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Ascended Master dictations given during 2012:
09. Co-creating consciously
08. Ongoing Self-mastery
07. Going beyond aggressive intent
06. Affected by death
05. The death consciousness
04. The spiritual scenario on earth
03. Letting old spirits die
02. The two types of spirits
01. You are more than your mind
Freedom beyond symbols
Becoming peace is the highest level of service
Completing the teachings on the fallen beings
How to overcome doubt
Guidance at the Temple of Truth
The Flame of Acceleration
Expressing the immeasurable
Violet flame diplomacy for higher vision in Europe
Anchoring the flames of Freedom and Liberty in China
Shiva shatters the matrix of anti-individuality
The Ruby Fire consumes the seven dragons of China
Removing the consciousness behind the Great Wall
It is time for the Chinese people to rise out of ignorance
Question your role in the reality simulator
The illusion of a superior race
The outward-inward journey of the lifestream
Oneness with Saint Germain’s heart
Why affluent nations go from crises to crises
Earth is a means to the transcendence of consciousness
Touching the consciousness of an ascended master
Corruption is one of the greatest threats to democracy
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