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Ascended Master Jesus through Kim Michaels, March 31, 2024. This dictation was given during the Easter webinar 2024: Liberating Christ.
I AM the Ascended Master Jesus.
What I will talk about in this installment that Maitreya and I have planned is how Christ is being encaged, imprisoned by the serpentine mind. We have touched upon this previously, but we wish to give you a deeper understanding, if understanding is indeed the right word, for it is not really a matter of understanding the serpentine mind. For part of what the serpentine mind does is project that everything can be understood by the mind.
The Christ mind, the conceptual mind, and the serpentine mind
We have talked about the conceptual mind, but the serpentine mind is not the conceptual mind because the conceptual mind is in its pure form simply the mind you use to co-create. As we have explained, you form a mental image of what you would like to co-create and you project it upon the Ma-ter light. Now we have explained that when you go into the duality consciousness, this is still an aspect of the conceptual mind. But it is when the mind now becomes trapped in the dualistic reasoning, the dualistic way of looking at life. As Maitreya explained, there is an innocent rejection of Christ, where people go into separation just as an experiment to see what that experience is like. And then they experiment with the duality consciousness, with separation but they are not doing this maliciously, they are not doing it aggressively to subdue others, to fool others, to deceive others, to control others, to destroy others.
This is simply the conceptual mind and when you go into duality with the conceptual mind, you think in a sense that everything is a concept, but you elevate some concepts to not being just ideas in the mind, but having some greater reality or authority, however you see it. This is in contrast to the conceptual mind that you have when you see yourself as a connected being, where you are always striving for more than anything that can be defined in this world. You might say that when you have a sense of connection to the Christ mind, you realize that what you are creating in this world, what you are co-creating with the conceptual mind is not some ultimate reality. And you also realize that you are not becoming what you are co-creating, which means you are not identified with your co-creation. And you know there is more and that is why you are open to the Christ mind.
But when you go into that aspect of the conceptual mind that is based on duality, you think you can define in this world something that is an ultimate truth or ultimately real. Because for this conceptual mind, truth, reality becomes a concept that can be defined by the mind. Now, in the Christ mind, you know that any concept is just a concept. And you know that whatever level you are at, there is always something beyond it that is a higher level than the concept you can see right now. That is why in the Christ mind, as we have tried to explain, there is no absolute ultimate truth or reality because you know there is always more to experience. This is what you cannot retain, that awareness, when you go into separation. Now you go into this aspect of the separate mind, the conceptual mind, where everything becomes a concept. But you feel that you have lost something, you will not see it as you have lost your connection to the Christ mind, but that is what you have lost. The conceptual mind has to compensate for this by elevating a concept to this status of being ultimately real or ultimately true.
This is again just an outplaying of free will. You are allowed to experiment with a duality consciousness. And we can say that the duality consciousness is a state of mind where instead of seeking to connect to a reality beyond your mind, you are using your mind to define reality. You are defining reality rather than connecting to it through the Christ mind. Again, this is allowed by the law of free will. It is in fact one of the things you simply have to do because you have to experiment with this, experience the results of it to a certain degree before you can really give up that attempt to use your mind to define truth instead of finding it through your connection to the Christ mind.
Now what is the serpentine mind? Well, the serpentine mind is also using the conceptual mind because to the serpentine mind everything is still a concept and it thinks it can define reality. But the serpentine mind came in after the fall. The serpentine mind is created because the fallen beings decided that they wanted to control others. Because in order to feel that they were ultimately right in rejecting Christ, they wanted to control all other people on their planet because they have this illusion that if they can control other people, they can prove God wrong. In other words, they are reasoning that God has given beings free will. And this is what makes it possible that one can fall. And God should not have allowed this. In other words, they are really saying God should not have given us free will so that we could fall, God should have prevented us from falling even though it was their choice to reject the Christ that offered them to go back to the path. They think that if they can cause as many people as possible to use their free will to go further and further into separation until they become lost, then they will have proven that free will is wrong. And then God will have to allow them to bring these people that are lost back to salvation by forcing them.
The serpentine mind then is based on this desire, this illusion that you can prove God wrong by causing people to use their free will to go deeper and deeper into separation. But the serpentine mind, the fallen beings are not satisfied by just sitting there and watching whether people of their own accord go deeper into separation because they realize that people will experiment with separation and come to a point where they have had enough of it and many of them will start going back up. They will reconnect to Christ. What the serpentine mind wants to do is to prevent people from reconnecting to Christ. In other words, it wants to deliberately and aggressively take them deeper into separation. And how does it do this? Well, it does this by using the conceptual mind in a deliberate and aggressive way to make people doubt whatever concepts or beliefs they have in their minds.
The doubt that you can follow Christ within yourself
In other words, you take the situation in Genesis that we have used before as an example, here you have the teacher who is instructing Adam and Eve that they cannot eat of this particular fruit because then they will surely die. And as we have explained this is simply a metaphor, it is not to be taken entirely literally. But the forbidden fruit is the duality consciousness and if you experiment with it before you are ready you can become lost in it and then your sense of self as a connected self will surely die. But you will of course live on as a separate self and you will not necessarily realize that you died as a connected being and you were reborn because you still have some sense of continuity. But Adam and Eve were not at the level of the path where they could grasp this and therefore, they were given a simplified instruction. And so the serpent comes in and inserts doubt into their minds about the teacher’s instructions. What have we said? We have said that whatever level of consciousness you are at there is an expression of the Christ mind that is adapted to your level of consciousness and can help you take the next step up. But that expression of the Christ mind is adapted to your level of consciousness meaning it is not the ultimate expression of the truth or the Christ mind or reality or whatever you want to call it.
The serpentine mind now uses the conceptual mind, uses the reasoning of the dualistic mind to aggressively and deliberately insert this doubt into your mind where you doubt the expression of Christ that you can grasp with your present level of consciousness and it will attempt to do this at any level as long as you are unascended. The serpentine mind even has a way to try to make you doubt at the 144th level of consciousness. But it is not of course successful because once you go somewhat above the 96th level the prince of this world has nothing in you whereby it can cause you to react. But there is still that attempt to project at you some subtle reasoning.
What does the serpentine mind attempt to do? Well, it attempts to use whatever reasoning your conceptual mind has used to go down to the level of consciousness you are at. In your conceptual mind you had some kind of reasoning for why it was okay, acceptable, necessary, perhaps even beneficial for you to go to your present level of consciousness and create the sense of self you have there. But now the serpentine mind comes in and it attempts to use your own reasoning to make you doubt your ability to follow Christ, to connect to Christ, to experience Christ. Because it makes you doubt that you can know the difference between what comes from Christ and what comes from the separate mind, the mind of duality, even the serpentine mind. It attempts to make you so confused that you do not know what is real and unreal and it attempts to make you feel that you cannot know on your own.
The subtle serpentine trap
A typical example of this is the vast majority of Christians who have been brought up not only in this lifetime but over many lifetimes with this belief that they are sinners. Now look at what we have explained even in these discourses but of course in all of our teachings. You are not created as a sinner. Your I AM Presence is not a sinner. The Conscious You is not a sinner. You are not created as a flawed or imperfect being. God did not create you in a state of sin from which you have to be saved. What good God would create its offspring in a state of sin from which they have to be saved.
Your state of consciousness that you have right now is not forced upon you by God or any other exterior force. It is a result of your own choices and therefore, you can get out of that state by making more aware choices. As we have said about free will, you cannot make a choice with your free will from which you cannot free yourself by making a more aware choice. This is the law. But in order to free yourself you have to of course accept that you have the ability to free yourself not within your own mind and reasoning but by reaching for the Christ mind. And if the serpent can make you doubt that you have the ability to do this, then it can block you from joining the path, the upward path towards oneness. And it can keep you trapped in the left-handed path of separation, perhaps even make you believe that you can reach some ultimate state by following this path.
Take again the concept that you were created as a sinner. You were born into sin. First of all, in order to really make people believe this, the church had to eradicate the concept of reincarnation. But even so you could still project the belief that originally, even though you have had many lifetimes, you were created as a sinner so there is no concept that the serpentine mind cannot use. But to be really effective the church had to eradicate the concept of reincarnation so people believed that they were born into sin in this lifetime and they only had this lifetime to secure their salvation. And it was also projected at them that they cannot save themselves, that they need an external savior.
Let us look at this belief that has become a doctrine of the Catholic Church and it really has not been questioned by most of the Protestant or Lutheran churches or even really by the Eastern Orthodox churches who have not truly questioned it even though they have some understanding that it is not the full truth. And so, you are created as a sinner. You have no ability to free yourself from sin. Or should we say you were born into sin. And now you see how subtle the serpentine mind is because in this lifetime people were born into sin, not because God created them as sinners, but because in past lifetimes, they chose to go into the illusion of separation, the consciousness of duality. And this we can call a state of sin, because in this state of mind, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.
You see how the serpentine mind will take concepts that have some validity to them, but give them a twist. Now, the idea that you cannot save yourself, well, as we have explained, you cannot save yourself by using the conceptual mind based on duality. You cannot reason your way out of duality because you reasoned your way into it. You need the Christ mind, which is beyond reasoning.
Plausible deniability, plausible plausibility, and the Christ mind
Why is this? Well, what have we said about the duality mind? Plausible deniability, plausible plausibility. You can seemingly prove any viewpoint by using duality, because you exclude any evidence to the contrary. When you are in duality, you may come up with a line of reasoning that seems very sophisticated and logical and rational. But it is still in duality. It is a relative truth that you have elevated to the status of being absolute, but it has not become absolute.
Now, you can also come up with an opposite line of reasoning that may also seem very logical, rational and sophisticated. But how can you as the Conscious You tell the difference between the two? You see so many times where human beings are split into two factions. One group has one conclusion and have all of these arguments for why this must be true. Another group has the opposite conclusion and they also have arguments for why theirs must be true. How can you tell the difference? Not by reasoning. Well, in a sense you can, because people, as I said, they choose one dualistic extreme. They elevated that so they say: ”Well, this is reality, because I cannot be wrong.” But they are still trapped in the dualistic mind. They are still reasoning with the dualistic mind and this does not free the Conscious You from the dualistic mind.
How can the Conscious You know which one of the two dualistic polarities is true? It cannot. It will choose one over the other and seek to defend its choice. But this just keeps you trapped in duality—keeps you trapped in the quicksand. What is the way out? Well, it is to contact the Christ mind, because only by experiencing the higher reality of the Christ mind can you see that both of the dualistic arguments are just that. They are just arguments. They are just concepts. They are not truth. They are just defined based on duality. They are defined by the separate mind and this is what you experience when you experience Christ. And that is why once you go into duality, you cannot free yourself by the powers of your own mind.
The mind’s ability to define reality
Why is this? Well, because from God’s perspective, the Creator’s perspective, the entire purpose of the world of form as we have said is to serve as a schoolroom for having beings start out with a point-like sense of self and gradually expand it to the level of the Creator. And as part of this process, you must experiment with the mind’s ability to define reality. And as we have explained, the greater lesson is that before you ascend, you must have sufficient experimentation with the duality consciousness so that you see its limitations. You see it leads you nowhere and you have had enough of it and you can consciously choose to leave it behind to let it go, to just let it go.
The purpose of allowing beings to go into duality is to allow them to experiment with the abilities of their own minds. As we said, you can create any concept you can imagine. And you can even take a certain concept such as “The earth is flat”, you can argue for or against the concept, but then you can create another concept on top of the first concept which says: “This is the absolute truth and I cannot be wrong about this.” You can create layers of concepts and you must have a certain experience with this process of the conceptual mind creating layers upon layers of concepts that makes it seem like it can define reality, it has defined reality and it cannot be wrong.
Choosing oneness over separation
And only when you reach a saturation point where you see this, see where it has taken you—that it really leads you nowhere, only then can you make the fully conscious choice to say: “Enough of this, I want to go back to the path of oneness.” And then you are deliberately choosing oneness based on your experience of separation. You are not forced into oneness. You are allowed to experiment with separation until you voluntarily choose oneness because you see it is what is best for yourself. That is why free will and the ability to experiment with creating concepts is not a mistake. It is the only way that beings can grow to the Creator consciousness instead of becoming robots who will never go beyond a certain level.
The worldview that the fallen beings have created, that free will is wrong and will lead to souls becoming lost, is fictional. What the fallen beings are attempting to create is a group of robots that are like artificial intelligence that can mimic being conscious self-aware beings but they have no self-awareness. And that is not what the Creator wants. What the fallen beings are doing or trying to say is that free will was a mistake but they are actually proving that it was not a mistake because if it had been a mistake, then God would surely have prevented the fallen beings from falling.
The Creator is not beyond correcting itself if it sees that something does not lead to the desired outcome. But the very fact that the Creator allowed the fallen beings to fall shows that the Creator knows that only through free will can beings rise towards the Creator consciousness rather than becoming automatons that mimic a certain consciousness. Of course, the serpentine mind will argue endlessly against this as it will argue endlessly against anything we say. But there are those who can at least look at this and see that there is some reasoning there.
Following Christ within yourself vs. blindly following the serpents
But what is it the serpentine mind does? Well, as I said, it attempts to make you believe that you have made a bad choice by using your free will, and that once you have made that choice, there is no way back. Well, there is a way back, but not through you alone, but only through them. They will claim, as they have done now for seventeen centuries through the Catholic Church, that the only road to salvation is the outer religion of Christianity which throughout its history have been led by fallen beings. As we have said before, there have been popes that were not fallen beings, but looking at the overall leadership of the Catholic Church, the vast majority of them have been and are fallen beings.
This is what the serpentine mind does: it seeks to make you doubt the true salvation which is the Christ mind that you contact within yourself. And it seeks to make you believe that you do not have the ability to contact the Christ mind within yourself. Therefore, you need an external savior, either Jesus Christ who comes back to save you, or the outer church led by the fallen beings. And you see the same pattern in other religions, where there are always those leaders who will make the followers doubt that they can know truth on their own, so they follow the leaders blindly and this is the serpentine mind.
And the essence of what the serpentine mind does, it makes you doubt that you can follow Christ within yourself, and seeks to make you blindly follow the serpents, those who embody the serpentine consciousness, as a force outside yourself. It is the external path, the external salvation, rather than the internal path. And they will use anything, any concept to do this, as you can see they have used the Christian religion.
The entire purpose of my coming was to point out that there is this inner path that is not dependent on the scribes and the Pharisees and the money changers, or the leaders of the religion. But it only depends on Christ which is beyond anything on earth. That is why the kingdom of God is within you, and it does not come with observation of the outer rules, but only by contacting Christ within yourself. And as we have explained, regardless of what level of consciousness you have descended to below the 48th level, you can contact Christ at that level, and take a step up, contact Christ again, take the next step up, and continue doing this until you reach the levels of consciousness where you consciously connect to your higher self, to the I AM Presence, to the ascended masters. This you can always do, but this is what the serpentine mind seeks to prevent people from knowing or make them doubt that they have the ability to do this.
The responsibility for knowing within ourselves
And they have done this for a very, very long time on earth. They have done it very aggressively, very aggressively, and they have caused many, many people to doubt their ability to know the Christ perspective within themselves. I did not say Christ’s truth, but to contact Christ within themselves and sense these outer arguments are not valid. And you see so many examples of this today.
Take Russia, the vast majority of the Russian population have been so hurt in past lifetimes because they blindly followed the blind leaders. They made major mistakes, as we have explained, and they made karma. But first of all, they came to doubt that they have the ability to know within themselves and that they need to follow a strong outer leader, which is what Stalin took advantage of, the Bolsheviks took advantage of, and Putin is taking advantage of.
There are many among the Russian people who will not even entertain the idea that they could know in themselves whether Putin is right or wrong, whether the war in Ukraine is right or wrong. They will not think, they will not make the evaluation because they will not use their ability to tune into the Christ mind and therefore sense that all of the arguments for why this war was necessary and beneficial for Russia have no reality to them. They will not do this, and that is why Russia is now stuck in this downward spiral that will end well who knows where.
Another typical example, Donald Trump. He is not really a sophisticated user of the serpentine mind consciously, but there are forces working through him that have managed to attract a number of followers who will believe anything he says. He has even bragged about this: He could get away with murder because people will still believe him when he said it was necessary or even beneficial. You will see interviews with these people who are asked what could make them disbelieve in Trump, and nothing, they say, would make them disbelieve because they have decided: “I cannot know truth within myself, I can only know truth through Trump, but I cannot be wrong about Trump, I could not have been wrong by giving him my allegiance.”
