10. Raising anger above fear

Ascended Master Jesus through Kim Michaels.

In this key we will deal with the spiritual poison of anger. The Dhyani Buddha who is the antidote to this poison is called Akshobya. His wisdom is the mirror-like wisdom and his mantra is:




As you study this key, tune in to the Buddha and repeat the mantra when you feel the poison of anger.

You should have learned something important from the last key. As a spiritual person, you obviously cannot allow your life to be controlled by cravings for the things of this world – you cannot serve God and mammon – and thus, from a certain viewpoint, one might say that you need to get rid of cravings. Yet as I showed you, it is not a matter of eradicating desires completely. For if you did so, what would be the point of you being in embodiment? You would actually be aborting the very purpose that brought you into this world, namely your higher self’s desire to co-create with God, thus manifesting God’s kingdom in the material world.

I also taught you about the four levels of your mind that correspond to the four levels of the material universe. I told you about the flow of spiritual energy through your four lower bodies. I told you about the higher purpose of raising up the material universe to the level of the kingdom of God, which can only be done by a critical mass of people becoming the open doors for God’s light to stream through the four levels of their minds. So the last thing you want to do is to shut off this flow, and if you uncritically tried to extinguish all desires, you would be doing just that—stopping the flow of God’s light through your energy field, the flow that springs from the deity’s siring to be more through you.

As a spiritual person, you would probably say that anger is wrong, and it is something you need to get rid of. However, what I have been telling you is that human cravings are perversions of God’s own desires. Thus, is it not likely that anger is also the perversion of a divine quality? And if you were to remove—not simply anger but the divine quality behind it, you would end up being completely passive?

Take note of what I am saying. Many spiritual seekers have an image that being truly spiritual means to be completely at peace, perhaps by sitting in a cave in the Himalayas and mediating on God 24 hours a day. I am not saying there is anything wrong with some people doing just that, but if you have been attracted to this course, it is most likely because part of your divine plan is to perform some active service to improve society. And you will not fulfill that purpose by making yourself completely passive.

Take a look at my life and see how I – in many instances – displayed something that could easily be interpreted as anger. See how I challenged the scribes and Pharisees and how I overturned the tables of the moneychangers in the temple. These were not the actions of a pacifist, in fact some have said they were not the actions of a spiritual master. However, here is where it is necessary to discern between various aspects of spiritual mastery.

To exemplify this, look at the difference between the Buddha and the Christ. What is your image of the Buddha? Is it not that of a spiritual master who sits in quiet contemplation and has withdrawn from the hustle and bustle of the world? And what is your image of Christ? Well, because Christianity has been so perverted, it is most likely the image of me hanging on the cross—the image that has been splashed in front of people’s vision for almost 2,000 years. However, look behind that image. Why was I crucified? Was it not because I did not withdraw from the world but went out into the world to awaken the people and challenge the power elite who controlled them? I went out into the world to challenge the world’s self-image by demonstrating that there is more to being human than the death consciousness.

I have talked about the Alpha and Omega aspect of God, and you now see that the Buddha represents the Alpha or father aspect, whereas the Christ represents the Omega or mother aspect. The Buddha withdraws from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, sits in complete peace and lets people come to him. However, who can come to the Buddha? Only those who are not completely trapped in the struggle of life. So how can those who are too overwhelmed by the struggle to even seek the Buddha be saved? Someone has to go where they are and show them that there is a way out of the struggle—and that is precisely the role of the Christ.

Do you see that both are expressions of spiritual mastery? It is not that one is right and one is wrong. It is not that one is better than the other. They are both equally valid and equally important—they are simply the two sides of the coin of spiritual mastery. God sends the Buddha to awaken those who can follow the path on their own and God sends the Christ to awaken those who cannot follow the path on their own. The Buddha is focused within, focused on the mind itself and on the spiritual world beyond this world. The Christ is focused without, focused on helping people improve this world. I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly—not tomorrow, not in the next world, but now, in this world. For the kingdom of God is at hand!

It is possible that you are meant to live the path of the Buddha, but if so I can assure you that this will become clear as you follow the path to Christhood. Yet because you have been attracted to this course, it is more likely that you are meant to exemplify the path of Christ, which is why this is a good working hypothesis for you. However, in the end, both paths lead to the same point of oneness with your source. In fact, only those who have walked the path of Christ will be able to truly become one with the Buddha—to become the Buddha.

Now, I am not trying to imply that the Buddha is a pacifist or is passive. What I am saying is that many spiritual people have adopted the mental image that in order to be truly spiritual, they have to sit passively in meditation and never rock the boat. And that is a viewpoint which for many people is detrimental to the fulfillment of their divine plans. As we will discuss in greater depth later, walking the path to Christhood will not pacify you, nor will it require you to withdraw from the world. As I said:


For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved. (John 3:17)


The purpose of the Living Christ is to awaken the world from the consciousness of death, and that can be done only by going into the hustle and bustle of the marketplace in order to demonstrate to people that there is a higher way. What has that got to do with anger?

