Becoming Peace Is the Highest Level of Service

Ascended Master Nada through Kim Michaels, January 1, 2018.

Nada, I AM. The Chohan of the Sixth Ray is the office I hold, not out of necessity but out of love. Some of us who are Chohans could long ago have ascended to higher offices in the spiritual realm. We have chosen to remain with earth out of love for the lifestreams on earth, for the planet itself, for Saint Germain and his Golden Age, for Jesus to see the fulfillment of his mission, and for many other reasons. One of these is that earth truly is an experimental planet where (if we are successful in raising the planet and its inhabitants to a higher level), we will create a matrix that can be used to raise other planets that are also lagging behind the acceleration rate of the material realm as a whole.

How many planets are there in the entire material universe, how many planets with life where there are self-aware beings who, although very different in physical appearance, are indeed similar to humans in the sense that they have used their free will to descend below the 48th level of consciousness? Well, my beloved, we are not talking millions of planets, but we are talking multiple tens of thousands of planets. Of course, there are billions of planets where the inhabitants have chosen to raise their consciousness and follow the acceleration rate (in fact, co-create the acceleration rate) of the entire universe.

What is peace?

The Sixth Ray has often been called the ray of peace and the ray of service. What then is peace? It is not the absence of conflict, as many among human beings think. They think that if they can just remove conflict or remove the causes of conflict, or remove the people who are in conflict, then there will be peace. There will not necessarily be peace, although, certainly, it takes human beings and dark forces to embody the consciousness of anti-peace. Nevertheless, the absence of conflict is not peace. What then is peace? It is a vibration, an energy of God, an active ingredient. Peace is not passive, peace is not sitting back, doing nothing.

You may look at the Buddha sitting in meditation. You may look at him as the epitome of peace, but he is not sitting there passively meditating. He is sitting there in oneness with the divine quality of peace or another divine quality. He is radiating that peace as an active vibration to the entire planet, and that is how he is holding the balance for the entire planet. Holding the balance is not a matter of being passive; it is not a matter of being in some equilibrium where you are not radiating conflict but not radiating anything else either. Holding the balance means that you are actively emitting, sending out as a sun, a particular God quality, which then holds the balance for the perversions of that God quality.

When students come to my retreat (the retreat that I share with Jesus and other ascended masters over Saudi Arabia), they will first go through some instructions about what I have told you. We will take them up to a place where they can, so to speak, look down over the earth as a whole. They can see the particular areas of anti-peace. Of course, our retreat is located over Saudi Arabia because the Middle East is one of the most active areas of anti-peace on the planet, as you can truly see, going on right now as I give this dictation. There is fighting in Syria, unrest in other countries, and then, of course, the absolutely meaningless protests and demonstrations against a movie that seemingly insults the Prophet Muhammad. As if an insult to a true prophet of God could ever justify the killing of other human beings.

It is very simple. Either Muhammad was not a true prophet of God or the modern followers who want to kill in the name of Muhammad are not true followers of a true prophet of God. It can be no other way. Killing in the name of a true prophet is impossible—it is simply impossible. There can never be any justification for killing in the name of God, killing in the name of Muhammad, killing in the name of Jesus, killing in the name of the Buddha, killing in the name of Krishna or any other true representative of the light of God.

We show the students not only where there is unrest, but we show them the psychology, the psychological mechanisms, that cause people to be the open doors for the forces of anti-peace that exist beyond the physical. People in physical embodiment are simply like marionettes, like robots. The dark forces in the astral plane are pulling their strings, stirring them into conflict at the least provocation, for they are always stirred. They are never at peace.

My beloved, out of the seven billion people on this planet, over eighty percent of them are constantly in a state of unpeace. Some call it stress, others call it other names. There is a constant agitation in their chakras, and especially in the solar plexus chakra that is meant to be the sun of peace in your auric field. We show the students that anti-peace is a force, is a vibration. We show them also – which they already know from the previous rays they have been on – that the only way to consume such a vibration is with a higher vibration.

Many of the people who come to our retreat for the first time have been given, or have acquired, a misunderstanding of peace; seeing it as something passive. They think the best way to promote peace on this planet is to be a pacifist, like for example exemplified by Gandhi and others. Was Jesus truly a pacifist? If he had been, would he have been arrested and crucified and condemned by the authorities? Nay, for they are not threatened by those who sit in a cave and meditate upon God. They are threatened by those who go out and play an active role in society by challenging the lies that the elite is using to trap the people and to keep them indefinitely trapped in their schemes of anti-peace.

Anti-peace must be stirred up

Jesus was not a pacifist. He was an example of the active force of peace that goes out and challenges, not only by his words and actions but by his mere Presence, his mere vibration. There were people who, by encountering the auric field of Jesus, were instantly stirred into agitation. There were people who would yell profanities at Jesus whenever they met him. Surely, you could say they were possessed by demons. Nevertheless, when they encountered the intense vibration of peace, the unrest and anti-peace in their beings came out.

You cannot simply judge that a person who is truly at peace within himself will always have peace around him and will always encourage peace in people around him. The first thing that must happen before you can attain peace is that the anti-peace in your being must be stirred up so that you can see it, see it for what it is. Then, you can choose to let go of the false beliefs, and then choose to invoke the active Flame of Peace that consumes the vibration, the energy, of anti-peace.

When students come to my retreat, I take them through the process I have described. Then, they are taken into a room – again similar to what other Chohans have described in their retreats – a room where you can sit and there is a screen around you. On that screen we display the images that you yourself find to be the most tranquil and peaceful. Then, you are asked to sit there and look at these images. It may be a forest, green and lush, a mist hanging between the trunks of the trees that stand like pillars in a cathedral. The morning sun is slowly arising, the light is increasing. The entire space is filled with the beautiful, tranquil song of the birds. As you become engrossed in this scene, there is absolutely nothing from outside yourself that stirs up any form of anti-peace. The room that I describe is completely and absolutely sealed from the vibrations on the physical planet, in the astral belt, in the mental and even in the etheric. It is a complete energy vacuum.

What is now displayed is the scene that you find the most peaceful. As you sit there, you become absorbed in the scene. Then, you start noticing that there are certain things, certain impulses from within yourself, that come up and they are not peaceful. As soon as they come up, they are displayed on the screen with the images that are associated with the energies and the beliefs. You can now see how this tranquil, beautiful scene is disturbed in various ways by the images that you hold in your subconscious mind, in the four levels of your being, or at least in one or two or three of those four levels of your being. When you see them, you are, of course, given assistance.

The rest of this dictation, along with an invocation based on the dictation, is found in the book: The Mystical Initiations of Peace

Copyright © 2018 Kim Michaels