You see China, where the Communist Party for generations has attempted to program, brainwash the majority of the people to think they cannot know truth. Only the communist leadership can know what is right for China. And now Xi has tried to set himself up as if it is not even the communist leadership, but only him that knows best. You take Iran, where the priests have managed to do the same thing, claiming that only they can know what is right for the people and you see it in many other nations. In North Korea, only the dictator knows what is right and you see it everywhere in dictatorships.
Challenging the old elitist view of the world
The only way out of this on a planetary scale is that more and more people are raised up to where they become willing to take responsibility for knowing within themselves. And they know this by contacting the Christ mind. They may not see it as the Christ mind. They may not use that terminology. But they contact something and they just know as we have talked about, the basic humanity you do not do to others, but also the essential humanity that there is more to being a human being than being one of these blind followers, that there is some kind of potential.
And of course, this is what you see in many people around the world. In all countries around the world, there is a certain percentage of the population, but you see in the democratic nations, a majority of the population have reached at least some level of this, where they are willing to use the Christ mind to sense what is right and not right, instead of the outer conceptualized mind. They are not blindly following some authority figure. They are willing to, we cannot really say, think for themselves, but sense for themselves.
And of course, the entire universe is being pulled upwards because so many beings in this unascended sphere are in that upward spiral of increasing their Christhood, their Christ discernment. And the earth is being pulled up and the fallen beings know they are losing their grip on earth. They see that Saint Germain’s Golden Age cannot be stopped. But they are trying to do some last-ditch panicked effort to at least delay it as much as they can. And that is why you see, as we have said before, that things are becoming more and more extreme, more and more unbalanced, therefore, making it easier and easier for people to see that there must be an alternative to blindly following blind leaders. That it is time for people to wake up and take a stand.
As you saw, all of these women in Iran simply taking a stand and saying: “This suppression of women is not right.” They do not need a sophisticated ideology or line of reasoning. They just need to know this is not right and the same everywhere. And there must come this shift where people say: “No, we cannot continually continue to blindly following the blind leader because we see that the leader is blind. That his reasoning is not real. That it will not lead to the professed outcome. That it will not benefit us or our nation.”
But in order to do this, people have to be willing to question the vision of the world, the vision of their country, the vision of themselves given to them by their leaders. They have to be willing to question that China is going to save the world from the decadence of democracy and capitalism. They have to be willing to question that Russia is the savior of the world by holding onto the traditional values and saving their world from the decadence of the West. They have to be willing to question that everybody in the American political establishment is wrong except Trump. They have to be willing to question that Islam is an infallible religion and that the priesthood represents Allah. All of these things they have to question.
But first of all, they have to question this idea that they cannot know in themselves, that they cannot have that basic humanity or the essential humanity. They have to be willing to accept that they do have access to a higher mind right within themselves and therefore, they do not need someone outside themselves to define for them what is true, what is real, what is the right thing to do. And people everywhere, even in democratic nations, have to come to the point where they are willing to question the idea that they need a power elite to run their societies as has been the case for thousands of years. They need to question the idea that only the elite knows the right thing to do.
The real massage of Jesus Christ
This was the message that I preached 2,000 years ago, that the people do not need a power elite because they have access to the Kingdom of God within themselves. The Kingdom of God is at hand. It is as close as your hands, figuratively speaking, and it is within your reach, in your mind. The Kingdom of God is not up there in heaven or in the churches. It is at hand. It is within you. This is what the fallen beings of the time would not allow me to preach and that is why they had to kill me. They then attempted to kill the religion, or rather the movement that I started, and they have been successful in doing this from the formation of the Catholic Church and forward. And they are still successful, even though many people have come to see through it and they have just left the Christian religion behind, looking for other forms of spirituality, which is perfectly acceptable for them.
But still, one must ask the question, when will those who care about the Christian religion begin to question this mindset? And when will they look at even the scriptures and read between the lines and see what I actually preached, the inner path? And when will they be willing to use these insights to reform Christianity so that it can become the kind of religion that people need in this age? Instead of a religion that was defined based on the consciousness that people had seventeen centuries ago. Are there those left in the Christian religion who care enough about the Christian religion that they will reach for Christ within themselves and receive the impulses from me directly that will allow them, empower them to reform the Christian religion?
It is time to question the leaders of the Christian churches!
