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Ascended Master Elohim Heros and Amora, January 2, 2009 through Kim Michaels.
We come in Oneness, known as Heros and Amora, Elohim of the Third Ray, to give you some understanding and – if you are willing – some direct experience of how love relates to communication from the heart.
Why did we have you give the Invocation for Overcoming the Past before this dictation on love? Consider how you were asked during this rosary to affirm radical forgiveness, unconditional forgiveness, of everything from the past—from yourself to other people, to God, to the Ma-ter light. When you are anchored in unconditional love, your past does not disappear but it ceases to have power over your present—and thus it also has no power over your future. Why is this, my beloved? Because when you are One with that flame, with that River of Life of unconditional love, you know that you are more, infinitely more than any manifestation from your past in this limited sphere here on earth.
You might have walked outside and seen a sunbeam reflected from a puddle on the road. That sunbeam does not identify itself with the puddle. It knows it is a sunbeam. Even though a sunbeam can be seen through a dirty window and be somewhat colored by that window, it is in your eyes that the sunbeam is colored whereas the sunbeam knows it is an extension of the Sun. You too are, of course, an extension of the Sun of your I AM Presence, even the Sun of your Creator. When you allow yourself to reconnect to that reality, you will feel the unconditional love of your Creator flowing through you. Then how can you identify yourself with any of the situations and conditions and events that have taken place in your past on this earth? You will know you are infinitely more. You will even know that other people are more than the manifestations of the past that you have experienced. You will be able to overcome the most common tendency that causes conflicts on earth, namely the tendency to hold on to a past image of oneself and of others, even a past image of the world and of God.
Your past becomes your database
Building on the discourse about wisdom and about the intellect – and how the intellect is designed to work with the world of form to detect differences, to categorize differences, to analyze causes in the world of form – you see that what happens to many people, in fact what happens to all people, is that they create a database in their subconscious minds. Most people are not even aware of this, but some are beginning to peel back that veil to be aware of how they have created these images in the past.
When that database is created, any new event is then instantly compared to the database. You meet another person, and instantly and subconsciously your mind seeks to label that person in order to know in which category, in which drawer from your past, you can place that person. You will then know how you are supposed to respond to that person based on how you have responded to other people from that category in the past.
In many cases you have people who meet each other for the first time – at least in this lifetime – and one would think that when you meet another person that you have never met before, you would meet that person on a blank slate, you would give that person an opportunity to be himself or herself. But most people cannot do this. They are instantly and subconsciously seeking to put that person in a neat, little category in the subconscious database. As soon as they have enough input from the person that their subconscious minds feel they can now label that person, well then, they are no longer responding to that person as a unique individual. They are responding the way they would have responded – and, indeed, the way they did respond – to similar people in the past.
The basis for conflict
This, of course, is how you see, in its extreme form, the conflict between various groups of people, such as based on skin color, race, or even the conflict between men and women. You meet a person and instantly you evaluate: “Is it a man or a woman?” Well then, I need to behave such and such. “Is that person black or white?” Well, then I need to behave such and such. “Is that person a Jew or any other race that I am familiar with?” Well then, my behavior must be adjusted accordingly.
Surely, if that person belongs to one of the millions of black people or the billions of women on this planet, well then that person must behave the way all the other people in that category do—or so the intellect reasons. It cannot connect, as was said yesterday, to the infinity, to the unconditionality of the River of Life, but can only relate to the limited world of form where everything is categorized by something. What is that something?
NOTE: The rest of this dictation is available in the book How to Communicate from the Heart.
Copyright © 2009 by Kim Michaels