TOPICS: The sleeping beast under central Australia – Attune to your personal angel – I am Christerior – Why people cannot be at peace with themselves – The corporate race for superiority – Most people are paranoid schizophrenics – How to attain inner peace – The reality simulator of earth – Awakening from simulated experiences – Become aware of reactionary patterns – Dare to leave the box – Overcoming the fear of being nobody – A no-man’s land – Why the masters are grateful –
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Ascended Master Jesus, June 17, 2012 through Kim Michaels.
I come with the fullness of the light of Christ that I AM, the light that I have embodied and held for earth now for these 2,000 years since I attained my ascension. Thus, I ask you to center in your hearts and to follow me as I take you on a visualization.
The sleeping beast under central Australia
We will travel from this place into the central region of this continent of Australia. There we will see the arid desert and we will see a mountain range, low almost like hills but very jagged. Then, as we approach, we are conscious that we are accompanied by millions of angels who form a triangular formation behind us. I going first, you following behind and the angels behind you.
Now, we know of course that we are sealed in a shield of the angels and thus we are not fearful at all when we realize that we are not alone in this desert. There is a giant beast sleeping under the earth, the beast that was created in that past age on this continent through the warring of civilizations. This is a beast that is holding back the Australian nation at a very deep level, unrecognized by the vast majority of the people but nevertheless felt through all levels of their beings.
Thus, it is almost as if the creativity and the potential for this nation cannot break through the hard surface of this beast that forms like a hardened crust, hiding the soft fertile earth underneath and the bubbling water that wants to come to the surface and nourish plant life. As we approach, this beast senses our coming and it is awakened for the first time for eons. As we approach then, it is as if the ground begins to shake and suddenly the ground begins to raise up and crack in certain places. Out of the earth rises up this giant beast, like a fairly ugly lizard. It rises out of the earth and then it raises up on its hind legs, much as you have seen the dinosaurs, the Tyrannosaurus Rex. It rises up and it opens its mouth and it roars at us in order to scare us to turn back.
We are, of course, fearless in the light of Christ and in the light of the angels. Thus, we only accelerate our movement forward and we take aim directly at the heart of this beast. Our entire formation, me in the front, you behind and the angels behind you, plunges right into the heart of the beast, shatters the entire form of the beast into millions of pieces that are hurled up into the air, almost like a giant cloud of small particles and small flakes.
Now, before it has time to settle, before it even rises to its highest point, we quickly circle around several times, as the people circled the walls of Jericho. Therefore, we form an upward spiral of light so that when these particles and flakes of the beast start falling back to earth, they descend into this intense white light and they are instantly consumed, completely consumed.
As the dust settles and is consumed, we see that where the beast was before there is now a large valley in the centre of this continent. Not a physical valley but nevertheless a valley, an empty space where there is now room – space – for the desert to become more fertilized and for people to enter so that this continent can hold a greater number of people, who can live here in abundance and are not held back by the dryness and the harshness of the climate.
I am not trying to tell you that this change will happen overnight in the physical level, for what we have achieved is at the etheric level. It will take time to cycle through to the physical, depending on the people’s willingness to shake off this consciousness, to truly accept that they are free from this consciousness that has held them back, and therefore they can begin to embrace their creative potential. Nevertheless, it is a vision to hold and in the not to distant future, Australia will become less of a desert and more fertile ground. Indeed, there will be the physical foundation for increasing the population of this nation way beyond what it is today.
Having accomplished this work, we take a little time to acknowledge the presence of the angels that have come to assist us in this thrust. We recognize that you are not enough people at this conference to accomplish it alone, and therefore we are grateful for the assistance of the angels. Perhaps some of you have never really encountered an angel before, so I now ask you to visualize that you are facing one of these angels, tall, bright light of the color of your choosing, for you will magnetize to yourself an angel of the color of the ray that you are working on right now.
Attune to your personal angel
Take some time, not with the linear mind but with the heart, to tune into the presence of an angel and sense that these angels are not in duality, these are angels from the ascended realm. The presence of these angels can give you a unique frame of reference for what is real and what is unreal.
The angels want you to know that you who are here and anyone who will hear or read this dictation, there will be one angel that will offer to stay with you for a certain time, until you are ready to move on to the assistance of other angelic beings. This is your reward for the service you have provided, and it is the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the presence of an angel, an angel that is beyond duality.
Truly, I can tell you that with this visualization and the immense assistance of the angels, we have accomplished the main work that we desire to see accomplished at this conference. We have indeed rendered a service to this nation and even to the earth as a whole. When one continent is cleared from these old records, it has an effect on the planetary consciousness. Having gotten the work out of the way, so to speak, I will move on to make some remarks about the topic of superiority and inferiority.
I am Christerior
Many times we give you teachings that are meant to increase your understanding, and we fully understand that when you come to a conference like this and receive a number of powerful and complex dictations, there is no way your outer minds can retain it all. This, of course, is the advantage of having this wonderful technology where you can later replay the dictations or read them and therefore study them in more depth with the linear mind.
Certainly, I will also give you some teachings, but I desire to first give you a very simple concept that you can indeed remember and bring with you as you go from this retreat: “I am not superior, I am not inferior, I am Christerior!”
The Christ is indeed beyond superior and inferior. There is no inferiority or superiority in Christ, for I do not judge after appearances and superiority and inferiority can only be appearances. They have no reality in Christ. In the clarity of the Christ light they cannot stand.
Why people cannot be at peace with themselves
Moving on to the topic of how you can come to see through the inferiority-superiority, or the superiority-inferiority, dynamic, what I desire to bring you is the perspective from the sixth ray of peace. Indeed, when you are in the consciousness of duality, you cannot be at peace. It is simply impossible, and why is it impossible? It is impossible because one dualistic polarity cannot exist without the other.
You cannot take one dualistic quality or polarity and have it exist alone, independently, separated. It can only exist in a relationship, in a bond, with the opposite polarity. This means that when you go into the consciousness of duality, you will have both polarities in your mind. They will pull your being in opposite directions, and that is why you can never be at peace, truly at peace within yourself.
If you are a person who is trapped in feeling superior most of the time, you cannot escape the fact that you are superior only compared to some who are inferior. Thus, you need to defend your superiority, or even expand it indefinitely in a race that never ends. It cannot be any other way.
If you are the kind of person who is primarily dominated by inferiority, you still cannot escape superiority. You know that there are some that are superior to you and they might be suppressing you and you might find the need to fight against them. Or perhaps you are not fighting, but you are dreaming about one day rising to the status of superiority.
Do you not see, my beloved, if you look at many of the old folk tales and fairy tales found on this earth, many of the modern books, many of the modern movies, do you not see that they are geared to the dynamic that has dominated this earth for a long time? Namely that we have a small elite who is superior and a larger population that is inferior.
You see many of these stories that portray a person that is first unworthy, unknown, of a low estate or treated unjustly and then something miraculous happens and the person is suddenly elevated to a superior status. This is the dream of those in inferiority, but it is also the dream of those in superiority: to keep the people believing that one day some miracle could happen and they might be raised to a status of superiority.
Instead, the reality is that if you are willing to start taking responsibility for yourself, you can follow a systematic path that will not raise you to a status of superiority, but that will take you out of inferiority and out of superiority. You will raise yourself into the abundant life that comes directly from within and is not dependent upon the appearances of this world.
The corporate race for superiority
Look how the corporate world has deceived people into thinking that the only way to make money in this world is to get an education, get a job, find your little box in the corporate hierarchy and then stay there without rocking the boat. But there are always alternatives. Do you not see that the corporate world has one primary objective? When a corporation reaches a certain size, a shift often occurs. It now feels it has attained a position in the market and now it becomes more concerned with defending that position.
When you look at corporations worldwide, you see that the majority of them are more concerned with either attaining a monopoly or defending what they see as either a monopoly or a secure position. Thus, there comes a point where a corporation actually wants to shut down innovation. Therefore, the purpose of the corporation is to suck in the potentially creative people and squash their creativity so the people feel that they have to suppress it in order to fit into the corporate box.
The alternative is to be an innovator, to be attuned to Saint Germain’s Golden Age matrices. You can be a recipient for one of the new inventions, one of the new ideas, that is needed to advance the golden age. Thus, you surely will receive a monetary compensation, for you are multiplying the talents, and life will not leave you without the means to continue your service to life.
Indeed, there is always an alternative to status quo. When you fit yourself into one of these boxes created by the duality consciousness, as Maitreya described, then you cannot be at peace. There will always be something that pulls you towards the opposite extreme.
If you go into the corporate world and you think you are just a menial low-level employee, then you will be pulled to rise higher and higher in the hierarchy. Then, there comes a point where you have risen higher in the corporate hierarchy and now a shift begins to occur and now people feel that they have to defend their position. They feel threatened by those below them, who they know are as anxious to get up as they themselves were before they attained that position.
Most people are paranoid schizophrenics
Do you not see that as long as you are trapped in the dualistic consciousness, you are paranoid, you are schizophrenic. There is no way around it. The fact of the matter is that what the psychological establishment labels as paranoid schizophrenics are only people who have taken to the extreme a malady that affects 99.9% of the people on this planet. Most people are paranoid schizophrenics, it is just that some forms of paranoid schizophrenia are so common that they are considered normal.
There comes a point where someone has to stand up and say: “The Emperor has nothing on.” It has to be acknowledged that if you truly want peace, you must step out, step beyond, the dualistic polarities, for you cannot find peace there. This is what the Buddha attempted to explain in the Four Noble Truths. The first Noble Truth is commonly seen as saying that life is suffering, but the deeper reality is that as long as you are in duality, life is suffering.
It is the dualistic polarities that pull between them that turns you into a house divided against itself and that causes you to not be at peace. There are, of course, many different definitions of suffering but if you go below the surface appearances, is it not so that suffering is caused by non-peace. If you are not at peace, you are suffering.
The moment you attain inner peace, your suffering is transcended even if the outer conditions are still not ideal. If you have peace of mind, you are not suffering and this is why you see some people at old age, when their bodies begin to show wear, can still find inner peace.
How to attain inner peace
Indeed, it is very rare when you look at the earth to see those who are at peace with themselves. We of the ascended masters would, of course, love to see all who are familiar with our teachings attain this inner peace.
But you will not attain it until you come to the point of being willing to look at yourself and say: “I am not at peace, am I? No I am not at peace, but then why am I not at peace? What is the feeling I have, what is the reactionary patterns that pull me out of peace? Why do I react this way, what is the deeper belief behind my reactionary patterns, the deeper belief about myself, about life?”
If you look closely, you will gradually – as you use the tools we have given, and other tools available in the world – you will gradually come to greater clarity where you see these very subtle beliefs that you have. An expectation of what life should be, and life is not that way so you suffer because you strive towards that opposite polarity where life is the way you think it should be.
There comes a point where you have to ask yourself: “Will I forever be chasing my expectations, will I forever be seeking to make the universe conform to my expectations?” Or will I stand back, look at my expectation and say: “Is it the expectation that is keeping me trapped in suffering and not the outer conditions?” When you come to that realization, that is when you truly start the spiritual path to Christhood and even Buddhahood and beyond.
The reality simulator of earth
What is planet earth, my beloved? Well, some of you are familiar with an old television show called “Star Trek.” Some of you will know that in the spaceship “Enterprise” they had something called a “holodeck,” and when you went into the holodeck, a computer would simulate a completely artificial environment. While you were inside the holodeck, the environment seemed completely real to you. So planet earth is simply a reality simulator.
We have talked about the cosmic mirror. We have said the Ma-ter light will take on any form projected upon it and this true. But the purpose is to give you the experience that you have said you wanted based on the mental images you have formed in your mind and have projected into the cosmic mirror.
One side of the purpose is to give you that experience, give you the return of what you are sending out. The other aspect is to make what comes back seem completely real. The effect of this is that if you are not taking responsibility for having sent out the impulse – as you cannot do when you go into duality, when you go below the 48th level of consciousness – then you will believe that what you are experiencing on earth is a completely real world created by some external source, be it an almighty God in heaven or natural processes.
Do you see the point? You believe this a real world and therefore you can believe that this is not the result of your state of consciousness and that your state of consciousness cannot do anything about this. You think you cannot transcend these outer conditions but that you must submit your Spirit to them and that you must adapt to conditions, rather than taking dominion over the earth and exercising your potential to be a co-creator.
Awakening from simulated experiences
You see, there is nothing wrong with this. This is the outplaying of free will. Free will gives you the right to go below the 48th level. When you go below the 48th level of consciousness, you begin to believe in the illusion that the world in which you live is a real world that cannot be changed by people’s state of consciousness. This is one of the two types of experiences that a reality simulator is designed to give you.
The first experience is an immersion experience. You are immersed in the world created by the simulator and you believe it is completely real. You believe it has power over you, not only physically but even power over your Spirit so that you must adapt to it.
Go back 2,000 years when I walked the earth. The vast majority of the people on this planet, as the vast majority of the people today, were completely absorbed in the immersion experience. What did I come to show, what did the Buddha come to show, what did PadmaSambhava come to show, what did all the spiritual people come to show?
We came to show that the immersion experience is not the only experience you can have inside the reality simulator called earth. The other type of experience you can have is an awakening experience where you begin to awaken from the sense that the world in which you live is real, is unchangeable. This is when you start the upwards path of going through the seven rays, gradually attaining mastery over the seven spiritual energies that make up the entire material universe. At the 96th level you do have some mastery of mind over matter so that you do no longer believe that matter is real or that matter has power over your Spirit.
Become aware of reactionary patterns
All of you who are here, all of those who will read or listen to this dictation, you have all shifted. You are no longer completely absorbed in the immersion experience, you have shifted into the awakening experience. It is only a matter of how you have progressed in the process that leads you from total immersion to total awakeness.
By becoming consciously aware that this is the process in which you are engaged, you can make it much easier for yourself. You can begin to look not only at your reactions, not only at the beliefs behind the reactions but you can begin to ask yourself: “Why does this seem real to me? Why does it seem real that this or that condition has power over me? Why does it seem real that I have to become upset when other people do certain things, is it really necessary? Do I really have to always react this way?”
My beloved, you can try with the outer mind and the outer will to force yourself to change that reactionary pattern, and you may have some limited success with this. But the far more mature approach is to keep questioning until you come to the point where suddenly there is this subtle shift, and now the very condition to which you used to react, simply no longer seems real to you.
When it no longer seems real to you, it will no longer have power over you. Do you not see that only when something has an appearance of reality, will it have power over you. Only that which you think is real will be able to convince you that you have to adapt or limit your Spirit according to this outer appearance. Indeed, it is an important step to take, to take some time to look at your life and see what is real.
What seems real, what seems like it has power over me and then begin to question those beliefs behind it. Why does this seem real?
Dare to leave the box
As our other messenger explained her involvement with the banking world where she grew up in a communist country, where there was very little opportunity to rise beyond the general level of poverty. When her country suddenly was freed from the yoke of communism, there was new opportunity. She decided that she wanted to escape the poverty in which she had grown up. She took a realistic assessment and realized that the only opportunity really to escape this economic poverty was to go into the corporate world and the banks were the biggest corporations in the country.
This was the most realistic opportunity, and for a number of years it seemed real to her that she had to force her creative personality and Spirit to fit into this corporate box as many of you have done also. Then there came a point where it no longer seemed quite as real, quite as important, where she began to see the contradictions. She began to see that it was really a dead end, it was all an act, an appearance and many of you are in the same situation or have gone through these same steps.
For a time you have been immersed in certain circumstances but then gradually these faint little thoughts begin to creep into your mind. What I am suggesting is that if you will make the conscious effort, you can come to see that what is really happening here is that you are beginning to question the reality of your circumstances and your limitations. If you will make a conscious effort to accelerate this process, you can fairly quickly come to the point where now the veils have come down and you realize you have an opportunity beyond this box. You have an opportunity for creative expression.
Overcoming the fear of being nobody
Of course, I know well that many of you first have to go through a stage where you deal with your fear, the fear that has been programmed into you. What happens when you withdraw from the system, when you are no longer in the corporate boxes? Certainly, the duality consciousness has created a very heavy programming. Do you not see that they offer you something beyond a financially secure existence? They offer you a sense of superiority, but this means that if you withdraw from this corporate rat race, then you are inferior, you are nobody. “What are you doing these days? You quit your job, what are you doing?” Who are you when you are no longer in the corporate little box that defines you and every aspect of your creative expression?
Some of you will have to look at this fear and look at why you feel this way. Why do you believe these programmings that say that you are nobody or you are inferior if you do not live up to these expectations. My beloved, I am not hereby suggesting that you should now all go out and quit your jobs. What I am saying is this: If you become more aware of questioning the beliefs that make your current situation seem real and unavoidable, there can come a point where you do not have to withdraw from your situation as such. You naturally see other opportunities open up and then you shift into them.
Of course, it must also be said that before you can see the creative opportunities, something in you has to die and that is the consciousness that caused you to identify with your previous situation. As we have said, you build a certain sense of self, you build a certain identity, a certain role for yourself, and you project the conscious you into it. But there is a difference between the role and your outer situation.
