Be more by raising the whole! 

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Ascended Master Saint Germain through Kim Michaels, March 31, 2024. This dictation was given during the Easter webinar 2024: Liberating Christ.


I AM the Ascended Master Saint Germain. What will it take to manifest my golden age on earth? It will take that the Christ is liberated in the minds of a critical mass of people so that they can be the recipients of the ideas that will manifest the golden age, but also so that they can be willing to shift their mindset to the mindset that will manifest the golden age.

Raising up the whole of all life

Let me talk about one of the kinds of mindsets that needs to be transcended for the golden age to manifest. Now you may have various visions of what the golden age means in practical terms. What kind of society will there be? What will life be like? But I think that those of you who are open to the idea of a golden age and who have at least contemplated it, will agree with me that in the golden age there cannot be poverty. You cannot have a golden age that is manifest for a few people who live a life of luxury as the power elites have done throughout history, nor can you have a golden age where a few countries live a life of luxury while two-thirds of the world population still live beneath the poverty level.

The entire planet must be raised! The economy must be raised so that the majority, even the vast majority of the people, do not live in poverty. Now am I here only talking about money, poverty of money? Nay, I am talking about poverty as a mindset that denies Christ in your being, in your psychology.

What is the mindset of Christ? Well, what have other masters explained? When you, the Conscious You, experience a glimpse of the Christ mind—whatever you can experience from your present level of consciousness–what do you experience? You experience that the Christ mind is more than your present level of consciousness. What have we explained is the purpose of the entire world of form? You start with a localized sense of self, you raise your sense of self gradually through many, many levels until you attain the Creator consciousness. What is this process? It is the process of becoming more. How do you become more through the Christ mind and therefore also make the Christ mind become more?

Jesus explained it in the parable of the servants that were given different numbers of talents, and their master went away, and two multiplied the talents and one did not. The one that did not was in the poverty consciousness. The two that multiplied it, regardless of the factor with which they multiplied it, were in the Christ mind. And therefore, they were willing to use what they had to become more. And this is the path of Christhood. Whatever level of consciousness you are at, you are willing to become more—more self, more awareness, more consciousness. But you are also willing to multiply the material gifts, the material talents, that you have received and multiply the physical situation in your own life and around you. But you see, the purpose of this multiplication is not to gather to yourselves riches. The purpose of this is to lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven. And how do you do this? By working to raise the whole.

And how do you work to raise the whole? Through the Christ mind because the Christ mind has a personal aspect that helps you raise up your sense of self and it has a universal aspect that raises up the whole of all life. And how do you actually raise up yourself? Ultimately, by raising up the whole through the Christ mind. The Christ mind is the willingness to become more, not just for yourself and your own pleasure or glorification, but for raising the whole. And this, of course, is the only factor that can eradicate poverty on earth.

The beginnings of poverty consciousness on earth

But which came first, the chicken or the egg? Physical poverty or the poverty in consciousness? Well, as we have said many times, consciousness comes before the physical manifestation. There was a time when there was material abundance and it was a greater material abundance than there is today. But people started going into the poverty consciousness by denying Christ in themselves and by denying the possibility to become more.

And how did this happen? It happened before the fallen beings came, when you had this society that was focused on conformity and eradicating differences. This caused many people to go into this state of mind of just wanting to conform to the norms and standards of their society. Now mind you, these norms were not as repressive as you see today in some nations such as Russia or North Korea, or as you saw in the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany. They were not aggressively violently suppressive. It was done through the upbringing where people over lifetimes and generations were brought up to conform to the norms of society. And this caused many people to voluntarily go into this state of mind where they were not willing to become more than their station in society as it was defined by the ruling class. And this ruling class was not made up of fallen beings. The rulers were not in the fallen mindset, but they were in the mindset of separation and duality, and they had defined an epic goal based on the duality consciousness which was to create this homogenous society. As we have explained before, this became a closed system, which became subject to the second law of thermodynamics, and therefore, started the decline of earth.