The Ask Real Jesus website was put online in 2002. The material has been available in the physical. Many people have found it. Many people have looked at it. And I am not saying that they all have to acknowledge the website. But the point is that since the website went online, I have been sending these ideas into the collective consciousness and there are many people who are able to tune into it consciously if they are willing to make a shift in consciousness and it is time that you do so. Those of you who have it as part of your Divine plan to reform the Christian religion, it is time that you step forward. Step up to the plate and begin to question the leaders of your Christian church, even the leaders of the Eastern Orthodox and the Catholic Church. It is time to question it.
Now as we have said, who are the most likely people to do this? Women, of course. But there are still many men who are also capable of doing it. And in this Easter message, I am simply issuing the call at inner levels that it is time to step forward and reform Christianity, revolutionize Christianity, not based on what I say in this dictation through a human messenger, not even based on what I say on the Ask Real Jesus website, but based on your contact with the Christ within yourself. For this cannot be stopped by the fallen beings, the serpentine mind, when enough people do it.
Why have these people not stepped forward? Because they are still allowing the serpentine mind to abort their willingness to accept that they can access Christ within their own minds. It is time to see through this serpentine lie and to step forward and be willing to take a stand for Christ, the inner Christ. Beyond all structures, beyond all doctrines, beyond the blind leaders, even beyond the blind followers, someone must speak out because the time is now.
Will you allow the Christ mind to express itself through you?
You who are our direct students, you can contemplate what we have said so far and what we will say, and you can contemplate how you have been influenced by the serpentine mind. Many of you have followed the teachings, you have gone through many shifts, many of you have healed your psychology, overcome many of these subconscious selves, some of you have healed your birth trauma. But still, have you really looked at the doubt you have about your ability to know within what is real and unreal, your ability to be the Living Christ, to step forward and to bring forth something that is an expression of Christ appropriate for your personal situation?
How many of you consider that you could transcend your personal situation and do something that has a wider impact than your personal life? You may look at this messenger and think he has done a lot, but he started walking the path just like you have done. And he worked on his personal psychology for a long time, but he came to a point where he was able to make that shift of saying: “It’s not really about what I want anymore. What can the masters do through me?” And you all have that same ability. It does not mean you will do the same that the messenger is doing. But what one has done, all can do, namely, sense the Christ within yourself and allow your I AM Presence and the ascended master that you are working with to flow through you and express something that is beyond your personal situation.
I am not trying to force you. I am not trying to in any way say that you have not done it and you should have done it and you are inadequate or any of this. I am simply saying, have you considered that whatever doubt you have springs from the serpentine mind and has been aggressively projected at you from these fallen beings? Have you considered what beliefs you have personally, that make you doubt that you have the ability to contact the Christ mind and that you have the ability to be the open door for the Christ mind to express itself through you? Have you considered it?
Again, I am not trying to put any kind of shame or guilt trip upon you. I am simply saying perhaps it is time to consider this, how the serpentine mind makes you doubt that the Christ is within you and can flow through you. What are the subconscious selves that you created when the fallen beings attacked you and gave you this birth trauma? What are the doubts, the beliefs that you have personally? We have talked about many of these doubts that people can have if you pay attention, not only in this conference but in previous teachings. The messenger has talked about it in his YouTube videos.
You can surely find inspiration that when you ask for our guidance within will help you see what is your personal doubt, if you are willing. Again, there is no force, there is no pressure. I am simply saying, the kingdom of God is at hand, the deliverance that you are longing for comes from Christ and Christ is always with you. You simply have to decide when you will accept this and when you will look at what makes you doubt this and see the unreality of it, experience the unreality of it and I will help you and any ascended master that is close to you will help you make that shift.
You can start a new phase in your life where you are not focused on the personal but are able to step up to see this transpersonal aspect of your Divine plan, the plan that you yourself chose. I am not trying to force anything upon you, just remind you of the choices you made before you came into embodiment of how you chose what was your transpersonal service that you could give in this lifetime.
With this I seal you in the transcendent joy of the flame that I embody for earth. May you be able to sense that joy, it is given freely to all, you only need to receive it. But some of you may have to look at what makes you doubt that you can receive it or you are worthy to receive it, but you are worthy to receive it by the mere fact that you exist. There are no conditions in the Christ mind, no conditions defined by the conceptual mind or the serpentine mind. My joy is full because it is unbound by any conditions.
Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels