TOPICS: The dream of an everlasting kingdom on earth – The lie that you need an intermediary between you and Christ – The Flame of Spiritual Self-Sufficiency in Russia – Christ is not confined to anything in this world – People who blame the messenger – The potential for transformation is always there – Even wars make the subconscious visible – Experience the Joy of Christ –
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Ascended Master Jesus, June 16, 2013, through Kim Michaels. Given at a conference in Novosibirsk, Russia.
I AM the Ascended Master Jesus Christ.
Consider the words of the song taken from the Bible “… and he shall reign forever and ever.” You can interpret them as meaning that Christ is the King who shall go beyond and endure beyond all of the kingdoms of this world.
The dream of an everlasting kingdom on earth
Yet you can interpret it also, through this mindset of separation, as an expression of the desire that many beings on earth have: to create a kingdom on earth that shall endure forever and ever on earth. If you look throughout history, you will see that there has always been a certain group of people who have had this desire to set themselves up as the leaders of a kingdom or other kind of state that will endure forever.
Was it not how the leaders of the Egyptian Empire of old felt? Was that not why they went through such trouble to build these elaborate monuments to the kings and embalm them so that they would supposedly endure forever in the afterlife, but also so that their kingdoms would continue to endure? Was it not the dream of many ancient civilizations that they would create the ultimate civilization that would endure forever and ever? Was it not the dream of the Roman Empire? Was it not the dream of both the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church to create a Christian empire that would take over the entire world and would endure forever and ever because it was supposedly built on the sponsorship of Christ? Was it not the dream of those who created the Soviet Union to create an empire that would take over the world and would endure forever and ever based on communist principles?
When you look at this long history and you look at these leaders who have always set themselves up as a privileged elite, who have suppressed the people and abused the people in order to create their empires, you can, of course, clearly see as the spiritual people that this is for the people in what we have called the fallen mindset or the mind of separation. You see that only people who are trapped in a mindset of separation could even conceive of a need to create a kingdom on earth that would endure forever and ever.
The lie that you need an intermediary between you and Christ
Those who have risen to the mindset of Christ will see that there is no need to create anything on earth that will endure forever and ever because earth is only a temporary schoolroom, and it is the lifestreams who lock in to the Mind of Christ that will endure forever and ever. But how will they endure forever and ever? Only by transcending themselves forever and ever, for the only endurance is self-transcendence. This is the reality of the Mind of Christ as opposed to the false image portrayed by the vast majority of Christian churches that you see on this earth.
They want to create an image of Christ and project that that image is reality, and that is why they have created the image that Christ is remote from the people and thus the people need an intermediary to access Christ. This is the very consciousness that you see in disguised forms in all abusive, totalitarian, centralized regimes. The people are powerless; they need an elite. If they follow the elite, the elite will give them the promised land—if the people give the elite the power and privileges that they crave beyond anything else. Those who are the living people who understand at least some aspect, who have tuned in to some aspect of the Flame of Christ, see no need for any permanence on earth. They know that permanence is in the ongoing transcendence of what we have called the River of Life or the Holy Spirit.
The Flame of Spiritual Self-Sufficiency in Russia
Thus, I, Jesus, come to announce to you that the goal for this conference has been met and the Flame of Spiritual Self-sufficiency has been anchored in Russia. We look to those of you who are here, and to those of you who will read or hear our dictations, to bring that flame to where you live and anchor it through your hearts. It will not be anchored in one specific, localized location. It will be anchored everywhere where there are open hearts. Right now it is, of course, anchored here where you have this conference, but as you travel out and as people take in these dictations, then you need to see yourselves as the open door for anchoring the flame where you are.
Truly, this Flame of Spiritual Self-Sufficiency is an aspect of the Flame of Christ. It is given under the Office of the Planetary Christ that I hold. It is the antidote to all totalitarian schemes that portray the people as powerless and portray that only a small elite can have power. This was what I came to do 2,000 years ago: to set the people of Israel, and beyond that to the world, free, from the power elite of the Jewish priesthood that had set themselves up as intermediaries between the people and God.
You may recall that I said: “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesars’ and unto God that which is God’s.” My concern at that time was not primarily the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire was, of course, an example of a worldly power abusing the people, but my primary concern was to deal with those who had set themselves up not as worldly rulers but as spiritual rulers, saying that the people could not access God except by going through this elite. This is what I wanted to expose, and I wanted to give the people the tools to rise above it and attain spiritual self-sufficiency.
Of course, the Bolshevik leaders, the communist leaders of Russia, did not say that they had access to God. But nevertheless, by promoting the communist philosophy that there is no God, they did in a sense set themselves up as intermediaries between the people and God. They said: “There is not even a God to access, and we have the power to define God out of existence. Only the state matters.”
The key to shaking off this consciousness, the key to shattering the dragon of this consciousness, is the Flame of Spiritual Self-Sufficiency, where people acknowledge that there is no power in this world that can prevent them from going directly into their own hearts and contacting Christ, and through Christ contacting God directly in their hearts. The only intermediary that the people on earth need between them and God is the Christ Consciousness.
Christ is not confined to anything in this world
The Christ Consciousness cannot be confined to an outer church, or an outer organization, or an outer priesthood, or even a messenger of the ascended masters. The Christ cannot be confined by anything in this world. That is what I came to teach and demonstrate.
“This is my body which is broken for you—all of you.” The body of Christ is broken for all, which means that all have access to it. You can all decide that you are willing to be the open doors and access Christ directly in your heart. Of course, you can also continue, as many who call themselves Christians are doing to this day, upholding the image that Christ is so remote that you need the physical intercession of a church and a priesthood. That then shows that you are not willing to take responsibility for yourself, and you are not willing to do what it takes to absorb the body and blood of Christ.
What will happen when you take in the body and blood of Christ? Well, as many of you who have been in the spiritual path know, when you take in the light it flushes out and exposes whatever unresolved substance is in your being, what Serapis Bey so eloquently called your “stuff.” You all know this and you all have had the courage to face it, thus you should not have any hesitation to absorbing this Flame of Spiritual Self-Sufficiency and spreading it throughout Russia. And of course, those students in the rest of the world can do exactly the same for their nations.
You, who have been on the path, will not feel that the flame will make you uncomfortable or will expose any more than you are already exposing by your regular practices. You might feel that the flame flows through you and thereby challenges others, those who will not make their own decisions, who will not take responsibility for their own path and who want someone else to make decisions for them. Be not concerned about this. Let the light shine through you and let the light do its work.
People who blame the messenger
You realize that you are not the doer, therefore you do not need to feel responsible for other people’s feelings, or even what they might accuse you of when the light makes them so uncomfortable that they cannot stand it. They might even blame you for bringing this disturbance into their life, as you will see that just about any messenger, or guru, or representative of the ascended masters have been blamed by the people who will not absorb the light, but who feel that their excuse for rejecting the light is being challenged by the presence of the messenger.
This is what I experienced many times during my embodiment on this earth, my last embodiment and previous embodiments as well. People felt disturbed by the light that I expressed and therefore blamed me. They thought that if they could kill me, they, by killing the physical body, would shut off the light. Thus, they would get over their discomfort and could continue in their willful ignorance and their denial of the Christ in themselves.
You can only deny Christ in someone else if you have already denied Christ in yourself. This is an eternal principle. Thus, if you deny or reject that the Christ is in any other human being, you demonstrate that you have denied Christ in yourself. Had you acknowledged Christ in yourself, you would see that Christ is everywhere, and thus also in all other human beings. It may just be a potential that is not acknowledged by these people, but it is still there and thus the reality is that “I AM Everywhere,” the Christ Consciousness is everywhere and this is what, as other Masters have said, you can acknowledge.
The potential for transformation is always there
It suddenly makes it easier to bear the conditions on earth and to look at the conditions on earth, and then look through them and see the Christ light shining even from behind the worst conditions and thereby consuming them, transforming them. As indeed, you saw me perform healing miracles, so to speak, of taking a withered hand and almost instantly transforming it into a healthy hand. There was no magic, there was really no miracle, other than the fact that in my mind, I did not accept the permanence or the reality of the withered hand. I saw it only as a temporary image projected upon the Ma-ter light, and I saw the reality that I could project another image and that this would then be the manifest reality.
The potential is always there for this instant transformation, and this should give you great encouragement as the spiritual people. I know that it is easy to feel that you have decreed or invoked the light for years or even decades and maybe you don’t see the results you desire in your personal life, maybe you don’t see it in your society or on the planet. It could be easy to look back at previous ascended masters movements and the effort put forth through those students, and it could be easy to take the glass is half-empty approach and look at the problems that are still around in the earth. You might then become discouraged and say: “What was the point of all this work when there are still so many problems?”
As we have explained from several different angles, everything in the material world is an expression of the consciousness of humankind and there are many things that are hidden in the subconscious. People do not see what is in their consciousness and therefore in order to be free, you have to bring it to the surface in order that it becomes visible. It is also so with problems in the world. It is not that there are more problems in the world today, it is that there is more awareness, more communication of the problems that have been there all along.
