Ascended Master Lord Maitreya through Kim Michaels.
Let us return to the previous question, “If God does indeed exist, why hasn’t he given human beings some irrefutable proof that he exists?” We now see that God has indeed given an irrefutable proof of his existence by giving all human beings the ability – the key of knowledge – to have a direct experience of God’s Presence. Once you have such an experience, the question of whether or not God exists becomes obsolete. Yet to have such an experience, you must be willing to go beyond the state of consciousness that creates mental images, projects them upon reality and claims that the image is more real than reality itself.
We will later talk in more detail about the importance of free will, but for now let us simply conclude that God has given people the ability to prove his existence, but he has left it up to the free will of the individual whether he or she will make use of this ability. The determining factor is the individual’s willingness to look beyond his or her mental images and adjust them according to a direct experience of a reality that is beyond the image. Thus, as we shall see later, God has given you the ability to find proof without violating his own Law of Free Will, which gives you the right to create your own image of reality and cling to it until the end of your time. This gives people the option to live on Earth and deny the existence of God. If God had given an irrefutable proof that he exists, people would not have had this option, and this would – as we will see – have been against the very purpose for this universe.
We have seen that God – in the ultimate sense – is a transcendent reality, meaning that no words or images from this world can accurately describe God. That is why Jesus said that those who worship God must do so in Spirit and in truth. You cannot worship a transcendent God exclusively through words, mental images or practices that are of this world.
Yet we have also seen that it is not pointless to have spiritual teachings that describe facets of God. You simply need to avoid falling into the age-old trap of thinking that a particular doctrine gives a complete or infallible description of God. No matter how extensive or detailed a spiritual teaching might be, God will always be more than what is described in the earthly teaching. This “more” can be known only through a direct experience. A spiritual teaching is not meant to replace the direct experience of God’s Presence but to facilitate such an experience. Thus, following or studying a particular religious or spiritual teaching is only a stepping stone to a direct experience of God’s Presence and a direct, personal relationship with Beings in the spiritual realm.
Having said that no words can fully describe the transcendental nature of God, this book will of necessity use words to give a description that can help you develop a more mature concept of God’s nature. As a starting point for this discussion, let us begin by looking at the fact that most religions on Earth teach that there is at least one aspect of reality that is beyond the material universe. This realm is often called “heaven” or the spiritual realm, and in various religions it has specific names. This gives us the concept that the totality of the world you live in can be divided into layers, or levels. In fact, many religions teach that the spiritual realm is not one-dimensional or uniform. It has various levels, or layers, ranging from the lowest heaven to the highest heaven.
At this point, we need to take a step aside to clear up a misconception that has crept into several religions, namely the idea that heaven and Earth are fundamentally different or that there is an impenetrable barrier between them. To better understand the reality of the situation, it will be helpful to look at the findings of modern science. The idea that science is in opposition to religion springs from the dualistic state of consciousness, and we will later discuss why – in an enlightened society – there should be no real conflict between these two parallel – and potentially complementary – ways of describing the world.
I have stated that the human consciousness is dualistic, meaning that it thinks in terms of two relative opposites. One of the major achievements of science is that it has systematically undermined this dualistic view of the world and pointed to an underlying reality that is not defined by relative opposites. For example, scientists used to believe – partly based on sensory experience – that the world was made of two different substances, namely solid matter and fluid energy. Modern physicists have discovered that the material universe is not made from two fundamentally different substances. In reality, everything is energy. Even what your senses perceive as “solid” matter is made from energy. Energy is a form of vibration that is detected as waves. You can measure the vibrational properties of waves, such as their frequency, and the only real difference between different forms of waves is their vibration. Scientists have proven that the only difference between a material substance, such as gold, and a non-material “substance,” such as thoughts, is a difference in the vibration of the energy waves.
Scientists have measured many different types of energy waves, and there is no theoretical barrier to the existence of energy waves of such high vibrations that they cannot be measured by current scientific instruments. In other words, scientists can no longer in good faith reject the existence of a realm – call it a different dimension or a parallel universe, if you like – that exists alongside the material universe and is simply made of vibrations that make it undetectable by current instruments. In fact, given that everything is energy, science cannot rule out that there could be an interchange of energy waves between such a high-vibration realm and the low-vibration realm that people call the material universe. To put the matter more directly, modern science has – at least on the theoretical level – shown that religions could be correct in talking about a heaven world beyond the material universe.
What is important about the findings of science is that they have proven that there is no fundamental difference between the spiritual realm and the material world. Everything is made from the same basic substance, namely what scientists call energy. The material world is made from energies that vibrate within a certain spectrum. The spiritual realm is made from the same basic type of energy; it simply vibrates in a higher spectrum. We can find mention of this concept in many religious scriptures. Take for example the account of creation given in Genesis. It states that in the beginning God created the heaven and the Earth (Genesis 1:1), namely two realms as part of the same creation. At first, the Earth was without form and void, obviously setting it apart from heaven, which was different from the void. Then, God created light (Genesis 1:3). Light is a substance that God can mold into any form, and thus we might compare the Biblical concept of light to the scientific concept of energy. In reality, they are one and the same. Before God created any material form, he had to create a substance that could be molded into form, and thus light is the “building block” of the material universe.
We will later talk about this process in greater detail, but for now let it be stated that the light described in Genesis is simply light that vibrates within the vibrational spectrum of the material universe. Thus, this light can be molded into material forms, including the atoms that form the physical building blocks for all matter. Yet there is also light in the heaven world, and it is the same basic substance that simply has higher vibrational properties. Thus, it cannot be used to build material forms until it has been lowered in vibration. The process of lowering the vibration of spiritual light is, in fact, the very process that led to the creation of the material universe. As we will see later, even human beings can be part of this creation process, which is why they were created in God’s image and likeness and have the potential to have dominion (Genesis 1:26) over “the Earth”—meaning the light from which all matter is made.
NOTE: The rest of this dictation is available in the book Master Keys to Spiritual Freedom.
Copyright © 2007 Kim Michaels.