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Ascended Master dictations given during 2009:
08a. Understanding will and power (2)
Overcoming your dramas by going from reacting to acting
There is no room for judgment in the ascension spiral
Transcending the energies of the accuser of the brethren
Knowing your divine plan through the crystalline structure of divine direction
Alchemy is a creative process
Nature was my church
There is safety only in oneness
The ongoing spirals of ascension towards the White Cube
Women shall no more be blamed for the Fall of Man
Abraham’s God was the Living God—not a dead god
I come to awaken the Christed ones to a new opportunity
SR. The fourteenth ray of sharing your Presence
SR. The thirteenth ray of creative flow
SR. The twelfth ray of rebirth
SR. The eleventh ray of transcendence
SR. The tenth ray of transparency
SR. The ninth ray of equilibrium
SR. The eighth ray of integration
08. Balancing the scales of life
07. The unconditional joy of service
06. Closing the gap on the spiritual path
05. Acceleration is the key to wholeness
04. You are always worthy of love
03. Wisdom is a vital force of healing
02. A non-linear view of karma
01.What you need from outside the separate self
Am I a bad person?
The end of nation states and the beginning of the Golden Age
Let there be joy in your spirituality
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