Do not use the experience of reality of Christ to validate dualistic concepts

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Ascended Master Maitreya through Kim Michaels, March 30, 2024. This dictation was given during the Easter webinar 2024: Liberating Christ.


I Am the Ascended Master Maitreya, and I wish to continue my discourse given previously, so that I can be sure that I have expressed this as clearly as can be done, given the conditions in time and space on an unnatural planet like earth.

The conceptual mind and separation

What have I said previously? I have said that, according to the law of free will, you are allowed to use the conceptual mind to go into the state of separation, but as you do so, you will encounter the dualistic polarities. You use the conceptual mind to formulate a certain concept based on separation, and it will have an opposite dualistic polarity that will challenge your concept and your idea that this is the absolute truth or the absolute concept.

When you encounter this challenge, you must react. As you react, you take another step down into separation, and there, you create another concept, which has another dualistic opposite, and through the interaction of these opposites, you must take another step down, thus you keep going down deeper and deeper into separation. But as you go down, you encounter more and more opposition, more and more strain, more and more stress, and your life becomes a continual struggle to defend these dualistic polarities from the opposition that is inevitable, that is built into the polarity.

Finally, for some beings at least, the suffering becomes so intense that they have what we might call the first turning point, where they say, “I cannot do this anymore, there must be more.”And when they are open to the more, they will encounter the Christ mind at their level of consciousness, so then they can use the Christ mind to climb back up, back up the ladder that they descended by accepting these dualistic illusions. They receive some expression of the Christ mind that helps them counteract a particular dualistic illusion, this allows them to take a step up. Now they are dealing with another illusion, and if they are open to the Christ mind, they can receive another impulse that can help them take the next step up. But as I described, again, free will must be allowed to outplay itself. The fact that you have turned around at whatever low point you reached below the 48th level of consciousness does not mean that you are free from duality, free from separation, or free from the conceptual mind.

What do you do inevitably? Well, at some point, instead of just seeing that you are seeking to overcome suffering on a short-term basis, you become open to the idea that in the long term, you are working towards some higher goal, be it salvation, nirvana, awakening, or whatever you may conceive of it as. And so what does the conceptual mind do? Well, the conceptual mind now uses concepts to plot a course to this goal. But you see, the goal, as you see it, is defined by the conceptual mind, perhaps not your own conceptual mind, perhaps the conceptual mind of certain fallen beings and false gurus. Nevertheless, you define a goal and then you think that by using the conceptual mind you can reach that goal and now, you may, because of this, be open to a higher teaching that has some expression of the Christ mind. For example, even the outer teachings given by Jesus 2,000 years ago, even though they were not transcribed in their completeness, even though the people transcribing them had not the full understanding of what Jesus meant, they still contain some valid ideas and concepts that people have, over time, used to raise their consciousness. You can make progress this way, but you are still walking a path that is defined by the conceptual mind.

What am I saying here? Step back and listen to what I am saying. You use the conceptual mind to go into separation, and then you have a turnaround because you cannot stand the opposition and the friction anymore. Now, you plot a course out of separation, but it is still based on the conceptual mind. You are in essence trying to use the same mind that calls you to go into separation to get out of separation. But if you are open to some ideas that come from the Christ mind, you can still make progress to a certain level by doing this, but you cannot ascend by doing this, and this is the essential dividing line between what we could call a false teaching and a true teaching.

False and true path

Now, I know very well that true and false can be seen as dualistic concepts. But because we are using words, we have to find some way to describe the difference between that which actually helps you grow on the real path that leads towards oneness, and that which takes you into the blind alley of a path that does not lead to oneness.

Instead of using a long, convoluted description every time, let us, for convenience’s sake, use the concepts of true and false. We can say there is a true path which leads you to gradually rise towards higher and higher levels of experiencing the Christ mind. There is a false path which makes you believe that you are making progress towards some final goal, but you are still trapped in the conceptual mind and therefore you are not escaping duality or at least not escaping the conceptual mind.

Now why is this allowed? Because of free will. There is no necessity for you going into separation. It is a choice you make. You make the choice, you use the conceptual mind to define these dualistic illusions that have an opposite, that forces you to react, and therefore takes you further and further into separation. You are defining the way you are taking with the conceptual mind. This is allowed by free will. What happens is that when you cannot stand it anymore and you turn around, you are still using the conceptual mind to try to escape the problem that you created by using the conceptual mind.