It was then decided to allow fallen beings to incarnate here so that they could stir up the conformity which we have explained many times before. But the point I want to come to here is that even before the fallen beings came to earth, a critical mass of people on earth had decided to go into this specific denial of the Christ in themselves, where they were not willing to become more and where they were just looking to have a certain station in society, which gave them a relatively affluent, secure and very comfortable life. And they just wanted to live that way for the rest of their lifetime. And when they re-embodied, they just wanted to live that way again. And this went on for a long period of time before the fallen beings were allowed to embody here.

What has happened since then is, of course, that the fallen beings have reinforced this tendency because what is it they want? They want a society where they can set themselves up as having power and privilege, and nobody can question it. They want a passive and docile population that will do the physical work needed to produce the affluence that can then be funneled upwards towards the power elite so that they can reap the fruit of the people’s labor. And all they had to do was to continue that kind of a society. But, of course, the fallen beings could not do this because there were always two that were rivaling to have the ultimate power. And therefore, there was conflict, there was struggle and there was warfare. And this broke up this conformist society.

Denial of the Christ: unwillingness to become more

Yet even to this day, a very large portion of the original inhabitants of the earth are still in this state of consciousness of just wanting to have a secure, comfortable and somewhat affluent daily life, as it is defined by their society. And they want to cling to it for their entire lifetime, in fact, for many lifetimes, for lifetime after lifetime after lifetime after—you get the picture. This is what you still see today in many nations. You see it in many of the European nations where most people who up until just recent decades had a relatively affluent lifestyle could not really even dare to dream of having affluence beyond a certain level.

Now, the European level of material living was considerably higher than what you saw in the Soviet Union at the time. But the people in the Soviet Union still felt: “Well, we know what we have, we never know what we’ll get.” They were satisfied. They were content with having that minimal level of affluence. And, of course, they believed in the propaganda that they were better off than the Western world.

In America, at the time, you saw many more people who wanted a better lifestyle. You had the entire baby-boomer generation which was born with a determination to manifest a higher level of affluence than their parents’ generation. And this is what you saw led to the growth in the economy during the 60s, 70s and beyond. But you also see that this trend has now been slowed down, even stopped, so that there is a new generation of people that are beginning to question whether they can actually have a more affluent life than their parents. And this is because, of course, the fallen beings in America have managed to concentrate wealth in their own hands, and therefore sabotage this development, which was truly the Christ development—that these baby boomers had the willingness to multiply their talents and strive for more.

This was not as prominent in Europe at the time and it was virtually non-existent in the Soviet Union. You still see a large part of the Russian population who want the safety, the security and the comfortable lifestyle, even though it is not affluent. Now as we have said before, Boris Yeltsin, when he traveled to the United States and visited a normal grocery store, realized that the Soviet Union could be upheld only through deception because the people did not know that people in the West had a so much more affluent life. But even today, where there is not quite the same area of information as there was during Soviet times, many Russians do have access to information to see that people in the West have a more affluent lifestyle, but they do not want to make use of it because they still do not want to multiply the talents and strive for more.

And you find, of course, the same mindset in many other parts of the world. In South America, a large part of the population accepts a certain station in life. In Africa, many people are just seeking to get by and eat. In the Middle East, a growing number of young people are doubting whether they will even be able to get a job, let alone buy a house or start a family. Still many people in India and China live at a certain level, a certain station, and dare not dream about more. You see, of course, also that societies like Russia and China and North Korea are seeking to create a modern version of the conformist societies that were there before the fallen beings were allowed to embody on earth.

What you see here is this: The golden age cannot be fully manifest while so many people live in this poverty consciousness and dare not even dream of having more, multiplying the talents and improving whatever situation they have. They have given up. They do not even keep their houses or their environment clean or well maintained. They just live almost in a vegetative state of repeating the same things over and over and over and over. And this cannot bring the golden age into manifestation because it is the denial of the Christ which is in every human being.

Breaking the spiral of poverty

I know it will sound harsh and insensitive to say that every human being has an opportunity to improve its situation somewhat. Every human being has access to the Christ mind and can therefore improve its situation. Now many people will say: “This is insensitive because look at these people who live in these poor countries in Africa or India in these remote villages where there is not even electricity or running water. What opportunity do they have to improve their lives?”

But I am not here talking about some instant improvement where they get an affluent material lifestyle. I am talking about beings, people, breaking this pattern of not striving for more that continued over many, many incarnations and many thousands of years. Why is it that there are people who are so poverty-stricken, who grow up in environments where there is so little opportunity to improve their lives? Because for so many lifetimes they have been in this poverty consciousness and therefore their outer situation is a manifestation of their state of consciousness, of their repeated denial of the Christ within themselves.

Regardless of how low the situation is, they have access to the Christ mind and therefore they can make the decision to do something to become more. And I am not even here concerned about the outer physical results that they get. I am only concerned that each person breaks the spiral of poverty and does something to strive for more that initiates an upward spiral. It may not lead to any visible results in this lifetime, but over the next several lifetimes it will lead that person to manifest itself into a situation, to be born into a situation, where it has greater opportunity.

And that is, of course, what I desire to see for every human being on earth, for what is going to manifest the golden age is that people make use of whatever opportunity they have. The golden age is not going to drop from the sky. I am not going to appear in the sky and manifest the golden age. The golden age must be co-created by human beings in embodiment. And this must happen gradually, step by step by step, so they can keep up with the changes in their minds, so that they feel that this principle of multiplying the talents really does work and that they are part of manifesting the golden age by their efforts. This is my desire.

It is not a concern of mine, as I have said before, to manifest some utopian society with golden buildings and gold in the streets. My concern is the raising of consciousness. And a very important aspect of this is to set people free from this poverty consciousness where they have given up. They have given up even dreaming about improving their station in life. They have either become content with having less, or they have been so beaten into submission that they dare not even dream of having more.

Shattering matrices of the poverty consciousness on earth

Part of my purpose here for this release is to release this powerful impetus into the collective consciousness to SHATTER, SHATTER, SHATTER, SHATTER in the four levels of the collective mind these matrices of the poverty consciousness. The purpose of this is to give people an opportunity to choose more, which many of them have not had for a long time. This does not mean that I am forcing them. They have to choose. But at least they have a better opportunity to do so than they have had for a very, very long time. And I say again: “I, Saint Germain, SHATTER, SHATTER, SHATTER, SHATTER the poverty consciousness in the four levels of matter. I shatter in matter the poverty consciousness.”

This is a turning point for many lifestreams who now have an opportunity to choose that they want more. And you will see how this trend, of course, has already started in many nations, and it is accelerating in some nations where the people are becoming more and are more willing to do whatever they can to improve their lives. And there are, of course, many nations where people have grown up with a certain level of affluence and where some of them have become content with that level of affluence. But that also will not bring the golden age, for there is always more. And when you have reached a level of affluence where you have what you personally need, there is always a possibility of using that to do something for others.

Seeking to raise the whole

And that is another aspect of the Christ consciousness. As I said, the personal aspect is that you raise yourself up, but the universal aspect is that you raise the whole. You have to start by raising yourself, but then when you reach a certain level, you start seeking to raise others as well thereby raising the whole. There are unfortunately many people in the affluent nations of the world who have not made that shift, which is why some of them have started to go down and even the economy has started to go down. And we can say in the United States that, yes, the power elite has concentrated wealth in their own hands, but why have they done it? Because the baby boomers were so focused on raising their own lives that most of them never made the transition to seeking to raise the whole. And therefore, what they have gathered to themselves is now slowly being taken from them by the power elite. This is not by my design. It is simply the law, the law of the multiplication of the talents.

It is perfectly according to the law that you work on improving your own situation for a time. But when you have raised yourself to a certain level, the next logical step is to work for the whole. And if you do not make that switch, then gradually what you have will be taken away. For what does it mean to have? “To him that has, more shall be added.” But what does it mean to be one of those who have? It means that you have enough so that you can share with others. You can help others. And when you decide that you have reached a high enough level for your own comfortability, and you decide now to help others, that is when more will be added to you as you work on raising the whole. This is the Christ consciousness. It is not just about the economy. It is about all aspects of life–doing something to help others, to inspire others, to be an example for others. There are so many things that can be done that do not require money and so many things that can be done for other people.

