Now is the time to take a stand and Be who you are!

TOPICS:  Appreciate the teaching you have – The one thing that holds back the Golden Age – Those who do not want the abundant life –

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Ascended Master Sanat Kumara, October 22, 2006 through Kim Michaels.

Many of you have known me as the tall master from Venus. Sanat Kumara is the name you have been given. But my beloved, I am far more. For I am not from Venus in the sense that I originated on the planet Venus. My Beloved, what am I?

I am a Cosmic Being. I am the Cosmic troubleshooter who has traveled, not only to earth but to many other planets where things have gone awry. And thus, I have – numerous times, far more numerous than I could possibly account for you – I have traveled to a planet or a planetary system where things have gone out of balance. And I have given my service tirelessly and selflessly, seeking to inspire the inhabitants of that system to bring themselves and their physical platform back into balance.

The teachings that you have been given through Buddhism, through Christianity, through many spiritual organizations, are indeed all inspired by or coming from my own Being and my own experience, of seeing what has helped other planetary systems rise above the state of imbalance.

There are those who say there is nothing new under the sun, and although that is a statement that must be taken with a grain of salt, I can tell you that there is some truth to it. For the basic dynamic is the same everywhere in the universe. There is a state of consciousness that you know as the Christ consciousness, that is one with God, that sees itself as one with God and God’s Law. And then there is the opposite, the state of anti-Christ, where everything is ruled by duality. And instead of basing their world view on God’s reality, the beings trapped in that consciousness create their own world view based on whatever dualistic extremes they define. I know that for many of you the spiritual path can seem confusing. But I tell you that it really is not that difficult to understand the basic dynamic of what is going on.

The one thing that holds back the Golden Age

No one is above anyone else, for all are part of the Body of God. And only when you realize that, will you know that you are not here to raise yourself up. You are not here to hide yourself. You are here to serve all, to be the servant of all. And in serving all, you will indeed be the greatest among men, but not with a human standard, but with the standard of God, where the greatest means that you are constantly becoming more and so there is really no comparison.

You see how men love to create a linear standard and say, “Ah, according to this characteristic, that person is great compared to all these other people who are not great.” And do you see, that the codependent relationship between those who are trapped in superiority and those who are trapped in inferiority promotes and reinforces this comparison, this standard that there must be some who are higher than others?

Do you see that the scourge of the earth has always been this interplay of the inferiority/superiority, where some want to be superior and some want leaders that they can be inferior to, that they can blindly follow? And thus, both of these groups of people are preventing society, civilization or a spiritual movement from rising above the dualistic struggle. And do you see that this is the one thing, the one thing that if it could be overcome, that in itself would propel the earth into the Golden Age? For it is that one thing that keeps the earth out of the Golden Age in which the abundant life is there for all. For as Jesus said, “Fear not little flock, it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”

Those who do not want the abundant life

If you take that statement and realize the truth of it, you must also realize that God is fully willing to give you his kingdom. And indeed, he lets the sun rise upon the evil and the good and the rain descend upon the just and the unjust. And therefore, God has done his part of the work to raise planet earth into a Golden Age. It is simply that humankind has not been willing to receive it, to receive the gifts that are descending from Above. And why have they not been willing to receive it?

Well, because they are trapped in the inferiority/superiority duality. Those who are trapped in the superiority complex do not want God’s abundant life to descend to earth, because that would raise up those they consider below them, so that they would no longer be superior to anyone. And at the same time those who are trapped in inferiority do not want God’s abundant life either, because then they could no longer be blind followers. They could no longer disappear into the crowd, they would have to realize that they are co-creators, that they are fully responsible for their own lives instead of thinking that someone else will save them.

What it will take to bring the earth into the Golden Age is that the top ten percent of the spiritual people come to a full awareness of this dynamic, and make an absolute determination that they will rise above it because they have had enough of it. And they see that for ages this has been going on on this planet. They see that it has been going on on other planetary systems. And they know that they came to earth precisely to be here in this Age, in order to propel planet earth out of that state of dualistic struggle. And they realize that this is their highest love, and this is the time—and now is the acceptable time. And thus, they will indeed do everything they can to free their own consciousness from the forces of duality and then bear witness to the one truth that they see—now that their vision is single and their whole body is full of light.

My Beloved, you know the story that a hundred and forty-four thousand came with me from Venus. But I must tell you that there are many more people in embodiment today that have been with me in other systems. And they have volunteered to come to earth from these far-off worlds, precisely to be here at this critical juncture. And so again, as Maitreya called to his students, I call to those who are mine: “It is time! Now is the time you have been waiting for, to rise up and take a stand and BE who you are!”


Copyright © 2006 by Kim Michaels