The conceptual mind below 48th level

Now, I am not saying that this is wrong in some epic way, because what else can you do when you are trapped in separation and duality? You can, in separation and duality, contact and experience some aspect of Christ, some expression of Christ that corresponds to your level of consciousness. But you cannot, while you are in duality, completely step outside of these dualistic selves and see the weakness, the limitation, the vanity of the conceptual mind. As long as you are below the 48th level of consciousness, you cannot, the Conscious You, cannot step outside the conceptual mind completely. It can step outside of a specific separate self that corresponds to a specific level of consciousness, but it cannot completely step outside the conceptual mind. You can of course hear an outer teaching, such as we are giving, you can read it, you can understand it intellectually, but this is not the same as stepping outside of the conceptual mind. For most people, what needs to happen is that you gradually contact the Christ mind, you see one particular self, you rise to another level, you see the next self, you rise to another level, and you keep going like this above the 48th level.

Using the experience of Christ mind to validate the dualistic concepts

But what I am saying is that you can, once you are above the 48th level, you can actually come to see that you are more than the conceptual mind. You can come to experience, grasp, that you are more than the conceptual mind. The Conscious You can come to experience this, that you are seeing that you are more, you are outside of, you have not become the conceptual mind. That the conceptual mind is just a tool that you use for co-creation. But once you go into this level of using concepts based on duality, the conceptual mind becomes a closed system and this you can come to experience above the 48th level. Many people will have to go some ways above the 48th level, but you can at least come to start grappling with this. You can come to see the futility of trying to solve a problem with the same state of consciousness that created the problem.

Now, what is it that really is the problem with this approach? Well, you will notice what I have said. While you are still trapped in the conceptual mind, you can still make progress towards higher levels of consciousness by once in a while making contact with the Christ mind that takes you up step by step, but you still have certain ideas, certain beliefs, a certain worldview that was created by the conceptual mind out of duality and you are still seeking to maintain it. And the problem is that then you go through this period where you have some contact with the Christ mind, but you still have some beliefs based on duality. And now the question is, can you come to see that it is possible that you can use the sense of reality that you get from the Christ mind to validate the dualistic concepts and think they are the truth, they are the absolute truth? And the vast majority of people on earth have not come to the point where they are beginning to grasp this. Even most spiritual people are not beginning to grasp it. For they are still believing that there is something called the lie and something called the truth.

True vs. true and false

Now, what did I just say about true and false? We can use the concepts for practical reasons. But I always have, of course, more than one reason for bringing up something. The reason for bringing up these concepts of true and false is that there is true and false in a sense that there is something that is true and there is something that is true and false. What is true is what comes from the Christ mind because this is based on the underlying oneness of all life. And it is a particular expression, but it is given to help you raise your consciousness and it is not claimed to be an absolute truth. But in the level of duality, you also have the concepts of true and false, they are just another dualistic polarity.

And here is the one realization that the vast majority of people are not ready to accept and that many have actually denied, even many spiritual teachers have denied it. What you see as true and false from the level of duality is all false. Once you come to the point where you see this epic quest to correct the problem on earth, to reach this higher state, to save the world or save yourself or however you see it, once you come to this realization, the conceptual mind will say, “Yes, this thought system is the truth, all others are false.” And the conceptual mind will indefinitely use whatever concepts you accept to define true and false.

But the conceptual mind cannot see logically the Christ reality, therefore; the conceptual mind defines these concepts based on separation and duality, meaning that even what the conceptual mind defines as true is actually false, in the sense that it does not come from the Christ mind.

The concepts based on oneness

Now, what have we said? Even the beings with the highest level of consciousness, Alpha and Omega, are using the conceptual mind to co-create, because you are using the conceptual mind to formulate the mental images, the concepts that you use to co-create. But at this level of consciousness, you are fully aware of the underlying oneness of all life. Now, go down through all of these levels of the cosmic hierarchy to the ascended masters that are right above your unascended, unnatural planet of earth. We have ascended, we are in the Christ mind, one with the Christ mind, so even we know that what we are giving you is only concepts.

