Winning the political game in the Golden Age 

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Ascended Master Saint Germain through Kim Michaels, September 29, 2018. This dictation was given at a conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

I AM the Ascended Master Saint Germain. I desire you to understand that when we talk about aligning America with the mind of Saint Germain, and when we point out certain conditions that have to change, it does not mean that I am imposing conditions upon whether or not I will share my ideas for manifesting a Golden Age in America. I have no conditions. I am perfectly willing to release these ideas to anyone who is able to receive them. In other words, I am not saying that before I will release my ideas to America, America has to live up to certain conditions. I am radiating those ideas constantly, so the real question is not whether the ideas are released but whether people can receive them.

What we are talking about is: What will it take for at least some Americans to be able to receive these ideas? What will it take for a critical mass of Americans to be able to accept these ideas so that they can actually be manifest in the nation instead of remaining ideas only? We are not in any way criticizing or condemning America or the American people. We are simply making clear to you what it will take for you to receive the ideas that will set you free from the limitations and suffering you see in this nation right now.

Winning over the obsession with winning

The next thing I want to bring up here is that if America is to become aligned with the mind of Saint Germain, America needs to, and Americans need to, overcome the obsession with winning. America as a nation, in the national psyche, has an obsession with winning. How many nations on earth have in their collective consciousness the concept that they are the greatest nation on earth? But America has it. Look at American sports, look at how competitive Americans are, look at how they always want to win. For example, not so long ago when there was a world soccer championship and a very small nation called Croatia beat some of the biggest soccer nations in the world, they made it to the finals. They did not win the final game but they did not think they had lost the world championship. They thought they had won second place in the entire world, but if Americans had been in that position: “Oh, that team, they were so bad, they lost, they didn’t become world champions.”

This is the essence of that obsession with winning: It is win or lose, winners take all. You see it even in the political process, you see it in people’s mindset. You see that America is obsessed with being the best, always being ahead, and this creates a strange dichotomy in the American psyche. On one hand, Americans are always comparing themselves to other nations but they are only doing this to show how America is better than other nations. They are not comparing themselves to other nations and saying: “Do these nations have something we could learn from?” Again, I am talking in general terms, not about everyone, but there is that tendency to look at how Americans can exceed and get ahead of other nations, not being so willing to look at whether there are other nations that are ahead in certain areas.

The obsession with not losing

You see this, for example, in the history of America. There is the concept that America won the Second World War, America won the Cold War, the Gulf war, the war in Iraq. “Yeah, there was that hiccup with the Vietnam War. We didn’t quite win that war but you know, we won so many other wars, it doesn’t really matter.”

If you go back and look at this honestly, you will see what a trauma it was for America after the Vietnam War. America could not deal with this, and why was it? Because America is so obsessed with winning that it cannot face not winning. It cannot deal with not winning in a neutral, objective way. America does not have the ability to say: “We made a mistake. Let’s learn from it and move on.” If you made a mistake, not only did you not win, but you actually lost. It is either you win and you are the good guy and you are right, or you lose and you are absolutely wrong. It is the all-or-nothing, the black-and-white thinking.

This, my beloved, is something that you who are ascended master students have already moved beyond, or at least you can very quickly move beyond it. You can make the calls because I assure you that there are many Americans who are very, very close to also breaking through and realizing this entire game of always wanting to be the winner and always wanting to interpret any event as if America came out on top. “We didn’t really make a mistake because, after all, we are the greatest nation on earth and we are the good guys. Even if we did go out to some other country and we did sort of create some situation that wasn’t really good, after all, we are Americans. We have to spread freedom and democracy around the world, that’s what we are here for.”

What this obsession with winning creates is an opposite polarity, the obsession with not losing. When you have an obsession with not losing, what you cannot do is say: “We made a mistake, let’s learn from it and then we move on.” You cannot acknowledge that you made a mistake.

The game of pretending in American politics

We have, of course, given many teachings on overcoming the sense that you made a mistake. There is no need to think in terms of right and wrong, mistakes or not mistakes. It is simply a matter of going into a neutral state of mind, looking at a situation and saying: “Was the outcome really what we wanted?” If it was not what you wanted, then you ask: “How can we then improve so we get what we want?” You see how this dynamic – the obsession with winning, the obsession with not losing – prevents people from going into that neutral state of mind.

Instead of thinking: “How could we improve things?” they go into this very contrived, artificial state of mind of pretending they did not actually lose: “Ah, maybe we didn’t win but we certainly didn’t lose because it wasn’t so bad after all.” Instead of just looking at a situation and saying: “We don’t want to repeat that. How do we avoid repeating it so we can do better the next time?” This state of consciousness permeates the collective psyche of America. It has many ramifications. You can see the ridiculousness of it in sports but now look at the political arena.

There may be some people in America who have not read the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen where an emperor has invited a team of very, supposedly, advanced tailors to make a new dress for him for a major event. These tailors come in and pretend to be sewing this dress but they are not making a real dress. They are so good at pretending that everybody, from the emperor to all of the people in his court, actually see this dress. The emperor appears before the people in his new dress and nobody will come out and say that they do not see it until a little boy cries out: “But the emperor has nothing on!”

This is what needs to happen in the political arena of America. What you have right now is a political situation where the senators, the representatives in the House and all other levels of American politics have used this obsession with winning, the obsession with not losing, to create a situation where the politicians are not doing the job that they were charged to do by the U.S. Constitution. They are not doing the job that the American people elected them to do. But everybody is pretending that they are doing their jobs. They are trying to pretend that they are doing the right thing, that they could not be doing anything else or that there are certain problems that just cannot be solved but it is not their fault. Nobody wants to come out and say: “The emperor has nothing on!”

Washington, D.C., is just one big game of pretending to look out for the interests of the American people. In reality, as a whole (again, individual differences but as a whole) Congress, the President, the Supreme Court, are not looking out for the interests of the American people. They are looking out for the interests of a small power elite. That is the naked reality of politics in America.

Very few people dare to come out and say it because in order to say it, you have to free yourself from the mentality of wanting to win, not wanting to lose, therefore not wanting to be neutral and simply say: “Are the politicians doing their job? Are they taking care of what is in the best interests of the people of America?” If they are not, it is not a matter of saying: “Oh, they’re wrong, they’re so bad, they’re this, they’re that.” The question is: “How can we move forward? How can we do better? How can we avoid repeating a situation that we realize isn’t what we really want?”

The rest of this dictation, along with an invocation based on the dictation, is found in the book: Spiritual Solutions to America’s Problems.

Copyright © 2018 Kim Michaels