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Ascended Master dictations given during 2004:
The year of willpower
How natural disasters can be mitigated
Are you willing to BE part of the Hierarchy of Light?
I invite you to give spiritual disaster aid
The origin of space and time
Let us bring Light to earth in this dark season!
An acceleration in Christhood
Awaken and BE the light of the world!
The True Community of the Holy Spirit
I Am Come Again—through You!
My rosaries invoke the Omega aspect of the Violet Flame
Dare to BE—as Above so below!
Choose to BE!
All Is One in the One God
Accept the kingdom of God on your planet
Remember your first love!
You cannot stand still!
Total forgiveness leads to total freedom
Gratitude is the key to the abundant life
Turning back the tides of war
Mitigating natural disasters