A Buddhic perspective on the military

TOPICS: The demons behind the military-industrial complex – Why war is never justified – War seeks to destroy people’s spiritual potential – War never has a benign purpose – Dark forces behind the military – Forces against reunification – The potential for dramatic changes – The agenda of destroying human beings – The military is based on hatred of the Mother – A balanced way to look at the military – 

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Ascended Master Maraytaii, May 6th, 2017, through Kim Michaels. This dictation was given at a conference in Seoul, Korea.

The Buddha I AM, Maraytaii is my name. As the path of the Buddha is open to both men and women in embodiment, naturally once you become an ascended master, you can continue to raise your consciousness until you reach the level of Buddhahood. I would, however, caution you that even though we present ourselves as male and female masters, what you transcend when you ascend is the concept of men and women that you have on earth.

Thus, you should not think that you can project those earthly concepts upon us, for we are not nearly as tied into the roles that are defined on earth for men and women. We have a much greater flexibility and can take on an appearance that is suited for a particular purpose.

We generally do not switch between male and female roles in order to avoid confusing you, but in the many tasks we perform in the ascended realm, we naturally do take on the appearance or the concentration of our Beings that is required for the task.

The demons behind the military-industrial complex

What I wish to discourse with you on today is an aspect of society in virtually every nation on earth that is very much a hindrance to the progress and transcendence of that society. My discourse is, naturally, very relevant to the situation between North and South Korea but it is truly applicable to any nation on earth.

What I wish to make you aware of is the role of the military and the businesses that are making a profit off of supplying what the military needs. This is what has sometimes been called, the military-industrial complex.

If you take a look at world history, you will see that in many cases the military has decided to stage a coup where they have taken over the government. This has even happened in a number of democratic nations, such as you have seen here in South Korea as well. In most cases where this has been done, the military has played a very conservative role, in other words being against major changes to society that would spread the power. Thus, what has in most cases happened is that the military instead of defending the people has defended the power elite. This, of course, you can make calls on so that this will not happen in your nation. There is especially a need to make calls for this here in Korea.

Envision, my beloved, that you have a situation where the regime in North Korea has collapsed. You now face the question of how to deal with the re-unification of the two Koreas. Do you realize, my beloved, that one of the biggest difficulties in such a scenario would be that both the North and the South has a very large military?  They also both have businesses or at least institutions that are producing and supplying what the military needs, such as weapons, uniforms, food, shelter and housing and any other things. What you will see is that if there was a re-unification of Korea, suddenly the North Korean military and military-industrial complex could easily be seen as obsolete. Also, in South Korea, is there really a need to have as large of a military if you do not have to deal with the threat north of the border?

As Mother Mary explained so eloquently in her book on stopping war, anything human beings do, any endeavour where they focus the attention of many people, will create a collective entity. As more and more energy is fed into it, it eventually can reach the stage that we call a demon, which is a being that very aggressively seeks to perpetuate its own existence.

How was the demon created? By people pouring their energy into a particular fear-based matrix. How will the demon sustain its existence? Only by getting people to continue to pour their energies into this fear-based matrix that created the demon in the first place. The military as an institution goes very far back into history, but I wish especially to focus on the fact that ever since you have had nation states (nations with a clear sense of identity), those nations have in most cases had a military.

There are nations where the existence of a military force goes back many centuries and therefore you can see how much energy has been poured into this by the people over this long time span. Therefore, you need to recognize that any country that has had a military for a long time has created some very powerful demons that are owing their existence to the military and to the energies that have been fed into it by the people. Now, my beloved, there are many, many people on earth who have grown up to take it for granted that you need a military, you need an army; you need to be able to defend yourself against attack.

Why war is never justified

Well, my beloved, there has, of course, been certain time periods in the history of the earth where there have been certain peoples or certain nations that have been very aggressive in expanding their power over other nations by conquering them with a military. Therefore, one can say that for a nation to survive, it has had to have a military that could deter such an attack or even turn it back if it occurred. I am not trying to say that we can take a completely idealistic view of the military and say that it has never been necessary at the practical level. However, I wish to go to a higher level and consider whether a military truly is necessary and this is where you simply cannot understand the dynamic around the military unless you understand the teachings we have been giving about fallen beings.

My beloved, as Mother Mary explains in her book and as we have explained before, war is not a naturally occurring phenomenon on any planet. War is an invention of the fallen beings and the real purpose of war is not actually to conquer other people, to extend ones territory or extend ones system. You may think that it was the purpose of communism to conquer the entire world and turn it into a communist world, but this was not the real cause behind the communist aggression. The real cause of war as designed by the fallen beings is one thing and one thing only: destruction. There is no positive, constructive purpose for war whatsoever, there never has been, there never will be.

