From the Allness to our world: The drive to be MORE

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Ascended Master  Serapis Bey through Kim Michaels, January 4, 2025. This dictation was given during the 2025 New Year’s Webinar: Accelerate yourself and the planet with the Masters of the Fourth Ray.


I AM the Ascended Master Serapis Bey, Chohan of the Fourth Ray, the Fourth Ray of Acceleration. Life is a process that can lead to progress or regress, and the key to progression is acceleration. “What is acceleration?” you might say. And there always comes the question from the human level of consciousness, can progression go on indefinitely? Is there not a limit? Does it not run out? Well, that is what I will discourse on.

The cosmic law of acceleration

What is acceleration? It is going beyond the present state to a higher state. But is progression, acceleration, just a concept, an idea in the human mind, or does it have a deeper reality? Well, science has discovered what they call the second law of thermodynamics. You have heard us talk about this before, and you know that according to science it means that in a closed system, entropy, meaning disorder, will increase until all structures have deteriorated, have broken down, and there is the lowest possible energy state.

It is always illustrated by scientists that if you take a steam locomotive it can drive only because there is pressure in the boiler that is converted into steam, that is converted into work and in order to keep the pressure going you need to put fuel in and if your fuel runs out the locomotive will stop. And if it sits idle without being maintained, it will rust, fall apart, and eventually, from dust to dust, it will return to the dust of the earth from which supposedly, according to some Christians, everything came. Of course, the reality is that everything did not come from dust. But let us not get ahead of ourselves.

What is it that has been discovered by this second law of thermodynamics? It is actually that there is a cosmic law. It is even beyond a natural law. It is a cosmic law that there is no standing still in the world of form. You must either accelerate or decelerate. There is no still state. What is this very principle? Well, this principle is actually the Christ consciousness. We have explained that when the Creator contemplated creating this world of form in which we are all a part, it saw that the only way to achieve its goal was to give self-aware extensions of itself free will. But as we have explained, when you have free will, you have free will, meaning you can create any experience you can imagine. And this means you can, in order to explore the fullness of free will, go into separation. You can use the duality consciousness to think that you have created something that is set apart from the whole of the Creator’s creation.

The Creator saw the dilemma, the existential dilemma of free will and self-awareness—that you could become lost in your own creation. You could literally create in your mind, mind you, the illusion that you are a separate being. You can even create the illusion that if you make that separate being powerful enough, sophisticated enough, it will become immortal and therefore, you could be lost indefinitely in separation. Now, why is this a problem if beings have free will? Well, because the purpose of giving you free will is so that you can experiment with whatever your mind can do, but you can never be trapped in one of your own experiments.

Imagine you have a scientist who is in a laboratory doing a chemical experiment. Why is the scientist doing the experiment? To try and discover some deeper principle for why these two chemicals, when combined, produce a certain effect. But what if instead of discovering this principle, the scientist now got caught in a loop, in a time warp, where the scientist had to keep repeating that experiment forever and forever and forever. Would that actually be what the scientist wanted?

The purpose of a world of differentiation

The purpose of giving you the free will to experiment is so you can discover the very principles that our Creator used when it defined our world of form, whereby you expand your sense of self until you eventually, by experimenting and by experiencing all levels of the world of form, you reach the same level of consciousness as the Creator. If you got stuck in a loop, this would obviously abort that purpose. Therefore, in order to avoid this scenario where you can become stuck in your own creation, the Creator defined what we have called the One mind or the Christ mind. And then everything, every form that was created, was created out of that Christ mind.

Now we have described the Christ mind in various ways, but in reality, the deeper understanding that I wish to give you here is that the Christ mind is defined to maintain unity between the Creator and its creation. But what does that mean? Well, it means that there is a movement built into the Christ mind. The Christ mind is not standing still. There is a movement in the Christ mind of returning every form created out of the Creator’s being to the Creator.

Now, this can be very confusing to people, especially many people who come from an Eastern tradition because in the East they have reasoned that this world of form is not ultimately real and therefore they have reasoned that since this world of form, first of all, has differentiation into many forms, but also has constant change, then ultimate reality must be something that does not change. And therefore, there must be a state which they call the Atman, the ultimate self, or Brahman, the undifferentiated principle and this must be the source of all the differentiated forms and all movement.

And this is, in a way, an understandable reasoning. But it is not the highest reasoning because it fails to take into account why there is a world of differentiation. And the purpose for this is what I have just described: that you start out with a localized sense of self, interact with your environment, keep expanding your sense of self until you can ascend from one environment, an unascended sphere, ascend to the ascended realm, where there is another environment you can interact with, until you can ascend to a higher level of the ascended realm, and you keep going until you reach the Creator consciousness. This is the purpose. And this is missing from most Eastern spirituality, and of course, from Western spirituality and religion as well. Therefore, it has seemed to those in the East that ultimate reality is that which never changes, is that which has no differentiation. But this, as we have attempted to explain many times, is not the case.

Unfathomable individuality of the Creator

Your Creator is a distinct being. You cannot take the individuality you have here on earth and project that upon the Creator and think: “Oh, the Creator must have a form of individuality that I can recognize.” The distance between the unascended sphere that you are in, even the unnatural planet of earth, is so great in vibration that you cannot fathom with the mind that you have on earth what the Creator’s individuality is like. Nor can I, as an ascended master in the ascended realm right above the unascended sphere, fathom what the Creator’s individuality is like based on my own individuality. But I have ascended, so therefore I am not projecting that I know what the Creator is like.

When you do not grasp this, you fall into a particular trap of the duality consciousness. We have explained from many different perspectives that the central feature of the duality consciousness is that you can create a mental image, but you are in your mind projecting that it is not a mental image, it is reality. This is how the world really is and this is what explains Eastern spirituality.

The flawed reasoning of the Rishis

The Eastern seers saw a long time ago the transitory nature of the world. They realized that nothing is permanent. Nothing is unchanging. They also saw the suffering that you have on earth and they thought this cannot be the ultimate state of the world. In a sense, correct. But now they reasoned that suffering is caused by the constant change and the differentiation and therefore, beyond this world that is constantly changing, there must be an ultimate reality that is not changing, that is constant, that is perfect. And in order for this ultimate reality—Brahman or whatever you want to call it—to be perfect, it could not be differentiated. This is an understandable reasoning but it is understandable only for people who have not grasped what I just said—that the distance between the vibration of earth and the vibration of the Creator is so great that you cannot on earth fathom what the Creator is like and therefore, the entirety of Eastern spirituality is based on reasoning from inside earth, inside the energy system of earth.

Now, many from Eastern spirituality would of course dispute this and say: “But the Vedic rishis received their teachings from a higher source.” And again, this is actually not wrong. They did receive them from a higher source, but it was not from an ascended source. It was from beings in the mental and lower identity realm and they are also inside the energy system of earth, for they have not ascended. These beings, and I am not here talking about fallen beings, I am simply talking about beings who were benevolent, who were seeking, who were part of the energy system of earth, some of them seeking to grow, some of them having stopped their growth, but they were not ascended. Therefore, they were reasoning, as I said, there must be something unchanging beyond this ever-changing world, there must be something that is perfect beyond this imperfect world that causes so much suffering. And therefore, they reasoned, as is expressed in this saying: “Only Brahman is real. The world is an illusion.”

Non-changing state of pure awareness?

Now, this has caused some people to think that beyond this ever-changing world there is this state of the absolute pure being, pure consciousness, the undifferentiated, never-changing Brahman. Is there such a state? No, there is not. Why did they reason this way? Why do many people, even in today’s world, claim to have experienced this state of pure awareness, non-changing? Because there is no state, but there is the experience of such a state from inside the earth.

When you are in embodiment on earth, you are experiencing the energies of the earth, the ever-changing movement. As we have said before, when the Conscious You is inside your four lower bodies, you are experiencing life through the four lower bodies. But the Conscious You has the potential to step outside of the four lower bodies. And what happens when the Conscious You steps outside? Well, at first it will experience, directly experience, that it is not the four lower bodies. And what does that experience feel like? It feels like a contrast. There is a contrast between your normal experience of life through the four lower bodies, through the perception filter of those bodies, and the state of pure awareness, neutral awareness. There is a contrast, in the beginning, a great contrast.

The constant movement as a threat

What is it you experience through your normal state of awareness? It is that everything is constant movement. You even know, when you think about this, that the earth is not standing still. You are not standing still. You may be sitting here in a chair and you think: “My body is not moving.” But you know the earth is rotating around its axis. You know that the entire earth is orbiting the sun. You know that the sun is moving. You are not thinking about this consciously, but I can assure you that your physical body, your emotional and mental identity bodies, are experiencing this constant movement. And when people go into duality, they not only experience it as movement, they experience it as a threat. All of this constant change seems chaotic.

What is it we have said many times you want to do when you go into duality and create the ego or the subconscious selves that make up the ego? Well, you are trying to elevate the ego to an ultimate status, to a god-like status. And that essentially means that you want to control everything. But just by the fact that everything is moving, you cannot control everything in your life. You cannot control the earth’s rotation around its axis. You cannot control the earth’s movement around the sun. You cannot control the sun’s movement throughout the galaxy. You cannot stop all of this movement. And in a certain sense you know this. But the ego will not accept it and therefore it is in this perpetual drive to create something that it can control.

The contrast

Now what happens when a Conscious You steps outside of your four lower bodies and experiences itself as pure awareness? Well, what is it that the Conscious You is experiencing? It is experiencing the Christ Consciousness, but only one aspect of the Christ Consciousness for many people. And this means that after people have had the experience of pure awareness, they now go back into their four lower bodies, and now their egos instantly start wanting to control the experience. And this means that the ego superimposes its own interpretation upon the experience of pure awareness, and therefore it reasons that because there is such a great contrast between a normal state and pure awareness, then this pure awareness is the ultimate reality.

And this is the central feature of the duality consciousness that we have attempted to explain so many times. It always has two opposite polarities. In a sense, the ego wants to control everything in its environment and since it knows that everything is moving, it is trying to control the movement, or at least the direction of the movement, at least where you are going, and this is what the fallen beings are doing—have been doing since they fell. They are trying to control the movement of the universe.

But there are those beings, both fallen and not fallen, who have grown tired of this. They have had enough of this experience of trying to control the movement. But they have not seen through the duality consciousness, so now they use the duality consciousness to project an interpretation upon the experience of pure awareness. And therefore, they say: “Well, there is this contrast between the normal chaos that I experience through my four lower bodies, and this experience of pure awareness and therefore, this means that pure awareness—undifferentiated awareness—is the ultimate reality. Only Brahman is real, the world is an illusion.” But this is simply flipping from one dualistic extreme to the opposite dualistic extreme. Neither of them are real. But people are convinced that they are real, because they will say: “But I have experienced this undifferentiated state of consciousness”. But they have not. They have experienced an aspect of the Christ consciousness.

The Creator’s choice

And you see, the first—what shall we say—thing, but you cannot really call it a thing, but the first act of creation of our Creator was to create the Christ consciousness. Now you may think that the Christ consciousness is then undifferentiated in itself, but it is not. You see, the Creator, before it decided to create this world of form, before it even started deciding on the specific forms that it wanted to create, the Creator had to make choices.

We have so far given you a rudimentary view of the Allness, what we have called the Allness. We have said there are Presences in the Allness. You have even received dictations from some: the Presence of Infinite Light, the Presence of Unconditional Love. But there are many more Presences that represent certain qualities. And this is very, very difficult to explain in words on an unascended planet. But let us just say, that just as you know there are seven spiritual rays that represent different forms of energies, there are Presences in the Allness that represent different—what we might call—God qualities and it is not possible to incorporate all of these God qualities in one creation. Therefore, your Creator, our Creator, had to choose some of these Presences upon which it based this creation, this world of form. This means that when the Creator then created the Christ consciousness, it was based on these Presences that it had selected. Therefore, even the Christ consciousness was not undifferentiated.

The limitation of the linear mind

What am I seeking to explain to you here? I know very well that I am giving you a higher teaching than we have given before, and it requires you to stretch your mind. But what am I seeking to explain? I am seeking to explain that there is a fundamental difference between how our Creator views its own creation and how you view creation from inside that creation. You will not know the fullness of how the Creator views its creation until you reach the Creator consciousness. But you certainly cannot know the fullness of the Creator’s creation from an unascended sphere and certainly not from an unnatural planet like earth.

What this means is that when you are trying to understand these very subtle cosmological questions from inside an unnatural planet, you need to come to a point where you have enough humility to admit that you cannot grasp and understand this with what we have called the linear mind, the analytical mind, the reasoning mind. Because what you will do is you will take what you see around you and project it upwards. But how was the world created? We have explained this over and over.

The world was created by a projection downwards. First the Creator projected the first sphere. After that ascended, the ascended masters of the first sphere projected the structures in the second sphere and so forth. You cannot look back up and know everything because when you are inside creation, you are so affected by what you experience that when you start projecting up, you are projecting what you experience upwards. But this cannot work because what you experience, first of all, was projected from a higher state of consciousness that you cannot grasp. But second of all, what you experience on an unnatural planet like earth is partly created by your own consciousness—the duality consciousness, the separate mind, so you are now reasoning with a mind of separation and projecting onto oneness.

Experiencing the Christ consciousness behind the contrast

So, back to what I said. When you first have an experience of stepping outside the four lower bodies, experiencing pure awareness, you are first experiencing an aspect of the Christ consciousness. You could say that the Christ consciousness can be compared to a blank sheet of paper, a blank page, and then all of the forms that you see in your world are drawn onto the blank page. And if you think about yourself when you are reading a book, what are you doing? You are focusing on those little black scribbles, the letters on the page and you are reading the letters, and you are interpreting the meaning of those words. Have you ever, while you were reading a book, stopped and said: “Oh, let me look beyond the words, let me focus on the blank page?” No, why would you? The purpose of reading a book is to get the words. If you want a blank page, you can get a blank sheet of paper and stare at that, which not many people do for entertainment. But you see what I am trying to explain here. Without him was not anything made that was made. Without the Christ consciousness was not anything made that was made. But there is an element of the Christ consciousness that is the blank page, where nothing was yet made out of the Christ consciousness.

When you are inside an unascended sphere, especially on an unnatural planet, and you experience pure awareness, you are experiencing the great contrast between your normal state of awareness—your awareness of all the movement in the world—and pure awareness and it will seem as if this pure awareness is undifferentiated, never moving. And for some people, all they experience is the contrast. They just experience contrast.

Now, if you think about this, you will know that, if let us say, you are driving your car and you hear the engine, and then you drive into the forest and now you turn off your engine. What is your experience? “Oh, it is so quiet.” You are no longer hearing the engine, and the silence of what you hear now seems like complete silence compared to the noise of the engine. But then, when you sit there for a few seconds, all of a sudden you hear: “Oh, there is a bird singing in that tree. Oh, there is another bird singing.” All of a sudden, what you thought was the silence of the forest is not completely silent.

This is one reason why people have these experiences of the undifferentiated, the silent, that is so different from their normal chaotic state of awareness. And the more chaotic their normal state of awareness is, the bigger the contrast, therefore, the more silent the Christ consciousness will seem. But I am not saying this is all people have experienced, because there are people who have gone deeper. In other words, the first few times you experience pure awareness, you are focused on the contrast. But if you experience it more and more, then you can experience that behind all of the forms there is that aspect of the Christ consciousness that is silent, undifferentiated, because nothing has yet been written on it. But what is it that has not been written? It is the particular kind of forms that you see around you in your environment. And therefore, you are again, as I said, reasoning that the suffering, the chaos is caused by differentiation, therefore, the ultimate state must be undifferentiation.

But even what you are experiencing there is just the contrast. Suddenly you turn off the noise of the engine, you experience the Christ consciousness, and you think it is complete silence. But as you then experience it more and more, become more used to the experience, you realize there is not actually silence or undifferentiation in the Christ consciousness. For in the Christ consciousness is built in the drive to draw everything, at least every self-aware being, back to its Creator. And there also is in the Christ consciousness these choices of the God qualities that your Creator selected as the basis for this world of form.

You see what I am saying. Eastern spirituality has some valid basis in going beyond the outward, the outer mind, the chaos of the outer mind, but because they do not fully grasp the duality consciousness, they have not gone far enough beyond. And they have not gone far enough beyond because they have reasoned that ultimate reality is the undifferentiated Brahman and therefore, they also reasoned that the goal of spiritual growth is to return to the undifferentiated Brahman. And that is why they reasoned that the ultimate reality of you is that your sense of self is unreal because your self can only be a separate self. Any differentiated self is a separate self.

The drive to be MORE

But you see, your sense of self, the Conscious You, is created out of the Creator’s being ultimately, even though it was not created directly by the Creator, but by ascended masters in the ascended sphere right above yours and it is created with a unique individuality that is not dualistic. It is individual and it has the potential not to return to its Creator in the sense that it becomes dissolved into the undifferentiated, but that it achieves the Creator consciousness by experiencing all the levels of the Creator’s creation by experimenting with its co-creative abilities, its imagination and free will. Therefore, it comes—instead of returning to nothingness, we might say, you are actually, you are not returning to, you are growing to a state where you can fully appreciate the Creator’s creation.

And that is why, from the perspective of an ascended master, it is—how shall I put this diplomatically? Oh, yes—it is complete insanity (that is as diplomatic as I can be, as the Chohan of the Fourth Ray). It is complete insanity to believe that only the undifferentiated is real, and you are just, and the world, is just the result of some kind of accident that I cannot explain, and the goal is that you come to realize that yourself is unreal, so you return to nothingness.

What they are overlooking is, what is it that can come to realize that I am not real, that I am a separate self? Well, it is the Conscious You, but the Conscious You cannot come to experience that it is not a self. It can come to experience that it is not a separate self, and that is what happens when you step outside the four lower bodies. You can experience that you are out of the Christ consciousness, but when you have that experience repeatedly and begin to use it to dismantle the structures in your outer mind so you do not superimpose those structures upon the experience, then you connect to your I AM Presence, and you connect to the fact that your I AM Presence has a drive to transcend itself. And that is why it sent you, the Conscious You, into embodiment on a low planet like earth, in an unascended sphere—because the I AM Presence wants to accelerate itself, wants to transcend itself, and reach the Creator consciousness.

The dualistic logical flaw

You see the fundamental logical flaw here, if we can call it a logical flaw. In all of this scenario of the Eastern spirituality in a modern non-duality, is a failure to grasp that because you have the ability to contemplate how reality works, this shows you are more than the environment you are in. You have the potential to transcend the environment you are in without losing all sense of self. You may transcend the separate sense of self, which is an artificial creation, yes, but it is just an experiment with your free will and your imagination. And by experimenting with duality, going into separation, and now accelerating yourself out of it, you have a greater understanding and appreciation for how the Creator’s creation works. And this is just part of your particular path. I am not saying it is the only way to achieve the greater consciousness, but it is part of your path, the path that you chose. But this is what they deny as a result of this reasoning from inside, that only that which is undifferentiated is real. They reason there is no purpose, there is no movement, there is no acceleration. Instead, they think that the ultimate key to spiritual growth is deceleration into nothingness. They are seeking to eradicate all sense of self.