We have said this for a long time. Some of you have started to grasp it, some of you have ignored it because your conceptual minds could not conceive of what we meant. But we have said that we are not attempting to give you an absolute truth, we are attempting to give you something that can question your current illusions, your current sense of self, and help you rise to the next level up, and then we will give you something else that will help you go to the next level, and so forth, until you are ready to ascend. The difference here is we know we are giving you concepts. We also know they are based on the underlying oneness of all life and they do not spring from duality. But we know we are giving you concepts, but the conceptual mind that is trapped in duality does not know this, cannot know this, will not recognize it. The false teachers will not know this, cannot know this. They will not say that they are giving you a concept, they will say they are giving you truth and if you believe this, then that truth can become a blind alley, especially if you use your experience of the Christ mind to give it some ultimate reality or authority, then it can become a closed system.

The all-important realization to come to, and you can at least begin to understand this intellectually, but ultimately you need to experience it by the Conscious You experiencing the Christ reality behind my words. And how do you experience the Christ reality behind my words? By experiencing my Presence or the Presence of Jesus, or Gautama, or Mother Mary, or Saint Germain, or another ascended master that you are closely affiliated with.

The true teachers point beyond themselves

What is a true teaching and a false teaching? Well, at a very basic level, we can say a true teaching does not claim to be the absolute infallible or the highest truth. It does not claim that this is the only teaching you will ever need in order to ascend or reach nirvana or enlightenment or whatever it may be. Furthermore, a true teaching points beyond itself. There is more to grasp than what has been given in the outer teaching. Ideally, it should point to the spiritual being that is the source of the teaching, but even a teaching that does not talk about spiritual beings can be a valid teaching if it points beyond itself. If it claims to be a complete system and all you need, then we must say, in the way I am using the words here, that it is a false teaching because it may be designed to take you to a certain level, but then to keep you at that level indefinitely instead of taking you beyond.

We now come to one of these questions that has confused many people. What about these spiritual teachers who claim to have reached some ultimate state of consciousness, or whose followers claim that they have reached some ultimate state of consciousness? There are spiritual teachers both historically, especially in the East but also in the West, who have claimed, or still claim, that they are enlightened, that they are awakened, that they are God-realized, that they are the embodiment of some deity.

What about such claims? Well, what you can apply as a measure is, are they pointing to something beyond themselves or are they saying this is the ultimate, this is the ultimate state you can reach? Whether it is enlightenment, awakening, nirvana, oneness with infinite awareness, or whatever it is they promise you if they say this is the ultimate, then they are, as I use the words here, false teachers, because they are not pointing beyond themselves nor are they pointing to the ongoing transcendence of consciousness that is the River of Life.

Am I thereby saying that all spiritual teachers should talk about and acknowledge the ascended masters? No, that is not what I am saying. Because there are many, many people on earth who are not at a level of consciousness where they are ready to acknowledge the ascended masters. So, there can be a teaching that is given for a certain level of consciousness that is meant to raise people beyond that level to a certain level that is a bit higher, and even at the higher level they are not ready to acknowledge ascended masters.

How do you rise in consciousness?

There are valid teachings that can help people reach a certain level of consciousness. But what I am saying is, that when you have a teacher who claims to have reached an ultimate state of consciousness and does not recognize the ascended masters, even by calling us something else, then that teacher is a false teacher. Because how do you rise to an ultimate state of consciousness? Well, first of all, there really is no ultimate state of consciousness, even the greatest consciousness is not ultimate. But there certainly is no superior or ultimate state of consciousness on a planet as low as earth.

When you do rise, how do you rise? Well, as we have explained, there is only one way to rise from earth to the spiritual realm, and that is to make use of the ascended masters who are working with earth. Rising in consciousness means rising towards oneness, but that can only be done by using the One mind, the Christ mind, and as we have explained, the Christ mind is not some universal, unexpressed, undifferentiated consciousness. The Christ mind can only be expressed in an individualized form as the hierarchy of ascended beings reaching from the Creator to the ascended masters working with earth.

How do you rise towards a higher level of consciousness? Well, ultimately when you start going into what we can call the Christic level of consciousness, you realize, as Jesus said, “I can of my own self do nothing; it is the Father within me who doeth the work, the I AM Presence, and the ascended masters above me.” You recognize that you are not completing yourself, because this is what the separate self, the ego, the conceptual mind thinks. That is why it is a closed system. It thinks it can define reality. You realize you cannot, but that you need to contact the Christ mind to see something beyond your current level, even though what you see will not be ultimate reality.

False claims by false teachers

When you rise to the higher levels of consciousness, you will naturally and inevitably make contact with the ascended masters. What am I saying? Am I saying that there are these gurus that claim to have reached an ultimate level of consciousness, but it is fake, it is an illusion? Well, yes, that is what I am saying. Now again, they do not have to talk about ascended masters with those words, but they have to recognize that there is something beyond not only their level of consciousness, but beyond the level of any human being in embodiment. Even somebody who has claimed to be a high guru, even their own guru. If you carefully read “The Autobiography of a Yogi” by Yogananda, you will see that he does, not in any great length or detail, but he does recognize that there is something beyond his own mind, beings that are beyond his guru and his guru’s guru, and who are actually not in a physical body.

But you will see other Eastern gurus who do not entertain this idea whatsoever. They talk about Brahman, the undifferentiated Brahman, as the ultimate state of consciousness, and they say, or later allow their followers to believe, that they have reached oneness with that Atman or Brahman, or however they describe it in their particular teaching. And this is a false claim. It cannot be done. As we have said, you cannot bypass the hierarchy of light and jump to some ultimate state of consciousness that is supposedly the highest state of consciousness. It cannot be done. It is a flaw in much of Eastern teaching, a fatal flaw.

Again, I am not here saying that all spiritual teachers should acknowledge ascended masters because if they are giving teachings for a particular level of consciousness where people are not ready, then they do not need to mention us. But they need to recognize, in their own minds, that: “There but for the grace of God go I. I can of my own self do nothing. It is something higher that is expressing itself through me.” And it is preferable that however they can describe it, that they express this to their followers so that they do not encourage their followers to turn the teaching into a closed box. How will you avoid anything becoming a closed box here on earth? Only by realizing that there is a level of consciousness beyond anything that can be attained on earth—that is the Christ mind, the Christ consciousness, Christ discernment.

Challenging  other people to raise them up

What do you see? You see in the world, all of these struggles between groups of spiritual people that claim they have the highest teaching, the highest guru, the highest understanding. But as long as you are struggling against others, as long as you are labeling them with these dualistic concepts of true and false, you are still in the conceptual mind, using the conceptual mind to define what you see as true and false, then using it to label and judge other people and struggle against them.

Now, does that mean then that the Christ mind never challenges anyone? Does that mean that Jesus was wrong for challenging the Scribes and Pharisees? Nay, the Christ mind may challenge, but it does so from that level of connection where the person who is being the Living Christ in embodiment fully realizes “I can of my own self do nothing.”

And this is, of course, another enigma, because what have we said? The Conscious You is, in its essence, neutral awareness, pure awareness, meaning it is not the conceptual mind. It uses concepts to express itself, to co-create, but it does not become the concepts, and this is, in its pure form, in its undifferentiated form, the Christ mind. You are already an expression of the Christ mind. But as we have also said, you are not the totality of the Christ mind because the Christ mind can take the form of an individualized being. An individualized being is created out of the Christ mind. But when you have the self-awareness that you are out of the Christ mind, you realize that the Christ mind has innumerable expressions and therefore, you are not the totality of the Christ mind. You do not have a patent on Christ’s truth, and therefore you realize, as we have said, there is always more to the Christ mind than what you can grasp and express right now. And you realize that your particular expression of the Christ mind is what can come through you at this particular point in time and space, given the outer situation and your level of consciousness.

There is no absolute, invariable expression of Christ, and when you realize this, what is the point in using the conceptual mind to judge other people? You are essentially taking a concept in your mind and using it to judge the concepts in other people’s minds. Whereas the Living Christ realizes that whatever it expresses, there is always more. And it seeks to raise other people up. The Living Christ can challenge other people’s concepts, but from the point of wanting to raise them up towards seeing something higher.

What the conceptual mind does when it is in separation is it uses its own concepts to judge other people’s concepts for the purpose of putting them down, thereby elevating itself to being higher, being the absolute truth in comparison. But you see, in the Christ mind, there is no comparison as there is in a dualistic mind, with higher and lower, better or worse, true or false. The Christ mind can be expressed in the form of words. It can be expressed in the form of concepts, but the Christ mind is always more than any expression.

Any expression of Christ on earth is not the ultimate truth

Now, you may be at a certain level of consciousness where you have a certain illusion. The Christ mind may work through someone, a being in embodiment or an ascended being, and express something that can challenge your illusion, and this can help you rise to the next level up. And how do you rise? How do you see an illusion? Well, you must see that beyond the illusion is a higher truth, a higher understanding. And it is valid. There is a higher understanding. Even at level zero, ground zero, the lowest level of consciousness possible on earth, there is the higher truth. It is a higher truth. But it is only one level up from the lowest level of consciousness, so it is not an ultimate truth. But if you allow yourself to think that it is because you sense that this came from the Christ mind, then that expression of truth has now been turned into an expression of anti-christ in your mind.

And that is precisely what Peter did in a situation where Jesus told him to get behind him, because he was expressing the satanic consciousness, the consciousness of anti-christ, that even though it experiences the reality of Christ, it does not want to follow Christ towards eternal life. It wants to encapsulate Christ and use it to validate its limited sense of self, because it is actually hoping that it can use Christ to create immortality for the separate self. This is what some of the fallen beings believe and some of the fallen beings who were instrumental in the killing of Jesus thought that by killing him, a certain portion of his Christ light would be released and they could take it and create immortality for their separate selves. This was a complete illusion, but some of them believed it, the spilling of the blood of a Christed being.

The unfallen and fallen imprisonment of Christ

Why is Christ imprisoned? Well, there are two levels of imprisonment of Christ. First, as we have said, in order to create any concept, you must use the Christ mind. But this is what we might call an innocent use, where you are simply imagining concepts but it is not based on encountering an expression of the Christ mind, in the form of ascended masters, and then denying that expression. There is the unfallen denial of Christ, imprisonment of Christ, and there is the fallen imprisonment of Christ. They are essentially the same, but certainly two very different levels, where one is not based on denial, just what we might call innocent ignorance, and the other is based on denial, which we might call deliberate ignorance, malicious ignorance even.

Many of the concepts that you find in spiritual and religious teachings on earth, and even political ideologies and philosophies, are based on this serpentine mind, the consciousness of anti-christ, that denies what Christ actually is and it always seeks to use the reality of Christ, this experience of reality that comes from the Christ mind, to validate some concept that is out of the mind of anti-christ.

Anti-christ is not opposition to the real Christ

With this, we can ask another question. Is the mind of anti-christ actually anti the mind of Christ? Is it actually against the mind of Christ? Well, the anti-christ mind thinks it is and again, for practical purposes, we can talk about the mind of Christ and the mind of anti-christ. The mind of Christ helps you towards oneness, the other keeps you trapped in separation. We can call them Christ and anti-christ. And those who are in the mind of anti-christ, those who are deliberately rebelling against Christ, they believe that the separate selves they have created actually form an opposition to the mind of Christ and that they are stronger than the mind of Christ.

That is why they can keep the majority of people on earth trapped in the illusion of anti-christ. That is why they could sabotage Jesus’s mission and create a religion that completely perverted the true message of Christ. And they take great pride in having maintained this illusion, this religion to this day, and keeping billions of people trapped in it and other illusions they have created of course. But yet, this is seen from the mind of anti-christ, which of course sees everything in the form of dualistic polarities. They see that there is something that supposedly opposes them, because they can only see it that way. And they label it as Christ, or they hear us talk about Christ, so they consider that they are the anti-christ.

But how does it look from the mind of Christ? Well, the mind of Christ does not judge after appearances; it judges righteous judgment. And it simply evaluates—is it out of the One mind, connected to the One mind and the hierarchy that goes all the way to the Creator, or has it temporarily created the illusion that it is separated from that mind? And based on this, the Christ mind sees no opposition to itself. What could be opposed to that which is everything, that is in everything that was ever created—without him was not anything made that was made? What could oppose this? In a sense, only in the mind of anti-christ is there an opposition to Christ. But again, we have to use words and concepts to show you that there is something beyond the mind of anti-christ, that you are indeed wet when you are in the ocean of anti-christ, but that it is possible to become dry.

The concepts between the 48th and 144th level

Again, we have to use concepts. And there are concepts based on the Christ mind, but those who are trapped in the mind of separation cannot see these concepts. They see them through the filter of duality and separation, which means that the lower conceptual mind now drags the concepts coming from the Christ mind into the level of duality and separation, attempting to use it to validate its view, as Peter did when he challenged Jesus.

