06. The Problem on Planet Earth

Dication by Ascended Master Jesus, November 12, 2002 through Kim Michaels

Let us take these considerations to a world scale. The most amazing phenomenon on planet earth today is no doubt the inhumane behavior of human beings. However, when you understand the characteristics of the death consciousness, you gain a new perspective on human inhumanity.

The main characteristic of the death consciousness is relativity. To the death consciousness, nothing is absolute. Therefore, for a person caught in the death consciousness, there is no such thing as absolute right or wrong, and there is no such thing as too much.

When people are caught in the death consciousness, they can never be fully satisfied. That is why you see people engage in a lifelong quest to gain more wealth, more human love, more power, more sex, more possessions, more recognition, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

You can see people today who have achieved astonishing wealth or power, yet these people are still not satisfied. The simple fact is that as long as people are caught in the death consciousness, nothing will satisfy them.

I mentioned earlier that the lifestream has a built-in memory of its spiritual origin. Nothing can satisfy you except direct contact with the infinite and unconditional love of God. Therefore, no amount of wealth, power, recognition or human love can fully satisfy the lifestream.

What I am saying here is that your lifestream has a longing for something that is final, ultimate and absolute. When you combine this with the relativity of the death consciousness, you get a very dangerous cocktail. You see, to the death consciousness there is nothing absolute, and therefore there are no limits. To the death consciousness, everything is relative. Therefore, the death consciousness simply cannot stop itself. The death consciousness does not have the ability to say: “I have gone too far.” The death consciousness cannot fathom the idea that it could somehow violate an absolute law because the death consciousness cannot recognize any absolute laws.

Therefore, you now have a lifestream who is on a quest for the ultimate experience yet is seeking that ultimate experience through the relativity of the death consciousness. If a soul is completely identified with the death consciousness, it is prepared to do anything in order to satisfy this quest for an ultimate experience. The death consciousness does not understand what the lifestream wants, but it is prepared to do anything to satisfy the soul’s longing. The soul is like the crime boss who wants the money, and the human ego is the hired killer who will do anything to get that money. This unholy alliance is a recipe for disaster.

The death consciousness can justify anything

The problem is that by using the relativity of the death consciousness, the ego can always justify its actions. If you were to objectively examine some of the worst atrocities that have been committed on this planet, you would discover something truly amazing. It is easy to think that atrocities, such as the Holocaust, where caused by evil beings.

Yet contrary to outer appearances, there are no evil lifestreams. In reality, all lifestreams were created by God, and they were created in the image and likeness of God. God never created anything imperfect because God simply does not have the ability to envision anything imperfect. His eyes cannot behold iniquity.

You can point to any number of historical figures who committed atrocities that can easily be characterized as evil. Yet if you could go inside these people’s minds (as I can), you would realize that they did not see themselves as evil people committing evil acts. In fact, they believed that their acts where necessary, reasonable and that they could be justified according to some ultimate standard.

I know this idea will seem shocking to many people, but I am here to tell you that no evil act was ever committed on planet earth. All seemingly evil acts were the result of one thing, and one thing only: ignorance. In reality, evil is a concept created by the death consciousness; it is not a concept created by God or accepted by God. His eyes cannot behold iniquity. To God, there is no such thing as evil; it simply does not exist.

What I am saying here is that even the people committing the most evil acts did not believe they did something evil. They believed that their acts were justified. How can a human being possibly justify the killing of millions of people? When you are operating from the relative standard of the death consciousness, you can justify anything. How can you possibly say that something is absolutely wrong or absolutely right? To the death consciousness, there is nothing that is absolutely wrong or absolutely right. In fact, one might say that to the human ego there is no such thing as right or wrong.

The ego has only one concern: Will this achieve my goal, or will it not achieve my goal? The ego is prepared to do anything to achieve its goal. It has no standard for saying that even the most noble goal cannot justify certain acts. Once the ego is set on achieving a certain goal, any means become acceptable. The ego does not ask: “Is it right?” It asks only: “Is it effective?” The motto of the ego is: “If it works, do it!”

The relative standard of the death consciousness is what one might call a self-centered standard. It defines this standard based on what it sees as being in its own best interest. Therefore, one person can feel completely justified in committing an act that another person thinks is completely wrong. In fact, one person might define its actions as being absolutely right. You might notice I just said that to the death consciousness nothing is absolute. The meaning is that the death consciousness cannot fathom the absolute, undivided reality of Christ. The death consciousness defines its own relative standard and then it elevates it to the status of being absolute. Thus, it is not truly absolute, but it seems absolute in the mind of the person who is blinded by the death consciousness.

When people are caught in this relative frame of mind, there is literally no limit to how far they will go. If you feel completely justified in pursuing the goal of purifying the human race, killing six million people in concentration camps is not wrong. It is a justifiable act. If you feel completely justified in spreading the ideology of communism to the entire world, killing 21 million of your own people is perfectly justified. The reason being that to the human ego the end justifies the means.

The ego does not have the ability to say: “Even though I believe my goal is just, I cannot use certain means to achieve that goal.” To the ego, this evaluation is meaningless. To the ego, anything goes.

NOTE: The rest of this dictation is available in the book: The Mystical Teachings of Jesus.


Copyright © 2002 Kim Michaels