Certainly, there are some problems that you might say are new, but the consciousness behind them is not new, it is only the expression that is new. It is new because, as the light is being invoked, both by ascended master students and other spiritual people, the light flushes out what is hidden in the subconscious. The very fact that you see so many problems in the world today is a sign that the planet is rising because they can no longer be hidden and ignored.
Even wars make the subconscious visible
You may look at, for example, the great wars you have seen over the last century and you may think that they were caused by certain geopolitical or economic factors. The deeper reality is that these wars were the expression of many, many things that were hidden in the collective consciousness that were not acknowledged. They therefore came together to precipitate the conditions that led to the war, the energetic conditions in the three higher bodies that led to the war in the physical.
What I am telling you now is that the very fact that many of these conditions have now become more recognized, more seen, more obvious is contributing to a diffusion of the energies in the emotional, mental and identity levels. This is actually reducing the risk of another great war. Therefore, you should be encouraged rather than discouraged by the fact that there seems to be more problems, and then you need to recognize that this is only a temporary phase and you need to see that beyond this is the Christ reality.
I know that you can look at Russia, for example, and see that during the Soviet Era, there was such control that there were many problems that could not be expressed. People were so suppressed that they could not, for example, get into drugs. Or they could not as easily get alcohol as they can today. There are many other things in society that were suppressed by the regime.
Thus, you can say, as even some say about the Nazi regime in Germany, that there was more law and order whereas now there is more chaos. But you see, when things were suppressed, they were still there in the subconscious. They were constantly seeking expression, and this is what creates a tension that then eventually becomes so big that it cannot be released any other way than through the most extreme forms of inhumanity, namely war, torture and the like.
Now you see that many of these things are coming to the surface more on an individual level. Therefore, they are actually being defused, which is healthier for the over-all, although certainly harder for some individuals. Nevertheless, this is still according to the individual consciousness and their unwillingness to take responsibility for themselves which you see in, for example, drug addiction and alcohol addiction. People give themselves up, give up their lives and responsibility for their lives, to a chemical substance and the demons behind it so that they do not have to internalize the light, and transcend their own consciousness.
This is to some degree the same in organized crime. Even in bureaucracy where people refuse to think and just blindly follow the rules and give the stamp or don’t give the stamp, but always follow the rule never applying their humanity, never looking at the situation from the heart and saying: “Here we could potentially make an exception.” Not the exception you see in corruption where you can pay for it, for this is still not Christ discernment, it is still not the heart but just the outer mind that mechanically takes what it can get.
Experience the Joy of Christ
There is, indeed, as the song goes “Joy to the world.” Joy to Russia because of this conference! I, Jesus, am joyful! All of us of the ascended masters are joyful. Those Masters who have spoken at this conference are joyful for the fact that you have come together, that you have raised up a chalice, that we could anchor this flame. Certainly, the flame will be a disturbance to the collective consciousness of Russia, to many people in Russia, even to certain power structures in Russia. They will be not only uncomfortable, they will be challenged.
But you who are the spiritual people can look at the positive. You could look at the glass as being not only half-full but more than half-full and that the light of Christ is rising in the glass. It may, in the not too distant future, start overflowing, even the cup that you have raised up. Visualize the Light of Christ overflowing the Cup of Christ and flowing out to all areas of Russia and the world. This is our great joy, for when the cup is raised up, we will release the light and we will allow it to overflow to a certain measure.
My heart overflows with the Joy of Christ; the joy that many Christians cannot feel for they focus so much on that few hours I was hanging on that cross. Sometimes I get almost cross when I see people focusing so much on my suffering and forgetting that I was resurrected. And in the resurrection there is infinite joy. In the ascension there is infinite joy, as Guru Ma expressed, the joy of being a newly ascended master.
I, of course, have been an ascended master for some time but what is the Christ? Is it not that in Christ everything is new? Thus, I, too, can instantly lock in to the newness of the joy of feeling the ascension flame, and I hope that all of you can lock in to the newness of the joy of feeling the release of light from the ascended masters, not only through an outer messenger but through your own hearts.
Feel the joy! Allow yourself to acknowledge the joy and then bring that joy with you when you leave this conference and nourish it. Let not the spoilers come to you for they will surely come to you and try to take it away from you. If they manage with their subtle schemes to make you go into some reaction, don’t condemn yourself; just come back to the joy. Take some time to go into the stillness, invoke the light, center in your heart, center in my heart and ask me to help you reconnect to the newness and the joy of Christ.
This is my message this day. You have the fullness of the joy of the Ascended Master Jesus Christ.
Copyright © 2013 by Kim Michaels