When you step back and look at humankind from an overall perspective, you see that the one word that characterizes life on Earth is the word “struggle.” The Buddha said that one of the four noble truths is that life is a struggle. He also said that struggle is born from wrong desire. Well, wrong desire is a desire that springs from the duality consciousness, and as I have mentioned, this consciousness always has two opposites that are locked in a never-ending struggle. So we might say that the death consciousness has changed this planet from its original design – that was meant to give all people the abundant life – and has turned it into a giant struggle in which people are constantly battling each other, even battling the planet that gives them life.

Thus, we might say that there is a magnetic or gravitational force that is constantly pulling on your mind for the one purpose of somehow getting you to engage in this never-ending, pointless dualistic struggle. The cravings we talked about in the previous key is one way to pull you into the struggle by getting you to seek the fulfillment of desires that can never be satisfied. Yet there are many other ways, and one of the most effective ones is precisely anger. Thus, if you are to fulfill your Christ potential – by going into the marketplace to show people that there is a higher way – you absolutely have to overcome anger. For if you do not, you are sure to be pulled into the dualistic struggle by fighting for some cause or another, as has happened to many well-meaning people over the course of history. This is precisely one of the reasons why I said that until you pull the beam from your own eye, you cannot see clearly how to help others. So let us take a closer look at where anger comes from.


In order to illustrate the origin of anger, let me ask you to do something for me. Please go to your filing cabinet, or wherever you keep important legal papers, and pull out your Life Contract. This is the contract – signed by God – which specifies your rights as a human being on Earth, such as what you can expect from life, what you are entitled to have and what you are entitled not to experience. I would like to go over that contract with you, so please go get it.

What was that? You are saying you don’t have any contract signed by God? Hmm? Well, then how come 99.9 percent of humanity respond to life as if they did have a contract from the highest authority, saying they are entitled to this and should never experience that? The result being, that when life does not meet their expectations, they get angry, often even blaming God for their problems!

Do you see what I am getting at? The origin of anger is your expectations about life. Now, the Buddha said that the cause of suffering is wrong desire, so one might think that the cause of anger is wrong expectations. But I will go one step further and state that the cause of anger is any expectation. Am I saying you should have no expectations about life? Precisely!

When you understand the reality of life on Earth, you know what kind of planet you live on, and thus you see the wisdom in not expecting anything! As the Living Christ you have no use for expectations, for you simply take life as it comes and respond to any situation in a way that will raise up all life.

I know this will require a major adjustment of your thinking, because from the cradle you have been programmed to have expectations about life. Some of these expectations may seem innocent, even reasonable or necessary, but I assure you that they are not. Don’t be fooled by the fact that almost everyone has expectations about life, for have I not told you that almost everyone is trapped in the death consciousness? I know that many of your expectations have been taken over from parents or other people who had the best of intentions. I am not saying these are bad people. I am simply saying that today we have a situation on this planet where almost all people are blinded by the death consciousness, and thus they have accepted expectations that spring from that consciousness. And if you trace those seemingly innocent expectations back to their origin, you will see that they were deliberately crafted for the purpose of controlling people by manipulating them into a self-debilitating, disempowering response to life.

What is the nature of an expectation? An expectation is a mental image of how life should, or should not, unfold. Right there, you see that an expectation is separated from reality. There is a division, a space, between reality and the mental image that causes the expectation.

This should cause alarm bells to ring, because you are beginning to understand that the consciousness of death, the consciousness of anti-christ, is born from a separation from God’s reality. As Maitreya explains in great detail in his book, the consciousness of Christ sees the reality of God, whereas the consciousness of anti-christ cannot see this reality. The consequence is that the consciousness of anti-christ sees only mental images that are created out of the separation from reality, meaning that they are all illusions. Once you are separated from reality, you see only illusions—mirages.

An expectation is always separated from reality. Why is this so? Because an expectation is about a future event that has not yet come to pass—it is about something that has not yet become reality. Thus, when the event actually happens, you are perceiving reality and have no need for an expectation. As an example, say you check the weather forecast at night and they promise sunny weather the next day. So you go to sleep expecting that you will wake up to a sunny day. Yet that expectation is only a mental image of what might happen at some future time. When you wake up and look out the window, you are perceiving the actual weather, so now you have no need for an expectation. You have direct perception of reality instead of a mental image.

I am sure you will agree that expecting sunny weather has little impact on the actual weather. So your expectation will have no influence on whether it will be sunny or cloudy in the morning. Yet your expectation does have an impact on whether it will be sunny or cloudy inside your own mind. If you expect sunshine but wake up to a cloudy day, you might have some kind of negative reaction, possibly even a reaction that puts you in a bad mood for the rest of the day. Do you see what I am saying? An expectation has no positive impact on what will actually happen in the world outside of you, but it has a potentially negative impact on what will happen inside of you.

NOTE: The rest of this dictation is available in the book: Master Keys to Personal Christhoood.

Copyright © 2008 Kim Michaels