This means that when you look at the situation from a spiritual perspective, you see that war is never justified—never justified. You may go into the human perspective the more immediate, practical perspective and you may say that from such a perspective war is justified. I would like to make a distinction, a very clear distinction, between these temporary, situation-based justifications that human beings define based on the circumstances in this world. What I wish you who are spiritual students to be aware of, is that there is a higher perspective, the ascended-master perspective and according to this war is never justified.

You may look at a human situation, a historical situation on earth, and you may ask: “Well, was it not justified that the so-called free world defeated Nazism in the Second World War? Was it not justified that the so-called free world resisted the spread of communism so that the entire world was not conquered by the Soviet Union or other communist states?” My beloved, the shocking truth from the Buddhic level is that it was not justified from the ascended perspective.

You might say that given the state of the collective consciousness, it was unavoidable. It was perhaps even necessary for the outplaying of the dualistic state of consciousness so that people might come to see the futility of it. Nevertheless, it cannot be construed, my beloved, (and you need to listen very carefully here) it cannot be construed that the ascended masters did in any way feel that these wars were justified from our perspective. The reason for this is that we are not dualistic beings.

I realize full well that many of our students, especially in previous decades have projected upon us that we share the same dualistic reasoning that they have allowed to enter their minds but we have never shared it, my beloved. Regardless of what you may feel and project upon us, we know very well the dualistic dynamic created by the fallen beings.

War seeks to destroy people’s spiritual potential

We know very well that the real purpose of war is destruction. Not just the destruction of the physical environment or a nation or a planet but the destruction of human beings; the destruction of their potential to raise their consciousness towards the level of Christhood and Buddhahood. My beloved, has anything had a more destructive influence on people’s ability to follow the spiritual path than these huge wars you have seen over the past century?

Look at how many people were killed prematurely. Look at how many people were displaced. Look at how many people had their entire energy and attention consumed by these wars. You recognize, my beloved, that the purpose of a war is never just what it is claimed to be at the surface level. The Second World War was not a fight between good on one side and evil on the other. It was the result of a manipulation by the fallen beings that have caused human beings to polarise towards two dualistic extremes whereby the fallen beings manipulated them into seeking to destroy each other. The fallen beings have done this over and over and over again on this planet.

War never has a benign purpose

What I am telling you here is that there is never a benign or constructive purpose for war. This means that there is never a higher necessity to have an army. It is not a natural condition that a nation should have to have an army in order to survive, it is an artificial condition created by the fallen beings.

What does this mean my beloved? It means that the entire consciousness behind armed forces is based on fear. If you did not have fear, you would not have a military. There is no way to create a military that is not based on fear. You may say: “But what about those empires that have created an army not to defend themselves but to attack others?” Even there, there is fear. You cannot engage in aggression against other human beings, you cannot engage in killing other human beings, unless you are driven by fear.

You may have some excuse of extending civilisation or spreading communism or spreading freedom and democracy by engaging in war, but behind that motivation is some fear-based motive. Your minds are taken over by fear—that is why you arm yourself. Whether you arm yourself for the purpose of conquest or for the purpose of defence, it is always based on fear.

My beloved, again anything human beings do from a fear-based state of consciousness will create these entities and demons and they will then eventually become so powerful that they can overpower individuals very easily, they can overpower groups of people and they can even overpower entire nations. What was it that caused the Soviet aggression against non-communist states? It was fear. When you recognize, at least sub-consciously, that your entire ideology is based on fear (as communism is indeed a fear-based ideology), then you naturally, unavoidably feel a need to extend your ideology to all nations because you are threatened by the existence of nations that do not recognize your ideology. You feel fear that maybe your ideology could be wrong and that is why these other people are resisting it. In order to overcome your fear, you want to force all others to accept your ideology.

Why did the communist forces in the North absolutely have to conquer all of Korea?  Because they could not live with the fact that some people in Korea did not embrace their ideology.  So you see there is always a fear-based dynamic. Whenever you have an armed force, my beloved, you must have an enemy to fight. Otherwise, what is the justification, and why would people then pay their taxes to support the armed forces?

The rest of this dictation, along with an invocation based on the dictation, is found in the book: Accepting Saint Germain’s Golden Age.

Copyright © 2017 Kim Michaels