It even applies to the spiritual path. We have said that there comes a point where you have raised yourself to a sufficient level so that you now have something that you can use to help others. But if you stay focused on yourself and stay in that self-focus without reaching out to others, then your growth will begin to slow down and will eventually decline. We have seen many spiritual people from many different movements and organizations go through this pattern of becoming so focused on themselves, so focused on their own growth, that they are not seeking to raise the whole.

Sharing your progress on the path

Again, as Maitreya and Jesus and Mother Mary have talked about, there are certain enigmas. As we have said, in order to walk the spiritual path, you have to raise yourself above the collective consciousness because the collective consciousness pulls you into conformity. You have to focus on yourself, but when you reach the 96th level, the question is: Will you continue to focus on yourself? Or will you make that shift where you realize: “It is not about me, it is about the whole. It is about serving something beyond myself.” It can be other people, it can be society, it can be ideas, it can be the ascended masters. And those of you who are aware of ascended masters, I suggest that you consider making the switch that this messenger made by saying: “It is not about me, my personal growth or my personal goals. What can I do for the ascended masters, or rather, what can I allow the ascended masters to do through me?” You all have that potential. Again, you do not have to say that you have to do the same as the messenger or as much as the messenger.

The important teaching in the parable about the talents is that even though the two who multiplied the talents had different numbers of talents to start with, it was not the quantity that mattered, it was the willingness to multiply and do something to raise up the whole. That was what released the multiplication. And you all have the potential to do this. As we have said before, the internet gives you vast opportunities for reaching beyond the people you are in physical contact with, and who in many cases are in a lower state of consciousness than you are, and not very open. But you might still be able to help them, not by giving them an ascended-master teaching, but helping them in some way by sharing something from the insights or the awareness that you have attained. You all have something you can share with others. We have talked about this for years.

We are gratified to see that some of you have dared to make these videos of yourselves with these interviews, where you dared to share part of your own path and part of your own experiences.This is a very good start. More could, of course, always be done, and we encourage you to consider how this might apply to you and what you could do and how you could share. Again, we are not putting pressure on you. We are just simply suggesting that there really are ways in this world with such advanced communication—compared to just 30 or 40 years ago—for sharing your Presence, sharing your example, sharing your progress, even your vulnerabilities which can also inspire others. You do not have to set yourself up as a teacher, but consider being an example and being open, straightforward and honest about sharing your progress, your trials and your tribulations, but ultimately the progress you have made. Many more things could, of course, be said about this, but I wish to switch into talking about another aspect. Other masters have talked about it, but I want to give a certain perspective on it from the Seventh Ray.

The outer standards will not take you to heaven

The Seventh Ray is, of course, about freedom, but freedom from what? Well, ultimately freedom from the mindset of antichrist, but also freedom from any limitation, especially the limited sense of self. You may say that there is a freedom from duality, a freedom from separation, a freedom from the fallen mindset, a freedom from the serpentine mind, all of these negatives. This is one level of freedom. But there is also the freedom that you grow in Christ awareness and expand your sense of self. This is not a freedom from something, but it is a freedom towards higher levels of consciousness.

What is it that limits this freedom to grow towards higher levels? Well, on earth right now it is actually primarily religion. And this is because, as other masters have explained, when you start going into separation, you are using the conceptual mind to define concepts based on duality. They have an opposite, you must react, which therefore makes you go further and further down. You are defining the path you are following into suffering, into the Sea of Samsara. Then you have a turning point. And what are you now doing? You are still using the conceptual mind to say there must be a way out of suffering. But because you are not able at that level to step outside of the conceptual mind and see the limitations of the conceptual mind when it uses duality, you are now defining or you are accepting a definition given by the fallen beings of the path that will supposedly take you out of suffering, out of limitations.

And this is what has happened to virtually all religions on earth. Some of them were originally given from the ascended level as valid ideas meant to raise people higher. But those trapped in the conceptual mind have taken these teachings, as they have done with Christianity, and plotted a course based on seeing the teachings through the filter of the conceptual mind, which is what Peter did to Jesus that caused Jesus to rebuke him.

