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Ascended Master Jesus through Kim Michaels.
I am the ascended master Jesus Christ, and I wish to give you a different perspective on the Easter story. Instead of focusing on the resurrection, I wish to focus on the fact that I was arrested by the powers that be, the power elite, and that I was imprisoned, that I was humiliated in various ways, that I was judged by them, and that I was eventually executed after being tortured.
This is a parallel to what all of you experience when you are in physical embodiment and when you begin to approach your Christhood. It will not, of course, take the same physical form where you will also be nailed to a cross made of wood, but it will take some form or other, perhaps not even physical. Perhaps you will be persecuted and crucified in the emotional realm, the mental realm or the identity realm.
But there will be some persecution even in the physical. It is simply part of the deal, my beloved, when you volunteer to embody on earth. It has always been so since the fall of this planet and the first fallen beings embodied here, for they will attack those who are the Holy Innocents. They will attack those who are the light bringers, those who dare let their light so shine before men, those who will not hide it beneath the conditions defined by the fallen beings.
The awakening is drawing closer
These fallen beings form a force on this earth, and in their blindness – their spiritual blindness – they have such spiritual pride and arrogance that they believe they control life. They believe that they can shut out the Christ and the Christ light from this planet. I came 2,000 years ago to prove them wrong. I did prove them wrong, for there was a group of fallen beings that was taken out of embodiment back then and they will never again embody here.
You may look at Christianity as it has unfolded over the past 2,000 years and you may see that it has not produced millions of people with the same level of Christ consciousness. You may think that even though the fallen beings could not kill me by killing my body, they have still killed my example, they have killed the church, the religion that claims to represent me.
But I tell you, it is not so for there are still the 10,000 and the millions more who are ready to manifest Christhood in this embodiment and they are coming ever closer. Some have found the teachings we have given through this and other messengers. Some have known from within or even through a teaching not given directly by the ascended masters.
People are beginning to awaken and realize that we are standing before a monumental shift in consciousness on this planet and that they have a role in it. In order to fulfill that role they need to transcend that sense of self, they need to transcend themselves, their former limitations and conditions.
Being in a close relationship with fallen beings
I would give you a deeper teaching than I have given before about how you deal with the fallen beings. There are many of those who volunteered to come to earth with Sanat Kumara, or after Sanat Kumara came, who have volunteered, as Venus explained, [See the book The Song of Life Healing Matrix] to give an opportunity to those who are trapped in the fallen consciousness. Many of the spiritual people on earth have embodied in close relationships with those in the fallen consciousness. It may be parents, spouses, children, family members or people that you otherwise associate with. It is often people where you have a very close physical relationship that can even be a physical dependence.
This is a common scenario because when you are in your last embodiment or close to what is your last embodiment, you want to pass the initiations and you want to pass them quickly. There is no better way to pass the last initiations than to be in such close association in your personal relationships with a fallen being. Not all of you are meant to stand up to the fallen ones in a public setting, as I did. Many of you have, at least as an initial step, chosen to embody with fallen beings in these close, personal relationships.
What is the key to passing this initiation? First of all it is that you do not allow the fallen beings to change you to the point where you deny your Christhood. You will often have to hold back your Christhood in order to even associate with the fallen beings, but this does not mean that you have to compromise it to the point where you cannot express it—when you have fulfilled divine cycles and you no longer need to be concerned about adapting and maintaining a relationship.
What then is the key to moving to the next level of initiation? In many cases you have a deep sense that you are meant to help this other person. You may, over time, begin to see certain patterns in that person’s psychology, and you may see that the person is not willing to look at this, is not able to look at this, and will not acknowledge that he or she has a problem even though you may have demonstrated how you have transcended yourself many times during the course of the relationship.
This makes it easy for you to come to that point of thinking that you have to change the other person. However, if you allow yourself to believe that you need to change a person who is in the fallen consciousness, you are making your own progress and your ascension dependent on the choices of another self-aware being.
We might say that the person in the fallen consciousness is not truly self-aware at the highest definition of that word. You are making your life dependent on the choices of an unenlightened being who may think that he or she is smart and spiritual, but who is nevertheless trapped in the blindness of the fallen consciousness.
This is something you do not want to do, my beloved. I tell you that many of you who are the spiritual people, many of you who have that Holy Innocence buried somewhere deep within your hearts, you need to consider that perhaps it is time for you to look at the people in your circle of influence, to begin to identify who are the ones in the fallen consciousness and therefore begin to look at how your relationships with these people have affected yourself, your view of yourself, your view of spirituality, your abilities to express your light, your abilities to do things in the physical.
There is no one in the fallen consciousness who is not trapped in the pattern of wanting to control others, wanting you to be in a co-dependent relationship that you cannot move out of because they have managed to put on you the belief that you are somehow limited, that you should somehow hold yourself back in order to maintain that relationship. They want to keep you trapped, they often even believe that they are the ones who have given you a certain position or a certain ability, and therefore they have some sense of ownership over you.
NOTE: The rest of this dictation is available here and in the book Freedom from Ego Dramas
Copyright © 2013 Kim Michaels