on the Christ mind, and therefore you discover the principles that make your creation sustainable. Those who had not used the Christ mind, they had not completed that journey. They did not understand that only principles based on the realization that all life is connected can lead to a sustainable creation. They now entered into a state of mind where they did not see that they were behind those who ascended. They instead turned things around and thought: “We are the ones who know better, we are so sophisticated, we do not need to discover the principles, we can define our own principles and the ascended masters simply do not know what we know. They are not as sophisticated as we are because they submitted themselves to the Christ mind. They have never really explored the mind of anti-christ and they do not see how sophisticated it is.”

Of course they did not have the concept of anti-christ, they thought it was the ultimate state of mind where you were so sophisticated you could define everything. They did not see that they fell into the fifth sphere, they thought: “Ah, we are so sophisticated, we are the pioneers who are the first ones to enter the new sphere, and therefore we can define the pattern for how planets should work in that sphere.” They, at least some of them, did not see it as a mistake and they actually used the fact that they fell to over inflate their already overinflated sense of self-importance.

The lesson behind the fall

Why was this allowed? Well, partly to allow free will to outplay itself, but also because the ascended masters knew that the fifth sphere was more dense than the previous one. Therefore, these beings, let us call them fallen beings to be consistent, they thought they could come into the new sphere and co-create exactly the same sophisticated civilizations they had created in the fourth sphere, but because of the denser sphere they could not, or rather they could, but it required far more effort.

This gave them an opportunity to re-evaluate: “Is there something we have not grasped? Are we really as sophisticated as we think we are?” And some of them when they encountered the denser matter they realized: “If we continue this way we are exerting all of this effort, but whatever we create it just breaks down, it starts breaking down right away. It is a constant effort to maintain it. Would it not be easier to switch, discover the principles and work with the principles instead of against them?”

You could say: “What is the purpose of this entire mechanism?” Well, it is to give co-creators the opportunity to explore everything they can do with their free will, their self-awareness and their imagination. But ultimately, the goal of this process is that each co-creator discovers, realizes, that it can co-create much more by learning what the principles are and working with those principles than if it goes against the principles. And what is the purpose of this?

Every self-aware being is created out of the One mind, but it is created as an individual being. For a sphere to ascend, all the beings who ascend with a sphere must have journeyed as far as they want to go in experimentation with their free will. They do not have to use the consciousness of anti-christ, the separate mind, but they have to experiment as much as they want. They voluntarily bring themselves into alignment with the One mind, meaning that after they ascend they could not even conceive of co-creating something that would harm others. Coming into alignment with the Christ mind means you are not seeking to raise yourself in comparison to others, you are seeking to raise the whole by raising others and yourself. You are not harming any part of life. You have given up the possibility of choosing to go against the principles of the One mind.

Refining vs. forcing your vision

What does this have to do with information? Well, anyone who co-creates takes in information, gives it some kind of meaning, and based on that meaning it then projects out information, causing the Ma-ter light to take on the form and then when you experience the form, you are taking in new information.

You might say that when you receive the return current you can look at what is physically manifest compared to the vision you projected out and see: “Is there a discrepancy between what I had in my mind and what is manifest physically, and if there is, what does that mean? Why is there a discrepancy?” And it can be, as I said, because your vision was not in alignment with the principles used to design your planet. And then you have this choice: “Well let me discover more of those principles.” It can be that your vision clashes with other people on the planet, and so you cannot manifest exactly what you are envisioning because they have a vision that interferes with yours. But it gives you feedback.

The universe is a feedback machine. The question is, do you use this feedback to refine the information you are projecting out? Or do you use the feedback to think: “Well, my information is right, so I need to project it with more force and if I cannot generate enough force on my own, I need to then persuade other people to support my vision, so that we together can co-create what I want.”

You now go into this force-based mindset where instead of saying: “Let me discover the principles and when I know the principles I can co-create what I want,” you now say: “Let me find a way to force my vision, my information on my environment and let me get other people, persuade them or fool them or force them into supporting my vision.” And again, you are allowed to do this, you are allowed to experiment with this. The problem is that by going against the principles on your particular planet, your co-creation requires more and more force to be sustained or to be expanded, so therefore, you inevitably go into this force-based mindset where you think you have to force your environment to outpicture your vision, instead of working with the environment so that it generates what you project out without you having to use force.

Dis-in-formation based on the absence of Christ

You now see that there is information based on the One mind, the unified mind, the Christ mind, and there is information based on the absence of unity, the absence of oneness. You may call it the mind of anti-christ, but it is not really anti-christ, it is an absence of Christ. It is an absence of recognition of the connection between all forms and all beings. It is from the beginning an illusion, but it is an illusion that beings are allowed to go into because they must be allowed to experiment with their free will and their imagination. And naturally, you can imagine that you are co-creating as a separate being. It is fully possible to do this and it is, in a certain sense, necessary for all beings to come to realize that there is this possibility and they need to experiment with it until they decide: “Ah, this is not what I want to do.” Some people just have not come to that point yet, some beings. And that is why there is a very big range for how far a being can go into this illusion of separation.

Again, what does it have to do with you wanting to heal your physical body? Well, if your body is manifesting a disease, it is because information has entered your four lower bodies that is based on the separate mind, or rather based on an absence of the Christ mind, the recognition of the principles for earth and the principles of oneness.

The key then is to change that information, and here is the central point to grasp. To beings who have gone into separation, it will seem like they have generated a vast pool of information that allows them to create a sophisticated civilization, formulate ideas, create an empire, create weapons that can defeat other weapons. They feel they are so sophisticated. They have generated all of this information and they have used it to co-create, or as they see it, create this sophisticated civilization. How could that be wrong? To them, this is information, and they will say: “Well, this is just as sophisticated as any information that could be based on the Christ mind.”

But in reality, this is not information, it is disinformation. Why? Because it is not in formation with the whole. As the world of form has grown, as spheres have ascended, all of the self-aware beings have co-created a whole, a sustainable whole. It is based on the Christ mind. And as these spheres have ascended and grown, the beings who caused the spheres to ascend, they have generated much more information than was there in the beginning.

The Creator created the first sphere based on information formulated in the mind of the Creator. But as the co-creators were sent in there and caused the first sphere to ascend, they generated out of their minds, out of their imagination, an enormous amount of information that was beyond what the Creator embedded in the first sphere. And the second sphere added even more information. There is vast, vast information in the Christ mind about how to make a co-creation sustainable. And this is not what has been created out of separation because all of this vast information generated in the Christ mind forms a whole, a formation.

But the mind that is separate is not in formation with the whole. It is in formation with itself, but itself is separate from the whole. The mind is separate from the whole. Not in reality, but in its own mind. That is why it cannot be in formation with the whole and that is why it is not information—it is an absence of information. However sophisticated the fallen beings think their ideas and ideologies and mental images are, it is actually nothing. It is not sustainable. Only that which is based on the Christ mind has life within it. That which is separate is death, the consciousness of death.

Healing with information

Again, I ramble on about these far-flung ideas. What does it have to do with you wanting to heal your physical body? Well, whatever condition is a disease in the physical body is not based on the information coming from the Christ mind. Therefore, it is based on this disinformation from the separate mind. Now the tendency is, when you begin to realize this, and when you begin to realize that you have, if you have a physical disease, you have in your emotional, mental and identity bodies these subconscious selves that are based on this separate mind. The tendency is to then look at this and say: “I need to go into this subconscious self and discover what supposed information created the self that the self is based on, and then I need to counteract that information by finding an argument against it, by proving it is wrong.” This cannot be done. It is like if you chase the greased pig, you will end up with your hands full of mud.

If you try to prove the fallen consciousness wrong, if you try to reason with it, you just get yourself involved with it. You need to recognize that this, even though there is a self in your subconscious mind, and even though it is based on a certain pattern, it is not information. It is an absence of information from the Christ mind. You do not need to do anything about the information. You do not need to prove it wrong, because the self can never come to see that it is wrong. You do not need to do anything about it.

What do you need to do? You activate the Conscious You´s ability to float up beyond your four lower bodies, you then reach for an ascended master that is close to you, and then you formulate the desire to see the Christ information that can replace the absence of information.

Take note. You are not asking your I AM Presence for this, because your I AM Presence is not yet ascended. You select the ascended master that you feel close to, you ask that master: “Mother Mary, help me see the Christ information.” And if you can be neutral, you will see something that will help you get started on the process of letting the self die, separating yourself from it. If you repeat this, and you do not need to make an elaborate ritual of it, but if you repeat it, you will see more and more until you come to that point where the self has died. That is how you heal with information.

As Mother Mary said, it is simply one way. It may not appeal to you. It may not resonate with you. This can be because of your current level of consciousness, one of the other tools is more suited to where you are at. It can also be that you cannot really see how you can apply it. Then pick one of the other tools. But for some of you, this will be an important teaching that you can build on. And you can refine your ability to tune into the Christ mind and let the information of the Christ mind replace the lack of information coming from the separate mind, thereby bringing the Conscious You into formation with the Christ mind, whereby you become the Living Christ.

With this, I have given you what I wanted to give you and therefore, I shall step back and allow Gautama Buddha to seal this conference, as is his responsibility, privilege, and joy.

It has been my joy to interact with you for this time and I hope I have given you some information that can be useful to you.


Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels