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Ascended Master dictations given during 2014:
Transcending the Daily Grind
Freeing yourself and democratic nations from opposing spirits
Why totalitarian societies eventually fail
M09. The Dilemma Facing Spiritual Movements
M08. Why Did This Happen to Me?
M07. Turning a True Guru into a False Guru
M06. Wanting a Guru to Tell You What to Do
M05. The Imperfect Myth of the Perfect Guru
M04. Knowing What Kind of Planet You Are on
M03. Why You Decided to Hide from the Guru
M02. How to Get Started on the Spiritual Path
M01. Why Would You Want to Ascend?
J09. A Movement Guided by the Spirit
J08. How Grace and Works Work Together
J07. How to Free Christianity from Anti-Christ
J06. Exposing the Consciousness of Anti-christ
J05. Christianity Perverted the Concept of a Savior
J04. The Inner Meaning of the Fall of Man
J03. Peter Represented the Satanic Consciousness
J02. Has Christianity Turned Jesus into Anti-christ?
J01. The Problem with Words
L07. Wisdom and Freedom
L06. Wisdom and Peace
L05. Wisdom and Vision
L04. Wisdom and Purity
L03. Wisdom and Love
L02. Wisdom and Illumination
L01. Wisdom and Power
Fulfill your highest potential by going beyond feel-good spirituality
Is religion a disguised form of satanism?