You see how you use the conceptual mind to go into separation and now you still think you can use the conceptual mind to plot a course that will take you out of separation or at least away from suffering. And you even think that this can take you to heaven, that this can take you to salvation, that this can take you to awakening, that this can take you to enlightenment, that this can take you to nirvana or whatever you call it. And this is what you see in most religions and in many spiritual movements and philosophies. People have used the conceptual mind to plot a course out of suffering towards a higher state. But as we have said, you cannot get out of it by using the conceptual mind, only by connecting to the Christ mind and experiencing the Christ mind.

Who are the hardest people to reach for the Christ mind? It is those who think they are good Christians, good Hindus, good Muslims, good Jews, good Buddhists, good Taoists, good spiritual followers of this or that spiritual guru or movement. You see, as Shakespeare said, based on inspiration from me: “There is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so.” The conceptual mind conceptualizes what was bad and led to suffering and what is good and will lead to heaven. Ironically, hardly anyone is more difficult to reach for the Christ mind than those who claim to be good Christians and think they are following Christ’s teachings and are sure to get to heaven because they have created with the conceptual mind an outer standard for what it means to be good. And because they live up to that outer standard, they think God must accept them into heaven. But you see, their standard for what is bad and what is good is defined by the conceptual mind based on separation and duality. What they define as good is not in alignment with the Christ mind. It is still based on separation and therefore it will only keep them in separation.

Now, you may have people who have over a long period of time created these areas in the mental and lower identity realms that seem like heaven, seem like nirvana, seem like this pure undifferentiated awareness, this higher state that they claim to have experienced and been in, but it is still based on the conceptual mind. Why is this allowed? Because free will must be allowed to outplay itself and also because ascended masters cannot reach these people, for they are not open to it. They are so sure that by living up to their standard they are guaranteed to be saved or reach enlightenment that they have no need for us. They have no need for a spiritual teacher. They have no need for the Christ mind. They especially do not need anyone to challenge their certainty that they will end up in the right place. As Jesus said, you can seek your reward on earth or you can seek to lay up treasures in heaven. And those who seek it on earth have their reward in the sense that they are experiencing being in a state of consciousness where they are sure they will be saved.

The path of Christ towards more

But you see, following the path of Christ is not really about attaining some state in the future that you conceptualize. Being on the Christ path is about improving your present experience of life, taking the next step up to a higher sense of self, then using that as a springboard to take the next step, always striving for more. And when you reach a certain level, you are not feeling that you are inadequate, you are not seeking to get away from anything, you are not seeking freedom from limitation or suffering. You are walking towards something that is more free than what you experience now. Not that you feel unfree now, but you still realize you can be more free by expanding your sense of self. This is the Christ path out of poverty, the poverty consciousness and towards more. It is the realization that the conceptual mind can define both hell and heaven, but neither of them is in alignment with the reality of the spiritual realm.

There are even Buddhist teachings that say that samsara and nirvana are the same thing because they are both defined by the mind. The mind first defines limitation and suffering as the Sea of Samsara. Then when the suffering becomes too intense, people say there must be a way out of this, and now the mind defines the way out as this wonderful state of bliss and enlightenment. But the Christ is neither this nor that, neither heaven nor hell. The Christ is, as we have attempted to explain, beyond concepts based on duality, value judgments and the opposites. It is not that there are no concepts in the Christ mind, but they are not based on separation and duality. And therefore, the concepts in the Christ mind are simply your current sense of self. And when you flow with Christ towards more, you are continually expanding that sense of self. That is how you eventually qualify for your ascension. That is how after you ascend you continue to flow with the Christ mind, rise higher and higher in these very, very numerous levels of the spiritual realm until you reach that level of the Creator consciousness, and then you decide what you want to do from there.

This is true freedom. There is freedom only in the Christ mind, whether you call it something else or not. But be careful that you do not call it something that represents a closed concept, a concept that cannot be transcended. Because you may say: “Are we not giving you a word, are we not giving you a concept of what the Christ mind is like?” And certainly, people who are trapped in the conceptual mind, in a level of separation, will see it that way and will, like Peter, turn Christ into a concept that the mind can deal with. But those who are willing to truly lock into what Christ is, to truly hear what we are saying between the lines, will realize and experience that Christ is that out of which all concepts are created, but which in itself cannot become a concept. It is not a concept. It is the ongoing flow towards oneness with the Creator. What the concepts do is that they define the path you take, and a concept based on duality takes you away from oneness with the Creator, and a concept based on the Christ mind takes you closer.

The Christ is beyond any concepts

But the Christ mind itself is not a concept. And if you try to reduce it to a concept that the mind can deal with, then “Get thee behind me Satan, for thou art an offense to me.” You cannot define the Christ mind. You could put a modern twist on this by looking at these scientists who have been studying the brain for a long time and the philosophers who have been debating what is consciousness. Well, consciousness is that which allows you to study any object, but which cannot itself be studied as an object. Why is this? Because consciousness is what makes you conscious and therefore observe and co-create. But you cannot turn your consciousness into an object that you can see from the outside. You can only experience yourself from the inside.

We have said that the Conscious You can experience itself as pure awareness which is a neutral awareness that is free from concepts. Yes, but it is still the Conscious You experiencing itself from the inside. You are not inside a separate self, but you are still experiencing yourself, and that is the way it will be all the way up to the Creator consciousness. And what the conceptual mind will do when it is in separation is, as I have said, try to reduce everything to a concept that the mind can deal with. And that is why scientists have come up with this idea that consciousness is something that can be studied like you study the backside of the moon or subatomic particles. You can study it from a distance. You can become the remote neutral observer. But you see, you cannot become a remote neutral observer of consciousness, for as you cannot use a camera to take a picture of the camera, you cannot use consciousness to study consciousness. You can study aspects of consciousness, like the brain function or the function of the brain and how it influences consciousness. You can study the separate selves and their psychology, and you can set up all kinds of psychological measures, but you cannot step outside of consciousness itself to look at consciousness from the outside. Neither can you step out of Christ and look at Christ from the outside and conceptualize Christ.

You can, of course, create a concept of Christ with the conceptual mind. But this is not Christ, is what we are trying to convey to you who are ready to make that shift. And that is why in the beginning of the path, you need to have this image that you are here in a lower state, and you are walking a step-by-step path that leads you up to where you become the Christ. It is not wrong at a certain level of the spiritual path to see yourself as walking towards Christhood, becoming the Christ. But ultimately, as we have also attempted to explain, you come to a point where you realize that it is not a matter of becoming something you are not, but of accepting and experiencing what you are, because the Conscious You is out of the Christ consciousness, the One Mind. So is your I AM Presence.

With this, I have given you enough philosophical discourse for one installment. But what I want you to consider as the direct students of the ascended masters is: When have you reached that point where you have fulfilled the personal aspect of your Divine plan of resolving psychology, and you can switch from the focus on self to the focus on the whole, and start giving a service? And I suggest you consider what you put in your Divine plan, or what kind of service you want to give to the ascended masters, especially what kind of service you want to give to Saint Germain that is your personal contribution towards manifesting the golden age. Because when you are willing to make that shift, then I am indeed willing to work with you personally. In the beginning you may not realize this, you may not feel it, you may not experience it. I am not going to appear to you as some undeniable manifestation of heaven. But I am going to appear to you as the still small voice within that gives you ideas, so that you can be the open door for helping the world become more.

And with this, I seal you in this joyful Freedom Flame that I AM and that I hold for earth. Be not swayed by all of the doom and gloom that is currently enveloping the world and running rampant in the collective consciousness. Keep your eyes focused upwards towards the Christ mind, towards Saint Germain and the golden age. Someone must hold the vision that the world is simply working through a temporary turmoil that will open up for a higher manifestation of the golden age. And if you who are ascended- master students are not holding that vision, who will? I hope that you will make that switch and say: “Enough with the doom and gloom, I am ready to experience a new day with Saint Germain.”

And with this, I seal you in the accelerating Flame of Freedom that I AM. Can you feel the acceleration? Are you willing to allow that acceleration into your forcefield and accelerate your mind to a higher level? Then I shall indeed multiply your willingness to become more.


Copyright © 2024 Kim Michaels