This is an essential realization. You cannot get out of the mind of anti-christ through your own mind, through the conceptual mind. You can only get out of it by contacting the mind of Christ—which you, as the Conscious You, can do, but the separate selves cannot. But in order to do it, you must be willing to continually walk that path of never thinking you have reached some ultimate level or some ultimate concept or understanding, and always reaching for the Christ mind that helps you come up higher, that helps you challenge the concept that you have at your present level of consciousness.

As we have said, you do not have to be concerned about the outer personality, just as you do not need to be concerned about your physical body. The shape of your physical body, the color of your skin, the color of your eyes, the weight of your physical body, has no influence on your ascension, neither does your outer personality. But what you do need to be concerned about is overcoming, first of all, the concepts based on duality, but then even the concepts between the 48th and 144th level of consciousness that make it seem like earth is a real world and that the outer personality, emotional, mental, and identity level is the real you.

And those concepts all have to go. None of them, even though they are created out of the Christ mind, but they are not based on the oneness of the Christ mind, and therefore you cannot ascend with them, they cannot take you into the ascended realm. They all have to go. It is as Jesus said: “Let the dead bury their dead. What is that to thee, follow thou me.” And that is a realization that the vast majority of people, including the vast majority of spiritual people on earth, have not come to. And that keeps them trapped in these blind alleys, following these false gurus, seeking some goal that is defined by the mind of separation and thus will never bring them into oneness.

Growth of the I AM Presence

What is the ascension? Well, we might say that your I AM Presence is created in the spiritual realm. Your I AM Presence wants to become an ascended being. But it decides that in order to raise its consciousness to the level where it can ascend, it is going to send an extension of itself, the Conscious You, into physical embodiment on a natural planet or on a planet like earth. Because it knows that through the experiences that the Conscious You is having, the I AM Presence will grow in awareness. How are you having these experiences? By creating the outer personality and all of these subconscious selves. But your I AM Presence does not experience what you are doing through the outer selves, it experiences it from the level of being outside the outer selves. That is why it grows from any experience you have, no matter how you see it, and how unpleasant it might be.

The Conscious You is the emissary of the I AM Presence. It goes into embodiment on a dense planet, it goes through many experiences, and it creates this outer self to have these experiences. And then after a while, when it has had enough, and the I AM Presence has had enough, it starts the real path to Christhood, where it gradually lets go of this outer self, and comes to a point where it can realize—“I came out of the I AM Presence, but I never became different from or separated from the I AM Presence. And so, I can reunite with it.” And that is the moment when the second phase of the growth of the I AM Presence starts, now as an ascended being who can work its way up through all of these layers of the ascended realm towards the greater consciousness.

But what the I AM Presence has gained from the journey of the Conscious You is this experience, realization, experience with free will, and how far free will can be taken even into duality. And this is an invaluable experience for the I AM Presence, which is what allows it to ascend, where you permanently leave behind the desire to create a separate self and see how far you can take it. Because you have already decided, as the I AM Presence, that that was far enough: “I have seen what it means to be a separate being and I am consciously choosing to let it go forever.” That is what the ascension means.

Who makes the decision? Is it the I AM Presence or the Conscious You? Well, it is a meaningless question that cannot be answered. Because when you are ready to ascend, it means there is no longer a differentiation, a distinction, between the Conscious You and the Presence. You cannot really say who makes the decision – you make the decision.

Again, I have given you more than most of you can handle in one setting, and so, I will step back and seal you in the love that I have for each one of you.

Not all of you who are hearing this were in Maitreya’s Mystery School. Many of you were in other mystery schools even on other planets. But as the representative of the Cosmic Christ, the representative of the Great Initiator for Earth, I love each and every one of you as if you were my original students. In this love, I seal you and I look forward to helping you pass the initiations that bring you closer to the point where you realize that you are not divided, you never were divided, and that any differentiation has become meaningless.

The differentiation of the Conscious You is a concept that we give you because there has to be some way that you can separate yourself from the lower personality. But when that concept has taken you to the point of the experience of the Presence, the experience that you are out of the Presence, the experience that you are the Presence, then you come to see that, well, it was just a concept that helped you reach a certain level, and now you do not need it anymore, and thus, you can let it go as the last illusion at the 144th level.

With this, be sealed in the love of Lord Maitreya, the Ascended Master Maitreya.


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