Embrace the new 12-year cycle: Accelerate and express your Christhood

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Ascended Master  Archangel Gabriel through Kim Michaels, January 4, 2025. This dictation was given during the 2025 New Year’s Webinar: Accelerate yourself and the planet with the Masters of the Fourth Ray.

I AM the Ascended Master Archangel Gabriel. What does the planet look like from the viewpoint of an archangel? You may think that from your viewpoint it looks dark, it looks like things are getting worse, things are getting darker. Conflicts upon conflict is springing up around the earth, global warming, threats of this, threats of that. But that is not how it looks from my perspective. For I am looking at it entirely differently. I am looking at one thing only, the rising of the Christ light in those who are embodied on earth. 

The annunciation of the Christ’s birth on earth

Therefore, I have, as you know, been called the Angel of Annunciation and I come, indeed, to announce that this New Year’s 2025 marks a turning point in the recent history of earth because the Christ light has been increased to a critical mass, whereby I can announce the birth of the Christ on earth. 

Now, before you get too overly enthusiastic about this, we might need to look back at this situation almost 2000 years ago, where I appeared to Mary and announced to her that she had found favor with God and that she had the potential to give birth to a Christed child. What most of you have not really considered is that this was not a given. She had free will. She could have and she started objecting. She could have objected. She could have refused to give birth to such a special child knowing that it would be a larger responsibility that she had imagined taking on. There is always that element of free will. Just because I announce the birth of the Christ on earth does not mean it is actually going to happen to the maximum degree. But what I am announcing is that earth has reached a point where the 10,000 beings that are in embodiment, who have the potential to manifest full Christhood in this embodiment need to accept that the Christ can be, is being born in them. And the millions more who have the potential to manifest a high degree of Christhood in this lifetime, they need to accept that the Christ can be and is being born in them. And if a critical mass of these people do it, then it will have a major impact on the future of this planet and the manifestation of Saint Germain’s Golden Age.

The inauguration of a 12-year cycle

What I am announcing today is the inauguration of a 12-year cycle starting here on the 1st of January 2025, ending on the 31st of December 2036. This 12-year cycle is brought about, not of some inevitable law, not exclusively because of the progress made by the spiritual people on earth, but because we, the archangels, have decided to give this assistance to earth. Nothing forced us to do it but we saw the possibility that this could provide a major turning point for the earth. Therefore, these next 12 years will be a cycle, where more and more people have this opportunity to give birth to the Christ within themselves. It also means that we, the archangels, and of course, many other ascended masters working with us are going to be releasing specific energies to assist people in giving birth to the Christ within them, in letting the Christ be born in them, in overcoming their objections to the Christ being born in them and therefore,  saying with Mother Mary: “Be it unto me according to thy will”, not according to some external God but to their own I AM Presence. 

An extraordinary opportunity and challenge for the earth

It is really not “thy” will but “our” will that you are submitting to. It is the will that you put in your own Divine plan before you took this embodiment if you belong to one of these people that I am talking about. Nothing is, of course, forced upon you but the reality is that this represents two things. It represents an extraordinary opportunity for growth for these millions of lifestreams that have the potential. It also represents an extraordinary challenge for the earth, for the original inhabitants of the earth, who are in many cases not willing to give birth to the Christ in them but simply want to continue their lives as usual or want to see them improve a little bit but not in a revolutionary way. 

It also represents an extraordinary challenge to the fallen beings on this planet, who now have an acceleration of the judgment of Christ that they are going to be facing in these next 12 years and this, of course, starts right now. It is not that if they do not respond within a certain time, then the judgment of Christ will descend. It is already starting to descend. There are many of these fallen beings in embodiment, in the emotional, mental and identity level that will be faced with the judgment of Christ and it will be increasing in the coming years. 

And therefore, you will see some extraordinary events happening, where people that you thought were going to be around forever or at least for a long time will go out of embodiment, where you see that structures, organizations, nations, ideas, ideologies that you thought were going to be around forever will suddenly fall apart, dissolve, collapse. Do not expect this to be a period without its challenges. 

But it is an extraordinary opportunity for the earth to be accelerated so that the golden age can be manifest much faster than otherwise would be the case. If we had not released this opportunity, it could have taken another 50 years before there would be this critical turning point, where a critical mass of people could see and accept the manifestation of the golden age. Now there is a high probability that a critical mass of people will see it before the year 2036 runs out.

Letting go of your expectations 

And this is truly an example of how the time is shortened for the elect. You may, if you are to really roll with this cycle, you may need to take a critical look at yourself, your expectations of what this planet is, what it is like, what it should be like, what the future should be like, what growth should be like and you may need to recognize that you need to give up the desire to have a smooth transition into the golden age. 

You have, of course, already seen since the pandemic that there has been more upheaval than most people expected but this can only increase in the next 12 years. I am not thereby predicting any dire circumstances but I am predicting upheaval and changes that will be sudden, that will be abrupt, that will be unexpected, that will be extremely challenging for people. But it is, as I say, for the acceleration of the earth into the golden age much quicker. 

Accelerating into the positive up-going spiral

And you, who are the spiritual people, listen to me now. We need you to accelerate yourselves into the positive up-going spiral and we need you to be very, very clear in your minds that you will not allow yourself to be pulled down in any of the negative spirals that many people will start to create as the pessimism creeps in.

You need to stay firm, fixing your goal on the target, not the immediate conditions. You need to avoid being pulled into this negativity, as so many people were pulled into negativity during the pandemic, as so many people were pulled into negativity because of the war in Ukraine, the war in the Middle East, because of challenges here, challenges there. You need to be very clear that you will not allow yourself to be pulled into giving up the vision. If you think it was easy for Mother Mary to give birth to Jesus and raise him to the age of 12, you can think again. She had many challenges, many more than she has ever explained and that she, for that matter, needs to explain but you need to be aware that the first 12 years after my annunciation to Mother Mary were very challenging. And then you see the period or the situation where Mother Mary and Joseph took the young Jesus to the temple, presented him in the temple. Well, that was 12 years, a little more from the annunciation but 12 years from his birth. You see here 12 years from now to 2036.

The acceleration of the judgment of Christ

And then if a critical mass of people respond to this opportunity we are releasing, then the golden age will be so manifest that a critical mass of people can overcome the negativity and accept that the earth is finally moving into a better future. Much depends on people’s willingness to accept that the Christ is born in them, to be willing to challenge their egos, their subconscious selves, their way of looking at life. But this is not all, there will also be that acceleration of the judgment of Christ, because as people allow the Christ to be born in them, then we, of course, will respond by releasing more and more Christ light. And that Christ light, when it enters the energy system, the four lower bodies of earth will bring forth the judgment of Christ. And you can look at it in various ways, but you can simply look at it that if you have a dark mine, where people are able to hide in the dark and you increase the light in the mine, then obviously as the light is increased, people can no longer hide and this is exactly what will be happening on earth.

All those people, who are not willing to transcend themselves, can no longer hide. All those people, who are deliberately hurting others, can no longer hide. All those people, who are seeking to deceive and manipulate others, can no longer hide and, of course, the fallen beings can no longer hide. 

Choose life or death! 

Do you think it is a coincidence that the messenger decided to start doing YouTube videos and talk about the power elite and fallen beings? Of course not. This was directed by us to put some material out there that people can find in these coming years and therefore gain a deeper understanding that there is this group of beings on earth, who may appear to be human beings but who are not human beings and not spiritual beings either, but a group of beings who are dedicated to control and destruction, who are willing to destroy anyone that they cannot control. And that it is time for the people of earth to stand up and decide: “We no longer want these beings to be our leaders! We want the Christ to be our leaders!” And where is the Christ to be found? Within ourselves.

Instead of looking for the Christ from the outside, as Christians have been doing for 17 centuries due to the perversions of the Catholic church, people begin to look for the Christ inside and they realize that it is time for the people to take a stand and to involve themselves in their societies, in the leadership of those societies. But they need to do it with Christ discernment, not based on conspiracy theories and other nonsense and thus, you will see that you can look at this in two ways. 

You can look at it as the greatest opportunity for self-transcendence, for self-acceleration that the earth has gone through in recent history or you can look at it as a threat. It is a threat to your ability to maintain status quo, to feel that you have your life under control and certainly the fallen beings will look at it as a threat, as they are already doing. Right now, they are sitting there having sensed that something was coming, not knowing what it was but as I am releasing these words, the fallen beings in the identity level, the mental level, they are listening, they are realizing what is going on and they realize, more than most of you people are doing, exactly how significant this is and therefore, they know they cannot stop it.

As above, so below

Of course, they cannot stop an archangel from releasing light but they think they can stop many of these people from embodying the light, from allowing the Christ to be born in them and this is what they are already plotting to do, as they, of course, have been plotting since the birth of Jesus. In fact, since before the birth of Jesus, they had plotted to kill all the male children, all the Christ children, before they could grow up and become a threat. This is what they will try to do to all of the people who have the potential and that is why I am saying it is extremely important for you to decide: “I will not allow myself to be pulled into any negative spiral, no matter what happens in the world. I will stay focused on the Christ reality within me, the Christ reality from the ascended masters, so that I can be as above, so below.” This is the byword of the Christ in embodiment, what we have called the Living Christ: “As above, so below”. And this will be extremely important to keep in mind for these next 12 years. Now you can, as I said, you can embrace this opportunity and if you are willing to accelerate yourself, as Serapis Bey explained so beautifully, you will not feel the next 12 years as a burden, you will see it as a grand opportunity. 

Riding the coming wave of the Christ light 

To give you a visual image, I know that most of you have not been on a surfboard in the ocean, but you have surely seen it on television, and you can imagine, here you are on your little surfboard made up of the teachings and your internalization of the teachings. There is a giant wave coming, nothing can stop the wave, it is heading right for you. What do you have to do? Well, you have to accelerate yourself so you can get up in the necessary speed to ride the wave or if you do not accelerate yourself, the wave will roll over you, turn you upside down, tumble you around and it will be very chaotic before you get up to catch a breath. But if you accelerate yourself, you can ride the wave, you can keep riding it until it runs out of steam, as it will and then the ride can be enjoyable. Now, you know that even though you are riding the front of the wave, the wave is turning over behind you upsetting the ocean and it will be upsetting the apple cart on earth but as long as you are riding it, what is it of your concern what happens behind you. That is why I am saying: Do not look behind you, look forward.

This will require you to work on your psychology throughout these 12 years. You will need to be willing to look at yourself and see what reactions you have whenever something turbulent happens on earth, whenever something unexpected happens on earth, whenever something falls apart that you thought was going to keep going forever. Whether it be nations, stock markets, the economy, institutions of society, ideas, belief systems, religions, whatever it may be that collapses, you need to be willing to look at your reaction and see: “If I have a reaction to this happening, I must have a separate self that has built its sense of security on this structure here on earth.” But the Christ does not build its sense of security on any structure on earth because any structure on earth is a house built on sand. The Christ builds his house, her house on rocky ground and when the storms come, the rains fall, the house still stands, because your sense of identity is based on your I AM Presence, not on the outer personality, not on any conditions on earth. 

They always say, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, well, one man’s threat is another man’s opportunity or woman’s opportunity. This coming cycle is a tremendous opportunity to accelerate. There are those who will think, it will be a period of deceleration, because the towers of Babel, the houses of cards that men have built, will crumble but it is nevertheless a period of acceleration for those who can tune into it and who are willing to accelerate themselves. 

Resolve your psychology to ride the wave of the Christ light with joy

What does it mean that the Christ is born in you? Well, it means that there is a light that starts shining in the dark mine of your subconscious mind and this will expose all that is unresolved, all of the subconscious selves that you have, that is created in reaction to your experiences on earth. We have given extensive teachings about avatars, the birth trauma, how to resolve these subconscious selves, make use of them if you want to ride the wave, because the Christ light will expose these subconscious selves, will expose your attachments, will expose how you have built your sense of self, your sense of security on these outer things on earth. If you can do this, if you can make this shift and I am not saying you have to make it today, but you have to make it as soon as possible in order to ride that wave, then the next 12 years can be a tremendous opportunity, a tremendous joy. Whereas for many people, most people on earth, it will be a very shocking, disturbing time. 

The need for balance of the Christ mind

Now again, you need to find balance here because this is actually what the Christ is. The Christ is balance. We know very well that there are people who find our teachings, as this messenger did when he was young and as many of you have done, who become overly enthusiastic about applying the teachings, overly optimistic, thinking you are more advanced than you are. This is not what I am advocating. I am advocating a balanced approach, where you realize that you are not the fullness of the Christ right now but that you are building your Christhood over the next 12 years. You are not denying it, but you are not thinking you have reached the fullness of it either. You find a balance. In a sense, the Christ is the balance between the two dualistic extremes that are there in any situation, so we are not talking unrestricted optimism thinking everything is wonderful and denial of any problems. Neither are we talking depression and focus on the problems. We are talking the Middle Way of the Buddha, which can really only be attained through the Christ mind, the Christ discernment.

Do not think you already have Christ discernment, be willing to work towards sharpening it. Of course, you have some Christ discernment, but we constantly see students, both in this and previous dispensations, and people who have never heard of ascended master teachings, who think that now they have reached some ultimate state, state of mind, state of consciousness, ability to discern what is real and unreal. This is not what I am advocating either, be willing to work on yourself, dissolve the subconscious selves, strive for higher and higher Christ discernment for the next 12 years. 

You have a unique opportunity here to go around the clock in these 12 years and each of the lines of the clock have some particular meaning, which we will give more teachings about. You realize here that what I am saying is simply this, do not react to what I am saying here with the outer mind. Take what I am saying here as an opportunity to go within, look at your psychology. Do not make these pompous declarations in your own mind or to others that you have now reached some level of Christhood. If you have a need to declare your Christhood, you have not attained it, it is that simple. 

There is a balance between denying the Christ in yourself and denying the Christ by letting the ego define what it means to be the Christ and define that you have already attained it. Strive for that balance, it is individual, but it is doable for all of you. Look at whether you have a tendency to be pulled towards extremes, whether it was the pandemic, the election in the United States, the war in Ukraine, the war in the Middle East. Look, if you have a tendency to be pulled towards these conspiracy theories or negative views, or even thinking that one is the absolute truth, one way of looking at a situation is the absolute truth. Be willing to reach for the Christ perspective, that is what you have an extraordinary opportunity to do. If you do not do it, then the Christ will not be born in you during these next 12 years. You will actually build on to the separate self that you created in order to climb closer to the 96th level of consciousness. You will spiritualize this self and therefore, not walk the path of Christ but start walking the path of anti-Christ, the left-handed path. This is a risk I am simply warning you. I am not saying it is a great risk, but it is a risk.

Let your light shine and do its work

When I talk about the Christ being born, I am talking about people in many different areas of society. I am not talking about all of these people coming to know ascended master teachings or this specific dispensation. You, who are part of this dispensation, you have a better opportunity than most to ride the wave because we have told you but do not think that everybody else has to recognize this messenger, this teaching or you. Just pursue your Christhood, share it as you feel moved to share it but do not have the expectation of a particular outcome. Share the light, let the light shine, let the light do its work. Do not become missionaries.

You increase the light and when you increase the light, people can see what was hiding in the dark, what is beyond the darkness. They can see what is in the light and what was in the darkness. Just let them see, let them make their own decisions. The Christ does not have an intention because the Christ does not need to have an intention. Why? Because the Christ simply shines the light. If people choose to accept the light, they grow. If they choose to reject the light, they receive the judgment of Christ and either way moves the world forward. 

Dare to express your Christhood!

Be non-attach to how people react but also be aware, as we have said before, Christhood that is not expressed is not Christhood. Christhood that is not expressed in helping others is not Christhood. Look at the world, look what opportunities you have for expressing your Christhood in the measure you have attained now. This is the multiplication of the talents, you start with what you have, you express that with a purpose, with the intent to help others, then you look at the reaction you get from others, you look at the reaction in yourself, you use that to overcome the separate selves, then you can express a higher degree of Christhood. This is how you grow. If you do not dare to express anything, how can you get a reaction? And so, how can you grow? 

Instead, you become more and more sure you have reached some superior state. You sit there in your ivory tower, as we see many religious people around the world doing, many spiritual people around the world doing, in fact many students from previous ascended master organizations, sitting there feeling “holier than thou” because they have the highest teaching and therefore, they are more sophisticated than anyone else. This will not help you ride the wave. You will be overrun by the wave. Dare to express your Christhood, find ways to do it and be willing to look at your reaction. Better to express something, even if it is unpleasant or disturbing and use it to grow and overcome something in your psychology than to sit there, not really daring to let the Christ be born in you. 

Mother Mary could have sat there waiting, not really daring to let the Christ child be born, be conceived in her womb. She could have still been sitting there 2000 years later if she had not made that decision: “Be it unto me according to thy will.” What is the will of your I AM Presence? What is the will of yourself, the Conscious You that you made before you came into this lifetime and put in your Divine plan? Surely, if you have found these teachings, it is in your Divine plan that at some point you make that decision to allow the Christ to be born in you and you make the decision to dare to express that Christhood. Surely, it is in your Divine plan. When is it time? Well, I am announcing to you it is time now! If you have not tuned in to it before, it is time to tune in now! See what is in your Divine plan, how to express it and then dare to do it. 

I breathe out the light of the Fourth Ray. 

I breathe it out upon the earth. 

I breathe it out in the identity realm. 

I breathe it out in the mental realm. 

I breathe it out in the emotional realm and I breathe it out in the physical realm. 

It is therefore complete. 

I have achieved what I wanted to achieve with this release of light and I shall leave it unto the free will of those who are in embodiment, how they will respond. With this, I am grateful for you who have been the physical instruments for radiating this into the collective consciousness and I seal you in the joy that I AM. You may not associate an archangel with joy but we are all joyful. How could we not be? Nothing on earth threatens us, so what could steal our joy?


Copyright © 2025 Kim Michaels