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Ascended Master dictations given during 2007:
The dark emperor has nothing on
Integrating the teachings on the Eight Ray
Freedom means surrender into oneness
True service means acceleration into unity
Without vision the people perish, but with pure vision they manifest a Golden Age
Poverty is hatred of the Mother
Reconnect to your highest love and fulfill your divine plan
Overcoming poverty through the second ray of God Wisdom
Poverty is NOT the will of God, nor mandated by the laws of nature
Project a new vision of the world upon the Ma-ter light
The Living Christ is the true King of Britain
No nation is an island
Understanding power and love in the roles of men and women
When you understand MORE, things can change quickly
There IS MORE to Life!
Love and Hate Games
Blame Games
Responsibility Games
Validation Games
Competition and Comparison Games
Control Games
Power and Winning Games
Survival Games
Security Games
Defining Ego Games
Understanding the Norm of the Ego
How to Make LIFE Decisions
Making LIFE Decisions or Death Decisions
Saint Germain is the Buddha for the Aquarian age
Is it CONSEQUENTIAL for bringing in the Golden Age?
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