This is using the duality consciousness to reason that: “We see that the fallen beings are seeking to elevate the separate self to the status of a god.” Correct observation. But now you reason that this means that the only way to be free of suffering is to eradicate the self completely. But what is it that is able to think: “Oh, the separate self is causing suffering, therefore, I should have no self.” What is it that is able to think that way? It is the Conscious You. How could the Conscious You eradicate itself? You have self-awareness. How could you ever eradicate it? It cannot be done. Thinking it can be done is insanity, not to speak of vanity, because you think you can define how the world should work instead of using the Christ consciousness to connect to the next level of consciousness up, which is connected to the next level of consciousness up, which is ultimately connected to the Creator, so that you can experience how the world works.

There has always been something

Why am I telling you this with words? I do not want you to believe my words and to get stuck in interpreting these words. I want you to tune into my being and help me and help you accelerate yourself so you can experience the reality of the words I am giving you. I do not want you to be satisfied with the words and settle for the words. And when you experience the fullness of the Christ consciousness, you will experience that your I AM Presence is an individual being that is real. You will experience in the Conscious You a desire to return to oneness with the I AM Presence, which you came out of. You will experience in the I AM Presence and in the ascended realm and in the ascended masters this desire to accelerate, to transcend your current state. And of course, there comes a point where you will experience that you were not created out of the undifferentiated Brahman, because you are a distinct being. You are differentiated from nothingness and as philosophers have debated for thousands of years, something cannot come out of nothing. Correct. Because there is no nothing. You are conscious.  As the philosopher Descartes said: “I think therefore, I am.” We could say: “I experience, therefore, I exist.”

There is something. There has always been something. There has never ever been a state where there was nothing, and then out of that nothing came something. There has been a state where there was nothing seen from inside this world of form, because the Creator had not decided to create. There was even a state where the Creator had created the Christ consciousness, the white page, but nothing was written on it, and that seems like nothing compared to this world of form that is so differentiated. But as I said, beyond the Creator is the Allness, there are Presences that have characteristics in the Allness, and the Creator selected those, built them into the Christ consciousness. The Christ consciousness was not nothing. It was no thing, as you define things in your world of form, but it was not nothing. There has never been nothing.

And I know very well what the linear mind will do with this statement. It will say: “But there must have been a beginning. There must have been a state before the ultimate, or before there was anything that was created. There must have been some ultimate state.” Well, yes, there is an ultimate state. It is everything. But the ultimate state is not completely silent or unmoving. It is accelerating itself constantly. That is the ultimate state. The ultimate state is constant acceleration. There has never been a state where there was no movement, where there was no acceleration, no self-transcendence. It has never existed. This is, again, your reasoning from inside your world projecting upon that which is beyond your world, and therefore, you are failing.

The alternative is to recognize your world was created by beings in a higher state of consciousness. And because your Conscious You is out of those beings, you can connect to those beings, and therefore you can receive something from them, us, the ascended masters, that you cannot reason your way to from inside the world, not even from the mental or lower-identity realm, as I said the Rishi is connected to.

Only from the ascended realm can you receive something that is not affected by what you see in this world and that is why I am telling you it is understandable that you reason that this world had a beginning. And it is correct. Your world of form had a beginning. Your unascended sphere had a beginning in an ascended sphere. But even the first ascended sphere had a beginning in the Christ consciousness when there was nothing. There was just a white page. Yes, all of this is correct. But if you keep going up to the Creator, did the Creator have a beginning? Yes. Did the Allness have a beginning? No.

You see, the linear mind wants to continue reasoning backwards and saying, but there must have been some ultimate state that started it all. This is the linear mind. The linear mind is like one of these old gramophones that is stuck in a track and plays the same notes over and over again. It can only reason in a linear way. There is a current condition. There is change in the world. I observe this so the current condition must have started somewhere. What started this? Well, what started that? And the linear mind wants to go back to some ultimate beginning and this is why the linear mind fails.

No beginning and no end of Allness

But now you are going to say, perhaps: “But are you not contradicting yourself? Are you not saying there was never silence, there was never a standstill? But yet you are saying that when we reason from inside, we cannot understand how the world works.” But there is no contradiction here. The contrast between your world where everything is moving, and even the Christ consciousness, can make it seem from inside your world that the Christ consciousness is not moving. But you see, the Christ consciousness that your Creator has defined for our creation is like the earth. It is moving along with the entire galaxy, just as your Creator is moving along with the Allness. And the linear mind will reason, again, something started this world of form. Something must have started what was before that and if you keep going back, there must have been an ultimate starting point.

But why is it more logical to say this, than to say there was never a starting point? There has always been movement, transcendence, acceleration. And again, as I started out saying, the reasoning mind will then, if it cannot project backwards to an ultimate starting point, it will project forward and say there must be an ultimate end. Because if everything is accelerating, Serapis Bey, there must come a point where you have reached the ultimate acceleration, the end of acceleration. And again, I simply say, why? Why is it more logical that acceleration started at some point, and that it must end at some point, than saying acceleration can and will go on indefinitely? It is only inside a world that had a beginning that you reason everything must have had a beginning.

The dualistic need to define how the world works

I know very well, because I sense the return current from the collective consciousness, as I am speaking this into the collective consciousness, that people will reason about this, will reason against it and they will come up with all kinds of reasonings, so I just return to what I have already stated. When you are in the duality consciousness, you think you can define how the universe should work and that is perfectly fine. You have been given free will. Therefore, you have the right to experiment with the duality consciousness for as long as you want, until you have finally had enough of trying to define how the world should work, and experiencing time and time again, that it does not work that way, because you are still suffering. Or you can shift your mind and say: “I am done with this. I want to know how the world actually works. Let me connect to the next level up, so I can receive a higher view from the ascended masters, than I could ever receive from reasoning from inside the mental box that is earth.” And this is all we have ever attempted to do.

I know that, especially in previous dispensations, people have reasoned that we are seeking to change the world, and it is so epically important to change the world and bring about the golden age, that it justifies forcing people to acknowledge the ascended masters, or that it is justified to force people so they can overcome their suffering. But this has never been our view. There are students who have reasoned that way. I am not blaming them, because in the age of Pisces it was easy to reason that way. Even we said certain things in the age of Pisces that inflated that view. But nevertheless, that is because, as we have said, some students were stuck, and only by bringing their viewpoints to an extreme, did they have a chance to see it, to see the lack of balance, the absurdity of it.

Tuning in to vs. Reasoning backwards

What I have attempted to do here, is to take the teachings we have given so far, but raise them up to a new level where you have an even greater vision of how the Creator started its creation, that it made certain choices. There are certain qualities that the Creator selected as the basis for this creation. And you can say, because I know this is what your minds want, your minds want me to say: “What are they? Tell me, so that I know what they are.” And we will do this, but not all at once.

You already have some hints. The Presence of Unconditional Love, the Presence of Infinite Light, there are others. Yes, there is certainly one of the Presences in the Allness for each of the seven rays, but even for the secret rays. It is a quite complicated picture that I do not wish to give you all of at once, because it will be too much, even for the time-space limitations we always face. But still, I wanted to give you something that can help you start tuning in. And first of all, I want to help you, those of you who have not yet made that switch, to realize that reasoning backwards, reasoning from inside this world of form, especially from a planet like earth, will never help you connect to how the world actually works and therefore, you realize that all spirituality must come from a higher realm in order to be valid.

And that is why progressive revelation is the essential spiritual concept for this age, for the Age of Aquarius. We have called it the Age of The Holy Spirit, the Age of Freedom, the Age of Community, but it is really an Age of Acceleration. Well, you could say every age is an Age of Acceleration, because there is always the potential of what people can go through in that age. But still, the Aquarian Age really cannot be grasped unless you are willing to understand that in the Aquarian Age, we of the ascended masters, intend to give humankind more and more teachings from our level. And you also need to understand that the teachings that have been brought forth in previous ages were a reflection of the collective consciousness and where it was at in those ages, so you need to let go of, if you want to flow with the movement of Aquarius, you need to let go of all sense that the older teachings were more pure than the newer teachings.

You see people who claim to be some of the most advanced spiritual people on the planet, because they understand this non-duality. But their basic view of the world, as I have explained in this dictation, is based on the Vedic teachings that were given thousands of years ago and what was given thousands of years ago was what people could tune into and accept at the time. If you are trying in the modern age to base your world view on these outdated teachings, you will fall into the trap of reasoning from the inside out. Even what was given by us, the ascended masters in previous dispensations, was given primarily for the Piscean Age. There are, of course, many aspects of those teachings that point to the Aquarian Age. But many of them were given for the Piscean Age, for the Piscean mindset, to help people overcome the Piscean mindset and move into Aquarius.

Flowing with the River of Life

Even those are not as progressive as the progressive revelation I am giving you in this discourse. You need to decide: “What is it I want? Do I want to flow with the River of Life? Do I want to flow with the Holy Spirit? Or do I want to hold on to something that is fixed in time?” Because when a spiritual teaching, and again, spiritual teachings, what people call spiritual teachings, can come from the mental realm or the lower identity realm. But when a spiritual teaching comes from the spiritual realm, from the ascended masters, it is valid when it is given. But once it has been put into words that can be printed on the page and therefore become subject to interpretation, well, then it is no longer necessarily the flow. It can help you tune into the flow if you go beyond the written word. But in order to really stay with the flow, you need to stay with the living progressive revelation that is being brought forth through whatever source you can tune into that appeals to you. We are not saying there is only one source. We have never said this through this messenger, because he has no need to feel he is exclusive.

The planetary choice in 2025

The choice in 2025 for the entire planet is: “Do I want to accelerate or do I want to try and defend what I have, thinking I can stand still?” But in reality, you cannot stand still. You will decelerate. If you do not accelerate, you will decelerate. That is the law built into the Christ consciousness, and: “Without him was not anything made that was made”. But it is becoming even more of a choice this year and the rest of this decade. And it has, in a sense, been a choice for the entire decade, which is why you have seen these difficult experiences like the pandemic, the war in Ukraine, the war in the Middle East. You have seen how, when people do not want to accelerate, they are holding on, they are seeking to hold on to something and then there must be other events that breaks down what they are seeking to hold on to and this will continue in the rest of this decade and it will certainly be accelerated in 2025, if people are not willing to accelerate.

With this, you might hear my reluctance to let go because I have enjoyed giving you this discourse. But with this, I have given you what I wanted to give you in this installment. I know I have given you probably more than most of you can handle. But again, you can always go back, listen again, read it and therefore allow yourself to be accelerated. Because I can assure you that all of you can benefit.

There is not a single person in embodiment who cannot benefit from this discourse, who cannot be accelerated by tuning in to my Presence and allowing me to give you something that is beyond the words, that is beyond understanding. Because I am not interested in giving you understanding. I am interested in helping you have the direct experience of my Presence. Because the words can accelerate your understanding, but experiencing my Presence can accelerate your being. And that is what all of us desire to see happen.

With this, I seal you in the immense joy that I AM as the Chohan of the Fourth Ray of Acceleration.


Copyright © 2025 Kim Michaels