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Ascended Master Saint Germain through Kim Michaels, September 29, 2018. This dictation was given at a conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
I AM the Ascended Master Saint Germain, and I too am freedom. Now, I wish to build on what I gave you yesterday and what Mother Mary and Jesus have given you and talk about the concept of the United Peoples of America. How can we unite the peoples of America? Well, as I said, we need to change the public discourse so that instead of being antagonistic, it becomes open-ended and seeking for a higher solution, a higher understanding. Naturally, when you have a polarized debate, the effect of this is that it seems like there are only two possible solutions to any issue. Not only is this dualistic but it is not difficult for many Americans to realize that this is always a manipulated debate.
Freedom from the power elite
Whenever there is an issue where there seems to be only two options, you can be sure that the debate has been manipulated by the power elite. As Americans, you are dedicated to freedom and what does freedom mean—freedom from what? Why did I sponsor America? What was the vision of the Founding Fathers? Why did so many people leave their lives in Europe and other nations and come to this country with an uncertain future ahead of them? It was because they wanted freedom from the power elite. That, my beloved, is the central theme in the creation of America. If you go back to Europe at the time when America was created, you will see that the people were very heavily suppressed and controlled by a small elite, the kings and the noblemen.
Those of you who know about my history, will know that I attempted to work with the kings in order to create a more united, a unified state of Europe. I wanted to create a “United Peoples of Europe” in order to not only take Europe and the world beyond the warfare you had seen in the Middle Ages, but I was also attempting to avoid the first and the second world war. This, of course, did not happen because the power elite was not willing to work on unity because they wanted to have their power, they wanted to set themselves up as being in control. If you were to create a United Peoples or a United States of Europe, then the kings of different countries would feel that they were losing their power as the supreme regent of that country. Naturally, my vision for the United States of Europe was similar to the United States of America where the president was not a dictator and where there were checks and balances that could hopefully prevent the power elite from taking over, as they had always done before.
Dethroning the power elite in America
Now naturally, you can look at America and see that even though there are checks and balances, the power elite has still managed to take over and take control of America. Thus, in order to unite the people of America, they need to understand (and you need to make the calls for this to be radiated into the collective consciousness so that more people become consciously aware of it) that one of the main purposes for the creation of America is precisely to give people freedom from the power elite. Therefore, the people need to be willing to look at what it is that the power elite does in order to control them.
As I said yesterday, one of the primary tools used by the power elite is to create this very polarized public discourse because people cannot talk to each other as human beings and therefore they cannot see what they have in common. If you, again, look at the history of the creation of America, you can see that one of the major purposes for creating America was to bring people together from many different backgrounds. Again, you look at Europe at the time and you see that Europe was divided into separate nations that had often been at war with each other. They were very identified with their national identity. It was very difficult for the Germans and the Frenchmen to get along, and the British as well. You had this very antagonistic situation because people were so identified with their national identity.
What did we create with America? We created a new nation that was in the beginning a blank slate. It was open country, there was nothing there. People were allowed to come from many different backgrounds, many different nations, and when they came here, they were given the opportunity to be free of their old identity, to start anew and say: “Who do I really want to be, what kind of a life do I want to live here in this open space?”
My vision and my highest hope for America was that people would be able to let go of their old animosities, the old consciousness. They would be able to come together in this new physical space, see beyond the old divisions and discover the basic humanity in themselves and in each other so that they could become the United Peoples of America. This was my vision and my highest hope. Naturally, I was realistic in realizing that it would take some time before this could possibly manifest because I was very well aware that birds of a feather flock together. Therefore, people from different nations and backgrounds (partly because they spoke different languages) would tend to congregate together in certain areas. In many cases, they would build on what they had taken with them from the old world instead of freeing themselves from it and adopting something new.
Nevertheless, as you can see from history, it did not take many generations before most of the people who had settled America had adopted at least the English language so they could communicate with each other. They also very quickly started feeling more or less free from the old national identity from Europe so that they adopted an American national identity. You see that despite the fact that they may still have maintained some customs from their old nations, there was still a certain coming together in realizing that as Americans, we are here, were are in the same boat and it is better to cooperate than to work against each other.
What does it mean to be an American?
There have, of course, always been certain groups who clearly set themselves apart. There have been, of course, the difficulties with Native Americans, with African Americans, with Hispanic Americans and so forth and so on, but there has been a certain national identity that has been built. Now, what has happened in recent decades, as I said yesterday, is that people have become less focused on that common national identity and they have become more focused on their differences. It is as if the vision that we are Americans has faded into the background, whereas the divisions have become more important: Republicans, Democrats, Hispanics, this and that division, especially religions, Christians against all others, materialists and atheists against all religious people and so on. Because of what I said about the Internet that has been taken over by, quite frankly, the more hateful people, then this has taken over the public discourse.
How can we, then, change the public discourse? How can we get the more balanced, moderate people to enter the public discourse and make their mark on it? How can we help people move beyond these divisions? Well, we can only realistically do this by raising their sense of identity. This means that we need to talk about what it really means to be an American.
There is a tendency, of course, as Mother Mary said, that people in America take my sponsorship for granted. They think that if you are born in America and you have a birth certificate, then you are automatically an American and you are entitled to enjoy life in America. Well, let me tell you that from a spiritual perspective, a quite substantial number of the people who live in America and have a birth certificate and a passport and a driver’s license, I do not consider them Americans because you do not automatically become an American. Being an American is a choice. You must make a choice to adopt a certain state of identity, a certain outlook on life and it can only be a conscious, aware choice.
Now, in previous dispensations we have talked about America being a symbol for the “I AM Race.” Unfortunately, race is a very divisive word. That is why I do not want to use it. There is no I AM Race that you are born into because being an American is a choice. It is, of course, a play on words: the I AM, the I AM Presence. You are aware that you are more than a human being, you are more than these outer divisions. I have decided, as a way to help people with this, to release a new American Creed for what it means to be an American. So this is my gift for now.
The New American Creed
I AM aware.
I AM aware that I AM aware, meaning I have self-awareness.
I AM able to use my self-awareness to step outside of my current sense of identity, my current state of mind, look at myself and evaluate: “Is this my highest potential or is there more?”
I AM willing to step outside of my current sense of identity, my current state of mind and recognize that I do have a higher potential. There is more, there is more awareness that I could attain.
I AM dedicated to raising my awareness.
I AM dedicated to walking a gradual path where I raise my awareness from my current level to succeedingly higher levels of awareness.
I AM aware that as I grew up, a certain world view, a certain perspective on life, was put upon me.
I AM aware that I have the ability to raise my awareness and gain a broader world view, a broader perspective.
I AM dedicating myself to walking the path of raising my awareness of the world, my awareness of life.
I AM aware that as I grew up, a certain view of myself, a certain sense of identity, a certain sense of who I am and what I can and cannot do was put upon me.
I AM aware that I have the ability to raise my sense of identity, to raise my awareness that I can do much more than I was brought up to believe.
I AM dedicated to walking a gradual path of raising my awareness of who I really am and what is indeed possible for me in this world.
I AM aware that as I raise my awareness of who I am, my perspective on everything will change.
I AM aware that the way I look at life right now, the way I look at myself right now, is a product of my current level of awareness, my current level of consciousness.
I AM aware that at my current level, there are things that I cannot see, there are things that I cannot grasp, there are things that I cannot understand, there are things that I cannot experience.
I AM aware that as I raise my awareness, I will begin to see much more than I see now. I will begin to see things that I cannot grasp or understand at my present level.
I AM aware that my present view and understanding of life is inherently limited and that there is a higher understanding available that I will attain as I raise my level of consciousness.
I AM determined to shift my approach to life. I accept the fact that my present understanding and view of life is not the ultimate, is not some absolute truth; is not the only truth.
I AM willing to realize that whatever I know, understand or believe about life, is not the final view or understanding. It is indeed possible to raise myself to a higher level of consciousness where I see what I do not see now.
I AM willing to make the shift where I recognize that since I do not have a final understanding of life right now, I cannot be fully, and I will not be fully, identified with my beliefs, with my understanding, with my view of life. Therefore, I will not believe that there is nothing beyond it.
I AM willing to make the shift of realizing that if I do not have the final understanding of life, then it is not of epic importance that I force my current limited understanding upon other people or the nation.
I AM willing to acknowledge that I do not have the right to force a limited understanding upon others and that it will not serve my own interests or the interests of my nation to do so.
I AM aware that the current way I look at life is affected by many external influences that are seeking to manipulate me into a limited state of life, a limited state of consciousness and a state of conflict with other people.
I AM aware that there are certain influences in this world that are seeking to create a division in my own psyche in order to control me.
I AM aware that there are certain influences in this world that are seeking to create a division between myself and other people and that are seeking to create divisions between various groups of people in my nation in order to control all of us.
I AM aware that they can only control me when I have a limited view of life yet believe that it is the final, absolute or only truth.
I AM willing to leave this state of limited awareness behind me and rise to a higher level of awareness where I am constantly reaching for a higher understanding of any issue than what I have right now.
I AM willing to look at the public discourse in America and recognize that it has been taken over by the divisive forces who are seeking to divide Americans into opposing factions in order to control our nation and in order to control ourselves.
I AM aware that these forces are using the divide-and-conquer tactic. I AM aware that this tactic can work only as long as we have a limited awareness but believe it is the final awareness and therefore are not willing to look for a higher understanding.
I AM aware that if we look for a higher understanding, we will find it. I AM aware that when we seek a higher understanding, we will see something that we cannot see when we are so sure that the polarized viewpoints represent some ultimate truth.
I AM aware that the divisive forces will do anything they can to prevent us, to prevent a critical mass of Americans, from becoming aware of this process, this possibility of raising our awareness.
I AM willing to make the shift where I recognize that one of the greatest opportunities I have for raising my own awareness is to interact with other people and hear their perspective on life.
I AM willing to make the shift where I recognize that when I feel threatened by the viewpoints of other people and feel compelled to oppose them, it is because of a certain mechanism in my own psychology that makes me feel insecure.
I AM willing to make the shift where I recognize that this mechanism in my own psychology is deliberately put there by the divisive forces, who are seeking to make me a house divided against myself, so that they can control me from within and not even having to control me through physical means.
I AM aware that I have a desire to be free of these kind of divisive and controlling mechanisms in my own psyche.
I AM dedicating myself to walking a path of freeing myself from all such control mechanisms in my own psychology.
I AM aware that as I free myself from these control mechanisms, I will feel less and less threatened by the fact that other people are different from myself.
I AM aware that as more and more people do this, we will no longer be trapped in these polarized divisions where it seems like every issue has only two possible outcomes, only two possible options we can choose.
I AM aware that in any debate where there is a polarization between two viewpoints, where each claims to be absolutely right, then this is a debate that is artificially created by the divisive forces.
I AM willing to make the shift of dedicating myself to overcoming this division in myself and to overcoming the division between myself and other people.
I AM willing to make the shift of realizing that the differences of other people are not a threat to me, they are my opportunity to raise my awareness and broaden my perspective on life.
I AM willing to make the shift where I stop identifying myself with these outer divisions that have been artificially created.
I AM willing to make the shift of raising my awareness so that the outer sense of identity, based on my nationality, skin color, race, sex, ethnicity and so forth and so on, fall away and I discover a deeper sense of identity in myself.
I AM aware that when I raise my consciousness to see beyond these outer identity factors, I will discover my own essential humanity. I will realize that I am more than a human being. I am a universal being living in a human body.
I AM aware that as I raise my personal awareness to that level of identity, I will see that all other people are my brothers and sisters for they too have that essential humanity, they too are universal beings living in human bodies.
I AM aware that the divisive forces of this world will do anything to prevent us, a critical mass of us, from rising to that level of awareness.
I AM aware that nothing scares the divisive forces more than when many people rise to that level of awareness. For when we no longer identify ourselves based on the outer divisions, then the prince of this world has nothing in us whereby he can divide us in ourselves and against each other.
I AM dedicating myself to walking this path of raising my own awareness to the point where I do not feel threatened by other people being different from me.
I AM dedicating myself to attaining the level of awareness where I see the essential humanity in myself and I see the essential humanity in all people I meet.
I AM dedicating myself to seeing beyond the outer divisions, the outer characteristics of the people I meet until I not only see but connect in my heart to their essential humanity.
I AM dedicating myself to seeking first to connect to the essential humanity of other people, and only after I have made that connection do I look at their viewpoints.
I AM dedicating myself to seeking to understand other people based on having connected to their basic, essential humanity.
I AM dedicating myself to freeing myself of all influence of the divisive forces and therefore finding a new way to interact with my brothers and sisters. A way that is not based on division and conflict but on seeing, connecting to the essential humanity in us all.
I AM dedicating myself to shifting the public discourse and the public awareness of America away from all outer divisions and towards a recognition of that essential humanity.
I AM dedicating myself to spreading the awareness that the entire purpose for the creation of America is to create the United Peoples of America.
I AM dedicating myself to spreading the awareness that we can be the United Peoples of America only when we recognize and connect to the essential humanity in ourselves and each other.
I AM aware that this is the highest vision of what it means to be an American.
I AM dedicating myself to raising my awareness to the level where I can truly say: “I AM an American.”
The rest of this dictation, along with an invocation based on the dictation, is found in the book: Spiritual Solutions to America’s Problems.
Copyright © 2018 Kim Michaels. NOTE: The New American Creed is not copyrighted.