You do not necessarily have to quit a job or leave your family in order to shift to a higher level. But you do have be willing to look at the sense of identity you have and then let that identity die, even if your ego is screaming at you that you will be plunged into a vacuum, that you will be a nobody, that you will be inferior, that you will not have any existence. You still have to let that sense of identity die before you can have the clarity of vision, the emptiness of mind, to see the new opportunities into which you can shift.
A no-man’s land
Sometimes you can indeed get caught in a no-man’s land where you have seen the unreality of your outer situation. You are no longer completely convinced that this is the way things have to be, but you have not yet let go of the sense of identity, the role you had built for yourself. Thus, you cannot see the new opportunity as of yet, and so you have to be willing to question your sense of identity and be willing to do what I said: Those who seek to save their lives – save their sense of identity – shall lose it. Those who are willing to give up their lives for my sake, they will see the new opportunities opening up.
This is indeed the path to Christhood where you begin to question the reality of the appearances that make you believe that you, as an infinite Spirit, you have to adapt yourself to finite appearances. What have I said before is the one thing I want you to be able to remember even if I woke you up at 4 o’clock in the morning: That which is unreal has no power over that which is real. Well, that which is infinite has no obligation to fit itself into finite appearances.
Of course, you are all in a physical body, you all have situations that you adapt to, but I am not talking about outer behavior, I am talking about identification. You are all in embodiment, you all have your families to take care of and this is perfectly right, but you do not have to identify with that role so you think there is nothing else.
Some of you might have small children and you feel like you never have time for yourself. Nevertheless, if you will look at the sense of identity you have built as a parent, you might find that if you question that identity, there is always time for yourself here and there. Certainly, you will shift your view and you will see that you can find time for yourself even in a busy schedule. It is all a matter of perspective.
When you are in the immersion experience, you think everything is real and nothing is a matter of perspective. When you go into the awakening experience, you begin to see: “Ah, this thing is not real, this thing is a matter of perspective. And if I do shift my perspective, then either the outer circumstances will change or my approach to them will change. Suddenly my life experience will change where I no longer feel limited by these circumstances.
As you go further and further into the awakening experience, you do begin to see and even accept that nothing on earth is real and everything is a matter of perspective, of perception. This is the deeper reality that we have all attempted to teach, depending on the situation and the level of consciousness in which we appeared in a physical form that people could see.
Why the masters are grateful
Today we are very grateful for the fact that there are some people who are willing to listen to us, even though we do not appear in some tangible manifestation. We are grateful that there are some willing to recognize that if everything on earth is not real, if it is just a reality simulator, there must be something beyond the simulator. There might be beings beyond the simulator and they might be able to communicate with us if we are open, if we are willing to question certain realities in the simulator.
My beloved, I have give you important keys that if internalized and applied can take you far, until you begin actually to receive other keys from within yourself. Certainly, why am I speaking to you through an outer messenger? It is because there is still so many things that you believe are real, so many appearances that you believe are real, that you cannot – at least not always – hear me directly inside your own being.
Yet as you walk the path of questioning what you think is real, there will come a point where you also begin to question: “Why am I separated from the ascended masters? Why do I need an outer messenger, why am I not hearing or at least sensing the masters inside myself?”
When you look at the beliefs you have that make you think that you are not worthy – you are not ready, you are not sophisticated enough – and when you begin to question those beliefs, then at some point the veil will come down. You will begin to realize that if you acknowledge that one or a few people can be the open door, then “what one has done, all can do.” And you are one of those who can also be an open door in some measure.
Certainly, you can get your own inner direction for your own life, even if it is not your role to teach others—which it is not for some of you. Although all of you teach the people around you, your children, your family, your co-workers and other people you meet.
Again, simply our gratitude for the fact that you have accomplished this work and freed the Australian continent from this beast that has been encrusted here for far too long. This is a new day, a new opportunity for you personally and for this continent, and we indeed look forward to seeing what shall come of it in the coming decades.
Thus, I, Jesus, extend the fullness of my gratitude to you for your presence, for your patience, for your willingness to open your hearts and minds that I might pull aside the veil of reality, which is truly the veil of Maya, the veil of illusion, the veil of unreality. And with this, I thank you and I seal you in my infinite Flame of Peace.
Copyright © 2012 by Kim Michaels